Explaining price inflation in the UK: 1971-92.
Soteri, Soterios ; Westaway, Peter
The late-1950s and 1960s were, by recent standards, a period of low
and stable inflation(1). Since then, however, inflation has been both
higher and more volatile peaking above 24 per cent in 1975 in the wake
of the quadrupling in the world price of oil. As a consequence, the
control of price inflation has become a central concern of macroeconomic policymakers. In the 1970s, the policy response was often to rely on
some form of direct control of prices and earnings through incomes
policies. By contrast, the Conservative administration from 1979 onwards
eschewed all forms of market interference instead relying on the more
explicitly macroeconomic policies of monetary control. At first, these
took the form of announced targets for the broad monetary aggregates
(initially |pounds~M3), but through the 1980s the specification of the
Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) evolved to allow a more flexible
assessment of 'monetary conditions' which allowed a wider
range of indicators to be monitored. Nevertheless, the primary aim of
policy remained the control of inflation. The commitment of sterling to
the exchange rate mechanism in February 1990 was a logical extension to
this approach. The failure to maintain this policy is, by now, well
known and the subsequent relaxation of policy in the wake of ERM departure has clearly represented a shift in emphasis away from pure
inflation targeting towards a more active concern for the maintenance of
output. Nevertheless, recent policy statements, in particular with the
announcement of an inflation target of 1-4 per cent for the forthcoming
year, have been at pains to preserve the role of the inflation objective
in the overall policy framework.
If inflation is to play such an important role in the policy
framework, it is crucial to be able to explain its behavior. The
objective of this note is to do this by employing the system of
estimated wage and price equations embodied in the National Institute
macroeconomic model. Obviously, inspection of the individual equations
alone cannot tell the whole story since wages and prices are
simultaneously determined. Consequently, one needs to derive the reduced
form of the wage-price system in order to decompose the explanation of
the inflation path into contributions from each of the explanatory
variables and residuals in the system. We adopt a similar methodology to
that described for the Treasury model in Rowlatt (1993) although our
analysis differs in an important way because of the forward-looking
nature of our system. As in this previous exercise, our explanation of
inflation concentrates on its proximate causes, since we treat all the
non-price variables, e.g. unemployment, world prices, capacity
utilisation, as exogenous to the wage-price system despite the fact that
many of these are endogenous in the full Institute model. This will tend
to overstate the predictive power of the complete model and indeed, on
this basis, the short term forecasting ability of the system is fairly
accurate. This is especially the case if we assume that the lagged value
of inflation is known. It is more informative, in seeking to
'explain' the prevailing rate of inflation, if we decompose
both the lagged and contemporaneous effects into the
'quasi-exogenous' factors. This allows us to decompose the
historical trajectory of inflation into those effects arising from world
price movements, domestically generated influences and an unexplained
The plan of the rest of the note is as follows. First, we briefly
describe the main measures of price inflation and how differences in
definition have recently caused variations amongst the most commonly
adopted inflation measures. We describe an underlying measure of
inflation which largely resolves these definitional differences.
Secondly, we describe the wage-price system of the National Institute
model, with particular reference to the theoretical framework of
imperfect competition in goods and labour markets. Finally, we conduct a
diagnostic breakdown of inflation conditioned on the variables used in
the wage and price equations.
Inflationary profile
The two most common measures of the UK's inflation rate are the
annual growth rates of the retail price index (RPI) and the consumer
expenditure deflator (CED). The RPI is a chain-linked monthly base
weighted index for a representative basket of goods and services, where
the weights are updated each January. By contrast, the CED is a current
weighted quarterly price deflator which applies to all consumers'
expenditure. The most important difference in coverage applies to the
treatment of the consumption of private housing services; the RPI
includes a component to capture mortgage interest payments while the CED
includes an imputed rent component.(2) For more definitional details,
see HM Treasury (1990).
Both measures, given in Chart 1, show a similar profile of rising
inflation in the 1970s followed by a subsiding rate in the 1980s.
However the severe tightening in monetary policy, which produced a jump
in base rates from 7.5 to 15 per cent in the space of 18 months, and the
subsequent dramatic easing in policy following sterling's
withdrawal from the exchange rate mechanism has caused the two series to
diverge significantly since 1988.
Treating the community charge in the same manner as the original
household rates series in the CED, thereby making it consistent with the
way it is treated in the RPI, and excluding the consumption of private
housing services from both series, yields a measure of underlying
inflation. This eliminates the factors which account for most of the
divergence between the two series, as indicated by Chart 2. This measure
of underlying inflation will be the main focus of the empirical analysis
in this note.
Wage and price determination in the National Institute model
The underlying rate of price movements in the Institute model is
captured by appealing to the theoretical price setting behaviour of
profit maximising firms which negotiate their labour costs within an
imperfectly competitive environment. This 'structural'
approach deliberately conditions on those variables which impinge on the
wage and price setting decisions. This means, of course, that we are
only investigating the proximate causes of inflation but it does allow
us to ask what effect the 'quasi-exogenous' variables such as
foreign prices, the exchange rate, capacity utilisation or unemployment
have had on the profile of inflation. It precludes however, an
investigation of the more fundamental causes of the inflationary process
which could include an investigation of the effects of monetary policy
on these 'quasi-exogenous' variables. It is perhaps worth
emphasising, therefore, that the analysis of this note neither confirms
nor contradicts a monetarist analysis of the inflationary process which
attributes a causal link between the rate of growth of the money supply
and the rate of change of prices.
We begin by describing the theoretical framework within which our
estimated price and wage equations may be interpreted.
Price setting
The price setting behaviour of firms is based on the imperfectly
competitive framework described in Layard and Nickell (1986). It is
assumed that firms possess Cobb-Douglas(3) constant returns to scale
production technology with two factors of production, labour and
capital. Domestic producers are assumed to possess a degree of monopoly
power which allows them to behave as price setters subject to the demand
function for their output. This yields the standard expression for the
profit maximising price level given by
P = |Upsilon~ W(1 + |T.sub.e~)/|Alpha~(Y/L) (1)
where |Upsilon~ is inversely related to the price elasticity of
demand, W represents the nominal wage rate, |T.sub.e~ is the rate of tax
paid by employers on labour, Y is value added output, L is employment
and |Alpha~ is the elasticity of output with respect to labour in the
production function.
Equation (1) simply states that the price level will be a mark up,
|Upsilon~, on marginal costs. If the elasticity of demand is a constant,
it follows that the mark up will also be a constant and prices will
change proportionately with marginal costs. Pricing behaviour will be
similar in this respect to that followed by a perfectly competitive
However the mark up may vary systematically if the price elasticity
of demand is not constant. It is possible that this varies over the
business cycle(4) and over time(5). It may also vary systematically with
the real exchange rate. For example a higher real exchange rate will
encourage domestic producers to reduce their margins in order to remain
The CED and the RPI are price indices of gross output and therefore
include inputs within the production process and imported final goods.
This suggests that they should be modeled as
|P.sup.g~ = h(|Upsilon~ W(1 + |T.sub.e~)/|Alpha~(Y/L), PC, m) (2)
where m represents the cost of inputs and PC refers to overseas
competitors' prices.
This simple static stylised model represents the Institute
model's long-run pricing structure. It needs to be augmented with a
dynamic structure, and this in our model is based on customer search
theory. Consumers do not have perfect information at any point in time,
which suggests that they obtain price list samples on related products
from a variety of sources. However, obtaining comparative price quotes
is a time consuming and costly process. Sellers recognise this and have
to trade off frequent TABULAR DATA OMITTED changes in the price level,
which encourage search behaviour and may hence reduce the demand for
their product, against the penalties for charging prices which are not
equal to the long-run profit maximising level. The reputational loss
model of Rotemberg (1982) incorporates an intertemporal quadratic loss
function that penalises both actual price changes and deviations from
the desired price level. The period-by-period loss function (L) used in
our application is given by
|L.sub.t~ = a|(|p.sub.t~ - |p*.sub.t~).sup.2~ + b|(|p.sub.t~ -
|p.sub.t-1~).sup.2~ (3)
where p* is the desired price level and identical to |P.sup.g~ in
The dynamic optimal pricing path for a firm to follow under these
circumstances yields an Euler equation decision rule of the form
|Mathematical Expression Omitted~
where linear homogeneity(7) implies |Beta~ = 1 - 2|Alpha~.
This implies that in the long run prices are subject to condition (2)
and that prices move in line with marginal costs, input prices and
competitors' prices. However, in the short run prices may be away
from their desired level due to costs of adjustment and only gradually
converge to their long-run desired level. This form of nominal inertia
implies a counter cyclical dynamic mark-up since firms are explicitly
squeezing contemporaneous profits for their longer-term benefit (see
Martin 1992).
The price equations embodied within the Institute model are estimated
using the theoretical specification suggested by equation (4) and given
in Table 1.
The estimated GDP equation implies that in the medium term desired
value added prices are rising in line with unit labour costs. However if
intermediate goods prices or competitors' prices start to diverge
from the value added price this will cause producers to absorb some of
this effect by varying their profit margins. The utilisation
variable(10) indicates that the desired mark up on marginal cost rises
as demand conditions raise output relative to capacity and implies that
profit margins are expanded during periods when demand is rising
relative to output growth. Finally a cost of holding stocks term, which
is effectively a real interest-rate term, is also included to capture
the opportunity cost of maintaining inventories.
The dynamics are best understood by concentrating on the parameter
|Mu~ which can be interpreted as measuring the speed of response to the
desired price level. If |Mu~ is zero prices are instantly adjusted to
their desired level whereas as |Mu~ tends to unity the slower the
adjustment process becomes. The price dynamics, although embodied within
a forward looking structure, are not necessarily faster than those which
could be estimated using a backward-looking specification.
The manufacturing producer price equation and the consumer
expenditure deflator excluding oil and private housing consumption can
be analysed in a similar manner. However it is noted that they are gross
price indices and hence include various input terms as suggested in (2).
Wage formation
Since the early-1980s it has become popular to analyse aggregate wage
behaviour within a bargaining type framework (see Nickell and Andrews,
1983). The bargaining process is usually modeled by limiting firms and
unions to bargain only over a fixed nominal wage rate to cover a
particular period. Given the real wage, the firm is assumed to retain
the 'right to manage' and set employment unilaterally
according to its labour demand function.(11) The bargaining theory used
to solve the competing aims of both the firm and the union over the
nominal wage is the Nash Cooperative Solution (Nash 1950). The
derivation of the aggregate wage equation implied by this framework is
well known and is described in detail in Layard et al. (1991). Equation
(4) gives the basic specification
W/P = 1/(1 + Te) Y/N |Iota~|(|Gamma~(1 - RR)).sup.-1~ (4)
where P is the value added deflator, RR is the replacement ratio
(B/W), |Gamma~ is the probability of being unemployed and |Iota~ is the
relative discount rate of each party in the bargain.
The Nash solution indicates that the bargained real wage will be
rising with productivity and the expected opportunity wage a union
member can obtain if made unemployed. The solution will also depend on
the relative discount rate of each party, i which gives an indication of
each side's bargaining strength.
In fact, the estimated model of wage behaviour does depart from the
theoretical predictions of this model in some important ways. Table 2
gives the wage equation embodied within the Institute model.
This wage equation assumes that real earnings in the long run rise in
line with productivity and fall as the probability of re-employment
declines. The re-employment pressure term traditionally used in wage
equations is the unemployment rate. However the Institute Model
incorporates a term in the 'population not working rate'. This
is simply 1 minus the ratio of employees in employment to a measure of
the population of working age. In estimation, this measure performed
better than the total unemployment rate perhaps due to the nature of the
claimant definition of unemployment, see Wren-Lewis (1989) and Gregg
(1990). It is modified by an effect from the ratio of long and
medium-term unemployed, capturing the fact that the unemployment of
these workers may be less likely to affect the re-employment
probabilities of those involved in the bargaining process. An industrial
mismatch variable is also included, which relates to relative movements
in employment in the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sector. This is
effectively a measure of industrial turbulence, which Layard et al.
(1991) argue affects the aggregate re-employment probability.
Measures of relative union strength are not readily available. Union
density, used as a proxy variable, was consistently wrongly signed, as
was the benefits to earning ratio.
It should be recalled that the theoretical model underlying the wage
bargaining structure does not require the presence of a tax or import
price term. In a bargaining framework where effective labour supply is
fixed the multiplicative nature of the tax terms causes them to
disappear. This is because the theoretical framework essentially
concentrates on each party's utility function relative to some fall
back level and is hence independent of any scaling parameters such as
multiplicative tax rates. This should imply using the value added
deflator rather than the consumer expenditure deflator in the empirical
specification. Econometrically, however, such an effect from the
'wedge' between these price indices is often significant and
necessary, presumably because the relatively short data set
(1966q1-1991q4) does not allow a fine distinction to be made between
truly long-run effects and highly persistent variables.(13)
Table 2. Factors affecting the determination of wages
Long-run elasticity with respect to Compensation wage
Value added prices 1.0
Productivity 1.0
Proportion of population not working -0.2
Proportion of long and medium-term unem-
ployed 0.8
Industrial mismatch 3.6
WEDGE(12) 0.3
(a) The compensation wage includes employers' national
insurance contributions plus other employee benefits.
The dynamics of this equation are based on the existence of annual
wage contracts, see Taylor (1980). Each period, one quarter of all wage
settlements are negotiated by agents who will look forward, trying to
anticipate prices and other changes, over the forthcoming year for which
the contract will apply. However, aggregate earnings indices also
reflect past events since they will result from contracts struck in the
three previous quarters. In the empirical manifestation, originally
described in Moghadam and Wren-Lewis (1989), more complex dynamics are
included reflecting the fact that wage contracts will be partly
influenced by bargains struck by other wage setters.
Import prices
The system of wage-price equations described so far has comprised
three main price equations (for the PGDP deflator, the CED excluding oil
and imputed rent and wholesale manufacturing prices) and one equation
for average earnings. We are interested in the explanation of these
variables for given trajectories of the 'quasi-exogenous'
variables. Import prices, however form an intermediate category. In some
cases, for many imported intermediate goods for example, these will be
set independently of pricing behaviour in the UK. In others, however,
importers may price to market thus introducing an effect from UK prices.
Similarly, imports which appear as part of final expenditure are likely
to be priced by domestic retailers in a way which reflects UK market
conditions. Unless stated otherwise, import prices will be treated as
endogenous variables in the analysis that follows. For more details of
the estimated import price equations in the Institute model, see NIESR (1993).
System properties
In order to understand the mechanics of the wage-price spiral in the
Institute model, it is useful to set down a simplified stylised three
equation model determining, gross prices, unit labour costs and import
prices(14). Equation (5a) determines prices (p) as a weighted average of
unit labour costs, import prices (pm) and an exogenous component
|X.sub.p~. Equation (5b) determines unit labour costs (w) also as a
weighted average of prices, import prices and another exogenous
component |X.sub.w~. Equation (5c) sets import prices to grow in line
with world prices |p.sub.w~ deflated by the sterling exchange rate (e).
p = |a.sub.1~w + (1 - |a.sub.1~)pm + |X.sub.p~ (5a)
w = |b.sub.1~p + (1 - |b.sub.1~)pm + |X.sub.w~ (5b)
pm = |p.sub.w~ + e (5c)
Despite the simplicity of this system, it captures the key aspect of
the standard wage-price system analysed so far; the firm wishes to fix
prices subject to input costs and a mark up over labour costs whilst
employees wish to mark up their wage over prices. This is the familiar
wage-price spiral which continues until specific factors to each side
modify their behaviour and reconcile their competing aims. The long-run
effect of any of these factors is easily derived by solving the reduced
form of the system as follows;
p = pm + S (|X.sub.p~ + |a.sub.1~|X.sub.w~) (5a|prime~)
w = pm + S (|b.sub.1~|X.sub.p~ + |X.sub.w~) (5b|prime~)
where S = 1/(1 - |a.sub.1~|b.sub.1~).
Here, the term S may be interpreted as the wage-price spiral effect,
since it indicates the extent to which the ex ante effects of a shock to
an exogenous factor will be multiplied up through the wage-price spiral
to give the ex post effect. For example, in the case of the Institute
model, an ex ante shock of 1 per cent to the average earnings residual
will have an ex post effect of around 10 per cent(15).
The reduced form characterisation also illustrates clearly the static
homogeneity of the wage-price system with respect to changes in import
prices. Hence in this simple system, a devaluation of the exchange rate
will feed fully into the price level with no lasting effect on
competitiveness. In the Institute model itself, this effect will occur
more slowly so that there will be temporary gains in competitiveness
(see Westaway (1992) for example). In fact, the speed of return to
equilibrium in the Institute model is somewhat quicker than in other
large macroeconomic models, mainly because of the forward-looking
dynamics already described. Nevertheless, a devaluation still takes some
seven years for 99 per cent of the effect to work through to the price
It is also possible to decompose the explanation of changes in
inflation into the different contributions from the exogenous variables.
We turn to this analysis in the next section.
Explaining inflation
Given the system of equations determining wages and prices in the
Institute model, it is possible to 'explain' the historical
profile at a number of different levels. In what follows, attention will
be focused on the underlying measure of the CED already described. The
first and most simple technique is to examine the one-step ahead
forecasts for prices taking everything else as given. Chart 3
illustrates. Clearly, most of the path of prices is captured by the
independent and lagged dependent variables in the equations. Of course,
this tells us relatively little about our true ability to forecast
inflation because of the contemporaneous influence of wages and the
other prices which will be simultaneously determined. To remove this
dependence, therefore, we can compute the one-step ahead
'system' forecast for prices on the assumption that only
lagged values of endogenous prices are known(17).
Since our equations contain a lead in the dependent variable, we
carry out this exercise by assuming that expectations are formed with
perfect foresight. Chart 3 illustrates the consequent decline in
explanatory power relative to the single equation error although the
overall fit remains good.
Importantly, however, a large proportion of this
'explanation' is still provided by the contribution of the
lagged dependent variables. While this is perfectly acceptable if we are
solely interested in the short-run forecasting ability of the wage-price
system, it does not explain why inflation arrived at that particular
level. We therefore need to 'explain' the lagged dependent
variable too. In Rowlatt (1993), this is done by inverting the dynamic
reduced form equation to express the price variable purely in terms of
'quasi-exogenous' variables (known there as the 'indirect
reduced form' method). Here, we achieve the same
'explanation' using a different route. We use the Institute
model itself to compute the diagnostic breakdown into the separate
exogenous contributions. Our method measures the contribution of a
variable, say unemployment, by comparing actual inflation with what
inflation would have been, according to the wage-price system of the
model, if unemployment had remained constant throughout the period.
Charts 4a-4c plot the actual level of underlying inflation and the
respective contributions of the explanatory variables.
It is convenient to begin with import prices. As we saw from the
stylised model, in long-run dynamic equilibrium, UK inflation will be
equal to world inflation plus the rate of depreciation of sterling(18).
Chart 4a shows the contribution of these world factors to domestic
inflation, first allowing exchange-rate movements to feed into import
prices, then holding the exchange-rate trajectory flat in order to
isolate the contribution from world price movements alone. Clearly, the
overall influence is considerable, suggesting that world inflation was a
major contributor to the increasing rate of underlying inflation rate in
the early-1970s, and also a major factor behind the reduction in the
early-1980s. But despite this strong effect, there is still a large
amount of UK inflation to be explained over and above world prices. A
depreciating currency added over 5 per cent to the inflation rate both
in the mid-1970s and in the early 1980s when the dollar was appreciating
Charts 4b and 4c analyse the contributions from domestic factors(19).
As emphasised above the overall effects of these factors on the domestic
inflation rate are not simply the immediate first round consequences,
but also include the manner in which they are passed on or 'marked
up' in other prices, then in wages and back to prices and so forth.
This wage-price spiral is sometimes referred to as 'the battle of
the mark ups' between employers and employees.
The equations embody three types of pressure of demand effects in the
goods and labour market. The first reflects the willingness and ability
of employees to push for higher real wage demands. The wage bargaining
framework suggested above implies that workers are attempting to
maximise their expected income which depends on their re-employment
probability if they become unemployed and the wage rate they receive if
they stay in employment. These two factors are inversely related and
hence we should expect underlying inflation and labour utilisation to
move in opposite directions. The second way demand pressure feeds into
the system is via the behaviour of price mark ups with respect to
utilisation levels in the goods market, a hotly debated issue. The
estimation results quoted in Table 1 indicate that the Institute model
incorporates a pro-cyclical mark up.
Chart 4b illustrates the combined effects of labour and goods market
demand pressures. Compared to the level of inflation itself, these
effects are not large, but inflation is raised by around three
percentage points during the boom years of the 1980s, before it declines
sharply in the latter years of the decade, taking some three percentage
points off inflation during the recession of 1992.
The final demand pressure effect arises from the industrial mismatch
term which effectively measures the degree of employment turbulence
between sectors. The large shake out in manufacturing employment which
occurred around 1979 caused a large number of workers to become
unemployed at a time when their skills were obsolescent. This, it may be
argued, led to the unemployed pool becoming less effective in reducing
wage pressure and hence put upward pressure on underlying inflation.
However as unemployment began to spread towards other sectors this
effect became less important in the 1980s. Interestingly, Chart 4b
illustrates that during the most recent recession this is having a
relatively small effect in comparison to 1979/80, because of its more
even sectoral impact.
Chart 4c illustrates the contributions to inflation from different
tax variables; employers' national insurance contributions,
employees' direct tax rates and expenditure taxes. These clearly
exerted significant positive inflationary pressures between 1974 and
1983. The combined effects of rising employer and expenditure taxes more
than offset the falling average direct income tax burden over this
period. The cost of holding stocks term reflects two factors: the ending
of stock relief in 1981 and the high level of real interest rates. Chart
4c shows how this variable exerted downward pressure on underlying
inflation in the early to mid-1970s, due to the favourable tax relief
allowance available on holding stocks and the existence of relatively
low and sometimes negative real interest rates. However the opposite was
true from 1980 onwards when tax relief was abolished and real interest
rates turned sharply positive. Since 1987 the effects arising from this
variable have been minimal.
Having calculated each of the individual effects, it is now
instructive to combine them. Chart 5a shows all the identified effects
together with the dummy variables included(20) in the model, as well as
the residual or unexplained category(21); Chart 5b separates out the
contribution from domestic and overseas influences. As we would expect,
the main characteristics of the profile for underlying inflation over
the last twenty years are captured by the model equations. Perhaps the
dominant contribution comes from world prices which give the overall
trajectory its characteristic feature of high inflation in the 1970s
falling to much lower single figure levels in the 1980s. Of course, the
average absolute size of the residual category is much larger than the
forecast error plotted in Chart 3. (Recall that in Chart 3, the lagged
value of inflation was taken as given).
From the late-1980s onwards, the system tends to exaggerate the
extent of the inflationary slowdown, suggesting that in recent years the
UK economy should have experienced a period of near price stability.
This deterioration in explanatory power reflects the single equation
residuals in the average earnings equation where problems have emerged.
Any improvement in explanation therefore requires a more exhaustive
analysis of this individual equation. This will not be attempted here
but a number of comments may be relevant.
First, it is worth observing that ERM credibility or the effects of
labour market reforms in the 1980s might be expected to cause the model
to over predict inflation. Since our equations actually under predict in
recent years, we would not expect these factors to improve the
explanatory power of our model. Rather, our favoured explanation would
focus on the role of domestic utilisation effects, as highlighted in
Chart 4b, which according to the equation should be putting downward
pressure on inflation during the late-1980s. It seems likely that
conventional measures of unemployment which are supposed to be proxying
the probability of wage bargainers becoming unemployed may have become
increasingly unreliable. This is known to occur as unemployment rises to
high levels, although we have attempted to capture the declining
influence of the long-term unemployed in reducing wage pressure by
including an extra term in short-term unemployment. Nevertheless, some
measure of re-employment probability which makes more explicit use of
information regarding inflows and outflows from unemployment may yield
more robust results in the future.
Concluding remarks
The analysis described in this note has been carried out on the
wage-price system of the National Institute model. It parallels and
updates a similar analysis carried out on the HM Treasury model which
accounted for inflation up to 1986. For the Institute model, it shows a
significant role for world inflation and the exchange rate via import
prices in explaining the increased levels of inflation in the 1970s and
the declining rates in the 1980s. Changes in the rate of utilisation of
goods and labour also provided a significant additional influence with
direct unemployment effects taking as much as 3 percentage points off
the inflation rate at the height of the 1980 recession but adding over 3
percentage points at the peak of the 1980s boom. Interestingly, however,
the rate of inflation over the last five years has tended to be higher
than can be explained. We have suggested why the conventional
explanation for aggregate earnings behaviour may be breaking down but
have argued that a deeper analysis of this question is still required.
(1) Inflation, as measured by the annual growth rate of the retail
price index, fluctuated within the range of 0-5 1/2 per cent over this
(2) Household rates were treated equivalently in the two indices.
After 1989-90, the community charge was excluded from the CED on the
grounds that it was not related to housing consumption. For simplicity,
in this note, we adjust our definition of the CED to remove this
discontinuity between the two series.
(3) Cobb-Douglas technology is used for simplicity and clarity.
Alternative functions may be used but it would not change our
qualitative conclusions.
(4) Cyclical variations in the price elasticity of demand have been
hypothesised in a number of papers. Unfortunately the debate as to
whether the mark up varies pro-cyclically (see Flaig and Steiner, 1990)
or contra-cyclically (see Bils 1987 and Rotemberg and Saloner 1986) has
not been concluded.
(5) The price elasticity of demand is assumed to reflect the degree
of competition within the market for a given product. Therefore Romer
(1991) suggests that the increased level of world trade and hence
international competition should be reflected in long-term trends in the
price mark up.
(6) This effect is emphasised by Young (1989) and Darby and
Wren-Lewis (1991).
(7) This assumption is equivalent to having a unit discount factor in
the intertemporal cost function.
(8) This is the consumer expenditure deflator (CED) excluding imputed
rent on private sector dwellings and including the community charge. The
model contains separate equations for imputed rent and community charge
components in order to obtain the aggregate deflator.
(9) |Mu~ is the dynamic parameter corresponding to |Mu~ in equation
(4). |Mu~ is a speed of response parameter and is obtained by using the
lag operator and solving its stable root, such that |Mu~ = {1 |+ or -~
||1 - 4||Alpha~.sup.2~~.sup.0.5~}/2|Alpha~.
(10) The utilisation variables used are four quarter moving average
real growth rates of GDP or consumption designed to proxy demand
relative to capacity output rates, for which no data exist outside the
manufacturing sector.
(11) Efficient bargains which concentrate on both the wage and
employment levels have been shown to yield Pareto superior outcomes (see
McDonald and Solow 1981) however the applied literature has mainly
focused on the 'right to manage' approach since it is argued
to more closely fit the stylised facts.
(12) The wedge is defined as log(ced/pgdp * (1 + ter) * (1 + td))
where ced is the consumer expenditure deflator, pgdp the GDP deflator,
ter a measure of employers direct labour costs over and above the wage
bill and td is a measure of direct taxation on earnings.
(13) Layard et al (1991) make the same point in justifying the
inclusion of an import wedge component in their UK wage equation, see p.
441, table 15.
(14) This is a simplification of the system on the Institute model
since it abstracts from the effects of manufacturing wholesale prices.
(15) As |a.sub.1~|b.sub.1~ approaches unity, so the magnitude of the
spiral effect will come to be dominated by the endogenous effects of
prices on the X variables which are being treated as exogenous in this
(16) This speed of adjustment refers to the wage-price sub-system
with the quasi-exogenous variables fixed.
(17) In Rowlatt (1993), this explanation of inflation was described
as the 'direct reduced form method'. The question of how to
form expectations did not arise there because of the backward-looking
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with a monetarist account of the inflationary process if a given rate of
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been included in Chart 5b as a domestic influence.
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