A forward-looking approach to learning in macroeconomic models.
Westaway, Peter
This paper illustrates how learning can be incorporated into an
existing forward-looking macroeconomic model as an alternative to the
more conventional but arguably more extreme assumption of model
consistent or rational expectations. The key characteristic of the model
consistent learning approach to be adopted here is that agents are
assumed to know the true structure of the model but that they need to
learn about some parameters of that system, for example those defining
the government's policy decision rule. Importantly, models solved
under this assumption retain the property that the current behaviour of
economic agents can be influenced by the expected future effects of
policy changes. This type of learning may be contrasted with one where
economic agents may also be uncertain about some structural parameters
of the true model but in addition, they do not possess sufficient
information to form future expectations consistent with their estimated
model. As a consequence, expectations are formed using
backward-looking reduced form equations with parameters which agents
continuously learn about. This approach, known as boundedly rational
learning, has been adopted in Hall and Garratt (1992) who apply these
techniques to a full-scale non-linear macroeconometric model.
At the outset, it is useful to emphasise the similarities and
differences between the model consistent learning approach described in
this paper and the more usual approach to capturing learning adopted in
the literature, as for example in the bounded rationality model
mentioned above. The key difference is not in how agents learn about
uncertain parameters; for example, Hall and Garratt (1992) use a Kalman
filter technique to update parameters in the reduced form expectations
equation, but this sophisticated method could equally well be applied to
the uncertain parameters of a policy decision rule in the model
consistent learning approach. Nor is it simply that bounded rationality
models assume that agents are uncertain about more parameters. Rather,
the crucial distinction is in how agents are assumed to take into
account the fact that expected future realisations of variables affect
current behaviour. In this paper, it is argued that while the bounded
rationality assumption appears to suggest an intuitively attractive way
of doing this, it suffers from several disadvantages compared to the
more structural approach offered by the model consistent learning scheme
adopted here. In particular, it appears to throw out the baby of
forward-looking anticipatory behaviour with the bath water of perfect
The next section of this paper explains in more detail why the
extreme rational expectations assumption may be unsatisfactory in a
macromodelling context. The bounded rationality learning model, adopted
in the London Business School model (by Hall and Garratt (1992)) is then
outlined. A number of important practical drawbacks with this approach
are identified. Next, a form of model consistent learning is described
which overcomes many of these shortcomings. The distinction between
closed-loop and open-loop learning is introduced. Empirical examples are
given on the latest version of the National Institute UK
macroeconometric model, first showing the implications for a standard
simulation of a government spending shock, second illustrating the
consequences of an exchange rate realignment when the private sector is
uncertain about the government's future realignment intentions. The
final section draws conclusions for macromodelling practice.
Although it has long been recognised that forward-looking
expectations were likely to be an important determinant of economic
behaviour, macroeconomic modellers were slow to realise the consequences
of this, mainly because of the technical difficulties involved. Early
empirical attempts to incorporate expectations explicitly invariably adopted the adaptive expectations hypothesis (for example Cagan (1956)).
Long after the seminal work on rational expectations by Muth (1961), the
adoption of the rational expectations hypothesis was generally confined to small analytic models in the US (see Lucas and Sargent (1981) for a
summary), although often the importance of the expectational assumption
adopted was overshadowed by the rather strong policy implications of the
New Classical models in which they were embodied (see Begg (1982) for a
lucid discussion of this point).
Thus, the conventional wisdom amongst macromodellers was firmly
rooted in the backward-looking approach where consequently the
structural dynamics arising from adjustment costs or contract dynamics,
and the dynamics arising from expectations were inextricably mixed.
Furthermore, this approach to dynamic structure was later actively
encouraged by the widespread adoption of 'general-to-specific'
econometric methodology popularised by Hendry and others (see for
example Hendry (1992)).
The Lucas critique (Lucas (1976)) shocked macromodellers into
treating expectations more seriously. As its simplest level, this highly
influential work emphasised that macroeconomic models which were
estimated as characterisations of behaviour under a particular policy
regime would not be valid if the policy regime changed. It is easy to
illustrate this point even in a backward-looking model. Suppose the
structural relationship for prices is given by the equation,
P = f(L) [G.sup.e]
where Ge is expected government policy and [(L) are structural
dynamics due, for example, to institutional price inertia.
If the decision rule for government policy, G, can be written as
G = g(L)Z
where Z represents all variables which affect government policy,
then if price setters correctly perceive this, i.e.
[G.sup.e] = G
the equation for the determination of prices conditional on Z will
be given by
P = f(L) g(L) Z = h(L)Z.
In practice, the separate structural parameters of [(L) and g(L)
will not be identified in the composite lag structure h(L). Now, if the
government's policy rule changes, from g(L) to g'(L) say, then
the original equation for prices will no longer be valid: if an equation
is invariant to a change in policy regime, the relevant explanatory
variable is said to be 'super exogenous' (see Ericsson (1991)
for example).
In fact, it had been well understood before the Lucas critique that
estimated models were liable to mis-specification error in the face of
regime changes. The main importance of the Lucas critique, however, was
to highlight the weak microfoundations of traditional macroeconomics, in
particular the absence of optimising behaviour on the part of economic
agents. Importantly, this suggested that an approach to modelling which
involved embodying particular decision rules into behavioural equations
should be replaced by one which emphasised underlying structure, thus
introducing a likely role for forward-looking expectations. This arises
because most private sector structural decision rules will be derived
from a forward-looking cost minimisation or utility maximisation
exercise which in general will introduce lead terms (i.e. expected
values of future realisations of variables) into the behavioural
equations, (see Nickell (1985)).
In the UK, the incorporation of forward-looking behaviour based on
these utility maximising microfoundations was pioneered by Minford in
the University of Liverpool macroeconomic model (see Minford (1979)).
Unfortunately, as with applied work in the US, the recognition of the
importance of this work was diminished by its association with New
Classical economics. Arguably it was only when these techniques were
applied to more mainstream macroeconomic models, not only more
'Keynesian' but also more firmly based on econometric
practice, that RE modelling become 'respectable'; Hail and
Henry (19 85) described the introduction of forward-looking
expectations into the NIESR model while Keating (1985) described the
incorporation of RE into the financial sector of the LBS model.
The properties of consistent expectations models
So far, the discussion has merely dealt with the fact that
structural decision rules will often involve forward-looking behaviour.
In practice modellers must determine how expectations are formed, first
over the past so that the structural equations involving expectations
can be estimated, second in the future and in the face of shocks, so
that the model can be used for forecasting and policy analysis. The
rational expectations (RE) assumption first suggested by Muth (1961),
simply suggests that agents should use information as efficiently as
possible. In policy analysis, this implies that expectations should be
consistent with the prediction of the model in which they are embedded.
In its strongest form, this imposes severe information requirements on
the private sector; not only do they need to know the true underlying
model but they also need to know how to solve the model, a non-trivial
task as macromodellers understand.
In fact, the strong form RE assumption is not really relevant in an
estimation context since most applied work relies on the approach of
McCallum (1976) and Wickens (1982) which only requires that agents make
no systematic errors in forming expectations, an assumption known as the
weak form RE assumption. Once these equations are incorporated within a
large macroeconomic model, however, the conventional assumption in using
the model for simulations or in conducting policy analysis is that
period-by-period model consistent expectations are assumed. It is
important to emphasise that, while this would seem to require a
considerable feat of calculation from the private sector, the RE
solution represents the only solution technique available for directly
allowing expected future variables to affect current behaviour (we shall
see that this applies to learning models too since the learning approach
of this paper relies on successive RE solutions while the boundedly
rational learning one is completely backward-looking).
If the only objection to the consistent expectations solution was
its implied information requirement, this may not be too serious; after
all, many models in economics involve 'as if' assumptions
which may not be wholly realistic. However, the particular aspect of
these simulations which is intuitively implausible is the very sudden
and sharp response of the forward-looking 'jump' variables to
new information. QRE in Chart 1 shows the effect on the effective
exchange rate of an announced 5 year 1 per cent increase in government
spending"l; in reality it seems unlikely that the full implications
of this announced policy would feed through into the exchange rate so
quickly so completely and so 'correctly'. An even more
dramatic illustration of the implausibility of the RE assumption is
shown in Chart 2 which shows the effect of an announced temporary (for 1
quarter) increase in interest rates occurring immediately, and for
comparison the same shock due to occur in one year's time. The
exchange rate immediately rises in both cases, but only slightly less
when the interest rate change is still four quarters away.
Theoretically, this is explained by the (uncontroversial) use of an
exchange rate equation which is approximately equivalent to the open
arbitrage condition; this implies that the exchange rate moves to
equalise period by period returns on sterling and foreign currency
assets (the jump is slightly less for the future interest rate increase
because the system root associated with the exchange rate is slightly
greater than unity). Since the theory itself is not at question, the
implausibility of the large response arises from the total belief that
the announced policy really would occur in 4 quarters' time; in
reality, foreign exchange operators may not attribute the same degree of
credibility to this announcement.
In order to build in this concept of uncertainty about policy
changes, we need to introduce learning. In general, this is a
non-trivial extension to the usual hypothesis. It raises the question of
how agents learn about the behaviour of the economy, in particular in
the face of regime changes announced or otherwise. This issue has
spawned a large literature which has a number of related strands
summarised in Bullard (1991); Bray and Savin (1986) examine the
circumstances under which sequential least squares estimation will allow
agents to uncover the true model and so converge on the rational
expectations equilibrium; Marcet and Sargent (1989) and Jordan (1992)
show how the form of the learning mechanism can determine which, if any,
of a number of multiple equilibria will be reached; Woodford (1990)
shows how 'frivolous' (i.e. false) beliefs about fundamentals
can generate 'sunspot' equilibria different from the rational
expectations equilibrium in the presence of many agents learning about
each others' forecasts (see Townsend (1983)).
In fact, empirical macromodellers have so far made relatively
little effort to assimilate the implications of this literature. Hail
and Garratt (1992), however, have attempted to address the problem
facing macromodellers directly by adopting a bounded rationality
approach which assumes that economic agents are intelligent but do not
fully understand the environment in which they operate. In general, this
involves modification of full model consistent expectations in two
distinct ways.
(i) First, it is assumed that agents are uncertain about the
parameters of particular equations. Agents are assumed to update their
estimates of these parameters as new information becomes available.
Various updating schemes can be adopted to do this. Hail and Garratt
(1992) assume that agents use a form of Kalman filter, i.e. as they
observe the outturns to be compared with their original estimates, so
agents will update the uncertain parameters (see Marcet and Sargent
(1989), Hall and Garratt (1992) for more details). If agents never
discount past information, then this will amount to a rolling OLS regression with an increasing sample; on the other hand, if past
information becomes less important because of a change in regime, then a
'forgetting factor' can be included which gives a rolling
window, or more accurately a form of weighted least squares.
(ii) Second, bounded rationalty involves assuming that agents do
not have all the information required to enable them to compute the
necessary path for any expectations variables which will be consistent
with the predictions of the model itself. Consequently, agents are
assumed to form expectations using backward-looking reduced form
equations. As above, agents must learn about the parameters of this
reduced form, which will obviously be uncertain if any of the structural
parameters are uncertain. As a consequence, the rule that is used for
generating expectations will be 'incorrect' while they are
learning about the true structure, although in equilibrium, expectations
will converge on the model consistent equilibrium.
In principle, this scheme seems an intuitively attractive way to
mimic learning behaviour. In practical applications, however, for
example in the exchange rate model used by Hail and Garratt (1992),
there are a number of significant drawbacks with this approach, in
particular with the second assumption which abandons the role for model
consistent expectations.
-- the Kalman filter updating scheme for the expectations
equations, as with other ordinary least squares-based models of learning
(as in Bray and Savin (1986)), may be inefficient at assimilating new
information when regimes change. This is a considerable limitation for
any variable which is affected by expectations which are very likely to
'jump' in the face of new information (albeit by less than the
full RE solution would predict). This drawback can be overcome by
introducing arbitrary 'announcement effects' as in the LBS
approach, but this type of scheme is very similar to the type of
adjustments made to backwardlooking reduced form models before the
problem of computing RE systems was solved. (see Barber (1982) for
-- the genuine reduced form of the full model which the
expectations equation is attempting to capture is likely to involve many
more variables than the few that are permitted in practice (this
contrasts with structural consistent expectations models where changes
in any exogenous variables will be reflected directly in the jump
variable)(2). This greatly restricts the usefulness of the reduced form
equation for use in full model simulation exercises.
-- the time-varying Kalman filter model, which purports to capture
gradual learning about structural or reduced form parameters, may in
practice suffer from an inability to distinguish between models which
genuinely have timevarying parameters, and those which are simply
-- even if boundedly rational agents are uncertain about the true
structural model, it is unclear why they should not be able to take into
account (albeit incorrectly) the influence of expected future events on
current behaviour. Of course, this may require a considerable
computational burden, but this does not seem any more extreme an
assumption than one which allows agents to perform period-by-period
time-varying Kalman filter estimation.
To summarise, it would seem that in attempting to capture a model
of expectation formation which falls between the two undesirable
extremes of reduced form adaptive expectations on the one hand and full
model consistent expectations on the other, the bounded rationality
approach described above falls far too close to the former, and retains
too many of its disadvantages.
Model consistent learning
The version of model consistent learning to be described here
differs from the above in one important respect; agents are assumed to
understand the true structure of the model and how it reacts to shocks
or changes in regime. Crucially, this implies that the model retains the
advantage of being 'forward-looking'. As above, agents are not
assumed to have perfect information about the nature of the shocks which
impinge on the model, or about regime changes, when they are announced.
Instead, agents' beliefs, which may be reflected in a
subjective conditional probability distribution, are sequentially
updated as new information becomes available(13). This approach to
learning has been attempted relatively infrequently on large scale
empirically based non-linear models (the first application of the
technique is described in Cooper and Young (2987), see also Westaway
It is useful to distinguish between two different types of
learning: closed-loop learning, where agents learn about the parameters
of the decision rule or of the time series process generating the shock,
and open-loop learning where agents form an expectation of the path for
a particular variable which they sequentially update.
Closed-loop learning will be virtually identical to the parameter
updating scheme using Kalman filtering described in Hall and Garratt
(1992). The approach adopted here is slightly more general since it
allows subjective prior probabilities to influence the parameters
immediately after a regime change; of course, this shift in probability
distribution is what is proxied by the arbitrary imposition of
'announcement effects'. In applying any form of learning to a
macromodel, it may be more straightforward to assume that agents simply
form expectations of open-loop trajectories (indeed, this is consistent
with the open-loop Nash assumption which is typically adopted in the
standard utility maximisation exercises which underpin most
forward-looking equations in macromodels).
To implement model consistent learning in practice requires two key
(i) A model solution technique which allows sequential solution of
the model under the assumption of model consistent expectations, but
where each period, the private sector receives new information which
requires expectations to adjust and the model to be re-solved over the
remaining periods.
(ii) The specification of the subjective probability distribution;
this will take the form of a probability tree (in reality, an infinite
dimensional one) which specifies for each period the probability
distribution for the parameter or expected variable of interest
conditional on past history.
These two aspects are illustrated in the two examples that follow.
Example 1: An announced increase in government spending
Suppose that the government announces a 1 per cent increase in
government spending which will last five years. We have already seen in
chart 1 the rather extreme exchange rate response which results if this
policy announcement is believed completely immediately.
On announcment of this policy, let us assume that the private
sector can observe the first period outturn for government spending but
must form an expectation of its profile over the rest of the five year
period. In this example, we assume that in the first period, the private
sector does not believe that the spending increase will be sustained,
and that the shock will follow the time series equation;
QPAC(t) = [alpha] QPAC(t-1)
where [alpha] = 0.05. In reality, of course, the true value of
o[alpha] is unity but only the government knows this. Hence, the private
sector are learning about 0{. This is a simple form of closed-loop
learning. At the beginning of period 2, the private sector again
observes that the shock is truly sustained; as a consequence, their
subjective estimate of [alpha] is upgraded to [alpha][alpha]=0.1. Let us
assume that the private sector increase their estimate of [alpha] (which
only applies to the periods remaining) by 0.05 for every period that the
announced policy is carried out. Adopting this relatively crude updating
strategy, the government's announcement will only be fully credible
after five years (at which time the shock is complete anyway).
The actual implementation of this type of learning solution is more
complicated than the usual consistent expectations solution procedure
since expectations are continually being falsified. As a consequence, a
sequential or rolling forecast procedure needs to be adopted. A fuller
description of how this 'stacked solution' technique can be
adopted in a stochastic simulations context is given in Ireland and
Westaway (1990), Fair and Taylor (1990). This technique is necessary
whenever expectations are formed in a forward-looking manner and when
the information set on which those expectations are conditioned alters
unexpectedly within the forecast period; in this case the
'news' which is obtained during the forecast horizon is that
the government spending shock has turned out differently from
expectations and hence that the subsequent expected path must change.
Thus, the actual simulation procedure adopted is as follows;
(i) Shock the model with the expected government spending increase
at the beginning of period 1 (i.e. 1 per cent increase in the first
period, declining with [alpha] = 0.05 thereafter). Solve model in
consistent expectations mode over full simulation horizon 1 to T. Save
the solution for period 1 only.
(ii) Shock the model with the expected government spending increase
at the beginning of period 2 (i.e. 1 per cent increase in the second
period declining with [alpha] = 0.1 thereafter). Solve model in
consistent expectations mode over remaining simulation horizon 2 to T.
Save the solution for period 2.
(iii) Shock the model with the expected government spending
increase at the beginning of period 3 (i.e. 1 per cent increase in the
third period declining with [alpha] = 0.15 thereafter). Solve model in
consistent expectations mode over remaining simulation horizon 3 to T.
Save the solution for period 3.
(iv) and so on until all the solutions that have been saved from
periods 1 to T give the final ex post outcome of the model simulation
under the assumption of model consistent learning.
Importantly, although each run is itself solved under the
assumption of consistent expectations, ex post expectations are
continually falsified, but by a lesser amount each period as agents
gradually learn about the true policy. Comparison of QRE and QL in chart
1 shows the consequent effects on the exchange rate path. Because the
true scale of the spending increase was not anticipated, the initial
effect on the exchange rate and hence on prices was much less, and is
correspondingly more plausible.
Example 2: Evolving credibility of exchange rate realignment
The last example postulated a very simple closed-loop learning
rule. This example gives a more complicated example of a Bayesian
probability disribution where now it is assumed that agents form
expectations of an openloop trajectory for the exchange rate. Let us
assume that the government wishes to evaluate the costs and benefits of
devaluing the exchange rate by 5 per cent (a more comprehensive
examination of this question is carried out in Westaway (1992)). It is
assumed that, to begin with, the government's commitment to a fixed
exchange rate versus the D-Mark is complete. (4)(5). As soon as any
devaluation is carried out, however, the commitment of the government to
the new parity will be in doubt even if, as we assume, the government
announces that interest rates will be set to hold the exchange rate at
its target level against the D-Mark. As a consequence, the uncertainty
regarding the future exchange rate level will be reflected in an
interest rate differential which embodies this uncertainty. This
credibility effect on expectations will depend upon the probability
distribution as perceived by the markets of all possible outcomes for
the exchange rate, following the initial devaluation in the exchange
rate of 5 per cent.
In order to illustrate how this expected path for the exchange rate
may have been arrived at, it is useful to make a number of stylised assumptions about the underlying probability distribution161. In doing
this, we are necessarily taking as given many complex economic and
political factors which actually determine this probability distribution
(as discussed in Britton (1991) for example). One particular
hypothetical distribution which might plausibly occur immediately after
a devaluation is characterised by the probability tree (which gives
details for annual exchange rate changes) shown in table 1. It embodies
the following stylised assumptions;
-- in any year the probability distribution is bi-modal in the
sense that the exchange rate can either stay fixed or be realigned.
-- if the authorities do choose tor ealign a gain in the first
year, they will devalue by another 5 per cent with probability 0-4; this
causes interest rates to rise by 2 per cent in the year following the
original realignment.
-- for every year that the authorities are observed to hold the
exchange rate fixed (which it is assumed is done by concerted
intervention within the ERM), the expected value of any future
realignments declines, to zero by the fourth year.
-- every time the authorities do realign, the expectation that they
will do so again increases.
-- if the authorities do hold the exchange rate fixed, the
expectation that they will not depreciate again (i.e. their credibility)
builds up gradually.
The probability tree contains all the relevant information for
calculating expected exchange rate movements. Each 'branch' of
the tree represents a possible outcome for the exchange rate in a
particular year. The two branches at the top represent the alternative
possibilities in the first year. The sixteen bran&es at the bottom
of the tree represent the proliferation of possible outcomes by the
fourth year. From this we can calculate the ex ante expected devaluation
in the exchange rate for the first four years (which will be equal to
the required interest rate differential) as expected at the beginning of
the first year; this information is summarised in table 2(a). For
example, the expected depreciation in year 2 as perceived at the
beginning of year 1 is given by the probability of a small realignment
of 3 per cent, given that there was no realignment in the first year
(0.6 X 0.3 X 3) plus the probability of a depreciation of 5 per cent in
year 2 which would happen if there had been a realignment in year 1 (0.4
X 0.45 X 5). This sums to 1.6 per cent as shown.
This type of analysis becomes crucially important in the context of
policy evaluation. From the perspective of the private sector, either as
an agent in the economy or as a macroeconomic forecaster, it is
necessary to use the ex ante prediction for the depreciation of sterling
(as given in table 2(a)); for example this is the procedure usually
adopted in the National Institute forecast where it is assumed that the
exchange rate will depreciate in line with market expectations.
As with the earlier example, the path implied by the central
expectation will never occur, so after one year expectations will have
been wrong ex post. The probability tree then informs us how to revise
our expectations of future exchange rate movements depending on which
branch of the probability tree we have 'travelled along'. To
give a specific example of how expectations may evolve, suppose the
authorities chose not to realign during the first four years. This
happens to be the outcome which is most likely to occur, happening with
probably O. 173. Table 2(b) illustrates how exchange rate expectations
are sequentially revised over the future as the private sector
effectively learns about the government's policy intentions; the ex
post exchange rate expectations are given by reading down the diagonal,
i.e. 2, 1.2, 0.4, 0.0..
Thus, at the beginning of the forecast period, the exchange rate is
expected to decline by 1.2 per cent in the third year of the forecast.
However, by the time the third year begins and the authorites have been
observed to hold the exchange rate fixed, the expected depreciation for
that year is then revised downwards to 0.4 per cent (see the third row
of table 2(b)). This may be interpreted as an increase in credibility of
the authorities' fixed exchange rate commitment which will
consequently allow interest rates to be cut in the fourth year by more
than was envisaged at the beginning of the forecast period.
In fact, this example is of more than academic interest. By
computing this path where credibility evolves gradually, we may be
putting ourselves in the position of the Treasury forecasters who may
know with certainty (for the sake of argument) that the exchange rate
will not be realigned. This is a specific example of the general case
where forecasters hold different expectations to the markets. The
interesting corollary to this is that even if the Treasury were using
the Institute model and had the same information regarding all
variables, they should be producing a different forecast from ourselves
because of their superior information on the true intended policy
Of course, we can equally well illustrate the implications of a
strategy of continuing to devalue by 5 per cent every period ( which
occurs with a lower ex ante probability of 0.0495). Table 2(c) shows how
the interest rate differential now rises relative to previous
expectations as the strategy of continual devaluation is gradually
anticipated correctly.
To undertake this exercise on the full model is slightly more
complicated than the stylised example for a number of reasons;
-- the updating of expectations is carried out every quarter.
Rather than computing a probability tree over 16 periods (which would
have 65536 bran&es by the end of the fourth year) we adopt an
updating rule for the expected depreciation which approximately retains
the same properties as that used in the stylised example (see chart
3(a)). As the expected depreciation falls, so interest rates decline in
line (chart 3(b))
-- since the exercise is undertaken on a model of the whole economy
we need to consider the expectations of other parts of the private
sector such as wage bargainers, as well as the foreign exchange markets
(for a full description of the treatment of expectations in the National
Institute model, see NIESR (1992)). We assume, as in the base forecast
itself, that the expectations held by these different groups do not
differ, that is, they perceive the same probability distribution of
realignments (for the implications of making a different assumption see
Miller and Sutherland (1990)).
We can now illustrate the implications of a 5 per cent devaluation
of sterling under different assumptions regading the credibility of the
policy stance. Three forecast outcomes are compared with the base
'no devaluation' forecast. Case A assumes that the government
is believed completely when it promises never to devalue again, so that
interest rates are unchanged and the exchange rate stays 5 per cent
below base in line with market expectations. Case B shows the ex ante
forecast immediately after the devaluation when credibility is lost as
described above, and expectations of further depreciation are reflected
in private sector behaviour (note that, by assumption, case B will never
actually be observed ex post). Case C gives the ex post outcome which
occurs if the government succeeds in sticking to its announced strategy
of no further devaluation, but where the private sector only learns
about this true policy stance gradually.
Charts 4(a)-(d) compare these outcomes for the exchange rate,
interest rates, inflation and output, all relative to base. All cases
show a large initial increase in inflation, the greatest occurring in
Case B due to the expectation of future depreciation. Inflation is
slightly higher in the learning outcome, case C, compared to the full
credibility case A, despite having higher interest rates; this occurs
because of the initial increase in inflationary expectations which only
later evolves away. Unsurprisingly, the boost to output is highest in
case A where interest rates do not rise, but less predictably is lower
in the ex post learning case C than in case B, since the higher exchange
rate outweighs the benefits of lower interest rates. In all outcomes,
all real variables such as GDP and the real exchange rate are returning
to their base levels, albeit slowly, while all nominal magnitudes e.g.
prices rise in the long run by 5 per cent.
From the policymakers' perspective, the relevant comparison is
between case A and the base if credibility could be expected to be
maintained, or between case C and the base if some loss in credibility
was assumed to be inevitable. Of course, it is possible to make informal
policy choices on the basis of the charts just described but Westaway
(1992) evaluates the case for re-alignment more formally.
The two examples given above have illustrated the advantages of
using what has been termed here the model consistent learning approach.
It has allowed more plausible model simulation properties to be
obtained, as in the example of the government spending shock, but at the
same time has preserved the crucial role of forwardlooking behaviour in
allowing policy analysis to be carried out, here in the context of the
realignment question. Of course, the introduction of learning techniques
into the macromodeller's tool-kit provides as many questions as it
answers. How do we characterise the private sector's subjective
probability distribution relating to policy? How do they use this
distribution to forecast in the face of new information ? How do
policymakers react to the fact that the private sector is learning?
Importantly, however, this approach to learning provides a structural
framework within which these concepts can be quantified, albeit
tentatively. By examining the robustness of particular conclusions under
a range of alternative assumptions, we can improve our understanding of
how the economy operates.
Barber, J. (ed.) (1982), Supplement to HM Treasury Macroeconomic
Model Technical Manual, Government Economic Service
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Begg, DKH (1982), The Rational Expectations Revolution In
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Bray, MM and Savin, NE (1986), 'Rational expectations
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(1) All the empirical work described in this paper is carried out
on the February 1992 version of the National Institute macroeconometric
model of the UK economy, see NIESR (1992).
(2) The true reduced form equation of the forward-looking
structural model is also likely to be non-linear.
(3) A Bayesian approach to the updating of expectations has
commonly been adopted in the context of small analytic models, as in
Driffill and Miller (1992), for example.
(4) The question of how sterling's credibility might evolve
from a position of incomplete credibility was analysed in Westaway
(1991) using the same methodology as is used here.
(5) Consequently, the sterling-D-Mark short-term interest-rate
differential is zero. Thus, we are assuming that the uncovered arbitrage
condition holds exactly, implying that, ex ante, investors will be
indifferent between holding sterling and D-Mark assets. In practice,
this is fairly close to the assumptions actually adopted in the base
forecast, so this simplifying assumption does not distort the analysis.
(6) The simplifying approach taken in continuous time analytic
models, for example Driffill and Miller (1992), is to assume that
realignments follow a Poisson process.