Has the North-South divide come to an end? - Prospects for regional unemployment.
Wilkinson, David
The large increase in unemployment in the last two years and the very
different patterns of regional unemployment growth as compared to the
last recession have brought about renewed interest in the distribution
of unemployment. In the last two years the variation in regional
unemployment rates has diminished significantly such that by August of
this year all regions in Great Britain had an unemployment rate
somewhere between the 11.4 percent in the North and the 7.8 per cent in
East Anglia. Ignoring these two outliers, the remaining eight regions in
Great Britain all had unemployment rates between 8.9 and 10.8 per cent.
This represents remarkable convergence of unemployment rates in a
relatively short period of time. In March 1990, when unemployment was
just beginning to rise, the regional spread of unemployment was much
greater. Both the North and Scotland had an unemployment rate in excess
of 8 per cent, whilst the South East and East Anglia had unemployment
well below 4 per cent. It is the South East that has seen the most rapid
increase in unemployment now standing at more than 2 1/2 times its level
of March 1990, whilst the increase nationwide has been around 75 per
This note serves to introduce a new model of regional unemployment
which has been developed at the National Institute over the last year in
order to forecast claimant unemployment in the eleven standard regions
of the UK. The underlying properties of the model will be discussed in
some detail, although for a more thorough account of the model there
will be a more technical summary in Gregg and Wilkinson (1992).
The note develops as follows. Section 1 considers the current
position and recent trends in regional unemployment growth. Section 2
lays out the modelling strategy to be used and looks at the model in
more detail. Section 3 looks at some simulations using the model, of
policy options following the sterling devaluation, and in doing so
demonstrates the main properties of the model. Finally, section 4 looks
at the forecast for regional unemployment consistent with the forecast
presented in the UK Economy section of this Review, and considers the
prospects of recovery in the eleven standard regions of the UK.
1. The current position and recent trends in regional unemployment
The latest recession has been markedly different from the recession
of the early eighties in terms of the regional dispersion of
unemployment growth. Then, rises in unemployment were far more evenly
spread across the country, whilst the growth in unemployment in the last
two years has been predominantly in the South East, East Anglia and
South West. Unemployment in the North of England, Scotland and Northern
Ireland, although remaining high, has showed relatively moderate
increases since 1990.
Table 1.1 shows unemployment rates across all regions of the UK in
July 1986, when UK unemployment was at its peak at 3.1 million; March
1990, when it was at its trough of 1.6 million; and the current position
in August of this year when unemployment is a little over 2.8 million.
If we ignore Northern Ireland, which historically has an unusually high
unemployment rate, and consider Great Britain, then the current
variation in regional unemployment rates is significantly lower than
both 2 1/2 years ago and six years ago.
The lowest rate remains in East Anglia, but the South East has shown
a significant increase in unemployment relative to the rest of the UK.
In July 1986 and March 1990, Wales, Yorkshire and Humberside, the North
West, the North and Scotland all had an unemployment rate well in excess
of the UK rate, but by August 1992, Scotland and Wales have a rate below
that of the UK and Yorkshire and Humberside has the same rate as the UK.
The North and North West still have high unemployment, but the
difference between their rates and the UK rate has declined.
Table 1.1 A comparison of regional unemployment rates July
1986, March 1990 and August 1992
per cent
Region July 1986 March 1990 August 1992
South East 8.3 3.6 9.5
East Anglia 8.2 3.5 7.8
South West 9.6 4.1 9.4
West Midlands 12.7 5.8 10.8
East Midlands 10.0 4.9 8.9
Wales 14.0 6.4 9.8
Yorkshire & Humberside 12.6 6.8 9.9
North West 14.1 7.5 10.6
North 15.2 8.5 11.4
Scotland 13.4 8.2 9.6
Northern Ireland 17.7 14.1 14.9
UK 11.2 5.6 9.9
GB 11.0 5.4 9.8
Source: Department of Employment, Employment Gazette
Table 1.2 shows the growth in unemployment since March 1990. The
South East, East Anglia and South West, have faced the greatest increase
in unemployment, with the number of unemployed having more than doubled
in the last 2 1/2 years. The East and West Midlands, which had the next
lowest unemployment rates in 1990 have also faced relatively large
increases in unemployment, both regions experiencing increases of around
80 per cent. The pattern continues through the regions. Wales and
Yorkshire and Humberside faced an increase of around 50 per cent in
unemployment since March 1990, while the remaining regions all have
shown increases in unemployment well below 50 per cent.
The major increase in unemployment since March 1990 has clearly come
in the regions which had the lowest unemployment rates at that time, and
the most significant rise in unemployment has been in the South East.
The South, in general, continues to face the largest rises in
unemployment, and further convergence of regional unemployment rates is
likely over the coming months.
2. The model
The model involves a three stage process with two adjustment
mechanisms. Due to the complexities of the first two stages and the
adjustment mechanisms, these steps are only undertaken for three
super-regions. These regions are the South East, Central and Northern
and are chosen so as to be of roughly equal size. Due to the size of the
South East it is both a standard region and a super-region while the
Central and Northern Regions both consist of five standard regions.
Central comprises of East Anglia, the South West, East and West Midlands
and Wales; whilst Northern comprises of Yorkshire and Humberside, the
North West, the North, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Table 1.2. Unemployment growth since March 1990
March August Percentage
Region 1990 1992 increase
South East 339.3 868.6 156.0
East Anglia 34.5 78.9 128.7
South West 90.0 213.1 136.7
West Midlands 148.9 273.0 83.3
East Midlands 95.0 175.2 84.4
Wales 83.9 128.0 52.6
Yorks & Humberside 157.5 237.1 50.5
North West 232.8 324.8 39.5
North 119.7 157.4 31.5
Scotland 205.0 243.0 18.5
Northern Ireland 98.5 108.6 10.3
UK 1606.6 2807.5 74.7
GB 1508.1 2698.9 79.0
Source: Department of Employment, Employment Gazette.
Step 1 estimates regional employment for the three super-regions
using the industrial disaggregation available in the National Institute
Domestic Economic Model (NIMOD). Step 2 then derives regional
unemployment estimates from the regional employment inputs above,
regional population and several economy-wide unemployment determinants;
and step 3 then disaggregates regional unemployment in the super-regions
into unemployment for the eleven standard regions using a simple shift
share approach. The two adjustment mechanisms considered are relative
regional wages, which influences employment; and net inter-regional
migration flows which clearly influence population and hence
2.1. Employment
The first stage in our analysis is to estimate regional employment
for the three super-regions identified above using the industry
breakdown of employment in NIMOD. We consider four industry groups:
Manufacturing, Distribution and Business Services, Public Services and a
residual category which consists of Agriculture, Energy, Construction
and Transport.
We jointly estimate regional employment, with each region showing
different responses to changes in industry employment. To explain
additional regional variation in employment, terms covering relative
wages in the regions and aggregate personal tax and mortgage payments as
a proportion of personal income are included in a way such that they do
not violate the industrial/regional employment identity. The equation is
estimated from the fourth quarter of 1974 up to the second quarter of
1991 and takes the following form:
|Delta~|E.sub.it~ = ||Sigma~.sub.j~||Alpha~.sub.ij~ |Delta~|E.sub.jt~
+ ||Sigma~.sub.j~ ||Beta~.sub.ij~ |E.sub.jt-1~ + ||Gamma~.sub.0~
+ ||Delta~.sub.0~ |W.sub.it-1~ + ||Delta~.sub.i~ |Delta~ |W.sub.it-1~
+ ||Sigma~.sub.i~ M|P.sub.t-1~ + ||Mu~.sub.i~ T|X.sub.t-1~ (2-1)
with the following restrictions:
||Sigma~.sub.i~||Beta~.sub.ij~ = - ||Gamma~.sub.0~ for all j (2.2)
||Alpha~.sub.ij~ = -||Beta~.sub.ij~/||Gamma~.sub.o~ for all i and j
||Sigma~.sub.i~||Sigma~.sub.i~ = 0 (2.4)
||Sigma~.sub.i~||Mu~.sub.i~ = 0 (2.5)
|E.sub.i~ is employment in region i, |E.sub.j~ is UK employment in
industry j; with j corresponding to the four industry groups described
above, |W.sub.i~ is relative wages in region i, MP is UK mortgage
payments as a proportion of personal income, TX is UK personal taxation
as a proportion of personal income and subscript t represents time.
The sum of industry employment is therefore constrained to equal the
sum of regional employment, and the impact on regional employment of a
change in industry employment, with fixed relative wages, mortgage and
tax payments, is the same in both the short run and long run.
The mortgage and tax payments are designed to pick up deductions from
income which might otherwise have been directed towards consumption and
hence increase employment in a region. They are already built into the
determination of aggregate employment hence we consider regionally
specific variations in the effects of tax and mortgage payments on
employment, which must by definition sum to zero across the regions, and
hence the sum of the |Sigma~ and |Mu~ coefficients across the regions
must be zero.
The model shows that lower taxes and lower interest rates, and hence
mortgage payments, are both of greatest benefit to employment in the
South East, and less beneficial to employment in the North. The Central
Region benefits from lower taxes having a small, but positive effect on
the distribution of regional employment, but lower interest rates imply
that employment in Central Britain is lower than would be expected if we
had just considered a simple nationwide effect.
In contrast, relative wages are not incorporated into the aggregate
model, and hence are modelled as additional effects. The |delta~
coefficients are the same across the three regions, but this time it is
the actual relative wages that sum to zero to maintain the
industrial/regional employment identity.
The short run and long run impact of relative wages are of opposite
sign. High wages in the short run will attract more labour supply into
the region and raise spending power and hence increase regional
employment. However, in the long run high wages may become prohibitively costly for firms and reduce competitiveness and make relocation elsewhere, where wages are relatively lower, more attractive, in that
case regional employment will ultimately be lower.
Relative wages, mortgage and personal tax payments provide additional
regional variation around the industrial composition effects on regional
employment, but it will be the industry composition of employment that
will be the main determinant of regional employment in the medium term.
However, macro-economic policy will have profound implications for the
distribution of employment in the short term.
In the past decade the most significant trends in industry employment
have been the rapid increase in Distribution and Business Services and
Public Services employment, and the continued decline of employment in
manufacturing. From its trough in 1983 to its peak in 1990 total
employment including self employment increased by nearly 3 million or
12.6 per cent. Table 2.1 shows that out of this 3 million, around two
million was an increase in Distribution and Business Services
employment, and a further million came in Public Services employment. In
this climate of rapidly increasing employment there were falls in
Manufacturing employment of around 350,000 and only a modest increase in
other employment.
The majority of the increase in employment took place in the Central
and South East regions, with a slightly smaller increase in the Northern
super-region. The boom in Business Services and Distribution is then
clearly associated with a boom in employment in the South East and
Central Britain, and we may also expect the decline in manufacturing to
have contributed to the smaller rises in employment in the Northern
The fall in employment since the middle of 1990 has also been quite
rapid, but the industrial pattern of declining employment is quite
different from the boom. In the 18 months to the end of 1991 total
employment in the UK has fallen by just over a million. Again Table 2.1
indicates that the fall in Public Services employment has been virtually
negligible, but the falls elsewhere have been quite evenly distributed.
The most significant turn around has come in Business Services and
Distribution; the industries with the fastest growing employment up to
1990, have faced a significant contraction in employment in the
recession. Manufacturing employment continued to fall significantly
throughout the decade, but the annual rate of decline has shown some
increase during the recession.
The major contrast between this recession and the recession of the
early 1980s is that employment in the South East has been the hardest
hit. Well over a half the fall in employment has come from the South
East and it seems that the jobs boom in the region from 1983 onwards has
been reversed with many of the jobs created in this period now having
disappeared. The Central Region has come out of the decade with a very
rapid increase in employment between 1983 and 1990, and a relatively
small contraction in employment thereafter. The Northern super-region
has faced the smallest decline in employment, but in the preceeding
period employment growth was much weaker than the other regions.
The model provides us with indications of how each region would
respond to changes in the industrial composition of employment. We can
calculate the long run TABULAR DATA OMITTED effect on each region of an
increase in industry employment for any industry group. The results in
Table 2.2 show the effects on regional employment of an increase in
industry employment of 100 in any of the four industry groups. Clearly
an increase in industry employment of 100 must be matched by a total
increase of 100 in regional employment.
Increasing employment in Manufacturing will have the greatest effect
on employment in the Northern regions, with around a half the increase
occurring in these regions. There will also be quite a substantial
effect on employment in the Central regions, but the effect on
employment in the South East is relatively small.
Changes in employment in the other industry groups have a much
greater effect on employment in the South East, with an increase of 100
in employment in Business Services and Distribution, Public Services or
the other employment category increasing employment in the South East by
44, 52 and 37 respectively. Business Services and Distribution
employment also has a relatively strong impact on employment in the
Central regions, but only a weak effect in the North. Public Services
and other employment have a stronger effect in the Northern regions and
only a weak effect in the Central regions.
2.2 Unemployment
The estimation of regional unemployment has the same basis as that
used in NIMOD to estimate UK unemployment. It is based on the
contrasting ability of different employee types to claim benefit once
they cease to be employed, (see Gregg 1992). The ability to claim
benefit is likely to vary according to a person's past employment
history, gender and other sources of income and wealth.
Table 2.2. The effects of an increase of 100 units in industry
employment on regional employment
Regions Manu- Public Distribution Other
facturing services and Business
South East 13 52 44 37
Central 37 20 40 21
Northern 50 28 16 41
Four employment categories are considered in the model: male
employees, full-time female employees, part-time female employees and
the self employed. Also included are regional population and the effects
of Special Employment Measures (SEM's) and two variables associated
with the introduction of Restart interviews. The equation is estimated
from the third quarter of 1975 upto the end of 1990 and takes the
following form:
|Delta~|U.sub.it~ = ||Alpha~.sub.1~ |Delta~|U.sub.it-1~ +
||Alpha~.sub.2i~ |P.sub.it-1~ + ||Sigma~.sub.j~||Beta~.sub.j~
+ ||Beta~.sub.5~ |Delta~M|E.sub.it~ + ||Beta~.sub.6~
|Delta~F|E.sub.it~ + ||Gamma~.sub.1i~ |Delta~SE|M.sub.t~
+ ||Gamma~.sub.2i~ E|E.sub.it-1~ + ||Gamma~.sub.3i~ D86 (2.6)
where |U.sub.i~ and |P.sub.i~ are unemployment and population in
region i, |E.sub.ij~ is employment of type j in region i with j
corresponding to the four employment types described above. M|E.sub.i~
and F|E.sub.i~ are male and female employment in region i,(1) SEM is
employment in special employment measures, consisting of the Enterprise
Allowance Scheme, Job Release Scheme, Job Share Scheme, Employment
Training and the Job Training Scheme. E|E.sub.i~ is the difference
between current employment in region i and employment in the third
quarter of 1986, but is zero prior to this. D86 is a dummy variable for
the period from the third quarter of 1986 to the second quarter of 1987
increasing over this period from 0.25 to 1 in intervals of 0.25.
There is a more or less one for one relationship between changes in
the claimant count and changes in male employment, a slightly weaker
relationship with full-time female employment, and changes in part-time
female employment and self employment have a very much smaller impact on
the claimant count. We assume that the effect on the claimant count of
changes in different employment categories is the same across all
regions, so the |Beta~ coefficients in equation 2.6 are the same for all
Two key features of labour market participation in recent years have
been the large increases in self employment and female employment, in
particular part-time female employment, and the decline in male
employment. From 1983 to the peak in employment in the middle of 1990,
employment rose by nearly 3 million. Table 2.3 shows that self
employment increased by just over a million in this period and the
number of female employees increased by around 1.8 million. The rise in
male employees was negligible.
The subsequent decline in employment, however, has been mostly in
male employment. Over a half of the 1.1 million fall in employment since
the middle of 1990 has been male employees, whilst the decline in female
employees has been quite modest. Out of a fall in female employment of
around 290,000 nearly all has been full-time employment, with the number
of part-time female employees remaining virtually unchanged.
The pattern of increasing female and part-time employment in economic
booms and declining male employment in recessions is likely to lead to
persistently high claimant unemployment. The eligibility to claim
TABULAR DATA OMITTED benefit is generally much higher for men than women
and for full-time rather than part-time employees and hence we see very
rapid increases in claimant unemployment in recession and a relatively
small decline in a boom.
Changes in regional population, with given employment, are found to
have a positive influence on regional unemployment such that just over
two fifths of any increase in population will end up on the claimant
Special Employment Measures and the effects of changes in benefit
entitlement associated with the introduction of Restart interviews in
1986 may well be expected to have different impacts across the regions.
The duration composition of unemployment is radically different across
regions, and many of the above measures are specifically targetted at
the long-term unemployed.
Restart interviews were introduced to improve the job search
activities of the longer term unemployed, but also allow a more rigorous
assessment of claimants' availability for work and hence
eligibility for benefit (Philpott 1990). The latter effect will lead to
a reduction in the numbers of registered unemployed in the form of a
'shake-out' of claimants, modelled here by the dummy variable
D86, whilst the improvement in job search activities will produce a
reduction in claimant unemployment relating to better knowledge of
opportunities for jobs or training when they become available. It seems
that Restart has raised the proportion of jobs being taken by claimants
as opposed to non-claimants, and raised the numbers leaving the count
without jobs to go to. This job search effect is modelled by an extra
employment variable for the period after the introduction of Restart
which indicates a closer relationship between changes in employment and
changes in the claimant count. Improved job search activity needs to be
matched by opportunities for employment or training, so the number of
places on the various special employment measures also needs to be taken
into account.
The impact of both Restart and Special Employment Measures is found
to be significantly stronger in the Northern regions with a slightly
weaker effect in the Central regions and quite a modest impact on the
South East. This reflects the greater build up of long-term unemployed
in the North, Midlands and Wales throughout the eighties and the
targetting of SEMs and Restart at the long-term unemployed.
2.3. Relative wages
Relative wages across the regions are incorporated into the
determination of regional employment in the model and have shown quite
significant adjustments in the past decade. In this simple model changes
in relative wages are determined by changes in relative regional
unemployment rates. As unemployment in a region increases relative to
the UK, then relative wages in that region will decline as high
unemployment reduces wage pressure within that region (Jackman and
Savouri 1991 and Layard, Nickell and Jackman 1991). Equation 2.7 is
estimated from quarter 3 of 1973 to the second quarter of 1991 and has
the following form:
|W.sub.it~ = ||Alpha~.sub.i~ + |Beta~ |W.sub.it-1~ + |Gamma~
|U.sub.it~ (2.7)
where |W.sub.it~ is relative wages in region i and |U.sub.i~ is the
relative unemployment in region i, subscript t represents time.
In the early 1980s the Northern and Central regions faced large
increases in unemployment compared to the South East which, was
ultimately followed by a decline in relative wages in these regions,
offset by an improvement in the South East. From 1981 to 1989 regional
wages relative to the UK declined by around 4 per cent in the Central
and Northern regions, from 6 and 4 per cent below the UK level in 1981
to 10 and 8 per cent below the UK in 1989.
More recently the opposite has occurred. The South East has
experienced relatively large increases in unemployment in the last two
years and we have already seen a stabilisation of relative wages in the
South East at around 18 per cent above the UK average. It is expected
that relative wages will ultimately decline in the South East as wage
pressure declines with increased unemployment.
There is also a regional fixed effect incorporated into the model
which implies that in the absence of any relative unemployment effects,
relative wages will remain above the UK level in the South East and
Northern regions, but below in the Central regions. This fixed effect
picks up any unchanging regional characteristics that cause wages to
vary across the regions.
2.4 Net migration flows
Net migration flows are very small compared to total population in
each of the regions, hence like relative wage movements, the effects of
migration flows take time to have any significant effect on regional
population and hence regional unemployment. The Central regions which
have experienced the largest number of net inward migrations in recent
years, typically face a net flow of less than 10,000 per quarter. This
is very small compared to a population of working age in excess of 10
million, but over a period of a decade these movements can be quite
significant. A net inflow of 5,000 per quarter will increase population
by 200,000 in ten years.
Migration flows are mainly determined by economic prospects across
the regions (Pissarides and Wadsworth 1989, and Pissarides and McMaster 1990). Better employment prospects and higher wages in a region will
attract more people into that region, hence we relate net inward
migration flows to changes in relative wages and relative unemployment
rates. Again there are other determinants of net migration flows which
we are unable to model specifically and hence are incorporated into a
fixed migration effect. This fixed migration effect implies net flows
out of the South East and Northern regions into the Central regions.
The South East has remained the most prosperous region for many
years, with relatively high wages and low unemployment, and hence has
attracted significant net inflows up until the late 1980s. More
recently, other factors like the high cost of living, pollution and over
crowding have been dominant and net flows have tended to be out of the
South East. The recent rises in unemployment, and the decline in
relative wages are likely to increase the number of outflows over the
next couple of years.
The Northern and Central regions have been less prosperous with low
wages and particularly high unemployment in the Northern regions.
Together with fixed net outflows, this has led to very large outflows
from the Northern regions, although the outflow rate has declined more
recently with a relative improvement in wages and the rate of
unemployment. The Central regions have benefitted from better living
conditions and have managed to attract a steady net flow of people into
the region despite a decline in relative wages at the start of the
1980s. For the rest of the decade conditions have been stable with
unemployment in line with the UK rate and no significant change in
relative wages, hence net migrations have continued to flow into the
Central regions.
2.5 The standard regions
The final step in the model is to breakdown the Northern and Central
super-regions into their five standard regions which together with the
South East make up the eleven standard regions of the UK. This is done
using simple non-economic relationships relating the share of
unemployment in each standard-region to the level and change in
unemployment in the three super-regions.
High unemployment in the South East means that given unemployment in
the Central Region, the share in the South West and East Anglia will be
relatively high, and shares elsewhere will be low. This reflects
geographical proximity, the reliance on similar industries in these
regions as well as similar experiences in house price movements.
Conversely, if unemployment in the Northern regions is high, then the
share of Central unemployment in the South West and East Anglia will be
low and the share in Wales and the East and West Midlands will be high.
This is largely due to the Midlands and Wales being predominantly
manufacturing centres similar to the Northern regions, whilst the South
West and East Anglia rely more heavily on the service sector.
The Northern regions are found to be far more independent from the
rest of the economy, with much weaker relationships existing between
unemployment in the Northern regions and the South East and Central
regions, than were found for the standard Central regions. The
relationship between unemployment in the Midlands and Wales and the
Northern regions is matched by a slightly weaker relationship between
the North, North West and Scotland and the Central regions. In addition
there is a relatively strong correlation between unemployment in
Yorkshire and Humberside and unemployment in the South East, partly
reflecting the reliance on similar industries as there has been quite a
significant number of business relocations from the South East to parts
of the Yorkshire and Humberside region.
Northern Ireland shows little in common with any of the other
regions. It is isolated geographically, and a weak positive relationship
with the South East most likely stems from the large presence of public
sector employment in both regions. The unemployment rate in Northern
Ireland has been consistently above that of any region in Great Britain,
and it is very unlikely that this will change over the next decade.
3. Simulations
The best way to illustrate the workings of the model and to see the
likely outcome of any shifts in policy is by way of simulation. The
recent collapse of the value of sterling was a major shock to the
economy, and any subsequent change in policy in response to it is likely
to have a considerable impact on the forecast described below. For more
detail on the impact of devaluation on the UK economy see Pain 1992.
The first simulation we shall consider is a cut in interest rates of
2 per cent below the base assumed in the forecast described in Table 10
in the UK economy chapter, we will then go on to consider the effects of
a further 10 per cent devaluation of the pound. Devaluation and interest
rate cuts are likely to have significant inflationary consequences, so
we also consider two policy options directed at the control of
inflationary pressure. First we consider a |pounds~2 billion a year cut
in public expenditure and second a one point rise in the basic rate of
taxation, also equivalent to around a |pounds~2 billion a year increase
in personal taxation. All shocks take place from the fourth quarter of
3.1 The impact of a 2 point cut in interest rates
An interest rate reduction affects the economy via the exchange rate
and the influence of real interest rates on both companies and household
expenditure. Taking out the exchange rate effect, which we will consider
below, we look at the direct effect on regional demand.
The main impact is to ease the problems of mortgage debt and reduce
the cost of finance to industry. The reduction in mortgage interest
payments will provide the greatest boost to the South East economy since
the mortgage debt problem is most serious in this region. Around a half
of the increase in employment generated by the increase in demand occurs
in the South East and consequently the fall in unemployment relative to
its base level is predominantly in the South East.
Lower interest rates also mean that the cost of borrowing to industry
is reduced, providing a boost throughout the economy, but particularly
to manufacturing. Any increase in manufacturing employment will be
predominantly in the Northern regions, hence we also expect lower
interest rates will mean significantly lower unemployment in the
Northern regions. The Central regions will benefit from both of these
effects, although the overall impact on unemployment is likely to be
somewhat lower than experienced in both the North and South East.
3.2 The economic impact of a 10 per cent sterling devaluation
In contrast to an interest rate cut, the effects of a permanent 10
per cent devaluation in sterling against all currencies is quite rapid.
In the first year there is a substantial reduction in unemployment, and
by the end of the second year virtually the full effect has been felt.
Table 3.1. The impact of a 2 point cut in interest rates on
regional unemployment
1993 1994 1995 1996
South East -19 -41 -53 -57
Central -7 -13 -20 -26
Northern -12 -27 -39 -46
UK -37 -81 -113 -130
All figures are year end change from base levels in thousands.
There is an initial boost to output concentrated in manufacturing, as
the volume of exports increases significantly in the next year. Yet
again this boost to manufacturing will have a major impact on employment
in the Northern regions and hence falls in unemployment in the first
couple of years are also concentrated in the North.
There will ultimately be knock on effects into all industries and a
boost in confidence which could bring forward some investment
expenditures which will be of benefit to all regions. By the end of 1995
the impact on manufacturing employment is beginning to dwindle and a
more general boost to demand takes over. Therefore from 1996 onwards the
falls in unemployment are far more evenly distributed across the
3.3 The impact of a |pounds~2 billion a year cut in public
expenditure in 1993
We can only consider a general cut in public expenditure, as there
has not yet been a clear indication as to where specific cuts are likely
to fall. Consequently, in the long term, the effect on unemployment is
quite evenly distributed across the regions.
The main impact is to reduce public sector employment by around
100,000 from the middle of 1994. The model then predicts that in the
long run most of this fall in employment will be in the South East and
Northern regions, with more modest falls in the Central region. There
will also be quite significant falls in manufacturing and other
employment, as demand from the public sector for construction and major
developments of infrastructure declines.
The regional impact of specifically targetted cuts may be somewhat
different to the effects described above, with the emphasis more on pay
restraint the South East may suffer from even larger falls in
employment. However, a general spending cut, probably best thought of as
a cut in expenditure on health and education, leads to quite an evenly
distributed increase in unemployment across all regions in the long run.
Table 3.2. The impact of a 10 per cent sterling devaluation on
regional unemployment
1993 1994 1995 1996
South East -23 -52 -66 -62
Central -24 -50 -58 -54
Northern -34 -78 -92 -81
UK -82 -179 -216 -196
All figures are year end change from base levels in thousands.
Table 3.3. The impact of a |pounds~2 billion a year cut in
public expenditure on regional unemployment
1993 1994 1995 1996
South East +32 +49 +49 +46
Central +15 +21 +21 +21
Northern +26 +44 +46 +43
UK +73 +114 +116 +110
All figures are year end changes from base levels in thousands.
3.4 The impact of a 1 point rise in the basic rate of taxation
An increase in personal taxation will lead to a reduction in personal
disposable income throughout the economy, but the impact is likely to be
felt the most in regions with relatively high income. The model predicts
that the reduction in disposable income will reduce employment
predominantly in the South East with a more moderate impact on
employment in the Central regions and very little effect in the Northern
Higher taxes feed through to reduced consumption and ultimately lower
employment, but there is likely to be some delay before the full effect
is felt on unemployment. Comparing Tables 3.3 and 3.4 it is clear that a
cut in public expenditure has a much larger impact on unemployment in
the first few years than an equivalent increase in taxation. The longer
term effects are more or less equal.
One difference between the spending cut and a rise in taxes is the
impact on the regions. Cutting expenditure has a rapid effect on
employment in the South East and Northern regions, whilst a tax rise has
a gradually increasing effect on unemployment which is predominantly in
the South East. The South East is worst hit under both measures, but the
Northern regions remains relatively unaffected by an increase in
taxation, whereas the Central regions are least affected by a cut in
public expenditure.
Table 3.4. The impact of a 1 point rise in the basic rate of
taxation on regional unemployment
1993 1994 1995 1996
South East +8 +18 +25 +30
Central +5 +12 +17 +21
Northern +2 +6 +12 +17
UK +15 +36 +54 +68
All figures are year end change from base levels in thousands.
4. The forecast
4.1 Unemployment in the UK
After a rapid decline in unemployment growth from April of last year
we have just begun to experience a re-acceleration of unemployment
growth in the third quarter of 1992. Rises of the order of 25 to 30,000
per month may be expected to continue for the remainder of the year and
a peak in excess of 3 million is likely towards the end of 1993. The
recent sterling devaluation and interest rate cuts will produce a major
stimulus to the economy, but this is likely to be offset, at least in
the short run, by a decline in business and consumer confidence which
will make further large job losses likely in the next few months.
Several major companies have announced significant job losses as they
assess their labour requirements over the next couple of years and it is
probable that unemployment growth will remain significant throughout
4.2 Unemployment in the regions
Unemployment is expected to rise well into 1993 in most regions of
the UK, with an early downturn likely only in the Northern regions and
Wales. The remaining Central regions and the South East will face rising
unemployment possibly until the final quarter of 1993.
The recent devaluation of sterling will provide the greatest boost to
the manufacturing sector of the economy, and as noted in section 2.1,
about a half of any increase in manufacturing employment translates into
an increase in employment in the Northern regions. The recent cut in
interest rates will reduce the level of TABULAR DATA OMITTED mortgage
payments, and ease the pressure on debt repayment. Given the higher
level of mortgage debt in the South East, this is likely to provide a
significant boost to consumption and ultimately employment in this
region. Even with the reduction in interest rates we still expect the
South East to face the largest rises in unemployment over the next
twelve months and hence, as we can see from Chart 4.1, further
convergence of regional unemployment rates is likely. The peak in South
East unemployment is likely to be close to a million at the end of 1993
by which time the variation in unemployment rates will be at a minimum,
with less than 1/2 a per cent covering the rates in the three regional
The problems of the South East are the problems of the economy as a
whole amplified by the enormous level of debt and the dramatic fall in
house prices in the region. Since the middle of 1989 house prices in the
South East have fallen by around 30 per cent, compared to a 16 per cent
fall in house prices nationally. The problems of the housing market have
clearly delayed any upturn in the South East, and have severely hampered
recovery throughout the UK.
The large fall in house prices has led to a huge number of households
being in possession of properties whose value is below the value of
their mortgage. This climate has led many people to reduce their debts
rather than increase expenditure. The situation is likely to deteriorate for some time, particularly in the South, and further postponement of
increased consumption is likely until households feel more comfortable
with their level of debt. Compounding these problems is a fear of job
losses leading to a vicious spiral of increasing unemployment, increased
repossessions, falling house prices and increased debt to asset value
East Anglia and the South West have along with the South East
experienced the largest falls in house prices in the last three years,
and have suffered greatly from the problems of mortgage debt. These
regions are likely to face further problems, and an economic upturn is
most likely to follow on from a recovery in the South East. This upturn
is not expected until the middle of next year and hence the South West
and East Anglia are likely to face rising unemployment throughout 1993.
They will be the last two regions to experience a downturn in
unemployment, possibly slightly later than the South East, reflecting
the need for a strong recovery in the South East to filter through to
the other Southern regions.
In contrast, Wales looks to be one of the strongest regions at the
moment, and along with the Northern standard region seems to be the
region most likely to face an early downturn in unemployment. Wales has
benefitted enormously from a large number of business relocations in the
last few years, with many firms trying to avoid the high wage and office
costs in London and the South East, and being attracted by a highly
skilled labour force, relatively low wages and relatively cheap office
The East and West Midlands cover the middle ground of the Central
group of regions, and recovery in these two regions is likely to follow
the timing of an overall recovery in the UK, with a downturn in
unemployment expected towards the end of 1993. The West Midlands has a
similar manufacturing base to the Northern English regions and hence may
experience a slightly earlier turn around, whilst the East Midlands has
experienced quite large falls in house prices, hence recovery may be
slightly delayed. However, both regions are expected to face some
decline in unemployment before the end of 1993.
The Northern regions have so far survived the recession much better
than the rest of the UK. Only moderate rises in unemployment are
expected in the next few months and a downturn in unemployment is
expected in most regions in the first half of next year. House prices
have remained relatively buoyant in most regions, with only Yorkshire
and Humberside facing lower house prices than two years ago. Modest
price falls have prevailed throughout the Northern English regions in
the last year, but quite strong price increases have persisted in
Scotland and Northern Ireland. The problem of mortgage debt has
therefore had little or no impact in most Northern regions and hence
contributes to the expectation of a much earlier recovery than
experienced elsewhere.
The North and North West are expected to join Wales in facing the
first falls in unemployment early in 1993, with a downturn in Yorkshire
and Humberside following soon after. The North and North West are
probably already in the initial stages of recovery and both regions will
undoubtably benefit from the improved competitiveness of British goods
abroad following the recent sterling devaluation. Yorkshire and
Humberside will continue to be hit by a decline in house prices, hence
recovery in this region is likely to be more muted as some delay in
increased expenditure is inevitable as households continue to reduce
their holdings of debt.
Scotland is beginning to be hit relatively hard by the second wave of
the recession and has faced a recent re-acceleration of unemployment
growth. Until quite recently increases in unemployment in Scotland had
been very modest. The unemployment rate has increased very slowly such
that Scotland now has a rate below that of the UK, whereas at the start
of the recession the unemployment rate in Scotland was the second
highest in Great Britain. Although Scotland is now one of the strongest
regions in the UK, it is still likely to face rising unemployment for
much of 1993, but the unemployment rate in Scotland is expected to
remain significantly below that of the UK.
Northern Ireland has, not surprisingly, been found to be a relatively
independent region, but it is still expected to rely on quite a strong
recovery elsewhere before being able to undergo a sustainable recovery.
It has faced by far the smallest percentage increase in unemployment in
the last couple of years, and only quite modest increases are expected
over the next few months. A turn around in unemployment is likely
towards the middle of 1993, probably following soon after a downturn in
the other Northern regions.
4.3 The longer-term outlook
The initial recovery is expected to come from the Northern English
regions and Wales and is probably already under way. A stronger and more
sustained turnaround is expected in the South from the middle of next
year. As interest rates come down, the pressures on debt repayment will
be eased and ultimately this will lead to higher consumption.
Low interest rates mean that the fall in unemployment from the end of
1993 is likely to be largest in the South East. Combined with the
expected growth in employment, particularly in Business Services and
Distribution, the prospects for unemployment in the second half of the
decade are rather better in the South East than the other regions. By
the end of the decade unemployment is likely to fall to around 2.5
million in the UK. Nearly a half of the fall will be from the South
Unemployment is expected to rise above 3 million in 1993 with the
largest rises likely to be in the South East. The Northern regions, in
contrast, will face a relatively early turn round with recovery already
in progress in some regions and only moderate rises in unemployment
expected in the next six months. The Central regions are expected to
follow the middle ground broadly reflecting the recovery experienced in
the UK as a whole.
In the medium term the South East is expected to experience the
largest falls in unemployment, although unemployment will remain high in
all regions. It no longer seems a question of there being a North-South
divide in terms of regional unemployment. But we must now consider high
unemployment as a national problem with deep seated roots.
(1) The various employment categories for the three regions are not
estimated, but are approximated by weighting total regional employment
by the proportion of national employment in each category. For example,
male employment in region i, M|E.sub.i~, is approximated by total
employment in region i, |E.sub.i~, multiplied by the proportion of male
employment in the UK, PME, i.e. M|E.sub.i~ = |E.sub.i~.PME.
Gregg, P. (1992), 'Out for the Count--A social scientist's
analysis of unemployment statistics in the UK', National Institute
Discussion Paper No. 25.
Gregg, P. and Wilkinson, D. (1992), 'A regional model of
unemployment: a technical report', (forthcoming).
Jackman, R. and Savouri, S. (1991), 'Regional Wage determination
in Great Britain', CEP Discussion Paper No. 47.
Layard, R. Nickell, S. and Jackman, R. (1991), Unemployment:
Macroeconomic Performance and the Labour Market, Oxford University
Pain, N. (1992), 'The aftermath of 'Black Wednesday':
the economic impact of the sterling devaluation and the base rate
cut', National Institute Briefing Note No. 3.
Philpott, J. (1990), 'A solution to long-term unemployment: the
job guarantee', London: Employment Institute.
Pissarides, C. and McMaster, I. (1990), 'Regional migration,
wages and Unemployment: empirical evidence and implications for
policy', Oxford Economic Papers No. 42 pp. 812-31.
Pissarides, C. and Wadsworth, J. (1989), 'Unemployment and the
inter-regional mobility of labour', Economic Journal, vol. 99, pp.