Productivity, machinery and skills: clothing manufacture in Britain and Germany.
Steedman, Hilary ; Wagner, Karin
1. Introduction This is the third in a series of comparisons of
matched manufacturing plants in Britain and Germany which examine
productivity differences between the two countries. The two previous
comparisons were based on matched plants in metalworking and woodworking
(kitchen furniture) and concentrated on the contribution to productivity
differences of machinery and skill-training. In brief, the comparisons
pointed to the over-riding role of greater skill-training in Germany in
leading to a better quality product, to the selection and proper
utilisation of more advanced machinery, and to fewer breakdowns in
production. Though woodworking requires less precision--and might seem
to require less technical skill--than metalworking, the differences
mentioned were equally clear in both studies. The conclusion drawn is
that, in today's world of international competition, efficient
production even of technically unsophisticated products, benefits from
technically advanced machinery operated by a workforce with a high level
of skills. Moreover, high levels of skill were in fact a precondition for the successful selection of appropriate machinery and its efficient
Do similar conclusions hold for yet 'simpler' industries?
The manufacture of clothing seemed a suitable next step in this inquiry.
The basic sewing machine is relatively cheap, has shown only modest
technological advances, and basic operations can rapidly be mastered
even by school leavers. Advances in communications--fast electronic
transmission of information for example, of garment specifications--have
also simplified and speeded production in distant countries for European
markets. In contrast to furniture, clothing is relatively light and
cheap to transport and store. Virtually in consequence, this industry in
both Britain and Germany has been subject to severe competition from
developing low-wage countries, and employment has contracted in both
countries by around one third in the past decade. But it continues to
be a considerable employer, of about the same size in both countries: in
1986 it employed 230,000 in Great Britain and 220,000 in Germany, of
whom some 80 per cent in both countries were female. The industry
accounts for as many as 11 and 8 per cent of female employees in all
manufacturing in Britain and Germany.
Germany has not enjoyed the traditional pre-eminence in men's
tailoring that Britain has, nor has Germany a tradition of design flair
in women's clothing as have France and Italy. Wage-levels,
together with greater social on-costs, are between 50 and 100 per cent
higher in Germany than in Britain, and present a greater problem for
Germany in competition on the world market than for Britain. The German
clothing industry thus faces even more severed handicaps than the
British in seeking to adapt and survive in the face of competition from
producers in developing countries. Nevertheless in the past decade it
has achieved outstanding success in women's outerwear.
The wider issues relating to comparative advantage and disadvantage
of advanced industrialized countries in the production of clothing have
been thoroughly explored and analysed in a number of recent
publications. While much evidence has been accumulated on comparative
disadvantage of advanced industrialised countries in clothing
production, it is still far from clear that advanced industrialised
countries cannot identify a profitable niche on domestic and
international markets. We therefore considered that a useful aim for
our own study would be to compare the strategies and performance of two
advanced industrialised countries each with a declining but still
sizeable clothing industry. The two countries compared share a number
of the factors contributing to comparative disadvantage of advanced
countries in clothing production today. Germany, however, has a more
highly-skilled workforce than Britain, which previous studies have shown
to be an important factor in raising productivity. The principal
question addressed therefore is whether, in a low-technology,
labour-intensive industry, work-force skills contribute significantly to
comparative advantage.
Compared with the previous industries in this inquiry we found
clothing firms were subject to much shorter planning
horizons--undoubtedly because of seasonal pressures, rapid fashion
changes, and the need for quick delivery. This, we believe, is the main
reason why only one in three of the firms approached were able to spare
time for our visits, compared with half in metal and two-thirds in
woodworking; the proportions were much the same in both countries. The
firms that agreed to our visits are likely to be among the more
successful in the industry, and a possible bias in our findings--perhaps
similar in both countries--needs to be kept in mind. Discussions were
also held with machinery suppliers, training institutions, trade unions,
trade associations, buyers and leading retailers and with the trade
press. These amounted to some twenty interviews in each country.
Within the limits of our resources our main visits were confined to ten
clothing manufacturers in Germany and twelve in Britain chosen with
regard to their total size of employment and their main products. In
addition, in order to obtain some idea of the 'grey economy'
in the clothing industry, we also visited a number of very small
clothing 'workshops' in Britain, producing mostly on
sub-contract; these were not however taken into account in our
productivity calculations below. To assist comparatibility, we confined
our visits to one section of the industry--that producing women's
outerwear, (coats, raincoats, jackets, suits, blouses, skirts and
dresses) which accounts for around half of all employment in clothing
manufacture in both countries; and within that branch, for the same
reason, we further confined ourselves as far as possible to those plants
producing skirts, jackets, suits and blouses. Eight out of the ten
plants visited in both Britain and Germany lay between the lower and
upper quartiles (defined in terms of total employment) for women's
outerwear plants in the two countries as recorded in the Censuses of
Production (lower quartiles of 25 and 35 employees for Britain and
Germany respectively, and upper quartiles of 280 and 200 employees;
further details are in Appendix A, table A1).
The order of discussion in the remainder of this paper is as
follows. The next section describes differences between the two
countries in the quality of the goods produced and differences in
productivity. We then, in section 3, discuss the domestic and
international markets for British and German products and recent
reaction to competition from low-wage countries. Section 4 describes
differences between the countries in machinery and maintenance.
Provision for training and the main vocational qualifications for the
clothing industry in the two countries are described in section 5,
together with effects--as observed on our visits--of training on
productivity; the final section provides a summary, with reference to
training needs for industries of this type in advanced industrial
2. The products, scale of production and
The value of German imports of clothing from developing countries
per head of the population is 70 per cent greater than the of British
imports. Combined with higher German labour costs, this greater
openness to developing country imports has led german clothing
manufacturers to shift to the manufacture of higher quality products.
Consequently, the German clothing industry is less dependent on
protection from cheaper imports than the British. Indeed, German experts
have assured us that they would welcome a lessening of protective
measures which would enable them to source larger quantities of garments
in low-wage countries.
These facts help to explain the major contrast observed on our
visits to British and German clothing plants in the type and qualify of
products. The successful survival of German clothing manufacture is
based not on a wider application of mass-production principles to
standard varieties, but rather on producing small batches of high
quality goods in great variety; British firms on the other hand, depend
to a very great extent on manufacturing very long runs of standard
items. In both countries there is an immense range of clothing
producers with individual strengths and specializations; but the
contrast just mentioned--subject to more detailed examination and
qualification below--is one of the central facts that needs to concern
us through most of this study.
The typical length of production run in women's outerwear in
Germany was 150-300 garments; in Britain, the length of run varied
greatly, but in the majority of plants visited was something like a
hundred-fold greater--in the region of 15,000 garments. In Germany such
long runs were virtually unheard of. As our study progressed we widened
our sample in Britain to include plants making medium and higher quality
garments to match those seen in Germany; four such plants were visited,
and they too manufactured in batches of some 300 garments as in Germany;
such plants were however not typical of British production. The very
long runs in Britain were destined for large High-street chain and
multiple stores which are characteristic of the British clothing market,
and more important than in Germany.
The spectrum of clothing manufacturers covers an immense range--at
the risk of caricaturing the gap between the countries, it is worth
describing in a few words the higher quality and styling of German
clothing production. Three differences may be mentioned. First, the
German product (and we refer here particularly to ladies dresses,
jackets and suits)--in order to provide shape--consists of more separate
pieces, and has more darts and tucks, to form a 'structured'
and 'tailored' garment; secondly, it is more often made of a
checked or patterned material, requiring more skill in cutting and
joining pieces together to ensure that the pattern aligns; thirdly more
decorative stitching and other detail (for example, pockets diagonally
set in) is employed to provide interest and variation. The British
garment, on the other hand, is generally made of fewer constituent pieces, it is made of plain materials, and it has less decorative
sticthing. Differences in quality of cloth and of trimmings were also
apparent, reflecting the higher-priced market for which German garments
were destined.
A high quality of workmanship is taken for granted throughout the
German clothing industry; we were told that only some dozen companies in
Britain today would have sufficient numbers of skilled employees to
undertake comparable work.
The number of garments produced per employee in the plants we
visited in the two countries varied immensely according to the type and
quality of garment--from just under one garment per employee per day for
top quality suits, to 14 a day for blouses produced in very long runs.
Taking averages of all the plants we visited in both countries, very
little difference was apparent: the British plants produced just under
five garments a day per employee while the German plants produced just
over five. These comparisons are however based on very different
qualities of product, as explained, and also on different degrees of
specialisation: in Britain most plants specialised on one product, and
it was unusual to find a plant producing several different garments
(skirts, dresses, blouses); while the typical German plant made a
variety of garments, and often aimed at producing matching coordinates.
The remarkable point is that the higher German work-content could
be incorporated in the same number of garments as produced by the
British plants but by slightly smaller numbers of employees; and that it
could be done while working with much shorter production runs. Not only
did the German plants employ fewer machinists but the ratio both of
direct and indirect workers to machinists was lower: for every one
machinist in Germany there was, on average, half an additional direct or
indirect worker, whereas in Britain there was an average of one
additional worker for every machinist. (Direct workers other than
machinists are, for example, cutters, pressers, fusers, finishers;
indirect workers are those employed, on for example, administration,
supervision, examining).
Comparisons based upon such a heterogeneous range of products are
of very limited use in providing reliable productivity indicators. We
therefore next compared average output per employee in sub-samples of
plants producing more closely comparable high-quality garments in
similar batch-sizes; in these plants, accounting for half our samples in
each country, Germany produced roughly twice as many garments per
employee as Britain. The plants omitted in this comparison were all
producing women's outerwear, but of non-comparable sorts: the
omitted German plants were making short runs or models of which the most
successful were to be subsequently copied abroad in large scale
production, while the omitted British plants were engaged in producing
long runs of standard products.
It might be expected that output per machinist in the sub-samples
of plants producing structured garments would vary very little from
country to country since this is the most labour-intensive part of the
production process and there are limits beyond which machining speeds
cannot be increased. We recorded an average of 40 per cent greater
output per machinist in the sub-sample of German matched plants, but the
variability of our samples, particularly of the British sample, was too
great to attach statistical significance to this (a more detailed
analysis is presented in section 5 below.)
In this inquiry we have not visited plants in the clothing industry
apart from those making women's outerwear; the impression we gained
was that it was particularly in this branch of the industry that the
Germans had made great strides. For the clothing industry as a whole,
statistics gathered for the Censuses of Production suggest a German
productivity advantage of some 20 per cent, equivalent to half that in
manufacturing as a whole. The calculations for this industry based on
the Census of Production are subject to serious technical reservation as
explained in Appendix B.
In summarising the situation in the women's outerwear section
of the industry in the two countries, one may simplify by distinguishing
just two types of garmet: mass-produced standardised garments, and
higher quality styled garments produced in small batches. In the former
there is virtually complete specialisation by country: Germany produces
virtually none of this type and, if it did try to produce them at its
higher wage-level, they would be uncompetitive. Britain continues to
produce standardised items at higher productivity levels despite, as we
shall see in the next section, competition from low-wage countries.
Higher quality garments, on the other hand, continue to be produced in
both countries; but Germany seems to have developed highly successful
methods of production which are not apparently matched in typical plants
in Britain.
3. The clothing market and specialisation
In order to arrive at a view of the longer-term prospects for the
clothing industry in both Britain and Germany, and of appropriate
strategies for workforce training in this industry, we need to
understand (a) why British companies concentrate on producing long runs
of relatively standard garments in contrast to Germany's shorter
runs of money highly-styled garments; and (b) how competition from
low-wage countries is likely to affect the viability of these two types
of production. We therefore next consider the main differences in the
structure of retailing in Britain and Germany, the growth of foreign
trade, and the role of the Multi-Fibre Arrangement which controls
imports from low-wage countries.
In both Britain and Germany there has been a long-term move within
retailing towards centralised buying and centralised ordering from
manufacturers. The five largest enterprises (companies together with
their subsidiaries) now sell 30 per cent of all clothing retailed in
Britain, of which Marks and Spencer accounts for some 16 per cent. In
Germany, C & A alone account for 11 per cent of all sales, and other
multiple outlet companies sell a further 10 per cent of all clothing.
At the other end of the size-scale, we know that a small independent
retailers account for only a quarter of all clothing sales in Britain,
compared to a half in Germany. The tendency towards concentration has
probably gone further in Britain than in Germany, and continues to grow.
Nevertheless, and even in Britain, retailing of clothes is highly
competitive and the large firms are the most aggressive.
The 'multiple outlet' or 'chain stores' sell
under their own brand-name on the basis of contracts with manufacturers
for goods made to their (the retailers') own price and
specifications; the latter include not only appearance and type of
cloth, but may include detailed technicalities of stitching,
reinforcement, and packaging. Multiple retailers reap economies of
scale in marketing by selling the same garment from the many outlets
controlled by a single retailing business. Production economies are
more important: such contracts usually involve manufacturers in
large-batch production, and infrequent style changes. It encourages
automation; and permits the use of a labour force with only a few
specialised skills. Combined with levels of wages in Britain which are
low relative to other EC countries, British producers have bee able to
complete so far with foreign suppliers from low-wage countries for
contracts from multiple retailers. Many large and medium-sized British
clothing manufacturers have abandoned, or drastically reduced,
production of goods sold under the manufacturer's label, in
exchange for the greater security but lower margins of contract-clothing
production sold under the retailer's label.
Because of their much higher labour costs, German manufacturers
have not found it possible to follow this policy; only a small part of
the contract-clothing orders of the German multiples is now produced in
Germany, and large-batch production for this market takes place in the
Far East and other low-cost countries. The notable difference between
Germany and Britain in this respect is that clothing sourced in low-wage
countries for Germany tends to be produced under contract to German
clothing manufacturers, and often under their technical supervision;
whereas for the British market clothing sourced in low-wage countries is
produced under contract to retailers.
Average unit values of production and foreign
It would be an over-simplification to assume that price is the
factor which determines comparative advantage in all segments of the
clothing market. While clothing at the bottom end of the market is
highly price-elastic, at the middle and top end of the market it is
relatively price-inelastic and fashion elements arising from cooperation
between skilled designers and technicians can confer advantage.
Research in Germany into the clothing industry has identified
'closeness to markets' and 'market-feeling' as
important advantages enjoyed by clothing industries in advanced
industrial countries, meaning that these industries can identify and
respond more rapidly to changing fashion trends in their own and
surrounding countries than can a far-Eastern low-wage country.
Both Germany, and Britain are successful in exporting women's
outerwear of higher quality (judged by average unit values) than they
import. However, the Germans enjoy greater success in exporting goods
of high value; for example, in 1986 the average dress exported from
Germany sold (wholesale) at 23 pounds sterling and the average
ladies' suit at 38 pounds sterling, compared to 9 pounds sterling
and 13 pounds sterling respectively for British exports. In addition,
the average unit values of British exports in 1985 were only one third
higher than the corresponding imports whereas the German goods sold for
over twice as much as their corresponding import item.
Higher German prices did not result in German exporters selling
less: the total value of German exports of ladies outerwear was double
that of British exports. German companies manufacturing ladies
outerwear also succeeded in exporting a larger protortion of their home
production than did the British--40 per cent of the German production
was exported compared to 20 per cent for Britain.
Both the German and British clothing industries are exposed to
considerable imports of clothing and textiles from non-industrialised
countries; in Germany imports of clothing now (1987) constitute 60 per
cent of retail sales, in Britain the figure is 36 per cent. For more
than 20 years textile and clothing imports to developed countries have
been controlled by a system of 'voluntary' restraints on
low-wage developing countries with large textile and clothing industries
the latter countries limit their exports to developed countries to
quotas fixed under the so-called MultiFibre Arrangement (see note (18)
for details). These quotas have grown, by negotiated agreement, by some
1-2 per cent a year; their object has thus been to slow down the impact
of foreign competition on domestic producers at the cost of the domestic
consumer who has been saddled with higher clothing prices. German
clothing manufacturers, with their higher wage-levels and higher social
on-costs, have been unable to compete with developing low-wage countries
in the production of standard garments; but the German clothing industry
has been able to retain--and strengthen--its position in high fashion
garments produced in small batches and, as we have seen, almost a half
of this production is exported.
Wherever possible, German manufacturers have sought to retain
quality-control over imports to the German market, and some 30 per cent
of German clothing imports are produced in low-wage countries to the
detailed design and under the technical supervison of German clothing
manufacturers. In having garments made up outside Germany,
manufacturers may take advantage of arrangements permitted under the MFA
for outward processing of garments; material of EEC origin is supplied
(either cut or on the roll) to manufacturers abroad and import duty is
paid only on the value added to the garments in the making-up process--in 1985 outward-processed goods constituted a nominal 16 per
cent of women's outerwear imports into Germany. If German
manufacturers do not choose to use outward processing or if outward
processing quotas are already full, material is sourced outside Germany
and the garments are made up abroad--as for outward processing--to
German design and patterns and under the supervision of German
technicians sent out by the German manufacturer.
Outward processing and other forms of clothing production and
supervised manufacturer outside Germany but under German supervision
mean that the most highly-skilled German employees--designers,
pattern-makers, highly skilled machinists (for models and sample runs),
technical supervisors--are retained in employment in Germany despite
foreign competition; and that the product precisely matches German
marketing requirements. There is no significant loss of quality in
garments produced abroad, since this is guaranteed by the technical
supervisor employed by the German company and 'stationed' on
site in the producing country with total responsibility for standards of
production and delivery to time. However, machining times and reject
rates fro goods made abroad will usually be higher than for goods made
in Germany. This difference is more than compensated by lower
Most outward processing takes place in countries only 1-2
days' drive from Germany, for example in Poland and Jugoslavia.
Lead times for garments produced in the Far East would, of course, be
longer than for garments produced in adjacent countries (freight
forwarding by sea takes six weeks from the Far East). Total production
costs are significantly lower (for example, in Jugoslavia a clothing
item would cost about 20 per cent less to make than in Germany). Since
quality is not sacrificed by the outward processing arrangement, German
companies producing in this way have been able to retain their
traditional domestic market share, and increase their share of export
markets while lowering the cost of production. German clothing
manufacture has benefited from these arrangements which have enabled
them to make use of their stocks of highly skilled supervisors and
technicians in a unique way.
British clothing manufacturers have responded to competition from
low-wage countries in very different ways. Many have abandoned or
severely reduced production under their own label and have increasingly
relied upon long-run contracts from major retailers. These contracts are
normally for standard items (shirts, straight skirts, underwear); and
British producers have been able to compete with low-wage countries by
extensive automation. Pressure from imports of these items keeps
manufacturers' margins low and makes them vulnerable to
exchange-rate fluctuations and rises in British wage levels. Very few
British manufacturers engage in outward processing, nor do British
manufactuers engage in the import of clothing manufactured abroad; the
reason given is that detailed technical control of production is
difficult enough when it takes place 'under your own nose,
here'; and to attempt it abroad would be foolhardly--as some have
found to their cost. Imports of clothing are normally arranged by
specialist wholesaling/importing companies with no manufacturing
activities in Britain, or directly by large retailers. This difference
in British practice is the result, we believe, of lack of a stock of
technician-level skills in pattern-making and production control.
4. Machinery and production organisation
New Technology
The industrial sewing machine is a more robust and more
specialized version of the domestic sewing machine, capable of higher
machining speeds and usually with top and underbed feed (moving top and
bottom layers of material through the machine), automatic thread-cutting
and a choice of whether to stop the needle in a raised or lowered
position. More recent machines have the advantage of microprocessor controls with a wider range of functions, for example, programmable seam length, stitch-counting, thread-trimming and edge-sensing facilities.
The use of more complex advanced technology by clothing
manufacturers varies according to whether the garment is likely to be
frequently and substantially modified in response to fashion. For almost
completely standardized items of clothing produced in very long
runs--for example, men's shirts, underwear and workwear, and
women's lingerie--many basic sewing operations will rarely change.
As a result, these manufacturers can introduce a considerable degree of
automation; in the production of men's shirts or women's
underwear, for example, it is cost-effective for the manufacturer to
purchase special machinery. In Britain we were able to visit a plant
producing men's shirts where much semi-automatic dedicated
machinery was used, and where many operator's jobs consisted of no
more than feeding the cut pieces into their machines where the pieces
were automatically aligned and machined. In Germany production using
semi-automatic machinery has disappeared. Manufacturers visited in
Germany who had produced shirts using such machinery in the 1970s, had
now replaced it with conventional sewing machines and were producing
small batches of high-fashion men's shirts and ladies' blouses
to tight delivery dates, relying on the skills of the machinist to
switch rapidly from one style to another.
For manufacture verging on mass-production, a mechanical or manual
overhead switch-track system may be worth installing for moving garments
from one work-station to the next. Garment production on this scale
benefits less from the introduction of costly computer-controlled
grading (the adaptation of the dimensions of the pattern for different
sizes of garment), computer-controlled lay planning or marker making
(the arrangement of component pattern pieces in the most cost-effective
configuration to save cloth) and computer-controlled cutting equipment,
since patterns remain the same for long periods.
Producers of women's outerwear, on the other hand, are
increasingly required to respond quickly to changes in fashion, and to
demand for small batches; computer-controlled equipment which handles
grading and lay planning is increasingly used by those manufacturers
which produce a large number of styles each season. Frequent changes of
fashion mean that in women's outerwear few of the major machining
operations, which contribute to the style of the garments, are
standardised; but some standard operations benefit from specialised
equipment--for example, overlocking of seams, the sewing of buttons and
buttonholes, fusing of interlinings and certain pressing operations.
Even with such specialised equipment these processes cannot be automated to a very great extent since the pliant nature of the material requires
that the machinist handle the material correctly for each operation
(unlike steel and wood it cannot be pushed through the machine; and
pulling it through can lead to stretching and distortion). By and
large, for this type of manufacture the industrial sewing machine
remains the basic tool, and flexibility comes from the skill and
versatility of the operator, rather than from the automation of the
Computerised grading and lay planning equipment was found as
frequently in the British companies visited as in the German companies,
despite the fact that the German production was more suited to such
equipment. German companies had a sufficient supply of skilled lay
planners and graders, and introduced the 'new technology' only
when it could be clearly shown to be cost-effective, for example, when a
company produced around 2,000 different styles a year; otherwise a
manual system of lay planning has been retained (preferable when checked
material--much favoured by German designers--is being used), or a
specialised company providing a computerised grading and lay planning
service is used. The British companies all mentioned lack of skills and
the need to obtain more accurate results as the main reasons for
installing such equipment.
Both German and British manufacturers of women's outerwear had
reservations about investing in dedicated machinery--for example, for
setting-in pockets or sewing on shoulder-pads--since these could not
deal with a sufficient variety of garment styles. Such machines were to
be found only infrequently in both countries. Computer-controlled
garment-movement systems--as distinct from mechanically-controlled
conveyor systems--were not found in any of the plants visited either in
Britain or in Germany (though used in the USA, the US manufacturer of
the leading system had not, at the time of our visits, installed this
system in any European plant manufacturing ladies outerwear).
Our overall impression was that there was no marked difference
between the two countries in investment in and utilisation of new
technology; but there were notable differences in the age of machinery
and its national origins.
Age of machinery
On average, about three-quarters of all machinery used in the
British firms we visited was more than five years old. As mentioned
above, recent investment had been principally in the grading and cutting
areas (introduced to meet retailers' demands for greater
reliability in sizing), but the renewal of the stock of sewing and
pressing equipment had not been given priority. In Germany, about
three-quarters of all machinery in the plants visited was less than five
years old (in two of the plants, 90 per cent of all machinery had been
renewed within the last two years). The view of machinery suppliers was
that higher German wage-levels ensured a more rapid pay-off for German
manufacturers who invest in new machinery. The saving would be not only
in labour costs of machinists, but also of maintenance mechanics because
maintenance requirements for new machinery would be lower than for old
National origin of machinery
Despite a long tradition of clothing production in Britain, it was
already clear in a survey published 30 years ago that machinery in the
British clothing industry was predominantly of foreign origin. As far as
we could see, the position has not changed.
Virtually none of the sewing machines and other mechanical and
electronic equipment used in the clothing plants we visited (in either
Britain or Germany) was of British origin. Sewing, pressing and bagging
equipment seen in Britain was almost exclusively of Japanese, German or
Italian origin. German producers visited relied heavily upon one major
German manufacturer (Pfaff) of sewing equipment. Computer-controlled
grading and cutting equipment was of French or American origin. The
only British-made sewing machine--the Singer, a firm which employed
23,000 at its peak and had a strong position in the British market for
over fifty years--ceased production in 1979.
Thus the British clothing industry faces the same absence of
machinery of British origin as noted in our previous study of furniture
manufacturing. The failure of British machinery manufacturers to
develop modern machinery was 'explained' in that study by the
historical fact that the present-day raw material--chipboard--originated
and was first widely-used outside Britain. The same reason cannot be
adduced to explain the absence of clothing machinery made in Britain;
yet the same domination by foreign machinery suppliers can be observed
in clothing as in the production of fitted furniture. This surely is
evidence again of a fundamental deficiency of engineering skills in
This deficiency was evidence also in the maintenance of machinery:
a striking difference between the British and German clothing plants
visited related to the amount of machine down-time observed in the two
countries. In Britain, one or more of the more complex and major pieces
of equipment--computerised marker-cutting, bagging equipment, fusing
machinery--were not functioning correctly, or at all, in half of all
plants visited. This is similar to the proportions observed in our
samples of metal-working and furniture plants. None of the German
plants visited had breakdowns of this sort, and all major machines were
fully functioning.
The reason for a greater rate of breakdown in Britain cannot in any
obvious way be attributed to the fact that British machinery was older
since, more often than not, the problems observed in Britain arose on
recently acquired machines. More significant, we believe, was the
difference in the training of mechanics (considered in the next
Work scheduling and the organization of production
Computers were widely used in all but very small companies in both
Britain and Germany to plan production and to monitor quantities of
garments produced. The difference between the two countries lay in the
extent to which estimates of machining times, reject rates and
absenteeism--upon which production schedules were based--were realistic
and could be adhered to.
In Germany, delivery dates were given great importance and were
'invariably' met (according to the companies' own
accounts); this was the result of accurate estimates for machining times
nbased on garment engineering techniques whereby every sewing operation
is broken down into as many as 20 pretimed movements), greater
reliability of machinists (very low reject rates even for new styles),
and the responsibility carried by supervisors for ensuring that daily
production targets are met.
In Britain production deadlines caused major headaches. Great
variability in the skills of machinists made production planning more
unreliable because, as one experienced manager of a high-quality company
put it, 'You never know how the work-force is going to cope with a
new style'. Supervisors' time was largely taken up with
quality control and with teaching (and re-teaching) new operations. The
garment engineering techniques widely used in German plants were hardly
seen in Britain. Not surprisingly, German companies have acquired a
formidable reputation for keeping to promised delivery times and is
widely mentioned as an explanation of the German success in penetrating the upper end of the women's outerwear market in Britain.
5. Training for the clothing industry
Germany: apprentice training
All training for the clothing industry in Germany follows the
regulations and syllabus laid down nationally for clothing apprentices.
This training is divided into three one-year stages which are normally
followed between the ages of 15 and 18. At the end of each stage a
practical and a written examination (externally marked) must be passed
before the apprentice can move to the next stage. About two-thirds of
trainees follow a two-year course, and the remaining third completes a
thirdy year.
The British City and Guilds Clothing Craft examinations (course
460), Parts I, II and III, correspond closely to the three German stages
in level of practical skills required; the British written tests at
Parts I and II tackle a wider number of topics (pattern-making, cutting)
than the German tests for machinists (Bekleidungsnaher), but there are
other specialised courses in Germany for cutters and finishers. In
1986, some 6,000 trainees passed clothing examinations at Stage I in
Germany, eleven times as many as in Britain; at Stages II and III the
Germans are ahead by a factor of thirteen (5,000 passes at Stage II in
1986 in Germany compared to 400 at City and Guilds Part II in Britain;
1,600 passed in Germany 1986 at Stage III compared to 120 in Britain at
City and Guilds Part III level).
The sample of German plants we visited were training on average
nearly three times as many young people as in the British sample
(including YTS trainees in the British total). All the German trainees
were following two or three-year apprenticeship courses and spent the
whole of their two-year training period in a separate apprentice
section; most were employed at a wage (trainee allowance) which is about
one third of the adult rate (a small number were supported financially
by the local Labour Office, Arbeitsamt). A small proportion (9 per
cent) of all those in first-year apprentice training for clothing in
Germany were previously unemployed ('unplaceable' on a
training scheme, usually because of low school attainments). These
trainees were nevertheless expected to follow the same syllabus and take
the same examinations as 'regular" apprentices. Such pupils
often experience difficulties (1/20 failed the first year examinations),
but the staff 'just keep on teaching them until they get it
right'. Few of these pupils proceed beyond the two-year course.
One German employer with whom we spoke took 'Abitur',
'regular' and 'unplaceable' trainees in equal
proportions and found that the 'brighter ones helped the slower
ones along'. It is instructive to compare this approach with that
adopted in Britain in clothing and other occupations where YTS
'trainees' are regarded as of low capabilities, and not
expected (nor encouraged) to reach standards aimed at by 'real
apprentices'. The Clothing Industry Training Board (CAPITB)
estimate that only 10 per cent of their current 8,000 YTS trainees are
'capable of higher development', that is, could follow a City
and Guilds college-based course. About 14 per cent of the German
trainees in the third year of training were A-level (Abitur) entrants
whose aim was to obtain an apprenticeship training as the first
requirement on the road towards a management career in the industry.
Britain: the Youth Training Scheme
All the young trainees in British companies visited had been
recruited through the Youth Training Scheme (YTS) which since 1986,
offers two years of training to 16 year-old entrants and one year to 17
year-old entrants. Some 5,000 new recruits entered the clothing
industry via the YTS scheme in 1986--which is not far short of the
number qualifying in Germany at the end of their first year. Most of
the companies we visited would have taken on more YTS trainees if they
had been available; in most areas of the country, numbers of young
people opting for the YTS scheme in the clothing industry are
insufficient to meet the demand by employers who are therefore allocated
a 'ration' by the local careers office in order to share young
trainees out fairly. The net financial benefits to employers from the
YTS wage-subsidy of 27.50 pounds sterling per week in the first year
appear to have been positive (no YTS trainees in their second year were
observed in our sample).
The formal training programme set out by the Clothing Industry
Training Board for YTS trainees is purely advisory and trainees are not
at present assessed against its objectives. Length and type of
off-the-job training may therefore vary from company to company.
Most larger companies train inexperienced machinists for six weeks
away from the main production line in a separate department. In the
case of YTS trainees, this six weeks of off-the-job training counts
towards the total period of 13 weeks of off-the-job training required by
MSC in the first year of YTS as a condition for its wage-subsidy.
Practice in many larger companies is to bring YTS trainees onto the
shop-floor after six weeks training and to give them
'employed' trainee status, that is pay the rate for their age
(about 60 per cent of adult gross pay, and about twice the YTS allowance
of 27.50 pounds sterling per week). In companies producing for the
higher end of the quality-range, YTS trainees were kept in full-time
training for 3-9 months, and paid the YTS allowance plus a small
additional allowance. In these companies, shortages of skilled
machinists, and the need to use the skills of YTS trainees, were the
main reasons given for not providing a longer period of off-the-job
training. In very small companies with one or two trainees, the young
person was trained by moving from one machine to another. An important
ancillary benefit claimed by employers to whom we spoke has been a
reduction in labour-turnover among YTS trainees in comparison with young
people recruited through previous channels.
Benefits to the young people concerned have so far been less than
might have been hoped by those familiar with German and other
Continental countries' systems of training. For some, YTS in
practice has meant no more than an afternoon a week spent writing up the
'trainee's log book', and an occasional two-day course on
computer-literacy or life-skills; others, in companies with
well-organised training departments, have benefited from well-structured
training provision. Only 5 per cent of YTS trainees in the firms we
visited were enrolled on City and Guilds 460 Clothing Craft Courses;
other firms complained that there were no suitable courses available in
nearby colleges.
New vocational qualifications
MSC policy since 1986 has required all YTS trainees to be given the
opportunity to work for a recognised vocational qualification; this has
led the industry's statutory training board to develop new
qualifications called 'Clothing Skills Awards'. These conform
to the National Council for Vocational Qualifications (NCVQ) insistence
on 'employer-led competence'. For these awards trainees are
assessed in the workplace on whether they can perform a specified range
of basic sewing operations to a required standard. For each operation
successfully performed they receive a credit which counts toward a
vocational qualification. The assessment is carried out by the
trainee's supervisor. No wider understanding or technical
knowledge is required. As the CAPITB 'information for
trainees' states, 'To get a qualification you do not have to
sit exams or do any written tests'.
It is a remarkable testimony to the modesty of Britain's
ambitions to improve training that around two-thirds of the practical
skills that YTS trainees are expected to take two years to master, must
be mastered by the German trainees within the first two months of their
training course; the remaining third of the skills required for the
'Clothing Skills Awards' would be acquired by the German
trainees by the end of their first six months of training. It is of
only limited comfort to learn that the very simple operations which are
required for the Clothing Skills Awards constitute a range of
competences far wider than that which would normally be acquired by a
British machinist in the course of (non YTS) training. The
'advance' represented by the Clothing Skills Awards highlights
the sad gap between the skills of the average British machinist--often
capable of only one set of sewing operations--and the German machinist
who must learn to make several complete garments during the training
The agreement reached in this industry on ways of assessing and
grading an operator's basic skills represents a step forward and,
subject perhaps to better arrangements for ensuring reliable assessment,
can provide a useful measure of the level of a machinist's
competence. To call such assessment and grading a 'vocational
qualification', with all that this term has previously implied in
this country and continues to imply on the Continent--that is the
broadening and deepening of specific technical knowledge and
understanding--appears to us fundamentally mistaken; such low standards
may even discourage others--with higher ambitions--from seeking to
obtain any vocational qualifications at all in this industry.
The optimal use of the initial training period
On past trends there is every likelihood that some of those at
present employed in the clothing industry will eventually need to seek
work in a different occupational sector. Training which helps to raise
general educational standards, and enables trainees to acquired broad
technical knowledge and understanding, would provide the base for a more
flexible and better informed vocational development; and it would ease
the transition--should it be necessary--to other forms of skilled
employment. In short: in an industry with contracting employment
opportunities the limited years which a young person has available for
training must be fully used to acquired broad competences, and it is a
grave error of social policy for young people to be channelled towards
training in an unduly narrow range of practical operations.
The German clothing industry benefits to an important degree from
the statutory requriement that young people continue in vocational
education for at least one day a week until they reach the age of 18.
This requirement combines with strong cultural and social pressures on
young people in Germany to acquire skilled status (Fachmann = craftsman
having a 'trade') through an initial period of serious
training; various restrictions on the employment of young people under
the age of 18 ensure that those young people who do not continue in
full-time education after 15 or 16 have virtually no choice but to
undertake a course of training before entering full-time employment.
German trainees, once they have embarked on a two or three-year training
course with an employer, are therefore unlikely to be tempted away by
another employer in this or in a different occupational sector offering
higher wages until they have completed their training period and
achieved skilled-worker certification. The two or three-year training
period that this arrangement ensures, allows trainees to benefit from
the development of their general education and general technical
knowledge, as well as acquiring a considerable degree of mastery of
their specific occupation. This lengthy and thorough training period
ensures that, at later stages, German manufacturers need spend only
minimal amounts of time retraining adult employees (at full adult wages)
and that German machinists are able to assume responsibilities (for
example for quality control) which in Britain must be undertaken by a
separate category of supervisory employee.
As mentioned above (page 47), German trainees in the clothing
industry are paid about one third of the adult wage; in Britain most
trainees in this industry have 'employed YTS' status and
receive approximately half the adult rate. Once the YTS wage subsidy is
discounted, however, the net cost of the YTS trainee to the employer
amounts to a similar proportion of the adult wage (one third) as in
Why does the British employer not take advantage of the two-year
YTS wage subsidy to train recruits to the same level as German trainees,
and thus minimise the long and costly retraining of adult workers on
full adult pay that is the inevitable sequel to short initial training
periods? The reasons lie partly in the low expectations of the majority
of manufacturers--as exemplified in the Clothing Skills Awards
(p.48)--and partly in the short-sightedness ('imperfect telescopic faculty') of young people working in an unrestricted labour market.
YTS trainees and other new recruits frequently leave for jobs with other
companies at higher (piece) rates of pay. This puts pressure on
employers of YTS trainees (in order to retain them) to maximise their
pay by allowing them to specialise on one operation where they can earn
high rates of pay through piece work--clearly incompatible with broad
and thorough training. The consequence is that the training period is
not utilised to the full long-term advantage of either trainee or
employer, and subsequent costly retraining of adult employees becomes
inevitable. Retraining of adult employees to cope with new styles is
not only costly in terms of lost production and supervisory cost but,
according to British firms visited, was a contributory cause of labour
turnover; machinists with a limited range of skills find that their
earnings decrease when they are moved from a familiar operation where
they have built up high speeds (over very long runs of garments) and
received high piece-rate payments; confronted with a new operation which
must be learnt from the beginning (with a consequent fall in earnings)
many are discouraged and leave for work in another company within the
clothing industry or in another occupation. The costs and difficulties
arising from extensive retraining of adult workers underline the need to
find ways of making the very best use of the initial training period and
of the financial help at present available to companies.
Effects of training of machinists on productivity
Clothing production has been classified by economists as an
industry with low skill-intensity. However, the measures of
skill-intensity used in much of the economic literature are derived from
measures of the percentage of the work-force classified as professional
and higher technical workers and takes no account of the skills of the
bulk of the work-force. We observed important differences in
machinists' skills in the two countries which help to explain how
the German machinists could match British productivity levels while
producing higher quality and working on a wider variety of styles.
In the German firms we visited, some 80 per cent of all machinists
had completed a full two-year apprenticeship; it is astonishing that not
a single British firm was able to point to a single machinist with a
similar (City and Guilds Part II) training. In the course of their two
or three-year training the German machinists had mastered the whole
range of operations required for garment making; consequently, when a
new style was to be made they needed only a short time (an average of
two days) to reach 100 per cent speeds. Their training had also enabled
them to work directly from technical sketches when tackling a new
operation, although they might ask the supervisor's advice on
difficult points from time to time. British companies must normally try
to remedy skill-deficiencies by on-the-job training of machinists, and
each new operation may cost the employer a week or more of the
employee's production and the part of the supervisor's time
spent on training. Only a small minority of machinists in the British
plants visited had mastered more than a few basic operations during
their shorter training; not surprisingly, much longer periods (several
weeks on average) were required to reach 100 per cent production levels
on a new style. Only a few highly experienced model-makers could work
directly from technical sketches; but for the overwhelming majority,
supervisors needed to demonstrate new operations to machinists, and to
provide continuous assistance until the operation was mastered.
Supervisors and passers
One our visits to British plants there was often someone--usually
the supervisor--teaching a new operation or engaged in unpicking faulty work. We never saw any unpicking of faulty work on our German visits
(this is not to say that it never occurred, but probably much less
frequently). Consequently the number of controllers or supervisors
required in Germany is less than in Britain. In the German firms we
visited, the number of quality-control ('passers') to check
machinists' work was less than a third of that in Britain (one
'passer' for 23 machinists compared with one for 7). There
was also a difference in the number of supervisors--one for two dozen
machinists in Germany compared with one for a dozen in Britain. Taking
supervisors and passers together, there was one for each twelve
machinists in Germany, and one for each five machinists in Britain.
These differences are not of over-riding magnitude, but they
clearly indicate the greater reliability of the work of the trained
German operative, noticed also in the industries we have previously
examined. 'Right first time' production depends on the extent
to which operators can themselves--without help--recognise quality
problems. The more thorough training of the German operatives enables
quality problems to be identified and eliminated before they start to
affect output in a serious way. A detailed recent British case study of
production of ladies' blouses concluded that lost production
resulting from failure to identify a problem early in production
increased direct labour costs by 25 per cent.
All the German supervisors in our sample had completed a three-year
apprenticeship and an additional course in work-study. Those with
Meister qualifications were not normally found at this level but at the
next level up (technician) engaged in work planning or production
management. Nine out of ten of the British supervisors had no formal
vocational qualifications whatsoever: as usual in British industry,
experience was a sufficient criterion. The British supervisor's
main responsibility was to ensure a continuous flow of work for a line
of operatives, to correct sewing faults and to teach new operations.
The German supervisor must not only ensure a continuous flow of work,
but also has responsibility for cost control and production
organization; the supervisor must ensure that her line produces to
pre-determined cost limits for each style of garment and that delivery
dates are met. The supervisor works from a technical sketch and breaks
the style down into different sewing operations before assigning one or
more operations to each machinist. She then monitors the performance of
the line using work-study methods and makes changes where necessary to
balance production. Training of machinists and supervisors to higher
levels of competence reduces the number of staff needed at intermediate
levels concerned specifically with quality control, work study and
production organization; it helps to explain the smaller numbers of
indirect workers found in the German plants.
Technicians and technical qualifications of
Clothing technicians are employed by German firms for making
('engineering') production patterns to minimise cloth wastage,
for simplifying sewing operations without loss of styling features, and
for planning the sequencing of production. One manager reckoned to save
12 per cent of his total production cost by skilful planning by
technicians. In most German firms the sequence of garment production
was planned by technicians at the beginning of the season in order to
minimise sudden style changes, and thus enable machinists to maintain a
good rate of production. These skills of pre-production planning are
complementary to the skills of the machinists and supervisors described
above; they reduce the number of machining operations required to
produce a garment and contribute to machinists' productivity; taken
together, they help to account for the productivity gap between Britain
and Germany in output per machinist. Though German companies employ
fewer indirect staff than the British, a higher percentage are
technically qualified to a level equivalent to BTEC Higher Diploma or to
degree level.
Total numbers in Britain obtaining advanced qualifications in
clothing technology are small in relation to the size of the industry.
In 1986, 100 obtained a BTEC Higher National award and around 150
obtained degree or degree-equivalent qualifications from universities
and polytechnics and other institutions of higher education. This
compares with 850 a year at similar levels in Germany. There are signs
that the need for skills at this level is now more widely recognised
both by retailers and manufacturers in Britain. Virtually all students
in the last year of a British polytechnic degree course in clothing
technology, which we visited, had one or more job-offers three months
before graduating.
In all the German plants visited, the owner or plant manager had
completed a three-year clothing apprenticeship; in addition, over
two-thirds had followed a two or three year full-time course in clothing
technology (at a level corresponding to our HND/BSc). It was
exceptional to find British managers with a similar level of specialist
training; most had no technical qualification specifically relating to
the clothing industry.
Clothing mechanics
In the German clothing firms we visited all the mechanics who were
servicing sewing and allied machinery had passed engineering
apprenticeship examinations, whereas in the British firms visited none
had done so. German firms regularly included the maintenance engineer
in pre-production meetings so that he could advise on production
problems likely to arise from the machinery available and make the
necessary adaptations. This practice was virtually unknown in British
plants; it might have avoided an instance quote to us of a fabric
melting when machined at high speed on an industrial machine--a problem
not picked up in pre-production trials when model garments were produced
at lower speeds.
In 1985 the response of the Clothing and Allied Products Training
Board to serious shortages of maintenance mechanics was to launch the
'Engineering 2000' project, designed to upgrade the training
of clothing mechanics by enrolling students on a specially designed BTEC
Level III course rather than on a City and Guilds 469 course. Some 75
students obtained the BTEC award in 1988, representing a step towards
raising the quality of maintenance skills in those (larger) companies
sponsoring these students. Such small numbers are unlikely to lead to a
general raising of standards of maintenance in the clothing
industry--described to us by the British agent for a leading machinery
supplier as 'a very serious problem indeed'.
6. Summary and discussion
Our central object in this series of comparisons of manufacturing
plants in Britain and Germany has been to elucidate the effects on
productivity of better machinery and better training in different types
of industry. Our previous comparisons were based on matched plants in
metalworking and woodworking industries; for the present study we chose
clothing as an apparently simpler industry, which relies on little more
than the familiar sewing machine and on a workforce which--it might be
thought--does not need extensive training. In three important respects
our findings echo those in our previous comparisons, and perhaps stand
out even more clearly.
Quality of product
The German producers have moved into products with higher
value-added--produced in small batches with more styling and more
detail--and have virtually abandoned the production of long runs of
simpler standardised styles to low-wage countries. Most British
producers were still producing long runs of simpler styles, and so far
were competing successfully against low-wage countries. It is
remarkable that average German products exported from this section of
the industry (women's jackets and suits) sell on export markets at
more than twice the corresponding items from Britain; and that total
German exports of women's clothing were twice the value of British
exports. It is clear that there is considerable international demand
for high quality products, and that German industry, despite very much
higher wage-levels than in Britain has been able to meet that demand
more successfully than British industry while maintaining a level of
employment similar to Britain. It was repeatedly confirmed to us that
only a small minority of British firms would be able to produce goods of
the quality produced by the typical German plant.
There was negligible British-made machinery to be seen in either
British or German plants; the last manufacturer of sewing machines in
Britain closed its doors in 1979. German clothing manufacturers used
predominantly German machinery, and much of it had recently been
renewed. The newer sewing machiens incorporated attachments and
electronic controls which allowed closer and more automatic control.
British clothing manufacturers were probably correct, we think, in
saying that the advantages of these new machines were not of great
significance in production; specialised adaptation of machines seemed to
us more important, and had been taken further in Germany, probably
because of the greater involvement of plant maintenance mechanics and
technicians in pre-production planning.
Qualifications of the workforce
Over 80 per cent of the German machinists in the plants we visited
had completed a two or three-year day-release course leading to an
examined qualification similar to our City and Guilds course for skilled
clothing employees (course no 460, part II). About ten times as many
pass such examinations each year in Germany as in Britain; in our sample
of British plants we did not come across a single machinist with such a
This was evidently a major reason for the higher output per
employee in Germany. In a fashion industry, firms such as this depend
for their success on frequent and prompt changes in style: in the German
plants we visited, trained machinists reached full production levels on
new operations more rapidly, there was a lower requirement for
fault-finders (passers and supervisors), and less unpicking of bad work.
There were similar differences between the countries at higher levels of
qualification--the skilled partternmakers, machinery technicians and
'clothing engineers'--in all of which the German firms had
access to a much greater pool of skills (roughly three and a half times
as many qualifying in Germany each year).
The Youth Training Scheme, introduced as a one-year scheme in 1983
and extended to two years in 1986, was intended to contribute to
remedying Britain's skill deficiences. On the basis of the firms
visited in this inquiry, it was very clear that so far it has been no
more than a very first step towards enabling youngsters to gain an
initial competence. The clothing industry's training board
(CAPITB) has devised a scheme of qualifications in accordance with the
government's requirements for the receipt of the YTS wage-subsidy,
but the standards to be attained at the end of the second year are below
that reached by German trainees in the first half year of their two to
three-year training course. Any follow-through to higher levels of
skill as a result of the introduction of YTS has not yet been apparent
in Britain; indeed, the number reaching City and Guilds craft standard
in clothing (course 460, Part II) has fallen in the past eight years
from 900 to 400. Shortages of skilled machinsts were endemic in the
British plants visited--one high-quality British producer wanted
'fifty machinists, now'.
The low supply of skilled operating personnel and of maintenance
skills, and the lack of British-based machinery producers, constitute
serious obstacles for those British clothing producers at present
engaged in mass production, who wish to move to more differntiated and
higher-priced products. The same skill-shortages greatly impair the
performance of the smaller number of British producers of high-quality
garments where the potential advantage conferred by low wages relative
to Germany seems to be seriously offset by a lack of skills in
production planning and 'garment engineering' and
With improvements in transport and communications, and the decline
of barriers to trade, advanced industrialised countries are likely to be
subject to increasing international pressures as industrialisation
proceeds in distant countries. While the costs and delays of transport
have fallen, their impact varies from one industry to another according
to the bulk and value of the product and the means of transported used,
and continues to determine the optimum economic location of industry.
In clothing, for example, transport costs from the Far East can be
absorbed by wage-differences if the goods are sent by sea, and provided
the delays of sea-transport are not important; but, as yet,
mass-produced clothing products cannot absorb the costs of air freight.
Consequently, runs of standard garments (such as men's shirts),
where a six-week delay in transport may not matter, can successfully be
manufactured in the Far East, but women's fashion items need to be
made nearer to the ultimate customer. It is in this very substantial
'niche' in the range of clothing products that German
producers have successfully established themselves in the past decade;
their success is undoubtedly based on their ability to exploit the
advantage of proximity to sophisticated markets using the broad range of
skilled manpower yielded by their vocational training system.
If British producers have not--in any substantial way--taken the
same path as the Germans, the reasons are evident in the lower
availability of skilled manpower and the very high cost of retraining
employees on full dult wages; no individual clothing producer can be
faulted for his decision to produce long runs of standardised garments,
and for attempting to benefit from low British wage-levels and the
growth of chain stores selling much the same goods up and down the
country. But two clouds have appeared on the British producers'
horizon, both alrerady larger than a man's hand. The first is that
as real wages rise in other industries in Britain, the British clothing
manufacturer finds it increasingly difficult to compete with low-wage
countries--in practice he cannot afford to pay the higher wages paid by
expanding neighbouring industries (for example, an expanding car
manufacturer may need more sewing machinists for car upholstery, and he
is prepared to pay much higher wages than a neighbouring clothing
manufacturer can afford to pay and meet competition). The second cloud
is that British consumers, with rising standards of living, are
increasingly turning to more highly-styled garments adn are prepared to
pay more for them; retailers in Britain are consequently forced to
challenge British clothing manufacturers to produce a greater variety of
products, or face the consequences of further imports.
If the greater unification of Europe in 1992 leads to the
replacement of individual country MFA quotas by a simple total EC quota,
associated price movements--upwards in the case of Britain--may give
British manufacturers of cheaper standardised garments a breathing space
in which to effect the transition to a more differentiated product (see
Appendix C for a more detailed analysis). In the longer term however,
the increased numbers of low-cost producers admitted to EC membership
and pressure for the liberalization (and even abolition) of the
MFA--seem likely to intensify still further the pressures on British
In assessing the broader implications of this study, it may first
be said that though international competition has had a particularly
severe impact on clothing manufacture in both Britain and Germany, it
would be mistaken to regard this industry as seriously untypical; on the
contrary, it is better to regard it as an industry from which wider
lessons are to be learnt precisely because of the clear effects of
international competition. All sectors of manufacturing industries in
advanced economies are under pressure from newly-industrialised
countries with lower wage-rates and mass-production capacity. One
proven response to this challenge, is to produce a differentiated and
evolving product to meet the great variety of specialised needs. To do
this and to take advantage of economies of batch-production, the
work-force must be highly skilled in key areas to minimise costly
retraining when product specifications change. From the three sectors
of manufacturing we have so far studied, it seems clear that the greater
part of the British workforce is insufficiently skilled, flexible and
polyvalent to be capable of meeting these challenges. More
disturbingly, current British policy-initiatives seem focused too much
on narrow skilling; we see no evidence that these policies will bring
about an increase of adequate dimension in the breadth of training that
will be required by tomorrow's industry.
We should first like to thank the clothing manufacturers,
importers, and distributors of machinery for the clothing industry, both
in Britain and Germany, whose management and staff have given such
generous amounts of time to help us with this study. In this country,
we also received valuable advice from: Mr. B Bains, Mr G Vaughan, West
Midlands Clothing Resource Centre; Mr B Bohm, Mrs Rita Smith, London
College of Fashion; Mr P Cave, Secretary, Clothing EDC, National
Economic Development Office; Ms L Fox, Mr D Wright, British Clothing
Industry Association; Mr G Fryer, British Clothing Centre, Leeds; Mr B
Gibson, Clothing and Allied Products Training Board; Mr B Gibson, Head
of Department, of Clothing and Design Technology, Mr D Sinclair,
Hollings Faculty, Manchester Polytechnic; Mr N Kearney, Mr P Singh, Mrs
A Spencer, Deputy General Secretary, National Union of Tailors and
Garment Workers; Mr A J Lewis, President, European Clothing Industry
Association; Mr J Rodgers, Clothing and Allied Products Industry
Training Board; Mr G Saunders, Editor, Drapers Record; Ms V A Tait,
Project Officer, Local Collaborative Project 'Clothing Production
in London', and a number of senior buyers and managers in major
department stores. In Germany, we are grateful for help from the
following: Herr V Adler, Ifo Institut fur Wirtschaftsforschung, Munich;
Herr W Baumgarten, Gesellschaft fur Arbeitsorganisation und Technik,
Berlin; Herr Bogeholz, Gertrud-Baumer Schule, Dusseldorf; Herr B Ganer,
Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, Textil-Bekleidung, Berlin; Herr H Hopp,
Bundesverbandes Bekleidungsindustrie e.V.; Herr E Kratsch, Bundesamt fur
Wirtschaft, Eschborn; Herr R Kreutzer, Oberstufenzentrum fur Bekleidung,
Berlin; Herr F Kruse; Frau Neigenfind, Consultant to Berlin Chamber of
Commerce; Herr Dr Sangha, Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden; Herr R
Schone, Industrie-und Handelskammer, Berlin; Herr R Schreiber, Verband
der Damenoberbekleidungsindustrie, Cologne.
This article has benefited from valuable advice from a number of
colleagues at the National Institute; in particular thanks are due to S
J Prais, N Oulton and V Jarvis.
In choosing a sample of comparable plants to be visited in Britain
and Germany, we looked for plants in the middle of the size-range (a
much larger inquiry would be needed if we wished to represent plants
throughout the size-range). The most detailed official information on
sizes of plants in Britain is now based on returns for Value Added Tax;
these indicate that half of all employees engaged in the manufacture of
women's outerwear are in plants of over about 100 employees, and
half in plants below that size; for Germany the corresponding median
plant-size is 85, based on their annual surveys of employment in
manufacturing (the surveys for their Industrie and Handwerk
establishments have here been combined; the latter account for only
about a tenth of total employment, and their size-distribution has had
to be approximated faute de mieux from the only earlier information
available for 1977--but this should not lead to any substantial error).
Table A1 summarises the size distribution of plants in the two
countries manufacturing all types of clothing, and those specialising in
women's clothing; on the whole the latter plants are slightly
smaller in both countries. When contracting firms for our sample
inquiries we did not have precise information on their sizes. In the
event, the average size of the plants that agreed to cooperate were
larger than the above medians; but--bearing in mind that plants in the
industry employ more than a thousand--the excess is not great: the
average plant in our British sample employed 150, and the average plant
in our German sample employed 110. In both countries almost all the
plants in our samples lay in the central range covering half of all
employment in the industry (that is between the lower and upper
quartiles as shown in table A1).
The major uncertainty attached to these figures arises from the
existence of outworkers and a very large number of small plants in
Britain working in the so-called 'grey economy', not covered in official statistical or other returns. As a result of amicable relations that we established with interested parties in the trade (on
the basis of our purely economic and scientific--rather than
tax-gatherering--interests), we were able to visit some eight such small
plants employing on average of about a dozen full-time employees each.
Estimates of the total number employed in such plants in Britain varied;
we were given the impression that the total for all clothing was of the
order of 100,000 (the limits lay between a minimum of 50,000 and a
maximum of 200,000!).
It needs to be understood in considering questions of productivity,
that at least two differing statistical methods can be applied to the
problem. The first of these ('industry of origin approach')
starts from quantities of commodities as recorded in the Census of
Production weighted by producer prices to give value of output. The
second method is based on expenditure purchasing-power-parities (PPP)
which can be used to convert the value of output to a common currency.
This PPP exchange-rate is based on international comparisons of
retail prices carried out under the auspices of the Statistical Office
of the European Communities; these make an attempt to specify closely
the products compared, but it has to be kept in mind that the actual
collection of prices is carried out by each country's own
statistical officers (the same person does not go to both countries in
pricing the specified items, and detailed product comparability depends
on written specifications rather than on the enumerator's
judgement). The most recent comparison showed German clothing prices in
1985 at DM 4.77/pound sterling, which was 9 per cent higher than in
Britain when compared to prices of GDP as a whole, and 26 per cent
higher than the currency exchange rate (derived from Purchasing Power Parities and Real Exchange Rates 1985, OECD, 1987, p.50). In other
words, clothing purchased in Germany would seem expensive to a British
visitor both when compared to average clothing prices in Britain, and in
relation to German goods in general.
Comparisons of productivity of clothing industries in Britain and
Germany for 1968 using the first method outlined above showed a gap of
some 15 per cent (based on A D Smith, DMWN Hitchens, and S W Davies,
International Industrial Productivity, 1982, p.123, with adjustments to
bring the two countries' statistics to the same year). But the
real gap was probably greater, since differences in workmanship and
design are not allowed for in such compilations where producer prices in
one country are used to weight output for the two countries compared.
If we follow the second method outlined above for the same year (1968)
(by applying a PPP for clothing from the World Bank calculations for
1970 to the net outputs from the censuses of 1968, with an adjustment
for movements in retail prices in 1968-70), we find a German
productivity advantage of 40 per cent. Using the same method to
calculate German net output per employee in a recent year (1985), the
total for 1985 was DM 49,700 (Statistisches Jahrbuch 1987, p. 172),
equivalent to 10,400 pounds sterling converted at a
purchasing-power-parity (PPP) exchange-rate (as explained above) for
clothing; this is 21 per cent higher than the net output of 8,590 pounds
sterling per employee for 1985 shown by the British Census of Production
for the Clothing industry (Business Monitor 1986, PA 453, p.10).
Nevertheless the German productivity-advantage in clothing in 1985
of 21 per cent (based on PPP methods) is only half as great as the 39
per cent in total manufacturing when calculated by the same methods
(26,300 pounds sterling per employee in Germany, 18,970 pounds sterling
in Britain, taking for this purpose a PPP of DM 3.70/pound sterling,
derived as an average of three published commodity groups that are
principally drawn from domestic manufacturing: household equipment and
operation, transport and communication, and machinery and equipment).
However, the PPP method probably leads to an underestimate of the
German productivity advantage in 1985 because the 1985 PPP (measured as
DM per pound sterling) is likely to be too high. The reason is as
follows. PPPs are calculated using the pattern of consumption as
weights, not production, and so are strictly inappropriate for
productivity calculations. If imports and exports are small, this may
not matter too much. So the 1970 PPP may be fairly close to the correct
value (ignoring any errors in measuring the individual prices). But in
1985, the pattern of consumption diverged markedly from the pattern of
production, particularly in Germany it seems, with its concentration on
unstandardised goods. The higher-value goods produced in Germany--in
which, it has a comparative advantage--are thus under-represented for
our purposes; this exclusion raises the calculated PPP exchange rate,
and thus gives too low an estimate of the German productivity advantage.
The inclusion of imports reinforces that bias since quota restrictions
on imports from low-wage countries have led to higher prices for
standard varieties in Germany than in Britain.
We can also compare productivity growth in clothing in the two
countries for the period under consideration (1970-85) using as
deflators the appropriate producer price indexes for the net value of
output in current prices per person employed, and assuming a German
advantage of 40 per cent in 1970. Instead of the 21 per cent German
productivity advantage in 1985--itself arguably an
underestimate--British productivity on these calculations appears to be
slightly ahead of the German level, having increased by a factor of 2 in
the period 1970-85 while German productivity rose by a factor of only
This suggests that the producer price indexes may be systematically
biased which would arise if--for the sake of comparability over
time--they are over-weighted by standardised varieties. It is more than
possible that competition from cheap imports of standardised varieties
has been greater in Britain and that the price of standardised goods has
grown less rapidly than of unstandardised ones; the British price index
thus may well have a greater downward bias. Consequently the derived
deflated index of production in Britain probably shows too great a rise
in quantities produced in relation to Germany's; UK productivity
growth will therefore be over-estimated, both absolutely and in relation
to Germany.
The productivity calculations for clothing reported in this
Appendix refer to the clothing industry as a whole. In our samples of
comparable plants producing high-quality women's outerwear,
reported in the main part of this paper, we observed a much greater
productivity gap--of the order of 100 per cent; this suggests (a) that
in other branches of the clothing industry, the German productivity
advantage is lower than in women's outerwear; and (b) that in
Britain, plants producing more standardised garments have higher
productivity levels than those in the high-quality sector. This
standardised production probably accounts for some 75 per cent of the
value of British output.
While the available statistics are subject to the considerable
reservations set out above, in broad terms they suggest: (1) that in the
past twenty years the value of net output produced per employee was
greater in Germany than in Britain; (2) that Germany's productivity
advantage in clothing is not as great as in manufacturing generally; (3)
that the gap between the two countries in clothing productivity has
narrowed considerably in the past twenty years, (4) the real German
advantage in this industry lies in qualitative aspects, which are not
adequately reflected in the available statistics.
Our own investigations of prices for this study, and more detailed
analysis at individual country level, confirms that prices of standard
garments in Britain and Germany, such as jeans and ladies raincoats at
the cheaper end of the market, matched as far as possible for quality
(and almost invariably imported into both countries), are sold at a
higher price in Germany than in Britain. By contrast, very little price
variation between the countries is to be observed in high quality
womens' wear. The reason for this difference seems to be as
follows, and has implications for the future of the British clothing
industry after 1992.
Though few official obstacles to trade in clothing remain between
EC member countries, yet where MFA import quotas of goods such as jeans
are exceeded by home demand, and where (as in Germany) the price at
which domestic manufacturers are able to produce is high, the result is
a price level significantly higher than in a country (as England) where
domestic manufacturers are able to produce at a lower price level. If
1992 leads to the replacement of individual country's MFA quotas by
a single total EC quota, exporters from low-cost countries will seek to
sell clothing in what are, at present, the most lucrative markets, such
as Germany. A new lower temporary equilibrium price for cheaper types
of clothing may therefore be expected to emerge in Germany, and a new
higher temporary equilibrium price in Britain. This price movement,
although dependent on the artificial restriction of the supply of
low-priced goods, may give British manufacturers of cheaper standardised
garments a breathing space in which to effect a transition to a more
differentiated product.