Terminal dates and dynamic properties of National Institute Model 11.
Ireland, Jonathan ; Wren-Lewis, Simon
11 Dynamic optimisation problems involving rational expectations require
a transversality condition to produce a unique solution (see Hall, Henry
and Wren-Lewis, 1986, for an example). These transversality conditions
generally amount to a statement about the nature of the endogenous
variable in the infinite long run; for example, that the long run
involves a stable equilibrium. An analagous problem arises in
econometric macro models, where a unique solution requires a
'terminal condition' for any forward-looking variables beyond
the solution period of the model. Transversality and terminal conditions
are not equivalent, however, because we cannot solve macro models into
the infinite future (see Hall and Henry, 1988, pages 192-198).
This poses a potentially serious problem for econometric models
that assume consistent expectations, like recent vintages of the
National Institute Domestic Model. There is a danger that, by imposing
a terminal condition on the model that is really an equilibrium
condition before equilibrium is reached, the properties of the model
will be distorted. One way to observe this is to change the terminal
date (the final period of the solution) for a given simulation, and see
if the results change, as in Wallis et al, 1986, pages 52-66.
The severity of this problem will vary from variable to variable
depending on the size of the forward-looking root which acts like a
discount rate on the future. For example, for most of the
forward-looking variables in the Institute's model the
forward-looking root is well below one; that is, the current value of
the forward-looking variable will only depend on events in the near
future. In such cases, rate of growth terminal conditions (that specify
an unchanged rate of growth in the period beyond the terminal date)
appear to be fairly robust to changes in the terminal date. A key
exception is the exchange-rate equation, where the (model-wide) forward
root is very close to unity and hence events quite far in the future are
likely to affect the exchange rate. Here a rate of growth terminal
condition implies no change in the net asset to GDP ratio. Once
revaluations have come to an end this is equivalent to the current
account being close to balance (see Barrell et al, 1988). Current
account balance is essentially a long-run equilibrium property, and as a
result it is quite likely that the properties of the whole model will be
distorted if the model is not near an equilibrium at the terminal date.
As a result, Wren-Lewis (1988) argues that the latest version of
the Institute's domestic model, Model 11, must be solved over at
least eight years to avoid distorting its properties. Only after this
period will the model be near its equilibrium. In this note we analyse
how long the latest version of Model 11 (11.2), estimated using rebased
(1985) data, takes to settle to a new equilibrium. The simulation we use
is a one period shock to nominal interest rates. Past experience has
suggested that changes to interest rates involve some of the longest
lags in the model, and so this is quite a demanding test. As the
exchange rate is our particular concern, we focus on the initial jump in
the exchange rate produced by this simulation. Chart 1 plots the size
of this jump as the terminal date is extended. The simulation begins in
1986 Q1, and the horizonal scale gives the terminal date. As a result,
the shortest solution period is five years and the longest is twelve
As the chart represents the same simulation observed in the same,
initial quarter, we would hope to see a horizontal line. For short
solution periods (less than eight years) we clearly do not. Only after
ten years do the simulation results settle down to an unchanged profile.
A similar pattern is observed for the 1980 base data version of this
model, Model 11.1, which is deposited at the Warwick Bureau. Even after
ten years the initial jump varies slightly, suggesting the model is not
quite at equilibrium. Unfortunately the vintage structure of the supply
side is likely to lead to extremely long cycles in the model.
Chart 2 plots the time profile of the exchange rate for three
simulations, where the terminal dates are 1994 Q2, 1996 Q4 and 1997 Q4
respectively. The latter can be regarded as our best approximation to
the 'true' result, that is, the result implied if the model
were solved over an infinite horizon. As the higher interest rate in
the first period must be associated with a depreciation, the exchange
rate jumps upwards. By solving the model over too short a period we
distort both the initial jump and the subsequent path of the exchange
rate. As Chart 1 suggests this distortion is not monotonic with respect
to the length of the solution period.
One other interesting feature of Chart 2 is that the long-run
change in the nominal exchange rate does not return to zero, even though
the interest rate only changes in the first quarter. This is because,
under the assumptions of fixed real government expenditure and nominal
interest rates, the price level in the model has hysterisis properties.
Its level in the long run depends not only on the long-run value of
exogenous variables, but also on the past history of the economy itself.
This would not be the case if our policy assumption involved fixing a
nominal variable, like money or government debt. Thus while temporary
shocks do not appear to alter the long-run solution for real model
variables like output or the real exchange rate, they do influence the
long-run price level and nominal exchange rate.