Modeling small locally-owned firms export behaviour: the role of language.
Williams, Densil A.
The literature on the international operation of the small firms is
quite extensive (e.g. see Rueber & Fischer, 2002; Brouthers &
Nakos, 2004; Oviatt & McDougall, 2005; Miesenbock, 1988; Leonidou
& Katsikeas, 1996; Williams; 2009; Lautanen; 2000 etc). There is no
doubt that the increased attention given to the international operation
of these smaller firms is driven by the increasingly globalised nature
of the world economy. Economic integration, the revolution in
information and communication technologies, the reduction in tariff
barriers, among other things have all contributed to an increased level
of competition in national markets. This competition has forced more
firms to start looking to the international market place for customers
in order to ensure their future survival (Cavusgil, 1994). A big portion
of this literature however, focuses on the factors that motivate these
smaller firms to seek business opportunities abroad. The environment
dictates that these smaller firms will have to change strategic
direction in order to ensure their survival. However, because of their
limited resource capacity, many see themselves as not having the
capabilities to take on the complexities of doing international business
transactions. How those who do it managed to accomplish the achievement
and why they do it are questions at the heart of the research stream
looking into the area of international entrepreneurship.
The plethora of empirical work that has evolved on the subject
looked at a number of firm characteristics (Reid, 1981), managers'
characteristics (Leonidou et al., 1998), the external environment (Zou
& Stan, 1998) and recently, a number of works started looking at the
role of networks (Bhagavatula et al., 2010; Oviatt & McDougall,
2005). Still, it appears that managerial characteristics have been the
most studied. Managerial characteristics are an important resource that
small firms possess and which is critical for them to launch an
international base (Reid, 1983). An area of managerial resource that has
received much attention in the literature but with mixed results is that
of the language competency of the entrepreneur. Indeed, Leonidou et al.,
(1998) in a review of 46 studies on managerial characteristics and the
firm's export performance found that over 50 percent of those
studies accounted for this variable in their empirical analysis. The
results however is mixed as some studies claim that it has an important
impact on export decision (e.g. Lautanen, 2000) while others did not
find it to be that significant (Ursic & Czinkota, 1989).
The seemingly contradictory findings however, can possibly be
explained by context. We believe that since English is the
internationally accepted language of international commerce, language
would not be a barrier to exports for entrepreneurs who master the art
of speaking the language. We believe this is true even if they are
exporting to Non-English speaking markets. As such, this study aims to
test the hypothesis that language as a managerial resource is not a
significant factor in influencing exporting decision in firms where the
principals have a mastery of the English language. The findings from
this research will make a significant contribution to the literature on
the international operation of small firms for the reason that it will
help to clear the contradiction in the empirical findings on the role of
language in export decision making process for the small firm.
The remainder of the paper is organised as follows: the next
section will look at the variables used in the study. It will give an
indication of the state of the literature on each variable. Subsequent
to this, the paper will present the research method. It will conclude
with the presentation of the results, a discussion of same and some
final thoughts which will look at the implications of the findings for
both research and policy.
This section of the paper will present the variables that are used
to model the decision of whether or not to export. The variable of
interest is really the language competency of the principal in the small
firm. The idea is to better understand whether or not language does have
an impact on the decision to export irrespective of the context from
which the firms come. Besides language however, there are other factors
that impact on export decision and such have to be controlled for. These
control variables will also be highlighted in this section.
The importance of language in the exporting decision
Foreign language competency as an internal resource for the firm is
a source of competitive advantage in dealing with customers in
international markets. Indeed, the resource-based view of venture
internationalization shows that firms which possess this valuable
resource will have a greater proclivity towards internationalization
(Bloodgood et al., 1996). This important internal resource will also
serve as the basis for the small firm to access external resources from
various sources such as public institutions and formal or informal
networks between firms (Birley, 1985; Bhagavatula et al., 2010).
Empirically, the language proficiency of the principal of the small
firms has received a lot of attention in the extant literature. For
example, Leonidou et al., (1998) in a review of 46 studies on managerial
characteristics and the firm's export performance found that over
50 percent of those studies accounted for this variable in their
empirical analysis. The results from this analysis however, are not
always consistent. While the majority of studies conclude in firms where
entrepreneurs have a mastery of a foreign language that such firms are
more likely to become exporters (Lautanen, 2000; Obben & Magagula,
2003; Dichtl et al., 1990; Karafakioglu, 1986), there are still others
that did not find this to be the case. Some early studies on export
behaviour of the small firm did not find a relationship between the
language competency of the entrepreneur and exporting (Daniels &
Guyboro, 1976; Ursic & Czinkota, 1989). Similar to the findings of
Daniels & Guyboro (1976), Obben & Magagula, (2003) found that
when decision makers are monolingual i.e. they speak only their native
language; there is often a negative relationship with export propensity.
The contradiction in findings seems to be a function of the context
from which the firms are derived. In a context where firms are located
in English speaking markets and their principals are native English
speakers or have mastered the language, language may not be a
significant barrier to export since English is the accepted language of
international commerce. While there are benefits to be gained from
speaking a foreign language (for example, it will facilitate effective
planning and control of business operations in the export market, it
will assist in understanding foreign business practices; improve
communication and interaction with foreign customers and help to
establish social and business contacts, among other things), the fact
that the English language is seen as the accepted method of
communication for international commerce, means that most of the trading
partners in Non-English speaking markets will be forced to speak the
language and so it reduces the linguistic differences. As it relates to
exporting, the principal does not have to be present in the host market
for the selling of the goods or service; s/he having a mastery of the
foreign language is not such an important factor when making the
decision to sell abroad. This would possibly be more relevant for other
entry modes such as foreign direct investment (FDI).
These contextual differences therefore, may better explain why the
results from different studies do not normally coincide. For, if studies
are carried out in a non-English speaking market and the principals of
the firms do not have a good mastery of the English language (given that
the English language is the accepted language for international
commerce), then mastery of a foreign language, in this context, English,
would be very important in their export decision making. On the other
hand, for those studies carried out in markets that are English speaking
and the principals of the firms have a mastery of the language; results
from any study would more than likely suggest that it is not an
important factor in making the decision to enter into exporting.
Control Variables
While language is an important factor that can impact on a small
firm's decision to enter into exporting. There are other factors
that may impact on the decision as well. These are what we call control
variables. A number of controls that have been cited in the extant
literature have been looked at in this study.
Firm size
Firm size is possibly one of the most studied variables in the
literature looking at the international operation of small firms. The
intrigue with size becomes relevant because it is generally argued that
size reflects resource capacity and international operations require a
significant amount of resources, therefore, small firms should not be
able to effectively take on international operation (Bonaccorsi, 1992).
Indeed, the resource-based view of the firm argues that larger firms (as
measured by number of employees) will have access to more resources
(e.g. more qualified managers, financial resources etc.) than smaller
firms (Bloodgood et al, 1996). It is because these larger firms have
more resources (e.g. financial, technology, human capital etc.) than
smaller firms why they are better able to be more successful in the
export market (Aaby & Slater, 1989; Katsikeas & Piercy, 1993;
Philp, 1998).
Despite the claim of the need for more resources to be successful
in international operation, the empirical evidence regarding firm size
and successful operations in international markets remains
contradictory. The broad literature on firm size and export behaviour
provides little agreement regarding its impact on either export
propensity or export success (Aaby & Slater, 1989). From the
extensive literature, most studies found a positive relationship between
size and exporting (e.g. see Miesenbock, 1988). They suggest that larger
firms are the ones most likely to engage in exporting. This is in
concert with the basic premise of the resource-based view of the firm.
Further, some studies have even suggested a minimum size for exporting.
For example, Mittelstaedt et al., (2003) recommended a minimum size of
20 employees. They argued that exporting becomes infeasible below this
number. If size does reflect the productive capacity of the firm, then
below a critical minimum, the firm will not have sufficient capacity to
initiate exporting. This argument seems to have support from other
researchers. For example, Bilkey, (1978) found that beyond a certain
point, exporting is positively correlated with firm size, but, below a
minimum point there is no correlation.
The relationship between firm size and export performance however
is not unidirectional. Researchers have found that for example, there
are firms with less than five employees that are engaged in exporting
and doing it successfully (Bilkey & Tesar, 1977; Philp, 1998; Calof,
1993; Moen & Servias, 2002). Further, Hall & Tu, (2004) looked
at the impact of size on both measures of export performance (propensity
and intensity) and found different results. For export intensity, they
found a negative relationship with size, while for export propensity
there was a positive relationship. Also, Pla-Barber & Alegre, (2007)
found that size was not important for export propensity for
science-based firms while Czinkota & Johnson, (1983) concluded that
size did not substantially differentiate between managers'
attitudes and the firm's experiences in exporting.
Size however becomes an important variable for exporting when one
takes into account the fixed cost related to exporting (Hall & Tu,
2004). When a company decides to become involved with exporting, there
are certain sunk costs that it will have to bear. To elucidate, fixed
cost associated with search for market, negotiation, certification (e.g.
ISO 9000 or HACCP) can be exorbitant but must be undertaken if the
decision is made to enter exporting. This is even true for certain
industry sectors such as agriculture and manufacturing where
certification is important for export market entry. Small firms which
are resource poor might not be able to afford these costs although they
may have a good quality product suitable for exporting. The exorbitant
cost might therefore dissuade them from responding positively to export
To overcome the onerous barrier of cost, small firms seem to be
taking advantage of their business and social networks in order to climb
over the cost barriers (Johanson & Vahlne, 2003). Small firms are
working with each other to overcome the fixed cost barrier. They are
sharing production networks and distribution channels, and in some cases
getting support for market entry from government agencies (Williams,
2009). Some small firms may also network with larger firms which are
resource rich and have already borne the fixed cost involved in
exporting (Coviello & McAulley, 1999; Lipparini & Lorenzo,
1999). Networking will also help small firms to achieve the economies of
scale that are important for reducing their fixed costs. Economy of
scale is a function of the firm's resources. Achieving scale will
lead to a reduction in the unit cost of output, therefore, allowing
firms to sell products at a more competitive price. Small firms, due to
their limited resource stock will not be able to gain the same level as
larger firms. Networking however can help them over the barriers to
The firm's technological capability (as is generally captured
by the level of investment in Research & Development {R&D}) is
considered one of the most important physical resources which can
influence a firm's decision to enter export markets (Cavusgil &
Nevin, 1981; Tybjee, 1994; Tseng et al., 2004; Rodriguez &
Rodriguez, 2005). Small firms by the nature of their sizes are much more
flexible and can respond to changing demands much quicker than larger
more bureaucratic firms, as such, it can have a greater competitive
advantage in the international marketplace through its innovation
(Simpson & Kujawa, 1974). Indeed, investment in R&D reflects
this commitment to innovation. With increased research and development,
the firm will be able to provide more unique products to offer thus
increasing its competitive advantage and its chance of survival in the
export market (Rodriguez & Rodriguez, 2005; Pla-Baber & Alegre,
Having a unique product gives a firm a more positive outlook
towards international businesses since there is the perception that this
uniqueness will give it a greater competitive advantage in the export
market (Moen, 1999; Cavusgil & Nevin, 1981; Burton &
Schlegelmilch, 1987; Rodriguez & Rodriguez, 2005). Unique product
offering therefore is an opportunity for small firms to develop a niche
market, which can give them a competitive edge in the international
marketplace since they will not necessarily require scale to compete
(Rialp et al., 2005; Dimitratos & Liokas, 2004).
The empirical work regarding the relationship between technology
and export propensity does not provide a clear answer as would have been
expected based on the theoretical reasoning from the innovation school.
As it relates to the decision of whether or not the firm exports (export
propensity) based on its level of technological investments, some
researchers find a positive relationship (e.g. Tseng et al., 2004;
Andersson et al., 2004 et), while others find no statistically
significant relationship (e.g. Tybjee, 1994; Rodriguez & Rodriguez,
2005). While investment in R&D is important, it appears that it
alone will not automatically translate into increased capacity to help
firms gain access to foreign markets. The investment may not result in
product or process innovations that can give the firm a competitive
advantage. The competitive advantage from this investment will be
derived from what is achieved (e.g. reduction in production costs) from
using the technology. The mere investment will not provide technological
economies of scale which is what firms need to put them in a better
position to be able to access foreign markets.
Further, disagreement on the role of technology as it relates to
its importance to the level of sales the firm receives in the export
market is investigated. For example, Reid (1986) found that technology
will encourage the firm into early exporting but in terms of its impact
on future success (e.g. increased export revenue) there was no strong
relationship. On the other hand, it is argued that firms in industries
with high R&D spending reported a higher proportion of their sales
from international markets. In other words, there is a positive
relationship between technology and export intensity (Tybjee, 1994).
Also, Rodriguez & Rodriguez, (2005) found R&D spending to be
significant with regard to export intensity. This again was based on
firms from highly technologically oriented industries.
The literature appears to suggest therefore that industry
characteristics do have an impact on the role of R&D in the export
performance of the firm. The nature of an industry will impact on the
strategies and performance of any firm (Barney, 1991; Rodriguez &
Rodriguez, 2005). Firms in industries that are technology driven are
more likely to innovate and thus export (Tybjee, 1994). This stems from
the belief that there is a competitive advantage to be gained from
developing unique and customized products with the new technology. This
may explain why a large number of firms in high technology industry are
more likely to be exporters (Bell et al., 2004; Jones & Crick, 2004;
Tybjee, 1994).
Industry sector
The debate on the importance of the role of technology shows that
industry sector is also important for driving export performance.
Indeed, analysts have shown that the nature of an industry will impact
on the strategies and performance of any firm (Barney, 1991; Rodriguez
& Rodriguez, 2005; Porter, 1990). If the industry sector is a
natural export sector, then the firms that are located in that sector
will have no choice but to export. This may be due to the size of the
market or the nature of the product that is produced. For example, the
natural resources industry in most developing countries is generally
export oriented so firms that operate in these industries are all
exporters. In this regard, the characteristics of the industry sector
are what determine the relationship with export performance of firms.
It is critical to point out that the sectors studied in this
research are not natural exporting sectors although they account for a
large amount of exports from the Jamaican economy. These sectors are
manufacturing and agriculture. The average export ratio (i.e. export
revenue as a portion of total revenue) for industries in Jamaica is
53.64 cents out of the dollar earned. Manufacturing had an export ratio
of 40.06 cents to every dollar of revenue earned in 2000. This is 33
percent below the industry average. Further, agriculture, although
having an export ratio of 64.06 cents to the dollar, over 70 percent of
this was driven by export in agricultural services. The services sector
on the other hand, had a ratio of 70.48 percent compared to the average
of 53.6 percent from all sectors. That is, for every J$1 earned in
revenue in the services sector, 70.48 cents came from exports. It is
therefore expected that firms in the services sector in Jamaica would be
more inclined to export than those from sectors such as manufacturing
and agriculture.
Beside the natural resources sector, an important sector that is
emerging as an export sector is the technology sector. Most researchers
argue that firms from the high technology sector are natural exporters
given the nature of the product they produce (Rodriguez & Rodriguez,
2005; Bell et al., 2004; Jones & Crick, 2004; Tybjee, 1994). The
nature of the technology sector allows firms to be international from
inception (born globals) given the fact that they can sell their
services by sitting at their computer and distribute it across the
worldwide web without much hassle. Given this new method of reaching
consumers in foreign market, researchers on the international operations
of small firm have to now reconceptualize how they think about
exporting. The case of the technology sector is a clear message on how
industry sector has shaped the export behaviour of firm.
This research drew heavily on a survey of exporters and
non-exporters in the agricultural and manufacturing sectors in the
Jamaican economy. These are two sectors that have seen tremendous
competition from foreign competitors since the rapid liberalization of
the Jamaican economy in the 1990s and the decline of a large number of
firms as well. Surprisingly, given the small size of the Jamaican market
and the high level of competition in the sector, there remain a large
number of firms from both sectors that are still not exporting. The
export ratios of 40.06 and 64.06 for manufacturing and agriculture (with
70% of agricultural export revenues coming from agricultural services)
reflect the poor export performance of the firms in these sectors.
Understanding the factors that motivate positive export behaviour will
better aid in the development of policies to motivate more small firms
to export.
To motivate this study, data were collected from both exporters and
non-exporters in the sectors of interest in the economy. An instrument
developed from previous literature along with feedback from a pilot
survey was used to collect data from the principal owner (the key
informant) in each firm. Since the unit of analysis was the firm, it was
deemed necessary to have the principal owner as the key informant
because the literature suggests the entrepreneur/owner is the most
important decision maker in the small firm. Interviews with the
principals of each firm lasted for about 60 minutes. The questionnaire
was interviewer administered which helped to increase the time for the
interviews. In some cases, the interviewer also prodded for further
clarification on specific issues that the key informant may raise while
responding to the structured question. This as well increased the time
for the interviews.
The sample frame for the project came from the export directory of
the Jamaica Promotions Limited (JAMPRO), the main national body that is
responsible for exporting in the Jamaican economy. All firms that are
involved in exporting must register with this agency. They also had a
list of non-exporters who have export potential but were not exporting.
These two lists provided the sample frame for the project. Given the
small number of firms in the frame, it was deemed necessary to call all
the firms on the list for the interviews. This method resulted in a 33
percent response rate with 44 exporters being interviewed and 48
non-exporters giving a total of 92 interviews. The data gathered from
the interviews were analysed using the logistic regression model.
To motivate the study, some analytical framework had to be found to
capture accurately the data that were gathered from the interviews.
Given that the dependent variable (export performance of the firm) is
dichotomous in nature a suitable model had to be found for analysing the
data. The genre of qualitative choice models revealed that the logit
model would yield very good results when used to analyse the research
problem. As such the model used took the form of:
ln([P.sub.i]/1-[P.sub.i])= [[beta].sub.0] +
[[beta].sub.1][efl.sub.i] + [[beta].sub.2][cps1.sub.i] +
[[beta].sub.3][ts.sub.i] + [[beta].sub.4][ind.sub.i] + [[epsilon].sub.i]
EFL = the entrepreneur's foreign language proficiency
CPS1 = firm size
TS = the level of investment in R&D as a measure of innovation
IND = the industry sub-sector
[[epsilon].sub.i] = the error term normally distributed with mean 0
and variance 1/ [NP.sub.i] (1-[P.sub.i]) i.e. [[epsilon].sub.i]
[approximately equal to]] N{0, 1/[NP.sub.i](1-[P.sub.i])}
This model is used to provide the highest predictive accuracy of a
given set of predictors (Hair et al., 1998). The paper is interested in
predicting the impact on language on the decision to export or not. The
model therefore, is a good application to answer such question. Because
the chance of the firm becoming an exporter lies in a narrow range of
0-1, that is, its takes a probability distribution, as such, values
outside of this range are not meaningful and therefore, will not give an
accurate prediction of the firm becoming an exporter. Based on this
restriction, regression models such as ordinary least squares (OLS) or
linear probability models become meaningless for carrying out this
analysis (Pindyck & Rubinfeld, 1998). The error term in these
models, although normally distributed, does not have equal variance
which will lead to the problem of heteroscedasticity (Gujarati, 2003).
With heteroscedasticity, parameter estimates will become unstable and
thus prevents generalization of the model beyond its sample data.
Further, OLS will produce probabilities that are greater than one (1)
which would not be relevant in this case. These decisions have led to
the use of the logit model as the tool for analysing the data from the
study. This analysis has produced some interesting results.
This section of the paper will report on the result obtained from
the analytical model. It will merely describe the results; the latter
section will provide a mode detailed discussion on these results. The
table below shows the findings from the model that looked at the factors
that can predict whether or not a firm can become an exporter.
The result from the model reveals that the foreign language
competency of the principal owner of the firm is not the most
significant factor that will determine whether or not the firm enters
into exporting. Indeed, this is in contrast to what other analysts have
found on the subject. For example, Latuanen, (2000) in his study of
Finnish firms, found that language competency of the principal owner was
an important factor that could determine export entry. This study found
otherwise. The most important variables that seem to explain export
entry are; firm size and industry sector. As firms grow larger, they are
more likely to become exporters according to the results from this
analysis. Also, as firms move from agriculture to manufacturing, they
seem more likely to become exporters according to the results from this
These results seem to be robust as the diagnostic statistics from
the model reveal a good fit for the model. The Hosmer & Lemeshow
test which looks at the difference between the predictive and the actual
model was not significant, which shows that the models are not very
different. Also the model has a high predictive accuracy of over 60
percent as revealed in the table below.
The results from this study do not always match with the
theoretical expectations from the literature. This is not an aberration
but could be explained by strong theoretical reasoning on the role of
language in the context of export behaviour of firms. The next section
will try to shed more light on the results obtained here.
The results from the study suggest that firm size and industry
sector, and not the language competence of the entrepreneur are the most
powerful factors that lead firms to adopt exporting. These results
however are not universal as other studies have found that language
skills of the entrepreneur is the most critical factor that determines
which small firm develop their exporting rapidly. Indeed, Lautanen
(2000) after investigating the export behaviour of Finnish firms from
the manufacturing sector, concluded that it was not financial risk
related to exporting; lack of experience related to exporting nor the
education level of the white collar workers that would determine which
small firm develop their exporting rapidly but it was the language
skills of the entrepreneur that mattered most. This finding as we have
noted earlier, is not surprising in the context of the discussion
presented earlier on the role of language in international business.
Language does matter for export development, especially in the
context of the small firm where the role of the owner in the decision
making process is most crucial. Since English is the accepted language
of international commerce, if the owner of the small firm does not feel
confident in mastering the language, it possesses doubts in his/her mind
about doing well in foreign markets. Naturally, increased competence in
foreign language will provide the owner with a greater orientation to
international marketing as s/he will be able to communicate better with
suppliers and customers. This therefore, reduces the psychic distance in
the minds of the entrepreneur between the home and export market. If we
follow this logic therefore, it is clear why owners who are natural
English speakers would not pay much attention to language when they are
trying to develop their export business. For owners that are non-English
speakers however, learning a foreign language especially English will
have a significant impact on their confidence to develop export
business. So, from this result, it appears that language skill impact on
export development in the small firm is context specific.
What however does not seem to be context specific is the positive
impact of firm size on exporting. The literature is replete with
empirical work looking at the relationship between firm size and export
behaviour (e.g. see Miesenbock, 1988; Leonidou & Katsiekas, 1996 for
reviews of the extensive literature). While the results are mixed, what
is certain is that large size helps firms to overcome the barriers
associated with the fixed cost of exporting and as such, better position
the firm to compete successfully in the export market (Hall & Tu,
2004). Exporting requires economies of scale to compete effectively.
Scale is indeed a function of size so the larger the firm gets the
greater the chance of generating economies of scale in production.
Because there is a sunk cost element to the export development process,
with increased scale, the firm can better manage its exposure to this
sunk cost. However, what needs to be clear is that, the results are not
saying only large firm can export successfully. The empirical evidence
shows that small firms are indeed successful at exporting a well.
However, size does enhance the chance of survival and further success.
The results also identified the importance for industry sector in
determining export initiation. This again can be quite context specific
similar to the issue of language skills. For industry sectors that are
small due to the small size of the economies in which they are located,
exporting for firms become a natural strategy for survival and growth.
In the case of this study, Jamaica is indeed a small economy by any
measure (GDP is about US$12bill, land mass is about 11,000 square kilo,
population is about 2.8mill people) so industry sectors are generally
small. It is no surprise therefore that small firms in this economy
identified the industry as having an impact on their decision to develop
their export business. What is surprising however; is that, there is
still a large number of firms that are not exporting. Williams (2009)
shed some light on this. Having developed a stimuli organism response
model to explain the export behaviour of firms in the Jamaican economy,
he noted that mindset of the entrepreneurs/owners and the availability
of a standardized product are critical drivers for export development.
Owners who had a global mindset viewed exporting more positively than
those without. Also, once firms had a product that could be easily
modified for export, they were willing to get involved in the export
business. Support in building these critical areas are needed in order
to expand exporting from the industrial sectors in Jamaica.
The results presented in this paper have implications for export
policymakers at the national level, managers and owners of small firm
and, researchers that are interested in the international operations of
small firms. Export policy makers have to put strategies in place that
can encourage firms to grow if they are to increase the level of exports
from their economies. While not only large firms are involved in the
export business, the evidence suggests that the larger the firm becomes,
the greater is the likelihood of them getting involved in the export
trade. Access to finance for the purchase of equipment necessary to
improve productivity in these firms is an important stimulus for growth.
Export policymakers should design special programmes that can provide
easy access to export financing for small firms. Besides access, the
cost of financing is also important. Policymakers have to make the
business environment conducive so that the cost of capital can be low
and affordable for small firms. Without the affordable capital, these
firms will be able to acquire the necessary equipment to expand their
plants. The role of the export policymakers is to ensure that the
business environment is hospitable for the firms to pursue the right
growth strategies.
Owners and managers in small firms will recognise that while
language skills are not the most important driver of export development;
this is not a general rule. The context in which the firm operates will
determine the level of importance language will play in the decision to
enter exporting. For managers that are not native English speakers and
who do not have a mastery of the language, they need to improve their
language skills in order to increase their chance of engagement in the
exporting business. Owners should also be cognisant of the fact that the
growth of the firm enhances its ability to engage in exporting.
Therefore, they will have to invest in strategies that will deliver
growth not just protecting market share or containing costs. Again,
growth strategies will be a function of the context within which the
firm operates. Each owner will have to do a scan of their firm and the
industry sector before designing a new strategy.
The empirical evidence presented in this paper will no doubt add to
the body of work on the international operations of small firm and more
specifically the role of language in that process. This evidence coming
from a context that has received very little attention in the
international literature can greatly advance the efforts of scholars who
are interested in building a general theory on the subject. The specific
role of context in explaining the impact of language was also not
explicitly explained in previous works. This research had made that
added contribution to the debate. Future research can extend this
research into other context to determine whether or not the findings do
hold across multiple contexts. This would be a huge boost to theory
development in the field. Also, researchers need to investigate what
specific role language plays in the export process. Most research merely
identify that it is an important variable but why it is important is not
fully explored. Taking a qualitative exploration to this phenomenon
could help in answering the question.
Industry sector, firm size and not the language skills of the
owner/entrepreneur seem to be the most critical factors that drive the
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also disprove others as well. This was not surprising as context seems
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highlight that context is what determines whether or not language
matters in a firm's export behaviour. This is indeed an important
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Densil A. Williams, University of the West Indies
Table 1: Logistic Regression- unrestricted model (N=92)
Independent variables [beta] Wald
Constant -1.45 2.90
EFL -.57 .29
CPS1 1.16 5.14
TS 17 .10
IND -.15 2.30
-2LL(Initial Model) 127.37
-2LL(Final Model) 115.88
[chi square] (df) (Final Model) 11.58 **
[chi square] (df) Hosmer & Lemeshow test 410 ***
Nagelkerke [R.sup.2] .16
[R.sup.2.sub.L] .09
% Correct Prediction 62
Independent variables Sig. Exp([beta])
Constant .09 * .30
EFL .59 .57
CPS1 .02 * 3.18
TS .75 1.18
IND .13 * .86
-2LL(Initial Model)
-2LL(Final Model)
[chi square] (df) (Final Model)
[chi square] (df) Hosmer & Lemeshow test
Nagelkerke [R.sup.2]
% Correct Prediction
* Variables are significant at the 0.05 level of significance
** Statistic is significant at the 0.05 level of significance
*** Test is non-significant at the 0.05 level of significance (p=.85)
[R.sup.2.sub.L] = 1- (Final model -2LL/ Initial model -2LL)
Table 2.: Predictive accuracy of the model
Export Performance Percent Correct
Exporter Non-Exporter
Exporter 27 17 61.4
Non-exporter 18 30 62.5
Overall percent correct 62.0