Opportunity recognition for novice entrepreneurs: the benefits of learning with a mentor.
St-Jean, Etienne ; Tremblay, Maripier
Public organisms have implemented programs to support novice
entrepreneurs in the years following the starting of their business. One
of the processes proposed involves pairing up a novice entrepreneur with
an experienced entrepreneur, who provides advice and ways of thinking to
help the novice avoid costly and even fatal mistakes (St-Jean &
Audet, Under press; Sullivan, 2000). For example, the American SCORE
program, founded in the seventies and funded by Small Business
Administration (SBA), supported more than eight million small business
managers through its network of over 12,000 volunteer mentors. In
Europe, other similar initiatives exist such as that supported by the
Business Link in England, the Mentor Eget Foretag program in Sweden or
France Initiative (in France), with nearly 5,000 volunteer mentors, to
name just a few of these programs.
Research has demonstrated that mentors can help novice
entrepreneurs in the identification of business opportunities (Ozgen
& Baron, 2007). However, the process by which mentoring enable a
mentee in identifying new opportunities is not well understood.
Literature on mentoring highlights the fact that the main outcome of a
mentoring relationship is what the mentee learns as a result of that
relationship (Barrett, 2006; Hezlett, 2005; Wanberg, Welsh, &
Hezlett, 2003). It has also been demonstrated that a mentee's
learning goal orientation, a psychological disposition proposed by Dweck
(1986), influences mentoring relationships by increasing mentee outcomes
(Egan, 2005; Godshalk & Sosik, 2003).
The main goal of this research was to verify whether a novice
entrepreneur's learning, achieved as the result of a mentoring
relationship, can help him develop his ability to identify business
opportunities. At the theoretical level, this question is of great
interest, since it allows for a better understanding of the development
of cognitive styles through learning with a mentor, and to confirm its
effect as it relates to opportunity recognition. From a practical
standpoint, this could validate the effect of mentoring programs to
improve opportunity recognition among entrepreneurs, in particular. To
achieve this, we will present the literature pertaining to
entrepreneurial opportunity recognition, learning that results from a
mentoring relationship as well as learning goal orientation. A
presentation of the methodology, as well as the mentoring program where
this study was conducted, will follow. Lastly, results will be presented
as well as a discussion of these results.
The mentoring phenomenon is not new. The word "mentor"
comes from Homer's Odyssey, where the hero Odysseus entrusts his
son Telemachus to his friend Mentor while he is away at war. Mentor is
put in charge of Telemachus' education as well as the development
of his identity as he enters the adult world. When Mentor addresses
Telemachus, the goddess Athena speaks through him. Mentor thus has
access to divine qualities and becomes the incarnation of wisdom. In
contemporary times, inspired by Greek mythology, a mentor is generally a
person which possesses certain qualities or is in a position of
authority, and who kindly watches over a younger individual so that he
may benefit from the mentor's support and advice. In an
entrepreneurial context, although other definitions are possible,
mentoring is a support relationship between a novice entrepreneur (named
mentee) and an experienced entrepreneur (named mentor), where the latter
helps the former develop as a person.
One of the major benefits of a mentoring relationship is the
learning which ensues from discussions with the mentor (Wanberg et al.,
2003). This is also true of mentoring relationships with novice
entrepreneurs (Sullivan, 2000), where cognitive and affective learning
prevail (St-Jean & Audet, Under press). Although learning is clearly
illustrated in some studies, such as with Deakins et al. (1998) or
Wikholm et al. (2005), it remains implicit in other studies. For
example, when Gravells (2006) discusses mentor contributions to
marketing, financial planning or access to information, this help
implies mentee learning as the mentor's advice and suggestions are
implemented, although it is not explicitly mentioned by the author.
Others have underlined that learning or the development of competencies
could act as "moderators" between the mentoring relationship
and growth or increase in profits (Priyanto & Sandjojo, 2005).
Therefore, the knowledge which is acquired through a mentoring
relationship could stimulate the novice entrepreneur's ability to
recognize new opportunities.
Several studies have sought to understand what enables individuals
to identify business opportunities. Information and knowledge appear to
be a major dimension of the process. In general, knowledge influences
the nature, number and degree of innovation of the identified
opportunities (Shane, 2000; Shepherd & DeTienne, 2001; Shepherd
& DeTienne, 2005). Tacit knowledge, in particular business
experience, specifically influences opportunity recognition (Davidsson
& Honig, 2003; Orwa, 2003). Other studies, such as the one conducted
by Ardichvili and Cardozo (2000), support these ideas. In light of their
results, it can be concluded, in particular, that business knowledge has
a greater impact than technical knowledge. More specifically, some
authors have shown that knowledge about clients and their problems
favour the recognition of entrepreneurial opportunities (Orwa, 2003;
Shepherd & DeTienne, 2001; Shepherd & DeTienne, 2005). Baron and
Ensley (2006) as well as Ucbasaran et al. (2009) compared a number of
opportunity-recognition components among entrepreneurs with those of
experienced entrepreneurs. The results reported by Baron and Ensley
(2006) show that experienced entrepreneurs eventually develop patterns
that enable them to identify opportunities more easily and in higher
numbers (Ucbasaran et al., 2009).
Given the importance of information in opportunity recognition,
some authors suggested that networks, which help disseminate this
information, could also have a positive impact on opportunity
recognition (Singh, Hills, Hybels, & Lumpkin, 1999). Networks appear
to have a positive influence on creative abilities and alertness, as
well as opportunity recognition (Ardichvili & Cardozo, 2000). A
study by Puhakka (2006) also supports the importance of social capital
on the opportunity recognition process. Social interaction allows
entrepreneurs to collect relevant information and to develop a better
understanding of future needs, which helps them identify opportunities.
Novice entrepreneurs could also obtain tacit information from a mentor,
bypassing their lack of experience, which can help them identify
opportunities (Smith, Matthews, & Schenkel, 2009). Although the
results reported by Ozgen and Baron (2007) show that obtaining
information, in particular through a mentor or participation in
professional forums, could help entrepreneurs identify opportunities,
little research has been dedicated to exploring its impact on
opportunity recognition by novice entrepreneurs. It could be suggested,
however, in light of the influential factors mentioned above, that a
mentoring relationship can be of benefit to a novice entrepreneur. By
providing access to information and knowledge and helping analyzing
information from different angles, mentors are likely to increase the
ability of novice entrepreneurs to recognize opportunities.
Thus, mentors help generate new options for the novice
entrepreneur's business (Gravells, 2006). Entrepreneurs who
restrict themselves to knowledge based on personal experience end up
with a limited ability to recognize opportunities, but they can bypass
that threshold through discussions with mentors (Ucbasaran et al.,
2009). As shown by Baron and Ensley (2006), experienced entrepreneurs
develop different cognitive styles than novices, which allows them to
suggest new products or services that are more specific and better
suited to generate sales. These observations suggest the following
H1 Learning with a mentor increases the novice entrepreneur's
ability to recognize new opportunities
Learning goal orientation, mentoring and opportunity recognition
Learning goal orientation (LGO) is a fairly stable psychological
disposition that individuals bring to their relationship with others.
LGO stimulates behaviour and influences the interpretation of, and
reaction to, certain outcomes (Dweck, 1986). Individuals with high
learning goal orientation (LGO) wish to learn new things and improve
their skills in certain activities (Button, Mathieu, & Zajac, 1996).
It seems to influence mentoring relationship outcomes (Egan, 2005;
Godshalk & Sosik, 2003). Mentee with high LGO would take better
advantage of the learning opportunities made available through the
mentoring relationship which, in turn, would stimulate the mentor to get
more involved in his or her role. Moreover, individuals with high LGO
will be more inclined to consider their skills as changeable and thus
take on tasks with the intent to develop their skills. Likewise,
individuals who believe their intelligence is constant or fixed will
have lower LGO than those who believe it to be changeable (Kanfer,
1990). These considerations bring us to the following hypotheses:
H2 LGO positively influences the novice's ability to recognize
new opportunities.
Some aptitudes are likely to influence novice entrepreneurs'
ability to recognize opportunities. Among the most documented variables,
we find prior knowledge and information which are often associated with
work experience (Shane, 2000; Dean Shepherd & DeTienne, 2005). In
order to perceive new opportunities, individuals must possess a minimum
amount of knowledge, thereby enabling them to decipher new information
at hand and consequently affording them the capacity to recognize these
new opportunities. Tacit knowledge, more specifically business and
management experience, would specifically impact the identification of
opportunities (Ardichvili, Cardozo, & Ray, 2003; Davidsson &
Honig, 2003). In other respects, individuals with a higher level of
education would be more likely to recognize new opportunities (Arenius
& Clercq, 2005; Davidsson & Honig, 2003). These findings suggest
the following assumptions:
H3, H4, H5 and H6: Work experience, management experience, level of
education and age impact positively the novice's ability to
recognize new opportunities.
We collected data through the business mentoring program created in
2000 by the Fondation de l'entrepreneurship, an organization
dedicated to economic development in the Province of Quebec (Canada). It
is offered to novice entrepreneurs through a network of 70 mentoring
cells spread out across the province. These cells are generally
supported by various economic development organizations such as Centres
locaux de developpement (CLD), Societes d'aide au developpement des
collectivites (SADC), and local chambers of commerce. These
organizations ensure the local or regional development of the program,
while subscribing to the business mentoring model developed by the
Fondation. More precisely, local organizations employ a cell coordinator
in charge of recruiting mentors, organizing training sessions for them,
promoting the program to novice entrepreneurs, pairing participants, and
supervising the ensuing mentoring relationship. The novice entrepreneurs
may benefit from mentor support for a minimal price, a few hundred
dollars annually, and in some cases freely. In order to supervise local
development correctly, the Fondation provides development workshops on
the mentor-mentee relationship to give novice entrepreneurs a clear idea
of the mentor's role. Based on a intervention code of ethics where
relationship confidentiality is of capital importance, the business
mentoring service has also created a standard contract to guide the
parties in determining the terms and conditions of their relationship
and the desired objectives. This program thus falls under the category
of formal mentoring.
Sampling procedure
The studied population is the group of mentored entrepreneurs of
the business mentoring program who have had at least three meetings with
their mentor, or who still maintain a relationship, and who had a valid
e-mail address (981 individuals). Mentees were contacted by email to
participate in the study, and there were two follow-ups with
non-respondents. In total, 362 participants agreed to cooperate, which
gave us a response rate of 36.9%. Since a portrait of the population was
not available beforehand, a comparison with the early respondents (who
replied after the first contact) and later respondents (after
follow-ups) was conducted as suggested by Armstrong and Overton (1977).
No significant differences were found between demographic variables,
business-related variables, or those measured in this study, which
suggest that the sample does represent the studied population.
The sample contains 162 men (51.6%) and 152 women (48.4%). They
were paired with 275 male mentors (81.4%) and 63 female mentors (18.6%).
This situation is normal considering the large representation of men
among available mentors, probably due to historical factors: There were
fewer in business twenty to forty years ago as there are today.
Consequently, the pool of potential female mentors is more limited than
that of men. Mentees are quite educated since 173 (55%) of them have
university degrees. The average age is 39.8 (standard deviation of 8.97)
and age varies between 23 and 70. When starting their business, 24% had
no experience in their business' industry, 33.2% had less than a
year, 46.2% had less than three years, and 61.6% had less than five
years. As for business experience, the majority (51.1%) had no
experience, 63.4% had less than a year, 73.6% had less than three years,
and 82.9% had less than five years experience. Almost all mentees had an
active business at the onset of pairing (293 out of 314, 93.3%) and the
others were in the process of starting their business. Businesses had
few employees, an average of 4.48 (standard deviation of 9.69, median of
2). Business turnover is mainly under $100,000CAD annually (62.8%),
88.9% have an annual turnover of less than $500,000, and only 8.6%
exceed $1 million. As for gross profit, including salary and bonuses for
heading the business, the situation is just a grim. The vast majority
(68.1%) declares annual profits under $25,000, 83.5% make less than
$50,000 and only 6.3% make more than $100,000. Industry sectors are
varied, with a slight concentration in professional services (62, for
23.0%), in manufacturing (39, for 14.4%) and in retail (32, for 11.9%).
Mentoring relationships lasted 16.07 months on average (standard
deviation of 14.4, median of 13). Meetings with the mentor lasted 68.52
minutes on average (standard deviation of 14.4, median of 67), and there
were a little under one meeting a month (0.807), median being one
meeting a month. The majority of respondents were still in their
mentoring relationship at the time they participated in the study
The measure used for opportunity recognition, our dependent
variable, is the one developed by Anna et al. (2000) which includes 3
items on a Likert scale of 7: 1-I can spot unmet needs on the market,
2-I can recognize products that will succeed, 3-I can recognize
opportunities. This kind of measure was chosen in line with the
argumentation of Dimov (2010). According to him, because of the elusive
nature of opportunity, he suggests that interest should be focused on
opportunity "ideas" identified by aspiring entrepreneurs. The
exploratory factor analysis revealed unidimensionality (81.07% of
explained variance) and a Cronbach's alpha of 0.882. Since the
construct is empirically adequate, we have created a measure using the
mean of all items.
The measure used for learning goal orientation is the one developed
by Button et al. (1996) which includes 8 items, which are recorded on a
Likert scale of 7, from 1 "Strongly disagree" to 7
"Strongly agree". Items measure the mentee's disposition
toward learning situations, for example: Having the opportunity to
accomplish a task that allows me to take on a challenge is important to
me, or when I am unable to accomplish a difficult task, I am pushed to
work even harder the next time. Other studies have used this measure
with good results of unidimensionality and internal consistency
(Godshalk & Sosik, 2003). The confirmatory analysis using LISREL, a
software specialized in this type of analysis, indicates that all items
are significant in explaining the latent variable. Indices of fit for
the confirmatory model are excellent, with a x2 of 23.0012 for 17
degrees of freedom (p = 0.1492), RMSEA of 0.03721, SRMR of 0.03492, CFI
of 0.9979, and NFI of 0.9921. Cronbach's alpha is 0.927. This
measure is thus acceptable for the subsequent analysis. Since the
construct is empirically adequate, we have created a measure using the
mean of all items.
Learning with a mentor was measured with the scale developed by
Allen and Eby (2003) which includes 5 items, which are recorded on a 7
point Likert scale. These were: 1-I learned a lot from my mentor, 2-My
mentor brought a different perspective to many things, 3-My mentor and I
have learned together, in collaboration, 4-Reciprocal learning took
place between my mentor and I, and 5-My mentor shared a lot of
information with me which helped me in my professional development. The
measure is unidimensional (73.75% of explained variance) and has a
Cronbach's alpha of 0.91. A variable using the mean of all items
was created for the subsequent analysis.
Control variables
As stated above, knowledge and information acquired through
previous work experience improves the ability to identify opportunities
(Shane, 2000; Dean Shepherd & DeTienne, 2005). Tacit knowledge,
particularly when acquired through management experiences, may also
improve opportunity recognition (Ardichvili et al., 2003; Davidsson
& Honig, 2003). General levels of education also have this effect
(Arenius & Clercq, 2005; Davidsson & Honig, 2003).
Table 1 presents means, standard deviations and variable
correlation for this study. The matrix does not possess overly strong
correlations between variables, which indicate the variables'
empirical quality for subsequent regressions.
To test our hypotheses, we used a multi-level analysis with linear
regression using opportunity recognition as the dependant variable. In
the first model, control variables were introduced. We integrated mentee
learning goal orientation in the second model, and learning with a
mentor in the third. As indicated in Table 2, age has a significant and
negative effect on the ability to recognize new opportunities (Std.
[beta]=-0.276) (H6 confirmed). Management experience has a positive
influence (Std. [beta]=0.144) (H4 confirmed), as opposed to work
experience and education, which of them has no effect (H3 and H5
rejected). In the second model, we find that learning goal orientation
has a significant and positive effect (Std. [beta]=0.229) (H2 confirmed)
on the ability to recognize opportunities and that the addition of this
component substantially improves the model ([R.sup.2] increased
significantly of 0.05). Lastly, learning through a mentor impacts the
novice entrepreneur's ability to recognize opportunities (Std.
[beta]=0.156) (H1 confirmed) and is also a significant addition to the
model ([R.sup.2] increased significantly of 0.021).
Results from this study confirm what previous studies have
identified: that mentors play an important role in business opportunity
recognition (Gordon, 2007; Ozgen & Baron, 2007). Entrepreneurial
learning can be split into two dimensions: content and process (Politis,
2005). Within the content dimension, learning with a mentor may help
novice entrepreneurs collect new information helping them bypass their
lack of experience, as suggested by Ucbasaran et al. (2009).
Process-wise, the mentor's cognitive framework, which is more
complex than that of the novice entrepreneur (ex. Baron, 2006), is
shared with the latter through discussions, which may provide the
opportunity for the novice to sharpen his own cognitive framework
leading to better opportunity recognition. As suggested by Minniti and
Bygrave (2001), entrepreneurs could improve their decisional algorithm
and improve decision-making, which in this case means identifying more
opportunities. Also, the various combination of learning styles between
novice and more experienced entrepreneurs (mentors) may help the former
to move beyond their main style and subsequently improve certain facets
of the opportunity they wish to pursue (Corbett, 2008). This confirms
the importance of an entrepreneur's learning experience in which he
is given the opportunity to develop his opportunity-recognition skills
(Cope, 2005).
Learning goal orientation in novice entrepreneurs is positively
related to the ability to identify business opportunities. Entrepreneurs
with a stronger learning goal orientation may benefit from a wider
variety of learning situations, which in turn provide more opportunity
for development. These results are interesting on many levels. Although
we cannot prove it here, it is probable that this disposition is useful
to entrepreneurs, when we consider that learning is a fundamental
dimension of entrepreneurs (ex. Gibb, 1997; Minniti & Bygrave,
2001). These facts lead us to suggest that a high LGO may be an
important aspect of the personality of individuals who choose an
entrepreneurial career, and that this may influence their performance
because of its effect on opportunity recognition.
Other studies have to be conducted in order to complete this
analysis. One must nevertheless keep in mind that perceptual measures
have been used in this study. Therefore, as previously stated, the
ability to identify opportunities is not objective but rather based on
self-efficacy. Learning with a mentor is also based on the mentee's
perception of learning. It is important to note that no mentors, nor
anyone else for that matter, were interviewed, which only gives us a
partial picture of reality. These are but a few of the many possible
avenues for further research to complete the findings and pursue
additional investigations into these many dimensions.
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Etienne St-Jean, Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres
Maripier Tremblay, Universite Laval
Table 1. Mean, std. deviation and correlations of variables
Variable Mean S.D. 1 2 3
1-Sex (a) 0.48 0.50
2-Age 39.80 8.97 -.01
3-Education 2.53 0.94 .12 * .08
4-Ind. exp. 3.35 1.62 -.01 .05 -.10
5-Manag. exp. 2.29 1.56 -.13 * .25 *** -.09
6-LGO 6.24 0.88 .12 * -.05 -.02
7-Learning 5.09 1.43 .02 -.11 * .00
8-Oppt. Recog. 5.75 1.00 -.04 -.24 *** -.04
Variable 4 5 6 7
1-Sex (a)
4-Ind. exp.
5-Manag. exp. .19 ***
6-LGO -.03 .04
7-Learning .03 -.09 .00
8-Oppt. Recog. .05 .08 .23 *** .17 **
*** = p [less than or equal to] 0.001
** = p [less than or equal to] 0.01
* = p [less than or equal to] 0.05
(a) Male = 0, Female = 1
Table 2. Hierarchical linear regression model of entrepreneur's
opportunity recognition ability
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Std.[beta] Std.[beta] Std.[beta]
Age -0.276 *** -0.261 *** -0.245 ***
Education -0.009 0.003 -0.002
Experience in managing 0.144 * 0.129 * 0.140 *
Experience in industry 0.034 0.044 0.037
Learning Goal Orientation 0.229 *** 0.225 ***
Learning with mentor 0.156 **
Sig. 0.000 0.000 0.000
Adj.[R.sup.2] 0.067 0.117 0.138
Sig. F change 0.000 0.000
* = p [less than or equal to] 0.05
** = p [less than or equal to] 0.01
*** = p [less than or equal to] 0.001