An empirical analysis of the business failure process for large and small firms.
Campbell, Steven V. ; Choudhury, Askar H.
This paper investigates endogenous dependence in the business
failure process for large and small businesses. After controlling for
systemic growth, we find the momentum in business failures from their
cumulative lagged effect over time influences other distressed business
to fail and creates a domino-effect. For both large and small
businesses, endogenous dependence is most effectual in the months
immediately prior to failure and then gradually dissipates to a level of
insignificance within a two year lag. We also find new business
formations counterbalance to some degree the domino-effect of business
failures; however, the lag effect for new business formations is twice
as long for large firms compared to small firms. Our results suggest
theories of business failure and bankruptcy prediction models would be
enhanced by incorporating endogenous dependence in the business failure
process as an explanatory variable.
Empirical evidence suggests business failure is a combination of
firm-specific (micro) factors (e.g.; Altman, 1968, 1971; Hambrick &
Crozier, 1985; Duchesneau & Gartner, 1990; Lussier, 1996; Perry,
2001; Carland et al., 2001) and external (macro) factors related to the
business cycle (e.g;. Altman, 1971; Carroll & Delacroix, 1982; Rose
et al., 1982; Yrle et al., 2001). The common thread running through
these prior studies is their focus on the exogenous determinants of
business failure, which the literature suggests are many. As Carland et
al. (2001) observe, "The study of small business failure has been
so institutionalized, that the causes of failure have become cliches:
managerial incompetence, undercapitalization, etc" [p.78].
The purpose of this paper is to analyze endogenous dependence in
the business failure process. Specifically, we present evidence of lead
times in two forces affecting the number of large and small business
failures. One force is business failure momentum which we characterize
as a domino-effect: one firm's failure causes other firms to fail
which cause still more firms to fail and so on. We also present evidence
of lead times in the competing force of new business formations: the
formation of a new business prevents other established firms from
failing which prevent still more firms from failing and so on. Research
along these lines could add an important new dimension to the existing
body of business failure research by enhancing existing bankruptcy
prediction models, improving managerial decision making, and helping
auditors, bankers, and financial analysts assess the failure risk of
their clients.
While some specific hypotheses can be generated, our limited
understanding of business failure endogenicity suggests an exploratory,
inductive research approach is appropriate and this study takes such an
approach. For our empirical analysis we use quarterly and monthly
business failure data for the period January 1986 to September 1998.
Separate regressions are estimated for large business failures and small
business failures, and for each regression various lead-lag
relationships are tested in order to determine the highest statistical
correlation, on a multivariate basis, between variables. To control for
systemic growth, our regression analysis includes a linear time trend
control variable and, where appropriate, we adjust for the affects of
Overall our evidence indicates significant endogenous dependence in
the business failure process for both large and small firms, with the
stronger correlations occurring in the case of small firms. For both
large and small firms, endogenous dependence is most influential in the
months immediately prior to failure then gradually dissipates to a level
of insignificance within two years. Our results further suggest new
business formations counterbalance to some degree the domino-effect of
business failure momentum; however, the lag effect for new business
formations is twice as long for large firms compared to small firms.
Specifically, for large businesses we find the counterbalancing
influence of new business formations is most powerful at sixteen months
prior to failure and then diminishes rapidly, while for small businesses
we find new business formations have their greatest influence eight
months before failure. The diminishing impact of new business formations
mark the onset of the death struggle identified by Hambrick and
D'Aveni's (1988), and our evidence suggests once a firm begins
a death struggle, it must be very lucky to overcome endogenous
dependence in the business failure process.
The next section summarizes the related literature on business
failures and develops the study's hypotheses. This is followed by a
section discussing the sample selection and research design. The results
are presented next and in the final section of the paper we summarize our findings and conclusions.
Bankruptcy is a serious economic problem in the United States and
the bankruptcy literature is vast. One of the most extensive areas of
study in the bankruptcy literature has been bankruptcy prediction
research. An accurate bankruptcy prediction model offers many economic
benefits and as Jones (1987, p.131) observes:
The continued strong interest in bankruptcy prediction indicates
the importance of the topic. An accurate prediction of bankruptcy
can benefit a variety of interested parties. For example, investors
may seek to avoid losses associated with bankruptcy....Lenders may
use bankruptcy prediction techniques to help assess the risk on
loan default. Auditors must issue a qualified opinion when there is
substantial uncertainty about an entity's continued existence. A
bankruptcy prediction model could warn an auditor about a company's
vulnerability and protect the auditor from lawsuits arising from a
failure to disclose the possibility of bankruptcy. Management may
choose to defend a proposed merger against antitrust charges on the
basis that an acquired company was failing. Employees or their
unions may want to assess the risk of bankruptcy and the resulting
threat to continued employment. Academicians have used bankruptcy
prediction models to demonstrate the information value of cash flow
and price-level adjusted data.
Most of the bankruptcy prediction studies produced in the 1960s,
1970s, and 1980s are well summarized in a number of publications (e.g.;
Altman et al., 1981; Scott, 1981; Altman, 1983; Zavgren, 1983; Jones,
1987; Platt & Platt, 1990). The better known multivariate studies
use multiple discriminate analysis (e.g.; Altman, 1968; Altman et al.,
1977), regression modeling (e.g.; Edminster, 1972), logit analysis
(e.g.; Olson, 1980; Zavgren, 1983), probit analysis (e.g.; Zmijewski,
1984), and recursive partitioning (e.g.; Frydman, et al., 1985). While
some of these methodologies have resolved certain statistical issues,
the classification results one year prior to failure are fairly
invariant and somewhat disappointing. Corporate failure models described
as having good predictive ability generally report out-of-sample
classification results that are ten or more percentage points lower than
the ex post results.
Bankruptcy prediction studies have documented numerous exogenous
determinants of business failure, including many firm-specific (micro)
predictors. Most researchers have selected financial ratios as predictor
variables because of their popularity and predictive success in previous
studies (e.g.; Beaver, 1966; Altman, 1968; Olson, 1980; Frydman et al.,
1985; Casey & Bartczak, 1985; Hambrick & Crozier, 1985;
Duchesneau & Gartner, 1990; Lussier, 1996; Perry, 2001). Other
researchers have examined macroeconomic predictors under the assumption
that any given firm may have a higher propensity to fail in times of
economic recession than in times of economic prosperity. These
researchers generally have selected popular economic indicators as
predictor variables (e.g.; Rose et al., 1982; Carroll & Delacroix,
1982; Yrle et al., 2001). Although this approach to variable selection
has had little success in developing an integrated theory of business
failure, there has been success in using such variables to distinguish
between bankrupt and nonbankrupt firms.
Where the interest is in understanding bankruptcy rather than
simply predicting it, there must be the ability to apply economic
interpretations to the prediction models. The present study is aimed at
providing insights into the process of business failure for large and
small businesses in the context of aggregate business failures. While
most of the bankruptcy literature has concentrated on identifying
exogenous factors related to failure, only a few studies (e.g.; Hambrick
& D'Aveni, 1988; Venkataraman et al., 1990) have investigated
the process of failure within the firm, and no study to our knowledge
has investigated endogenous dependence among failed firms. Understanding
such interrelationships among failed firms is fundamental to developing
an integrated theory of business failure and advancing our understanding
of bankruptcy prediction.
Hambrick and D'Aveni (1988) document the dynamics of large
corporate failure by using a matched pair design of 57 large
bankruptcies and 57 matched survivors. Perhaps their most striking
finding is that the bankrupts showed signs of relative weakness very
early, as far back as ten years before they failed. From years t-10 to
t-2, the bankrupts maintained cushions comparable to their matched firm
survivors for meeting current obligations, but at the same time that
their profitability was suffering and their potential slack was
depleting. In the end their cushion of short-term resources collapsed
and failure resulted. Hambrick and D'Aveni concluded the failure
process for large companies is a long protracted downward spiral
consisting of four phases. The final stage they termed the "death
struggle" (years t-2 and t-1 for the firms in their sample). It is
in this final stage that the firm's slack and performance
deteriorate sharply, and death occurs.
Regarding the failure process for small firms, Venkataraman et al.
(1990) investigated the interaction between environmental volatility and
the liabilities of newness and smallness. Contrary to the drawn-out
downward spiral documented for large firms by Hambrick and D'Aveni
(1988), Venkataraman et al. (1990) found new small firm failure is
generally abrupt and catastrophic. Under their process model, whether a
new small business succeeds or fails depends on the nature, formation,
and dissolution of specific transactions. The authors observe:
New firms in many industries often lack the collateral or bonding
requirements for engaging in transactions.... Under such situations some
firms use a transaction with an established other partner as a source of
legitimacy. We call the strategy of using transactions, with one or two
legitimate external parties as collateral, to attract and engage in
transactions with other resource suppliers, leveraging. However,
leveraging renders the overall set of transactions of the firm tightly
coupled, by making the fulfillment of each transaction highly contingent
upon the fulfillment of the others. And, therefore, when any one
transactions in the set fails, the whole set could fail in domino-effect
fashion (Venkataraman et al., 1990, p.287).
Small business failure is thus triggered by the breakdown of a key
contractual relationship or transaction at a time when the small firm
lacks accumulated slack. By the laws of chance some proportion of
transactions fail, terminate, or are unfulfilled, due to environmental
turbulence which means small business failure is partly within the
control of an entrepreneur and partly a random process beyond the
entrepreneur's control.
The present study extends the work of Hambrick and D'Aveni
(1988) and Venkataraman et al. (1990) by examining interdependence among
firms in the business failure process. While Venkataraman et al. (1990)
document the interdependence among a particular firm's set of
transactions; we examine the interdependence among firms as a source of
transaction failure. Our first hypothesis extends the idea of coupling
transactions from being an intra-firm phenomenon to include inter-firm
dependence. Thus, the failure of an important transaction can have a
domino-effect causing numerous other businesses to fail. This process of
protracted time dependence in past business failures can be
characterized as a long memory of business failures stemming from a
series of failed transactions.
H1: The number of business failures is positively influenced by lag
effects from prior business failures.
Counterbalancing the domino-effect of business failure is new
business formations. New business formations create new transactions
which allow existing businesses to implement risk reducing strategies
such as diversifying or accumulating slack. These actions make the firm
less vulnerable to the failure of any particular transaction in its set
of transactions. The number of new business formations thus is a proxy
for economic activities that prevent existing businesses from failing.
However, once a firm begins what Hambrick and D'Aveni (1988)
describe as the "death struggle" phase of business failure,
new business formations will be ineffectual in stemming the rapid
disintegration of transactions. Thus, our second hypothesis is:
H2: The number of business failures is negatively influenced by lag
effects from new business formations.
Both quarterly and monthly business failure data were accumulated
from Dun and Bradstreet's commercial failures data for the period
of January 1986 to September 1998. This sample period was one of
necessity, rather than choice. In the mid-1980s Dunn and
Bradstreet's decided to expand the compilation of business closing
statistics in certain industry groups and this resulted in 20 months of
missing data in the data set. Beginning the sample period in January
1986 avoided this missing data problem. The sample period ends in
September 1998 because at this time Dun and Bradstreet reorganized its
internal operations and ceased reporting business formation and business
failure statistics altogether.
Table 1 presents summary statistics for large and small business
failures for the sample period January 1986--September 1998. A
"failure" is defined as, "a concern that is involved in a
court proceeding or voluntary action that is likely to end in a loss to
creditors" (Dun and Bradstreet's measures of failures,
1955-1998). All industrial and commercial enterprises petitioned into
the Federal Bankruptcy Courts are included in the failure records. Also
included are: 1) concerns forced out of business through such actions in
the State courts as foreclosures, executions, and attachments with
insufficient assets to cover all claims; 2) concerns involved in court
actions such as receiverships, reorganizations, or arrangements; 3)
voluntary discontinuations with a known loss to creditors; and 4)
voluntary out of court compromises with creditors. Table 1 indicates the
average number of small business failures is more than double the
average number of large business failures. Specifically, during the
sample period the number of small business failures averaged 4085 per
month compared to 1898 failures per month for large businesses. A small
business is defined as a concern having less than $100,000 in current
liabilities; a large business is defined as a concern having more than
$100,000 in current liabilities (Dun and Bradstreet's measures of
failures, 1955-1998).
Table 1 also reports the average amount of current liabilities for
large and small business failures for the sample period. Current
liabilities include all accounts and notes payable, whether secured or
unsecured, known to be held by banks, officers, affiliated companies,
suppliers, or the Government. They do not include long-term publicly
held obligations (Dun and Bradstreet's measures of failures,
1955-1998). The amount of current liabilities is of interest because it
is one of the few directly observable measures of business failure
costs. A large proportion of these liabilities will never be paid, and
consequently, they must be absorbed as losses by other business and
non-business entities. Current liabilities for large firm failures are
50 times larger on average than the current liabilities for small firm
We hypothesize (1) a positive association between lag effects of
prior business failures and current business failures and (2) a negative
association between lag effects of new business formations and current
business failures. To test these hypotheses we regress the number of
business failures on lagged business failures and lagged new business
incorporations. The analysis becomes complicated because the number of
business failures depends not only on past business failures and new
business formations but also on many other factors including population
growth and market expansions. To control for this systemic growth, the
regression includes a linear time trend control variable, defined as a
time series starting at one and growing at a constant amount B=1 each
time period.
We estimated separate regressions for large and small business
failures and do not combine large firms and small firms in the same
model. For each regression we examined various lag relationships in
order to determine the highest statistical correlation, on a
multivariate basis, between variables. We also tested various lag
relationships between large firm failures and small firm failures, and
visa versa; however, these latter regressions did not improve
explanatory power, and therefore, are not reported.
From the various lag combinations of quarterly data, the final
specification using ordinary least squares regression is of the
following form for large firm failures and small firm failures
LGFAI[L.sub.t] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1]TREN[D.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2]LGFAI[L.sub.t-1] + [[beta].sub.3]NE[W.sub.t-6] +
[v.sub.t] (1)
SMFAI[L.sub.t] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1]TREN[D.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2]SMFAI[L.sub.t-1] + [[beta].sub.3]NE W.sub.t-3] +
[v.sub.t] (2)
TREN[D.sub.t] = a series starting at 1 and growing at a constant amount
B=1 each time period t;
SMFAI[L.sub.t-1] = the number small firm failures lagged one quarter
back in time t;
LGFAI[L.sub.t-1] = the number large firm failures lagged one quarter
back in time t; and
NE[W.sub.t-k] = the number of new business incorporations lagged k
quarters back in time t.
After estimating equations (1) and (2) with quarterly data, we
employed the same procedure to estimate e similar regressions using
monthly data. This provided a detailed time series of monthly lags
around points of highest statistical correlation. From the various lag
combinations of monthly data, the final specification using ordinary
least squares regression is of the following form for large firm
failures and small firm failures respectively:
LGFAI[L.sub.t] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1]TREN[D.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2]LGFAI[L.sub.t-1] + [[beta].sub.3]LGFAI[L.sub.t-2] +
[[beta].sub.3]LGFAI[L.sub.t-3] + [[beta].sub.5]NE[W.sub.t-16] +
[[beta].sub.6]NE[W.sub.t-17] + [[beta].sub.7]NE[W.sub.t-18] + vt (3)
SMFAI[L.sub.t] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1]TREN[D.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2]SMFAI[L.sub.t-1] + [[beta].sub.3]SMFAI[L.sub.t-2] +
[[beta].sub.4]SMFAI[L.sub.t-3] + [[beta].sub.5]NE[W.sub.t-16] +
[[beta].sub.6]NE[W.sub.t-17] + [[beta].sub.7]NE[W.sub.t-18] + vt (4)
TREN[D.sub.t] = a series starting at 1 and growing at a constant amount
B=1 each time period t;
SMFAI[L.sub.t-J] = the number small firm failures lagged J months back
in time t;
LGFAI[L.sub.t-J] = the number large firm failures lagged J months back
in time t; and
NE[W.sub.t-k] = the number of new business incorporations lagged k
months back in time t.
Because of the autocorrelative nature of the data, we performed a
time series analysis based on the Box-Jenkins approach (Box &
Jenkins, 1976). Autocorrelation induces unreliability in assessing the
least squares estimators in a regression model (see Choudhury, 1994).
Based on the time series analysis, it was necessary to adjust for
autocorrelation with regard to the quarterly data only. We evaluated the
autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function
(PACF) of the regression residuals using SAS procedure PROC ARIMA (see
SAS/ETS User's Guide, 1988) to observe the degree of
autocorrelation and to identify the order of the model that sufficiently
described the autocorrelation. A seventh order autoregressive (AR) model
(1 - [[phi].sub.7] [B.sup.7]) [v.sub.t] = [[epsilon].sub.t] has been
identified for large firms model and sixth order autoregressive (AR)
model (1 - [[phi].sub.6] [B.sup.6]) [v.sub.t] = [[epsilon].sub.t] has
been identified for small firms. These models were estimated using the
maximum likelihood technique with SAS procedure PROC AUTOREG.
Autoregressive parameters for both the large and small firm
quarterly data models were statistically significant at the .05 level.
An adjustment was therefore introduced and the final specification using
generalized least squares regression is of the following form for large
and small firm failures:
LGFAI[L.sub.t] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1]TREN[D.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2]LGFAI[L.sub.t-1] + [[beta].sub.3]NE[W.sub.t-6] +
[v.sub.t][v.sub.t] = [[phi].sub.7] [v.sub.t-7] + [[epsilon].sub.t]; (5)
SMFAI[L.sub.t] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1]TREN[D.sub.t] +
[[beta].sub.2]SMFAI[L.sub.t-1] + [[beta].sub.3]NE[W.sub.t-3] +
[v.sub.t][v.sub.t] = [[phi].sub.6] [v.sub.t-6] + [[epsilon].sub.t]; (6)
TREN[D.sub.t] = a series starting at 1 and growing at a constant amount
B=1 each time period t;
SMFAI[L.sub.t-1] = the number small firm failures lagged one quarter
back in time t;
LGFAI[L.sub.t-1] = the number large firm failures lagged one quarter
back in time t; and
NE[W.sub.t-k] = the number of new business incorporations lagged k
quarters back in time t.
In this section we report the results of tests investigating
endogenous dependence in large and small business failures. Table 2
reports correlations between the number of business failures and their
monthly lags. Consistent with the first hypothesis, significant positive
correlations are observed in the monthly lags for both large and small
business failures. The strongest correlations, .73 for large firms and
.85 for small firms, occur after a one month lag. Subsequently the
monthly correlations weaken over time to the point insignificance by 24
months. The results in Table 2 also suggest the memory of business
failure is longer for small firms compared to large firms.
Table 3 reports the results of the regression equations using
quarterly data. The timing relationships reported in Table 3 were
empirically determined in order to maximize the explanatory power of the
regression model. Thus, maximum explanatory power was achieved for the
large firm regression when large business failures were lagged one
quarter and new business formations were lagged six quarters. In
contrast, maximum explanatory power was achieved for the small firm
regression when small business failures were lagged one quarter and new
business formations were lagged three quarters. The Durbin-Watson
statistics on the initial estimates indicated marginally significant
autocorrelation among error terms; and therefore, Table 3 also reports
the estimated generalized regression equations that are corrected for
The coefficient estimates for FAILLAG1, the number of large or
small business failures lagged one month back in time, is statistically
significant (p<.01) and positive for both large and small firms. This
result provides strong support for the first hypothesis. One
interpretation of this finding is that for every pair of large firms
failures in a given month, one more large business will fail the
following month; similarly, for every four small business failures in a
given month, three small businesses will fail the following month. The
number of new business formations lagged three months back in time,
NEWLAG3, is statistically significant (p<.01) and negative for small
firms and the number of new business formations lagged six months back
in time, NEWLAG6, is statistically significant (p<.01) and negative
for large firms. These results provide strong support for the second
hypothesis. One interpretation of this finding is that for every 100 new
business formations, three large businesses that would otherwise fail in
six months will not fail and six to seven small business that would
otherwise fail in three months will not fail.
Table 4 reports the regression results using monthly data and as
expected the monthly results are similar to the quarterly results
reported in Table 3. However, some additional detail is provided by the
monthly timing relationships. The coefficient estimates for the business
failures lagged variable, FAILLAG(J), gradually looses explanatory power
as the monthly lag time increases. For both large and small firms, the
lag effect is strongest after one month (p<.01), still strong and
statistically significant after two months (p<.01), and not
statistically significant after three months. These results however must
be interpreted with caution due to collinearity in the monthly data. The
same concern holds true regarding the coefficient estimates for the new
business formations lagged variable, NEWLAG(J), reported in Table 4. Our
results suggest the lag effect for new business formations is strongest
for small firms at eight months and large firms at sixteen months.
This paper examines endogenous dependence in the business failure
process for large and small businesses. After controlling for systemic
growth, we use lagged business failures as an explanatory variable to
explain the movement in business failures over time. We find the
momentum in business failures from their cumulative lagged effect over
time influences other distressed business to fail. The interdependence
in the business failure process can be characterized as long memory of
business failures that is present in both large and small business
failures; however, the memory appears to be longer for smaller firms
compared to large firms.
This paper extends Hambrick and D'Aveni's (1988) finding
that large corporate bankruptcies progress as long downward spirals, by
providing evidence of the final phase of organizational decline, the
"death struggle". Hambrick and D'Aveni suggest this final
phase occurs during the large firm's last two years of existence
following a prolonged period declining performance and diminishing
slack. Our results suggest a more precise empirically based timeframe
for commencement of the death struggle. Specifically, for large
businesses we find the counterbalancing influence of new business
formations ceases to be very influential within the last sixteen months
prior to failure and when new business formations can no longer stave
off the forces of decline, the death struggle would appear to be at
hand. For small businesses, we find the counterbalancing influence of
new business formations ceases to be very influential within the last
eight months prior to failure. The shorter death struggle for smaller
firms is consistent with the process model for new small business
failure developed by Venkataraman et al. (1990).
Once the death struggle begins for a large firm, the failure
process becomes similar to catastrophic process described by
Venkataraman et al. (1990) for small firms: slack is gone, working
capital is depleted, and all that remains before the nails are put in
the coffin is the failure of one important transaction. Our results
suggest such an event can be concomitant failure of another firm with
which the firm has a contractual relationship and that once a firm
enters the death struggle, it must be very lucky to overcome endogenous
dependence in the business failure process.
This study raises several issues for future bankruptcy research.
First, our evidence indicates endogenous dependence should be included
in an integrated theory of business failure for large and small firms;
however, this study is only a first step in modeling functional
relationships. Future research could investigate factors that
systematically contaminate the model residuals' ability to capture
endogenous dependence. Second, our evidence has implications for
increasing the explanatory power of bankruptcy prediction models and
identifying the determinants of business failure. Endogenous dependence
is only one dimension of business failure. Future bankruptcy prediction
models could incorporate exogenous dependence as an explanatory variable
and investigate its interactions with other predictors, particularly
other macroeconomic variables. Finally, although we find positive
associations in the number of business failures and their monthly lags
going back almost two years, it is difficult to completely rule out
unknown growth factors as an alternative explanation for the results.
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Steven V. Campbell, University of Idaho Askar H. Choudhury,
Illinois State University
Table 1: Summary Statistics for Large and Small Firm Failures for the
Period January 1986-September 1998 (a)
Quarter/ Standard
Variables (b) Month Means Deviation Minimums
SMFAIL Quarterly 12175.21 2764.60 7624.00
Monthly 4084.59 936.37 2476.00
LGFAIL Quarterly 5658.21 1003.00 3954.00
Monthly 1898.24 351.89 1223.00
SMLIAB Quarterly 218.16 40.66 155.80
Monthly 73.19 14.59 47.60
LGLIAB Quarterly 11626.84 7367.39 3561.20
Monthly 3900.62 2868.98 972.90
NEW Quarterly 178005.49 13784.29 153911.00
Monthly 59335.16 5290.19 48688.00
Variables (b) Month Medians Maximums
SMFAIL Quarterly 12339.00 18102.00
Monthly 4035.00 6365.00
LGFAIL Quarterly 5529.00 7722.00
Monthly 1882.00 2778.00
SMLIAB Quarterly 212.80 300.10
Monthly 72.80 108.40
LGLIAB Quarterly 9302.35 38047.20
Monthly 2968.20 15673.90
NEW Quarterly 174196.00 205844.00
Monthly 58253.00 73060.00
(a) Small firms have less than $100,000 in current liabilities; large
firms have more than $100,000 in current liabilities. A failure is
defined as, "a concern that is involved in a court proceeding or
voluntary action that is likely to end in a loss to creditors." Source:
Dun & Bradstreet, Inc
(b) Variable Definitions:
SMFAIL = number of small firm failures;
LGFAIL = number of large firm failures;
SMLIAB = amount of current liabilities (millions of dollars)--small
firm failures;
LGLIAB = amount of current liabilities (millions of dollars)--large
firm failures; and
NEW = number of new business incorporations.
Table 2: Correlation between Number of Failures and their Lags for
Large and Small Firms Monthly Data (a)
Variables (b) Large Firm Failures Small Firm Failures
FAILLAG1 0.73301 (<0.0001) 0.84956 (<0.0001)
FAILLAG2 0.71022 (<0.0001) 0.83607 (<0.0001)
FAILLAG3 0.63847 (<0.0001) 0.81074 (<0.0001)
FAILLAG4 0.49090 (<0.0001) 0.75318 (<0.0001)
FAILLAG5 0.54512 (<0.0001) 0.79799 (<0.0001)
FAILLAG6 0.47662 (<0.0001) 0.74497 (<0.0001)
FAILLAG7 0.44652 (<0.0001) 0.72692 (<0.0001)
FAILLAG8 0.39054 (<0.0001) 0.67578 (<0.0001)
FAILLAG9 0.42561 (<0.0001) 0.66844 (<0.0001)
FAILLAG10 0.38573 (<0.0001) 0.63894 (<0.0001)
FAILLAG11 0.36153 (<0.0001) 0.61174 (<0.0001)
FAILLAG12 0.43591 (<0.0001) 0.64860 (<0.0001)
FAILLAG13 0.27099 (0.0011) 0.52284 (<0.0001)
FAILLAG14 0.28927 (0.0005) 0.52685 (<0.0001)
FAILLAG15 0.22572 (0.0073) 0.46897 (<0.0001)
FAILLAG16 0.12568 (0.1404) 0.39555 (<0.0001)
FAILAG17 0.18943 (0.0261) 0.41332 (<0.0001)
FAILLAG18 0.04476 (0.6035) 0.29929 (0.0004)
FAILLAG19 0.01472 (0.8649) 0.28552 (0.0008)
FAILLAG20 -0.06231 (0.4728) 0.24654 (0.0039)
FAILLAG21 -0.12214 (0.1597) 0.20544 (0.0173)
FAILLAG22 -0.12372 (0.1560) 0.18292 (0.0351)
FAILAG23 -0.15721 (0.0718) 0.15188 (0.0821)
FAILLAG24 -0.14542 (0.0975) 0.14625 (0.0955)
( ) p-values
(a) Small firms have less than $100,000 in current liabilities; large
firms have more than $100,000 in current liabilities. A failure is
defined as, "a concern that is involved in a court proceeding or
voluntary action that is likely to end in a loss to creditors." Source:
Dun & Bradstreet, Inc.
(b) Variable Definitions: FAILLAG(J) = number of firm failures, large
or small, lagged J months back in time.
Table 3: Extended Regressions on Number of Large and Small Firm
Failures--Quarterly Data (a)
Variables (b) Large Firms Small Firms
Intercept 6472.0858 (c) 15788.00
(2.95) *** (2.92) ***
TREND 25.8286 72.5149
(2.07) ** (2.03) **
FAILLAG1 0.5711 0.6866
(4.60) *** (5.85) ***
NEWLAG3 -- -0.0807
(-2.69) ***
NEWLAG6 -0.0281 --
(-2.35) **
R-Squared 0.55 0.78
Durbin-Watson 1.73 1.76
[0.09] (f) [.10]
Large Firms Small Firms
Independent (corrected for (corrected for
Variables (b) autocorrelation) (d) autocorrelation) (e)
Intercept 7146.00 13057.00
(3.44) *** (2.98) ***
TREND 29.1039 57.1868
(2.64) ** (2.14) **
FAILLAG1 0.5142 0.7302
(4.04) *** (7.00) ***
NEWLAG3 -- -0.0652
(-2.81) ***
NEWLAG6 -0.0307 --
(-2.82) ***
R-Squared 0.61 0.81
Durbin-Watson 1.76 1.88
[.10] [0.20]
(a) Small firms have less than $100,000 in current liabilities; large
firms have more than $100,000 in current liabilities. A failure is
defined as, "a concern that is involved in a court proceeding or
voluntary action that is likely to end in a loss to creditors." Source:
Dun & Bradstreet, Inc.
(b) Variable Definitions:
TREND = a series starting at 1 and growing at a constant amount B = 1
each time period;
FAILLAG1 = the number firm failures, large or small, lagged one quarter
back in time; and
NEWLAG(J) = the number of new business incorporations lagged J quarters
back in time.
(c) t-statistic reported in parenthesis are significant at ten
(*), five (**), and one (***) percent levels.
(d) The model was identified as, (1 - [[phi].sub.7] [B.sup.7])
[v.sub.t] = [[epsilon].sub.t].
Estimated ARIMA model of the regression residuals from SAS,
(1 + 0.4010 [B.sup.7]) [v.sub.t] = [[epsilon].sub.t]
(e) The model was identified as, (1 - [[phi].sub.6] [B.sup.6])
[v.sub.t] = [[epsilon].sub.t].
Estimated ARIMA model of the regression residuals from SAS,
(1 + 0.4237 [B.sup.6]) [v.sub.t] = [[epsilon].sub.t]
Where p-values (significance level) for autoregressive parameters are
reported in parentheses.
(f) [ ] p-values for Durbin-Watson statistic.
Table 4: Regressions on Number of Large and Small Firm
Failures--Monthly Data (a)
Variables (b) Large Firms Small Firms
Intercept 1060.4792 (c) (2.76) *** 2997.0277 (2.83) ***
TREND 1.8272 (2.45) ** 5.4242 (2.32) **
FAILLAG1 0.4645 (5.19) *** 0.3915 (4.42) ***
FAILLAG2 0.3534 (3.78) *** 0.2754 (3.01) ***
FAILLAG3 -0.0548 (-0.58) 0.1266 (1.46)
NEWLAG7 -- -0.0213 (-1.87) *
NEWLAG8 -- -0.0230 (-2.05) **
NEWLAG9 -- -0.0007 (-0.06)
NEWLAG16 -0.0175 (-2.86) *** --
NEWLAG17 0.0002 (0.04) --
NEWLAG18 0.0038 (0.64) --
R-Squared 0.66 0.79
Durbin-Watson 2.01 1.95
(a) Small firms have less than $100,000 in current liabilities; large
firms have more than $100,000 in current liabilities. A failure is
defined as, "a concern that is involved in a court proceeding or
voluntary action that is likely to end in a loss to creditors." Source:
Dun & Bradstreet, Inc.
(b) Variable Definitions:
TREND = a series starting at 1 and growing at a constant amount B = 1
each time period;
FAILLAG(J) = the number firm failures, large or small, lagged J months
back in time; and
NEWLAG(J) = the number of new business incorporations lagged J months
back in time.
(c) t-statistic reported in parenthesis are significant at ten (*),
five (**), and one (***) percent levels.