Who it is and what it does: finding the "Heffa-Preneur".
Jackson, William T. ; Gaulden, Corbett ; Gaster, Walter 等
The Entrepreneur--fact or fiction? Mover of economic phenomena or
incidental character? Certainly the identity of the entrepreneur
intrigues us. We know one when we see one. Or, perhaps, the entrepreneur
is one because (s)he likes the sound of the word and claims it for
personal reasons. For years the debate has continued on what constitutes
an entrepreneur.
Since the mid-nineties, (really the mid-eighties), little
substantial research has been focused on the entrepreneur (Carland,
Carland & Stewart, 2000). While some of the fault of this deficiency
can be contributed to entrepreneurial curriculums, or lack thereof
(Hebert & Bass, 1995), or the lack of rigor in research (Jackson,
Watts & Wright, 1993), much of the fault has to do with our refocus from the entrepreneur to entrepreneurial activity as advocated by
Bygrave and Hofer (1991) and Gardner (1991).
The authors advocate that the entrepreneur is still a worthy
subject of research, even though we may also follow the trail of
entrepreneurial activity. In other words, both research venues may be
fruitful for us. The authors offer an historical respective in an effort
to stimulate discussion on the value of such an approach.
The search for the source of dynamic entrepreneurial performance
has much in common with hunting the Heffalump. The Heffalump is a large
and rather important animal. He has been hunted by many individuals
using various ingenious trapping devices, but no one so far has
succeeded in capturing him. All who claim to have caught sight of him
report that he is enormous, but they disagree on his particularities.
Not having explored his current habitat with sufficient care, some
hunters have used as bait their own favorite dishes and have then tried
to persuade people that what they caught was a Heffalump. However, very
few are convinced, and the search goes on (Kilby, 1971, 1).
The above statement made by Peter Kilby, borrowing a construct from
A. A. Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh, is one of the most characteristic
analogies ever made regarding the study of the entrepreneur.
Unfortunately, even after three additional decades since the statement
was made, the search continues. As we will see, in further consideration
of the search for the Heffalump, a lot has been "observed" but
not much is fully known or understood. We do know more about the
Heffalump than Milne originally presented.
For example, based on folk lyric, the Heffalump has three ears. He
should surely be easy to spot. And, he is enormous, measuring 14 feet
from ear to ear. Testimony is that he is deaf even with extra auditory equipment. These characteristics should surely make him easy to find--as
should be equally true with the entrepreneur.
And then, there are other characteristics (discovered at different
times). For example, independent observers have noted that his eyes are
red, his nose is green and his tail is turquoise blue. Surely, if we saw
this fellow, we would recognize him. One observer has even reported that
the Heffalump has been known to audibly snarf. Surely we can recognize
him by the sound.
The hunt has even (allegedly) isolated the location of the
Heffalump. He is known to reside in the land of Vildesmeer, which is not
too far from Fleeglestown and a bit further from Glarf. With all that
help, surely the Heffalump could be found. Alas, he hasn't. Not
anymore than the entrepreneur?
One researcher even went so far as to stake a professional career
on the sighting of a Heffalump, stating that if the evidence presented
was not finally accepted, he would be content to become a bingle.
More seriously (directly) a major dilemma faced by researchers can
be drawn from another observation made by G.L.S. Shackle in The
The entrepreneur is a maker of history, but his guide in making it
is his judgment of possibilities and not a calculation of
certainties. (Hebert & Link, 1982, viii)
This statement draws attention to two salient points regarding any
study of entrepreneurs. First, the importance of the entrepreneur should
never be ignored when exploring economic development. Second, any study
will be obviously inhibited by the entrepreneur's use of
non-quantifiable methods of accomplishing tasks-judgment. What this
implies is that many of the activities of the entrepreneur will remain a
vast terra incognita due to the intuitive reactions to opportunities
that he may make in lieu of logical business decisions. Furthermore, the
quote highlights the difficulty of separating what the entrepreneur is
from what the entrepreneur does.
Current entrepreneurial literature lacks consensus regarding the
definition (the identity) of the entrepreneur (Wortman, 1987; Carland,
Carland & Stewart, 2000). In this paper, the authors set out to
trace the evolution of thought about the entrepreneur and
entrepreneurial activity through several stages of development. A
somewhat parallel approach to that of Wren's (1987) paradigm for
the study of the development of management thought will be used.
Wren's stages, which tend to follow major changes in economic,
social and political doctrines include: (1) pre-classical stage; (2)
classical stage; (3) neo-classical stage; (4) the modern stage; and, (5)
current impetus.
Many attempts have been made to classify the entrepreneur and
entrepreneurial activity. As we shall see, the long history of the
discussion has resulted in quite a few perspectives, sometimes
apparently contradictory, on entrepreneurs and their importance to the
economic process. This paper is an attempt to summarize those
perspectives and, hopefully, help to clarify our collective points of
view. The entrepreneur is, by all accounts, important to economic theory
and practice, but just isn't well understood. The paper is offered
as a tentative framework for the discussion of this very important
phenomenon--the Heffalump, oops! the Entrepreneur.
One is reminded of the efforts of several blind men to describe an
elephant. Perspective was important in that effort too. Only by stepping
back and looking at the whole thing do we really appreciate what it is
we are looking at.
Surely, none of us doubts that the entrepreneur has been among us
as long as economic Activity--long before the corporation was even
imagined. Obviously the term is new, but the person and activities are
as old as history. Early writers who spoke of the phenomenon that we now
call entrepreneur were not very complimentary. Aristotle, along with
many other Greek observers, held disdain for the entrepreneur based on
their support of the zero-sum economic activity theory. This theory held
that gain obtained by one individual had to be the result of another
man's loss (Aristotle, 1924). The fact that merchants were not
allowed citizenship in Greece during this period (Wren, 1987) was
probably an outcome of the "constant wealth" or zero-sum
Merchants often put their possessions and their lives on the line
for sizable potential rewards. Interestingly, while the Greeks seemed to
view wealth as a fixed commodity, they did not necessarily view any
given city-state's wealth as fixed. Wealth redistribution from
other peoples seems to have been okay. Military leaders of this period
participated in campaigns with the hope that their risk would lead to
substantial economic benefits (Hebert & Link, 1982). These benefits
amounted to a forced redistribution from one economy to another. We can
almost think of their activities as being economic. Both kinds of
persons obviously expected non zero-sum returns for their risk taking.
They weren't called entrepreneurs, but these
"adventurers" existed nonetheless. The difference in attitude
toward them seems to have lain in an inherent belief that wealth
redistribution was okay and might be in the national best interest,
while wealth creation was not really a viable concept. Alas, Vildesmeer
was too far away and the Heffalump wasn't really perceived even if
he passed by.
Religious philosophy often represented another inhibiting factor
toward entrepreneurial activity during this period. These philosophies
also precluded observation and discussion of economic risk-taking. Weber
(1958) postulated that:
... the ascetic character of [the Catholic Church's] highest ideals
must have brought up its adherents to a greater indifference toward
the good things of this world. (p. 40)
By analogy, the Heffalump wasn't really even allowed to pass
by. Wealth was often viewed as an evil thing. So, the Heffalump with his
wares might even be shot on sight since he didn't fit into the
environment. It was not until the mid-eighteenth century that the term
entrepreneur and the economic impact of the entrepreneurial activity
began to be seriously noticed.
French School
Richard Cantillon (1680-1734), a French banker and businessman, in
his Essai sur la nature du commerce en general, was among the first to
recognize the role of the entrepreneur in economic development (Hebert
& Link, 1982). Cantillon's theory of the entrepreneurial
individual was someone (from any economic class) that had the foresight
and desire to assume risk and take the initiative to attempt to make a
profit in an uncertain world. This is the essence of the first formal
definition of the entrepreneur. Cantillon's remarkably familiar
view of the entrepreneur went on to stress that this individual would
provide a good at the right place, at the right time and at the right
price to satisfy a consumer's need (Spengler, 1960). He further
argued that the risk involved was not only monetary, but also one
associated with opportunity costs of time and expertise (Kanbur, 1980).
Numerous other French economists closed ranks with Cantillon in
recognizing the specific existence of the entrepreneur. Three of his
compatriots wrote of the entrepreneur but really added nothing to the
definition. Specifically, Francois Quesnay (1694-1774), Nicolos Baudeau
(1730-1792, and Anne-Robert Jacques Turgot (1727-1781) recognized the
role of the agricultural entrepreneur (appropriate to the economy of the
day), but only Turgot saw implications outside agrarian activity. These
French economists saw the entrepreneur as intelligent, wealthy, and a
profit seeker (Hebert & Link, 1982).
A little later, another Frenchman-Jean-Baptiste Say (1767-1832)
provided notable advancement to economic thought. Say stipulated that
the entrepreneur represented the catalyst for the development of
products- he was a "superior laborer" (Hoselitz, 1960).
Say's work did not, in itself, provide for significant advancement
in entrepreneurial thought as that was not his focus. He did not feature
"a force for dynamic economic change". However, kernels for
advancement of economic speculation on the entrepreneur were now in
English School
At the same time that French economic thought was making a place
for specific inclusion of the entrepreneur, the English School had its
own theorists who began to notice our risk-taker. The best known in the
field was Adam Smith (1723-1790). Smith failed to specifically separate
the entrepreneur from various other kinds of "industrious
people." However, he did offer numerous indirect references to the
entrepreneur's role in the economy. For example, Smith recognized
innovation as a hallmark of professional activity (Hebert & Link,
Another Englishman, Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), took Smith's
philosophy one step further. He categorized the entrepreneur as a
"contractor" and one who, through invention, would prosper
(Bentham, 1962).
German School
Another country offering a wealth of entrepreneurial pre-theorists,
at about the same time, was Germany. J.H. von Thunen (1783-1850) and
H.K. von Mangoldt (1824-1868) were two of the more prominent German
economists who began to consider entrepreneurs and their contributions
to economic wealth. Von Thunen was best known for his description of
gain being awarded based on risk involved and ingenuity used (Kanbur,
1980). Mangoldt, on the other hand, recognized innovation as being an
important factor of enterprise, yet did not see this as a method of
dynamic growth (Hebert & Link, 1982).
The World
The western world did not hold a monopoly on observing
entrepreneurial activity during this period. For example, even though
specific identities of Japanese economic theorists of the era are not
known, we can identify a strong entrepreneurial spirit in Japan's
sphere of influence.
"The economic responsiveness demonstrated by these [Japanese]
merchants as entrepreneurs leaves little doubt that they could respond
to the economic opportunities [as] successfully [as] their European
counterparts" (Yamamura, 1973, 182).
It is not surprising, considering the economic climate of the
period associated with the industrial revolution, along with a
noticeable "shrinking" of the world of commerce that the
entrepreneur began to receive so much attention by economic theorists.
Dynamic growth was occurring in much of the world (in contrast to the
zero-sum game) and an explanation for this phenomenon was needed.
Economic theorists had begun to lay the groundwork for explaining
entrepreneurial impact on economic growth. However, consensus on the
identity of the entrepreneur or entrepreneurial roles was not even a
target, much less an achievement for these thinkers. The entrepreneur
was seen variously as: a risk taker (Cantillon, Baudeau, Thunen, Bentham
and Mangoldt); a superior laborer (Say & Smith); a highly
intelligent person (Cantillon, Quesnay, Baudeau, and Turgot); and, as an
innovator (Smith, Bentham, and Mangoldt). This was the period in which
the industrial revolution reached its full momentum. This obviously
colored the sense of the entrepreneur that emerged during that time.
Would scholars of subsequent periods (after 1870) offer any better
As the global economy flourished, theories purporting to identify
the entrepreneur abounded. Although the scope of this paper does not
allow for an extensive discussion of each, a few eminent scholars do
deserve particular consideration.
Max Weber
The full-blown emergence and explication of the protestant work
ethic marked the first major transitional period in the development of
and specific interest in entrepreneurial thought. Max Weber and his book
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism should probably be
considered a watershed in this development. In addition to emphasizing
the importance of economic expansion associated with the movement, Weber
offered an explanation and rationale for the existence of two
entrepreneurial types.
There was first, that type of entrepreneur that epitomized the
protestant ethic as was purposed by the traditional Calvinist:
The form of organization was in every respect capitalistic; ... But
it was traditionalistic business; if one considers the spirit which
animated the [businessman]: the traditional role of profit, the
traditional manner of regulating the relationships with labour, and
essentially traditional circle of customers and the manner of
attracting new ones. All of these dominated the ... business and
were at the basis of the ethos of this group of businessmen ... The
ideal type of capitalistic entrepreneur ... avoids ostentation and
unnecessary expenditures, ... [is] embarrassed by ... social
recognition, ... and gets nothing out of his wealth except having
done his job well (Weber, 1958, pp. 67-71).
It was, however, his recognition of a second type of entrepreneur
for which Weber gained recognition as a philosopher in the field of
entrepreneurship. As will be discussed in more detail in conjunction
with consideration of Schumpeter's contributions, it was
Weber's "charismatic leader" that served as the vehicle
for explaining certain significant changes that were occurring in the
economy (Carlin, 1956). Weber described this leader as follows:
What happened [to disrupt the traditional state of the economy was]
... some young man ... would change his marketing methods ... would
take details into his own hands, would personally solicit customers
... would introduce low prices (Weber, 1958, 67-68)
Weber, at this point, tended to support the negative connotation that was so often projected onto this second type of entrepreneur. He
went on to suggest that:
[The entrepreneur's] entry on the scene was not generally peaceful.
A flood of mistrust, sometimes hatred, above all of more
indignation, regularly opposed itself to the first innovator (p.
Other Neo-classical Scholars
Although many other truly prominent individual scholars lent their
names to the field of entrepreneurial thought during this period, little
substance in identifying the exact nature or purpose of the entrepreneur
was developed. Generally, the entrepreneur, although recognized, was
just a pattern in the wallpaper of the economy. The emphasis was on the
emergence of big business. Certainly no consensus as to the
"who" and "what" of entrepreneurial phenomena was
arrived at amongst these giants in economic thought.
The British School was represented by the likes of Alfred Marshall,
Francis Y. Edgeworth, and John Maynard Keynes. Marshall simply echoed
the sentiment of the French economist Say that the entrepreneur was a
"superior laborer." He did, however, stress that the
entrepreneur would, of necessity, exhibit "leadership
abilities" (Marshall, 1961). Edgeworth's view of the
entrepreneur added little to the observations made by Marshall. Keynes
followed the Marshallian doctrine of superior laborer, yet espoused the
original concept of "animal spirits"-or a spontaneous urge to
action (Keynes, 1964). There is a hint of "inspiration added to
motivation" in his thinking.
As the American economy blossomed, so did thinking among
entrepreneurship scholars. Among the most widely read and respected were
Francis Walker (1840-1897), Fredrick Hawley (1843-1929), John Bates
Clark (1847-1938), and Frank Knight (1885-1972). Walker, who actually
preceded Marshall, stressed the elements of decision-making and
leadership (Hebert & Link, 1982). Hawley reiterated the
well-accepted doctrine from Cantillon of risk taker, but placed even
more emphasis on the importance of the individual to economic growth
(Hawley, 1892). Clark seems to have disagreed with the notion of
entrepreneur as "risk-taker" and described the entrepreneur as
more of a coordinator of economic activity (Clark, 1907). Knight, to
whom risk meant nothing if the uncertainty could be insured, provided
two major contributions to entrepreneurial thought:
First, he [Knight] provided a very useful emphasis on the
distinction between insurable risks and non-insurable uncertainty.
Second, he advanced a theory of profit that related this non-
insurable uncertainty on the one hand to rapid economic change
and on the other to differences in entrepreneurial ability. (Hebert
& Link, 1982, 69)
Joseph Schumpeter
Undoubtedly, the most influential scholar in the area of
entrepreneurial thought during the Neo-classical period was Joseph A.
Schumpeter (1883-1950). As alluded to previously, Schumpeter's
entrepreneur was Weber's charismatic leader. To Schumpeter, the
entrepreneur was an innovator and was directly responsible for dynamic
change in the economy (Carlin, 1956).
Schumpeter was perhaps the first theorist to view the entrepreneur
from a multi-faceted perspective. Our subject was no simple phenomenon
to him. As a consequence of this more holistic point of view, Schumpeter
challenged some notions that seem to have been tacitly, but well,
accepted in his time. Remember that the emphasis on the entrepreneur had
been developing over a two hundred year period. While Weber's work
provided a watershed, Schumpeter began to describe the new recognition
and theory of the reality.
Among his more controversial ideas was the proposition that the
entrepreneur was not, per se, a risk taker. Although this notion
continues to receive considerable debate, some observations of other
ideas espoused by Schumpeter help to explain this apparent departure
from the "obvious": the idea that Schumpeter's
entrepreneur was so superior in ability that there was no risk in
failure; or that it was the capitalist, not the entrepreneur, that was
at risk (even though the entrepreneur might be a capitalist) (Kanbur,
The most unique feature ascribed by Schumpeter to the entrepreneur
was his "intuitive nature":
Here the success of everything depends on intuition, the capacity of
seeing things in a way which afterwards proves to be true, even
though it cannot be established at the moment, and of grasping
the essential fact, discarding the unnecessary and, even though
one can give no account of the principles by which this is done
(Schumpeter, 1934, 85).
Before entering the Modern era of entrepreneurial thought, it is
important to gather those characteristics of the entrepreneur that were
in vogue at the end of the Neo-classical period.
As the United States entered a period of economic depression and
then World War II, thinking and writing about entrepreneurs declined.
What was needed was a large and well-organized economic system to help
the nation through those very trying economic times. Entrepreneurs and
entrepreneurial activity had not disappeared--it's just that their
relative priority as an area of investigation had been reduced by larger
or more pressing matters.
When the economy recovered from these back-to-back "big
hits", the entrepreneur was still there. Modern research was very
much shaped by the "social-man" philosophy that had come out
of the long period of upheaval in thought. The importance of the
individual had, understandably, decreased during that period. In
addition, research into phenomena like the entrepreneur had moved from a
purely economic perspective to that of a multidisciplinary perspective.
Social-Man Approach
The 1950s and 1960s ushered in a period of affiliation in the place
of earlier individualism. This general social-philosophy influenced
research in the period. As a consequence, the emphasis of most
researchers during this period was that of group interaction rather than
personal accomplishments. Obviously, this social-philosophy was a bit
counter to what had occurred earlier in thinking about entrepreneurs.
Hence, the shift from Neo-classical entrepreneurial thought to early
Modern entrepreneurial thought was significant. This new emphasis can be
seen in the writings of two prominent theorists from the early part of
the period:
... for, only in a very small firm can a single individual perform
all of Marshall's entrepreneurial functions. In most enterprises, a
hierarchy of individuals is required to perform them. Thus, the
entrepreneur is in essence an organization. (Harbison, 1956, 364)
There is no theoretical reason why important innovation in role
behavior could not rise from inner-conditioning independently of all
exogenous factors ... The given innovations or superior ones usually
seem to be in process of introduction by several executives. (Cochran,
1965 p. 28)
Harbison was not the only scholar to hold this view that stressed
the organization and the individual's place in it. Strauss
originally presented this sentiment of the firm as the entrepreneur in
1944 (Gartner, 1988).
Interdisciplinary Approach
Even as the prevailing social-philosophy of the era quickly gave
way again to a much more individualistic tone, the emphasis on the
entrepreneur as "social-man" quickly gave way to the
entrepreneur as individual, as in earlier thought. Numerous researchers
(in various disciplines) again found excitement in the entrepreneur as
an object of study. The personal characteristics of the person who was
the entrepreneur (what the Heffalump is) began to receive a lot of
research attention. Therefore (as is apparent in Table 3 below),
numerous possible traits of the entrepreneur were proposed and
Greater and lesser scientific rigor accompanied the various
propositions and discussions thereof. Much of the research was based on
an eclectic borrowing of ideas from a wide variety of disciplines. With
all the foment implied by such an exciting time in the research, it
should be no surprise that consensus on the phenomenon of the
entrepreneur never developed. Unfortunately, (as will be discussed
shortly), this lack of a consensus may very well have shut the door for
many researchers interested in furthering and enriching the study of the
As we have seen, the state of thinking on the entrepreneur is kind
of "up-in-the-air". No theoretical consensus has developed.
We're pretty sure we'll know one when we see it. We know, in
fact, that we have seen them. But, the eyewitness accounts vary
significantly dependent largely on the point of view of the observer.
That's okay because the observer has no particular reason to have
any particular point of view. The discussion reached a (probably
desireable) state of flux and then it mostly shut down. This lack of a
universally agreed upon framework has gained considerable attention
since the discussion tapered off (Hoy, 1988; Carland, Hoy, Boulton &
Carland, 1984; Wortman, 1987; d'Amboise & Muldowney, 1988;
Hisrich, 1988).
The unfortunate reduction in the discussion that sort of left it
unfinished has led some to suggest giving up the search for the
Heffalump. Hisrich (1988), for example, proposed that a true scientific
theory would (or could) never be developed, and if we continued the
search, the entrepreneurial discipline would lose respectability.
Gartner (1988) suggested that we declare the existing findings as
characteristic of "Everyman" and urged the field to
discontinue the search.
It seems that after the 80's, researchers, indeed, gave up the
search. We have become content to investigate activity rather than
intent. What entrepreneurs do has become the focus and not what they
are. At the end of that day, we'll know that the Heffalump hears
poorly and that he occasionally snarfs loudly, but we still won't
have seen one.
There are those who still want to actually see a Heffalump. Some
are still vigorously searching (e.g. the Carlands). For those that
continue to look for the land of Vildesmeer where the Heffalump lives-we
applaud you and your work. Surely, in Vildesmeer, we will eventually be
able to see the Heffalump. But we have to keep looking, even after we
get to Vildesmeer.
As is often asked within our political circles-Are we better off
now than we were thirty years ago-in terms of understanding
entrepreneurial behavior? It is the belief of these authors, that the
answer is no, not really. We agree that an elephant is not the same
thing as a tree or a snake, but we haven't yet seen for sure what
an elephant is.
We seem to have, for whatever reasons, given up on the difficult
road. We have elected instead to pursue the downhill path--the path of
least resistance. A road more easily navigated, yet one that will surely
lead to entrepreneurial research going the way of the dinosaur.
Certainly, there is excitement to be found in describing the activities,
and their effects, of entrepreneurs and those things are much more
easily observed. But if that is all we ever get from the investigation,
we will have missed a wonderful opportunity to add to true understanding
of why that all happens.
It will not be easy, this search for the mythical creature in a
place without maps, but we must pick up the torch and begin anew our
search for the Heffalump. If we do not, not only will our understanding
of entrepreneurial activity be severely limited, but we will also lose
those potential new researchers coming out of doctoral programs that
have new curiosities and considerably more energy to contribute to the
search. If we don't continue the search for the Heffalump now,
who'll take it up later--and when? Will we never see him? Will we
only hear the stories and miss the joys of the hunt?
Aristotle (1924). The politics, translated by B. Jowett. In Early
Economic Thought, edited by A.E. Monroe, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
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Bentham, J. (1962). The Works of Jeremy Bentham, edited by John
Bowring. New York: Russell and Russell.
Bygrave, W.D. & Hofer, C.W. (1991). Theorizing about
entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 16(2), 13-22.
Carlin, E. A. (1956). Schumpeter's constructed type-The
entrepreneur. Kyklos, 9, 27-43.
Carland, J., Carland, J. & Stewart, W. Jr. (2000). The
indefatigable entrepreneur: A study of the dispositions of multiple
venture founders. Journal of Business & Entrepreneurship, 12(1),
Carland, J. W., Hoy, F., Boulton, W.R. & Carland, J. C. (1984).
Differentiating entrepreneurs from small business owners: A
conceptualization. Academy of Management Review, 9(2), 354-359.
Clark, J. B. (1907). Essentials of Economic Theory. New York:
Cochran, T. C. (1965). The entrepreneur in economic change.
Explorations in Entrepreneurial History, 3, 25-38.
D'Amboise, G. & Muldowney, M. (1988). Management theory
for small business: Attempts and requirements. Academy of Management
Review, 13(2), 226-240.
Gartner, W.B. (1988). Who is an entrepreneur? Is the wrong
question. American Journal of Small Business, Spring, 11-32.
Harbison, F. (1956). Entrepreneurial organization as a factor in
economic development. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 70, 364-379.
Hebert, F. J. & Bass, K.E. (1995). Personality types of
entrepreneurs and business students: Implications for management
education. Journal of Business & Entrepreneurship, 7(2), 15-27.
Herbert, R.F. & Link, A.N. (1982). The Entrepreneur. New York:
Praeger Publishers.
Hisrich, R.D. (1988). Entrepreneurship: Past, present, and future.
Journal of Small Business Management, 26(4), 1-4.
Hoselitz, B.F. (1960). The early history of entrepreneurial theory.
In Essays in Economic Thought: Aristotle to
Marshall, J.J. Spengler & W.R. Allen (Eds.). Chicago: Rand
McNally, 234-258.
Hoy, F. (1988). Thoughts on 'whither entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship Newsletter, 5, 8.
Jackson, W.T., Watts, L.R. & Wright, P. (1993). Small business:
An examination of strategic groups. Journal of Business &
Entrepreneurship, 5(1), 85-96.
Kanbur, S.M. (1980). A note of risk taking, entrepreneurship and
Schumpeter. History of Political Economy, 12, 489-498.
Keynes, J. M. (1964). The General Theory of Employment, Interest,
and Money. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World.
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Economic Development, P. Kilby (Ed.), New York: Free Press, 1-40.
Spengler, J. J. (1949). Possibilities for a realistic theory of
entrepreneurship. American Economic Review, 39, 352-356.
Weber, M. (1958). The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of
Capitalism, translated by Talcott Parsons. New York: Scribner's.
Wortman, M.S. Jr. (1987). Entrepreneurship: An integrating typology and evaluation of the empirical research in the field. Journal of
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Wren, D.A. (1987). The Evolution of Management Thought. New York:
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Business Enterprise and Economic Change. Kent State, Ohio: Kent
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William T. Jackson, The University of Texas of the Permian Basin
Corbett Gaulden, The University of Texas of the Permian Basin
Walter (Buddy) Gaster, Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Table 1: Pre-Classical & Classical Perspective on the Entrepreneur
Column 1 Column 2
Disdain Greeks
Semi-heretical Religious authorities
Superior laborer, force for dynamic French School
and economic change, risk taker
Industrious people, contractor, inventor English School
Economically responsive Japanese
Table 2: Neo-Classical Entrepreneurial Traits
Trait Researcher
Risk taker Hawley
Superior (charismatic) leader Marshal, Edgeworth, Keynes,
Waler, Weber
Not a risk taker Clark, Knight, Schumpeter
Intuitive Schumpeter
Spontaneous actor Keynes
Superior Laborer Weber, Say
Table 3: Entrepreneurial Characteristics
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
1954 Sutton Desire for responsibility
1959 Hartman Source of formal authority
1961 McClelland Need for achievement
1963 Davids Ambition, independence, self-confidence
1964 Pickle Drive, human relations skills
1971 Palmer Risk taker
1973 Winter Need for power
1974 Borland Internal locus of control
1977 Gasse Personal value orientation
1978 Timmons Drive, moderate risk taker
1980 Sexton Energetic
Source: Carland, Hoy, Bolton & Carland, 1984