Your employee handbook: is it an enforceable contract?
Hoft, John
The employment "at will" doctrine means that an employee
who does not have an employment contract for a specific duration can be
discharged for any reason or no reason at all. "At will" is
justified as a two way street. It permits either the employee or the
employer to sever the employment relationship without incurring
liability. Many employers use employee handbooks to communicate policy.
In circumstances where the handbook specifies discipline and discharge
processes the handbook may be deemed an enforceable contract and modify
the "at will" doctrine. The language in the handbook is key.
If the terms of the handbook are unequivocal and manifest to a
reasonable person that the employer intends to be bound then the
handbook may be an enforceable contract. In order to avoid this
interpretation, many employers include a handbook disclaimer that
disavows contractual intent. A clear and forthright disclaimer will
prevent a handbook from being ruled an enforceable contract.
Disclaimers, however, must meet certain criteria in order to be
effective. The purpose of this paper is to identify the circumstances
under which a handbook may be held to constitute an enforceable contract
and to discuss the requirements necessary to effectively disclaim
contractual intent.
On November 1, 1989, Wayne D. Norton, an "at will"
employee, was discharged by his employer. Before his termination, Norton
had been general manager of the Minneapolis office of Caremark, Inc., a
pharmaceutical services company. In Minnesota, employment for an
indefinite term is considered "at will" and terminable by
either party for no reason without legal liability. Mr. Norton's
vice-president said Norton was fired for poor performance. Norton sued
his employer over the discharge and won. A jury awarded him $305,000 in
back pay. How could this happen in a state that recognizes that an
employer is free fire an employee at will and for no reason without
legal consequences? The answer lies in the treatment afforded the
company handbook. In Mr. Norton's case, Caremark promulgated a
document entitled Disciplinary Action Guidelines and distributed and
explained the policy to him. The Guidelines set forth a process for
discharging an employee. Norton's supervisor failed to follow the
Guidelines or the discharge process. The court held that the Guidelines
were an enforceable contract between the company and Norton and that the
company had breached its promise. As a result, Caremark was liable for
damages (Norton v. Caremark, Inc., 1994). The issue to be discussed in
this article is when the provisions of an employee handbook that is
disseminated to employees may modify the "at will" employment
doctrine and create duties upon an employer that are not present in an
ordinary "at will" employment relationship.
Under the employment at will doctrine an employer may fire an
employee for good reason, bad reason, or no reason at all unless
prohibited by law or public policy (Monaco v. American General Assurance
Company, 2004). Employment for an indefinite term with no specific
duration is considered to be "at will" and terminable at the
discretion of the employee or the employer without legal consequences
(Wojcik v. Commonwealth Mortgage Corporation, 1990). The "at
will" employment doctrine is settled law in most states and in the
District of Columbia (Autor, 2006). The "at will" employment
doctrine is often justified as being a two way street. The rationale is
that it permits either the employee or the employer to terminate the
employment relationship for any reason without liability to the other
(Mizell v. Sara Lee Corporation, 2005). The result of this doctrine is
to allow an employer to terminate an employee without fear of a
successful wrongful discharge lawsuit (Eckhardt v. Yerkes Regional
Primate Center, 2002).
Over the past two decades many courts have modified the traditional
"at will" employment rule when an employer's handbook or
policy manual contains language that provides that discharge will occur
for cause or only after certain conditions have been met (Meier v.
Family Dollar Services, Inc., 2006). The terms of the handbook, however,
must set forth discharge procedures in positive and mandatory language
in order to be ruled contractual (Nickum v. Village of Saybrook, 1997).
Use of the terms "must" and "will" may likely result
in the handbook promises being enforced (Campbell v. Northwester Memorial Home Health Care/Services, Inc., 1998). Handbook terms that are
couched in an informational tone that are discretionary and not
promissory will not result in an enforceable contract (St. Peters v.
Shell Oil Co., 1996). In the case of mandatory handbook language the
fundamental nature of the "at will" doctrine is not changed
but courts have ruled that the employer must follow the handbook's
disciplinary and discharge procedures or face litigation for damages
(Deutsch v. Chesapeake Center, 1998). The effect of this line of court
cases, then, is to place more requirements upon an employer that
promulgates an employee handbook containing mandatory discharge
procedures than would have existed in the absence of such handbook
The imposition of contractual duties arising from handbook terms is
not without structure. The courts have utilized various contract
theories to impose on employers the obligation to follow the procedures
set forth in their employee handbooks. The three most common contract
theories are: unilateral contract; implied contract; and traditional
contract. A brief review of these contract theories will be helpful in
understanding when handbook language may be deemed to be contractual.
Unilateral Contract Theory
Under the unilateral contract theory a company handbook must first
meet certain requirements before it is deemed to be an enforceable
unilateral contract. First, the handbook language must be sufficiently
definite in its terms to create an offer. Second, the handbook must have
been communicated to the employees. Third, the employee must have
commenced or continued work after the handbook was disseminated
(Duldulao v. Saint Mary of Nazareth Hospital Center, 1987). The key to
determining if a contract has been created by the language of the
handbook is whether a reasonable employee would believe from such
language that the employer guaranteed him certain protections (Meier v.
Family Dollar Services, Inc., 2006). In determining if an employee is
reasonably justified in understanding that the employer through the
language of the handbook has made a commitment the courts look at three
factors. One, whether the handbook sets forth general guidelines or
whether the language constitutes a directive. Two, whether the language
is detailed or vague. Three, whether the policies are discretionary or
mandatory (Kartheiser v. American Nat'l Can Co., 1999). Detailed
and mandatory sounding handbook language is likely to form a contract
under this theory. Therefore, a handbook that stated that permanent
employees "are never dismissed without prior written admonitions
and/or an investigation that has been properly documented" was
deemed contractual and enforceable against the employer (Duldulao v.
Saint Mary of Nazareth Hospital, 1987).
Implied Contract Theory
Under the implied contract theory, the employee must show that the
employer's actions or the language of the handbook manifest to a
reasonable person an intent to be bound by the provisions of the
handbook (Anderson v. Regis Corporation, 2006). Courts find the
existence of an implied contract in the circumstances surrounding the
employment relationship, including assurances of job security in company
handbooks (Huey v. Honeywell, Inc., 1996). Implied contracts arise from
the promissory language of the handbook. Thus, a handbook that stated:
"... discharges must be approved in advance by the director of
employee relations or designees, and are subject to employee appeal
through established grievance procedures" was deemed to be
unequivocal language that created an enforceable contract (Perman v.
Arcventures, Inc., 1990).
Traditional Contract Theory
The third handbook theory that has been held to modify the "at
will" employment doctrine assumes a more traditional contract
analysis and has been used by courts where the language of the handbook
constitutes terms that are (1) definite; (2) communicated to the
employee; (3) are accepted by the employee; and (4) where consideration
has been furnished by the employee (Norton v. Caremark, Inc., 1994).
Usually, acceptance of employment or continuation of employment after
the handbook is promulgated is deemed to be acceptance of the handbook
offer and sufficient consideration to support an enforceable contract.
The three theories identified above are not exhaustive. Some courts
employ standards that seem vague as in the case of New Jersey courts
that recognize that the "at will" doctrine can be modified
when the language of the handbook is construed according to the
reasonable expectations of the employees to whom it is directed
(Schlichtig v. Inacom Corporation, 2003). An analysis of the more common
theories, however, demonstrates certain commonalities. An employee
handbook is more likely to be found to be an enforceable contract and
modify the "at will" employment doctrine when the language of
the handbook is definite; when the handbook is widely disseminated to
employees; and when the handbook language manifests to a reasonable
person that the employer intends to be bound by the handbook's
provisions (Anderson v. Regis Corporation, 2006).
In light of the foregoing erosion of the formerly formidable
"at will" employment doctrine, many employers include a
disclaimer in the company handbook. A typical disclaimer may provide:
"This handbook is not an employment agreement, a contract of
employment, or a guarantee of continued employment with--and/or its
subsidiaries, foreign or domestic. Employment with--is 'at
will' which means that you or the Company may terminate the
employment relationship at any time". And, "DISCLAIMER: This
employee handbook has been drafted as a guideline for our employees. It
shall not be constructed to form a contract between the Company and its
employees. Rather, it describes the Company's general philosophy
concerning policies and procedures." (Black v. Baker Oil Tools,
Inc., 1997).
Courts have ruled that a clear and forthright disclaimer, in
general, will prevent the handbook's terms from being deemed an
enforceable contract and will afford an employer a complete defense to a
suit for breach of contract based on the handbook (Workman v. United
Parcel Service, Inc., 2000). The rationale for this rule is that no
reasonable employee would believe that the handbook constitutes a
promise or contract in light of a clear disclaimer to the contrary
(Boulay v. Impell Corporation, 1991). Nevertheless, the presence of a
disclaimer in the company handbook will not always prevent the handbook
from modifying the "at will" employment doctrine or prevent
the handbook from being deemed an enforceable contract. The courts have
required that disclaimers meet certain requirements in order to be
Disclaimers have failed to achieve the desired result in cases
where the disclaimers were ambiguous; or, where the disclaimers were not
apparent and were essentially "hidden"; or, where the
disclaimers were not reasonably conspicuous; or where the disclaimers
were not communicated to the employee.
Ambiguity arises when the employer uses a multitude of documents to
communicate company policy. In such cases, the courts have held that
while the handbook did contain a disclaimer the employer created
ambiguity by providing employees with other policy documents without a
disclaimer. The policy documents without a disclaimer were held to
constitute enforceable promises that modified the "at will"
doctrine. This is especially true when the other policies contradicted
the handbook terms (Allabashi v. Lincoln National Sales Corporation of
Colorado-Wyoming, 1991). Sometimes the handbook and subsequently issued
policy papers merely conflict. In such cases a disclaimer in one
document will be ruled not to apply to another policy document that
contains no disclaimer (Swanson v. Liquid Air Corporation, 1989). In an
illustrative case involving a disputed lay off, the employer included a
handbook disclaimer that its policies were not part of any employment
contract. At the same time company supervisory personnel repeatedly
assured the terminated employee that lay offs would occur in accordance
with the handbook which specified layoff by seniority. When the
terminated employee was dismissed without regard to his seniority he
sued claiming that the handbook was an enforceable contract which had
been breached by the employer. The employer asserted that
employee's job was terminable at will and that the handbook did not
amount to an enforceable contract because of the inclusion of a
disclaimer. The company lost. The court ruled that supervisory employees
modified the disclaimer by informing the terminated employee that lay
offs would occur according to the handbook which specified layoff by
seniority. Here, the terms of the handbook were enforced despite the
disclaimer because of the ambiguity created by the handbook's
terms, the contrary discharge action taken by the employer and the
reassurances given by company supervisory personnel (Clay v. Horton
Manufacturing Co., Inc., 1992).
The rule that ambiguities will be construed against the language
drafter holds true in handbook disclaimer contests (Long v.
Tazewill/Pekin Consolidated Communication Center, 1991). In short,
disclaimers must be clear and unambiguous in order to negate the
contractual effect of an employee handbook (Johnson v. Nasca, 1990).
The placement of the disclaimer in the handbook has also been
scrutinized by the courts. Faulty placement can occur and defeat the
intent of the disclaimer when the disclaimer is not placed in a
prominent place in the handbook and could easily be overlooked by a
reasonable employee (Perman v. Arcventures, Inc., 1990). The courts have
found a disclaimer to be ineffective when it was not distinctly set out
separate and apart from the handbook text and is effectively hidden
(Long v. Tazewell/Pekin Consolidated Communications Center, 1991). For
example, a disclaimer placed on page 38 of a 39 page handbook under a
subtopic entitled "Revisions" was criticized by the court
(Hicks v. Methodist Medical Center, 1992).
In order to be effective a disclaimer must be conspicuous. Lack of
conspicuity occurs when the disclaimer is of insufficient size or
appearance that an ordinary reasonable employee would not see and note
its contents. Where a handbook disclaimer was not set off in any way,
was placed under a general subheading, was not capitalized and was of
the same type size as another provision on the same page it was held to
be not adequately conspicuous (McDonald v. Mobil Coal Producing, Inc.,
1991). In order to be effective, a disclaimer should be prominently
displayed (Hicks v. Methodist Medical Center, 1992), and not buried in a
glossary (Durtsche v. American Colloid Company, 1992). In short, the
promissory terms of an employee handbook can only be negated by a
conspicuous disclaimer prominently displayed in a typeface different
from the ordinary text (Wheeler v. The Phoenix Company of Chicago,
Failure to show that the disclaimer was communicated to the
employee may be fatal to its enforcement. An employer must bring its
handbook disclaimer to the personal attention of its employees (Morriss
v. Coleman Company, Inc., 1987). For example, when an employer changed
its company handbook to include a disclaimer, the handbook also
contained a receipt form and a place for an employee signature. The form
was to be placed in the employee personnel file. When the disclaimer was
contested the employer was unable to produce evidence that the employees
had received the new handbook with disclaimer. The employees testified
that they were not aware of the changes made to the handbook and were
ignorant of the existence of the contract disclaimer. The court ruled
that while an employer retains the right to change employee policy if
such a change is to be effective it must be communicated to the
employees (Crain Industries, Inc. v. Cass, 1991).
The "at will" employment doctrine enables an employer to
fire an employee at any time for no reason without fear of legal
consequences. "At will" was, and continues to be, settled law
in most jurisdictions in the U.S. However, in the past 25 years this
bright line rule has begun to dim and has been modified by the courts
when confronted with company handbooks that contain mandatory sounding
discharge and discipline language. In such cases the courts have
frequently found that the terms of the company handbook formed an
enforceable contract and that discharge of an employee without following
the procedures set forth in the handbook amounted to a species of breach
of promise and subjected the employer to a judgment for money damages.
Therefore, in order to avoid unintended exposure to liability, the
author of an employee handbook should first assure that the language
used will not manifest to a reasonable employee an intention by the
company to be firmly bound by the policy expressed. Second, the handbook
author can include a contract disclaimer to the effect that the handbook
terms do not create a contract between the company and its employees. A
clear and forthright disclaimer can be a complete defense to a suit for
breach of contract based on the terms in an employee handbook. However,
in order to be effective, the handbook disclaimer must be forthright;
conspicuous; distinctly placed; distinguished from the rest of the text
by capitalization or bold face type; and be conscientiously disseminated
to all employees who will be subject to the handbook's terms.
Allabashi v. Lincoln National Sales Corporation of
Colorado-Wyoming, 824 P.2d 1 (Colo.App. 1991).
Anderson v. Regis Corporation, 185 Fed.Appx. 768 (10th Cir. 2006).
Autor, D.H. (2006). The Costs of Wrongful-Discharge Laws. The
Review of Economics and Statistics, 88 (2), 211-231.
Black v. Baker Oil Tools, Inc., 107 F.3d 1457 (10th Cir. 1997).
Boulay v. Impell Corporation, 939 F.2d 480 (7th Cir. 1991).
Campbell v. Northwestern Memorial Home Health Care/Services, Inc.,
1998 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 7083 (1998).
Clay v. Horton Manufacturing Co., 493 N.W.2d 379 (Wisc.App. 1992).
Crain Industries, Inc. v. Cass, 810 S.W.2d 910 (Ark. 1991).
Deutsch v. Chesapeake Center, 27 F.Supp.2d 642 (D.C. Md. 1998).
Duldulao v. Saint Mary of Nazareth Hospital Center, 505 N.E.2d 314
(Ill. 1987).
Durtsche v. American Colloid Company, 958 F.2d 1007 (10th Cir.
Eckhardt v. Yerkes Regional Primate Center, 561 S.E.2d 164 (Ga.App.
Hicks v. Methodist Medical Center, 593 N.E.2d 119 (Ill.App. 1992).
Huey v. Honeywell, Inc., 82 F.3d 327 (9th Cir. 1996).
Kartheiser v. American National Can Co., 84 F.Supp.2d 1008 (S.D.
Iowa 1999).
Long v. Tazewell/Pekin Consolidated Communication Center, 574
N.E.2d 1191 (Ill.App. 1991).
McDonald v. Mobil Coal Producing, Inc., 820 P.2d 986 (Wyo. 1991).
Meier v. Family Dollar Services, Inc., 443 F.Supp.2d 1036 (N.D. Iowa
Mizell v. Sara Lee Corporation, 2005 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 36988 (E.D.
Va. 2005).
Monaco v. American General Assurance Company, 359 F.3d 296 (3rd
Cir. 2004).
Morriss v. Coleman Company, Inc., 738 P.2d 841 (Kan. 1987).
Nickum v. Village of Saybrook, 972 F.Supp. 1160 (C.D. Ill. 1997).
Norton v. Caremark, Inc., 20 F.3d 330 (8th Cir. 1994).
Perman v. Arcventures, Inc., 554 N.E.2d 982 (Ill.App. 1990).
St Peters v. Shell Oil Company, 77 F.3d 184 (7th Cir. 1996).
Schlichtig v. Inacom Corporation, 271 F.Supp.2d 597 (D.C. N.J.
Swanson v. Liquid Air Corporation, 781 P.2d 900 (Wash.App. 1989).
Wheeler v. The Phoenix Company of Chicago, 658 N.E.2d 532 (Ill.App.
Wojcik v. Commonwealth Mortgage Corporation, 732 F.Supp. 940 (N.D.
Ill. 1990).
Workman v. United Parcel Service, Inc., 234 F.3d 998 (7th Cir.
John Hoft, Columbus State University