Emotional and informational social support: exploring contrasting influences on human resource management innovation.
Nelson, Millicent ; Brice, Jeff, Jr.
Previous research has chiefly studied the emotional aspect of
social support and limited its role to coping assistance, which is
defined as actions taken by significant others to help individuals deal
with stressful events. This positive effect of social support has been
demonstrated in numerous studies in the areas of medicine and health
(Dormann & Zapf, 1999; Uchino, Cacioppo, & KiecoltGlaser, 1996).
However, relatively few studies have investigated the effect(s) of
social support in the work environment. In this vein, some studies have
shown that social support helps to reduce stress and the ancillary
effects of stress in the workplace (Jonge, et al, 2001; Ducharme &
Martin, 2000).
This study proposes that the benefits of social support may go well
beyond coping. When people have problems they often seek help from other
people. We examine both emotional and informational social support in
the investigation of the interpersonal aspects of organizational
innovation, specifically human resource management innovations.
McIntosh (1991) defines general social support as the resources a
person receives, actual or perceived, that increase the sense of well
being of the receiver. This definition assumes people must rely on one
another to meet certain needs. Similarly, Shumaker and Brownell, (1984)
defined social support as an exchange of resources by two individuals, a
giver and a receiver, to increase the well being of the receiver.
House (1981) delineated two types of social support, or supportive
behaviors, as emotional and informational support. Emotional support is
defined as behaviors that show care for the employees and their work
(House, 1981). Listening, providing empathy, and showing concern are
acts of emotional support. Conversely, informational support means
providing a person with information that can be used to handle personal
and environmental problems (House, 1981). Informational support, unlike
instrumental support, involves providing employees with information that
they can use to help themselves (House, 1981). Examples of informational
support include advice, guidance, suggestions, directives and
information. The relevance of the source and types of support is
dependent upon the persons involved and the kind of support required by
The interpersonal aspects of organizational innovation have been
mainly ignored in the literature. The Academy of Management
Journal's (1996) special issue on innovations and organizations
curiously had no articles addressing the behavioral aspects of
innovation. Most research on innovation has focused on the adoption or
diffusion of innovations (Abrahamson, 1991; Abrahamson & Rosenkopf,
1993; Rogers, 1962; 1995). Rogers (1962) defined the diffusion process as the spread of a new idea from the initial awareness of an innovation
to its adoption by users. However, the essence of the diffusion process
is the human interaction in which one person communicates a new idea to
another person. When faced with problems, people turn to others as one
of their sources for information. People are influenced by their
relationships with others; therefore the social relationship between
people may be instrumental in the decision that is made. This
relationship should also influence decisions that are consequently made
about the innovation. The theory of problem solving behavior (Tallman,
Gray, & Stafford, 1993) addresses the process of problem solving by
explaining how a person becomes aware of a problem, and addressing when
and why people choose certain actions to solve a problem. Thus, the
theory of problem solving behavior also differentiates between coping
with a problem and solving it.
Although not all innovations are the result of pending problems,
this research is limited to those innovations resulting from
decision-makers' uncertainty regarding how to resolve problems.
Numerous authors have argued (Pfeffer, 1995; Capelli &
Crocker-Hefter, 1996; Hitt, Keats, & DeMarie, 1998) that human
resource (HR) policies, practices, and methods can create a source of
competitive advantage for organizations that is difficult to replicate.
Specifically, this research focuses on the innovations process as it
relates to human resource management (HRM) functions since the way a
company manages its workforce could determine whether it will be able to
establish and maintain a competitive advantage (Huselid, 1995; Delaney
& Huselid, 1996; Becker & Gerhart, 1996).
Damanpour's (1991) meta-analytic review of organizational
innovations described the field of innovation as extensive and,
therefore, required a definition that included innovations from all
aspects of the organization. He defined innovation as a product,
service, process, program, or device that is new to the organization
adopting or implementing it. Human resource management innovation (HRMI)
is defined as an idea, policy, program, practice, or system that is
related to the human resource management (HRM) function and is new to
the adopting organization (Kossek, 1989; Wolfe, 1995). Wolfe (1995)
categorized HRM as having six functions: recruiting and selection;
appraisal; training and development; rewards and benefits;
organizational design; and communication.
Social Support and HRM Innovations
Barnard (1938) described the organization as a system of
cooperative efforts. Individuals must work together to accomplish the
goals of the organization. People are generally social individuals in
that they live and work with others and their lives are interdependent
upon each other. Understanding the effects of social relationships bring
us closer to determining the psychological and behavior processes that
are necessary to be productive at work. The provision of social support
is a means by which interpersonal communication occurs among employees
within the organization. All communication about the innovation
facilitates the problem solving process and leads to the adoption or
rejection of the HRMI.
Aiken and Hage (1971) concluded that an organic organization with
an effective interpersonal communication channel is vital for successful
innovation. They suggested the implementation of mechanisms that would
encourage formal and informal communication throughout all levels of the
organization. House (1991) also argued that an organic organization has
more innovations because the weak structure in the organization would
allow for the manifestation of individual behavior. Likewise, Rogers
(1995) proposed that although mass media is the fastest way to
communicate a new idea to potential adopters, interpersonal channels are
more effective in persuading an individual to accept the new idea.
Kirton (1976) individualized the innovation process and described
the cognitive style of adopters of innovations based on the amount of
structure needed to solve a problem. He argued that everyone can be
located on a continuum ranging from an ability to do things better to
the ability to do things differently, called adaptive and innovative,
respectively. This classification scheme is based on
adaptation-innovation as a basic dimension of personality relevant to
the analysis of organizational change. Kirton (1976) believed that there
are personality differences between innovators and adaptors. He
developed the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory or KAI to evaluate
whether an individual is an innovator or an adaptor. Kirton (1990)
suggested that both innovators and adaptors are needed for
organizational effectiveness. Adaptors are characterized as precise,
reliable, efficient, and methodical. Innovators, on the other hand, are
seen as undisciplined, thinking tangentially, and approaching tasks from
unexpected angles. Innovators bring needed change to the organization
while adaptors provide stability.
Some forms of social support may be more important than others in
the innovation process. According to the theory of problem solving
behavior, the extent of the information search depends upon the
perceived difficulty of the problem (Tallman, Gray, & Stafford,
1993). As the problem becomes more complex, there is a need for more
information, and likewise more informational support. In addition, the
problem solving style of the decision-maker may affect the information
one receives. Adaptors are concerned with the more traditional problems
of the organization while innovators are known for looking outside the
current paradigm (Kirton, 1994).
Keller and Holland (1978) conducted a study of research and
development departments and found that adaptors were knowledgeable of
internal company policies and procedures, while innovators were more
familiar with the latest technology, especially from outside the
company. Adaptors make decisions that are less risky and more a part of
the status quo, therefore, decisions are being made using heuristics and
other established mental maps. The innovator, on the other hand, makes
decisions about new ideas that may challenge the accepted way of doing
things in the organization. The innovator will want information, such
as, how the innovation works, whom else has implemented it, and with
what results, as well as the impact the innovation may have in this
situation. Their decisions bring about more radical change in the
organization and involve more risk.
Employees may also receive social support outside the organization.
For example, an employee needing assistance may seek information, as
well as emotional support, from external colleagues who are
knowledgeable about the innovation. Sometimes the person who has
experienced the same problem is not going to be a coworker from the same
organization. Instead the innovator may have to go outside the
organization and utilize their personal network of colleagues to get
information and reduce uncertainty about the innovation. In addition,
internal colleagues view the innovator as a maverick and are unwilling
to provide support for his/her ideas (Rogers, 1995).
Dougherty and Hardy (1996) found that individuals lacking
organizational support utilized their own networks to spread information
about innovations. Abrahamson and Rosenkopf (1997) conducted computer
simulations to show the effect of social networks in the innovation
process. They concluded that the innovator received information about
innovations through his/her network and this information influenced
whether an innovation was adopted. These studies suggest,
Hypothesis 1a: The innovator problem solving style is positively
related to informational support received from outside the organization.
Hypothesis 1b: The innovator problem solving style is negatively
related to informational support received from within the organization.
Because an innovation is something new for the organization, it is
inherently associated with some risk. Albrecht and Hall (1991) argued
that new ideas are risky because they are a change to the status quo and
because they allow other organization members an opportunity to evaluate
the merits of the idea. No one can be certain of the outcome when
implementing something new, even if the current situation has problems.
There is also no guarantee that the new idea will improve the current
situation. Consequently, not all innovations will be implemented and
some of those that are implemented will not be beneficial to the
organization (Abrahamson, 1991; O'Neil, Pouder & Buchholtz,
Information about an innovation decreases its risk by reducing
uncertainty about changes in the organization. As the innovator receives
information from sources where the innovation has been adopted, he/she
becomes more confident about implementation in his/her organization.
This confidence may even lead to the innovator becoming a champion for
implementing the innovation. This means he/she is willing to recommend
the adoption of the innovation as well as defend any opposition to its
implementation. . Ideas that are adopted almost always have an
individual who champions the idea and supports its implementation.
Wolfe (1995) discussed the role of an innovation champion who
advocates and promotes human resource management innovations. The
innovation champion counters inherent resistance to change found in the
organization and pushes the innovation. Meyer and Goes (1988) concluded
from their interviews of hospital administrators, physicians, board
members, and nurses that CEOs provide considerable influence by
championing the assimilation of innovations. Howell and Higgins (1990)
developed a model that included the personality characteristics of
champions. They argued that innovation champions are risk takers, have a
high need for achievement, and are persuasive, persistent, and
innovative. They used information-technology innovations to support
their hypothesis that innovation champions were willing to take more
risk and were more innovative than non-champions. Information is
important to the decision to champion an innovation. Thus,
Hypothesis 2: Informational social support is positively related to
personal involvement in the adoption of the innovation.
During the decision-making stage of the innovation process, the
innovator must decide, based in large part on the information search,
whether to accept or reject the innovation. It is psychologically
difficult to separate the message from the messenger. When the idea is
being considered, the messenger bringing the idea is also evaluated. At
this time, the innovator will be selective in seeking emotional support.
The person(s) chosen will have to be someone the innovator feels
comfortable talking to as well as someone he or she can trust. Albrecht
and Hall (1991) conducted two studies on the role of interpersonal
communication and personal relationships on organizational innovation.
They found that people discussed new ideas with others they perceived as
being trustworthy and supportive. In addition, relationships that went
beyond work and included some type of social or personal attachment
yielded more discussion of innovations.
Additional support for the positive benefits of emotional support
can be found in studies of both children and adults. When middle and
high school children received emotional support from parents and
teachers, they were more satisfied with school and spent more time
studying (Richman, Rosenfeld, & Bowen, 1998). Likewise, Ford (1985)
investigated the effects of emotional support in interpersonal
relationships for work outcomes and found that emotional support was
more important than other types of social support for positive work
outcomes and for satisfaction with coworkers. These studies suggest the
importance of emotional support for a sense of satisfaction. When a
person is making an important decision with unpredictable outcomes, such
as the adoption of a new idea, he or she will look to others for
support. If that support is in favor of the decision, he or she is more
likely to adopt the idea. Consequently,
Hypothesis 3: Emotional support moderates the relationship between
informational support and personal involvement in the innovation, such
that when emotional support is low, increased information is positively
related to more personal involvement in the innovation.
The design of this study was cross-sectional using a
self-administered questionnaire. The sample consisted of professional
members of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) from Area
IV. Using the SHRM website, which lists the president's name for
each chapter, HR chapters in Area IV were contacted by telephone and/or
email and requested to participate in the research. A cover letter,
briefly explaining the purpose of the research, and a questionnaire was
mailed or emailed to the president of each chapter. (Due to privacy
concerns, chapter presidents would not provide the authors with the
email or home addresses of their members.)
Chapter presidents agreed to distribute the questionnaire via
email, newsletter, or during their chapter meetings, however there was
no way to verify that questionnaires were actually distributed. Those
who received the questionnaire could respond by mail, fax, or email to
the author. In addition, most respondents could also complete and submit
the questionnaire online. A follow up letter and another copy of the
questionnaire were sent to chapter presidents approximately two weeks
later. A total of 169 questionnaires were received from all sources with
100 usable for this study.
Problem Solving Style
In this research, problem solving style was measured using the
modified Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory or KAI (Kirton, 1976),
which evaluates the characteristic approach a person has towards problem
solving and decision-making and their propensity to innovate. The
Adaption-Innovation theory underlying the KAI posits that a person can
be located on a single dimension of cognitive style, with the end points
labeled as Adaptors and Innovators. The original KAI consist of 32 items
and produced a score that distinguishes adaptors from innovators on a
continuum. The modified KAI has 13-items with each item scored on a
scale from 1 (very difficult) to 5 (very easy). Respondents were asked
to describe how easy or difficult it is to do and maintain a set of
behaviors such as "have original ideas, enjoy detailed work, and
never act without proper authority." The Cronbach alpha was .80.
Emotional Social Support and Informational Social Support
This variable was measured by an index adapted from previous
research (i.e., House, 1981; Dormann & Zapf, 1999). The items were
slightly rephrased to be more specific to this sample of human resource
management professionals. Sample items included "I can talk to my
colleagues if I have a problem at work" and "I value the
advice I receive from my colleagues." The same information was
requested regarding internal colleagues and external business
associates. Social support was measured on a Likert scale of 1 to 5,
where 1 is strongly disagree and 5 is strongly agree. The Cronbach
alphas ranged from .84 to .88.
Personal Involvement in the Innovation
This assessment was accomplished by asking respondents a series of
questions about a problem that may have resulted in the adoption of an
innovation as the solution. First, the respondents were given the
definition of HRMI as defined in this research. Then they were asked
whether there was an HRM problem that required a change in the way
things were currently done. If the answer was yes, the respondents were
then asked two additional questions. The first question was "To
what extent did you personally investigate the use of a new product
..." and the second question was "To what extent did you
personally take action to insure the adoption of the new product
..." Both questions used a Likert scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not
at all and 5 is to a great extent. The two additional questions were
correlated at .624 (Pearson Correlation), which was significant at the
.01 level, indicating appropriateness to total the responses from these
questions. The sum of these two questions was used as a measure of
personal involvement in the innovation. The Cronbach alpha was .77.
Data Analysis and Results
All hypotheses were tested using regression analysis. Hypothesis
1a, which posited that innovators receive informational support from
external colleagues, was supported. In this analysis, the dependent
variable, external informational support, was regressed on the
independent variable, problem-solving style. As shown in Table 1, the
relationship between problem solving style (innovators) and external
information support was positive and significant (F = 6.76, p < .05),
supporting hypothesis 1a.
Hypothesis 1b posited that the innovator problem solving style was
negatively related to informational support from internal colleagues.
The dependent variable, internal information support was regressed on
problem solving style, the independent variable. The relationship
between problem solving style (innovators) and internal information
support was also significant (F = 4.65, p < .05), but the
relationship was positive while the hypothesized relationship was a
negative one. Hypothesis 1b was therefore not supported. Hypotheses 1a
and 1b indicate that innovators, contrary to hypothesis 1b, receive both
internal and external information support.
Hypothesis 2 posited that informational support was positively
associated with personal involvement in the innovation, but the analysis
showed this relationship was not significant (F = 0.741, p > .05);
therefore Hypothesis 2 was not supported.
Hypotheses 3 postulated that emotional support has a moderating
effect on the relationship between information support and personal
involvement in the innovation. As shown in Table 2, the main effect of
informational support and emotional support on personal involvement in
the innovation was significant (F = 2.166, p < .05). However, the
interactive effect of information support and emotional support on
personal involvement in the innovation was not significant (F = -1.792,
p > .05), but further analysis did reveal significance at a higher
level (F = -1.792, p < .10). At the same time the change in R Squared
also becomes significant (F = 2.484, p< .10). This provides some
support for hypothesis 3.
The interaction effect may be explained in that when emotional
support at work is low, increased information support serves to increase
personal involvement in the innovation. However, when emotional support
at work is high, increased information support does not increase
personal involvement in the innovation. Furthermore, with the exception
of very high levels of informational support, high emotional support
works to increase personal involvement in organizational innovations.
The findings from this study indicate that HR innovators receive
informational social support from internal as well as external
colleagues. Innovators, unlike adaptors, bring change to the
organization. They have their own social networks from which they get
information. Network members usually come from other organizations,
where an innovation may have been adopted or implemented already.
Although persons within the organization are assumed to view the
innovator as a maverick (Rogers, 1995) and are perceived as unwilling to
provide support for the innovator's ideas, this study indicates
that HR innovators do get informational support from inside the
There may be at least two explanations why innovators choose to get
informational support from both within and outside their organization.
First, there may be other innovators in the organization who can and
will provide informational support to fellow innovators. Since HR
professionals spend a great deal of time interacting and exchanging
information with others, they may have advanced capability and
opportunity to utilize internal information sources. Second, if
innovators perceive a problem as highly complex, they may search
extensively (Tallman, Gray, & Stafford, 1993) for resolution and end
up utilizing both internal and external information sources. Further
research needs to be initiated to explore these possibilities.
Some support was also found for the proposed moderating effect of
emotional support in the decision making process. When emotional support
was low, more information increased personal involvement in the
innovation. Conversely, when emotional support was high, more
information did not increase personal involvement. In fact, when
emotional support was high, more information slightly decreased personal
involvement in the innovation. This finding seems counterintuitive until
one considers the characteristics of emotional support. Emotional
support involves acts of listening, providing empathy and showing care
for another. Too much of that kind of behavior in an organization could
be counterproductive to individual performance. An employee who is
spending a lot of time talking to others and receiving empathy for
personal or other problems may not be focused on getting the job done.
In addition, the employee may not feel the need to be productive because
he or she already has the approval of others. This finding is important
because it suggests that there may be an optimum level for the receipt
of social support in that too much may be distracting.
These results also suggest that when personal involvement is low,
both emotional and informational support can increase involvement. But,
if there is already a high level of either emotional or informational
support, additional support will not increase involvement with the
innovation. Additionally, job descriptions and organizational roles may
limit the degree of involvement in innovations.
The findings from this research indicate that the beneficial
effects of social support go beyond health and well-being. Some forms of
social support influence the problem solving process and may lead to
better decisions. Effective work relationships where individuals provide
support to one another will be crucial to addressing and resolving
current and future problems and challenges of the organization. However,
further research is needed to provide further insight.
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Millicent Nelson, Middle Tennessee State University
Jeff Brice, Jr., Texas Southern University
Table 1: Regression Analyses (Main Effects)
Regression Dependent Independent F-statistic
Variable Variable
Analysis 1 EIS PSS 6.76 **
Analysis 2 IIS PSS 4.65 **
Analysis 3 PII IS 0.741
N = 100
* p < 10
** p < .05
*** p < .01
EIS--External Information Support
PSS--Problem Solving Style
IIS--Internal Information Support
PII--Personal Involvement in the Innovation
() Negative relationships
IS--Informational Support
Table 2: Regression Analyses (Interaction)
Regression Dependent Independent F-statistic
Variable Variable
Analysis 4 PII IS, ES 2.166 **
Analysis 5 PII (IS x ES) (1.792) *
N = 100
* p < .10
** p < .05
*** p < .01
PII--Personal Involvement in the Innovation
IS--Informational Support
ES--Emotional Support
() Negative relationships