School of study and financial literacy.
Hanna, Michael E. ; Hill, Robert R. ; Perdue, Grady 等
Personal financial literacy is important to understanding the basic
financial issues that most individuals and families must deal with in
our modern society. Even if an individual has a defined benefit plan
that will hopefully meet most of the financial needs of one's
retirement years, that person still will spend a lifetime dealing with
issues related to mortgages, insurance (including automobile, home,
life, and health), personal credit management, income taxes, and all of
the other financial considerations that are part of modern life in our
Regrettably many research studies report that the level of personal
financial knowledge in the American population is substantially below
the level that would be desirable. There seems to be a serious lack of
understanding about topics ranging from investing to home mortgages--as
has been demonstrated with the recent subprime mortgage crisis. Because
of the low level of financial literacy in our society, there are
nationwide efforts today to enhance financial literacy, and many states
have even mandated financial literacy education requirements in the
public school systems.
With financial literacy being recognized as so important in our
society, it is reasonable to inquire about the level of financial
literacy among university students and ask if they are all equally well
prepared for life after college. Is there a difference between students
based on school of study within a university in terms of the level of
financial literacy of the students progressing towards graduation from
the institution? If there is a difference, where do improvements need to
be made?
A significant number of studies attempt to demonstrate how certain
factors have an effect on financial literacy. Some of these studies
focus on general financial literacy, and other studies focus
specifically on knowledge related to investing or some other facet of
personal finance.
The literature seeks to explore a variety of factors that might
impact literacy. Gender is the variable most often explored in an effort
to explain differences in financial literacy. Research by Anthes and
Most, 2000; Applied Research & Consulting, 2003; Merrill Lynch
Investment Managers, 2005; Worthington, 2006; Loibl and Hira, 2006;
Mandell and Klein, 2007; supports the proposition that gender is a
significant factor in explaining the level of financial literacy. For
example research studies by Chen and Volpe (1996), Goldsmith and
Goldsmith (1997) and by Alexander, Jones and Nigro (1998) tend to find
that women are less knowledgeable than men about investments. In their
study Chen and Volpe (1998; 2002) report that women are less
knowledgeable than men in all the areas of financial knowledge that they
Other variables that have been analyzed for their impact on
financial literacy include employment status (Chen and Volpe, 1998;
Worthington, 2006), family and personal income (Chen and Volpe, 1998;
Worthington, 2006), age of the individual (Kreinin, 1959; Chen and
Volpe, 1998; Worthington, 2006), and motivation (Mandell and Klein,
An additional variable that is found to be significant is the level
of education attained (Zhong and Xiao, 1995; Bodie and Crane, 1997;
Waggle and Englis, 2000; Yao, Gutter, and Hanna, 2005; Dolvin and
Templeton, 2006). But in these studies where educational attainment is
found to be significant, all undergraduate degrees are treated as being
the same. Differences in the various fields of study are not explored,
so no difference is made between bachelor degrees in the fields of
business versus education versus liberal arts.
In randomly selected classes across the institution, undergraduate
junior and senior undergraduate students at a metropolitan university
were asked to complete a survey measuring financial literacy. Student
participation was entirely voluntary and students were not allowed to
identify themselves by anything other than the demographic information
that was requested in the survey for analytical purposes.
The financial literacy survey instrument consists of multiple
choice questions. The introductory inquiries pose questions about each
respondent's demographic information, with participants providing
self-identification of their gender, age, and income data. As previous
literature indicates these are variables should have an impact on
financial literacy, we collect these data so we can control for these
factors in our analysis. The survey then poses 40 questions beyond the
demographic data exploring each individual's knowledge of personal
finance. The survey asks ten questions on each of the topics of
investments, personal income taxation, credit and debt management, and
The survey is constructed consistent with the Hill and Perdue
(2008) approach where the last potential multiple choice answer for each
of the 40 questions on financial topics allows the responding student
the opportunity to admit not knowing the answer to the question. The
failure to use this approach would put survey respondents in a position
where they must guess at answers to complete the survey. Guessing at
answers by respondents potentially tends to overstate the percentage of
correct answers, since some lucky guesses are almost inevitable.
Chen and Volpe (1998) make an interesting observation in their
study that as a group, domestic students tend to earn higher scores than
foreign students. This observation caused us to recognize that
international students often do not have the cultural or personal
experiences to correctly answer many of the financial literacy questions
because of a lack of familiarity with U.S. society, including the tax
laws and other considerations. After finding the same result in an
initial analysis of our data, we elect to drop international student
survey responses from the final data set.
Since Chen and Volpe (1998) use an individual's personal
income and Worthington (2006) uses total household income in their
respective studies, we ask for both personal income and estimated family
income information in our survey. However, we only report results for
personal income because that variable produces statistically significant
results and estimated family income fails to have any statistically
significant value in our findings.
Table 1 provides relevant demographic data from the 278 usable
surveys. Students completing the survey are from the schools of
business, education, and liberal arts, comprising 33 percent (91
students), 32 percent (90 students), and 35 percent (97 students) of the
sample, respectively. The self-reported ethnic mix is rather diverse,
with nine percent of the students describing themselves as
African-American, 23 percent Hispanic, 59 percent non-Hispanic white,
and nine percent of the students coming from other ethnic groups. The
sample is 72 percent female.
The age and personal income characteristics of the surveyed
population are interesting. The age distribution is not heavily skewed
towards the younger students. Only 54 percent of the respondents are age
25 or younger. This is due to the nature of the particular university
(and so this undergraduate population may be marginally different from
any other given student group), with many students working while
attending college or perhaps returning to school after a work or a
family related absence. This characteristic of our data set gives us a
better range of ages among our survey participants than might be present
in many other student-based surveys.
The personal income distribution pattern is about what we would
have expected for an undergraduate population. We observe in Table 1
that 63 percent of the students classify themselves as having a personal
annual income of less than $20,000, with only six percent indicating
that they have a personal annual income of $60,000 or higher.
As we report in Table 2 respondents to our survey have an average
overall correct response rate of approximately 16.08 out of 40
questions, which is 40 percent. These results are reasonably consistent
with the results of other studies in the literature that survey the
financial literacy of university students. In their respective studies
of university students, Volpe, Chen and Pavlicko (1996) indicate an
average correct survey response rate of 44 percent and Chen and Volpe
(1998) report an average correct response rate of 53 percent for their
participants. Also, the simple fact that questions on our survey are not
the very same questions used by others inevitably means there should be
somewhat different scores. But we did expect having marginally lower
scores because of our decision to offer the "I don't
know" answer option for each question, as that would minimize the
number of correct answers based on guessing.
Table 2 goes beyond the simple overall correct response rate to
examine the average number of correct answers in each of the areas of
investments, taxes, credit and debt, and insurance. We find that the
questions about taxes prove to be the most difficult for the students,
while questions about credit and debt prove to be the easiest.
Results of each personal finance topic area are analyzed by school
of study. Clearly business students do better on the overall survey than
do students from the other two schools, correctly answering on average
18.82 of 40 questions (47 percent). Business students have a relatively
higher correct mean response rate for issues relating to investments,
personal income taxes, and credit and debt management issues. Only in
the area of insurance matters do the liberal arts students have a
marginally higher mean score than business students. Education students
consistently have a mean score lower than either the liberal arts or
business students in every category.
After finding the financial literacy scores are not the same for
the three schools, we use Tukey's pairwise comparison test to see
which schools have statistically significant different correct response
rates from the other schools. Students in the business school performed
significantly better than the education majors and the liberal arts
majors on the overall financial literacy score as well as on the mean
scores by school for investment, taxes, and credit and debt. However, a
significant difference between schools on the insurance scores cannot be
found at the 0.05 level. The liberal arts majors score significantly
better than education majors on the overall financial literacy score and
also on the mean investment score, but there is no significant
difference between these two schools in the other areas of financial
The primary purpose of this study is to explore the impact of
school of study on financial literacy. But as discussed above there are
other factors that influence financial literacy, and it is necessary to
control for these additional factors. Therefore, we also consider age,
gender, and personal income, as these variables have been raised in the
literature as being potentially important. It is particularly important
to control for gender, given the great range of gender mixes we report
for the three schools in Table 1.
We perform analysis of variance tests considering each of these
variables with the overall financial literacy score as well with the
scores in each of the four specific areas of financial literacy. The
results (p-values) for tests of hypotheses are shown in Table 3. When
age and personal income are tested both of these variables are found to
be statistically significant at the 0.01 level in the test for each of
the four specific areas of knowledge as well as for overall literacy, as
shown in Table 3. These results come as no surprise as age and income
have been associated with higher levels of financial literacy (see
Kreinin, 1959; Chen and Volpe, 1998; Worthington, 2006). Even in their
work on motivation as a key variable in explaining financial literacy,
Mandell and Klein (2007) cite literature using as examples older persons
who are motivated to learn about matters that affect them.
However, when we test to see if financial literacy is impacted by
gender, we find mixed results. We do find gender to be highly
statistically significant with males exhibiting greater knowledge of
investments, income taxation, and overall financial literacy. However,
we do not find gender to be significant when measuring financial
literacy in either the area of credit and debt or the area of insurance.
There are no really good explanations for this phenomenon, which has
been found by other researchers. However, it has been suggested by
Goldsmith and Goldsmith (1997), that since males as a group are more
quantitative (for whatever reason), males may be more attuned to
knowledge areas that are perceived as being more quantitative. However,
the debate on the impact on gender of nature versus environment is
on-going in the literature and is not resolved here.
We use a general linear model approach so we can include age,
gender, and personal income in our analysis with school of study. Table
4 presents the p-values for the tests of significance for these four
variables. We find that school of study is a highly significant (p <
0.001) variable when looking at the percentage of correct answers on the
overall financial literacy score. The reported results also indicate
that there is a very significant difference among the students in the
three schools on the investment questions, on the tax questions, and on
the credit and debt questions. When testing for a significant difference
between the schools in the student scores on the insurance questions,
the significance level of school of study is lower but is still
significant at about the 0.10 level.
Our primary finding is that school of study is statistically
significant in explaining the level of financial literacy. In our
comparison of undergraduate students from the business, education and
liberal arts schools at a metropolitan university, business students as
a group were found to be the most financially literate and education
students were relatively the weakest.
Why do the business students perform so much better than students
in the other two schools? There are some obvious explanations for this
phenomenon, as discussed by Chen and Volpe (1996; 1998). The business
majors have already had courses in economics and accounting, and some
students may have already had a course in finance. This background would
likely provide some exposure to a mindset that would help in thinking
through and answering some personal finance questions. Also, students
may have chosen business as a major due to their overall interest in
financial issues and personal wealth attainment, and this same interest
may have provided motivation to them to investigate on their own some of
these areas of personal finance.
Yet while those answers might explain why business students as a
group perform better than the education and liberal arts students, those
answers do not explain why the liberal arts students performed better
than the education students on the overall literacy score and in
particular on the investment score. While our results clearly establish
a difference in the financial literacy of students based on school of
study, further research will be required to explain why these
differences exist.
Meanwhile, a broad policy recommendation seems appropriate.
Relatively speaking business students exhibit the greatest level of
financial literacy on our survey. But their relatively higher score of
47 percent correct is really still a failing grade. It is just a higher
"F" than the "F" for the students in the other two
schools studied. It is a disservice to students to train them well to be
good accountants or school teachers that can earn a living to support
themselves on their families, but leave the students ignorant as to the
basics of investing, insurance, and home mortgages. It is our opinion
that a personal finance class should be mandatory for all university
students if academia is going to produce well-educated citizens prepared
to live in our modern society.
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Michael E. Hanna, University of Houston--Clear Lake
Robert R. Hill, University of Houston--Clear Lake
Grady Perdue, University of Houston--Clear Lake
Table 1
Demographic Description of Survey Participants
Business Education Arts Total
Female 48 83 68 199
Male 43 7 29 79
African-American 10 5 9 24
Hispanic 23 22 20 65
White, non-Hispanic 47 55 63 165
Other 11 8 5 24
20 or younger 3 7 5 15
21 to 25 50 44 42 136
26 to 30 21 11 16 48
31 to 40 10 21 16 47
Over 40 7 7 18 32
Personal Income
$0 to $19,999 53 68 54 175
$20,000 to $39,999 19 17 23 59
$40,000 to $59,999 13 1 13 27
$60,000 to $79,999 4 0 4 8
$80,000 or more 2 4 3 9
Total 91 90 97 278
Table 2
Correct Responses by Topic
Investments Taxes and Debt
Business 5.297 3.077 5.868
Education 2.722 1.333 4.711
Liberal arts 4.052 1.711 5.289
All students 4.029 2.036 5.297
Insurance Overall
Business 4.802 18.82
Education 4.156 12.92
Liberal arts 4.856 15.91
All students 4.613 16.08
Table 3
P-values of ANOVA Tests for Demographics
Investments Taxes and Debt Insurance Overall
School 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.000
Age 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Gender 0.000 0.000 0.787 0.353 0.001
Personal 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Table 4
P-values from General Linear Model Test
Investments Taxes Credit and Debt
School 0.000 0.000 0.000
Age 0.022 0.000 0.001
Gender 0.033 0.004 0.068
Personal Income 0.046 0.105 0.035
Insurance Overall
School 0.065 0.000
Age 0.000 0.000
Gender 0.934 0.274
Personal Income 0.536 0.015