Testing the differential effect of a mathematical background on statistics course performance: an application of the chow-test.
Choudhury, Askar ; Radhakrishnan, Ramaswamy
Identifying appropriate prerequisite course is a key ingredient in
designing the optimum curriculum program. An academic advisor's
primary challenge is to match students' background knowledge with
the courses they are taking. Identifying the most suitable course among
the several available alternative prerequisite courses to meet
students' need is a source of continuous debate among the
academicians. This paper addresses the issue of students with different
mathematical background perform differently in Statistics course.
Higgins (1999) recognized that statistical reasoning should be
considered an important component of any undergraduate program. Further
discussion on statistical reasoning can be found in Garfield (2002) and
DelMas et. al.(1999). Several different factors may affect
students' performance (Dale & Crawford, 2000) in a course,
including students' background knowledge. Therefore, understanding
(Choudhury, Hubata & St. Louis, 1999) and acquiring the proper
background knowledge is the primary driver of success (Bagamery, Lasik
& Nixon, 2005; Sale, Cheek & Hatfield, 1999).
Students' performance (Trine & Schellenger, 1999) in a
course is primarily affected by the prerequisite courses taken that
fabricate their background knowledge. Because of their diverse level of
preparedness and accumulated background knowledge that builds their
long-term human capital, differential effect that is attributable to
different perquisite courses can be evaluated through students'
performance on subsequent courses. Literatures in this area of research
offer little guidance, as to which prerequisite is more appropriate.
Performance measures of prerequisite courses have been studied in
various disciplines (Buschena & Watts, 1999; Butler, et. al., 1994;
Cadena et. al., 2003). A remarkable discussion on the effect of
prerequisite courses has been found in Potolsky, et. al.(2003).
For this study, data were collected from a Mid-Western university.
Statistics is a required course for all business and economics majors at
this university. Statistics course stresses application of statistical
concepts to decision problems facing business organizations. All
sections of this course taught at the college of business use a common
text book and cover the same basic topics. The course includes
descriptive statistics, probability concepts, sampling processes,
statistical inference, regression, and nonparametric procedures. Among
the several available prerequisite courses we analyze the differential
effect of Applied Calculus and Calculus-I on the Statistics course
performance. Since, this will be fascinating to observe if there is any
differential effect due to different arrangement of calculus course. If
so, what is the propensity of the differential effect?
We hypothesize that students' performance in Statistics course
as measured by the final course grade varies due to the diverse
preparedness by different prerequisite courses. The question that we ask
is that whether Applied Calculus or Calculus-I are availing themselves
to the same background knowledge and prepare students equally for the
Statistics course. Specifically, this research addresses the question;
does the different mathematical background knowledge attained by
students from Applied Calculus or Calculus-I create a differential
effect on their performance in the Statistics course? Applied Calculus
covers non-linear functions, intuitive differential, integral and
multivariate calculus applications. Calculus-I covers Polynomial,
exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions; Differentiation
with associated applications; Introduction to integration with
Business and Economics students in general try to avoid (or delay)
taking Statistics course. The fear of statistics may be a result of lack
of acquaintance in mathematical thinking (Kellogg, 1939). Therefore, a
proper prerequisite course that can build confidence against
mathematical anxiety and develop mathematical thinking could help
alleviate these problems. Although both prerequisite courses considered
in this study are calculus, we perceive that students obtain a higher
level of "mathematical maturity and thought process" from the
traditional calculus than applied calculus. The reason may be
traditional calculus takes students' into the journey of deeper
level of quantitative reasoning compared to the applied calculus.
Authors in this study analyze the differential effect of background
knowledge accumulated from two different prerequisite courses on
students' performance in Statistics course. Results from the
Chow-test provided strong justification for differential effect on
Statistics course performance due to different mathematical background
and the null hypothesis of equality of two different regression models
could be rejected. This result enabled consideration to be given to
traditional Calculus as a prerequisite for Statistics when advising
students to accumulate background knowledge that develops quantitative
reasoning skill. They found that students who took the traditional
Calculus obtain higher average grades in Statistics than did students
who took applied Calculus. Furthermore, their analysis reveals that
students with Calculus-I background starts at an advantageous position
with higher intercept value (see, Table 2B and Table 2C) compared to
those with Applied Calculus. This finding implies that traditional
calculus may be more effective in building quantitative concepts and
Data were collected from the records of all students enrolled in
the Statistics course for three consecutive semesters. Students were
grouped by the prerequisite courses completed prior to enrolling in
Statistics course. There were no recruitment (or selection) attempts to
draw students into either of these courses. As there is no indication
presented to the student about the prerequisite course, nor there is any
control for which students enrolled in which course. For these reasons,
it will be assumed that the students are of comparable mathematical
abilities when taking a prerequisite course.
Performance comparisons are made between these two prerequisite
courses (Applied Calculus and Calculus-I) on the basis of Statistics
course grade. Course grades are classified in the usual manner: A, B, C,
D, and F. For the purpose of comparing the average grades of the course
in question, the grades assumed the standard quantitative values. An A
was weighted at 4 points, a B at 3 points, a C at 2 points, a D at 1
point, and an F at 0. Students were grouped into two different
groups--1) Calculus-I and 2) Applied Calculus.
The objective of this paper is to observe the differential
performance in Statistics (ST) course as a result of generating
background knowledge from Applied Calculus (AC) or Calculus-I (CL). We
perform Chow-test to analyze the differential effect due to different
prerequisite courses. The Chow test (see Chow, 1960; Gujarati, 1970) is
a statistical test to test the equality of regression coefficients in
two different linear regression models for two different data sets. In
program evaluation, the Chow-test is often used to determine whether the
independent variables have different impacts due to different subgroups
of the population. In our study, we examine the differential effect of
two different prerequisite courses taken by two different groups of
The specification of the regression model for our analysis purpose
can be of the following form:
[STG.sub.i] = [alpha] + [beta] [MATG.sub.i] + [[epsilon].sub.i] i =
l,.....n (1)
[STG.sub.AC,i] = [[alpha].sub.AC] + [[beta].sub.AC] [ACG.sub.AC,i]
+ [[epsilon].sub.AC,i] i = l,.....[n.sub.AC] (2)
[STG.sub.CL,i] = [[alpha].sub.CL] + [[beta].sub.CL] [CLG.sub.CL,i]
+ [[epsilon].sub.CL,i] i = l,.....[n.sub.CL] (3)
where, equation (2) and equation (3) are representing Applied
Calculus and Calculus-I respectively and equation (1) is for both groups
combined. STG denotes Statistics grade, ACG for Applied Calculus grade,
CLG for Calculus-I grade, and MATG for combined mathematics (both
calculus) grade.
Therefore, the null hypothesis of Chow-test asserts that both
intercepts and slopes are equal, i.e., [H.sub.0] : [[alpha].sub.AC] =
[[alpha].sub.CL] and [[beta].sub.AC] = [[beta].sub.CL]. Thus, the
structure of the Chow-test takes the form:
[{[S.sub.MAT] - ([S.sub.AC] + [S.sub.CL])} / k] / [([S.sub.AC] +
[S.sub.CL]) / ([N.sub.AC] + [N.sub.CL] - 2k)]
where, [S.sub.MAT] be the sum of squared residuals from the
combined data, [S.sub.AC] be the sum of squares from the Applied
Calculus group, and [S.sub.CL] be the sum of squares from the Calculus-I
group. [N.sub.AC] and [N.sub.CL] are the number of observations in each
group and k is the total number of parameters (in this case, 2). This
test statistic is then follows the F distribution with k and [N.sub.AC]
+ [N.sub.CL] - 2k degrees of freedom.
We present Statistics course grade distributions in Graph 1 for
both background (prerequisite) courses. The letter grade distributions
in Graph 1 reveal that higher percentage of students who took Calculus-I
received a better grade (A or B) in Statistics course than those who
took Applied Calculus. As for example, who took Calculus-I, 74.00%
received an 'A' or "B' in Statistics course. In
contrast, only 64% of those who took Applied Calculus received an
'A' or "B' in the Statistics course. This difference
reverses when we compare them for lower grades, such as C or D (see
Graph 1). About 33% of Applied Calculus students received either a
'C' or 'D' in the Statistics course while only 23%
of the Calculus-I students received these low grades.
In Table 1, we present summary statistics for all course grades.
Although, students acquired higher grade on average in Applied Calculus
than Calculus-I course (2.63 vs. 2.46). We observe that there is a
difference in average grade points in Statistics course between students
with Applied Calculus and those with Calculus-I prerequisite.
Specifically, in general students perform better in Statistics course
with Calculus-I background than Applied Calculus. For example, those who
took Calculus-I as a prerequisite received an average grade of 3.0 in
Statistics course compared to 2.8 for those who had Applied Calculus.
These results suggest that Calculus-I leads to accumulate quality human
capital in terms preparedness for Statistics course and results in
substantially better performance. This provided the basis to perform
hypothesis test on the differential effect on Statistics course
performance as a result of different calculus background. Since, the
outcome of prerequisite selection has a substantial payoff, it is
important for us to test the hypothesis and identify the prerequisite
that has higher incremental impact on Statistics course performance.
To test the differential effect (if any) due to two different
calculus backgrounds we perform the Chow-test as below. First, we run a
regression for the combined (both Calculus-I and Applied Calculus)
calculus background and the estimated model is:
Regression model (with both Calculus):
[STG.sub.i] = 1.93421 * + 0.35832 * [MATG.sub.i] (4)
* Statistically significant at better than 1% level (see Table-2A)
where, [S.sub.MAT] = sum of squared residuals (combined) = 731.315.
Combined estimated regression model above is highly statistically
significant with a positive intercept and slope. This implies if their
performance is better in Calculus then the performance in Statistics
course will also be superior and the rate of increase is about 1/3 of a
grade point (i.e., 0.35832).
Consequently, we run both regression models separately to observe
the difference in the intercept and slope due to different courses as
background knowledge. If no difference exists, then we can postulate that there is no differential effect due to different calculus courses
on the Statistics course performance. Estimated models are provided
Regression model (with Applied Calculus):
[STG.sub.AC,i] = 1.74244 * + 0.40781 * [ACG.sub.AC,i] (5)
* Statistically significant at better than 1% level (see Table-2B)
Where, [S.sub.AC] = sum of squared residuals (applied calculus) =
Regression model (with Calculus-I):
[STG.sub.CL,i] = 2.37216 * + 0.25506 * [CLG.sub.CL,i] (6)
* Statistically significant at better than 1% level (see Table-2C)
Where, [S.sub.CL] = sum of squared residuals (Calculus-I) = 167.676.
Results of these regression models have been reported in Table-2B
and Table-2C. Although, both models are highly statistically significant
with positive intercepts and slopes. As expected, intercept is higher
with Calculus-I compared to Applied Calculus (2.37 vs. 1.74). This
result is consistent with the summary statistics reported in Table 1.
This implies that students with Calculus-I background starts at an
advantageous position which is more than half a point (.63) higher as
oppose to students with Applied Calculus background. To establish this
differential effect statistically, we calculate the following test
statistic to perform the Chow-test.
F = [{[S.sub.MAT] - ([S.sub.AC] + [S.sub.CL])} / k / [([S.sub.AC] +
[S.sub.CL]) / ([N.sub.AC] + [N.sub.CL] - 2k)] = [{731.315 - (549.376 +
167.676)} / 2] / [(549.376 + 167.676) / (659 + 221 - 4)] = 8.712
Thus, the observed test statistic F=8.712 exceeds the critical test
statistic F=4.61at 1% significance level with 2 and 876 degrees of
freedom. Therefore, the null hypothesis of equality of intercepts and
slopes is rejected. This implies that the two regression models are
different, suggesting that there is a differential effect attributable
to different calculus backgrounds. These tests results lead us to
conclude that students with added traditional calculus orientation do
possess greater statistical proficiency. Perhaps, it is that enhanced
mathematical maturity developed from the traditional calculus leading to
a better understanding of statistical reasoning that resulted in
elevated advantageous position for these students.
Findings of this study suggest that prerequisite is an important
component in predicting academic performance in Statistics course.
Specifically, we have found that students who took the Calculus-I
received higher average grades in Statistics than students who took
Applied Calculus. Our analysis illustrates the importance of selecting a
proper and more relevant prerequisite course for business and economics
majors. This selection process of prerequisite course matters in two
ways. First, the proper prerequisite course provides students with
required and relevant quantitative background knowledge needed to
succeed in the Statistics course(s), and consequently be beneficial for
other quantitative oriented business and economics courses. Second, the
prerequisite course needs to have necessary components and topics
included (including the course arrangement), so that, students have
better opportunity to improve their mathematical maturity needed for
quantitative reasoning courses.
Therefore to improve students' performance in Statistics
course, Calculus-I may be more appropriate prerequisite than Applied
Calculus. Thus, it appears from our analysis that students with
traditional calculus orientation may have greater statistical
proficiency than with applied calculus. In addition, our analysis also
reveals that students with Calculus-I background starts at an
advantageous position as oppose to students with Applied Calculus
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Askar Choudhury, Illinois State University Ramaswamy Radhakrishnan,
Illinois State University
TABLE 1: Summary Statistics by Courses
Grade Applied Calculus-I Both Statistics
Calculus Grade Calculus Grade
Grade Combined Applied
Grade Calculus] *
Average 2.63 2.46 2.59 2.80
Median 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00
Std 1.00 1.07 1.02 1.00
N 659 221 880 682
Grade Statistics Statistics
Grade Grade
[Calculus-I ] * [Both
Combined] *
Average 3.00 2.85
Median 3.00 3.00
Std 0.92 0.99
N 237 919
Note: Maximum grade is 4 and minimum grade is 0, on a four-point
* Statistics course grades with respective prerequisites; applied
calculus, calculus-I and both combined.
TABLE-2A: Regression Results of Statistics Course Performance
Attributable to Combined (both Calculus) Background
Analysis of Variance
Sum of Mean
Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F
Model 1 117.77136 117.77136 141.39 <.0001
Error 878 731.31500 0.83293
Corrected Total 879 849.08636
R-Square 0.1387 Adj R-Sq 0.1377
Parameter Estimates
Parameter Standard
Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t|
Intercept 1 1.93421 0.08382 23.08 <.0001
MATH 1 0.35832 0.03013 11.89 <.0001
TABLE-2B: Regression Results of Statistics Course Performance
Attributable to Applied Calculus Background
Analysis of Variance
Sum of Mean
Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F
Model 1 110.03802 110.03802 131.59 <.0001
Error 657 549.37624 0.83619
Corrected Total 658 659.41426
R-Square 0.1669 Adj R-Sq 0.1656
Parameter Estimates
Parameter Standard
Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t|
Intercept 1 1.74244 0.10004 17.42 <.0001
MATH 1 0.40781 0.03555 11.47 <.0001
TABLE-2C: Regression Results of Statistics Course Performance
Attributable to Calculus-I Background
Analysis of Variance
Sum of Mean
Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F
Model 1 16.32373 16.32373 21.32 <.0001
Error 219 167.67627 0.76565
Corrected Total 220 184.00000
R-Square 0.0887 Adj R-Sq 0.0846
Parameter Estimates
Parameter Standard
Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t|
Intercept 1 2.37216 0.14817 16.01 <.0001
MATH 1 0.25506 0.05524 4.62 <.0001