A methodological issue in the measurement of financial Literacy.
Hill, Robert R. ; Perdue, Grady
In order for an individual to function in our increasingly complex
modern society, one must develop a basic understanding of investing,
insurance, credit and debt management, and other personal finance
topics. Knowledge of these topics is often referred to as financial
literacy. Unfortunately, the level of financial literacy in modern
American society is generally viewed as being unacceptably low. In a
press conference on January 22, 2008 President George W. Bush announced
that he was responding to the problem with a special presidential
advisory group.
Earlier today I signed an executive order establishing the
President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy. I have asked
people from the business world, the faith world, the non-profit
world, to join this council in order to come up with
recommendations as to how to better educate people from all walks
of life about matters pertaining to their finances and their
... if we want America to be as hopeful a place as it can be, we want
people owning assets. We want people investing. We want people
owning homes. But oftentimes, to be able to do so requires literacy
when it comes to financial matters. And sometimes people just
simply don't know what they're looking at and reading. And it can
lead to personal financial crisis, and that personal financial
crisis, if accumulated to too many folks, hurts our country.
Concern about the level of financial literacy has been developing
for many years, and is a topic that has been actively explored by the
academic community. Research into this topic has resulted in an
extensive body of literature being developed to explain the general
public's level of financial literacy. Many of these studies have
focused on observed behavior of individuals or have focused on surveys
that have allowed researchers to ascertain survey respondents'
level of financial knowledge in one or more of the areas of personal
finance. A discussion of this literature follows below.
The results of most academic surveys on financial literacy show
respondents answering about half of the survey questions correctly,
indicating a relatively low level of knowledge on personal finance
topics. But does only being right about half the time imply that the
respondents are wrong about half the time? Where many researchers have
failed to correctly interpret their own results is that they have simply
treated responses as being correct or incorrect. Understanding responses
on a survey of factual knowledge is much more complex than that.
This study adds to our understanding of financial literacy by
examining a methodology issue in how researchers measure financial
literacy. Previous studies have failed to allow for the difference
between respondents knowing the correct answers to basic knowledge
questions and correctly guessing the answers to those questions.
Previous studies (see Chen and Volpe, 1998; Volpe, Chen and Liu, 2006;
and Worthington, 2006, for example) have also frequently failed to allow
respondents to admit not knowing the answer to financial questions posed
to them, implicitly not recognizing the difference between one being
aware he is lacking in knowledge and one incorrectly thinking that he
knows certain information.
These two methodological errors result in previous studies
potentially overstating the level of financial literacy and providing an
incomplete description of what is contained in "wrong"
answers. By correcting for these errors our first contribution is to
broaden the understanding of the level of financial literacy. Our second
contribution is to demonstrate that the opportunities for the academic
community to educate students and for financial planners to educate
clients (and potential clients), are greater than some may have
A multitude of studies over the past couple of decades have tried
to explain how different personal variables affect (or fail to affect)
the financial literacy of individuals. Some of these studies in the
current literature focus on general financial literacy, and other
studies focus specifically on investing or some other area of personal
finance. Many of these studies are based on survey data where
respondents address questions of factual knowledge concerning matters of
personal financial literacy.
Many studies explore the implication of race and ethnicity on an
individual's financial behavior and knowledge, and report
significant differences between white and non-white households both in
terms of the level of financial literacy and the financial behavior of
the households of different ethnic groups. Somewhat echoing the earlier
work of Blau and Graham, 1990, both Zhong and Xiao, 1995, and Plath and
Stevenson, 2000, observe that the asset mix for African-American
households is quite different from that of white households. These
researchers assert that this is true even when income levels of white
and African-American households are the same. Plath and Stevenson go on
to observe that the primary financial asset of black households is life
insurance-not stocks or mutual funds. That finding is consistent with
Badu, Daniels, and Salandro, 1999, reporting that black households tend
to make portfolio choices that involve selecting lower returning assets.
These researchers note black households particularly avoid stocks, and
that this behavior is unlikely to help close the net worth gap between
black and white families. Keister, 2000, comes to a similar conclusion.
In one of the few academic studies to include Hispanics as a
separate demographic group, Yao, Gutter, and Hanna, 2005, find that
whites have greater financial risk tolerance for taking "some
risk" than blacks, who in turn have greater risk tolerance for
"some risk" than Hispanics. However, these researchers also
find that when considering taking "substantial risk,"
Hispanics were most likely to accept the higher level of risk and whites
were the least likely to do so. These researchers hypothesize that
Hispanics forming the two extreme ends of risk tolerance may be a result
of "the large diversity of backgrounds within the Hispanic category" in their study.
However, the significance of ethnicity in financial matters is
rejected in some studies. Chen and Volpe, 1998, do not find race to be
significant in explaining financial literacy in their study. Coleman,
2003, studies the proportion of net worth held in risky assets and finds
that differences between ethnic and racial groups is not major. But
Coleman also observes that Hispanics have a smaller proportion of net
worth in risky assets.
The connection between gender and financial literacy is another
area of interest for many researchers. This connection has become so
well known that it is even being discussed in the personal finance
section of The Wall Street Journal (Clements, 2008). Gender is often
argued as being important in two ways. First, gender is thought to be
important because some studies have shown a major difference in the
overall financial knowledge of men versus women (Worthington, 2006).
Second, various studies (see Bajtelsmit and Bernasek, 1996; Bajtelsmit,
Bernasek, and Jianakoplos, 1999; Hallahan, Faff, and McKenzie, 2004)
often suggest that gender is important in terms of general risk
aversion. In particular it is noted that as evidenced by a preference
for safer investments, women are less likely to engage in risky
investing behavior. This could explain why women have relatively less
interest in the stock market than do men, and could also explain why
women seem to be less knowledgeable about investing. Even when compared
to men who are similar in all other significant characteristics, both
Bajtelsmit, Bernasek, and Jianakoplos, 1999, and Hariharan, Chapman, and
Domian, 2000, note that women are less likely to invest in risky assets.
Some studies find other variables besides ethnicity and gender to
be important in explaining financial literacy. Chen and Volpe, 1998,
find the level of income to be important in financial literacy, while
Hallahan, Faff, and McKenzie, 2004, find income and wealth to be more
important in understanding risk tolerance. Those two studies seem to be
consistent with Waggle and Englis, 2000, finding that higher net worth
investors invest more in equities than lower net worth groups.
Worthington, 2006, discovers significance in the levels of income,
savings and mortgage debt in predicting financial literacy.
Employment status is found by some researchers to be important in
predicting financial literacy. Chen and Volpe, 1998, find that persons
with significant work experience seem more knowledgeable on financial
issues than those with little or no work experience. Worthington, 2006,
finds that the employed are more knowledgeable about financial issues
than the unemployed. Among the employed he further finds that those who
are employed in professional positions or own small businesses are more
financially literate than the farm workers he surveyed.
Zhong and Xiao, 1995, Bodie and Crane, 1997, and Waggle and Englis,
2000, conclude that the level of education is a significant variable in
explaining the ownership of stocks and bonds by investors. Shaw, 1996,
and Hallahan, Faff, and McKenzie, 2004, find a correlation between
increased education and increased risk tolerance. However, Yao, Gutter,
and Hanna, 2005, believe that education increases awareness of the
financial markets, but personal willingness to accept risk is not
changed by education. Specifically focusing on financial education,
Dolvin and Templeton, 2006, assert that mandatory financial education
seminars for workers result in "improved risk management" by
those employees.
Based on surveys of university students, two studies, Volpe, Chen,
and Pavlicko, 1996; and Chen and Volpe, 1998, show business majors have
a higher degree of financial literacy than non-business majors.
Even marital status appears in the literature as an explanatory variable for the level of financial literacy. Hallahan, Faff, and
McKenzie, 2004, find marital status to be significant in measuring risk
tolerance, with unmarried persons exhibiting a higher level of risk
tolerance. Blending gender and marital status, Yao, Gutter, and Hanna,
2005, note that married females exhibit the lowest level of risk
tolerance and unmarried males have the highest level of risk tolerance.
However, marital status is rejected as being significant in determining
asset allocation by Bodie and Crane, 1997, and by Waggle and Englis,
Age is another variable found by some to be important in explaining
financial literacy. Chen and Volpe, 1998, point out that most of the
students participating in their study are young and in the early stages
of their life cycle. As such they have little or no experience with
topics like life insurance or investments. Yet, Worthington, 2006,
indicates age is important in terms of financial literacy. Yao, Gutter,
and Hanna, 2005, find that risk tolerance is inversely related to age.
When research surveys of factual knowledge are conducted, a series
of questions in a polychotomous answer format are commonly used with
persons being asked to identify the correct response to each question.
Such questions have one correct response and multiple
"distractors" that are incorrect answers. The multiple choice
examination is a familiar format to most people, and it is easy for
researchers to grade for results.
Psychometric theory argues that the more distractors one uses in
designing a survey or examination, then the greater the reliability of
the results from the test. However, the distractors only enhance the
reliability of the survey instrument if the distractors are well chosen.
Poorly selected distractors that are never selected by respondents, add
nothing to the reliability of the results. Research by Wesman (1971)
into ascertaining the appropriate number of distractors for a given
question indicates that three or four good distractors are about right.
This number is what is commonly seen on university multiple-choice
examinations. However, Sidick, Barrett and Boverspike (1994) have argued
that as few as two distractors may be adequate if they are good
Assuming that the distractors are credible and are not so obvious
that a person without knowledge on the subject can avoid them,
respondents who do not know the answer to a question can certainly guess
at the answer. If a group of persons with no knowledge on a topic answer
a multiple choice examination on that subject, there will be correct
answers marked by pure random chance. How many correct answers? If the
questions are structured with a polychotomous answer format so that
there are five possible answers to each question, the average score on
the test by uninformed respondents should be 20 percent. If persons with
no knowledge receive a score of 20, this raises the average test score
for respondents higher than it would be if the person with no knowledge
actually received a score of zero.
Furthermore, for those persons taking a test who do have knowledge
of the subject area, it is possible that some of these people will get
some answers correct because they know some answers but also guess at
other questions where they get lucky and select the correct answer.
These persons scores are also overstated and contribute to a higher
average score for all respondents.
The problem of persons correctly guessing answers on questions on
which they have no knowledge, is what has caused some evaluators to
apply an adjustment formula to allow for answers that have been guessed
correctly. Students taking examinations such as the SAT and GMAT are
warned that there is a penalty for incorrect answers, so random guessing
will probably hurt them with a grade penalty. The formula for making
such an adjustment is simply
Adjusted Score = C - [I/(n-1)]
where C is the number of correct answers, I is the number of
incorrect answers, and n is the number of available answers on each
question. On a test with five possible answers on each question, the
average random score of test takers with no knowledge of the subject
should be 20 percent. However, the adjusted score for these people would
20 - [80/(5-1)] = 20 - 20 = 0
indicating that zero is the correct score for a person who knows
nothing on the topic and is only guessing.
In a multiple choice test it is probable that participants will
attempt to answer each question unless there is a penalty for wrong
answers. However, for a student completing a voluntary financial
literacy survey for an academic researcher, penalizing a score for wrong
answers will have no meaning to the survey participant. Therefore, there
is no disincentive for a survey participant to reframe from guessing.
The students are asked to "complete the survey" and they do
exactly that.
There is no indication in the finance literature that previous
researchers have been adjusting (penalizing) survey respondent scores
for wrong answers. Therefore, respondents who have correctly guessed at
answers have been able to raise their individual scores and the average
score of the group under study. This implies that the level of financial
literacy reported in previous studies is probably somewhat overstated.
However, simply adjusting the scores for wrong answers is not the
entire solution to understanding the level of financial literacy. While
such an adjustment can more accurately describe the percentage of
correct responses coming from actually having knowledge (as opposed to
lucky guessing), it does not assist the researcher in understanding the
responses viewed as being incorrect. A person may select an incorrect
answer either because he does not know the correct answer or because he
thinks he knows the answer but is wrong.
The difference between the two cases may be an unimportant subtlety to a person who is only seeking to determine what percentage of
respondents select the correct answer. But it is a significant
difference to the educators and to the researchers who realize that the
first individual (who realizes he does not know the answer) is less
likely to make a bad decision based on inaccurate knowledge, because
this individual is aware that he does not know the answer. This is also
a person who is potentially open to learning because he is aware that he
does not know the information. On the other hand the second individual
(who incorrectly thinks he has accurate knowledge) is susceptible to
taking actions based on mistakenly believing that he has adequate
knowledge. He is also less likely to seek out new knowledge or respond
to the opportunity to be taught because he believes he already has the
knowledge he needs.
To address this issue we suggest that one of the response options
on polychotomous questions examining the level of financial knowledge
should be an option that allows the respondent to say "I don't
know." This is an approach commonly used in opinion surveys. (For
example see Bogart, 1967; Francis and Busch, 1975; Poe, Seeman,
McLaughlin, Mehl and Dietz, 1988; Goldsmith, 1989; Sanchez and Morchio,
1992; Mondak, 2001; Krosnick, Holbrook, Berent, Carson, Hanemann, Kopp,
Mitchell, Presser, Ruud, Smith, Moody, Green and Conaway, 2002; and
Schaeffer and Presser, 2003.) By giving financial literacy survey
respondents such an option, researchers can provide a legitimate means
to admit not knowing an answer. This eliminates any perceived pressure
to guess a randomly selected answer.
We believe that when financial literacy is involved, it is not
merely an "academic" exercise to note that there are at least
three potential responses to any question. Of course for many questions
there is a correct answer and there is an incorrect answer. But the
third potential response of "I do not know" is equally valid
and equally important.
In Spring 2007 a group of junior and senior-level undergraduate
business students at the University of Houston-Clear Lake were asked to
complete a survey on their knowledge of several personal finance topics.
Student participation was on a voluntary basis. Participants were asked
to provide no personal information that might identify them other than
the demographic data discussed below that was needed to describe the
overall population participating in the survey. We were able to collect
and analyze 170 completed surveys for this study.
The first 18 questions of the 68 question survey seek to obtain
demographic information (e.g., gender and ethnicity) and some basic data
establishing each individual's use of selected financial services (e.g., checking accounts and credit cards). The other 50 items in the
survey are a set of questions seeking to determine each
individual's knowledge of a set of selected key areas of personal
finance. The survey consists of ten questions on each of the topics of
investments, personal income taxation, credit and debt management, risk
management, and retirement planning.
For our survey we allow students to acknowledge that they do not
know the answer on 48 of the 50 questions. (Two of the investments
questions do not give that option.) We assert that our decision to
structure the survey this way impacts both the number of correct and
incorrect answers, resulting in a more accurate measure of financial
literacy. This response option eliminates the need to guess at an
answer, reducing the number of cases where a correct answer is guessed.
This approach also allows us to delve more deeply into the non-correct
Data are reported in this table using some of the demographic
characteristics reported in the previous literature to establish the
similarity of our sample group with those that have been examined in
previous studies. A demographic breakdown of the respondents shows 64
males and 106 females. The survey group also includes 12
African-Americans, 28 Hispanics, 102 non-Hispanic whites, and 28 persons
who defined themselves as being in other ethnic groups. (All of the
other ethnic groups represented in our data had nine or fewer persons
and are not reported separately.) Only four percent of the participants
are under age 21; 45 percent are ages 21-25; 41 percent are ages 26-40;
and 10 percent are over 40.
A descriptive summary of the data presented in Table 1 describes
the use of basic financial services by survey respondents. The data
indicate that the 170 participants in our survey have a reasonably good
level of familiarity with basic financial services, suggesting that they
are not all that different from an adult population.
As may be observed from the data provided in Table 1, virtually
every student surveyed is the primary account holder on a checking
account. Also nearly every student holds an ATM or debit card and about
80 percent of them hold credit cards in their own names. Approximately
one-fourth of all survey participants have their own brokerage accounts
and about half have some form of retirement accounts. (There was a
virtual absence of retirement accounts by persons who did not fit into
the three ethnic groups shown in Table 1.) For persons in the three
major ethnic groups completing in the survey, the only observable major
difference between groups is that Hispanics seem to be less inclined to
hold brokerage accounts.
Table 2 presents the summary of the results of our survey
indicating for each topic area the average percentage of correct
responses, the average incorrect response rate, and the average
selection rate of the "I don't know" response. The
overall results of the financial literacy questions are reasonably
consistent with the data from other studies in the literature that
survey the financial literacy of university students. The participants
in our survey had an overall average correct response rate of 46.6
percent. This score may be compared to other surveys measuring the
financial literacy of university students where Volpe, Chen and
Pavlicko, 1996, report an average correct score of 44 percent and Chen
and Volpe, 1998, report an average correct score of 53 percent. The
consistency of the percentage of correct answers between our survey and
previous studies adds to the validity of our results.
We argue it is simplistic to take 100 percent, subtract the 46.6
percent average correct response rate, and then conclude that we have an
average incorrect response rate of 53.4 percent. In fact students only
choose an incorrect response an average of 37.0 percent of the time. The
"I don't know" choice on the various questions is
selected an average of 16.4 percent of the time. Failure to have an
"I don't know" option would have masked the fact that
nearly one-third of the non-correct responses are from people who knew
that they had a knowledge deficiency on the topic at hand. Furthermore,
had these students had to guess an answer because of an absence of an
"I don't know" option, some would have correctly guessed
the correct answers on some questions. This would have falsely raised
the "correct" response rate.
In Table 2 when separating the survey questions into personal
finance topic areas, more significant differences emerge. Clearly the
best topic area for our respondents is credit and debt management. The
questions on credit and debt have the highest level of correct responses
and the lowest level of incorrect responses and admitted lack of
knowledge. This is consistent with about 80 percent of the survey
participants indicating that they have a credit card in their own name.
Income taxation is the weakest area in terms of correct and
incorrect responses. We are struck by the student who wrote a note to us
that none of our possible answers are correct on Question #35, which
asked about the taxation of gains from the sale of an owner-occupied
residence. In straightening us out he (incorrectly) informed us that
capital gains from the sale of a home must be rolled over into a new
home within 18 months or the gains are taxable. About 73.5 percent of
the respondents missed this question, with only 11.2 percent getting it
correct. 15.3 percent of the respondents admitted that they did not know
the answer. As is true for the entire topic area, inaccurate knowledge
about taxes is common. Despite a median participant age of over 25 and
the majority of these people being employed (as evidenced by their
retirement accounts), taxes are a mystery to these 170 people.
Table 3 presents the data based upon responses by gender. Overall
the percentage of correct responses by males and females is almost
exactly the same, but we note that the average scores for males shows
them to be both right and wrong slightly more often than women.
The strongest area for both genders is in credit and debt
management, with both groups getting slightly better than 60 percent of
the answers correct. The greatest difference in the correct answers
between men and women is in the area of investments, where men score
much higher. However, women have a higher percentage of correct answers
in three of the five subject areas. These findings are consistent with
results previously reported by Chen and Volpe, 1998; 2002, where they
find men to be more knowledgeable about investing, but women to be more
knowledgeable in other area of personal finance.
The data in Table 3 indicate females are more likely (though some
times only very marginally) than males to indicate they did not know
answers in all five area of study. This fact may be related to males
having a larger percentage of incorrect responses in every category
except investing.
The "I don't know" option is selected more
frequently by both genders in the area of retirement planning. This is
surprising given that half of the students already have retirement
accounts and the majority of the participants in the survey are over age
Table 4 reports the data for each of the three major ethnic groups
participating in the survey. Overall non-Hispanic whites had the highest
percentage of correct answers and the lowest percentage of incorrect
answers. African-Americans stood out as having the best accuracy
percentage in three of the five categories, and had the second best rate
in the other two categories.
For all three ethnic groups one notes that credit and debt
management is their strongest area, and income taxation is their weakest
area. Whites are particularly stronger than the other two groups in
knowledge about investing.
Among the three reported ethnic groups Hispanics were more likely
than either African-Americans or non-Hispanic whites to choose the
"I don't know" option in all five categories of financial
literacy under study. Overall African-Americans are less likely to
choose that option, which may contribute to their having the highest
overall percentage of incorrect responses.
Previous research into the area of financial literacy has explored
whether or not persons could correctly answer fundamental questions
relating to personal finance topics. As a group the studies have
reported an unacceptably low level of financial literacy.
This study has explored the methodological issue of giving people
the Ropportunity to admit not knowing the answer to factual questions on
a survey rather than forcing them to guess answers. The use of this
option helps to more accurately understand the level of financial
literacy by reducing the number of false correct responses and by
separating the non-correct responses into those people with inaccurate
knowledge and those who admit having no knowledge on a topic. The
separation of persons into those with inaccurate knowledge and those
with a lack of knowledge should be particularly important to educators
concerned with financial literacy.
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Robert R. Hill, University of Houston-Clear Lake
Grady Perdue, University of Houston-Clear Lake
Table 1: Use of Financial Services with Service in Users Name
(stated as percentage)*
Checking Savings ATM/
account account debit
Females 91.5 86.8 98.1
Males 96.9 82.8 95.3
African- 100 91.7 100
Hispanic 89.3 82.1 100
White, 93.1 89.2 96.1
Credit Brokerage Retirement
card account account
Females 79.3 23.6 50.9
Males 81.3 29.7 50.0
African- 83.3 33.3 66.7
Hispanic 85.7 10.7 60.7
White, 80.4 35.3 53.9
* 28 participants (roughly 16 percent of survey respondents)
who fall into non-discussed ethnic groups are included in
the total values and in the male and female measurements
but not in separate ethnic groupings.
Table 2: Responses by topic area
(stated in percentage)
Section of
survey Correct answers Incorrect answers "I don't know"
Overall 46.6 37.0 16.4
Investments 55.7 31.3 13.0
Income tax 30.9 49.9 19.2
Credit/debt 62.0 29.1 8.9
Insurance 49.9 35.7 14.4
Retirement 34.2 38.1 27.7
Table 3: Responses by gender
(stated in percentage)
Section of survey Correct answers Incorrect answers "I don't know"
Overall 46.6 37.0 16.5
Males 47.3 38.3 14.4
Females 46.1 36.1 17.8
Investments 55.7 31.3 13.0
Males 60.9 29.5 9.6
Females 52.5 32.8 15.1
Income tax 30.9 49.9 19.2
Males 29.3 54.4 16.3
Females 33.4 45.7 20.9
Credit/debt 62.0 29.1 8.9
Males 62.3 29.3 8.4
Females 61.9 28.9 9.2
Insurance 49.9 35.7 14.4
Males 47.3 38.7 14.1
Females 51.4 34.1 14.5
Retirement 34.2 38.1 27.7
Males 32.7 43.9 23.4
Females 35.2 34.5 30.3
Table 4: Responses by ethnicity
(stated in percentage) *
Section of survey Correct answers Incorrect answers "I don't know"
Overall 46.6 37.0 16.5
African-Amer 47.8 40.2 12.0
Hispanic 42.8 38.2 19.0
White, non-Hisp 49.9 33.7 16.4
Investments 55.7 31.3 13.0
African-Amer 48.3 37.1 14.6
Hispanic 43.2 37.2 19.6
White, non-Hisp 63.4 25.2 11.4
Income tax 30.9 49.9 19.2
African-Amer 28.3 56.7 15.0
Hispanic 23.9 56.1 20.0
White, non-Hisp 34.1 46.1 19.8
Credit/debt 62.0 29.1 8.9
African-Amer 65.8 28.4 5.8
Hispanic 61.1 28.9 10.0
White, non-Hisp 66.2 26.4 7.4
Insurance 49.9 35.7 14.4
African-Amer 52.5 40.8 6.7
Hispanic 50.7 34.3 15.0
White, non-Hisp 51.4 34.2 14.4
Retirement 34.2 38.1 27.7
African-Amer 41.7 40.0 18.3
Hispanic 35.4 34.2 30.4
White, non-Hisp 35.6 36.1 28.3
* 28 participants (roughly 16 percent of survey respondents)
who fall into non-discussed ethnic groups are included in the
total values and in the male and female measurements but not
in separate ethnic groupings.