Growth determinants for Colombia: National and Regional Panel Data Evidence 1964-2002.
Lewer, Joshua J. ; Saenz, Mariana
The purpose of this paper is to empirically test the growth factors
for the Latin American country of Colombia over the last half century.
Fixed effects panel data estimation for all thirty-three Colombian
states indicate a significantly positive relationship between labor
growth and international trade on income growth. However, crimes against
private property rights and capital significantly reduce income growth
over the time-series, indicating that protection of property rights are
an important determinant of economic growth and prosperity as discussed
by North and Thomas (1973) and De Soto (1990, 2000). The results also
show that institutional instability reduces economic growth.
Nobel Laurete Douglas North and Robert Thomas (1973) were one of
the initial researchers to argue that institutions are prerequisites for
economic growth. Institutions are considered social norms, educational
and political systems, religion(s) of a country, and openness to trade
and outside ideas among other things. De Soto (1990, 2000) argues that
property rights are a particularly important economic institution
because of their role as an engine of economic growth. Property rights
include: ownership of resources, including titles and deeds,
intellectual property rights, including patents, copyrights, and
trademarks and independent and impartial legal systems. Proper
institutions and secure property rights give individuals incentives to
innovate and produce something of value rather than trying to enrich
themselves by some other inefficient method (i.e. rent-seeking activity,
theft, arbitrary confiscation and/or taxation). Continuous economic
growth through innovation and human capital formation is conditional on
the existence of enforceable property rights.
De Soto (1990, 2000) observes great disparity in formal private
property protection between developed and developing countries, and
believes this to be the main determinant of divergence over the last 100
years. That is, property rights are secure in successful countries and
unsecure and/or unclear in developing countries.
The De Soto hypothesis suggests that economic growth is
significantly related to the security of property rights in a country.
For example, he argues that in developing countries most property is
unproductive and "dead" because ownership rights are not
adequately recorded or trusted. He states, "Because the rights to
these possessions are not adequately documented, these assets cannot
readily be turned into capital, can not be traded outside of narrow
circles where people know and trust each other, can not be used as
collateral for a loan, and cannot be used as a share against
investment" (De Soto, 2000, p. 6). But developed countries have
been able through agreed upon legal frameworks to secure private
property so that it can be productive and provide a source of funding to
entrepreneurs and other business activities. He argues, "In the
West, by contrast, every parcel of land, every building, every piece of
equipment, or store of inventories is represented in a property document
that is the visible sign of a vast hidden process that connects all
these assets to the rest of the economy. Thanks to this representational
process, assets can lead an invisible, parallel life alongside their
material existence. They can be used as collateral for credit. The
single most important source of funds for new businesses in the United
States is a mortgage on the entrepreneur's house ... By this
process the West injects life into assets and makes them generate
capital" (De Soto, 2000, p. 6). Essentially, what De Soto is saying
is that property is more productive in developed countries because it
serves as collateral to capital, investment, and other business
activities. This secure and dual serving property is the primary reason
why some countries have grown quickly, and the lack of secure property
is one primary reason why some countries have lagged behind.
The purpose of this paper is to test state specific economic growth
determinants for Colombia. The paper also tests the validity of De
Soto's property rights hypothesis. By applying fixed effects panel
data methodology to annual data from 1964-2002 for all thirty-three
Colombian states, the property rights hypothesis is tested and
confirmed; high security of property rights is positively associated
with higher real economic growth rates. Other significant growth
determinants are also found, such as labor force and international
The remainder of this paper proceeds as follows: section II reports
a brief history of Colomibia's property rights struggles, section
III presents the regression model to be tested, section IV reports the
empirical findings, and section V concludes with implications from the
The establishment of the Spanish Empire and its government in South
America resulted in the conquest of what is now Colombia. Spain used its
military supremacy to generate economic rent to the crown and in part to
impose Catholicism on the natives. The Spanish also generated a new
concept, private property. In his seminal book, Manual de Historia
Colombiana, Fernando Ayala (2005) states, "Europeans transferred to
America its race, its language and its religion ... Equally, they
transmitted ... sciences, technology, civil freedom and critical
solutions to face problems distinctive to the Conquest and the Colony.
... the colonial society then organized lordly land concentration over
time ..." (Ayala, 2005, p. 20).
Towards the end of 1858, Colombia's name was changed to
"Cofederacion Granadina" (1858-1863). Officially, the stately
confederation followed a general free market policy called
"librecambio." During this period land owned and administrated
by the church was reassign to laity, although ownership was not.
Essentially, natives could farm the land reassigned to them, but they
could not own it. Colombia's name again changed to "Estados
Unidos de Colombia" from 18631885. With a new constitution and
economic system based on capitalism, several new freedoms where granted,
including private property laws, see Kalmanovitz (2001) for details.
In 1886, with the creation of a new Constitution, the country took
its actual name of "Republica de Colombia". Over the next 120
years the initial property laws of the librecambio have been weakened by
several laws and executive orders. For example, when the conservative
party took over power (i.e. 1886 -1930), they denied democratic
guarantees including some ownership liberties. They also refused to pass
additional private property reforms. Rincon (1973) argues that laws in
Colombia are made without any specific principle except to protect
vested interests that cause much of the corruption and inefficiencies
with the State. Montenegro and Posada (2001) cite different analysts
that observed higher violence in distant regions where economic growth
is based on exploitation of cocaine, petroleum, emeralds and gold. They
also show that the increase in violence and illegal activity within the
country are associated with the justice system collapse and otherwise
weakness within institutions, namely property rights.
Today, Colombian private property rights remain fairly weak
relative to most developed countries. When examining Gwartney and
Lawson's (2004) property right index, Colombia ranks near the
bottom one-forth in securing property rights for its citizens in a scale
where ten in the most secure. Moreover as with many Latin American
countries, its ten-year average has been declining.
The regression equation in this article is an extension of Mankiw,
Romer and Weil's (1992) augmented Solow equation that allows for
conditional convergence. Specifically, the equation of interest is in
per capita terms, shown below as:
where [] is the growth of real gross state product per
capita for state i in time t, [], the conditional
convergence term, is the log of state i's real income in 1960,
[] is the growth of state i's labor force for time t,
[], a proxy for human capital, is the level of secondary
attainment for state i, [] is the sum of the growth of real
exports plus real imports for state i at time t, [] is
the is the level of criminal acts against property, capital, and general
property rights for state i during time t, POLITICAL is a dummy variable representing political instability, and [] is the error term.
Annual data for all thirty-three of Colombia's states were
collected from 1964-2002 to test which of the growth determinants were
significant to its overall development process. The data was tempered by
the fact that several cities/villages within each state did not report
official data over the last half-century.
Panel data methodology in this paper follows the pooling technique
described by Kmenta (1986). Estimation procedures allow for
heteroskedasticity over cross-sections (i.e. allows for the error terms
for each cross section to differ as one might expect from very large to
smaller states) and timewise autocorrelation over time within
cross-sections. This approach allows for country-specific differences
through dummy variables (D), as it is implicitly assumed that the
coefficient estimates for the included variables are identical across
all countries. The following rules are applied to the dummies. When the
cross-sectional unit is a part of the variable that is being estimated D
is one, but equals zero all other times. Formally written as:
where i is the index of a cross-section unit. Equation (3) becomes
the model of interest:
The national results from equation (3) are presented in Table 1
below. Notice that the results are as theoretically expected.
Conditional convergence is found for the thirty-three states, meaning
that low-income states (i.e. Amazonas and Guainia) experience faster
income growth than high-income states (i.e. Valle del Cauca and
Antioquia). Labor growth and the growth of trade are positive and
significantly associated with income growth. Because the data for these
two variables are in growth rates, the coefficients can be interpreted
with constant elasticities. For example, the coefficient on the growth
of real trade, GTRADE, is 0.011, suggesting that for every 10 percent
increase in capital stock is associated with a 0.11 percent increase in
income growth. Interestingly, human capital is not a significant growth
variable, indicating that other institutional variables, including
property rights, may be more important in the long run. As expected,
however, the coefficient on crime against property rights and political
instability are negative and significant at the 95 percent level for the
national results.
Next, states are grouped into their respective region: Atlantica,
Central, Pacifica, Oriental, and Territorios. This paper uses the
regional methodology of Colombia's Departamento Administrativo
Nacional de Estadistica when assigning regions. There are substantial
regional differences in the rate of private property violations within
region. These state differences do not necessarily correlate with state
income differences as some higher income states have high levels of
property violations and some low income states have low property
violations. The Pacifica region of Colombia, which includes Bogota, has
the highest per capita income of any region, but it also has the highest
incidence of private property violations. Table 2 presents the regional
results from equation (3). The coefficient for the PROPCRIME is
significantly negative for all regions. One explanation of why property
rights crimes are particularly significant in the Pacifica and Atlantica
regions are that these two regions have seen the greatest changes
(general upward trend) in property violations among the five geographic
regions. The lack of variable fluctuation in Territorios Nacionales may
have dampened the coefficient's significance. The political
instability dummy, POLITICAL, is only significant for the Territorios
region. This result can be partially explained by the fact that several
departments within this region have experienced large scale guerilla and
black market activity. In general, the regional findings serve to
reinforce national estimates from Table 1.
The purpose of this paper is to test the growth determinants of
Colombia on a state specific basis. Using fixed-effects panel data for
Colombia's thirty-three states from 1964 to 2002, support for a
negative and significant relationship between property rights crimes and
economic growth is found. The results of this paper indicate that
institutional conditions play a significant role in the continuance of
the cycle of poverty. The combination of high levels of corruption are
positively associated with weak property right protection and political
instability in Colombia, see Ayala (2005).
Although the determinants of property rights, instability and
corruption are complex and no single solution to this problem exists,
the results of this paper indicate several areas for policy makers to
focus on. However, further research is needed on this topic, especially
around possible educational and democratic solutions.
The source for the growth of real per capita income (GPCY) is real
Gross State Product, which comes from the Departmento Administrativo
Nacional de Estadistica, divided by state population, Las Estadisticas
Sociales en Colombia. Colombia Estadistica was the source for state
specific labor force (GLABOR) and crimes against property and capital
(PROPCRIME). (HUMAN) is calculated by the enrollment in public secondary
schools by state, which comes from various years of the Colombia
Estadistica. Lastly, the state specific export and import data (GTRADE)
comes from Anuario de Comercio Exterior.
Ayala, F. (2005). Manual de historia Colombiana. Colombia: Thalassa
Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica, DANE (1992).
Anuario de comercio exterior. Republica de Colombia.
Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica, DANE (2001).
Colombia estadistica. Republica de Colombia.
Departmento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica, DANE (2002).
Cuentas nacionales departamentales PIB.
Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica, DANE (1993).
Las estadisticas sociales en Colombia. Republica de Colombia
De Soto, H. (1990). The other path: the invisible revolution in the
third world. New York: Basic Books.
De Soto, H. (2000). The mystery of capital: why capitalism triumphs
in the west and fails everywhere else. New York: Basic Books.
Gwartney, J. & R. Lawson (2004). Economic freedom of the world:
2004 annual report. Vancouver: Fraser Institute.
Kalmanovitz, S. (2001). Las instituciones colombianas en el Siglo XX. Colombia: Alfaomega.
Kmenta, J. (1986). Elements of econometrics. Second Edition, New
York: Macmillan.
Mankiw, G.N., D. Romer & D.N. Weil (1992). A contribution to
the empirics of economic growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107(2),
Montenegro, A. & Posada, C.E. (2001). La violencia en Colombia.
Colombia: Alfaomega.
North, D.C. & R.P. Thomas (1973). The rise of the western
world: a new economic history. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Rincon, V.M. (1973). Manual de historia politica y social de
Colombia. Bogota, Colombia: Mundo Andino.
Joshua J. Lewer, Bradley University
Mariana Saenz, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Table 1: The Growth of Per Capita Income: National Results
Fixed 2.883 -0.918 0.324 0.001
Effects (15.06) ** (-57.42) ** (18.46) ** (0.40)
Fixed 0.011 -13.308 -0.028 0.944
Effects (7.23) ** (-4.22) ** (-2.83) **
Notes: There are 1254 data points per variable. Figures in
parentheses are t-statistics.
** Significant at the 95% level.
* Significant at 90% level.
The joint hypothesis of the cross-section units having a common
intercept is rejected (Ho: [g.sub.2] = [g.sub.3] = ... = [g.sub.33]
= 0, Fcalc = 431.01 > Fcrit = 1.88)
Table 2: The Growth of Per Capita Income: Regional Results
Atlantica (1) 6.986 -1.041 0.484
(14.25) ** (-35.11) ** (14.46) **
Central (2) 6.604 -1.004 0.451
(8.50) ** (-38.25) ** (10.67) **
Pacifica (3) 6.594 -1.051 0.452
(12.05) ** (-35.72) ** (12.50) **
Oriental (4) 7.137 -1.015 0.498
(13.36) ** (-35.42) ** (14.20) **
Territorios (5) -1.183 -0.136 0.423
(-2.22) ** (-2.98) ** (8.43) **
Atlantica (1) 0.0001 0.005 -73.188
(1.55) (2.16) ** (-7.42) **
Central (2) 0.0001 0.005 -15.556
(0.90) (2.02) ** (-2.71) **
Pacifica (3) 0.0001 0.003 -27.153
(0.26) (1.06) (-5.03) **
Oriental (4) -0.0001 0.005 -35.438
(-1.18) (2.39) ** (-6.89) **
Territorios (5) -0.00002 0.028 -23.019
(-0.36) (3.85) ** (-3.24) **
Atlantica (1) -0.006 0.964
Central (2) -0.009 0.931
Pacifica (3) -0.004 0.96
Oriental (4) -0.002 0.913
Territorios (5) -0.065 0.894
(-1.71) *
Notes: Figures in parentheses are t-statistics.
** Significant at the 95% level.
* Significant at 90% level.
The joint hypothesis of the cross-section units having
a common intercept is rejected for all regions.
(1) Atlantica states include: Atlantico, Bolivar, Cesar,
Cordoba, La Guajira, Magdalena, and Sucre.
(2) Central states include: Antioquia, Caldas, Caqueta,
Huila, Quindio, Risaralda, and Tolima.
(3) Pacifica states include: Cauca, Choco, Narino,
Valle del Cauca, and Santa fe de Bogota
(4) Oriental states include: Boyaca, Cundinamarca,
Meta, Norte de Santander, and Santander.
(5) Territorios Nacionales states include: Amazonas,
Arauca, Casanare, Guainia, Guaviare, Putumayo, San
Andres y Providencia, Vaupes, and Vichada.