The relationship between government expenditures and economic growth in Thailand.
Jiranyakul, Komain ; Brahmasrene, Tantatape
The notion that more government expenditures can stimulate growth
is still controversial. Some researchers found positive relationship
between government expenditures and growth with bi-directional
causation, while others indicated that growth caused government spending to expand. The causation between government expenditures and economic
growth in Thailand was examined using the Granger causality test. There
was no cointegration between government expenditures and economic
growth. A unidirectional causality from government expenditures to
economic growth existed. However, the causality from economic growth to
government expenditures was not observed. Furthermore, estimation
results from the ordinary least square confirmed the strong positive
impact of government spending on economic growth during the period of
According to the macroeconomic literature, budget deficits are
expansionary to the economy while budget surpluses are contractionary.
However, the notion that more government expenditures can stimulate
growth is controversial. When considering the appropriate policy
measures that stimulate growth, policymakers are usually interested in
demand management policies and supply side policies. Demand management
policies concentrate on the management of money supply and government
expenditures. Controlling money supply will affect the level of
liquidity in the financial market, and thus alters private spending. A
change in level of government spending directly affects aggregate demand
in the economy. Besides the role of export on economic growth, the
economic success of the Newly Industrialized countries (NICs) in East
Asia has been often attributed to the role of government. Thailand has
strived to achieve an NIC status. However, that goal has not yet been
Economic growth rate reached its peak in 1995 at 15.34 percent
(Table 1). Then, it increased at a slower rate until reaching the lower
turning point in 1998. This recession registered a negative growth of
2.24 percent as a result of the Asian financial crisis. The sagging
economy eventually recovered at a remarkable pace approaching 9.69
percent in 2004 and 10 percent in 2006.
The Thai government realized that fiscal stimulation is deemed
necessary in stabilization policy and economic development. As a result,
chronic budget deficits were observed from the past up to 1987. The
policy has been revised in response to changing economic conditions.
From 1988 to 1996, the budget showed a surplus. A budget deficit
occurred in 1997, the year of financial crisis, and continued through
2000. While the government has recently monitored its budget deficits,
the nominal government expenditures have been steadily increased until
the present time. Government expenditures grew at a fast pace of 12.77
percent in 1993, but the rate of increase had gradually declined to 1.53
percent in 1997. Spending increased steadily to 8.08 percent in 2006.
A similar pattern can be seen in money supply (M2). From 1993 to
1999, M2 grew at a decreasing rate from 18.38 to 2.13 percent. The
economic slow down prompted the Bank of Thailand to increase money
supply at an increasing rate from 3.67 percent in 2000 to 8.25 in 2005
and 5.98 percent in 2006. During 1993 and 2006, the average annual
growth rates of GDP, government expenditures and money supply were 7.63,
8.86 and 8.85 percent, respectively. Overall, government expenditures
and money supply increased steadily every year while economic growth
rate presented more dramatic ups and downs.
In earlier empirical studies, Ram (1986), Holmes & Hutton
(1990) and Aschauer (1989) found positive relationship between
government expenditures and growth. On the contrary, Grier & Tullock
(1989) used pooled regression on fiveyear averaged data in 113 countries
to analyze the relationship between cross-country growth and various
macroeconomic variables. They found that the mean growth of government
share of GDP generally had a negative impact on economic growth. This
finding implies that an increase in the government size as measured by a
share of government expenditures to GDP hampers economic growth. Barro
(1990) also discovered the negative relationship between the size of
government and economic growth. Miller & Russek (1997) indicated
that debt-financed increases in government expenditure retarded growth.
Using the data from 43 developing countries over 20 years, Devarajan,
et. al. (1996) found the positive relationship between current
government expenditure and economic growth. In addition, the negative
relationship between capital expenditure and per-capita growth was also
Recent studies employed cointegration and error correction models
to study the relationship between government size and growth. Islam
& Nazemzadeh (2001) examined the causal relationship between
government size and economic growth using long annual data of the United
States. They indicated that the causal linkage was running from economic
growth to relative government size. However, Dahurah & Sampath
(2001) found no common causal relationship between military spending and
growth in 62 countries. Abu-Bader & Abu-Qarn (2003) investigated the
causal relationship between government expenditures and economic growth
for Egypt, Israel, and Syria. They found that overall government
expenditures and growth exhibit bidirectional causality with a negative
long-run relationship in Israel and Syria. A unidirectional negative
short-run causality from economic growth to government spending was
discovered in Egypt. These findings might stem from a military burden in
these countries. Kalyoncu & Yucel (2006) used cointegration and
casuality test to investigate the relationship between defense and
economic growth in Turkey and Greece. The results showed unidirectional
causality from economic growth to defense expenditure in Turkey, but not
in Greece. However, cointegration between defense expenditure and growth
existed in both countries.
The next two sections present methodology and empirical results.
The last section provides summary and policy implications.
The quarterly data on aggregate real output or real GDP (Y), real
government expenditures (G), real money supply by broad definition (M2)
during 1993 to 2006 are retrieved from the International Monetary
Fund's International Financial Statistics and Thailand National
Economic and Social Development Board. M2 is the sum of M1 and
quasi-money. The data are analyzed according to the following estimation
Unit Root Test
The unit root test for stationarity of time series, so called PP
test, proposed by Phillips and Perron (1988) is employed prior to
cointegration and causality tests. This test determines the existence of
a unit root in each series.
The series are examined whether they are stationary or integrated
in the same order. If the two variables are non-stationary in level, but
stationary in first difference i.e. I(1), cointegration test can be
performed. Engle & Granger (1987) discussed the theory of
cointegration in details. In brief, cointegration determines if the
linear combination of these variables is stationary. When a linear
combination of these series exists, the series are cointegrated or have
a long-run relationship. Davidson & MacKinnon (1993) provide the
critical values for unit root and cointegration tests. When there are
more than two variables in the equation, Johansen cointegration test
proposed by Johansen & Juselius (1990) is utilized. Even if
cointegration does not exist, unit root tests are still helpful in
further causality test. Hafer & Kutan (1977) indicated that to
appropriately perform the standard Granger causality test, the variables
that entered into the system should be stationary even though they were
integrated in different order. Furthermore, using the ordinary least
square (OLS) method also requires stationary variables in the estimated
equation as generally described in the literature of time series model.
Standard Causality Test
The Granger causality tests are performed by the following two
The variable 'x' Granger causes variable 'y' if
the null hypothesis ([H.sub.0) in equation (1) is rejected. Similarly,
the variable 'y' Granger causes variable 'x' if the
null hypothesis in equation (2) is rejected. The variable 'x'
can be either real government expenditures or real money supply while
'y' is economic growth.
The standard Granger causality test developed by Granger (1969
& 1980) is popularly used to test whether past changes in one
variable help explain current changes in other variables. Equation (1)
is used to test whether 'y' Granger causes 'x' while
equation (2) is used to test whether 'x' Granger causes
'y.' The bivariate Granger causality test requires that two
variables used in the test must be stationary even though they are not
integrated in the same order. However, various economic variables are
non-stationary in level. The causality test can be applied even when one
variable is stationary in level while the other is stationary in
different order. For example, 'x' is stationary in level while
'y' is stationary in first difference. The more sophisticated
test of causality is the test within the framework of cointegration and
error-correction mechanism. This framework considers the possibility
that the long-run relationship of the two variables exists when the lags
of one variable affect another variable (see Islam & Nazemzadeh,
Ordinary Least Square Method
The ordinary least square (OLS) method was employed in the simple
lag-adjustment equation with distributed lags of independent variables.
The equation below determines the impacts of government expenditures and
money supply on output growth.
* y, growth rate, is the first difference of log of real GDP,
* G is log of real government expenditures,
* M is log of real money supply by broad definition (M2) and
* e is the error term.
Unit Root Test
In Table 2, the PP test for unit root reveals that the null
hypothesis of unit root in level, with and without trend, is rejected
for government expenditures (G) at the 1 percent level of significance.
Therefore, the variable G is stationary at level. With respect to real
GDP (Y), the probability of accepting the null hypothesis of unit root
implies that real GDP is non-stationary in level. However, the first
difference of log real GDP (?Y) is stationary at the 1 percent level of
significance. Real money supply (M2) without a linear trend is
stationary. As a result, M2 and G are I(0) while Y is I(1). All three
series are plotted in Figure 1. The two-step Engle and Granger
cointegration test between the two variables i.e. G and Y, can be
performed only when two variables are integrated in the same order or
I(1). That is they are nonstationary in level but stationary in first
difference. Thus, a standard Granger causality test is employed instead.
Causality Test
With no long-run relationship between government expenditures and
economic growth, the standard Granger causality test is performed using
G variable at level and the first difference of log real GDP or DY. The
optimal lag length for the causality test is determined by a vector
autoregressive (VAR) form. When government expenditures and economic
growth are endogenous variables in an unrestricted VAR, the optimal lag
length using Akaike information criterion (AIC, see standard
econometrics textbook for detail) is the lowest number which is four in
this case. The standard Granger causality test results between
government expenditure and growth rate are reported in Table 3.
The null hypothesis of government spending does not Granger cause
economic growth is rejected at the 1 percent level of significance.
Thus, unidirectional causality from government expenditures to economic
growth exists. On the contrary, the null hypothesis of economic growth
does not Granger cause government expenditures is accepted. Therefore,
the causality from economic growth to government expenditures is not
observed. This result supports the Keynesian view which stipulates that
causation runs from government expenditures to growth.
The PP test shows that log of real money supply (M2) is stationary
without trend (-5.135, p=0.000), but is non-stationary with trend
(-1.015, p=0.917). It can be concluded that real money supply is
stationary around its level or I(0). Taking into account of stationarity
property of economic growth, government expenditures and real money
supply, cointegration will not exist because the three variables are
integrated in different order. Recall that only economic growth is I(1).
Therefore, a standard Granger causality test between real money supply
and economic growth is performed. The result from Granger causality test
shows that real money supply does not Granger cause economic growth with
F statistics of 1.107. The probability of accepting the null hypothesis
of no causality (p-value) is 0.369. However, economic growth Granger
causes real money supply to increase at the 5 percent level of
significance or p-value of 0.047 and F statistics of 2.696. In effect,
economic growth influences the central bank to accommodate the liquidity
in the economy.
Ordinary Least Square Estimation
The estimated results from equation (3) are shown in Table 4. The
results show that real economic growth is affected by its lag value,
real government expenditures and lag real money supply. All are
significant at one percent level. However, one period lag of real money
supply imposes a strong negative effect on economic growth. The
significant positive effect of real government expenditures on growth is
obvious. From over all observation of their coefficient, the negative
impact of lag real money supply is offset by the positive impact of lag
output growth and real government expenditures and perhaps real money
supply itself.
It may not be unreasonable to say that contemporaneous money (Mt)
has an insignificant positive effect on economic growth because it is
significant only at the 10 percent level. Normally, this would be
considered to be only marginally significant or insignificant.
Although it is difficult to say with certainty about the negative
impact of lag real money supply. Is it because of money supply shocks or
uncertainty? The inflation rate is relatively low even in the presence
of an oil crisis because the Bank of Thailand has set up an inflation
target for a long time. Bear in mind that money supply does not Granger
cause economic growth, but economic growth Granger causes money supply.
When the international investment funds were interested in Thai
investments, those foreign flows could overwhelm domestic monetary
policy in a small open economy with a relatively small reserves
position. Past money supply, particularly unanticipated changes in money
supply such as capital inflows, creates uncertainty. Uncertainty
increases risk which, in turn, reduces economic activity.
Even though money supply is included as part of demand management
policies, the focus of this study is to examine the relationship between
government expenditures and economic growth. Several researchers use
Granger causality test to determine whether government expenditures
cause economic growth or economic growth causes government expenditures.
Previous empirical studies give different conclusions. The results from
Thailand show that aggregate government expenditures cause economic
growth, but economic growth does not cause government expenditures to
expand. In other words, there is a unidirectional causality between
government expenditures and economic growth. Further investigation using
the ordinary least square method shows that government spending and its
one-period lag variable impose a highly significant impact on economic
growth, which confirms the results from causality test.
Further research might include the disaggregate data of military
spending and non-military spending to compare the impacts of military
and non-military expenditures. These data from 1993 to 2006 are not
available for this paper. Even without disaggregated data, the positive
impact of government expenditures on economic growth is confirmed. The
findings here support the Keynesian approach which stipulates that
causality runs from government spending to economic growth. In essence,
this paper provides relevant information for policy makers to pursue
appropriate demand management policies and to develop action plans in
response to the change in economy and political climates.
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Komain Jiranyakul, National Institute of Development
Administration, Thailand
Tantatape Brahmasrene, Purdue University North Central
Table 1: Selected Macroeconomic Variables
Economic Growth Government Expenditure Money Supply
Year (Percent) (trillions, Baht) (trillions, Baht)
1993 11.81 0.316 2.507
1994 14.66 0.354 2.829
1995 15.34 0.414 3.311
1996 10.15 0.470 3.727
1997 2.64 0.477 4.339
1998 -2.24 0.512 4.753
1999 0.23 0.533 4.855
2000 6.16 0.558 5.033
2001 4.28 0.581 5.244
2002 6.18 0.604 5.379
2003 8.78 0.635 5.642
2004 9.69 0.721 5.948
2005 9.22 0.839 6.439
2006 10.00 0.907 6.824
Source International Monetary Fund's International Financial
Table 2: Test for Unit Root
Variables PP Statistic
Without Trend With Trend
Real Government Expenditures (G) -4.357 [2] -9.267 [28]
(0.001) (0.000)
Real Money Supply (M2) -5.513 [17] -1.015 [46]
(0.022) (0.917)
Real GDP (Y) -1.509 [28] -2.424 [10]
(0.520) (0.363)
Growth Rate (DY) -6.054 [23] -5.911 [23]
(0.000) (0.000)
Note: The number in bracket is the optimal bandwidth determined
by Newey-West using Bartlett Kernel. The number in parenthesis
is the probability of accepting the null hypothesis of unit root
provided by MacKinnon (1996).
Table 3: Standard Causality Test Results
Direction of Causation F Statistic P-value
From Government Expenditures to Economic 4.867 0.004
From Economic Growth to Government 0.244 0.911
From Real Money Supply to Economic Growth 1.107 0.369
From Economic Growth to Real Money Supply 2.696 0.047
Table 4: OLS Coefficient Estimates
Dependent Independent Variables
[y.sub.t] Constant [y.sub.t-1] [G.sub.t]
Coefficient 0.081 0.314 *** 0.143 ***
t-values 0.42 2.584 2.797
[R.sup.2] = 0.599 F = 11.934
Dependent Independent Variables
[y.sub.t] [G.sub.t-1] [M.sub.t] [M.sub.t-1]
Coefficient 0.264 *** 0.324 -0.549 ***
t-values 5.129 1.694 -3.221
[R.sup.2] = 0.599 D-W = 1.853
Notes *** denotes significance at 1 percent.