High school economic education in Eastern Europe: findings from five nations.
Saunders, Phillip ; Rebeck, Ken ; Saunders, Kent T. 等
This paper reports a snapshot of the current state of high school
economic education in five Eastern European nations. The findings of
this paper indicate that the 20-item TEL that was developed and
translated for use in this project is a reliable instrument for use in
high school classrooms in five different countries. The findings of this
paper also indicate that the National Council on Economic
Education's in-service teacher training workshops and its efforts
to have workshop participants develop effective teaching materials and
techniques are beginning to have a positive influence on student test
performance in the countries where they have been used most extensively.
The study reported in this paper was initiated during a weeklong "Developing Skills in Evaluation Workshop" held at Indiana
University in July 2000. The workshop was organized by the National
Council on Economic Education (NCEE), and funded by the U.S. Department
of Education in cooperation with the U.S. Information Agency. The
workshop staff and five International Economics Education Research
Fellows worked with 15 participants from eight Eastern European
countries to improve their knowledge of techniques for assessment and
research in economics education and to develop joint research projects.
The workshop staff and the Research Fellows compiled a 20-item
version of the third edition of the Test of Economic Literacy (TEL III,
see Walstad & Rebeck, 2001) for translation and field-testing in
Eastern Europe. Participants in the 2000 workshop as well as
international participants in two similar workshops held at Indiana
University in 1998 and 1999 agreed to serve as coordinators in helping
with the translation and administration of the 20-item TEL in their
countries, and to send test results to Indiana University for coding
into the data base used in this study. In addition to the test, a brief
teacher questionnaire and a set of student background questions were
also translated and administered as part of the 20-item TEL project.
This paper will describe the structure of the 20-item TEL and an
overview of the sample of schools from which test results were obtained.
This will be followed by a description of the types of high school
economics courses offered in the participating countries and the
participating teachers' background and training in economics.
Student test performance across grade levels, by gender, and by item and
content category in the participating nations will then be presented and
compared with the performance of students participating in the U.S.
norming of the TEL III.
The 20-item TEL is similar in structure to the 40-item TEL III in
terms of content coverage, cognitive levels, and overall test
reliability. The first five questions on the 20-item TEL involve
fundamental economics concepts and examine the topics of scarcity,
opportunity cost, specialization and productivity, incentives, and
exchange. Questions 6-12 deal with microeconomics and examine the topics
of competition, supply and demand (3 questions), monopoly, and market
failures. Questions 13-16 deal with macroeconomics and examine the
topics of Gross Domestic Product, potential output, aggregate demand,
and inflation. Questions 17-20 deal with international economics and
development and examine the topics of specialization and exchange,
comparative advantage, exchange rates, and measuring a nation's
standard of living.
With regard to the cognitive level of questions, two of the
questions on the 20-item TEL (10%) are classified as
"knowledge", five (25%) as "comprehension", and 13
(65%) as "application". These percentages compare with 15%,
30%, and 55% on TEL III Form A and 17.5%, 27.5% and 55% on TEL III Form
The 20-item TEL reliability coefficient of 0.81 obtained in this
study is relatively high for such a short test. It compares with
reliability coefficients of 0.89 for forms A and B of the 40-item TEL
All questions on the 20-item TEL have the four options arranged in
a uniform short-to-long format, with each option being the correct
choice an equal number of times. This format, which differs slightly
from that in the TEL III, helps insure that choice of the correct option
is based on economic knowledge and not on multiple choice test-taking
"tips" such as the longest option is the correct choice a
disproportionate number of times or that the correct option is most
often hidden in one of the middle positions rather than placed in the
first or last choice.
Sixty different teachers administered the 20-item TEL in their
courses. Table 1 presents the distribution of teachers by nation and by
course grade level. Economics courses were taught at both the eleventh and twelfth grade levels in Albania. Four Albanian teachers taught at
the eleventh grade level and 10 Albanian teachers taught at the twelfth
grade level. Nine teachers taught economics courses only at the eleventh
grade level in Croatia. Economics courses were taught at both the
eleventh and twelfth grade levels in Latvia. Three Latvian teachers
taught at both the eleventh and the twelfth grade level. One additional
Latvian teacher taught at the eleventh grade level. Two additional
Latvian teachers taught at the twelfth grade level. Sixteen Lithuanian
teachers taught economics courses only at the twelfth grade level.
Fifteen Romanian teachers taught economics courses only at the eleventh
grade level.
In Albania a one-year course in "Applied Economics" is
taught in either the eleventh grade in curricula emphasizing natural
sciences or in the twelfth grade in curricula emphasizing social
sciences. A Junior Achievement textbook translated and adapted by
Albanians is the main material used in this course. Additionally,
responses from teachers participating in the study who had attended the
NCEE teacher-training workshop indicated frequent use of NCEE materials.
Test results were obtained from 14 eleventh and twelfth grade teachers
in 11 schools in seven different cities. Six of the teachers were from
three schools in Tirana, and eight teachers were from eight schools in
six cities outside the nation's capital. Three teachers sent in
results from two classes, and one teacher sent in results from three
The economics education curriculum in Croatia is currently
undergoing changes. At present, the topics taught in secondary
"schools of economics" include bookkeeping and accounting,
business communications, marketing, financial transactions, statistics,
and commercial law in addition to what would be considered
"economics" topics in the U.S. In addition, other secondary
schools cover topics in "politics and economics". Included in
this study are student test results from teachers whose questionnaires
indicated they were teaching eleventh grade courses in what would be
called "economics" courses in this country. Test results were
obtained from nine eleventh grade economics teachers in six schools in
four different cities. Four of the teachers were from three schools in
Zagreb, and five teachers were from three schools in three cities outside the nation's capital.
In Latvia, a 105-hour "Fundamentals of Business Economy"
course for eleventh or twelfth grade students became mandatory beginning
in the 1999-2000 school year. Translated Junior Achievement and NCEE
materials, along with texts and curriculum guides produced by Latvian
economists are used to teach the course. NCEE programs have been very
successful in training Latvian economists to develop their own
materials. Test results were received from six eleventh and twelfth
grade teachers in six schools in five different cities. Two of the
teachers were from different schools in Riga, and four teachers were
from four schools in four cities outside the nation's capital.
Three teachers sent in test results for both eleventh and twelfth grade
A yearlong, twelfth-grade economics course is taught in Lithuania.
All of the participating teachers in Lithuania are graduates of NCEE
workshops. The instructors use Junior Achievement and NCEE materials to
teach the course. Test results were received from 16 twelfth grade
teachers from 16 different schools in 13 different cities, all outside
the nation's capital of Vilnius.
In Romania, the average school year is 36 weeks long, and high
school economics is usually taught in a yearlong eleventh grade course.
In regular (grammar) high schools, students learn economics two hours a
week. In "economics" high schools students start learning
economics at the tenth grade for one hour a week, and continue learning
economics at the eleventh grade for two hours a week. With regard to the
materials used in these courses, currently five alternative textbooks
have been approved for use in high school classes. Among the co-authors
there are five graduates of NCEE programs. Student test results were
received from 15 eleventh grade teachers in 14 schools in 12 different
cities. Only one teacher was from a school in Bucharest, all of the
others were in schools in cities outside the nation's capital.
In summary, despite some differences within and between countries,
the high school economics courses in this study are sufficiently
comparable to those taught in the U.S. to make some preliminary
comparisons of student performance on the questions on the 20-item TEL
meaningful. The translated teacher questionnaires used in our project
asked participating teachers to examine the 20-item TEL, and instructed:
"If any of the questions on this test deal with a concept NOT
covered in the course you teach, please indicate the question number(s)
in the space below." Twelve of the Albanian teachers indicated that
question number 15 dealing with aggregate demand was not covered in
their courses, and one Latvian teacher indicated that questions 17-20
dealing with international economics and development were not covered.
Other than these responses, there were no a priori indications that
questions on the 20-item TEL were not appropriate for assessing student
performance in the high school economics courses tested in this project.
Tables 2, 3, and 4 present the teaching experience and economics
background of the sample of teachers participating in this study. Table
2 shows that the average number of years of general teaching experience
of these high school teachers is about 17 years, with the lowest average
(11.94 years) found for the 9 Croatian teachers and the highest average
(21.13) found for the 15 Romanian teachers. The average number of years
teaching economics ranged from 7.37 in Lithuania to 18.93 in Romania,
with an overall mean of 10.65 years.
Table 3 describes the varying backgrounds in economics of the
sample of teachers in our study. Croatia and Latvia had the highest
percentage of teachers reporting that they majored in economics in
college, and Lithuania had the highest percentage reporting that they
took no economics courses in college. All of the Lithuanian teachers,
however, reported attending in-service workshops in economics, as did
all Latvian teachers. Twenty of the 60 teachers reported teaching an
in-service workshop, with the highest percentage being in Latvia and
Romania. All of the Latvian teachers and three-fourths of the Lithuanian
teachers possessed a graduate (masters or doctorate) degree.
With regard to attending in-service workshops in economics, several
teachers reported attending more than one such workshop. Table 4 shows
that 73% of the teachers in our sample attended a workshop taught
directly by the NCEE, and 57% attended a workshop taught by Junior
Achievement. Thirty-eight percent of the teachers attended a workshop
taught by a teacher trained by the NCEE, with Romania having the most
teachers attending this type of workshop. Only six teachers (17%)
reported not attending any type of in-service workshop in economics.
Table 5 shows the responses to the survey question regarding
students' plans after high school graduation. Overall, 90% of the
students who responded to this question indicated that they planned to
"pursue further education" after graduating from high school.
This ranged from a low of 81.5% in Croatia to a high of 97.0% in
Lithuania. All of these percentages are significantly higher than those
of U.S. students in the TEL III norming sample who had plans to
"attend college". Rebeck and Walstad (2001, p.16) reported
that the percentage of U.S. students who planned to attend college was
71.3% in basic economics courses and 82.2% in AP/Honors U.S. economics
Table 6 reports the average scores achieved on the 20-item TEL
across the five nations by grade level and by student gender. The
highest score after completing an eleventh grade economics course was
found in Romania with an average score of 15.83 points. The lowest
average score at the eleventh grade level was found in Albania, with a
score of 11.07. At the twelfth grade level, the highest average score of
16.01 was found in Lithuania, and the lowest average score of 9.32 was
found in Albania.
At first glance, the fact that the average score for twelfth grade
students (9.32) is significantly lower than the average for eleventh
grade students (11.07) in Albania may be somewhat puzzling--particularly
since the average scores of the eleventh grade students (13.32) and the
twelfth grade students (13.39) are virtually identical in Latvia. The
Albanian result may be explained by the fact that different types of
students (those studying natural sciences) take economics in the
eleventh grade than in the twelfth grade (those studying social
sciences) in Albania. Another factor might be that all four of the
eleventh grade courses were in schools located in the capital city of
Tirana, whereas only two of the 10 twelfth grade courses were in schools
located in the capital city.
Another point of interest in Table 6 is the fact that, unlike in
the U.S., the average economics test score for females is higher than
that of males in four of the five countries shown. Only in Romania is
the average score for males higher than for females and, overall, the
scores are virtually identical-13.15 for males and 13.12 for females.
This result differs from several studies in the U.S. that reported
higher scores for males than females on multiple-choice tests in
economics (see, for example, Walstad and Robson, 1997). An interesting
question to answer in future research would be why are there
international differences in test performance between males and females?
Table 7 shows the distribution of item-percent-correct scores on
each question and on four broad content categories. Included in this
table are the scores achieved by the regular and AP/honors economics
samples used in the norming of TEL III in the U.S. as well as the scores
for each of the Eastern European nations and for all five Eastern
European nations combined. The item-percent-correct data for each
individual country broken down by teacher and grade level is available
at http://facultyweb.anderson.edu/~ktsaunders/byteacher.xls.
The overall average percent correct for Latvia (66%), Lithuania
(80%), and Romania (79%) exceed the overall average for regular
economics students in the U.S. (59%), and the averages for Lithuania and
Romania also exceed the average for AP/Honors students in the U.S.
(72%). This superior performance might be due to the higher percentage
of students who plan to pursue further education in the Lithuanian and
Romanian courses, the high percentage of teachers who have attended NCEE
workshops in these two countries, or the greater length of the Eastern
European courses compared to the U.S. courses, which are typically only
one semester long. Whatever the reason, the data in Table 7 indicate
that a lot of economics is being learned by the students tested in this
Totaled across all five nations, the overall average of 66% on all
20 questions for the Eastern European students completing either an
eleventh grade or a twelfth grade economics course is 7% higher than the
average for U.S. students completing a regular economics course and 6%
lower than the average for U.S. students completing an AP/Honors course.
The higher percentage correct for the Eastern European students compared
to U.S. students in regular economics courses was greatest on the four
macro questions (15%) and the four international questions (9%). It is
interesting to note that both regular and AP/Honors students in the U.S.
performed better on the micro questions relative to the macro questions;
whereas, this is not the case in four of the five Eastern European
countries (Albania, Croatia, Lithuania, and Romania). An interesting
question for future research might try and answer why there are
international differences in relative test performance on microeconomic questions compared to macroeconomic questions?
The data in Table 7 also indicate that in some cases the overall
mean percent correct score for all 20 items may have been influenced by
unusual performance on some individual questions. Question 4 dealing
with the incentive effects of a decline in real interest rates, for
example, was answered correctly by only 4% of the 238 Latvian students,
and none of the students in one Romanian course got this question right.
The Albanian teachers' concern with lack of coverage on aggregate
demand in their curriculum was noted above. The data in Table 7 indicate
that 35% of their students got question 15 right. This question,
however, proved to be even more difficult for U.S. students (31%) and
Latvian students (28%). Latvian students also had difficulty with
question 14 dealing with an economy's potential output (21%).
Question 12 dealing with the most efficient approach to controlling
pollution proved to be particularly difficult for students in Albania
(16%) and Croatia (18%) as did question 11 dealing with the cause of
high wages in a market economy (31% in Albania and 30% in Croatia).
Questions on which the performance of students in all five Eastern
European countries equaled or exceeded that of U.S. students in regular
economics courses were number 2 (opportunity cost), 3 (specialization),
6 (competition), 10 (equilibrium adjustment),13 (GDP), and 16
In addition to having the largest percentage of students who plan
to pursue further education after high school, the three countries
showing the highest 20-item TEL scores in Table 7 are the three with the
largest percentage of teachers who have attended NCEE workshops, and
whose coordinators reported the most activity in developing new
materials for economics courses in their countries. this is encouraging
evidence of the effectiveness of these programs
We do not have a way to adequately deal with the fact that the five
countries in our study have different curricula and use different
materials in their courses. Nor do we assume that the courses and
students tested are a completely random sample. Nevertheless, for
purposes of exploratory investigation of the factors influencing student
performance we have run an OLS regression with all of our data.
To control for the currently unknown national differences in
curriculum and materials that may have influenced student scores, dummy variables were specified for Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Romania
with an omitted variable for Albania suppressed in the intercept. Then
we included student and teacher variables that might be expected to
influence student test performance. Missing data in some cases reduced
the number of students included in our regression to 1,716. The variable
descriptions, mean values, and regression results are reported in Table
After controlling for other factors, the lack of a significant
difference in scores between males and females found in Table 6
remained. As noted, this result differs from the common finding in the
U.S. that males outperform females on multiple-choice tests in
economics, and may be worth further exploration. Other than student
gender, significant differences were found for other characteristics:
students planning to further their education after high school scored
1.74 points higher than those without such plans, and the higher scores
achieved by eleventh grade students found in Table 6 remained
significant after controlling for other factors. The estimated
coefficients were significantly different from zero at the 1% level.
As might be expected, having a teacher who attended an NCEE
workshop, majored in economics in college, or who had a graduate degree
were positively and significantly associated with student test
performance. After controlling for these factors, however, years of
teaching experience was found to be negatively associated with student
performance at a diminishing rate. A possible explanation for this
finding is that, rather than teaching experience being harmful, younger
teachers in this sample are more likely to have studied the western
economic concepts found on the 20-item TEL.
After controlling for student and teacher factors that varied
across the national samples, significant differences in student test
scores remained. Students in Latvia, Lithuania and Romania scored
higher, on average, than did students in Croatia and Albania (the
omitted country). Students attending schools in their nation's
capital city outperformed students attending schools outside their
nation's capital by about one-half point.
The findings of this paper indicate that the 20-item TEL that was
developed and translated for use in this project is a reliable
instrument for use in high school classrooms in five different
countries. The findings of this paper also indicate that the NCEE's
in-service teacher training workshops and its efforts to have workshop
participants develop effective teaching materials and techniques are
beginning to have a positive influence on student test performance in
the countries where they have been used most extensively.
There are several interesting areas for future research. Why are
there international differences in relative test performance on
microeconomic questions compared to macroeconomic questions? Why are
there international differences in test performance between males and
females? Is it possible to employ more sophisticated analytical
techniques to identify factors that affect student performance in a
multivariate setting?
Walstad, W. B. & Rebeck, K. (2001). The Test of Economic
Literacy (3rd ed.): Examiner's Manual. New York: National Council
on Economic Education.
Walstad, W. B. & Robson, D. (1997). Differential Item
Functioning and Male-Female Differences on Multiple-Choice Tests in
Economics. Journal of Economic Education, 28(2), 155-71.
(1) Ilia Kristo (Albania), Efka Heder (Croatia), Veronika Bikse
(Latvia), Danute Poskiene (Lithuania), Maria and Paul Lacatus (Romania)
were instrumental in arranging for the translation and gathering the
data in the five Eastern European countries participating in this study.
Phillip Saunders, Indiana University Ken Rebeck, St. Cloud State
University Kent T. Saunders, Anderson University
Table 1: Total Teachers by Nation and Grade Level
Albania Croatia Latvia *
Total Teachers 14 9 6
Teachers in Grade 11 4 9 4
Teachers in Grade 12 10 0 5
Lithuania Romania
Total Teachers 16 15
Teachers in Grade 11 0 15
Teachers in Grade 12 16 0
* 3 teachers in Latvia taught at both the eleventh and twelfth
grade levels
Table 2: Teaching Experience, General and Economics
Nation Mean S.D. Min. Max.
Albania (n=14) 13.71 10.25 1 28
Croatia (n=9) 11.94 11.27 2.5 33
Latvia (n=6) 15.50 6.83 7 26
Lithuania (n=16) 19.44 8.45 6 35
Romania (n=15) * 21.13 7.60 3 35
Total (n=60) 17.01 9.42 1 35
Nation Mean S.D. Min. Max.
Albania (n=14) 9.07 8.73 1 27
Croatia (n=9) 8.17 8.70 0 25
Latvia (n=6) 7.50 1.76 5 10
Lithuania (n=16) 7.37 2.63 4 15
Romania (n=15) * 18.93 6.24 3 25
Total (n=60) 10.65 7.77 0 27
* The number of years teaching economics response from one Romania
teacher was missing.
Table 3: Teacher Background in Economics
Some No
Nation Majored Courses Courses
Albania (n=14) 2 9 3
Croatia (n=9) 8 0 1
Latvia (n=6) 3 3 0
Lithuania (n=16) 3 1 11
Romania (n=15) 3 12 0
Total (n=60) 19 25 15
Attended Taught Graduate
Workshop Workshop Degree
Nation Yes No Yes No Yes No
Albania (n=14) 10 4 0 14 0 13
Croatia (n=9) 8 1 2 7 1 8
Latvia (n=6) 6 0 5 1 6 0
Lithuania (n=16) 16 0 5 11 12 4
Romania (n=15) 14 1 8 7 1 14
Total (n=60) 54 6 20 40 20 39
Note: Sums might not equal sample size due to missing data.
Table 4: Type of Workshop Attended
Nation NCEE J.A. Trainer
Albania (n=14) 6 6 2
Croatia (n=9) 3 1 3
Latvia (n=6) 5 6 5
Lithuania (n=16) 16 16 4
Romania (n=15) 14 5 9
Total (n=60) 44 34 23
(73%) (57%) (38%)
Non-government Post-Diploma
Nation Organization Institute None
Albania (n=14) 1 0 4
Croatia (n=9) 6 0 1
Latvia (n=6) 1 2 0
Lithuania (n=16) 2 0 0
Romania (n=15) 4 3 1
Total (n=60) 14 5 6
(23%) (10%) (17%)
Table 5: Student Plans After High School
Percentage of Students
Nation Education No Plans Get Job Military
Albania (n=594) 82.2 12.5 3.2 2.2
Croatia (n=178) 81.5 11.8 4.5 2.2
Latvia (n=232) 94.0 4.3 1.7 0.0
Lithuania (n=397) 97.0 1.5 0.5 1.0
Romania (n=400) 96.8 1.3 1.8 0.3
Total (n=1,801) 90.1 6.4 2.2 1.2
Table 6: Overall Scores Sorted by Grade and Gender for each Nation *
Grade Gender **
Nation 11 12 Male Female
Albania 11.07 9.32 9.63 10.07
(3.09) (3.50) (3.79) (3.27)
N=208 N=391 N=211 N=381
Croatia 11.11 -- 10.94 11.39
(3.03) (2.90) (3.23)
N=178 N=109 N=69
Latvia 13.32 13.39 13.16 13.47
(2.79) (2.49) (2.80) (2.52)
N=103 N=135 N=83 N=155
Lithuania -- 16.01 15.64 16.41
(3.51) (3.92) (2.93)
N=400 N=208 N=186
Romania 15.83 -- 16.32 15.56
(3.47) (3.48) (3.45)
N=400 N=146 N=250
Total 13.48 12.8 13.15 13.12
(3.91) (4.58) (4.51) (4.11)
N 889 926 757 1,041
* Standard deviations are in parentheses.
** Gender data was missing for some observations.
Table 7: Item Percent Correct
Item I United States
Item Regular AP/Honors
1 1A 0.60 0.77
2 4A 0.62 0.78
3 6A 0.60 0.73
4 12A 0.56 0.67
5 13A 0.66 0.75
6 15 0.70 0.77
7 16A 0.64 0.75
8 17A 0.71 0.81
9 19A 0.74 0.82
10 20 0.69 0.79
11 21A 0.62 0.68
12 22 0.51 0.71
13 25 0.55 0.70
14 26A 0.59 0.70
15 * 27B 0.31 0.63
16 29A 0.63 0.74
17 35 0.68 0.81
18 36A 0.53 0.68
19 39A 0.40 0.48
20 40A 0.52 0.59
Fundamental: 0.61 0.74
Micro: 6-12 0.66 0.76
Macro: 13-16 0.52 0.69
International: 0.53 0.64
Overall 0.59 0.72
N 2,124 495
Item I Eastern Europe
Item Albania Croatia Latvia
1 1A 0.46 0.67 0.93
2 4A 0.65 0.62 0.93
3 6A 0.63 0.72 0.66
4 12A 0.38 0.30 0.04
5 13A 0.61 0.67 0.92
6 15 0.70 0.74 0.79
7 16A 0.48 0.59 0.76
8 17A 0.45 0.70 0.68
9 19A 0.51 0.53 0.83
10 20 0.75 0.72 0.83
11 21A 0.31 0.30 0.66
12 22 0.16 0.18 0.38
13 25 0.65 0.69 0.95
14 26A 0.46 0.44 0.21
15 * 27B 0.35 0.52 0.28
16 29A 0.72 0.79 0.89
17 35 0.51 0.56 0.56
18 36A 0.32 0.39 0.85
19 39A 0.33 0.38 0.35
20 40A 0.51 0.59 0.83
Fundamental: 0.54 0.60 0.70
Micro: 6-12 0.48 0.54 0.71
Macro: 13-16 0.55 0.61 0.58
International: 0.42 0.48 0.65
Overall 0.50 0.56 0.66
N 599 178 238
Item I Eastern Europe
Item Lithuania Romania Total
1 1A 0.78 0.82 0.69
2 4A 0.90 0.90 0.79
3 6A 0.92 0.84 0.75
4 12A 0.79 0.58 0.46
5 13A 0.87 0.74 0.74
6 15 0.91 0.83 0.79
7 16A 0.75 0.86 0.67
8 17A 0.48 0.67 0.63
9 19A 0.76 0.73 0.66
10 20 0.80 0.85 0.79
11 21A 0.73 0.90 0.58
12 22 0.63 0.79 0.43
13 25 0.96 0.91 0.82
14 26A 0.64 0.81 0.54
15 * 27B 0.59 0.67 0.48
16 29A 0.90 0.92 0.83
17 35 0.81 0.81 0.65
18 36A 0.87 0.69 0.60
19 39A 0.80 0.73 0.53
20 40A 0.85 0.82 0.70
Fundamental: 0.85 0.77 0.69
Micro: 6-12 0.76 0.80 0.65
Macro: 13-16 0.77 0.83 0.67
International: 0.83 0.76 0.62
Overall 0.80 0.79 0.66
N 400 400 1,815
* Item 15 is from form B of the TEL, with sample sizes 2,718 and 293
for basic and advanced U.S. students, respectively.
Table 8: Multivariate Analysis with Overall Score as the
Dependent Variable
Independent Variables Mean Coef. p-val.
Constant 9.46 --
MALE: Gender dummy variable 13.17 -0.08 0.61
COLLPLAN: Plans further 0.42 1.74 0.00 **
education after high school
GRADE12: Grade 12 dummy 0.52 -0.84 0.00 **
variable (1=Grade 12)
TCHEXPER: Years of teaching 17.27 -0.16 0.00 **
TCHEXPER^2: Years of teaching 378.78 0.004 0.00 **
experience squared
NCEEWRKS: Attended a NCEE 0.75 0.95 0.00 **
workshop (1=yes)
ECMAJOR: Majored in economics 0.25 0.89 0.00 **
in college (1 = yes)
GRADDEG: Has earned a graduate 0.34 0.87 0.00 **
degree (1=yes)
CAPITAL: Dummy variable for 0.25 0.55 0.01 *
located in nation's capital
CROATIA: Nation dummy variable 0.1 -0.2 0.58
LATVIA: Nation dummy variable 0.14 1.77 0.00 **
LITHUANIA: Nation dummy 0.22 5 0.00 **
variable (1=Lithuania)
ROMANIA: Nation dummy variable 0.23 4.8 0.00 **
N 1716
Adj. R-squared 0.43
* significant at the 5% level.
** significant at the 1% level.