The qualitative tradition: a complimentary paradigm for research in economic education.
Langelett, George
The qualitative tradition provides an alternative approach to
investigate complex research and help augment the existing research
about economic education. This study presents the underlying assumptions
and methods for both quantitative and qualitative traditions and
compares and contrasts the major differences between the two paradigms.
Validity issues are addressed, and the article ends with a discussion on
how qualitative research would compliment the existing literature in
economic education. Quantitative research, based on deductive reasoning,
start with the postulates in the researcher's mind. The
researcher's pre-conceptions may cause her or him to overlook
significant variables within the phenomenon. Qualitative research is
able to overcome this quantitative difficulty by starting the research
process with the participants. Through data collection and inductive
reasoning, the qualitative researcher can develop testable hypotheses
that were previously overlooked by traditional quantitative methods.
Much of the research in economic education focuses on student
performance and attitudes with the goal of improving teaching
effectiveness and student learning. A framework often utilized is the
input/output production model where student performance or attitudes is
the dependent variable (see Figure 1). In this framework, a pre-course
assessment is given. Then students are divided between a control group
and a treatment group. The treatment group receives the new pedagogical method. A post-course assessment is given when the course is finished.
Teacher and student related variables are the explanatory variables in
this model, along with effort to control for exogenous influences. Over
the past two decades numerous studies have been conducted using either
the TUCE (Test of College Economics) or the TEL (Test of Economic
Literacy) scores as a proxy for student performance. (1) Numerous
studies using TUCE or TEL scores in this input/output framework have
been conducted to test new pedagogical techniques and their results have
been published. (2) There is concern that the marginal impact of
additional studies using the TUCE to test for significant variables in
student learning has become trivial. (3)
For research purposes, in any classroom there are
student-controlled variables, teacher-controlled variables, and any
number of variables that are exogenous including: each student's
opportunity cost, the teacher's opportunity cost, and the fit
between the instructor's teaching style and each student's
learning style. The list of possible significant exogenous variables is
infinite. One of the problems with the TUCE input/output framework is
that the model has no power to investigate exogenous variables. For
example, the input/output model has no way to control for a tragedy that
occurs in the life of a student during the course of study.
Another problem with the input/output framework, like all models,
is that the model is based on assumptions. The input/output framework
assumes that participants desire to maximize their assessment scores. If
instead, participants are targeting a passing grade rather than the
highest possible score, the quantitative analysis used in the model will
produce insignificant results.
A new method of modeling is needed to investigate variables that
are exogenous to the traditional input/output framework. The purpose of
this paper is to present an alternative paradigm that is able to examine
variables that are exogenous to traditional quantitative research in
economic education, namely qualitative research methods. The qualitative
tradition uses methods that would compliment the existing quantitative
results and provide a new approach to solving issues that traditional
methods of research in economic education have not yet been able to
This study presents the underlying assumptions and methods for both
quantitative and qualitative traditions and will compare and contrast
the major differences between the two paradigms. Validity issues will be
addressed, and the article ends with a discussion on how qualitative
research would compliment the existing literature in economic education.
The quantitative research tradition is based on deductive reasoning
(see Figure 2). (4) A postulate is set a priori, and data is gathered to
test the validity of the hypothesis. The method includes data collection
and organization into quantifiable variables, the use of statistics as
proxies for population parameters, and deliberate control for outside
The methods used in quantitative research are built on five
underlying assumptions that are distinctive from the assumptions of
qualitative tradition. First, quantitative research assumes an objective
social reality. Consequently, researcher can be detached from research
participants and their setting.
Second, researchers are able to suspend their values and conduct
research through a positive, rather than normative, approach. Causal
relationships among social phenomena can be viewed from an objective,
detached, and mechanical perspective. These first two assumptions allow
the researcher to superimpose a priori a theoretical framework on the
Third, social phenomena are real only if they are observable.
Knowledge is legitimized through research and testable hypotheses. If
social behavior is not observable, than it is not quantifiable. For
behavior that is not quantifiable, the validity of a claim cannot be
tested, and it remains only an idea rather than knowledge.
Fourth, quantitative research assumes social reality is relatively
constant and across time and space. Therefore, representative samples
can be drawn from a population.
Finally, social realities can be organized as variables and
analyzed through the use of statistical methods. Since the samples are
adequately representation of the entire population, it is assumed that
findings can be generalized as pertaining to the defined population.
The qualitative tradition is based on inductive reasoning (see
Figure 2). No hypotheses are set a priori. Data are gathered and
examined, and theories are built on evidence extrapolated from the data.
In this tradition, researchers study naturally occurring phenomena in
all their complexities. (5) In the case of research in economic
education, the classroom is a naturally occurring phenomenon in which
research is conducted.
In conducting this type of research, the qualitative tradition is
based on four assumptions. First, qualitative research assumes the
participants construct social reality within each phenomenon. Also
social reality is continuously constructed in local situations.
Second, the qualitative tradition assumes human intentions play a
major roll in explaining causal relationships within social phenomena.
Both the actions and values of the participants shape the phenomenon.
Qualitative research allows for both objectivity and subjectivity on
behalf of the participants.
Third, it is assumed by qualitative researchers, that they must
become personally involved in the phenomena with the research
participants, including sharing perspectives and assuming a caring
attitude. Trust must first be established for qualitative interviews to
result in open and honest communication.
Finally, qualitative research assumes that new concepts and
theories can be discovered after data have been collected. Variables are
not pre-determined. Rather, they result from reoccurring patterns in the
The goal of qualitative tradition is to understand natural
occurring phenomena with all of their complexities. The researcher
continuously collects data to understand a particular phenomenon. Data
collection includes field notes of the researcher's observations,
individual and group interviews of participants, videotaping of the
phenomenon (for example, an economics class), and journaling based on
To be effective, the researcher must indwell both the study's
participants and himself or herself. Indwelling allows the researcher to
observe the behavior in the phenomenon most relevant to the problem
being pursued. The researcher indwells the subjects by living with them
in the phenomenon. In the case of economic education, this would include
attending class with the students and observing them as they study. The
researcher indwells himself or herself though reflecting deeply on the
subject and developing theories through internalizing the phenomenon and
using inductive reasoning.
Qualitative research begins with the researcher selecting a focus
of inquiry. In the case of economic education, it may be the experience
of college students in a principles level economics course. At this
point, like the quantitative tradition, the researcher conducts a review
of the literature for relevant studies. Next the researcher selects a
sample to study. Unlike the quantitative tradition, after selecting the
sample, the researcher starts building relationships with the
participants of the phenomenon. Qualitative researchers actively seek to
minimize differences between themselves and the participants of the
study. This includes, but is not limited to, spending time with the
participants, building friendships, and gaining their trust. After trust
has been established, the researcher interviews each participant, and
records the interview either by audio- or videotape. For each interview,
the researcher starts with open-ended questions. The interviewer allows
participants to take control of which direction their answers lead. With
each answer, the researcher continues to ask open-ended questions. But
overall the researcher determines the focus of inquiry. If the interview
drifts too far on a tangent, the researcher guides the interview back to
the intended focus. After each interview, the entire conversation is
transcribed, word for word. The interview process is repeated for each
participant in the phenomenon.
The transcriptions are then analyzed. One widely used method of
analysis is the Constant Comparative method (See Figure 3). (6) The
Constant Comparative Method of analyzing qualitative data combines
inductively coding data into broad categories with a simultaneous
comparison of all units of meaning obtained (Glaser and Strauss, 1967).
The Constant Comparative Method involves coding data by category,
and looking for patterns both within and across manuscripts. (7) Once
patterns are recognized, the phenomenon is revisited, and more data is
collected to better define these patterns and theories. After analyzing
the new data, categories are redefined as new patterns immerge or the
original organization of words, themes, and topics are reconfirmed. From
these reconfirmed patterns, the qualitative researcher then develops
theories about the phenomenon. (8,9) The theories that emerge through
qualitative research then can be either published as a case study or
research report, or used to form testable hypothesis for quantitative
research. The research process ends when a point of saturation occurs.
The point of saturation occurs when additional interviews yield no new
information about the phenomenon.
(1) Quantitative research is conducted in either a natural or
artificial setting where certain variables and influences can be
purposely controlled. Qualitative researchers intentionally strive to do
their research in the natural setting that it occurs. Also, quantitative
research takes an objective, detached stance towards research
participants and their setting, whereas qualitative researchers become
personally involved with the research participants and immerse themselves in the research setting.
(2) Quantitative research attempts to capture social realities
through quantifying behavior and looking for statistical correlations
between variables. By contrast, qualitative research makes holistic
observations of the institutional context within which the social
interaction occurs. Qualitative research firmly believes the values are
deeply embedded in social science research, and attempts to capture
behavior through recorded interviews, observations, dialogs, and
(3) Quantitative research starts with pre-conceived postulates and
hypotheses set a priori to determine what data will be collected. By
contrast qualitative research develops theories from patterns that occur
as data are analyzed. Quantitative is based on the deductive reasoning
process, and contributes to knowledge through the validation of
postulates, whereas qualitative uses inductive reasoning, and
contributes through uncovering new postulates and theories. Qualitative
researchers have issues with using a priori null hypotheses to begin the
research process since the values of the researcher determine the
questions and answers that will be studied, and overlook variables that
significantly affect the phenomenon.
(4) Quantitative research, through random sampling, seeks
participants or observations to be as homogenous as possible to control
for heterogeneous sample problems. Differences within a sample cause
statistical problems including heteroskedasticity of the residuals. By
contrast, qualitative studies, though purposeful sampling, are
strengthened by diversity among participants within a focus of inquiry.
Diversity broadens the breath of perspectives and understanding within
the social phenomenon. For qualitative studies, the saturation point occurs when additional interviews yield no new information about a
social phenomenon. Thus, phenomenon containing diverse populations is
beneficial to broaden the breadth of perspectives.
(5) Quantitative research, based on statistical representation of
population parameters, assumes that research results can be generalized
to the population. Qualitative research examines data and develops
theories within a specific focus of inquiry, but makes no claim to
generalize result beyond the specific context of the phenomenon. (10)
The qualitative tradition makes no claim to generalize results to a
larger population. (11)
The quantitative tradition relies on surveys and tests as
instruments. The tradition has a two-part approach to establishing
research validity. First, the researcher appeals to the properties of
the instruments in terms of reliability and validity. (12) Second, the
researcher uses statistical modeling techniques that do not violate any
of the assumptions of the sampling distribution. (13)
By contrast the qualitative tradition uses people and their words
as instruments. (14) Humans-as-instruments means persons, with all of
her or his own experiences, skills, and biases affect each
participant's behavior within the phenomena. Lincoln and Guba
(1985) argue that humans-as-instruments is a more holistic approach to
the dynamics of social phenomena than quantitative instruments.
Humans-as-instruments allows for participants' interpretations
within the phenomenon. What people do and say reflects how they
interpret both their world and the phenomenon. (15)
Traditionally for the qualitative tradition, the criteria for
judging the adequacy of research have been trustworthiness and
usefulness of the phenomenological study (Maykut and Morehouse 1994).
(16) In the last decade the qualitative tradition has turned to
measurement validity to address validity issues within qualitative
research (Adcock and Collier 2001). Evidence for measurement validity
for both quantitative and qualitative research is demonstrated through
construct, criterion, and construct validity.
For any branch of research, whether qualitative or quantitative
research is conducted, there are four levels of conceptualization according to Adcock and Collier (2001).
Level 1: Background Concept-the meaning(s) given to a concept
outside the research community by society as a whole.
Level 2: Systemized Concept-the concept as defined within a
research community.
Level 3: Indicators-measures of the systemized concept used within
the research community. For quantitative research, this includes the
numerical scoring of the data. For qualitative research, this includes
the coding of the transcripts.
Level 4: Research Scores-the actual indicator scores generated by a
particular study.
For establishing the measurement validity of any study, content
validity assesses the degree to which the indicators (level 3) of the
instrument represent the systemized concepts (level 2) established by
previous studies within the research community.
Criterion related validity assesses whether the scores produced by
the indicators (level 3) are empirically associated with the scores for
other variables, called criterion variables, which are considered direct
measures of the phenomenon being studied.
Construct validity assesses whether a given indicator (level 3) is
associated with other indicators (level 3) in away that conforms to the
theoretical expectations about their interrelationship. In both
traditions, evidence for validity can be demonstrated through content,
criterion, and construct validity.
Quantitative research, based on deductive reasoning, starts with
the researcher. More precisely, it begins with the postulates in the
researcher's mind. A timeless obstacle faced within the
quantitative tradition is that the postulates the researcher stipulates
a priori are not necessarily the dynamics that are driving the
investigated phenomenon. The researcher's pre-conceptions may cause
her or him to overlook significant variables within the phenomenon.
Qualitative research is able to overcome this quantitative
difficulty by starting the research process with the participants. By
setting no hypothesis a priori, the qualitative researcher begins
instead with open-ended questions. Through allowing participants, who
create the phenomenon, to explain which influences are significant, the
qualitative researcher is able to investigate variables that are
exogenous to quantitative models.
Through data collection and inductive reasoning, the quantitative
researcher can develop testable hypotheses that were previously
overlooked by traditional quantitative methods.
Qualitative studies provide an alternative approach to investigate
complex research and help augment the existing research about economic
Adcock, R. & Collier, D. (2001). Measurement Validity: A Shared
Standard for Qualitative and Quantitative Research. American Political
Science Review, 95(3), 529-546.
Glauser, B.G. & Strauss, A.L. (1967). The Discovery of the
Grounded Theory. Chicago, IL: Aldine.
Lincoln, Y. & Guba, E. (1985). Naturalistic Inquiry. Beverly
Hills, CA: Sage.
Maykut, P. & Morehouse, R. (1994). Beginning Qualitative
Research: A Philosophic and Practical Guide. London: Falmer.
Polanyi, M. (1962). Personal Knowledge: Toward a Post-Critical
Philosophy. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago.
Polanyi, M. (1967). The Tactic Dimension. New York, NY: Anchor
Saunders, P. (1990). Test of Understanding of College Economics
(Third Edition). New York, NY: Joint Council on Economic Education.
Saunders, P. & Walstad, W. (1990). The Principles of Economics
Course, A Handbook for Instructors. New York, NY: Mc Graw-Hill.
Sigfried, J. & Fels, R. (1979). Research on teaching College
Economics: A Survey. Journal of Economic Literature, 17(September),
Walstad, W. & Rebeck, K. (2002). Test of Economic Literacy
(Third Edition). New York, NY: National Council on Economic Education.
(1.) The Test of Understanding of College Economics 3rd edition by
Philip Saunders. Test of Economic Literacy 3rd edition by William
Walstad and Ken Rebeck.
(2.) According to Saunders and Walstad, as of 1989, approximately
250 research studies had been published on the topic of teaching college
economics. A 1979 study John Sigfried and Rendig Fels appeared in the
Journal of Economic Literature surveying 179 published articles on the
topic of research in economic education.
(3.) To Quote Saunders and Walstad: "Why has there been such a
precipitous decline in reported research findings? Several possibilities
come to mind. First, the easy questions naturally were addressed first.
As the most important questions are answered and as the remaining become
ever more difficult, fewer potential research efforts yield a positive
expected net present value" page 272.
(4.) The quantitative research tradition has been referred to as
the positivist approach.
(5.) Michael Polanyi (1962, 1967) articulates the phenomenological
position at length.
(6.) See Glause and Strauss (1967). See also Lincoln and Gruba for
additional procedural information on the Constant Comparative method.
Figure 3 is taken from Figure 9.4 on page 135 of Maykut and Morehouse
(7.) The qualitative researcher is looking for patterns across
people's words, actions, and documents.
(8.) Computer programs are available to assist with analysis,
including EthnographTM and LISQUALTM.
(9.) Also anomalies are discovered that do not fit the current
theories related to the phenomenon. Further analysis of these anomalies
can both call into question current theory and result in new directions
for research to be pursued.
(10.) To quote Maykut and Morehouse: "One can further state
that for the qualitative researcher, the person or event can only be
understood within the context or background. The person that emerges out
of the context is not a universal person or event, but rather a
contextual person or event" page 33.
(11.) For researchers desiring to generalize results for studies
within the qualitative tradition, making results generalizable is
possible through conducting a meta analysis across studies.
(12.) Evidence for reliability is established through split-half
reliability and test-retest reliability. A coefficient alpha is often
used to provide evidence for split-half reliability. Evidence for
validity is established through demonstrating the content, construct,
and criterion related properties of the instrument.
(13.) Often the normal distribution is the assumed sampling
(14.) The qualitative tradition assumes human behavior is too
complex to be captured in a one-dimensional instrument.
(15.) Addressing interpretations in the phenomenon may shed light
on student behavior in the economics classroom including academic
(16.) Given the recent debacles of the stock market including
misreporting by Enron, World Com, and Xerox, trustworthiness needs to be
a criterion for judging manuscripts in both research traditions.
George Langelett, South Dakota State University