A survey of determinants of us foreign direct investment in ASEAN-5 countries.
Mehrens, Dorothy ; Maniam, Balasundram ; Bexley, James 等
Since the early 1980's, the flow of US Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI) has been an important source of private external
finance for developing nations, contributing to their growth and
stability. Although it is difficult to predict the destination of US
foreign investment abroad due to the multiplicity of factors that
influence the decision, numerous studies have examined host country
determinants and their relationship to US FDI. The most documented and
studied determinants of US FDI include the size of the host
country's economy, growth rate of GNP, exports from both the host
country and the US, exchange rate fluctuations, and inflation rates in
the host country.
The purpose of this paper is to examine seven hypothesis-driven
determinants of US Foreign Direct Investment, based on literature
studies, and apply these to five of the ASEAN countries to access the
significance of each determinant. Statistical data obtained from the
years 1985 through 1999 on the following countries; Thailand, Singapore,
Malaysia, Philippines, and Indonesia (ASEAN-5) was used in the study.
Data analysis used multiple regression analysis to test hypotheses
regarding some of the determinants that may influence US FDI. Results
from this study show that size of the host country's economy, the
host country's total exports, US exports to the host country,
inflation rate, exchange rate fluctuations, composite risk index
(including political risk, economic risk, and financial risk), and the
perception of corruption in the host country serve as a useful model for
predicting US FDI in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand.
Although a few of these indicators weakly correlated with US FDI in the
Philippines, the overall model was not useful for this country.
The increase in US FDI in developing countries since the early
1980's has laid the foundation for expansion of international
production by multinational corporations throughout the world. Although
industrialized countries continue to attract the greatest proportion of
US FDI, their share is beginning to erode, as developing countries are
becoming increasingly attractive targets for investment (Mallampally and
Sauvant 1999). As US FDI flows to developing countries continue to grow,
the effort to determine the factors that influence these flows has
become an increasingly attractive area of research.
The theoretical foundation for evaluating factors that influence
the flow of US FDI into developing countries can be found in the sizable
body of existing literature. The Eclectic Theory of International
Production developed by John Dunning identifies three categories of
that multinational corporations (MNC) must perceive as advantages
before directly investing in a foreign country; 1) location advantage,
2) ownership advantage, and 3) internalization advantage (1980). First,
the host country must possess some locational advantage that will
attract investors. This is usually determined in the availability of
natural resources, market size or potential market size, and lower
costs. Second, the investing corporation must have an ownership
advantage over competitors in the host country. This is usually in the
areas of technology, marketing, or financial resources. Third, there
must be an internalization advantage that would persuade companies to
chose FDI over other strategies such as licensing, franchising, or
exporting (Yue 1996).
Location advantage determinants
Econometric studies examining a variety of countries indicate a
strong positive correlation between FDI and the size of the market
(usually measured by GDP) as well as other characteristics that would
determine market size, such as average income levels and growth rates (Marr 1997). However, some low-income countries with large markets may
fail to attract large FDI flows. Given the questionable circumstances of
achieving adequate product sales in a low-income country, other economic
and political determinants may have a greater impact on FDI decisions in
this situation.
However, domestic market factors are less important in
export-oriented corporations. The relative size of the export sector in
a host country may be a significant determinant of US FDI in that
region. The export sector reflects an openness of the host
country's economy that may be attractive to US companies that
manufacture goods for export (Marr 1997).
Ownership advantage determinants
There is strong evidence in the literature that supports the
importance of ownership advantages in FDI. Many of the ownership
advantage determinants are microeconomic in nature and include firm size
and multinational experience. According to Chandprapalert, firm size
seemed to be the most significant factor in establishing an ownership
advantage (2000). The determination of this relationship can readily be
explained by the fact that larger corporations have a greater ability to
absorb losses than smaller firms, so they tend to invest overseas and
are less sensitive to uncertainty effects.
Other studies have also established a relationship between a
firm's multinational experience and the extent of FDI, although, in
the case of Thailand, this relationship was shown not to be
statistically significant (Chandprapalert 2000). The reason for this
discrepancy may be that Thailand is seen as a opportunity gateway to
other neighboring countries, including Mynamar and Indonesia, that have
a potential market of more than 120 million customers.
Internalization determinants
Inflation rate instability can influence FDI inflows into a host
country. High levels of continually rising inflation will discourage
multinational companies from investing in a host country due to the
volatility and instability of prices. In the case of Brazil, higher
levels of FDI were attainable once the country controlled its inflation
rate (Ogier 2000).
The rapid rise of FDI over the past few decades has heightened
interest in the relationship between FDI flows and exchange rates
(Tomlin 2000). Numerous studies have established the exchange rate level
as a vital determinant of FDI, however, exchange rate volatility has
also been shown to have a deterrent effect on FDI (Campa 1993). Foreign
currency exchange rate volatility in part aggravated the Asian crisis,
as many of these nations financed their infrastructure development with
short-term foreign currency debt. Since that time, Asian governments
have targeted long-term FDI as a way to build infrastructure without
incurring short-term foreign debt (Gavieta 2001).
The use and evaluation of political risk as a US FDI determinant
remains unclear. When the host country possesses abundant resources, no
further incentive may be required (Marr 1997). As long as a company is
able to operate profitably without any undue risk to its capital and
personnel, the threat of political risk is minimized and may not be a
factor at all. However, the importance of political and social stability
is clearly demonstrated in the case of the Philippines. Political
instability in the 1970's and 1980's contributed to the
country being by-passed by foreign investors at a time when FDI inflows
to the region surged (Yue 1996). However, investors became increasingly
interested in the Philippines in the mid 1990's as political and
social stability returned to the country.
Corruption may determine a country's ability to attract
foreign capital. In studies done by Wheeler and Mody, there was no
significant correlation between the size of FDI and the host
country's risk factor, which included corruption among other
variables (1992). However, other studies have shown a negative
correlation between corruption and FDI in some countries (Lambsdorff
1999). Overall, no consensus of the impact of corruption on FDI, either
negatively or positively, has been shown. The impact is more likely
country specific and weighed in conjunction with other FDI determinants.
Over the last two decades, ASEAN-5 economies have experienced
sustained FDI inflows, although the magnitude of the inflow has changed
over time. From the mid 1970's to mid 1980's, FDI increased
moderately, but from 1986 FDI increased rapidly with figures in 1996
more than eight times that of 1986 (Fan 2000). This trend was seen
throughout Asia in the 1990's, as FDI jumped well beyond levels
recorded in any other developing regions (Encarnation 1995). This
increase in FDI inflows primarily represents the relaxation policies of
the ASEAN-5 countries pertaining to manufacturing activities and trade.
Several of these countries, including Indonesia and Malaysia have
abundant natural resources, such as oil and minerals. Singapore and
Malaysia were able to attract FDI by their stable macroeconomic conditions, high quality infrastructure, and the availability of a
skilled workforce (Fan 2000). The continued political unrest in the
Philippines during the 1980's has served as a major deterrent to
FDI inflows.
The Asian financial crisis in 1997 severely affected the economies
of the ASEAN-5 countries. Despite this, the FDI inflows into these
countries as a whole continued to grow although individual
country's FDI varied. Indonesia and the Philippines saw a fall in
FDI, while Singapore and Thailand increased FDI. Malaysia maintained its
previous level of FDI inflows. Overall, FDI showed greater stability
during the Asian financial crisis than other forms of investment and
capital inflows (Fan 2000).
The Asian financial crisis also provided an opportunity for
Asia-Pacific nations to examine and implement regulatory and
institutional reform to help avert further crisis. The reform improved
the overall business environment from an FDI perspective (Thompson and
Poon 2000) and fostered a more liberal attitude toward FDI. In general,
all of the Southeast Asian governments perceive the potential benefits
of FDI to outweigh the potential costs. The financial and non-financial
contributions of FDI are increasingly recognized as important elements
in a nation's economic development and long-term growth. Foreign
investment benefits many of the Southeast Asian nations by introducing
new skills and technologies, generating new jobs, creating linkages with
domestic firms, and providing competition for lackluster domestic firms
(Yue et al. 1999). These benefits add value that is more attractive than
borrowing as a means to access foreign capital for development purposes,
in addition to promoting greater stability in their economic foundation.
Selection of Determinants for Analysis
The factors evaluated in this analysis are listed below according
to potential advantage categories, as described by Dunning (1980). Since
ownership advantage is more of a microeconomic (firm-specific) issue,
determinants from this category were not selected for testing of this
model. FDI data from 1985 to 1999 was collected from the Department of
Commerce-Bureau of Economic Analysis. Data used for the determinants was
obtained from Key Indicators of Developing Asian and Pacific Countries
2000 Volume XXXI, Transparency International, and the International
Country Risk Guide (ICRG).
Location Advantage Determinants
First, is the size of host country's economy (GNP/C)--as
measured by GNP per capita in this study. FDI is positively influenced
by this factor (Dunning 1980) and is expected to have a positive sign.
This is considered a long-term strategic factor, as the size of the
economy is not altered too quickly (Zurawicki 1997). Second, is the US
exports to the same country (USex) -This factor has been shown to be
strongly correlated with FDI to a specific country (Lin et al. 2001,
Gross and Trevino 1996) and is expected to be positive. Third, is the
total exports from a specific country (COex)--Most studies have focused
on comparing outward FDI with the total exports of a specific country.
Typically, a higher outward FDI is associated with lower exports,
resulting in a negative relationship. However, other studies have shown
that the correlation is positive as other (El-Ostra 1996).
Internalization Factors
First, is the rate of inflation in host country (INFL) -This was
shown to correlate negatively with FDI in previous studies (Schneider
and Frey 1985) and would be expected to have a negative sign. Second, is
the fluctuations in exchange rate (ER)--Lin et al showed that an
appreciating exchange rate was an important determinant in the decision
of a firm to invest overseas (2001). Fluctuations in exchange rate were
important in influencing the volume of FDI in a particular country, but
other factors relating to the structure of the economy could play a more
significant role (Lin et al. 2001).
Third, is the composite risk index (CRI)--This index is based on
the ICRG rating system of 0 to 100 with 50% based on political risk and
25% on financial and economic risk, respectively (Erb et al. 1996). This
determinant may be expected to correlate negatively with FDI, in that a
higher risk index number would potentially influence less FDI in a host
country. The expected sign for this determinant is negative, however,
this type of information is highly subjective and may not be applicable
in some cases (Broadfoot 1998). Fourth, is the Corruption Perception
Index (CPI)--(based on scale of 0 to 10 with 0 being highly corrupt and
10 being highly clean). The Internet Center for Corruption Research
provides the Transparency Institutes Corruption Perception Index, a
comparative assessment of a country's integrity performance. The
CPI is a composite index that is determined using multiple sources
compiled by the World Bank, Political & Economic Risk Consultancy,
Institute for Management Development, IMD, Switzerland,
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Economist Intelligence Unit, Freedom House, and
the World Economic Forum. This determinant would be expected to
positively correlate with FDI since the lower number indicates high
corruption and would be expected to lower FDI. Since there has been no
consensus data on the correlation of CPI to FDI, this determinant is
likely to be country specific and influenced be other determinants.
As extensively discussed in the literature, US Foreign Direct
Investment in the ASEAN-5 countries has been on the rise since the early
1980's. Figure 1 shows the total US FDI in the ASEAN-5 countries
from 1985 to 1999. Figure 2 shows individual US FDI in each of the
ASEAN-5 countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and
Singapore). Most notable is the dramatic increase in US FDI in Singapore
since 1990 compared to the other nations.
To examine the significance of each of the determinants, multiple
regression analyses using the ordinary least square (OLS) was done.
Equation 1 was used to test the hypothesis that GNP per capita, the host
country's total exports, US exports to the host country, inflation
rate, exchange rate fluctuations, composite risk index (including
political risk, economic risk, and financial risk), and the perception
of corruption in the host country have a significant effect on US FDI in
Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines. Table 1
provides the coefficients and their corresponding p-values (a =.05) for
the testing period (1985 to 1999), as well as the [R.sup.2] value,
F-statistics, and p-statistics for each country in the model.
Equation 1:
FD[I.sub.US] /GD[P.sub.CO] = [b.sub.0] + [b.sub.1](GNP/C) +
[b.sub.2] (U[S.sub.ex]) + [b.sub.3] (C[O.sub.ex]) + [b.sub.4] (INFL) +
[b.sub.5] (ER) + [b.sub.6] (CRI) + [b.sub.7] (CPI) + e
Based on [R.sup.2] values, the model is a good fit for Indonesia,
Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand (see graphics Figure 3). This model is
not a good predictor of determinants for US FDI in the Philippines. Only
45% of the variation in the model can be attributed to the determinants,
based on [R.sup.2]. Additionally, the p-statistic for this model is
greater than alpha, which means that the model using these determinants
in not useful in predicting US FDI in the Philippines. This finding is
not entirely surprising as the Philippines has undergone significant
socioeconomic turmoil throughout the 1980's and 1990's.
To evaluate the significance of each individual determinant to the
overall contribution of the model, partial t-statistics were examined.
Table 2 shows the partial t-statistics for each determinant in each
The average exchange rate was shown to be a significant determinant
of US FDI in Malaysia and Thailand, while GNP per capita, US exports,
inflation rate, and composite risk index were significant determinants
of US FDI in Thailand. Other individual determinants were not
statistically significant based on partial t-statistics for the other
countries in this model.
Since the overall model was determined to be useful (based on p
values) and a good fit (based on [R.sup.2] values) for four countries, a
correlation analysis was conducted to investigate which of the
determinants correlated with US FDI. This analysis can provide
additional information on the determinants that correlate with US FDI in
these countries and may be useful for future studies and modeling. Table
3 shows the results of this analysis.
In the case of Indonesia, GNP per capita and US export were weakly
negatively correlated. Although this is an unexpected result, the reason
for this may be that there is little relationship between the decisions
of US multinational corporations to invest in Indonesia to the size of
the market. Indonesia is rich in natural resources and this may be a
more attractive determinant than the actual size of the market,
especially if companies are more apt to export their goods from
Indonesia. The rate of inflation and average exchange rate in Indonesia
were strongly correlated with US FDI. Apart from the years surrounding
the Asian crisis, the inflation rate in Indonesia has remained fairly
stable at a moderate rate of 6 to 9%. The average rate of exchange has
fluctuated greatly over this time period, consistent with other studies
that found fluctuations in this determinant to correlate with US FDI.
Composite risks and corruption were not found to correlate with US FDI
in Indonesia.
In Malaysia, there was a weak correlation between GNP per capita
and US FDI. As with Indonesia, the market size may not be a relevant
factor compared to other determinants that may attract FDI. However,
export from the US, total exports from Malaysia, and average exchange
rates were shown to be strongly correlated to US FDI. Again, these
factors have been shown to correlate with FDI in other studies. The
composite risk index for Malaysia was only weakly correlated with FDI.
Corruption perception index and rate of inflation showed no relationship
to US FDI in this country.
GNP per capita, exports from the US to Singapore, total exports
from Singapore, and composite risk index were correlated to US FDI in
this country. Singapore is considered a wealthy nation with little
political, economic, or financial risk by Asian standards, thus
explaining the correlation in these determinants. Other determinants
tested for this model showed no or little correlation with US FDI in
In the case of Thailand, total exports from the country were weakly
correlated with US FDI, while the average exchange rate and corruption
index perception were strongly correlated. Again, other studies have
shown that fluctuations in exchange rates are correlated with FDI. The
corruption perception index for Thailand averaged between two and three
for the period measured, indicating little perceived corruption in this
country. It is likely that perceived lower governmental corruption may
positively influence US FDI, however, in cases where a company can
operate without great fear of foreign government intervention, the
corruption perception may not be a valid determinant.
Of the seven determinants tested for the Philippines, only five
showed a weak correlation to US FDI in the country. The average exchange
rate showed the highest correlation with a value of .595. The second
determinant with the highest correlation to US FDI in the Philippines
was total exports from the Philippines with a value of .548. Other
weakly correlated determinants included composite risk index, corruption
perception index, and US exports to the Philippines. Surprisingly, GNP
per capita showed no correlation with US FDI in the country.
This paper tested seven hypothesized determinants of US FDI in the
ASEAN-5 countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and the
Philippines). These determinants included the size of the host
country's economy, the host country's total exports, US
exports to the host country, inflation rate, exchange rate fluctuations,
composite risk index (including political risk, economic risk, and
financial risk), and the perception of corruption in the host country.
This model was tested using ordinary least square (OLS) regression.
Overall, the model was shown to be a good predictor of US FDI in
Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia. However, the model was not
a good indicator of US FDI in the Philippines. To investigate further
each of the determinants, a correlation matrix was performed.
Surprisingly, GNP per capita (as used as a measure of the market size)
was only weakly positively correlated with US FDI in Singapore and
Malaysia. This may be an interesting finding, as these are the two
wealthiest countries (based on GNP per capita) in this study. US exports
were moderately correlated with US FDI in Singapore and Malaysia, while
total exports from these countries were more strongly correlated. The
rate of inflation only correlated with US FDI in Indonesia while the
rate of currency exchange was strongly correlated with US FDI in
Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and to a lesser extent, Singapore. The
Composite Risk Index for each country only weakly, if at all, correlated
with US FDI in these countries. The same is true with the Corruption
Perception Index, except in the case of Thailand, where a strong
correlation was seen with US FDI.
As previously discussed, investigating the determinants of US FDI
in developing countries can have multiple outcomes. The decision of US
companies to invest abroad depends on many factors. This paper sought to
test a few of the determinants for US FDI in the ASEAN-5 countries and
although there is no consensus on the importance of the individual
factors that make up the model, the overall results indicate that the
model is useful for four of the five countries tested. Further studies
should focus on the use of alternative determinants for measuring the
size of the market, as well as other location and internal determinants.
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Dorothy Mehrens, Sam Houston State University
Balasundram Maniam, Sam Houston State University
James Bexley, Sam Houston State University
Table 1: Regression Analysis of the Determinants of US FDI in ASEAN-5
1985 to 1999 (p-values)
Coefficients Indonesia Malaysia Singapore
[b.sub.0] 0.0798 0.2731 0.1333
[b.sub.1] 0.7395 0.2889 0.6175
[b.sub.2] 0.2840 0.8645 0.4518
[b.sub.3] 0.8341 0.5866 0.7763
[b.sub.4] 0.9336 0.2192 0.3315
[b.sub.5] 0.9038 0.0409 0.1482
[b.sub.6] 0.7328 0.4844 0.2131
[b.sub.7] 0.3665 0.4186 0.4302
[R.sup.2] 0.82 0.82 0.84
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.74 0.74 0.58
F-Statistics 11.35 11.47 5.24
P-Statistics 0.0024 0.0023 0.0220
Coefficients Thailand Philippines
[b.sub.0] 0.3111 0.1522
[b.sub.1] 0.0005 0.2045
[b.sub.2] <0.0001 0.9071
[b.sub.3] 0.2454 0.8815
[b.sub.4] 0.0929 0.6199
[b.sub.5] 0.0005 0.9716
[b.sub.6] 0.0105 0.2057
[b.sub.7] 0.0003 0.7693
[R.sup.2] 0.95 0.45
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.89 0.19
F-Statistics 236.70 1.83
P-Statistics <0.0001 0.2216
Table 2: Regression Analysis of the Determinants of US FDI in ASEAN-5
1985 to 1999 (partial t-statistics)
Coefficients Indonesia Malaysia Singapore
[b.sub.0] 2.048124 * -1.18932 -1.6983
[b.sub.1] -0.34597 1.147375 0.522342
[b.sub.2] -1.16015 0.177004 0.796668
[b.sub.3] 0.217391 -0.56978 -0.29533
[b.sub.4] -0.08639 -1.34947 -1.04329
[b.sub.5] 0.125371 2.500909 * 1.624757
[b.sub.6] 0.355298 -0.73812 1.369542
[b.sub.7] 0.965457 0.859416 0.837067
Coefficients Thailand Philippines
[b.sub.0] -1.09163 1.606562
[b.sub.1] 5.987625 * -1.39892
[b.sub.2] -8.33801 * 0.121028
[b.sub.3] 1.267851 0.154652
[b.sub.4] -1.94497 * 0.518726
[b.sub.5] 6.068079 * 0.036918
[b.sub.6] -3.46199 * 1.395042
[b.sub.7] 6.608829 * 0.304915
* indicates significance at the 95% confidence level
Table 3. Correlation Matrix of US FDI Determinants
Indonesia Malaysia Singapore
US FDI/GDP 1.000 1.000 1.000
GNP/capita -0.439 0.489 0.692
(converted to US $)
US exports to -0.407 0.680 0.728
Total exports from 0.346 0.757 0.716
Rate of inflation 0.788 0.249 -0.341
(change in CPI)
Exchange rate 0.872 0.812 -0.464
Composite Risk 0.093 0.579 0.649
Corruption 0.196 -0.205 0.154
Perception Index
Thailand Philippines
US FDI/GDP 1.000 1.000
GNP/capita 0.200 0.168
(converted to US $)
US exports to 0.291 0.452
Total exports from 0.569 0.548
Rate of inflation -0.184 0.023
(change in CPI)
Exchange rate 0.893 0.595
Composite Risk 0.263 0.449
Corruption 0.740 0.419
Perception Index