The effectiveness of virtual learning in economics.
Terry, Neil
The Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) have become pervasive in
the academic realm, particularly in the coursework required to achieve
success in higher education. The Internet has been extended far beyond
its original scope as a highly specialized scientific communications
network for the defense establishment and major research universities
possessing high capacity computers (Strong & Harmon, 1997). Distance
and independent education available on the Internet are the current
buzz-words of higher education, and the hottest topic on many campuses
is the "Virtual University." Colleges all over the country are
targeting the geographically, professionally, and personally constrained
for the time flexibility of online courses. Despite the growth of online
courses, skeptics question whether the Internet instruction mode can
offer the same quality of education that students receive in traditional
classroom courses. Supporters of online instruction counter with
evidence that distance learners retain information better than students
in the traditional classroom setting. The purpose of this paper is to
assess the effectiveness of online instruction in economics by comparing
student performance in the virtual versus traditional classroom. The
results are based on an MBA course in macroeconomic theory at a regional
college, West Texas A&M University.
In many ways West Texas A&M University (WT) is typical of most
regional colleges. It is the primary source of university education,
research, and service for the Texas Panhandle and adjacent regions of
neighboring states. Annual student enrollment is approximately 6,500.
The low population density of the Texas Panhandle region makes WT an
ideal school for Internet instruction. For this reason, WT has been
encouraged to act as a pioneer school in Internet instruction for the
Texas A&M System. The College of Business at WT is a member of and
accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and
Programs. In 1997 the College of Business initiated an Internet-based
option in the MBA program. All essential courses related to the 36-60
(depending on individual leveling requirements) credit hour MBA degree
are offered at least once on the Internet and twice on campus within a
three-year period. To date, fourteen different graduate business courses
have been offered on the Internet.
The specific focus of this study is the MBA course in macroeconomic
theory. The macroeconomic theory course was offered twice on campus and
once on the Internet during the 1998-1999 academic year. Each course had
an enrollment of over twenty students. The author was the instructor in
all three courses and every effort was made to provide consistent
methods, procedures, and material in both the traditional and Internet
instruction formats. Learning materials including textbook information,
detailed lecture notes, and supporting articles were distributed in
class or posted on the course Internet site, depending on instruction
mode. The traditional lecture and professor interaction is countered in
the Internet course by e-mail, bulletin boards, and chat forums
(Manning, 1996; Porter, 1997). Half the student grade is determined by
homework assignments and the other half of the grade is determined by a
final exam. Both campus and Internet students are required to take the
final exam on campus, the only campus visit required of Internet
Davisson and Bonello (1976) propose an empirical research taxonomy
in which they specify the categories of inputs for the production
function of learning economics. These categories are human capital
(admission exam score, GPA), utilization rate (study time), and
technology (lectures, classroom demonstrations). Using this taxonomy,
Becker (1983) demonstrates that a simple production function can be
generated which may be reduced to an estimable equation. While his model
is somewhat simplistic, it has the advantage of being both parsimonious and testable. A number of problems that may arise in this type of work
(Chizmar & Spencer, 1980; Becker, 1983). Among these are errors in
measurement and multicollinearity associated with demographic data.
Despite these potential problems, there must be some starting point for empirical research into the process by which economics is learned if
we are to access various proposals as to how economics knowledge may
best be imparted to our students. Assume that the production function of
learning for economics at the college level can be represented by a
production function of the form:
(1) [Y.sub.i] = f([A.sub.i], [E.sub.i], [D.sub.i], [X.sub.i]),
where Y measures the degree to which a student learns economics, A
is information about the student's native ability, E is information
about the student's effort, D is a [0, 1] dummy variable indicating
demonstration method or mode, and X is a vector of demographic
As noted above, this can be reduced to an estimable equation. The
specific model used in this study is presented as follows:
(2) [SCORE.sub.i] = [B.sub.0] + [B.sub.1][ABILITY.sub.i] +
[B.sub.2][HW.sub.i] + [B.sub.3][NET.sub.i] + [B.sub.4][AGE.sub.i] +
[B.sub.5][FOREIGN.sub.i] + [u.sub.i].
The dependent variable used in measuring effectiveness of student
performance is final exam score (SCORE). The variable associated with
the final exam score is measured in percentage terms. The proxy for
student's native ability (ABILITY) is based on the composite score
of the GMAT exam plus the product of twice the upper-level (last 60
hours) undergraduate grade point average (GPA). For example, a student
with a GMAT score of 600 and 3.5 GPA would have a composite score of
1300. Many business colleges use the composite score as part of the
admission process. The percentage score on the homework assignments (HW)
measures student effort. The homework grade is used to measure effort
since students are not constrained by time, research material, or
ability to ask the course instructor questions when completing the ten
course assignments. Enrollment in the Internet or campus course is noted
by the categorical variable NET. Internet students are assigned a one,
while campus students are assigned a zero.
The choice as to what demographic variables to include in the model
presents several difficulties. A parsimonious model is specified in
order to avoid potential multicollinearity problems. The demographic
variables in the model relate to student age (AGE) and nationality
(Foreign). The age variable is included in the model based on anecdotal
evidence that distance learners are more mature and self motivated
(Kearsley, 1998; Okula, 1999). The model corrects for international
students because the majority of international students in the MBA
program elected to enroll in the campus course instead of the Internet
class. Specifically, only two international students completed the
Internet course while ten completed a campus course. While other authors
have found a significant relationship between race and gender and
learning economics (Siegfried & Fels, 1979; Hirschfeld, Moore, &
Brown, 1995), the terms were not significant in this study. A number of
specifications were considered using race, gender, MBA emphasis, hours
completed, and concurrent hours in various combinations. Inclusion of
these variables into the model affected the standard errors of the
coefficients but not the value of the remaining coefficients. For this
reason they are not included in the model.
University academic records are the source of admission and
demographic information because of the potential biases identified in
self-reported data (Maxwell & Lopus, 1994). There are a total of
seventy-four students in the initial sample, nine students being
eliminated from the study for dropping the course (Douglas & Joseph,
1995). The two campus courses had a total of forty-two students complete
the course with five drops, while twenty-three students completed the
Internet course and four dropped the course.
Results from the ordinary least squares estimation of equation (2)
are presented in Table 1. None of the dependent variables in the model
have a correlation higher than .28, providing evidence that the model
specification does not suffer from excessive multicollinearity. The
equation (2) model explains 58 percent of the variance in final exam
performance. Three of the five variables in the model are statistically
significant at the one-percent level. Of primary interest is the
negative and significant coefficient associated with Internet
instruction. Holding constant ability, effort, and demographic
considerations, students enrolled in the Internet course scored over
nine percent lower on the final exam. The empirical results provide
evidence supporting the inferior quality criticism of Internet-based
learning (Lezberg, 1998; Conlin, 1999). On the other hand, the
nine-percent quality differential might be acceptable considering
Internet-based instruction is still in its infancy stage. Admittedly,
the author has a vast amount of experience teaching in the traditional
classroom versus limited experience with Internet instruction. As
Internet instruction continues to develop and professors gain experience
within the mode, it seems reasonable to assume performance differentials
by instruction mode could be minimal at some point in the near future.
Organizational options and presentation quality via the Internet are
certain to improve as time goes by.
The stability of the model's other coefficients suggest that
the model is somewhat robust. Ability as measured by the admission GMAT
and GPA composite score has a positive and significant impact on final
exam performance. Student effort as measured by percentage score on
homework assignments yields a positive and significant coefficient. The
effort variable does not accurately measure the amount of time that a
student applied to the course since productivity is different across
students. The effort variable is more of a proxy for willingness to work
until complete and adequate homework answers are obtained, organized,
and presented to the course instructor. Certainly, ability and effort
should be positively related to final exam performance in a random
sample of college courses. The two demographic variables in the model
have positive coefficients but are not statistically significant. Hence,
age and nationality does not have a significant impact on final exam
performance in this study.
Distance learning is not a new concept. Correspondence, cable
television, interactive television, traveling instructors, and a myriad
of other modes have played a part in distance education. The new
educational and training technologies available via the Internet have
the potential to revolutionize distance education. Electronic mail, chat
sessions, bulletin boards, links, attachments, sound, video, and a
variety of presentation options combined with easy access and
convenience has made Internet delivery the future of distance education.
Most would agree that distance delivery has been inferior to traditional
classroom instruction. The question for the future is will distance
education continue to provide an inferior education with the advent of
virtual instruction?
The results of this study imply that Internet-based instruction is
not as effective as the traditional classroom mode. The specific results
indicate that MBA students enrolled in a macroeconomic theory course at
a regional college do not perform as well on the final exam when
instruction is delivered on the Internet versus the traditional
classroom approach. The model used corrects for performance factors such
as ability and effort. The results of this study are of a preliminary
nature and represent a first step in an attempt to assess the
effectiveness of Internet-based instruction. The fluidity of the
environment and the rapid pace of change characterizing the WWW require
further research on the topic. Specific future extensions of this paper
include collaboration with other economic and business faculty at WT and
other regional colleges in order to determine the consistency of the
results and implications derived in this study.
Becker, W. (1983). Economic Education Research: New Directions on
Theoretical Model Building. Journal of Economic Education, 14(2), 4-9.
Chizmar, J. & Spencer D. (1980). Testing the Specifications of
Economics Learning Equations. Journal of Economic Education, 11(2),
Conlin, M. (1999, August). Wiring the Ivory Tower: But Will Online
Courses Lower Standards? Business Week, 90-92.
Davisson, W. & Bonello, F. (1976). Computer Assisted
Instruction in Economics Education. University of Notre Dame Press.
Douglas, S. & Joseph, S. (1995). Estimating Educational
Production Functions with Correction for Drops. Journal of Economic
Education, 26(2), 101-112.
Hirschfeld, M., R. Moore & E. Brown (1995). Exploring the
Gender Gap on the GRE Subject Test in Economics. Journal of Economic
Education, 26(1), 3-15.
Kearsley, G. (1998). Distance Education Goes Mainstream.
Technological Horizons in Education, 25(10), 22-26.
Lezberg, A. (1998). Quality Control in Distance Education: The Role
of Regional Accreditation. American Journal of Distance Education,
12(2), 26-35.
Mawell, N. & Lopus, J. (1994). The Lake Wobegon Effect in
Student Self-Reported Data. American Economic Review, 84(2), 201-205.
Manning, L. (1996). Economics on the Internet: Electronic Mail in
the Classroom. Journal of Economic Education, 27(3), 201-204.
Porter, L. (1997). Creating the Virtual Classroom: Distance
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Neil Terry, West Texas A&M University
Table 1
Estimation of Equation (2)
Variable Coefficient t-statistic
Intercept -44.2539 -2.0457
NET -9.1551 -5.2934 *
ABILITY 0.0282 3.9764 *
HW 0.9646 4.0160 *
AGE 0.1140 0.9701
FOREIGN 1.2216 0.4585
Notes: R-square = .58, F = 16.35, * p<.01, and n = 65.