The thrill of simplicity, the agony of realism: an assessment of the sport of utility theory.
Stretcher, Robert
A framework for analysis of the choices made by individuals is a
necessity for theorists who wish to understand a population of
individuals and their behavior. The way to form an effective framework
is to specify a model of reality based on a set of axioms that govern
the population's behavior. The postulates that form the foundation
for utility theory precisely characterize a simple form of
'rational' behavior. This set of conditions forms the
analytical framework with which general statements can be formulated
explaining choices ultimately made in the marketplace.
In an ongoing effort to better describe the choices made in various
areas of economic activity, new assertions regarding, specifically, the
over-simplicity of the basic theory of utility, and generally, of
maximizing behavior, have appeared in much the same way that
Keynes' revolutionary macroeconomic challenge occurred in the
1930's. In essence, Keynes observed that many real-world choices
were made which were logical in their construction or apparent from
observation, yet did not adhere to the axioms of classical
microfoundational theory. As Keynes indicated, this can occur for a
variety of reasons, some of which he identified and explored in
developing his own macroeconomic General Theory (Keynes, 1964). In
microeconomic theory, similar observations have been made for explaining
behavior that appears rational, but seems unable to adhere to the axioms
and properties of classical utility theory.
Often, an economist will assert that if a theory consistently
explains or predicts well, there must be some kind of axiomatic foundation which governs the consistent behavior. The purpose for
economists, therefore, should be to discover these governing axioms.
Economists pursuing this purpose are counting on the premise that the
factors affecting behavior have not yet been discovered. Those still
pursuing that purpose after an initial theory is in place are counting
on the premise that that the axioms have been analyzed incorrectly, that
they are misstated, or that they are just plain wrong.
More recent work in microeconomics has revealed the position of
classical utility theory as a rather extreme special case of a
phenomenon found by many arguments to have much more complexity than the
simple classical version. The purpose of this paper is to describe the
current classroom presentation of the theory, present some of the
efforts attempted to enhance the model, and to evaluate this effort in
terms of generality, manageability, and congruence with reality.
In its most basic form, utility theory serves as a means of ranking
an individual's preferences by the level of appeal of available
alternatives at a point in time. It also determines, among other things,
the solution of variables endogenous to the model, such as the
quantities of alternative products an individual will consume while
maximizing utility under the restriction of a budget constraint. The
rankings are based on axioms that describe 'economic
1. Completeness: If A and B are any two situations, then only one
of the following can be true:
1) A is preferable to B
2) B is preferable to A
3) An individual is indifferent between A and B (Indecision is not
an option)
2. Transitivity: If A is preferred to B, and B is preferred to C,
then A must be preferred to C. An individual is assumed to fully
understand the consequences of the choices to be made, and thus makes
decisions that are internally consistent.
3. Continuity: If A is preferable to B, then outcomes
"suitably close" to A are preferable to B also. This axiom is
necessary in order to analyze differential changes in income and prices
which affect outcomes to a small degree but are not sufficiently large to affect the ordinal ranking of situations (compiled from: Copeland,
Weston 1988, Kreps, 1990, Nicholson, 1989, Chiang 1984).
In the further development of utility theory, several other
properties should be included. First, any utility function will be order
preserving. We can even assign values to utility in order to provide a
way of enumerating and ordering preferences. This is simply a matter of
convenience and is only useful to the extent that it preserves
preference ordering; in no way can one individual's utility be
compared to any other individual's utility. Second, conditions
affecting utility other than those under consideration are assumed to be
constant; this is called the ceteris paribus assumption. Third,
individuals are assumed to be able to make rational choices among a wide
array of situations; to be able to compare any given situation on the
basis of relative appeal at any specific point in time. Fourth, the very
nature of one's utility is based on a wide variety of factors that
provide satisfaction both directly and indirectly. For example, although
income yields no direct utility, the security of having a sufficient
amount of income could in itself provide satisfaction. Usually,
economists prefer to limit the analysis to direct utility, which comes
only from the spending of that income. This is understandable; often the
information an analyst wishes to derive from utility theory is to find
out what items on which individuals will spend income. Economists,
however, have often extended the use of utility theory to include
indirect versions, including utility of income, utility of current
income relative to future income (time valuation), utility of
consumption relative to leisure, and utility of certain benefits versus
uncertain benefits.
Other complicating factors include complementary products,
substitute products, economic 'bads', or consideration of
attributes of goods rather than the good itself as the direct provider
of utility. Other characteristics present in the academic literature but
specific to instructional and/or academic special cases are omitted
here. In some applications, the additional assumption of perfect
knowledge of all alternative choices is assumed.
The usual representation of consumer demand begins with a
description of a 'good' as a bundle of economic products which
together provide a positive level of satisfaction or utility (as opposed
to an economic 'bad', which provides negative utility). As a
result of this bundle being good, more of the bundle is preferable to
less of the bundle. The next step is to introduce more than one good,
usually presenting quantities of two goods graphed as good x and good y
in a two dimensional diagram. This representation allows a mapping of
points of combinations of the two goods from which the individual would
derive the same level of utility, and defines an indifference curve. The
negative of the slope of the indifference curve at a given point is
called the marginal rate of substitution, which is assumed to be
diminishing (or alternatively, well balanced bundles of goods are
preferable to bundles which contain large portions of one good and
little of the other good. This identifies strict convexity, which is
equivalent to an assumption of diminishing marginal rate of
substitution). The concept of diminishing MRS can also be approached
from the standpoint of marginal utilities, without explicitly referring
to the utility function.
The general shape of this indifference curve lends itself to
further restriction to form ideal analytical models that have appealing
characteristics, such as the Cobb-Douglas form. This particular utility
function has a familiar mapping, is homothetic (each curve looks similar
to the others because the slope at any point depends only on the ratio
of one good to the other), and exhibits a simple proportional
relationship between income and the quantities of good x and good y
desired (Douglas, 1934).
In cases where indifference curves do not exhibit the
characteristics of diminishing MRS, the solutions, when a budget
constraint is employed, often do not present difficult analytical
problems. For example, the case of perfect substitute goods implies that
an individual will simply buy from the lowest price producer. Perfect
complements imply a particular proportional relationship between two
goods, and the solution will be in fixed quantities of both goods. For
cases of more than two goods, a relatively simple mathematical
adjustment for utility maximization (subject to a budget constraint) is
required. Changes in income or in prices of the goods in question are
not problematic for the familiar forms of utility theory; they involve
shifts in the budget or isocost functions, and after such adjustments,
solutions may be recalculated. The theory of utility as developed above
serves as a very neat analytical tool that forms a sturdy base for much
of microeconomics.
As we try to encompass more and more of reality into our model, we
complicate the analytical framework of utility theory. This, in a way,
defeats the purpose of developing a simple model; the original objective
of drawing precise conclusions about a population of individuals must be
balanced against the desire of the analyst to be accurate in describing
the behavior on which those conclusions are drawn. At the root of the
behavioral description are the axioms of utility theory. Are they
reasonable? Are they necessary? And is there a better alternative to
describing the general behavior of a population? To explore these
possibilities it may be helpful to look at the manner in which
analytical methods change when a variety of situations arise.
Generalization of Preferences
Suppose we accept a more general definition of individual
preference. Instead of limiting situations to being "preferable
to" other situations, we relax preference to a weaker version:
"is preferred or is equally preferable to". Any two situations
can now have a common extreme element. This defines the difference
between "strict preference" and "weak preference"
(Kreps, 1990, pp. 22-26). Indifference, then, would appear to be defined
as the 'equally preferable' situation, although this implies a
strange indifference map. For the definition of weak preference to hold,
an indifference curve could be represented by a group of situations (S1,
S2, S3, ... Sn) whereby each situation can be ranked in terms of weak
preference, and yet it is possible for S1, the highest-ranked situation,
to be equally preferable to Sn, the lowest ranked situation (diagram A).
On the other hand, the same set of situations could simultaneously be
represented by differing levels of utility (diagram B). The mere
existence of this strange indifference result would imply an infinite
number of solutions, unless factors explaining the weakness of
preference could be identified and included in the model.
Cyclical Preferences
Imagine another situation in which an individual is unable to rank
preferences in an ordinal ranking (such that A is preferred to B and B
is preferred to C but, strangely, C is preferred to A). If you doubt the
possibility of such a scenario, just ask a child their preferences for
Christmas presents every day for a month prior to Christmas. With no
visible change in information, often in the same breath, the
child's preference will cycle around choices that are all appealing
but, through some unknown process, are not ordinally ranked. This
indecisive behavior could be the result of a wide variety of
manifestations. This baffling scenario can be mirrored in other
situations as well. Although from a modeling point of view it may appear
impractical to assume an axiomatic basis for behavior other than
rationality, a theorist might seek explanations other than those implied
by the model in cases of inconsistency such as this.
Modeling Uncertainty
In reality, individuals make decisions based on uncertain future
situations, without formal thought about probabilities of outcomes.
Often there is no choice but to go ahead and make decisions, even if
complete information does not exist (where it is assumed that one makes
a decision subject to bounded rationality) or the decision doesn't
result in an optimal utility outcome, ex-post. Uncertainty can take
several different forms within the realm of utility theory. One of the
most basic effects is the ambiguity in preference due to the possibility
of deviations from expectations. Preferences become dependent on a
variety of factors which, while still describing a single time period,
are no longer known with certainty.
Because of this, preference may not be abundantly clear. A modeler
would have to make allowances for indecision (if no information is valid
on which to base a decision) or introduce a soluble element based on
probability distributions (if useful information is expected to surface
before a decision is made) or, if possible, based on contingencies .
Uncertainty can also take the form of a simple choice between a
certain outcome and an uncertain, but statistically predictable, outcome
when that choice is available to an individual. The well-known
development of this concept is the utility for money. It begins with the
premise that more money is preferred to less money, or the assumption of
a strictly increasing utility function. The second premise is that a
unit of money at a lower level of income will increase utility to a
greater degree than the same unit of money at a higher level of income
(or that the marginal utility of money is decreasing). This assertion
has some profound results, characterized by 'risk averse'
This simply means that a certain outcome (with no variation) of a
particular value V (point a) is preferred to a fair gamble (with
variation) with an expected value V. For example, would an individual
prefer receiving $ 10 with certainty or would he or she prefer a gamble
with a .5 probability of receiving $ 5 and a .5 probability of
receiving $ 15? The expected value of both outcomes is $ 10 (point W)
and the only difference is that with the gamble, there is risk
(variation about the mean) involved. An individual who is risk averse (has a decreasing marginal utility of money), would prefer the certain
$ 10 payoff (point a) than the gamble with the same expected value
(points b and c), because the $ 10 payoff would yield a higher level of
utility than the gamble (diagram C). This result has been helpful in
pricing insurance and in estimating demand for financial assets (Von
Neumann, Morgenstern, 1944).
Perhaps a slightly different approach to modeling uncertainty is
called for in situations where preferences are contingent upon certain
events or circumstances. It seems that two possibilities could arise:
one, that a decision could be postponed until after the event occurred
or two, that a decision must be made in the present time period for one
reason or another. In the latter case, an example might be the
availability of an investment whose outcome is contingent on an event,
such as an investment in a company whose rate of return depends on the
acceptance or rejection of a large contract. If the contract is
accepted, the return on the investment would be larger and if rejected,
the return would be small or negative. Usually such an investment would
not be offered at the same price to an individual before and after the
event. As such, the decision could not be postponed and the individual,
if the investment is to be undertaken, must invest quickly.
In reaction to just this type of situation, the market makers for
securities have invented hedging tools in order to reduce the risk of
low or negative return, such as the issuance of options or warrants.
Here again, it appears that a decision can be made based on a less
questionable future by the application for the utility of money. Because
investors have different risk preferences, another investor might be
willing to pay the first party to agree to sell his investment in the
future at a specified price. This is the essence of a stock option. The
owner of the investment would have a hedge against downside risk and the
owner of the option would have the possibility of a huge profit should
the stock price increase above the exercise price of the option.
Still another uncertainty model may be built upon strategic
concerns. Suppose two options are available for choice, one maximizing
individual one's utility, the other maximizing individual
two's utility, each choice being suboptimal for the other. The
consequences of failure to agree on one choice or another is that no
option will be chosen and, therefore, no utility will be gained by
either party. For whatever reason, as illogical as it may be, sometimes
the parties may fail to agree, neither one gaining anything. This is one
of many examples of noncooperative games, which often reflect the more
complex circumstances of economic interest in the real world. A variety
of solutions may exist for noncooperative games, such as strict
dominance, successive strict dominance, weak dominance, maximizing
solutions, hedging solutions, backwards inductive solutions, or Nash
equilibria (Kreps, 1990).
A solution to a noncooperative game can even take the form of
utility maximization for both (or all) parties involved, both forms of
analysis producing the same result. The deviations from the basic forms
of these situations can be infinite, as an infinite number of
combinations of circumstances may be stated as conditions for the game.
Some questions about the usefulness of these uncertainty models remain,
however. Although very complex situations can be modeled, it is unknown
at present how this can be used to obtain useful information about
populations. The most useful role of specific games is their ability to
explain or predict behavior (or, as the case may be, explain or predict
indecision and suboptimality) in situations too complex or too specific
to be modeled well by simpler models.
Utility Interdependencies
Like it or not, isolation tank results often don't predict
environmental behavior. As we are social animals, very rarely are our
utility preferences totally independent of others' utility
preferences. For some reason, the fact that the next door neighbor just
upgraded from a carport to a three-car automatic door heated and
air-conditioned garage and workshop complex, seems to affect our own
satisfaction with our own 'carport.'
This and other effects, although not directly developed by
comparing utilities, is typical of bandwagon, snob, and Veblen effects
summarized by Liebenstein. The bandwagon effect describes the tendency
for people to desire and item because, presumably, everyone else desires
it. The snob effect is the tendency for people to desire an item for its
exclusivity, and the Veblen effect is the tendency for people to desire
an item for its high price tag. The changes in utility implied by this
behavior are assumed to be reflected directly in the demand functions
faced by firms (Liebenstein, 1948, pp. 165-201).
Interrelated Utilities
Often, the decisions made by microeconomic agents are the result of
the related utility assessments of more than one individual. Some
examples of this kind of situation are committee decisions, societal
choices, partnership decisions, choices made by married couples, or
choices resulting from agency relationships. The complications
introduced by these possibilities can be tremendous; in each case, the
mere fact that differing values, beliefs, and morals are present is
enough to build a specific model of extreme magnitude. Consider, for
example, the view of the utility of a choice made by a politician. The
candidate who presented an image, a set of morals, and campaign
promises, who supposedly represents the consensus view of his district
or representative group, who has selfish tendencies, and who is tempted
by choices which break the rules of the game, must summarize all of
these preference scenarios into specific political decisions.
Consider the committee (or partnership, or marriage) decision,
which is a result of a "game" which may involve radically
different preference rankings, dominant individual preferences,
different outcome evaluations, and/or different thought processes.
Consider the agency relationship, where an individual or group of
individuals represent another individual or group of individuals in
making decisions that are supposedly in the best interest of the group
represented. Although any and all of these constructions of convenience,
of necessity, of consequences, or of codependence are present in
society, few can be summarized using well behaved utility models
(designed to draw generalities about populations). Most are specific and
unique in nature, and often the observed results are far from what one
might expect from rational, utility maximizing populations.
K. J. Arrow has even developed separate axioms for the formulation
of social preferences from the point of view that an infinite number of
utility solutions can develop depending on the way in which decisions
are arrived at in a particular situation. For a solution to be feasible,
it must meet the characteristics of: 1.complete ordering (completeness)
2.responsiveness to individual preferences (reflects the preferences of
the individuals whose utilities are interrelated) 3.nonimposition
(social preferences are not imposed independently of individual
preferences) 4.nondictatorship (social preferences are not determined by
only one individual) 5.independence of irrelevant alternatives. Arrow
then asserts that in general, it is impossible to meet all of these
criteria in constructing social preferences. This is known as the
'Arrow Impossibility Theorem' (K.J. Arrow, 1951 [Henderson,
Quandt, 1980, p 312]).
Less constrained models represent some of the anomalies of the
current state of utility theory. As we encompass more of reality into
our models, we complicate the analytical framework; we also strive for a
more applicable model to accurately describe observed behavior.
Stigler (1965) presents "A Theory of Economic Theories"
with three criteria for wide acceptance of an economic development. They
are: (pp. 148-53)
1. Generality
2. Manageability
3. Congruence with Reality
Stigler (1965) asserts that a successful theory is almost always
more general than the preceding theory. Although there have been
exceptions to this argument, particularly in macroeconomic theoretical
development, it is reasonable to expect that if a conclusion can be
reached in a less restrictive manner, it would probably have more appeal
to theorists who desire to accurately describe.
The ability to bring a theory to use in analyzing specific problems
is a desirable quality for a successful theory. This is especially
important in a field such as economics, which often involves
mathematical complications or extensions to less obvious applications in
making models generally applicable. A popular argument within economics
is on the one hand, the more closely a model reflects reality, generally
the greater the likelihood of wide acceptance by theorists. Intuitive
assertions are accepted only to the point of belief and agreement, in an
academic discipline where empirical evidence is often required as proof.
On the other hand, the more closely reality is reflected, the less
likely a simple (restricted to simplicity for the sake of precise
conclusions) axiomatic foundation is readily applicable.
With these criteria in mind, we can assess the likelihood that
development of any of the aforementioned complications to the analytical
framework of utility theory will become an integral part of mainstream
economic thought. All three of these criteria are generally applicable
to economic theories. The third criterion, congruence with reality, may
convince us to look at the possibility that the rational basis for
utility theory could be inadequate for general application in the real
world. The following section examines each of the relaxed constraints
previously discussed, evaluating them according to these criteria
The strange indifference curves resulting from weak preference
rankings (diagrams A and B) represent a direct inconsistency with the
axiom of transitivity. While this axiom could still hold true for
rankings involving no question of equality of ranking, the possibility
exists for an individual to rank situations in a way that is internally
inconsistent. Changing from strict to weak preference would therefore
appear to support the analytical framework of utility theory, but in
specific cases where we allow simultaneous existence of preferable or
equally preferable choices, the analytical framework collapses because
of its inability to explain this anomaly. While meeting the criterion of
congruence with reality and greater generality, the inclusion of weak
preferences as part of a utility theory does not appear to be a very
manageable development.
Cyclical preferences are another source of inconsistency which
precludes the existence of not only transitivity but also the axiom of
completeness. Utility theory simply does not allow for the possibility
of an individual being unable to ordinally rank cyclical outcomes.
Again, while meeting the criteria for generality and congruence with
reality, the inclusion of the possibility of cyclical preferences
undermines the integrity of the axiomatic foundation of utility theory.
Considerable strides have been made in the modeling of
(statistically predictable) risk within the realm of utility theory. One
of the most common approaches is to form probability distributions about
expected (mean) outcomes and use these as a numerical proxy for utility.
Although there are numerous measurement and statistical problems under
certain circumstances, probability distributions do not appear to
undermine the basic axioms of utility theory. Also, if used in a static
model and considered the only basis for ordinal rankings (ignoring
variance), expected values are order preserving, the property of choice
among a wide variety of situations is still intact, and expected values
would appear to embrace both direct and indirect versions of utility
functions. One property, the ceteris paribus property, is not binding in
a static model strictly using expected values, because factors affecting
the variation from expectations are not required to be constant; they
account for the variation about the mean, which does not affect ordinal
The utility for money has been explored extensively by theorists
and there appear to be few problems in applying the concept of risk
aversion to utility theory. in fact, this concept has become the basis
for financial asset pricing models, demand models for insurance
products, and for explaining risk averse behavior observed in financial
markets. The indirectness of the utility function for money as a
provider of satisfaction has not resulted in prohibitive complications.
Not only is utility theory enhanced as a more general model, it also
better explains real world markets while still retaining manageability.
The market participants themselves have invented tools to manage
uncertainty, including options, warrants, and futures. Currently,
utility theory and other theories are being used to analyze and evaluate
these instruments. Although the mathematical process is growing more
complicated, it appears that utility theory is still intact as a
foundation for many of these models that pool individual uncertainties
or provide for forward contracts, or are hospitable to hedging
Strategic concerns, another way that uncertainty can surface in the
real world, appear to be beyond the general applicability of the simple
framework of utility theory, simply because so many factors and
circumstances may be introduced into the model. Although useful in
analyzing specific cases, strategic analysis (or non-cooperative game theory) does not comply with the simple calculus of utility theory. On
the basis of generality, strategic analysis incorporates many more real
world situations than utility theory can, but conclusions usually are
imprecise and not applicable to other situations. The degree of
manageability, it seems, would be a subjective assessment; the economist
might argue that strategic analysis results in an infinite number of
possible solutions and ambiguity in its conclusions, whereby the
strategic analyst might assert that flexibility and accuracy, whether
intuitive or not, are needed more than a decision based on a precise but
inaccurate model. Although there are some key differences in strategic
analysis and game theory, the application is quite similar; both are
used for specific cases that may be quite complicated and totally unfit
for simpler models of behavior.
Utility interdependencies have been intuitively explained in
relation to demand. The curious results in demand analysis should be
reflected in the utility curves that support demand theory. For example,
the utility function for a 'bandwagon product' would be a
function not only of the attributes inherent in the product itself but
also would be positively related to the size of the market for such a
good. The 'snob' effect is a reversal of the bandwagon
relationship between demand and market size, where utility is a function
of the attributes of the product and a negative function of market size.
The 'Veblen' effect encompasses utility as a function of
product attributes and as a positive function of price, which defines
conspicuous consumption. The adjustments of utility functions to
accommodate these effects are not complicated ones, and they add to the
applicability of the utility model to a greater number of situations. It
would appear from the three criteria for wide acceptance of a model that
these effects are easily accepted. Liebenstein does not present the
manifestations in utility theory exhibited here, but is keyed to demand
and observable results. These applications to utility theory follow
traditional lines of thought from utility to demand analysis.
Interrelated utilities form a special kind of problem for the
axioms of utility. One of the basic postulates of utility is that one
individual's utility cannot be compared or measured relative to
another individual's utility. According to the
'rationality' of behavior, an individual would only enter a
condition of cooperative decision making if it were possible to achieve
a greater level of utility. If this rationality is generally applicable,
the only relationships attainable would be ones of greater utility for
both (all) parties involved. One could even argue that convenience,
necessity, consequences, or codependence all provide inherent utility
and that a situation of interrelated utilities complements the axioms of
utility; that utility is simply difficult to comprehend and measure. We
should have difficulty, however, in defining just which type of utility
is to be maximized. When and how does an individual decide to sacrifice
his own utility to maximize the utility of the group as a whole
(Davidson, Davidson 1988)? What happens if conflict occurs? These
questions are unlikely to be answered in the limited scope of utility
theory. Most utility interrelationships are specific in nature and would
not easily be explained by a general model. If a model were to be
constructed to reflect these conditions, it may well be so analytically
complicated that it is impractical to construct for all but the most
rewarding uses.
What type of consensus may eventually emerge concerning the
usefulness of the axiomatic version of utility theory? It is obvious
that as we encompass more and more of reality into our model, we
complicate its analytical framework. Many of the changes discussed are
manageable adaptations and they extend the explanatory or predictive
ability of the model. Others, such as introducing weak preference or
cyclical preference, appear to undermine its axiomatic foundation.
It seems likely that successful analysts depend not only on a
restrictive theory of behavior but also realize the importance of a
wider range of conditions and anomalies of the real world which affect
economic events. One thing is certain: as long as observed behavior is
seemingly unexplained by current economic models, economists will strive
to explain them in terms of a new set of axioms and postulates which
describe the general behavior characteristics underlying these
observable results.
It also seems reasonable to expect that the strict assumptions
associated with simple constructs might be relaxed to form a more
general model encompassing a greater range of cases, enhancing, if not
the predictive ability of utility theory, the explanatory ability of
microeconomic analysis.
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Robert Stretcher, Hampton University