CFD study of the effect of baffles on the energy consumption and the flow structure in a vessel stirred by a Rushton turbine.
Kamla, Y. ; Bouzit, M. ; Hadjeb, A. 等
a - blade width, m; ds - shaft diameter, m; c - impeller
off-bottomed clearance, m; d - impeller diameter, m; b - blade height ,
m; W - baffle length, m; D - tank diameter, m; H - liquid level, m; N -
impeller rotational speed, 1/s; P - power, W, [omega] - direction of
impeller rotation; Np power number, dimensionless; R - radial
coordinate, m; R* - dimensionless radial coordinate, R* = R/D; Re
Reynolds number, dimensionless; Rc* - radius of the baffle curvature,
dimensionless; [V.sub.z] - axial velocity, m/s; [V.sub.[theta]]
tangential velocity, m/s; [V.sub.r] - radial velocity, m/s; Z - axial
coordinate, m; Z* - dimensionless axial coordinate, Z* = 2Z/D; [rho] -
fluid density, kg/[m.sup.3]; [mu] - viscosity, Pa s
1. Introduction
When an agitated system is fitted with baffles, a slight increase
in the power consumption will be required [1]. On the other hand, the
baffles break the tangential flow induced by the rotation of the
agitator and they transform it into axial and radial components that
obstruct the rotational movement. This resistance results in an increase
in the power consumption.
Iranshahi et al. [2] studied experimentally the baffles
repercussions on the power consumption and the hydrodynamic
characteristics of an agitated tank by a Max-blend impeller. Lu et al.
[3] examined by experiments the effect of width and number of baffles
(from 2 to 8 baffles) on the mixing time in mechanically agitated
vessels with single and triple standard Rushton turbine for a system
with and without aeration.
Other authors studied the effects of some geometrical parameters of
baffles such us (number, width, length and distance between the lower
edge of the baffle and the bottom of the vessel) on the heat transfer
coefficient in an agitated tank by a RT (Rushton Turbine), PBT (Pitched
Blade Turbine) and a propeller [4].
Vakili and Esfahany [5] studied the effect of baffle width for
two-blade impeller. Bittins and Zehner [6], Karcz et al. [7] and Ammar
et al. [8] interested to the influence of the baffles length on the
power consumption for different kinds of agitators: RT, PBT and a
propeller. They noted that the power number strongly depends on the
baffles length. Khazam et al. [10] showed the effect of baffles
configuration on the drawdown agitator speed and power consumption for
the PBT and A340 impellers.
Youcefi et al. [9] studied numerically the effect of three types of
a cylindrical tank: with baffles, without baffles, and a tank with slots
placed at the external perimeter of its vertical wall. They concluded
that these slots contribute to the reduction of the power consumption
and the vortices size.
An efficient impeller should ensure the fluid circulation in the
whole vessel volume. The design of the impeller, its location in the
vessel and its rotational speed, the tank design and the fluid
properties influence strongly the performance of such mixing systems.
Somme authors interested to the effects of the impeller design [11],
others to the tank design [13-14], the shaft eccentricity [15-19], the
spacing between two impellers [20-24], or the impeller rotational speed
In the present paper, we interest to the RT (Rushton Turbine)
operating in the turbulent regime with a Newtonian fluid. We focus of
the effects of baffles on the flow structure and power consumption. Our
search in the literature reveals that no study has been achieved
concerning the effect of the baffle curvature. Therefore, we intend to
highlight the effect of this parameter on the efficiency of a stirred
2. Presentation of the problem
The mixing configuration consists of a flat bottomed cylindrical
vessel equipped with a Rushton turbine. The vessel has a diameter D =
150 mm and it is provided with four baffles of width W = D / 10 (Fig.
Mixing is achieved by a standard Rushton turbine with six blades of
diameter d = D / 3 placed at one third of the liquid height (c = D / 3).
Values of the impeller blade height and width are b= D / 5, a = D / 4
respectively. The liquid (water) height in the tank is equal to the tank
diameter D = H. In order to investigate the effects of the baffles
curvature (Rc*), we've realized five geometrical configurations:
Rc* = 0, 1/30, 3/30, 5/30 and 7/30.
The Reynolds number expressed as follows:
Re = [rho]N[d.sup.2]/[mu] (1)
Results are presented in dimensionless form as follows:
R* = 2R = D; Z* = Z/D, (2)
where R and Z are the radial and axial coordinates, respectively.
The dimensionless velocity and power number are given by the
following equations, respectively:
V* = V/[pi]ND; (3)
[N.sub.p] = P/[rho][N.sup.3] [d.sup.5]. (4)
3. Numerical simulation
The geometry of the simulated problem is created by the
pre-processor INSYS ICEM CFD and then divided into tetrahedral meshes
(Fig. 2).
Calculations are achieved by the ANSYS CFX. There are three
techniques available to simulate the fluid flows in stirred tanks: the
Rotating Reference Frame (approach), the sliding mesh and Multiple
Reference Frame (MRF) approach. The last technique is used when the tank
is provided with baffles [18, 28, and 29]. In the present paper, the MRF
technique is used. In this approach, the area is divided into two zones,
a zone around the agitator is simulated in a reference frame which
rotates with the stirrer and requires a speed equal to the speed of
impeller (rotating frame), the remaining volume of the vessel
constitutes the second area wherein the equations are resolved in a
fixed reference and given an absolute speed equal to zero (fixed
coordinate system). The fluid used is Newtonian (water). The Reynolds
number is changed from 40,000 to 60,000 and the standard (k-e) model is
used as a turbulence model.
The effect of grid size on the predicted results (power consumption
and velocity at the impeller tip) is also studied. A mesh of about
1,232,562 elements has given the best compromise between the accuracy of
results and the time required for obtaining convergence. Almost all
calculations required about 4,000 to 5,000 iterations and about 4-6
hours of CPU time in a machine Pentium i7 core with 8 Ghz of RAM.
4. Validation of the predicted results
The predicted results of the radial velocity were compared with the
experimental data done by Wu and Patterson [30], and the numerical
results of Sun et al. [31] and Feng et al. [32] (Fig. 3). Profiles of
the axial velocity component were also compared with the numerical
results obtained by Youcefi et al. [9], (Fig. 4). The comparison shows a
satisfactory accuracy.
5. Results and discussions
5.1. Effect of Reynolds numbers
Fig. 5 presents the velocity streamlines in a range of Reynolds
number varying from 40,000 to 80,000. The results show the formation of
two recirculation loops, one above and other below the impeller. The
vortex generated above the impeller increases in size with the increase
of Reynolds number.
5.2. Effect of the baffle curvature
Fig. 6 shows the effects of the baffles curvature on the axial
velocity. As remarked, the increase of the baffle curvature in the
counter-clockwise direction (- [omega]) generates an intense flow near
the free surface of fluid and makes it more disturbed.
5.3. Effect of the baffle curvature and rotational direction
5.3.1. Axial velocity
Axial velocity profiles at the height Z* = 0.66 (Figs. 7, a, b)
show the vortex formation for all the geometrical arrangements studied
and for both rotational directions. The intensity of the axial velocity
is more strong for the tank equipped with baffles that have a curvature
Rc* = 7/30 in the clockwise direction. For the counterclockwise
direction (- [omega]), the absence of vortices near the free surface for
baffled tanks with Rc* = 5/30 et 7/30 (Figs. 7, c, d).
For positions near to free liquid surface Z* = 0.986 (Figs. 7, e,
f), the increase of the baffle curvature enhances the axial pumping. The
axial velocity is more active for Rc* = R / D = 7/30 (i.e. 23% from the
vessel diameter) compared to the other studied cases.
Fig. 8 shows the effects of the geometrical configuration on the
flow structure inside the tank for Re = 60,000. We note that the bending
radius of baffles has a great influence on the size of the recirculation
loops formed in the upper part of the tank. Indeed, for the
counter-clockwise direction (- [omega]), the size of the vortices in the
upper part is inversely proportional to the baffles curvature radius.
However, the relation is proportional for the clockwise direction (+
An important remark is drawn from Fig. 8 is that the increase of
baffle curvature reduces the axial vortices. However and when Rc* =
7/30, a secondary vortex is formed for the case of (- [omega]) (as
confirmed by Fig. 9).
Elson et al. [33] demonstrated that the presence of baffles
increases considerably the well-stirred region size for both vertical
and horizontal directions. Fig. 10 allows us to compare the effects of
the impeller rotational direction and the baffles curvature on the
well-stirred region size. For the case (+ [omega]), the results show
that the well stirred region size becomes wider while increasing the
baffles curvature. We note also that the fluid motion in the lower part
of the vessel becomes more intense when the blade is curved by 23%.
The present results prove that the curvature of baffles in the case
(+ [omega]) increases the well-stirred region size even more than
straight baffles and therefore increases the mixing efficiency. The case
(+ [omega]) is more efficient than the case (- [omega]).
5.3.3. Vortex size
The variation of the vortex size (recirculation loop) in the upper
part of the vessel with respect to the bending radius of the baffles is
presented in Fig. 11.
As shown, for the counter-clockwise direction (- [omega]), the
increase of the baffle curvature the decrease of the vortex size. The
opposite fact is noticed for the case (+ [omega]) where the vortex size
is this time proportional to the radius of curvature (Fig. 12). These
remarks are valid for the three values of Reynolds numbers (Re = 40,000,
60,000 and 80,000).
5.3.4. Dead zones behind baffles
Fig. 13 illustrates the formation of a dead zone behind the
straight baffle. When the impeller is rotating in opposite clock-wise
direction, the increase of the baffle curvature yields large dead zones.
However and in the case of (+ [omega]), the curvature provides the
advantage to eliminate these zones resulting thus in better mixing
characteristics. Dead zones are completely disappeared for a bending
radius Rc* = 3/30 and 7/30 with the rotational direction (+ [omega]).
6. Power consumption
The power consumption in stirred tanks is known as one of the most
important parameter which is influenced by several factors such as:
impeller and tank design. Given this definition, our attention was
focused on the investigation of the baffle curvature effects on the
power consumption.
Different comparisons between our predicted results and other
experimental and numerical data are provided and summarized in Table.
The validation shows a satisfactory agreement.
For the case (- [omega]), the power consumption begins to decrease
with increasing baffle curvature. However, when the baffle is curved by
10% (Rc* = Rc / D = 10%), the power consumption increases newly and then
it remains almost constant for further increase of Rc*.
For the case (+ [omega]), the results presented in Table reveals a
continuous reduction in the power consumption with increasing baffle
curvature. When Rc* = 7/30 (i.e. 23% from the vessel diameter), the
power consumption is reduced by about 47% compared to the straight
7. Conclusions
For the counter clockwise rotational direction (- [omega]), the
curved baffle doesn't present changes in the power consumption
compared to the standard form. While a third recirculation loop is
created in the upper part of the vessel for the curvatures Rc* = 5/30
and Rc* = 7/30, which can enhance the mixing efficiency but with
instabilities in the free surface of liquid.
For the clockwise rotational direction (+ [omega]) case, the power
consumption decreases with respect to the curvature, the vortex and
well-stirred region sizes increase slightly which can enhance the mixing
efficiency without introducing damaging instabilities in the free
surface area.
We finally conclude that the optimal configuration in terms of
power consumption and flow circulation is the case of Rc* = 7/30 and the
positive rotational direction (+ [omega]). A drop by 47% in the power
consumption is obtained by Rc* = 7/30 compared to the straight baffle
(Rc* = 0) with an equivalent mixing result in term of the well-stirred
region size.
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Received July 08, 2015
Accepted May 11, 2016
Y. Kamla *, M. Bouzit **, A. Hadjeb ***, I.M. Arab ****, M.
Beloudane *****
* Universite des sciences et de la technologie USTO-MB, 1505 El
M'nouar, Oran, Algeria, Laboratoire des sciences et ingenieries
maritimes E-mail:
** Universite des sciences et de la technologie USTO-MB, E-mail:
*** Universite des sciences et de la technologie USTO-MB, E-mail:
Power number for Re = 4 x [10.sup.4]
Exp. [34] Num. [9] Num. [Present work]
Rc * 0 0 0 1/30 3/30 5/30 7/30
+ [omega] 6.07 6,71 6.41 5.02 5.00 4.51 3.40
- [omega] / / 6.41 5.48 5.77 6.67 6.70