Fault detection and diagnosis of belt weigher using improved DBSCAN and Bayesian regularized neural network.
Liang, Zhu ; Fei, He ; Yifei, Tong 等
1. Introduction
Continuous bulk materials weighing equipment (CBMWE) is measuring
equipment for bulk materials trade, widely used in ports, docks, power
plant, metallurgy, building materials, electronics, chemical, food,
mining, etc. Due to the poor working environment and long time high-load
operation, the inaccurate measurement and various faults occur
frequently, which cause a great number of economic losses directly.
Meanwhile, the fault diagnosis and maintenance also have been plagued by
users and manufacturers, because most of the fault diagnosis &
maintenance are completed on site by experienced professionals
dispatched by the producer, which leads to high costs. Hence, the timely
detection, diagnosis and maintenance of the faults are necessary to
avoid more economic losses [1]. In order to improve the maintenance
quality of equipment and reduce the cost, online fault detection and
diagnosis of CBMWE is of great immediate significance. Electronic belt
weigher (BW), visual weigher, nuclear scale, etc are the most used
CBMWE, whose data has great similarity in that the fault data vary with
the flow while the weighing principles are different. Among them, BW is
the most widely used CBMWE and has the best performance, so fault
detection and diagnosis of CBMWE are studied based on BW in this paper.
With the increasing of measurement accuracy, BW has developed from
single weighing sensor to multiple ones. Therefore, in this paper, the
belt weigher is taken as the research object of fault detection and
diagnosis of CBMWE.
Generally speaking, there is a main approach with two steps for
online fault detection & diagnosis of BW: the first step is to
extract the fault data from the weigher sensors, and the second step is
to classify the fault pattern based on the extracted fault data in the
previous step [2]. Considering that a belt weigher is the body of
real-time variable mass [3], which means that the dosing data including
the normal data and fault data vary with the materials flows, it is
difficult to extract the fault data directly. But for the belt weigher
with multiple weighing units, the dosing data of normal weighing units
vary consistently as well as the dosing data of the weighing units with
the same fault. So we prefer to apply the clustering algorithm to
extracting the dosing data of normal with weighing units as the normal
data, owing to the fact that the normal weighing units are in the
majority of all the units, and then the fault data can be extract based
on the normal data. After that, the machine learning methods are adopted
to learn from the fault samples and find out the dynamic features of
different faults, so that the dynamic fault data can be classified to
the specified fault mode while the fault data vary with the materials
flows. In summary, the fault detection & diagnosis can be summarized
as an online "clustering & classification" problem in
Clustering is an unsupervised learning algorithm, which has strong
robustness for random signal and important application in fault
detection and diagnosis. During the detection of fault data, the
application of clustering algorithm can reduce the dimension of fault
data and keep down the training time of subsequent recognition model.
Issam applied kernel k-means into the pre-processing of fault data [4].
Hesam proposed an online fault detection method based on WFCM clustering
[5]. However, they both need to specify the number of clusters in
advance, and K-means can only discover spherical clusters. Li Yamin
introduced affinity propagation clustering algorithm into aeroengine
fault diagnosis in emergency [6], which did not need to specify the
number of clusters but can't handle noisy data very well. DBSCAN is
a kind of density-based clustering algorithm, which can discover
clusters of any shape [7, 8], but DBSCAN does not operate well when the
density of data space is not uniform [9, 10].
As for fault pattern recognition, fault diagnosis is cosnsidered as
the problem of multi-classification after the fault data is detected
online. Various approaches developed for this purpose can be mainly
divided into two categories. The first is mathematical model-based, like
multinomial logistic regression [11] and Bayesian networks [12]. The
second is related to the artificial intelligence, like fuzzy classifier
[13], artificial neural networks (ANN) [14], SVM [15] and ELM [16].
Recently, more and more attentions have been paid to the development of
artificial intelligence. Most of artificial intelligence approaches are
based on ANN which have great capabilities in modeling nonlinear
systems. Bo et al. presented an approach for motor rolling bearing fault
diagnosis using neural networks and time/ frequency-domain bearing
vibration analysis [17]. They applied the bearing vibration frequency
features and time-domain characteristics into a neural network to
recognize the fault patterns. Mahdieh and Farhad proposed a hybrid
neural network for soft fault diagnosis of the circuit under test, which
avoided the local optimum by using genetic algorithm and can obtain the
accurate optimal solution quickly owing to the rapid convergence of back
propagation algorithm [18]. S.S. Tayarani presented a dynamic neural
network for fault diagnosis of a dual spool aircraft jet engine, which
used an IIR (infinite impulse response) filter to generate dynamics
between the input and output of a neuron and consequently of the entire
network [19]. Xiaoyue et al. introduced probability neural network as
the classifier of fault diagnosis [20]. However, they are only based on
empirical risk minimization principle, and the experiment data of CBMWE
or BW is relatively difficult to collect. Therefore, this paper tries to
make the classifier simple enough with the regularization theory.
In this paper, we propose an improved DBSCAN, and build a fault
diagnosis machine of BW by combining the improved DBSCAN with ANN. The
remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, a
framework of the BW's online fault detection & diagnosis is
proposed. In Section 3, an improved DBSCAN is proposed and applied into
the fault detection online. Section 4 introduces the Bayesian
regularization neural network (BRNN) as a novel approach into the fault
diagnosis of BW. In Section 5 the experiment of BW's online fault
detection and diagnosis using the improved DBSCAN and BRNN is conduct to
validate the effectiveness of the model proposed in this paper, and
Section 6 summarizes some conclusions.
2. Fault detection and diagnosis of BW based on clustering and
As mentioned in the introduction, in order to achieve the
intelligent fault detection and diagnosis of BW, a scheme is proposed
that extract the normal data and detect the fault data using clustering
algorithm at the same time, and then identify the fault pattern by the
classification of the detected fault data, as shown in Fig. 1.
In the practical situation, the fault data points are fewer
relative to the normal points, so the following assumption can be made:
Suppose [D.sup.2] = {[x.sup.t.sub.1], [x.sup.t.sub.2], ...
[x.sup.t.sub.m]} is the sample dataset of m weighing sensors containing
IN ASCII] at time t. And then according to the fact we can assume that
the number of data points in [D.sup.t.sub.0] is larger than any one in
As described in Section 1, a belt weigher is the body of
real-variable mass, so that there are increase and discharge of
materials on any weighing unit at any time, which means [D.sup.t] varies
IN ASCII] is infinitesimally small while the Euclidean distance between
x2 e D2 and [x.sup.t.sub.j] [member of] [D.sup.t.sub.j] for any i, j =
0, 1, ..., k is still very large. Therefore, the fault detection can be
realized by extracting the [D.sup.t.sub.0] and determining whether #
([D.sup.t.sub.0]) < # ([D.sup.t]) with the assumption that
extraction of fault data. After that, the fault diagnosis can be
completed by classifying the fault pattern with fault data with the
machine learning methods.
3. Online fault detection based on improved DBSCAN
The key idea of DBSCAN is that for each point of a cluster the
neighborhood of a given radius has to contain at least a minimum number
of points, i.e. the density in the neighborhood has to exceed some
threshold. The shape of a neighborhood is determined by the distance
function for two points p and q, denoted by dist(p,q).
Definition 1. The Eps-neighborhood of a point p, denoted by
[N.sub.Eps](p), is defined by [N.sub.Eps] (p j = {q [member of] D|dist
(p, q) [less than or equal to] Eps}.
Definition 2. An object p is directly density-reachable from an
object q wrt. Eps and MinPts in the set of objects D if
(1) p [member] [N.sub.Eps] (q j is the Eps-neighborhood of q),
(2) [absolute value of ([N.sub.Eps](q))] [greater than or equal to]
Definition 3. A point p is density-reachable from a point q wrt.
Eps and MinPts if there is a chain of points [p.sub.1], ..., [p.sub.n],
[p.sub.1] = q, [p.sub.n] = p such that [p.sub.i+l] is directly
density-reachable from [p.sub.i].
Definition 4. An object p is density-connected to an object q wrt.
Eps and MinPts in the set of objects D if there is an object o [member
of] D such that both p and q are density-reachable from o wrt. Eps and
MinPts in D.
Definition 5 Let D be a database of points. A cluster C wrt. Eps
and MinPts is a non-empty subset of D satisfying the following
(1) [for all]p, q: if p [member of] C and q is density-reachable
from p wrt. Eps and MinPts, then q [member of] C. (Maximality).
(2) [for all]p, q [member of] C: p is density-connected to q wrt.
Eps and MinPts. (Connectivity).
Definition 6. Let [C.sub.1], ..., [C.sub.k] be the clusters of the
database D wrt. parameters Epsi and [MinPts.sub.i], i = 1, ..., k. Then
the noise is the set of points in the database D not belonging to any
cluster [C.sub.i], i.e. noise = {p [member of] D| [for all] i: p [not
member of] [C.sub.i]} [7].
An object is core object if it satisfies condition (2) of
Definition 2, and a border object is such an object that is not a core
object itself but is density-reachable from another core object.
On the basis of the above definition, steps of DBSCAN algorithm are
as follows:
Stepl. In the given dataset D={[x.sub.1], [x.sub.2], ...,
[x.sub.N]}, select an unprocessed data point [x.sub.t] randomly;
Step 2. If the selected data point [x.sub.t] is a core object, and
then the data points, which are density-reachable from [x.sub.t], form a
cluster; else the selected data point [x.sub.t] is a border object, and
then jump out of the loop, looking for the next point.
Step 3. Repeat Step 1 and 2, until all the points in the dataset D
are processed.
3.2. Online fault detection of BW based on the improved DBSCAN
Based on the above assumption in Section 2, this paper proposes to
achieve the online fault detection by applying the online clustering to
separating the normal data points [D.sup.t.sub.0] from the fault data
points {[D.sup.t.sub.1], ... [D.sup.t.sub.k]}. Generally, there are two
ways of the separation by online clustering: one is to extract the
normal data points from the background; the other one is to cluster the
dataset [D.sup.t] into {[C.sub.1], [C.sub.2], ..., [C.sub.k],} by
applying clustering algorithm without specifying the class number in
advance, and then get the normal dataset [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]. In practice, the latter way is picked up as the
scheme of fault detection owing to its better reliability, which is
depicted in Fig. 2.
In order to detect the fault online, firstly, the clustering
algorithm is presented to divide the sample data of BW into different
clusters as soon as the dataset [D.sup.t] is sampled, and then the
IN ASCII], and finally whether #([D.sup.t.sub.0])<#([D.sup.t]) is
However, the density of the dataset of weighing sensors varies
while the BW operates in different flows, which can lead to great
changes in the distribution of distance function, so the original DBSCAN
doesn't have a good robustness in different flows. In order to
improve the robustness, the improved DBSCAN is presented by replacing
the distance function
disO(x,[x.sub.t])=[[parallel]x-[x.sub.t][parallel].sup.2] with the
similarity function in the DBSCAN:
The similarity function is in essence an adaptive normalization, so
the improved DBSCAN is able to avoid the impact of different flows.
4. Online fault diagnosis based on BRNN
4.1. BRNN
ANN is one of the most widely used methods in fault diagnosis,
especially the back propagation neural network (BPNN). BPNN is a
supervised algorithm which is typically trained by minimizing the loss
function with the gradient descent method. Given the samples
{([x.sub.1], [y.sub.1]), ..., ([x.sub.n], [y.sub.n])}, [x.sub.i] [member
of] [R.sup.m], the loss function based on ERM is as follows:
L(w) = 1/2n [n.summation over (p = 1)] [([t.sub.p] -
[y.sub.p]).sup.T] ([t.sub.p] - [y.sub.p]), (2)
where [t.sub.p] is the expecting output.
However, the neural network, which is trained by adopting Eq. (2)
as the loss function, tends to overfit when the train samples are not
enough. Therefore, in consideration of that the fault diagnosis data of
BW is very difficult to sample, BRNN is developed into the fault
diagnosis of BW and the loss function is:
where [E.sub.D] is the empirical risk, [E.sub.W] is the
regularization term, and [alpha], [beta] are objective function
parameters [21]. With the Bayesian regularization, the potential for
overfitting of network can be greatly reduced. In BRNN the weights are
considered as random variables with Gaussian distribution and thus their
density function can be updated as:
P (w | D, [alpha], [beta], M) = P(D|w, [beta], M)P(w|[alpha],
M)/P(D|[alpha], [beta], M), (4)
where D represents the data set, M is the particular neural network
model used, and w is the vector of network weights [22]. With the
assumption that the noise in the training set data is Gaussian, the
probability density function for the weights can be determined. And then
the optimal regularization parameters [alpha] and [beta] are obtained at
the minimum point [w.sup.MP] which can be acquired by minimizing the
objective function L(w) using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm:
where [gamma] is the effective number of well-measured parameters,
and H is the Hessian matrix of L(w) which is computed with the
Gauss-Newton approximation: H = [[nabla].sup.2]L(w) [approximately equal
to] 2p[J.sup.T] J + 2[alpha][I.sub.N] (J is the Jacobian matrix of L(w),
and N is the total number of parameters in the network) [23], [21].
The training process of BRNN shown in Fig. 3 is similar to the EM
algorithm (Expectation Maximization algorithm). After the
initialization, the training is conducted through repeating that solve
Eq. (5) after the L-M minimization of Eq. (3) until [gamma], [E.sub.D]
and [E.sub.W] of the networks keep basically stable or remain unchanged
after each training. The number of hidden layer neurons Nu can be
determined based on [gamma], [E.sub.D] and [E.sub.W] in the training. A
small value of [N.sub.hl] is assigned in the initialization, and then
the value of [N.sub.hl] increases until the end of training.
4.2. Fault diagnosis based on BRNN
In this paper, a three layered feedforward BRNN including one input
layer, one hidden layer, and one output layer is developed as a
classifier to identify the given binary fault pattern of BW. The tangent
sigmoid function tanh(x) is chosen as the activation function of the
hidden layer, and the linear function is chosen for the output layer
Fault diagnosis is a classification problem in essence, while the
feedforward network is designed for the regression problem. Thus, the
fault patterns need to be encoded as binary data before building the
diagnosis model, and then the classification will be accomplished by
finding the nearest fault pattern of the binary output. The detailed
process of fault diagnosis is shown as follows (Fig. 4):
Step 1. Encode the fault patterns as binary data, and train the
feedforward network as Fig. 3 depicts;
Step 2. Apply the trained network to predicting the binary output
of the given test data;
Step 3. Calculate the distance between the predicted binary output
and all fault patterns, and then find out the closest fault pattern to
the binary output.
5. Case study
In this section, a case study is conducted on the test of 3# array
belt weigher (ABW) in the BW test center of Nanjing Sanai Industrial
Automation Co. Ltd. 3# ABW can recycle the materials. The real-time data
are collected by ARM7 and transmitted through RS485 bus to the upper PC
which receives the data by using MATLAB serial communication. In order
to yield the best results, both the training data and real-time data are
normalized within the range [0,1] by the "mapminmax" function.
The improved DBSCAN and BRNN are realized with MATLAB system software
system. All the programs are implemented by the hardware of Core
i3-2.35G CPU, memory 6G and hard disk 500G
As shown in Fig. 5, 3# ABW, which takes 42 seconds (2.21 m/s) to
run a cycle, includes 8 weighing units which are far enough away from
the loading point to avoid the interference caused by the impact of the
load, especially the sudden large materials [25].
5.1. Fault pattern of ABW
The sampling frequency of each weighing unit is 10 Hz. The data at
each time is composed of the real-time data from 8 weighing unit and
several parameters of BW. Six kinds of common fault, which are listed
and coded in Table 1, are simulated in 3# ABW and each weighing unit has
the similar fault patterns. Because there are at most three weighing
unit areas existing fault at the same time in actual operation, each
group in the experiment only makes at most 4 weighing unit areas
simulate fault. Moreover, different groups are conducted at the flows of
no-load, 200 t/h, 500 t/h and 800 t/h to validate the effectiveness and
feasibility of the fault detection & diagnosis model. The total
amount of materials through the BW at each flow is 50 t. The major
parameters of 3# ABW are listed in Table 2:
Table 1
Fault patterns of ABW
Fault Pattern Fault Code
Normal [0,0,0]
Wear on the surface of sensors [0,0,1]
The stuck weighing frame [0,1,0]
Looseness on weighing frame [0,1,1]
Poor sensor connection [1,0,0]
The stuck idler [1,0,1]
Looseness on sensors [1,1,0]
Table 2
Parameters of 3# ABW
Width of Idler Thickness of Groove angle
belt, mm spacing, mm belt, mm of idler
1000 1200 12 13[degrees]
5.2. Experiment of online fault detection based on improved DBSCAN
The experiment of online fault detection is conducted by comparing
the accuracy and instantaneity of various clustering algorithms. DBSCAN,
improved DBSCAN and fuzzy hierarchical clustering (FHC) are applied to
the online clustering analysis of the real-time data from 8 weighing
unit with noise when BW operates at the flow of no-load, 200, 500 and
800 t/h respectively.
Fig. 6 illustrates the bad robustness of DBSCAN for different
flows. In order to realize the fault detection of different flows, four
optimal models based on the DBSCAN can be acquired through learning the
data of four flows respectively. However, all the optimal four models
cannot handle the data of all flows well. In other words, the fault
detection model based on DBSCAN is unable to be adjusted with one Eps
and one MinPts to handle all the data of different flows well. Thus, it
is necessary to improve DBSCAN by replacing the distance function
dist(p,q) with the similarity function r(p,q).
As shown in Fig. 7, both the accuracy of FHC and improved DBSCAN is
very high and has no significant changes at different flows, namely much
better robustness than DBSCAN. That's because both the FHC and
improved DBSCAN calculate the similarity of any two points instead of
the distance, and as described above the calculation process of the
similarity is in essence an adaptive normalization. Moreover, the
improved DBSCAN has a bit higher accuracy than FHC owing to its good
noise processing capability [26].
In addition to the accuracy and robustness, Table 3 details the
instantaneity of FHC and improved DBSCAN, and it can be easily concluded
that the improved DBSCAN consumes less time and is more suitable for
online fault detection than FHC. That's because the average run
time complexity of DBSCAN is O(n*log n) [7] while the one of FHC is
O([n.sup.2]) [27]. All the average accuracy and test time is obtained
with respect to all the 6 different fault patterns listed Table 1.
5.3. Experiment of online fault diagnosis
In order to evaluate the performance of our proposed fault
diagnosis scheme, 4 sets of training data are generated corresponding to
4 flows of no-load, 200, 500 and 800 t/h, and each set contains 250
sample data. The fault diagnosis model is trained as proposed in Section
3.2 with the training data. Table 4 summarizes the results for training
different BRNN of three layers. Notice that [gamma], [E.sub.W] and
[E.sub.D] keep basically stable for all models with [N.sub.hl] [greater
than or equal to] 8, so the number of hidden layer neurons is set to 8.
After training the fault diagnosis model, the fault diagnosis model
is also tested with the real-time data from 8 weighing unit and several
parameters of BW when BW operates at the flow of no-load, 200, 500 and
800 t/h respectively. During the test, the fault diagnosis model
identifies the fault pattern as soon as the fault detection of the
real-time data is completed. Finally, the results of the proposed fault
diagnosis model based on BRNN are compared with those of BPNN, RBF and
GRNN, as shown in Table 5.
The average accuracy is also obtained with respect to all the 6
different fault patterns as well as the average test time. According to
the comparison, the fault diagnosis model based on BRNN spends less time
owing to the less hidden layer neurons while the model based on RBF or
GRNN contains 56 hidden layer neurons. Also, the model based on BRNN has
the best performance, because BRNN has a much better generalization than
the others when the training samples of BW are relatively few. Besides,
during the experiments of BW, the study finds that the accuracy of model
based on BPNN or RBF is very sensitive to the normalization, but the
accuracy of model based on BRNN is not.
6. Conclusions
In this paper, in order to cope with the uneven density data caused
by different materials flows or the increase and discharge of materials
of the same flow on any weighing unit at any time, we have proposed an
improved DBSCAN by replacing the distance function with the similarity
function, and apply the improved DBSCAN to the online fault detection of
BW. After that, BRNN is introduced into the online fault diagnosis of
BW, which is able to classify the fault data detected by the improved
DBSCAN into different fault patterns. Finally, as a demonstrated
example, the online fault detection and diagnosis experiments of ABW
using improved DBSCAN and Bayesian Regularized Neural Network is
conducted. The results summarized in Fig. 7 and Table 3 indicate that
the fault detection model of BW based on improved DBSCAN has excellent
real-time performance and great robustness for handling the uneven
density data. The results summarized in Table 4 and 5 show that the
fault diagnosis model of BW using Bayesian regularized neural network
has not only a more excellent generalization but also better ability to
recognize the fault pattern of BW than the other algorithm such as RBF,
BPNN, GRNN. Furthermore, the presented research is a novel approach in
the bulk material trade and should be very useful to the fault detection
or diagnosis of continuous bulk materials weighing equipment.
Received November 04, 2014
Accepted February 02, 2015
This work was financially supported by Innovation Fund for Small
Technology-based Firms of China (13C26213202062), National Natural
Science Foundation of China (51105157) and "excellence plans-zijin
star" Foundation of Nanjing University of Science. The support are
gratefully acknowledged. The authors would also thank Dr. Zhu Haihua,
Dong Ying, Wang Weimin and Zhang Wei for their recommendation.
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ZHU Liang *, HE Fei **, TONG Yifei ***, LI Dongbo ****
* School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science
& Technology, Nanjing 210094, China, E-mail: 676205493@qq.com
** School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science
& Technology, Nanjing 210094, China, E-mail: hefei_njust@163.com
*** School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science
and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China, E-mail: tyf51129@aliyun.com
**** School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of
Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China, E-mail:
Table 3
Comparison of clustering algorithms
Clustering Average Average time of
algorithms accuracy, % each group/us
FHC 96.4 5.637
Improved DBSCAN 99.7 2.113
Table 4
Training results of fault diagnosis model
[N.sub.hl] [E.sub.W] [E.sub.D] [gamma] N
2 15.9 0.0924 10.8 15
4 15 0.0888 11.7 27
6 15.7 0.088 12.7 39
8 15 0.104 12.3 51
10 15 0.105 12.3 63
Table 5
Comparison of different classifiers
Classifiers Average Average test time
accuracy, % of a dataset/us
BRNN 93.13 29.32
BPNN 83.05 37.84
RBF 86.85 34.77
GRNN 90.28 26.94