Non-destructive test methods application for structure analysis of ultra-high performance concrete after deterioration of cyclic salt-scaling/Neardanciu tyrimo metodu taikymas tiriant ypatingai stipraus betono struktura po ciklisko pavirsinio saldymo.
Vaitkevicius, V. ; Serelis, E. ; Rudzionis, Z. 等
1. Introduction
Concrete deterioration due to cyclic freezing and thawing is one of
the most commonly occurring aggressive environments in Lithuania.
However despite the fact there are only two standard test methods (for
internal frost damage--LST L 1425.17 and for surface scaling--LST EN
1338) which allows estimating concrete condition. Nor internal frost
damage (critical value: compressive strength reduction [less than or
equal to] 5%) nor surface scaling (critical value: mass lost [less than
or equal to] 1 kg/[m.sup.2]) do not provide sufficient information about
condition or changes in structure of concrete. Generally, if concrete
specimens reached critical or nearly critical values, deterioration in
structure is too severe and usually do not meet anymore certain
exploitation requirements. In order to apply nondestructive test method
for structure analysis of UHPC after certain cycles of salt-scaling it
is necessary properly understand the structure of the material,
destruction mechanism of frost damage and correctly interpret data of
applied test method.
Many scientists agree with idea that resistance to frost damage of
concrete mostly depends on: aggregates resistance to frost damage;
cement matrix interaction with aggressive environment; interfacial
transition zone; permeability of aggregates and cement matrix including
interfacial transition zone. [1-3]. Another assumption with which agrees
most scientists is, that proper porosity of concrete has positive effect
to frost resistance. Proper porosity for each type of concrete has to be
specific and resistance to frost damage mainly depends on: proper size
of air pore, spacing factor, degree of saturation, rate of freezing,
water to cement ratio and etc. [4-6]. W. Micah Hale investigated the
need for air entrainment in high performance concrete (HPC) and founded
that concrete with no air entrainment can be produced with adequate
frost resistance when w/c [less than or equal to] 0.36 and air content
is 4%. [7]. J. T. Kevern founded that even without air entrainment
pervious concrete has spacing factor less than 200 Lim and that value is
more than enough for freeze-thaw resistance [8]. Similar experiment
results were obtained by Claus Germann Petersen [9]. John J. Valenza II
states that concrete prepared with w/c [less than or equal to] 0.30 does
not require air entrainment to resist salt scaling, because there is
very little bleeding and the surface strength does not deviate greatly
from the overall strength, which is normally greater than that which
indicates a low susceptibility to salt scaling. [10, 11]. Dipayan Jana
founded that high performance concrete with w/c [less than or equal to]
0.30 can be prepared and without air entrainment even than spacing
factor is greater than 200 [micro]m because HPC has very low
permeability to moisture and a low amount of freezable water. [12].
Since porosity parameters of HPC (w/c [less than or equal to] 0.30) do
not have significant effect to frost resistance it can be assumed that
aggregates, cement matrix and interfacial transition zone mostly affect
deterioration of structure. L. Basheer noticed that permeability of
concrete can be reduced by reducing average particle size of coarse
aggregate. [13]. G. A. Lehrsch founded that the aggregates with particle
size less than 3 mm practically does not absorb moisture [14]. According
to literature review can be stated that concrete with low permeability
to moisture, with all aggregates resistant to frost damage and less than
3 mm when w/c [less than or equal to] 0.30 should be frost resistant and
frost resistance mainly depends on cement matrix and interfacial
transition zone. Many scientists agree with idea that pozzolanic
materials (silica fume, fly ash, metakaolin, blast furnace slag) can
improve structure of concrete and decrease permeability to moisture of
cement matrix and interfacial transition zone. [15-17]. T.P. Chang
founded that durability and structure of reactive powder concrete can be
improved with two different curing regimes combining water-curing at
25[degrees]C with steam-curing at 85[degrees]C. That curing regime
should increase up to 38% compressive strength of cylindrical specimens
[18]. H. Famili states that thermal treatment not only improves
structure of high strength self-consolidating concrete but also has
positive effect to frost resistance [19].
UHPC is one type of concrete, which could meet all necessary
durability requirements and be frost resistant. Notwithstanding these
facts, but in durability terms UHPC is still a young material and there
is no sufficient information about how material with very low
permeability to moisture coefficient and low w/c [less than or equal to]
0.30 ratio will behave in one or another aggressive environment and what
kind of test methods could be applied for structure analysis. Jimin Guoa
proposed for structure analysis of very high strength concrete to apply
dynamic modulus of elasticity, dynamic modulus of rigidity,
Poisson's ratio, ductility factor and Modulus of Rupture test
methods. [20]. V. Vaitkevicius proposed for structure analysis of UHPC
to apply dynamic modulus of elasticity, ultrasonic pulse velocity and
fluorescence test methods [21]. Stefan Jacobsen during research on high
performance concrete noticed, that dynamic modulus of elasticity after
cyclic freeze-thawing can be recovered almost completely during
subsequent storage in water but compressive strength will be recovered
only 5% after 22-29% reduction. [22]. Therefore it could be assumed that
dynamic modulus of elasticity test method cannot be always reliable. For
salt-scaling Hector L. proposed ultrasonic pulse velocity test method
and to measure the length change in the specimen [23]. Mahmoud Nili
tried to establish a correlation between mass loss of salt-scaling and
change of compressive strength [24]. Yang Quanbing founded relationship
between mas loss of salt-scaling and spacing factor [25]. Bertil Persson
also offered to measure length change after cyclic salt-scaling [26].
According to literature review there is no so much test methods for
structure analysis of concrete after cyclic salt-scaling, despite these
facts many scientists forget, that application of test method mainly
depends on functional relationship of applied test method and
investigated deteriorated property of concrete. Thus main aim of the
experiment was to determine possibility of non-destructive test methods
application for structure analysis and to find functional relationship
between applied test methods and mass loss of salt-scaling.
2. Materials used for the research
Cement. Portland cement CEM I 52.5 R was used in experiment. Main
properties: paste of normal consistency--29.3%; soundness (Le
Chatielier)--1.0 mm; initial setting time--145 min; compressive strength
(after 2/28 days) - 38.6/65.3 MPa. Mineral composition:
[C.sub.3]S--57.26; [C.sub.2]S--15.41; [C.sub.3]A--8.68;
[C.sub.4]AF--10.15. Chemical composition of Portland cement is shown in
Table 1 and particle size distribution presented in Fig. 1.
Silica fume. Silica fume, also known as microsilica (MS) or
condensed silica fume is a by-product of the production of silicon metal
or ferrosilicon alloys. Main properties: density--2120 kg/[m.sup.3],
bulk density (free-flow/compacted)--255/329 kg/[m.sup.3], hygroscopicity
158%, natural fall angle 54[degrees]. Chemical composition of silica
fume is shown in Table 1 and particle size distribution presented in
Fig. 1.
Sand. In experiment ordinary sand was used. Main properties:
fraction 0/2; average density--2670 kg/[m.sup.3], bulk density-1625
kg/[m.sup.3], impurities [less than or equal to] 1.5%.
Glass powder. Glass powder was produced by various tares of glass.
Main properties: specific surface area--1485 [cm.sup.2]/g; bulk
density--1245 kg/[m.sup.3]; density--2266 kg/[m.sup.3]. Chemical
composition of glass powder and is shown in Table 1 and particle size
distribution presented in Fig. 1.
Quartz sand. In experiment quartz sand was used. Main properties:
fractions: 0/0.5 and 0/2; density 2670 kg/[m.sup.3], bulk density 1600
kg/[m.sup.3], impurities [less than or equal to] 0.5%.
Chemical admixture. In experiment was used superplasticizer based
on polycarboxylic ether (PCE) polymers. Main properties: appearance:
dark brown liquid, specific gravity (20[degrees]C)--1.010/1.070
g/[cm.sup.3], alkali content--2.5%, chloride content--0.1%.
Additional materials. Fluorescent dye PFINDER 902 and fluorescent
dye developer PFINDER 970 designated for surface defect detection was
used for experimental research.
3. Testing procedures
Sample preparation and curing. Fresh concrete mixes were prepared
in laboratory vibrating mixer, which allows production of homogeneous
mixes with very low w/c. Mixing procedure was performed according to
Homogeneous mixes were cast in moulds, compacted for 30 seconds on
a vibrating table CM 539 and kept for 24 hours at 20[degrees]C/95 RH.
After 24 hours specimens were demoulded and stored in water at 20 [+ or
-] 2[degrees]C for 7 days. Then hot water curing was applied to
specimens at 80[degrees]C for 3 days (thermal regime 2 + 67 + 3). After
thermal treatment all specimens were restored in water at 20 [+ or -]
2[degrees]C until 28 days of age.
Salt-scaling and porosity parameters. Salt-scaling of concrete was
performed according to EN 1338:2003 standard [27]. For experiment were
used cylinders (d = 50 mm and h = 50 mm) and prisms (7 x 7 x 21 cm).
Structure analysis. For structure analysis were used ultrasonic
pulse velocity, dynamic modulus of elasticity, fluorescence and
compressive strength test methods. Ultrasonic pulse velocity was
measured according to EN 12504-4:2004 standard [28] and dynamic modulus
of elasticity was measured by EN 14146:2004 standard [29]. Compressive
strength was determined after 28 days according to EN 12390-4:2000
standard [30]. Surface cracks were detected by fluorescence test method
with optical microscope OLYMPUS BX51TF.
4. Results and discussions
Compositions and main properties of hardened concrete are shown in
Tables 2 and 3 respectively. Main goal of the experiment was to
determine possibility of nondestructive test methods application for
structure analysis and to find functional relationship between applied
test methods and mass losses of salt-scaling.
Ultrasonic pulse velocity, dynamic modulus of elasticity,
compressive strength and fluorescence test methods were applied for
structure analysis of UHPC after cyclic salt-scaling. Relationships
between applied test methods and mass losses of salt-scaling were
determined. Properties of material were determined before experiment and
after 40 cycles of salt-scaling. Surface scaling test method was
performed in 3% NaCl solution.
Notwithstanding of UHPC composition, decrease of ultrasonic pulse
velocity (Fig. 2) and mass losses of saltscaling at 40 cycles (Table 3)
were insignificant.
Best results of compressive strength and salt-scaling resistance
were noticed in composition with ordinary sand and glass powder
(composition No. 3). In the same composition minimal reduction of
ultrasonic pulse velocity (decreased by 0.95%) and mass loss of
salt-scaling (decreased by 0.0034 kg/[m.sup.2]) were observed.
Maximal decrease of ultrasonic pulse velocity (decreased by 5.23%)
was noticed in composition (No.2) with quartz sand and glass powder.
Maximal mass losses of salt-scaling (decreased by 0.0249 kg/[m.sup.2])
were noticed in composition (No.1) with quartz sand, glass powder and
silica fume. Interesting fact was noticed, that all compositions of UHPC
and all properties of substituted materials were almost the same,
however maximal salt-scaling were observed in composition (No.1) with
silica fume. In the same composition (No.1) salt-scaling at 40 cycles
was more than 4 times higher comparing with others (No.2 and No.3).
Reduced ultrasonic pulse velocity indicates that cracking initiated
in structure of UHPC. Relationship between mass losses of salt-scaling
and ultrasonic pulse velocity at 40 cycles (Fig. 3) shows strong
correlation coefficient ([R.sup.2] = 0.88). Experiments results allow
assume that ultrasonic pulse velocity is one type on non-destructive
test method, which could be applied for structure analysis after cyclic
Interesting fact was observed with dynamic modulus of elasticity
test method. During experiment was obtained higher reduction of dynamic
modulus (Fig. 4), which allow assume, that dynamic modulus of elasticity
test method is more sensitive than ultrasonic pulse velocity.
Although the tendencies with both nondestructive test methods
remained similar, however relationship between mass losses of
salt-scaling and dynamic modulus of elasticity at 40 cycles was more
than 2 times weaker (correlation coefficient [R.sup.2] = 0.36) comparing
with ultrasonic pulse velocity test method (correlation coefficient
[R.sup.2] = 0.88). According to the results of experiment, could be
stated, that dynamic modulus of elasticity is not precise enough and
should not be applied for structure analysis of UHPC after cyclic
Different functional relationships strength between mass losses of
salt-scaling and applied nondestructive test methods probably related
due to distinct sensitivity to detect cracks in concrete structure.
Cyclic salt-scaling initiated surface destruction process, which
differently distributed in cross section of specimen. These experiments
results demonstrate, that event after cyclic salt-scaling destruction
process could initiate cracking in deeper layers. That assumption was
confirmed by fluorescence test method (Fig. 6).
Micro-cracks after cyclic salt-scaling disproportionally
distributed in cross-section of concrete and decrease in deeper layers.
Different functional relationships strength between salt-scaling and
applied test methods could be explained due to structure inhomogeneity
of concrete in cross-section.
Another relationship was made between mass losses of salt-scaling
and compressive strength (Fig. 8). Tendencies also were obtained very
similar as with ultrasonic pulse velocity (Fig. 3) or dynamic modulus of
elasticity test methods (Fig. 5). It could be noticed, that functional
relationship of applied test method (Fig. 8) is insufficient for
structure analysis of concrete after cyclic salt-scaling (correlation
coefficient [R.sup.2] = 0.60). Although compressive strength method is
not classified as nondestructive test methods, but also should not be
used for structure analysis of UHPC after cyclic salt-scaling.
Another relationship was made between mass losses of salt-scaling
and relative water absorption (Fig. 9). It could be observed that with
increasing relative water absorption and salt-scaling also
proportionally increased (correlation coefficient [R.sup.2] = 0.89).
Although with this simple test methods cannot be applied to predict mass
losses of salt-scaling, but could be simplest way to find out which
composition will have lower resistance to deleterious environment.
In order to find out how applied test methods correlate with each
other, also were made others functional relationships (Figs. 10-12). The
strongest functional relationship was observed between ultrasonic pulse
velocity and compressive strength test methods (correlation coefficient
[R.sup.2] = 0.86). It could be assumed, that applied test methods could
be used for structure analysis after cyclic salt-scaling, however
relationship between mass losses of salt-scaling and compressive
strength test method was insufficient.
Also were made relationships between compressive strength and
dynamic modulus of elasticity or dynamic modulus of elasticity and
ultrasonic pulse velocity also showed insufficient correlation. Although
ultrasonic pulse velocity test methods showed strongest correlation with
salt-scaling, which could suggest, that applied method could be used for
structure analysis of UHPC after cyclic salt-scaling, however one test
method which do not correlate with other applied methods is not accurate
and sufficient for proper structure analysis.
Several test methods were applied for structure analysis of
ultra-high performance concrete after deterioration of cyclic
salt-scaling. All applied test methods were not sensitive enough for
structure analysis had very little change of ultra-sonic pulse velocity
or dynamic modulus of elasticity and had very high deviation
coefficient. Experiments results gives doubts about used methods
Visual inspection by fluorescence test method revealed that
deterioration by surface scaling is not homogeneous. The greatest damage
was observed on the frozen surface and gradually decreased in deeper
layers. Surface scaling probably affected all cross section; however
deterioration degree in each layer was different. Although concrete by
nature is inhomogeneous material and in different circumstances applied
methods should be perfect for structure analysis, however after cyclic
surface salt-scaling concrete should be considered as composite
material, which has several layers with its own properties. Therefore
applied test methods were not accurate enough and inappropriate for
structure analysis of ultra-high performance concrete. The question
arises if there is at all any suitable test method for structure
analysis when concrete is affected by cyclic salt-scaling?
5. Conclusions
1. Dynamic modulus of elasticity and compressive strength test
methods due to insufficient functional relationship between applied
methods and mass losses of cyclic salt-scaling should not be applied for
reliable structure analysis of UHPC.
2. Ultrasonic pulse velocity is one type of nondestructive test
methods, which could be applied for structure analysis of UHPC after
cyclic salt-scaling deterioration (correlation coefficient [R.sup.2] =
0.88), however one test method is not sufficient.
3. Mass losses of researched compositions after 40 cycles of
salt-scaling were between 0.0034 kg/[m.sup.2] to 0. 0249 kg/[m.sup.2].
Composition with ordinary sand and glass powder showed best salt-scaling
Received June 27, 2013
Accepted March 21, 2014
This work has been supported by the European Social Fundwithin the
project "Development and application of innovative research methods
and solutions for traffic structures, vehicles and their flows",
project code VP13.1-SMM-08-K-01-020.
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V. Vaitkevicius *, E. Serelis **, Z. Rudzionis ***, D.
Vaiciukyniene ****
* Kaunas University of Technology, Stuclenty 48, LT-51367 Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
** Kaunas University of Technology, Studenty 48, LT-51367 Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
*** Kaunas University of Technology, Studenty 48, LT-51367 Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
**** Kaunas University of Technology, Studenty 48, LT-51367 Kaunas,
Lithuania, E-mail:
Table 1
Chemical compositions of Portland cement, silica fume and glass powder
Components Quantity, %
CEM I 52.5 R Glass powder Silica fume
Si[O.sub.2] 20.61 72.76 92.08
Ti[O.sub.]2 - 0.04 -
[Al.sub.2][O.sub.3] 5.45 1.67 1.16
[Fe.sub.2][O.sub.3] 3.36 0.79 1.24
MnO - 0.02 -
MgO 3.84 2.09 0.80
CaO 63.42 9.74 1.07
S[O.sub.3] 0.80 0.10 1.27
[Na.sub.2]O 0.20 12.56 1.13
[K.sub.2]O 1.00 0.76 0.67
[P.sub.2][O.sub.5] - 0.02 -
[Na.sub.2][O.sub.eq] 0.86 13.06 1.57
Loss of ignition 1.00 1.00 -
Table 2
Compositions of ultra-high performance concrete
Composition w/c Water, l cement Micro fillers,
kg/[m.sup.3] kg/[m.sup.3]
Silica fume
No.1 0.24 176 735 99
No.2 0.24 176 735 -
No.3 0.24 176 735 -
Composition Aggregates,
Glass Sand Quartz sand
powder # 0/2 # 0/0.5 # 0/2
No.1 412 - 96 866
No.2 512 - 96 866
No.3 512 962 - -
Composition Super plasticizer, l
No.1 36.76
No.2 36.76
No.3 36.76
Table 3
Physical/mechanical properties of concrete
Characteristics Composition
No.1 No.2 No.3
Density, kg/[m.sup.3] 2407 2434 2422
Compressive strength 166 171 224
(28 days), MPa
Relative water 1.61 1.72 1.94
absorption, %
Mass loss of salt- 0.0249 0.0058 0.0034
scaling (40 cycles),
Fig. 2 Ultrasonic pulse velocity of concrete: before experiment
and after 40 cycles of salt-scaling
Ultrasonic pulse velocity, m/s
Before After 40 cycles
scaling of salt-scaling
[DELTA][[nu].sub.1] = 4.21% 5111 4896
Composition No. 1
[DELTA][[nu].sub.2] = 5.23% 5330 5051
Composition No. 2
[DELTA][[nu].sub.3] = 0.95% 5274 5224
Composition No. 3
Note: Table made from bar graph
Fig. 4 Dynamic modulus of elasticity: before experiment
and after 40 cycles of salt-scaling
Dynamics modulus of clasticity, GPa
Before After 40 cycles
scaling of salt-scaling
[DELTA][E.sub.d1] = 5.22% 28.17 26.72
Composition No. 1
[DELTA][E.sub.d2] = 8.89% 31.85 29.02
Composition No. 2
[DELTA][E.sub.d3] = 7.44% 31.98 29.60
Composition No. 3
Note: Table made from bar graph
Fig. 7 Compressive strength of concrete: before experiment
and after 40 cycles of salt-scaling
Compressive strength, MPa
Before After 40 cycles
scaling of salt-scaling
[DELTA][f.sub.1] = 18.83% 166 135
Composition No. 1
[DELTA][f.sub.2] = 21.80% 171 134
Composition No. 2
[DELTA][f.sub.3] = 24.44% 224 169
Composition No. 3
Note: Table made from bar graph