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  • 标题:The influence of pressure during intaglio printing on banknotes durability/Slegio itaka banknotu patvarumui spausdinant giliaspaude.
  • 作者:Kyrychok, T. ; Kyrychok, P. ; Havenko, S.
  • 期刊名称:Mechanika
  • 印刷版ISSN:1392-1207
  • 出版年度:2014
  • 期号:May
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Kauno Technologijos Universitetas
  • 摘要:Intaglio printing (gravure printing, steel engraving) is currently an obligatory way to protect banknotes and other types of products in majority of the world countries due to its ability to provide relief image elements with high tactile effect (portray, inscriptions, digital denomination, micro text) [1]. Intaglio printing machines are the limited accessed equipment as this technology is used only for securities manufacturing.
  • 关键词:Bank notes;Intaglio printing;Intaglio processes;Printing inks;Printing-ink;Utility functions;Utility theory

The influence of pressure during intaglio printing on banknotes durability/Slegio itaka banknotu patvarumui spausdinant giliaspaude.

Kyrychok, T. ; Kyrychok, P. ; Havenko, S. 等

1. Introduction

Intaglio printing (gravure printing, steel engraving) is currently an obligatory way to protect banknotes and other types of products in majority of the world countries due to its ability to provide relief image elements with high tactile effect (portray, inscriptions, digital denomination, micro text) [1]. Intaglio printing machines are the limited accessed equipment as this technology is used only for securities manufacturing.

One of the technological peculiarities of gravure printing is high pressure within the contact area of the plate and printing cylinders. This causes the pressuring effect on the paper which is getting smoother. This influencing factor being an another proof for applying intaglio printing instead of its imitation also influences strength features of the banknote substrate to be printed [2].

2. Analysis of intaglio printing influence on banknotes substrate strength

During the printing nip high pressure causes specific prints of the banknotes substrate resulting in roughing of its fibbers thus creating calendaring effect of the intaglio printing (Fig. 1).


The Fig. 1 shows that after passing through PN nip area paper thickness decreases from H to h resulting from the pressure P caused by the printing cylinder. During intaglio printing high linear pressure between the plate cylinder and printing cylinder (up to 1000 kN/m [3]) causes deforming (embossing) of the paper. Such influence is analogical to paper calendering during its manufacturing. The pressure of the calender rolls is significantly lower constituting 80-100 kN/m, sometimes up to 600 kN/m [4]. Intaglio printing speed is about 8000 pages per hour [3] that taking into consideration page dimensions in printing direction allows determining printing speed as 85-95 m/min while calendering speed is 500-2000 m/min [4]. Thus, paper calendering if compared to intragliopriting is characterized with lower linear loads and shorter pressure influence applied on paper. However if we consider that calenders comprise 10-16 rolls then the time of pressure influence on paper during calendering and intaglio printing may be compared. Additional wetting within 5.5-30% depending on calendering degree is obligatory during the paper calendering. The process of intaglio printing takes place under the conditions of paper moisture within 6.57.5% corresponding to calendering degree of writing and printing paper [4].

High pressure caused by steel engraving influences both the structure of the substrate and its surface thus resulting in decreasing of paper porosity. This in its turn leads to establishing stronger bonds between the fibers of the banknotes basis thus strengthening the substrate.

One of the features of the intaglio printing is usage of the viscous inks created on the basis of wax. On its way to plate cylinder the ink temperature in gradually rising: if the temperature is kept within 17-21[degrees]C in the ink boxes, the temperature of the chablon rollers is about 34[degrees]C, of the collector roller is 36[degrees]C and that of the plate cylinder is 80-82[degrees]C. Thus, heating system of the plate cylinder melts the ink (to be more correct wax-like compound) changing its rheological properties (decreasing viscosity and increasing flow ability), increasing adhesion and penetration into the structure of substrate. After printing the ink fixing occurs without additional drying as the ink dries again thus creating mechanically strong carcass spread throughout whole banknote surface. Besides, the ink penetrates into the paper. The ink penetration into the paper structure simultaneously seals the substrate providing better bonds between the fibbers [2].

Thus, intaglio printing influences the paper structure and its surface analogically to paper calendering during its manufacturing. Steel engraving seals the substrate structure both by pressuring and by ink penetration into the basis thus decreasing the banknote soiling during its circulation and increasing its strength [2]. All these factors lead to strengthening of the banknote substrate increasing their durability.

3. Testing procedure

To conduct research on determining changes in banknotes deterioration characteristics experimental samples of Ukrainian hryvnia of 2 UAH denominations were manufactured. The technological process of samples manufacturing included offset printing with further intaglio printing. The samples groups differed by intaglio printing parameters (Table 1): single sided intaglio printing with low pressure of printing nip; normal pressure of printing nip; high pressure of printing nip as well as double sided intaglio printing. The process of intaglio printing was performed on "Super--Orlof--Intaglio" printing machine with speed 85 m/min. The pressure of the printing nip during intaglio printing was regulated by increasing and decreasing distance between printing and plate cylinders in relation to the optimal value established for standard banknote printing process. The minimal printing nip pressure was the lowest level provided printing. The difference between maximal and medium pressure was equal to the difference between minimal and medium pressure.

Experimental samples were artificially deteriorated by means of circulation simulator which is the device with automatic control system of drum rotation. Circulation simulator consists of metal drum (280x220x220 mm) with cover lid, locking clamps and rubber lining able to rotate under certain parameters (frequency, clockwise and counterclockwise movement).

During artificial deterioration the wearing agent as the glass beads of two fractions (2 mm diameters (1 kg weight) and 3.3-3.8 mm (1 kg weight)) provided the multiple mechanical damages to the banknotes.

In order to increase banknotes stiffness in the wear imitation processes the stiffening strips were fixed in left and right samples edge. The stiffening strip is 0.5 mm thick plastic of 10 mm width cut out in dog-bone shape with holes for fixing. To fix the stiffening strips the Teflon weights are used.

In the course of the experiments the deterioration characteristics of the samples before and after wet as well as dry deterioration were analyzed. It was decided to choose as deterioration characteristics optical (brightness, color shift), dimensional (weight, thickness) structural (roughness, air permeability), and strength (bursting strength, tensile elongation, Taber-type stiffness) characteristic changes. The characteristic values were determined for the banknotes of all the groups of samples before and after each cycle of deterioration according to the current normative documents. After all deterioration cycles the local damages of the samples were determined including tears along polymer metalized strip, edge tears, dog ears. The complete list of the characteristics is shown in Tables 2-7.

Wet deterioration of the banknotes was performed in cycles (3 cycles 10 min each) with usage of the soiling mixture modeling organic and inorganic compounds being the basic ones during the banknotes soiling at real circulation. The following substances were chosen for soiling mixture:

1. Solid contaminants including white clay as an analogue of the hygrophilous dirt with developed surface morphology;

2. Liquid contaminants including:

--sun-flower oil and olive oil used for grease substances imitation;

--70% alcohol (ethanol) used for increasing substances containing oxygen groups on surface and within paper substrate. Such substances usually cause banknotes yellowing.

--artificial substance similar by its content to human perspiration (sodium chloride (4.5 g); potassium chloride (0.3 g); ammonium chloride (0.4 g); sodium sulfate (0.3 g); lactic acid, 80% (3.0 mg); urea (0.2 g), distilled water (1000 ml).

Dry deterioration was conducted without usage of any contaminants within one 120 min cycle.

4. Experimental results

4.1. Banknotes characteristics changes as a result of the deterioration imitation

As a result of deterioration imitation the following changes of optical characteristics of the samples occur: color coordinates difference and banknotes lightness and brightness decrease (Tables 2 and 3). The optical characteristics have been measured near water mark in unprinted part of front side and in printed in light colors part of reverse side of banknotes.

The increasing of thickness and mass of the paper as a result of deterioration are especially notable after first deterioration cycle. Air permeability and roughness increase while stiffness, bursting strength and tensile elongation decrease (Tables 4-6). The damages of the paper edge including tears and dog ears occur (Table 7).

Changes for all optical characteristics are less for the samples manufactured under medium pressure values during the printing nip both for single sided and for double sided intaglio printing.

The smallest increasing of sample thickness as a result of deterioration was observed in case of single sided printing with low pressure during the printing nip. This group of samples is highly durable after dry deterioration.

However, by other characteristics the samples printed under low pressure are the worst. Pressure increasing during intaglio printing allows slowing down soil accumulation on the banknotes thus resulting in thickness increase. However at the last soiling stages (3 rd deterioration cycle) this has not been observed (Table 4).

Generally it may be seen that there is no pressure value under the conditions of single sided intaglio printing that allows obtaining the highest samples durability by all the characteristics. Double sided intaglio printing provides samples with the best optical, structural and dimensional indices and the indices of local damages but comes second after single sided printing by the strength characteristics (Table 6). Thus it is impossible to correctly evaluate intaglio printing parameters influence on banknotes durability on the basis of individual characteristics. Thereby the task to order to determine complex quality characteristic arises [5].

4.2. Determination of the complex banknote paper quality index

Complex banknotes durability characteristic was formed as a result of solving a multicriteria problem of choice by convolution of many criteria to one generalized criterion creating utility function [5]. From the point of view of utility function theory the optimal solution for the multicriteria problem of choice is the alternative with maximal value of utility function F([x.sub.i]).

Utility function was determined by additive convolution [5] on basis of Tables 2-7:


where i is the alternative number X = {[x.sub.i] | i = [bar.1,l]} (here-types of samples (Table 1)), j is criterion number, [x.sub.ij] is individual j criterion value for i alternative, l is alternatives quantity (here l = 4), n is criteria quantity (here n = 33), [[omega].sub.j] is weight of j criterion, [n.summation over (j=1)] [[omega].sub.j] = 1, [x.sub.max j], and [x.sub.min j] are the basic individual criteria values as maximal values for the stimulators [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] and minimal values for destimulators [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]:


Utility function (1) was formed by normalization of individual criteria of the alternatives matrix for avoiding probable situation when lacking value of individual utility function in relation to one criterion may be compensated by increasing values of individual utility function in relation to the other criterion. Besides it was taken into consideration the separation of criteria for stimulators (to be maximized) and destimulators (to be minimized) and destimulators presence with basic value of [x.sub.min j] = 0:


It is necessary to note here that under our research the stimulators are the bursting strength, tensile elongation and Taber stiffness. All other criteria are the destimulators.

The Table 8 shows the values of the utility functions of the alternatives--the types of samples obtained under different technological modes of intaglio printing for different groups of characteristics according to the equation (1) with supposition of equal weight of all criteria.

Formed utility functions show that in totality of characteristics the most durable are the samples obtained under medium pressure during the printing nip at double side intaglio printing.

5. Conclusions

1. Durability of the experimental samples of the Ukrainian hryvnia banknotes different by intaglio printing parameters (single side intaglio printing with low pressure of printing nip; normal pressure of printing nip; high pressure of printing nip as well as double side intaglio printing) were analyzed comparing the optical, dimensional, structural, and strength characteristic changes after wet and dry deterioration.

2. Under the conditions of single side intaglio printing there is no pressure value allowing obtaining the highest samples durability by all the characteristics. Double sided intaglio printing provides samples with the best optical, structural and dimensional indices and the indices of local damages but comes second after single side printing by the strength characteristics.

3. As it is impossible to correctly evaluate intaglio printing parameters influence on banknotes durability on the basis of individual characteristics the complex quality index was determined on basis the utility function considering large quantity of durability characteristics.

Utility functions obtained for every alternative (mode of intaglio printing) allow concluding that samples printed under medium pressure of printing nip during double side intaglio printing are the most durable by the totality of all the characteristics. This means that double side intaglio printing application makes it possible to increase significantly banknotes durability


[1.] Van Renesse, R.L. 2005. Optical document security. Third edition. Artech House. 368p.

[2.] Crane, T. 2011. Some observation on technological developments in durable substrates, Int. Rev. on Cash Management 9: 9.

[3.] Kipphan, H. 2001. Handbook of Print Media. Technologies and Production Methods. Springer. 1207p. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-29900-4.

[4.] Holik, H. 2006. Handbook of paper and board. Wiley-VCH. 505p. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/3527608257.

[5.] Kyrychok, T. 2013. Algorithm for solving multicriteria problem of choice of banknote deterioration characteristics using the utility function, Research Bulletin of National Technical University of Ukraine Kyiv Polytechnic Institute 1: 68-75.

Received December 31, 2013

Accepted April 18, 2014

T. Kyrychok *, P. Kyrychok **, S. Havenko ***, E. Kibirkstis ****, V. Miliunas *****

* National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Peremohy av. 37, 03056, Kyiv, Ukraine, E-mail: t_kyrychok@ukrpost.ua

** National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Peremohy av. 37, 03056, Kyiv, Ukraine, E-mail: vpi_ntuu_kpi@ukr.net

*** Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Podgolosko st. 19, 79020, Lvov, Ukraine, E-mail: havenko@point.lviv.ua

**** Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu st. 56, 51424, Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail: edmundas.kibirkstis@ktu.lt

***** Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu st. 56, 51424, Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail: valdas.miliunas@ktu.l

cross ref http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.mech.20.3.7393
Table 1

Samples manufacture peculiarities

Number   Samples                 Printing nip   Printing
         nomination              pressure

                                                Front   Reverse
                                                side    side

1        Single sided, minimal   Minimal        Yes     No
2        Single sided, medium    Medium         Yes     No
3        Single sided, maximal   Maximal        Yes     No
4        Double sided, medium    Medium         Yes     Yes

Table 2

Optical characteristics change as a result of deterioration.
Color shift

Characteristics       Group              Optical

                      Name        * Color difference
                                  (front side)

Deterioration         Type               Wet

                    Number of      1      2      3

Type of samples   Single sided,   4.49   5.67   6.09
                  Single sided,   4.76   6.08   7.33
                  Single sided,   4.56   5.53   6.61
                  Double sided,   4.73   6.01   7.12

Characteristics       Group              Optical

                      Name        * Color difference
                                  (reverse side)

Deterioration         Type               Wet

                    Number of      1      2      3

Type of samples   Single sided,   4.10   5.47   6.78
                  Single sided,   3.71   4.69   5.27
                  Single sided,   3.90   5.82   6.30
                  Double sided,   3.98   4.65   5.35

Table 3

Optical characteristics change as a result of deterioration
imitation. Brightness

Characteristics       Group              Optical

                      Name        Brightness TAPPI
                                  (front side), % E

Deterioration         Type                Wet

                    Number of      1       2       3

Type of samples   Single sided,   9.98   11.77   14.10
                  Single sided,   9.19   12.48   14.77
                  Single sided,   9.65   12.86   14.25
                  Double sided,   9.75   11.17   13.80

Characteristics       Group              Optical

                      Name        Brightness TAPPI
                                  (reverse side), %

Deterioration         Type                Wet

                    Number of      1       2       3

Type of samples   Single sided,   7.39   9.85    11.25
                  Single sided,   6.07   7.49    8.49
                  Single sided,   8.04   10.21   11.77
                  Double sided,   6.69   7.64    9.06

Table 4

Dimensional characteristics change as a result
of deterioration imitation

Characteristics           Group           Dimensional
                          Name            Increased thickness, mm

Deterioration             Type                            Wet
                    Number of cycles      1       2       3

Type of samples   Single sided, minimal   0.007   0.008   0.008
                  Single sided, medium    0.009   0.008   0.012
                  Single sided, maximal   0.007   0.010   0.012
                  Double sided, medium    0.003   0.007   0.008

Characteristics           Group               Dimensional
                          Name            Increased weight, %

Deterioration             Type
                    Number of cycles               3

Type of samples   Single sided, minimal          7.71
                  Single sided, medium           5.91
                  Single sided, maximal          6.93
                  Double sided, medium           5.08

Table 5

Structural characteristics change as a result
of deterioration imitation

Characteristics            Group
                           Name            Roughness, ml/min

Deterioration              Type             Wet       Dry
                     Number of cycles        3         1

Type of samples    Single sided, minimal    3486      4036
                   Single sided, medium     3373      4217
                   Single sided, maximal    3326      4239
                   Double sided, medium     3990      4343

Characteristics            Group           Structural
                           Name            Air permeability,
Deterioration              Type                        Wet
                     Number of cycles         1         2

Type of samples    Single sided, minimal      0         5
                   Single sided, medium       0         5
                   Single sided, maximal      0         5
                   Double sided, medium       0         0

Characteristics            Group           Structural
                           Name            Air permeability,
Deterioration              Type             Wet           Dry
                     Number of cycles        3             1

Type of samples    Single sided, minimal     17           201
                   Single sided, medium      14           243
                   Single sided, maximal     22           165
                   Double sided, medium      7            229

Table 6

Strength characteristics change as a result of
deterioration imitation

Characteristics       Group       Strength

                      Name        Bursting        Tensile
                                  strength, H     elongation, %

Deterioration         Type         Wet     Dry     Wet    Dry

                    Number of       3       1       1      2

Type of samples   Single sided,   47.50   32.60   9.00    5.70
                  Single sided,   58.15   48.40   11.40   9.00
                  Single sided,   47.80   45.30   9.10    8.70
                  Double sided,   59.25   39.80   10.50   7.20

Characteristics       Group       Strength

                      Name        Taber-type
                                  g * cm

Deterioration         Type        Wet    Dry

                    Number of      3      1

Type of samples   Single sided,   0.40   0.40
                  Single sided,   0.40   0.45
                  Single sided,   0.40   0.40
                  Double sided,   0.40   0.40

Table 7

Local damages as a result of deterioration imitation

Characteristics       Group       Local damages

                      Name        Total length     Average
                                  of tears per    length of
                                  banknote, mm   one tear, mm

Deterioration         Type            Dry            Dry

                    Number of          1              1

Type of samples   Single sided,       56.3           10.7
                  Single sided,       28.4           3.8
                  Single sided,       63.9           16.9
                  Double sided,       33.8           4.4

Characteristics       Group       Local damages

                      Name         Total length    Average quantity
                                  of tears along   of dog ears per
                                   the polymer     banknote, items
                                    strip, mm

Deterioration         Type             Dry               Dry

                    Number of           1                 3

Type of samples   Single sided,        14.7              2.6
                  Single sided,        7.9               2.6
                  Single sided,        27.4              2.7
                  Double sided,        4.8               1.6

Table 8

Utility functions of the alternatives--types of banknote paper

Criteria    Group of                Optical   Dimensional   Structural

            Number of criteria        12           4            7

 Utility function                    By the groups of characteristics

            Single sided, minimal    0.90        0.72          0.74
Type of     Single sided, medium     0.97        0.69          0.74
  samples   Single sided, maximal    0.89        0.64          0.75
            Double sided, medium     0.97        1.00          0.93

Criteria    Group of                Strength    Local     Total
            characteristics                    damages

            Number of criteria         6          4        33

Utility function                     By the groups of     Complex

            Single sided, minimal     0.80      0.45      0.77
Type of     Single sided, medium      1.00      0.81      0.87
  samples   Single sided, maximal     0.90      0.36      0.77
            Double sided, medium      0.91      0.93      0.95