Numerical study of thermal behaviour of building walls containing a phase change material/Pastatu sienu turinciu medziagu su kintancia fazine busena siluminiu savybiu skaitmenine analize.
Selka, G. ; Korti, A.N. ; Abboudi, S. 等
1. Introduction
Given the increase in the level of greenhouse gas and the climb in
fossil fuel prices are the main driving forces behind efforts to improve
energy efficiency. The research on the rational use of energy in
buildings has shown clearly that a thorough insulation of the building
envelope is required ((Alzoubi and Alshboul, 2010) [1], (Diaconu and
Cruceru, 2010) [2]). The technological solutions have been introduced
such as the use of latent heat (Anisure et al 2013) [3]. The principle
is simple, as the temperature increases, the material changes phase
(PCM) from solid to liquid. The reaction being endothermic, the PCM
absorbs heat. Similarly, when the temperature decreases, the material
changes phase from liquid to solid. The reaction being exothermic, the
PCM release heat [4, 5]. The phase change materials used in buildings
has been studied for a long time giving extensive database on the
behaviour of building temperatures and energy consumptions with and
without PCM ((Cabeza et al 2007) [6], (Castellon 2008)). A novel
compound PCM, the shapestabilized PCM (SSPCM), has been attracting the
interests of the researchers (Inaba et Tu, 1997; Ye and Ge, 2000; Xiao
et al., 2001, 2002; Zhang et al., 2006) [7-10], this PCM plate consists
of paraffin as dispersed PCM and high density polyethylene (HDPE) or
other materials as supporting material. the mass percentage of paraffin
can be as much as 80% or so, the total stored energy is comparable with
that of traditional PCMs. Zhang and Xu [11, 12] studied the thermal
performance of SSPCM floor used in passive solar buildings and found
that the suitable phase change temperature was roughly equal to the
average indoor air temperature of sunny winter days. Kuznik et al. [13]
conducted an experimental study by using a product made of 60%
encapsulated PCM, in flexible panels with a thickness of 5 mm. The study
was carried out over two representative days in summer: the PCM panels
were superimposed on three walls in a test room, which lead to a
reduction between 1[degrees]C and 2[degrees]C in the indoor air
temperature. Voelker et al. [14] were interested in the effect of adding
micro-encapsulated paraffin to a 30-mm gypsum plaster in a test room;
the simulations, carried out over one representative week showed a
potential reduction of 2C in the peak indoor air temperature. Cabeza et
al [15] studied the effect of adding macro-encapsulated organic PCM in
bricks walls and have evaluated through experimental measurements. In
both cases, the additional thermal inertia supplied by PCM determines a
reduction of 3[degrees]C in the peak indoor air temperature. Kuznik F.
et al [13] have discussed the physical and thermophysical material phase
change considerations on the building envelope by various measures of
ownership phase change materials integrated into the building envelope.
Zalewski L. et al [16] have study an experimental composite solar wall.
The storage wall is made of phase change material inserted into
brick-shaped package. They found the efficiency thermal of the solar
wall with PCM (a 2.5 cm thick) is more efficient than a concrete wall 15
cm thick. Xing Jin et al [17] have studied the thermal performances of
the double layer PCM floor, based on numerical model. The obtained
results showed that the optimal melting temperatures for heating and
cooling PCM are 311 K and 291 K respectively; and the optimal melting
temperatures will vary with the change of the locations of the two PCM
layers. Waqar A et al [18] evaluated the impact of using PCM in building
from an electricity demand side perspective they observed that energy
conservation gains are sensitive to the minimum and maximum temperature
during 24 h period. Moreover, application of PCM in building material
and potential of saving electrical energy for air conditioning during
summer has also been identified as a future assessment. The purpose of
our study is the thermal analysis of a passive solar building in Tlemcen
(north of Algeria) with an effective heat capacity [C.sub.eff] model.
For this a real size home composed of single-story was conducted for
typical day weather.
2. Physical problem
The test site on which the building is located is at
35.28[degrees]N latitude, 17.1[degrees] longitude, at an elevation of
750 m above sea level. Fig. 1 shows the building elevations plan at
single-story. The substantial south-facing wall, coupled with a layer of
PCM placed inside, to provide thermal storage and a horizontally
concrete roof include phase change material. The windows are supposed
hermetic and the external walls are composed of common red brick. The
geometrical properties of the test rooms are given in Table 1.
A phase change material is coupled with brick wall in the form of
sandwich. The PCM used is the paraffin. The thermal properties of
different materials are presented in Table 2. In each cycle, during the
charging process (sunshine hours), the PCM in the wall change its phase
from solid to liquid. During the discharging process (night hours), the
PCM changes its phase from liquid to solid by rejecting its heat to the
ambient air in the test room. This cycle continues every day. The
boundary con dition on the side south of wall and roof is considered as
to combination the effects of radiation and convection
The average radiation heat flux available for every one hour in
Tlemcen City in north west of Algeria is used. For convection, the heat
transfer coefficient h value on the outer surface is calculated based on
the prevailing velocity of the wind. The boundary condition on the north
wall is considered to be natural convection.
3. Mathematical formulation
The following assumptions are considered in this study:
* The thermal properties of PCM are variable in each phase (solid
and liquid).
* Thermal expansion of PCM is neglected.
* Heat transfer through walls, ceiling and floor is
* Thermophysical properties of building materials are constant
except the PCM during melting or freezing process.
* Natural convection of the PCM during melting process and the
super-cooling effect during freezing process can be ignored.
In fluid domain: Air
The governing conservation equations for unsteady, incompressible,
Newtonian, two-dimensional and laminar flow are given by the following
expressions: * continuity:
[partial derivative]u/[partial derivative]x + [partial
derivative]v/[partial derivative]y = 0; (1)
* x-momentum:
* y-momentum:
* energy:
The studied system is governed by the following conservative
In solid domains:
brick (i=1), concrete i=2) and glass (i=3):
[([rho][C.sub.p]).sub.i] [partial derivative]T/[partial
derivative]t = [[lambda].sub.i]([[partial derivative].sup.2]T/[partial
derivative][x.sup.2] + [[partial derivative].sup.2]T/[partial
derivative][y.sup.2]) i=1,2,3. (5)
In PCM domain:
The thermal behaviour of the PCM is based on the apparent capacity
[rho][C.sub.eff] [partial derivative]T/[partial
derivative]t=[lambda]([[partial derivative].sup.2]T/[partial
derivative][x.sup.2] + [[partial derivative].sup.2]T/[partial
derivative][y.sup.2]). (6)
Initial conditions in fluid domain are:
[T.sub.0] = 290 K and u = v = 0.
By making the specific heat of PCM function of temperature, thermal
effect of melting and solidification of PCM can be simulated. The
geometry of the grid is independent of time, and the liquid/solid
interface is tracked by the definition of the specific heat in the
governing equations. The specific heat is the rate of change of enthalpy
with respect to temperature. The specific heat is the sum of the
sensible and latent heats. In our case, the [C.sub.eJJ] law, proposed by
Kuznik [13], is used. It is based on the normal curve of the specific
heat adapted by experimental measurements, Fig. 3 and Eq. (7):
The curve corresponding to Eq. (7) is plotted in Fig. 3. As one can
observe, the melting process starts at T = 16[degrees]C (289 K) and ends
at 27[degrees]C (300 K); the peak temperature is T = 22.8[degrees]C
(295.8 K), after which melting is completed quite rapidly.
The thermal conductivity X is defined by the following relations:
Boundary conditions:
All walls of the studied rooms are submitted to convective heat
transfer with ambient, except the bottom wall. The radiation heat flux
is added at the south wall and the concrete roof:
Q = h (T - [T.sub.a]) + [phi](t), (9)
where [phi](t) is the solar radiation heat flux according to the
typical day of Tlemcen (Fig. 4, b) is the convection heat transfer
coefficient due to wind, recommended by McAd-ams [19]:
h = 5.67 + 3.86[v.sub.w], (10)
where vw is the velocity wind (Fig. 4, c).
The Algerian typical day weather 12 of May in Tlemcen (Altitude 750
m, Latitude 35[degrees]28'N and Longitude 17[degrees]1') is
chosen as the outdoor climate data. The hourly variation of outdoor air
temperature and solar radiation on the south wall is shown in Fig. 4.
The average outdoor air temperature is 296 K.
4. Results and discussion
The commercial CFD software package, FLUENT, which is based on the
finite volume approach was use d fo r so lving the set of governing
equations. A user define function (UDF) is used to introduce the
unsteady profiles of boundary conditions. Fluent provides the
flexibility in choosing discretization schemes for each governing
equation. The discretised equations, along with the initial and boundary
conditions, were solved using the segregated solution method to obtain a
numerical solution. Using the segregated solver, the conservation of
mass and momentum were solved iteratively and the SIMPLE algorithm was
used to ensure the momentum and mass conservation equations [20]. The
convergence criterion was set equal to [10.sup.-7] for all parameters.
Before the numerical analysis, the grid-independency of the test
rooms system was simply checked using a different number of grids. The
system was finally divided in to 9900 cells with 10404 nodes in
consideration of grid-independency and calculating efficiencies.
5. Experimental investigation
The physical system considered is a composite wall filled with PCM
placed between the roof top slab and the bottom concrete slab, which
form the roof of the PCM room. During sunshine hours, the PCM changes
its phase from solid to liquid. During the night hours, the PCM passes
from the liquid to solid phases (solidification) by rejecting its heat
to the ambient and to the air inside the room. Initially, the composite
wall is maintained at a uniform temperature 300 K. The boundary
conditions and the properties of the PCM are given in the ref. [21].
The Fig. 6 shows the experimental and simulated evolutions of the
ceiling temperature of the PCM room during 24 h of daytime. There is
good agreement between the measurements and the numerical approach uses
effective heat capacity [C.sub.eff] model. The maximum temperature
difference between the experimental and the numerical obtained curves is
about 0.60[degrees]C. This shows that the thermal response of the room
is correctly reproduced by the thermal model.
The Fig. 7 shows the evolution of the temperature fields inside the
test room at 06:00, 12:00, 18:00 and 24:00. The outside temperature
varies from 288 to 306 K. We can see that the peak temperature within
the test room moves in versus time. During the solar radiation such as
at 12:00 there is a warming of the test room and more intense near the
windows due to the conductivity of glazing. It also reports a horizontal
thermal gradient is observed near the south-facing wall and advance
The evolution of the temperature is higher in the south than the
north wall because the solar radiations are more important on the south
At 18:00, the temperature inside the test room continues to
increase despite the temperature outdoor and solar radiation decreases.
This phenomenon is due to the heat sensible stored in the wall of test
room and the heat latent stored in the PCM.
At 24:00, the temperature at the interior of the room is more
homogeneous (approximately 297.2 K). It also records the start of
cooling at the roof due the heat energy exhaustion in the PCM.
Therefore, there is a significant influence of the thermal
conductivity of glazing thus the material of roof should be chosen
properly to provide comfort air temperature in the room.
Fig. 8 shows the evolution of the air temperature during six days.
The interior temperature is stabilized between 292 K and 295.8 K at
24:00 of days. The temperature differences between test room with and
without PCM exceed 1.2[degrees]C. It can be seen that the maximal
temperature reached is 296.2 K (296.8 K in the test room without PCM)
after 24 h and 296.15 K (297.2 K in the case without PCm) after 48 h,
respectively. The PCM can reduce considerably the interior temperature.
The PCM composite walls allow enhancing the thermal comfort of the test
room under these conditions. The maximum air temperature is decreased by
about 6 to 8 K and the minimum increased by about 3 to 6 K. Another
notable effect is the natural convection enhancement allowing to have a
better mixing concerning the air in the test room and decreasing the
temperature gradient.
To compare the performances storing energy savings, a numerical
simulation with the PCM is compared to a simulation without PCM as shown
Fig. 9.
Fig. 9 illustrates the temperature profiles at different times (06,
12, 18 and 24 h o'clock) in the air ambiance (x = 1.60 m). At 06 h
o'clock, we note the beginning of cooling in the test room, the
ambient temperature inside the test room is almost the same with and
without PCM.
At 12 o'clock, the temperature of the test room (with PCM)
reached 291 K due to the intense solar radiation. However, the air
temperature in the room without PCM is higher than 291.8 K. At this
time, the PCM is completely solid.
At time 18 h o'clock, we see the increase of temperature in
the test rooms at approximately 296 K (with
PCM), and 296.35 K (without PCM). The PCM temperature is in the
phase change region and become partially liquid. The PCM begins to
absorb the latent heat
The air temperature in the test rooms begins to decrease and
indicates that the heat gain is effectively absorbing through melting
/solidification process.
At time 24 h o'clock, the convection heat exchange is strongly
reduced between the outdoor and the inside ambient. The air temperature
in the test rooms begins to decrease and indicates that the heat gain is
effectively absorbing through melting / solidification process. However,
the air temperature in the test room with PCM is 295 K but the air
temperature in the test room without PCM is lower than 294 K. This
proves that the PCM acts as a thermal energy accumulator and regulates
more perfectly the ambiance temperature.
Fig. 10 shows temperature evolutions at test room, and outdoor
during 06 days (144 h) with PCM and without PCM. We can see that the
amplitude of the temperature variation of test room without PCM is
higher than that of the temperature variation of test room with PCM.
However, a time shift can be observed around 6.3 h (with PCM) and 2 h
(without PCM) between the outdoor and the inside temperatures in the
test room. The time shift with PCM is higher than without PCM. This
indicates clearly the energy storage process associated with phase
changes. The maximum of the temperature is about 306 K for outdoor,
297.95 K (with PCM) and 300.1 K (without PCM) for test room And the
minimum of the temperature is about 284.5 K for outdoor, 292.6 K (with
PCM) and 289.9 K (without PCM) for test room. This proves clearly that
the incorporation of PCM in walls allows us to smooth out fluctuations
in the internal ambient temperature, reduce daily energy consumption and
enhances the thermal comfort during the daytime.
Fig. 11 presents the evolutions of temperatures at different
positions in the south (x = 0.275 m), north (x = 3.0 m) PCM walls and in
the ambiance (x = 1.5 m). The temperature profile of the south PCM wall
presents two peaks due to the presence of the thermal bridging
(glazing). We note also that the south wall temperature is higher than
the ambiance and the north wall temperatures due to the solar radiation
It is interesting to note that the evolution of the ambient
temperature profile in the north wall is more stable than the south wall
temperature due to the not presence of the window. We can notice that
the maximum temperature peaks are near the windows, clearly indicating
the presence of thermal bridge.
6. Conclusion
The purpose of this work is to present a thermal performance of
phase change material (PCM) integrate in a passive solar building in
Tlemcen. The numerical approach based on the effective heat capacity
[C.sub.eff] with realistic outdoor climatic conditions of Tlemcen city.
It was shown that the utilization of PCM layer in a passive solar
building may reduce the maximum test room temperature by about 6 to 8 K
during the daytime and increase the minimum temperature by about 8 K
during the night which reduces the heating load significantly.
Secondly, the results show that, in the present conditions, typical
in Tlemcen, the optimal comfort temperature is about 296.8 K corresponds
to the human comfort in buildings. The influence of the melting
temperature of the PCM is significant at ambient temperature should be
chosen properly to avoid the occurrence of the overheating.
It is interesting to note that the excess heat is stored in the PCM
and a temperature gradient is created near in the windows of test room.
This improved thermal comfort is more important if we reinforce the
isolation of the window in the test. Finally the use of PCM in building
envelope for thermal storage could lead to lower consumption of energy
resource, which provides benefits to both economic and environmental
[crans.sup.ref] http://dx.doi.Org/ 10.5755/j01.mech.20.4.6235
Received January 21, 2014
Accepted June 18, 2014
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G. Selka *, A. N. Korti *, S. Abboudi **, R. Saim *
* Laboratory of Energetic and Applied Thermal (ETAP), Faculty of
Technology, University Tlemcen, BP 230-13000Tlemcen, Algeria, E-mail:
** IRTES-M3M, University of Technology of BelfortMontbeliard
(UTBM), Sevenans site-90010, France, E-mail:
Table 1
Geometrical properties of the test rooms
[y.sub.1], [y.sub.1]2, [y.sub.1]3, [L.sub.1], [L.sub.2],
m m m m m
1.0 1.0 1.0 3.6 3
Table 2
Thermal properties of materials
Materials P, kg/ [lambda], Cp,
[m.sup.3] W/mK J/kgK
Paraffin 777 Eq. (8) Eq. (7)
Concrete 2100 1.41 1000
Brick 1922 0.73 835
Glazing 2500 1.4 720