Numerical simulation of foam flow through RBMK-1500 control rod channel/RBMK-1500 reaktoriaus valdymo strypo kanalo ausinimo putu srautu sumodeliavimas.
Trepulis, M. ; Gylys, J.
1. Introduction
The foam flow phenomen on the forced convection, even with laminar
flow, is complex and hard to develop analytically. Only key to the
problem is experimental results and numerical solution. Heat transfer
coefficient is very important parameter because it determines the rate
of heat transfer. This paper uses two methods to determine this
parameter: experiment and CFD (computational fluid dynamics) simulation.
Experiment was made for transient-turbulent convective heat transfer of
macro foam in vertical cylindrical tube. CFD simulation in CFX was made
and the experimental results have proven to be very useful for the
validation of CFD calculations of foam flow through a heated cylindrical
There are two main approaches for the simulation of multiphase
flow, namely the Euler-Lagrange method which considers the bubbles as
individual entities tracked using trajectory equations, and the
Euler-Euler method which is based on two-fluid model which assumes the
gas and liquid phases to be interpenetrating continua. From
computational considerations, the Euler-Euler approach is more
economical and commonly used.
After the numerical simulation proved the experimental results,
RBMK-1500 control and protection channel cooling with macro foam was
modeled. ANSYS CFX software is a general purpose fluid dynamics
simulation program has been developed over more than 20 years and is
widely used in solving complex two-phase flow situations. In this work
the foam flow channel geometry mesh was created using ANSYS MESHING
TOOLS. The foam flow and heat transfer were simulated by using ANSYS CFX
14.5 software package.
2. RBMK-1500 reactor
RBMK-1500 reactor, which previously operated on Ignalina NPP site,
is a multichannel boiling water and graphite-moderated reactor. The
graphite blocks are assembled within the inner cavity of the reactor on
a supporting metal structure. The stack can be visualized as a vertical
cylinder, made up of 2488 graphite columns, constructed from various
types of graphite blocks with openings inside. These openings are used
for fuel channels, control rod channels, and a few instruments
associated with the reactor core [1]. During nuclear fission 95% of the
generated energy is released in the fuel element and an additional 5% is
released in the graphite during neutron moderation and gamma absorption.
One of the principal distinguishing characteristics of the RBMK-type
reactor is that each core fuel assembly is housed in an individual
pressure tube (Fig. 1). Pressure in channels with control rods is always
close to atmospheric.
The CPS (Control and Protection System) channels are cooled by an
independent water circuit provided with its own pumps and heat
exchangers. The cooling water is supplied to the channels from above,
and flows over the exterior and interior casings of the absorber rods.
In this process, the water is heated from 40[degrees]C to a temperature
of 70[degrees]C. During reactor operation, regardless of the position of
the control rod, the inside of the channel is filled with water.
However, after the Chernobyl accident, filling water was changed into
the cooling with water film. This allows, in the event of an emergency,
the control rods to move faster through the channel. Another alternative
to water film could be a control channel cooling with foam. Easily
disrupt foam structure could ensure the free movement for the control
rod across the channel.
In the case of total electrical energy disruption in nuclear power
plant, it would be possible to generate foam from emergency air tanks.
On the assumption that it is necessary to maintain CPS channels
emergency cooling for one hour without electrical energy, the necessary
air consumption would be 70 [m.sup.3]/h for one CPS channel cooling, in
case the foam flow speed is 1m/s. For all 211 CPS channels it would be
14770 [m.sup.3] of air for one hour. The volume can be reduced by
compressing air. The storage volume for a compressed gas can be
calculated using Boyle's law:
[p.sub.a] x [V.sub.a] = [p.sub.c] x [V.sub.c],
where [p.sub.a] is atmospheric pressure, [V.sub.a] is volume of gas
at the atmospheric pressure, [p.sub.c] is compressed pressure, [V.sub.c]
is volume of the gas at the compressed pressure. According the formula,
if the air is compressed to 2 MPa, it should be enough around 740
[m.sup.3] volume tanks for all 211 CPS emergency cooling for one hour.
Detergent solution flow doesn't need electrical power, it flows
downward because of gravity. It is necessary 60 [m.sup.3] volume tank of
solution in generating foam for all 211 CPS cooling for one hour. It
could be used natural gas flame nozzles to destruct the used foam.
3. Experiment
Fig. 2 shows a schematic of the cross-section of the test section.
The calculation design is similar to that used by Warrier et al. 2002,
[2] to study boiling heat transfer in mini-channels except that there is
only one channel and it is heated straight with electrical current.
Cylindrical tube stays in vertical position [3] and is heating with
transformer. The wire is fitted to the tube by copper bended bus. The
buses are soldered to the tube for better tube--bus contact. Cylindrical
tube is made from stainless steel 0.5 mm thick with active heating
height of 0.8 m. All outer side of the tube was covered with insulation.
The flow channel has a hydraulic diameter [D.sub.h] of 0.15 m defined
based on the wetted perimeter. The inlet and outlet temperatures are
measured by type-E thermocouples. Moreover, to measure the surface
temperature along the stainless steel tube, twenty eight type E
thermocouples were soldered to the surface. There are four thermocouples
per axial location and the temperature readings at each axial location
did not differ by more than [+ or -] 0.2[degrees]C for all heat transfer
experiments. The seven axial location measured from the entrance are
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 m. The average of four temperatures
is taken as the temperature of the heated surface at that axial
As mentioned by Warrier et al. (2002) [2], it was not possible to
measure the fluid flow temperature inside the channels because the
thermocouples were in contact with the channel walls leading to a higher
temperature reading. Instead, the local fluid temperature is computed
using the local energy balance equation. All the thermocouples readings
are recorded every second by a Picotech TC 08 data acquisition system
connected to a computer.
During the experiment it was observed that foam structure keeps
statically stable if the air flow and detergent solution flow isn't
4. Simulation of experiment using ANSYS CFX
The finite-volume method (FVM) is a method for representing and
evaluating partial differential equations in the form of algebraic
equations [4]. Similar to the finite difference method or finite element
method, values are calculated at discrete places on a meshed geometry.
"Finite volume" refers to the small volume surrounding each
node point on a mesh. In the finite volume method, volume integrals in a
partial differential equation that contain a divergence term are
converted to surface integrals, using the divergence theorem.
These terms are then evaluated as fluxes at the surfaces of each
finite volume. Because the flux entering a given volume is identical to
that leaving the adjacent volume, these methods are conservative.
Another advantage of the finite volume method is that it is easily
formulated to allow for unstructured meshes as shown on Fig. 3. The
method is used in many computational fluid dynamics packages.
In this paper, the solution method of approach is chosen when the
two-phase flow is formed. The foam is described as a medium made up of
the individual phases of the solution and air mixture. Obtained
simulation results are shown in the Figs. 4 and 5. Since the
experimental setup validation has been made with the air it was first
developed numerical model when the heated channel is cooling with air
flow. Simulation results are presented in Fig. 4. It is easy to notice
that the air temperature varies not only along the channel, but it is
different in different cross-sectional areas.
In order to calculate the average theoretical channel outlet air
temperature, it is necessary to know the heat loss to the environment.
Losses are found from the energy balance equation:
[] = [m.sub.air] x [c.sub.p, air] ([T.sub.air, outlet]
- [T.sub.air,inlet]), (1)
[q.sub.loss] = [] - [] (2)
where [] is the total power input expressed by
Joule's law [] = UI. Voltage U is measured in volts and
I current is measured in ampere. The actual heat input into the test
section is []. The mass flow rate is [m.sub.air] and
[c.sub.p, air] is the specific heat of air.
Experiment and simulation (Fig. 4) airflow output of the channel
average temperature value differs by no more than 3[degrees]C
(46[degrees]C and 43[degrees]C), which corresponds to less than 7%
deviation, so it can be concluded that the simulation of foam flow
results reliability should also be good. Since the wall temperature
varies along the channel, for initial conditions of the simulation was
used not the wall temperature, but the heat flow for channel surface
After agreement with the numerical simulation results reliability
in the case of air-cooled channel, the numerical model of 0.97 void
fraction foam was made. Simulation results are presented in Fig. 5.
Graphics show how foam temperature profile varies along the heated
In addition, the temperature profile depends on the foam flow rate.
Since the experimental setup length to diameter ratio is relatively low
(80/15 = 5.33), it can be argued that a well-established treatment
temperature is reached only at the end of the experimental channel in
the case of foam flow speed of 0.2 m/s.
5. The experiment and simulation results comparison
Heat transfer coefficient of axial cross-sections increase (Fig.
6), moving away from the channel inlet to the channel top can be
explained by the fact that the foam cool down the heated surfaces and
increase in temperature. Decrease in the temperature difference between
the channel wall and the foam directly influences the heat transfer
coefficient increase.
The difference between experimental and simulation results can be
explained by the fact that the modeling assumed that the heated
cylindrical surface has the same constant temperature. Meanwhile, the
experiments showed that the temperature depends on the flow rate, in
addition changes along the channel (for example, at 0.15 m/s velocity,
temperature deviation of the individual axial locations was
0.6[degrees]C) It also should be noted that the experimentally
determined axial location average heat transfer coefficient, which is
found using the arithmetic average of the four thermocouples, is about
10W/[m.sup.2] K smaller than that obtained with numerical model, because
the model has not seen a solution drainage from foam. As shown in
previous work [5], the solution drainage from the foam increases actual
foam void fraction. The solution drainage increases foam void fraction
thus worsening the cooling conditions, the heat transfer coefficient
goes down, the temperature difference between the wall and the foam
increases. The assessment of the drainage process in numerical model
could lead to smaller deviation with the experimental results.
6. CFX simulation of foam flow heat transfer in control rod channel
For the simulation data it was assumed that the RBMK-1500 reactor
emitted power is 4000 MW. The reactor core is composed of 2488 graphite
columns, of which 211 are the control rods. On average, around 5% of
heat is generated in graphite columns. In the calculations it was
assumed that one graphite column then emits about 80 kW of heat. Control
channel graphite column is 7 m long and 114 mm in diameter. The total
channel wall area is 2.50572 [m.sup.2].
Fig. 7 shows the temperature profile in the channel obtained with
CFX software package. At first, simulation has been done with the same
foam void fraction and speed parameters as used in the experiment [3].
At the initial conditions foam inlet temperature was 20[degrees]C and
0.3 m/s speed. As can be seen from the picture, the average output foam
temperature reaches 923.9[degrees]C, what means that the foam structure
breaks up at this temperature. For low foam speed and high heat flux for
channel, the average temperature of the foam in the entrance point of
the channel immediately reached 42.73[degrees]C, while the initial
conditions of 20[degrees]C been asked. The results suggest that the
experimentally studied foam speeds and porosities are not suitable for
use in the RBMK control rod channel cooling.
Afterwards (Fig. 8) foam flow rate and inlet temperature was
increased up to 1 m/s and up to 40[degrees]C. In the real-world
conditions, control rod channel water inlet temperature is about
40[degrees]C and outlet temperature is around 70[degrees]C. Foam void
fraction left the same--0.96. The average channel entrance foam
temperature obtained with software package is only slightly higher than
the considered and was 40.75[degrees]C.
During experiment it was observed that 0.96 porosity foam has
around 180 W/[m.sup.2]K heat transfer coefficient. Water heat transfer
coefficient varies from 500 up to 10 000 W/[m.sup.2]K. In the current
RBMK reactors construction, water flows downward because of gravity and
reaches higher speed than that which was used (1m/s) with foam
simulation. Due to higher water heat transfer coefficient and higher
speed, the water film is capable to remove the excess heat. The purpose
of this paper work was not to compare which cooling method is better,
but to simulate if aqueous foam is capable to remove the excess heat
from Control and Protection System channels.
As seen on Fig. 8, the output of the channel foam maximum
temperature at the edges of the wall does not exceed 100[degrees]C,
while the average total cross section reaches 87.38[degrees]C,
suggesting that the foam structure remains non-degraded and such a
control rod channel cooling is possible.
7. Conclusions
1. Using ANSYS CFX 14.5 software package it was composed numerical
model of two-phase macro foam flow in a vertical cylindrical channel
where inner channel wall transfers the heat to the upward foam flow.
Simulation showed that foam temperature and heat transfer coefficient
values corresponded well with the experimental results, it can be said
that this is the right software package for modeling foam flow and heat
transfer from cylindrical surface to the foam flow.
2. Foam application to the RBMK-1500 control rods channels cooling
is possible, but it requires higher speeds or smaller void fraction foam
than that was the subject of experimental studies.
3. During large void fraction foam numerical simulation, the best
matching simulation results with experiment were obtained in the case
when foam was described as Newtonian, Non-homogeneous, two-phase fluid
Received March 24, 2014
Accepted September 17, 2014
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M. Trepulis, Kaunas University of Technology, K. Donelaicio g. 20,
LT-44239 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
J. Gylys, Kaunas University of Technology, K. Donelaicio g. 20-225,
LT-44239 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail: