Coupling of zones with different resolution capabilities in dynamic finite element models of woven composites/ Skirtingos skiriamosios gebos zonu sujungimas austu kompozitu dinaminuose baigtiniu elementu modeliuose.
Rimavicius, V. ; Calneryte, D. ; Barauskas, R. 等
1. Introduction
Finite element modelling of material and structure physical
behaviour have been already an integral part in the development of new
products, and as well a part of design processes for civil engineering,
mechanical and mechatronics engineering, munitions industry, and in many
other engineering areas. Numerical models of biomechanical and
biomedical engineering systems are applied in the analysis of implant
mechanics, of dental prosthesis strategies, in the development of
protective clothes and lightweight armour, planning of surgery and
hyper-thermal treatment procedures of tumours, etc. Computer simulation
results often are highly adequate to the reality and reliable in such a
high degree that nowadays many natural experiments may be replaced by
The finite element computational technology enables to investigate
highly refined structural models, as well as, complex models of material
response in order to represent the behaviour of real systems accurately
and adequately, including their essentially non-linear behaviour,
characteristics of inner structure, peculiarities of internal texture
etc., [1,2]. Though powerful computers and perfect computational
software are widely available nowadays, real needs of engineering
investigation steadily require more computational resources than is
available at the moment. The search of reasonable compromise between the
accuracy of the model and its dimensionality is termed as model
Reduced models are created essentially for every theoretical and
computational investigation. It is always a choice of a researcher to
decide what minuteness of structure details or of its integral
structural elements should be represented by the model. Very often the
choice is based on engineering intuition and proper understanding of the
physical essence of the behaviour of the investigated system. However,
nowadays the availability of computational technologies implies new
regular approaches of treatment of the same phenomena at different time
and length scales (multiscale modelling). The same object can be
described by using different mathematical abstractions. The change of
the model resolution property is usually carried out by generating
elements based on mathematical equations presented in different forms
and by introducing necessary interactions rather than by coarsening or
refining the finite element mesh.
The model resolution requirement has been recognized as one of the
main challenges in non-linear computational mechanics almost two decades
ago [3]. The problem remains actual nowadays as well, though a lot of
research have been carried out under multiscale analysis headline. The
reason is obviously a tremendous variety of manifestations of the
multiscale. The term model making has been proposed in [4] and
demonstrated that the building a proper computational model could be
understood as a certain kind of engineering activity. Also term model
engineering appeared [5]. Reduction concepts and techniques of
mathematical models, which appear in very different application areas,
such as dynamic analysis in multiple time scales, functional dependence
extraction, chemical kinetics, population dynamics, etc., have been
discussed in [6-7].
In this work, along the physically-based analogies used for dynamic
interaction model reduction two formal approaches have been
investigated. A model earlier developed by us in LS-DYNA finite element
system has been employed as a reference model. The internal structure of
the reduced models synthesized in this work is essentially simpler as it
presented the woven structure by means of the girder, the interactions
between nodal points of which were expressed by using elastic, viscous
and friction link finite elements. Contact interactions of the surface
of the bullet against the girder needed to be determined during each
time integration step. The mathematical expression of mutual adequacy of
the two models was based on the comparison of the response of the
reduced model against the response of the reference model by means of
appropriately constructed penalty functions.
2. Finite element model of a woven structure
As an example of a complex dynamic interaction problem, a model of
impact of a homogeneous deformable bullet against the multilayer woven
textile structure has been analysed (Fig. 1).
Each fabric layer is made of multifilament yarns woven together. We
used the "mezzo-mechanical" approach, in which a yarn has been
considered as primary component comprising the fabric. The properties of
an individual yarn are defined empirically by making several
assumptions. It s commonly accepted that the cross-section of a free
yarn not interwoven into a textiles is close to a circle made of
cross-sections of a certain number of individual filaments.
In a fabric structure the yarns are being compressed because of
forces acting in overlapping areas. As a result, the geometry of the
cross-section of each yarn is being changed depending upon the
constitution of the yarn, its density, its type and technological
parameters of the weave. After examination of the cross-section of the
yarn extracted from the fabrics we assume it to be close to the
combination of two circular segments. On the base of the measured
cross-section thicknesses at nodal points, shell element structure has
been employed in order to represent each yarn of the weave. As shell
thicknesses are prescribed and may not change during the contact
interaction, under certain interaction conditions this may affect the
adequacy of the model.
The technique of obtaining the model of a woven yarn patch in more
detail has been described earlier in our earlier publication [8]. By
using this technique the weave is obtained by solving the contact
interaction equilibrium problem and is able to present the warp and weft
yarns in the weave. The Ox directed yarns (the warp) are elastically
deformed by moving their nodes in the direction Oz perpendicular to the
plane of the layer in order to situate the Oy directed yarns (the weft)
in-between the warps. After activation of the contact search algorithm
the yarns of the model come to an elastic equilibrium. As a result, a
woven structure is obtained in a similar way as a real fabric is
produced. After equilibrium is obtained, the elastic stresses and
strains are being fully or partially removed in order to imitate the
relaxation of stresses in multi-filament yarns. Moreover, the amount of
residual stress may be controlled when building the model. In this way
we may create a desired value of the warp tension, which is an important
characteristic of a weave.
3. Multi-scale model based on the adjustment of wave propagation
The zone of single layer of a fabric taking place in the contact
interaction for a 9 mm bullet comprises only about 20-60 mm in diameter.
However, in order to represent properly the dynamics of the interaction
process much larger pieces of a fabric should be modelled.
Unfortunately, the weave step being about 1 mm, such "fully
woven" models are prohibitive because of their huge dimensionality.
In order to obtain models of smaller dimensions the macro-mechanical
approach is being used. The zones of the fabric remote from the
interaction zone are modelled by means of orthotropic shell (membrane)
elements. At the zones distant form the interaction point that can be
much bigger than the elements, which present the mesh of interacting
yarns. Sudden transitions in mesh density of finite element models are
implemented by using tied interfaces, Fig. 2.
A uniform membrane-type surrounding of the woven patch cannot be
expected to present an identical dynamic behaviour as the woven yarn
structure. However, satisfactory approximation is possible provided that
the appropriate selection of geometrical and physical properties of the
membrane zone is made. Two models of the fabric layer with different
dimensions of the woven patch are built, Fig. 3. The model containing a
larger patch has been considered as a reference model (in our study it
contained 120x120 yarns), and the smaller one was 20x20 yarns; we take
it at least twice greater than the diameter of the zone at which the
failure of yarns may take place.
The membrane is presented by 1-integration point shell elements
exhibiting no bending stiffness. The membrane thickness may be assumed
as known, however, the values of mass density p, Young's modulus E
and shear modulus G of the orthotropic material have to be selected in
order to obtain the dynamic response of both models as close as possible
to each other.
The overall approach is similar to the convergence investigation of
models of different refinement. The "exact" numerical solution
may be regarded as known as we are able to make a stand-alone numerical
experiment by employing the fully woven model. Further a series of
models with different sizes of the woven patch are investigated and the
physical constants of the surrounding orthotropic membrane established
in order to ensure a convergent behaviour in the sense that the
solutions obtained by using every model are close to the exact one.
In order to estimate the wave propagation speed as the wave
propagates in between two nodes of the structure we fix time moments
[t.sub.1], [t.sub.2] when the displacements of the nodes reach a
pre-selected level, see Fig. 4, a and b.
For instance, the average speed of the wave propagating along
direction x may be estimated as v = [increment of x]/[t.sub.2] -
[t.sub.1] where [increment of x] = [x.sub.2] - [x.sub.1] distance
between the nodes. The discontinuities in the wave propagation speed
relationships are eliminated at each nodal point by taking the average
of the propagation speeds in two neighbouring inter-nodal segments of
the wave propagation line.
The results presented in Fig. 3 are obtained by using one of
"successful" sets of membrane material constants as
Surface density of the membrane/surface density of the woven patch
= 0.8;
Young's modulus of the membrane/Young's modulus of the
yarn = 0 3.
Shear modulus of the membrane/Young's modulus of the membrane
= 0.0042.
Rather small values of Young's modulus of the equivalent
membrane enables to present the de-crimping driven deformation of the
fabric which can be expected to prevail in zones remote from the point
of impact. Very small values of shear modulus are obtained because of
small shear stiffness of the woven structure at small strains. However,
the value of shear modulus had to be selected with care as it makes a
significant influence basically upon the shape of the front of the
transverse wave, as well as, upon its amplitude. It should be noticed
that the wave propagation speed relationships of the reference model and
10x 10 woven patch model have significant (up to ~20%) differences.
The resultant displacements and wave fronts obtained by using 10x
10 model are close to the results obtained by using the reference model
as can be observed from the results presented in Fig. 4.
4. Obtaining reduced finite element models of the woven patch
As a demonstration of the technique a simple problem has been
formulated, in which the rectangular girder model composed of
interconnected rods has been reduced to equivalent membrane model.
Consider structures of a girder and equivalent membrane [9]. Both
structures are characterized by their physical and geometrical
properties. Suppose that the membrane is described by the following set
of physical parameters: Young's module [E.sub.m], Poisson's
ratio [u.sub.m], shear module [G.sub.m], thickness [s.sub.m], material
density [[rho].sub.m] and number of elements Nm along one side of the
structure. The girder is described by using Young's module
[E.sub.g], material density [[rho].sub.g], rod width [b.sub.g], rod
thickness [h.sub.g] and the number of cells [N.sub.g] along the side of
the girder. For the first approach we select uniform finite element
models of the same size for both the girder and membrane and same
positions of nodes. Both models are subjected to the same loads F and
the same boundary conditions. A subset of reference nodes is selected
and marked by circles in Fig. 5. Reference node displacements p of
equivalent membrane and q of the girder are obtained by solving the
finite element analysis problem.
Displacements of the girder depend on the girder parameters vector
x = {[b.sub.g], [N.sub.g]}, therefore q = q(x). Displacements p = p(y)
of membrane nodes depend on the vector y = {[G.sub.m], [s.sub.m],
[[rho].sub.m] } of membrane physical parameters. Values of membrane
elements physical parameters y are to be found, which ensure minimum
mismatch of displacements between reference nodes of equivalent membrane
and girder finite element models. For evaluation of mismatch we define
the error function T(y, x) = T(p(y), q(x)). Since p(y) and q(x) are
nonlinear functions, T(y, x) also is non-linear function. We formulate
the error function constrained minimization problem as:
where [[M.sup.q]], [[M.sup.p]] , [[C.sup.q]] , [[C.sup.p]] ,
[[K.sup.q]] , [[K.sup.p]] are the mass, damping and stiffness matrices
of the girder and membrane structures correspondingly; {q}, {p} are the
nodal displacement vectors; {[F.sup.q]} , {[F.sup.p]} are the nodal
force vectors; [x.sub.nx1] is the state parameters vector; [y.sub.nx1]
is the optimization parameters vector, [a.sub.i] [less than or equal to]
[y.sub.i] [less than or equal to] [b.sub.i], i = [bar.1,n]:
where [p.sub.i]. = {[P.sub.ix],[P.sub.iy]} and [q.sub.i] =
{[q.sub.ix],[q.sub.iy]} , i = [bar.1,k], are displacement vectors of
reference nodes, t - time, 0 [less than or equal to] t [less than or
equal to] T. As sample physical values in this investigation [E.sub.m] =
[E.sub.g] = 1.5x[10.sup.11] Pa, [[upsilon].sup.m] = 0, [b.sub.g] =
[h.sub.g], [p.sub.g] = 7800 [k.sub.g]/[m.sub.3], are assumed. The girder
rods were assumed to satisfy the length-thickness relation as:
1/20 [less than or equal to] [b.sub.g]/L[less than or equal to]1/8
[??] L/20[N.sub.g] [less than or equal to] [b.sub.g] [less than or equal
to] L/8[N.sub.g] (3)
Error function minimization was carried out in the static and
dynamic modes for different sets of girder physical parameters. The sets
of membrane physical parameters have been found, which ensured the
minimum mismatch between the displacements of both models.
As an alternative approach the neural network (ANN) method has been
employed. Two-layer neural network has been used, Fig. 6, a.
Back-propagation learning algorithm was used for training. In order
to avoid the overtraining of the network the Early Stopping algorithm
was employed.
The neural network parameters n1 and f1 have been sought, which
produced the smallest value of the error function. A single hidden-layer
was used with neural number in the range 3 [less than or equal to]
[n.sub.1] [less than or equal to] 17 and transfer function [f.sub.1] =
{"tansig", "logsig"}. 500 experiments were
performed. The smallest error of test vectors was [MSE.sub.m]in
[approximately equal to] 0.03333, where [n.sub.1] = 11 and [f.sub.1] =
"tansig", Fig. 6, b. By using this technique functional
dependences between given vectors of physical parameters of the girder x
= {[b.sub.g], [N.sub.g]} and equivalent membrane y = {[G.sub.m],
[s.sub.m], [[rho].sub.m]} were obtained [9], which are further discussed
in Section 5.
As the further model reduction step the rectangular girder and
equivalent membrane zones within the combined model have been
considered, where mesh densities of the girder and of the membrane were
different, Fig. 5. The geometrical parameters of the equivalent membrane
of the combined FE model presented in Fig. 5, b have been employed,
which ensured that the central zone of the model presented by the dense
mesh of interconnected rectangular rods of dimension [L.sub.m] x
[L.sub.m] responded like the central zone of the girder in Fig. 5, a
subjected to the same mechanical forces [10].
Optimization problem (1) has been solved by regarding all the nodes
within the [L.sub.m] x [L.sub.m] central zone of the girder as reference
nodes. Functional dependences were established between pairs of physical
parameter sets obtained after solution of the optimization task. The
regression and, as an alternative, the neural network approaches were
applied. Numerical experiments were carried out and the comparison
between results obtained by using the two approaches was performed [10],
see the discussion in Section 5.
The structural behaviour of the reduced models in the dynamic was
analysed by introducing time as a continuous variable t [member
of][0;T]. The optimization was performed
by using the target function in form (2), which was integrated in
time over time interval [0; T]. Nodal displacements were stored at all
time steps [t.sub.k].
The duration of the investigated time interval was selected as T
[approximately equal to] L [([E.sub.g]/[[rho].sub.g]).sup.-1/2], which
is necessary for the longitudinal elastic wave to travel distance L
equal to the side length of the model. The sine-pulse shaped time law of
the excitation force F had the period [T.sub.F] [approximately equal to]
T/2 . Forces at in dividual nodes have been applied as F = 2 [F.sub.max]
sin ([pi]t)/2 N-1
Functional dependence between physical parameters of the girder and
equivalent membrane x = {[b.sub.g],[N.sub.m],[N.sub.g]} and y
={[G.sub.m],[s.sub.m],[[rho].sub.m],[DELTA]} was obtained, where [DELTA]
is the estimation of the mismatch between the girder and the equivalent
membrane reference nodes displacements).
The final model reduction task was formulated in order to simplify
a complex finite element computational model, which imitated the
ballistic contact interaction of a bullet against the textile structure
implemented in LSDYNA finite element software. The numerical solution
obtained in LS-DYNA environment was regarded as the reference solution.
The reference computational model was developed and verified earlier on
the base of real experiments [8]. Here we simplified the task of the
reduced model development as the failure of the yarns was not considered
during the bullet against woven structure interaction.
The computational model was reduced by replacing the woven
structure by the girder model, Fig. 7. The relative movement of the rods
during the deformation of the structure was represented by
interconnecting the rods by means of visco-elastic links at intersection
points, Fig. 8.
The interconnection links of the rods at their intersection points
can be presented as structural link elements described as follows: where
[k.sub.x],[k.sub.y],[k.sub.z] are stiffness elements along the
directions Ox,Oy,Oz correspondingly, [c.sub.x],[c.sub.y],[c.sub.z] are
damping (viscous friction) elements along the directions Ox, Oy, Oz
As in the previous problems, the error function was based on the
nodal displacements of reference and reduced FE models integrated over
time interval [0; T ] and by considering all the nodes of equivalent
girder rods intersections as reference nodes. The stiffness and damping
constants [k.sub.x], [k.sub.y], [k.sub.z] and [c.sub.x], [c.sub.y],
[c.sub.z] of the link elements were regarded as optimization variables
of the error function minimization task.
5. Computed results
The rod-based girder structure 11 x 11 in the quarter symmetry
model has been created. It was surrounded by the equivalent membrane
zone presented by ANSYS elements SHELL63. Mesh roughness of the membrane
zone was increased with the distance from the girder zone, which enabled
to reduce the total number of elements. The unilateral constraint
elements CONTA175 and TARGE170 were employed for presenting the contact
interaction of the woven structure against the bullet. The surface of
the bullet was assumed as absolutely rigid and was implemented by
SHELL63 elements.
Primarily the stiffness coefficients of the link elements at
connection points of girder rods were determined by using the
trial-error approach as [k.sub.x] = [k.sub.y] = 3.8661x[10.sup.6] N/mm
in x and y directions and [k.sub.z], = 5.2448 x [10.sup.3] N/mm in z
direction. The error function between responses of the reference and
reduced FE models was based on the cumulative differences of
displacements of appropriate nodes, Fig. 2, a and Fig. 9, a.
Displacements and errors of displacements of reference nodes of the
reference and reduced FE models along the xy line are compared in Fig.
In Fig. 10 the numbers are accompanied by the symbols "k"
and "e", where "k" indicates that the node belongs
to the reduced FE model and "e" indicates that the node
belongs to the reference model.
In Fig. 10, a the reference nodes displacements in both models can
be observed as they change in time. The maximum error is approximately
47% at nodes 6393, 6831 and 6719 of the reduced model, Fig. 10, b.
The error function minimization problem has been solved in order to
adjust the values of the parameters of the reduced model. The MATLAB
function fmincon has been applied in order to solve the error function
minimization problem (1), (2).
Coefficients [k.sub.x], [k.sub.y], [k.sub.z] and [c.sub.x],
[c.sub.y], [c.sub.z] of the link elements were regarded as optimization
variables. It was assumed that [k.sub.x] = [k.sub.y] because of the
quarter symmetry of the reduced FE model. The constraints on the values
of the stiffness coefficients were imposed as:
The solution demonstrated that the coefficient values [k.sub.x] =
[k.sub.y] = 3.8661x[10.sup.3] N/mm, [k.sub.z] = 5.2448x[10.sup.6] N/mm
provide acceptable results.
Maximum error between reference nodes of the reference and reduced
FE models was 14% after the adjustment of the stiffness coefficient
values of link elements, Fig. 11.
6. Conclusions
The issues of the reduced model development for essentially
non-linear structural interactions have been discussed basing on the
example of the finite element analysis of the interaction process of the
woven structure against a rigid projectile. The reduced model was
synthesized by using highly refined finite element reference model. The
basic tasks and algorithms were programmed in MATLAB. The finite element
software ANSYS and LSDYNA were used for obtaining the structural
responses at given sets of model parameters.
The size of the woven structure reference model was reduced to
reasonable dimensions by using a mezzo-mechanical approach, in which the
multifilament yarns comprising the woven fabric were presented as a
structure of narrow bands of the prescribed cross-section and by
presenting the zones of the fabric distant from the point of impact by
the orthotropic membrane model. The physically-based approach of
combining together the models of woven structure and the equivalent
membrane structure was developed by employing the coincidence of
in-plane and out-of-plane wave propagation velocities in both zones as a
prerogative for the equivalency between the two differently scaled
The development of the reduced models included approaches based on
the cumulative error function minimization in both static and dynamic
modes of the non-linear structural analysis. The reduced finite element
model has been developed, which tended to replace a complex interaction
model of mechanical contact among woven yarns by the linear or
close-to-linear model. The girder structure interconnected by
appropriate structural link elements has been employed. The mechanical
contacts had to be analyzed only in the rigid projectile against the
yarns interactions thus enabling essential reduction of the structural
complexity of the model. The regression and artificial network
techniques were involved for the synthesis of the reduced models, which
were designed to represent properly the structural behaviour provided no
yarns failure takes place.
As demonstrated by the presented examples, the presented approach
was able to present satisfactory results both in static and dynamic
modes of structural analysis. Nevertheless, in some cases the direct
application of the approach may encounter difficulties as the error
function may appear as multi-extreme and difficult to minimize globally.
On the other hand, the approach inevitably starts with certain
physically-based knowledge about the essential features of the analyzed
system. Very probably the model reduction approach can never be
"purely formal". Though based on particular examples, the
presented analysis creates some methodical prerogatives for the
reduction of models of other systems as well and in this way promotes to
the field of research of multi-scale models.
Received October 26, 2011 Accepted April 08, 2013
The research has been sponsored by Lithuanian Science Council,
agreement number MIP-31/2011.
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V. Rimavicius *, D. Calneryte **, R. Barauskas ***
* Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu str.50-407, 51368
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail: vidmantas.
** Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu str.50-407, 51368
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
*** Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Demokratu 53,
48485 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail: