Influence of cantilever length on stress distribution in fixation screws of All-on-4 full-arch bridge/ Gembes ilgio itaka viso dantu lanko protezo fiksavimo varzteliuose "All-on-4" susidaranciu itempiu pokyciams.
Varinauskas, V. ; Diliunas, S. ; Kubilius, M. 等
1. Introduction
Since dental implants were introduced for rehabilitation of the
edentulous patients in the late 1960s, the use of implants
revolutionized dental treatment modalities and provided good long-term
results. The problem of edentulism is topical around the world and the
percentage of edentulous people in some age-groups can reach up to 40%
[1]. According to the study carried out in Kaunas city during 2006-2008,
there were 5.6% of edentulous people in the 55-64 year age group and
15.2% in the 65-72 year age group [2]. There has been a similar
situation in other European countries: edentulous people make up 22.6%
of people in the 65-74 year age group in Germany and 13.8% in
Switzerland [3].
"All-on-4" concept was developed to overcome anatomical
limitations in the edentulous mandible cases. Treatment is based on four
dental implants insertion in the interforaminal segment for supporting a
full-arch prosthesis with a maximum of a two-tooth distal cantilevers in
molar region bilaterally [4, 5].
Several studies have indicated that fixation screw loosening is a
most common mechanical complication of multiple tooth implant
restorations [6], because it's the weakest element in
implant-abutment-crown construction [7].
Screw-retained restorations offer a rigid connection between the
restoration and the abutment. During chewing and biting, the prosthetic
restoration is affected by various physiological forces e.g. on a single
molar implant might be short force maximum up to an average of 847 N for
men and 595 N for women [8].
The chewing load is absorbed and amortized by the periodontal
ligament around the dental root, which is impossible in case of dental
implant. Thus, occlusal loads directly affect all fixation elements
through prosthesis. The small fixation screws that fasten restorations
to implants can come loose. The greater micromotion in the joint result
failure and loss of implant function [9, 10].
A literature review showed that screw loosening or fracture varied
between 2% and 45% of the implant restorations [11]. A meta-analysis on
implant-related complications calculated a cumulative incidence of
connection-related complications of 7.3% after 5 years of clinical
service [12]. The incorporation of cantilevers into implant borne
prostheses was associated with a higher incidence of technical
complications related to the supra-constructions (20.3% vs. 9.7% for
non-cantilever prostheses) [13]. Many attempts have been made to
overcome screw loosening problem by incorporating anti-rotational and
other screw design variations [14].
One of the in vitro possibilities to study dental implants is the
finite element method (FEM). Due to a universal nature of the research,
FEM is a powerful and effective tool for predicting the mechanical
behavior of dental restorations, fixed partial dentures and implant
supported prostheses. The method consists of a few steps starting with
the two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) modeling of the
studied objects. The obtained results allow accurate evaluation of
treatment possibilities with respect to biomechanical aspects. It is
only important to create models most accurately corresponding clinical
conditions [15-17].
The aim of the study was to determine the influence of the
cantilever length, implants position and occlusal force location on the
stress distribution in fixation screws within the framework of the
All-on-4 concept using the finite element analysis.
2. Material and methods
For research purposes, 3D form system elements were modeled: the
interforaminal segment of an edentulous mandible (class V according to
Cawood and Howell [18], cylinder segments of the peri-implant bone, 4
titanic dental implant abutments in the perpendicular position to the
occlusal plane, 14-tooth solid bridge with perforations for fixation
made of cobalt-chrome alloy, and 4 fixation screws made of cobalt-chrome
alloy (Fig. 1). The length of the superstructure was selected so as to
be equivalent to that used in a clinical situation. The cortical bone
tissue was modeled to match the bone type I, according to the
classification by Lekholm and Zarb, encompassing the spongiosis bone by
2 mm. For research purposes, the Ankylos[R] (Friadent GmbH Mannheim,
Germany) dental implant system was chosen: the implants of 3.5 mm in
diameter and 11 mm in length; the abutments of 0.75 mm in height of
gums, 5.5 mm in diameter, and 2.4 mm in fixation height; and retaining
screws (occlusal hexagon 1.6 mm).
A load of 300 N was applied to the occlusal surfaces. The maximum
von-Misses stress on the fixation screws was measured.
All the materials were considered elastic, homogeneous, and
isotropic. Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio defining
material properties of the system elements were taken from literature
sources [19]. Mechanical properties are given in Table 1.
SolidWorks and Simulation program packages were used to model the
research objects. The system elements were interconnected by a rigid
connection in thread joints and bone layer joints and by a
no-penetration connection in other places of contact. The model was
fixed at the bottom of a mandible segment [20]. To imitate the chewing
strength, a load of 300 N acting perpendicularly on the surface of the
prosthesis in the position of all the cantilevers was chosen and
recorded changing the position of dental implants with respect to each
other (symmetrically in the position of the central incisors D1 and the
first premolars D4, in the position of the lateral incisors D2 and D4,
in the position of the canine teeth D3 and D4, and in the position of D2
and D3). Adaptive meshing method, high quality mesh and tetrahedral
elements with 10 nodes were used.
The changes of stresses in the fixation screws were evaluated
according to the numerical values of vonMisses stresses. The form of
elements of the model was simplified in order to reduce the time for
computer calculation [21].
3. Results and discussions
First, it is necessary to clarify how implant positioning in the
mandible influences loads of fixation screws.
It was determined that the highest von-Misses stress concentrates
on the marginal fixation screw on the side the load is applied. However,
the value of maximal stress and the location where these stresses form
It was determined that stress values did not differ much if the
load location changed from 1 to 3 in the systems 4-1-1-4 and 4-2-2-4
(Table 2). This shows that the loads in this case of loading are almost
equally distributed on all fixation screws. From the practical
implantology perspective, it can be stated that there is no great
difference where frontal implants are to be positioned in case of such
loading on the All-on-4 system. But when the load is applied on D4, the
stress on the fixation screw of this implant increases by about 1.5
times. This shows that the screws of frontal implants are unloaded. The
difference of stress on fixation screw D4 between the systems 4-1-1-4
and 4-2-24 increases up to 8.7%.
A tendency was observed that the location factor of central
implants emerges in cases the load is applied on D5 or further teeth.
Greater stresses are formed in 4-1-1-4 than in 4-2-2-4. It is an
interesting fact that the greatest difference appears when the load is
applied on D5. When the load location changes from D4 to the end of the
cantilever, the difference decreases. Certainly, the stress values
increase due to an increasing bending moment. On the basis of the
calculated stress values, it is possible to state that when the load is
applied on D5 and further teeth of the cantilever small plastic
deformations are formed in the local zones of fixation screw D4, which
can influence the formation of little backlash in the screw connection.
Such worse treatment of the system 4-1-1-4 in comparison with
4-2-2-4 can be explained as follows: when frontal implants are close to
each other in the mandible with such geometry, the All-on-4 concept acts
like the All-on-3 concept; therefore, screw bending to the outside of
the mandible increases and system stability decreases.
A comparison of the above mentioned systems with the system 4-3-3-4
demonstrated that the latter was much worse (Table 3). The calculations
have confirmed that such a system is not acceptable for practical usage
because the system works like All-on-2. Such a system is not stable.
When a patient bites and later chews food, the location of the load
changes from D1 to D7, which conditions fast cyclic fatigue of screws.
Another important aspect in the practice of implantologists is to
know how the location of load applying influences elements of the
All-on-4 system, for example, fixation screws as in the present
As it can be seen in Table 4, rude change is obtained when the load
is applied on the first tooth after the marginal implant. The load
applying further to the end of the cantilever does not significantly
influence the gradient of the stress increase. However, as it can be
seen in Fig. 1, the longer the cantilever is, the faster the stress
increases. The system 4-2-2-4 is the least sensitive to an increasing
cantilever length. It can be explained by a few facts. The comparison of
this system with 4-1-1-4 demonstrates that the distance from D4 to the
central implants does not differ significantly; however, in the system
4-2-2-4, central implants are more distant from each other, which
results in greater stability of the system and less significant screw
bending into the outside of the mandible. This screw loading component
is greater in the system 4-1-1-4. The hypothesis is dominant until the
cantilever is as long as 1 or 2 teeth. When the length of the cantilever
is 3 teeth, the outer bending component becomes less important, and the
vertical bending component becomes more important. Because the distance
between D1 and D2 is not great, the difference between vertical bending
moments in the systems 4-1-1-4 and 4-2-2-4 is not significant. On the
other hand, it is possible that the system 4-2-2-4 is more
"mobile" than 4-1-1-4. Therefore, the screws of other implants
absorb the load.
If the systems where central and marginal implants are close to
each other are compared, it can be observed (Fig. 2) that the influence
of load is absolutely similar in its dynamics. It can be associated with
the fact that in both systems 4-3-3-4 and 3-2-2-3 bending dominates and
its load is almost the same on the neighboring screws. The difference of
the values between analogous cantilevers appears because of a different
distance between neighboring teeth, i.e., between 2 and 3 and between 3
and 4. Because of human physiology, the distance between 3 and 4 is
bigger. On the basis of accomplished calculations, it can be stated that
these systems with the cantilevers as long as 1 or 2 teeth could compete
with the system 4-1-1-4. But the cantilevers which are as long as 3
teeth are much worse.
One difference between 3-2-2-3 and other systems was observed.
Stress minimal value in screw D4 was determined when the load was
applied on D1. When the load location was changed from D1 to D7, the
stress values on screw D4 increased. Meanwhile, in other systems, the
stress minimum was observed when the load location was on D2. On the
other hand, this decrease was not great. Therefore, authors associate it
with the peculiarity of FEM.
4. Conclusions
1. From the point of view of screw stressing, implantologists who
use the All-on-4 concept should position implants in the places of the
second and the fourth tooth.
2. If it is not possible to use the system 4-2-2-4, the system
4-1-1-4 can be used, too.
3. The cantilever length should not exceed 3 teeth.
4. The systems with neighboring implants are undesirable. Such
systems are not enough unstable. The screws obtain marked loads. During
food chewing, cyclic bending can affect screw fracture.
5. The cantilever length should not exceed 2 teeth for the system
4-1-1-4, 3 teeth for the system 4-2-2-4, 2 teeth for the system 4-3-3-4,
and 2 teeth for the system 3-2-2-3.
Received October 11, 2012 Accepted June 17, 2013
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V. Varinauskas *, S. Diliunas **, M. Kubilius ***, R. Kubilius ****
* Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery, Lithuanian University of Health
Sciences, Eiveniu st. 2, 50009, Lithuania, E-mail: vaidas.
** Kaunas University of Technology, Department of Mechanics of
Solids, Kestucio st. 27, 44312 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
*** Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery, Lithuanian University of
Health Sciences, Eiveniu st. 2, 50009, Lithuania, E-mail:
**** Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery, Lithuanian University of
Health Sciences, Eiveniu st. 2, 50009, Lithuania, E-mail:
Table 1
Mechanical properties
Material E, GPa v
Peri-implant bone 12.51 0.313
Cortical bone 10.63 0.313
Titan 110 0.3
Cobalt-chrome alloy 211 0.31
Stainless steel 190 0.29
Table 2
Comparison of 4-1-1-4 and 4-2-2-4 systems
Systems D1 DD2 DD3 DD4
4-1-1-4 and 0.45% 7.43% 1.59% 8.65%
Compared DD5 DD6 DD7
97.86% 48.36% 12.42%
4-1-1-4 and
Table 3
Comparison of systems 4-1-1-4 and 4-2-2-4 with
system 4-3-3-4
Systems D1 D2 D3 D4
4-1-1-4 and 57.85% 66.83% 29.63% 10.95%
4-2-2-4 and 58.56% 55.30% 27.60% 2.12%
Systems D5 D6 D7
4-1-1-4 and 61.81% 13.67% 16.77%
4-2-2-4 and 22.28% 30.52% 31.26%
Table 4
Comparison of systems
place 4-1-1-4 4-2-2-4
D1 10.40% -- 2.30% --
D2 6.88% 13.02%
D3 66.1% 50.52%
D4 253.50% 94.12%
D5 42.3% 89.84%
D6 27.22% 67.89%
D7 -- --
place 4-3-3-4 3-2-2-3
D1 4.45% -- 57.52% --
D2 37.55% 53.93%
D3 15.51% 121.90%
D4 142.40% 83.39%
D5 102.62% 78.57%
D6 68.85% 56.30%
D7 -- --