Investigation on distribution of stresses in steel and aluminium alloy arms of a car suspension system/Itempiu pasiskirstymo lengvojo automobilio pakabos plieninese ir aliuminio lydinio svirtyse tyrimas.
Melaika, M. ; Nagurnas, S. ; Peceliunas, R. 等
1. Introduction
A car suspension system consists of abundant units and details.
They include elastic elements, vibration dampers & rods and arms.
The principal task of a car suspension system is withstanding strong
shocks of the road and their transformation into inconsiderable
vibrations of the car body.
In cars, suspensions of "McPherson" type are usually
used. The structure of them is simple and they have good kinematic
properties; they excellently withstand both horizontal and vertical
loads. In a suspension of this type, ones of the key details are
transverse arms that are usually produced of steel; however, striving to
reduce the total weight of the car as well as to improve its
controllability and stability on a road, the manufacturers more and more
often use alloys of light metals--usually aluminium. So, the object of
this investigation includes assessment and comparison of the stresses
that affect steel and aluminium alloy arms, to detect dangerous points
of the equipment and to offer optimum models of arms. Pursuing the said
object, scientific papers where these problems are discussed upon shall
be examined first of all.
In car manufacturing, multi-link suspensions are used as well;
however, adjusting and designing of such suspensions is much more
complicated because of their intricate spatial configuration in the
structure of a car [1].
On designing elements of the suspension system of a car, using of
lightweight and firm materials for their production is of the key
importance. In such a way, it is strived to reduce the total weight of
the car without losing a reliability of its details.
Striving to define the limits of durability of car suspension
details, their real operational conditions are assessed in experiments
on a road prior to mass production. However, such testing of the detail
upon assessing the environment where the detail will be used by a client
requires increasing financial input, so tests and experiments are
carried out at laboratories upon using special stands that simulate
cyclic loads of the details similar to those upon the real conditions
Currently, the motor industry often applies also various
computer-aided simulation techniques that enable to analyze and assess
the structure of the suspension system of a car and the behavior of the
latter on a road. Such programmable tools enable saving time to be spent
for designing and improving new suspensions. For ensuring correct
results of an analysis, a computer model should be adjusted to the
operational condition of a real car suspension to the maximum possible
extent. Nevertheless, an accurate simulation is a complicated task,
because some factors that express themselves upon the real conditions,
such as vibrations of a car, are not easily accessible [3]. However,
computer-aided simulation techniques and the finite elements method
(FEM) enable both saving the costs of the tests and the duration of
analysis on developing or improving elements of a car suspension [4],
The chosen direction of optimization is of a great importance for
the durability and the weight of a detail. On simulation, it is also
important to take into account the minimum weight of the detail;
however, the detail should not lose its maximum strength properties when
stresses appear [6]. According to the conclusions of the authors, an
aluminium alloy arm optimized in correct way for several times
distinguishes itself for a more even distribution of stresses and a
better structural durability, as compared to the original steel detail,
upon an impact of external forces on driving the car in different modes
(Table 1).
An arm usually consists of several parts: a cast form, pressed-in
rubber-metal bushings, pressed-in or screwed-in ball joints mounted on
the body or a wheel of the car. The rubber-metal bushings facilitate an
acceptance of external forces and soften their transfer to the body of
the car; however, any pressed-in detail causes considerable stresses in
the arm itself. In addition, friction between two details causes an
appearance of vibrations that, in their turn, may result considerable
damages of the arm. Even the minimum motion that expresses itself by
1-100 [mu] oscilation between the contacting surfaces may cause a huge
damage to the detail that will result shortening of its service time
The external forces considerably impact the arm's resistance
on acceleration of the car, it's braking or driving on a turn, so
in course of designing, it should be taken into account that the
suspension arm should withstand multiple cyclic loads on the road. Upon
complicated operational conditions, abundant micro- and macro-stresses
may appear in elements of the suspension system [8].
Particularly high loads and vibrations affect elements of the
suspension system on emergency braking of the car [9, 10]. The whole
suspension system should be reliable to withstand the often vibrations
of the body caused by variable deceleration of the car's
acceleration [11, 12].
Durability and reliability of elements of the suspension system
highly depend on the values of the dynamic loads and the number of the
above-mentioned cyclic loads [13]. Because of this, assessment of cyclic
loads turns into one of the key factors in analysis and improvement of
elements of the suspension system. However, because of different
mechanical properties of the materials and varying operational
conditions, an accurate assessment of the service time of the details is
a hard task [2].
Striving for a light weight and the maximum possible reliability of
elements of the suspension system, aluminium alloys 4032-T6 or 6082-T6
(of the class 4-6) with the limit strength of 300-400 MPa are usually
used in production of arms for suspension systems of cars. The said
alloys satisfy a majority of requirements set by manufacturers of
vehicles, such as a light weight, a sufficient strength and
environmental friendliness on processing [7, 8, 14]. In course of
designing, it should be also taken into account that choosing an
aluminium alloy of a higher strength causes increased costs, so an
optimum version of the alloy should be chosen.
2. Chemical analysis of the metals of suspension arms and tests of
hardness of metals
In the research work described herein, first of all, chemical
analysis of metals of the chosen prototypical arms was carried out. The
chosen L-shaped prototypical arms included: a steel arm of an orbicular
profile for PEUGEOT 406 arm (Fig. 1, a), a steel arm of T-profile for
BMW 3 (Fig. 1, b) and an aluminium alloy arm of T-profile for BMW 3
(Fig. 2).
Such arms usually are used in suspensions of "McPherson"
type because they are of a simple shape and withstand transverse forces
well; in addition, they are easily produced and arranged in the
structure of the car [15].
In addition, a triangular aluminium alloy arm of VOLVO S60 was
chosen in order to make elements analysis of suspension arm material, as
the shape and construction of BMW 3 alliuminium suspension arm was not
suitable for mentioned analysis. Cars PEUGEOT 406, BMW 3 and VOLVO S60
were chosen because they belong to the same market classification sector
(middle-size sedans). The weights, clearance and wheel base of the said
cars are very much alike, so it was accepted (upon a certain
reservation) that the forces acting in their suspension systems are
similar (see the Chapter 3) and their values may be used for simulation
of stresses in the arms.
In order to approximate the conditions of simulation by "Solid
Works Simulation" package to the reality to the maximum possible
extent, when the limits of resistance are preset, it is very important
to choose the material in the simulation program that precisely
coincides with the material of the real arm.
Mechanical properties of metals directly depend on chemical
elements of the alloy, so striving to get to know the real marks of the
alloys, chemical composition of the alloys was analyzed. The analysis of
elements of metals was carried out upon applying the optical emission
method in accordance with the standard LST CR 10320:2006 [16]. For the
analysis, the optical emission analyzer ARC-MET8000 was used. The
results obtained by the optical emission analyzer are provided in the
Table 2.
On the base of the results of the chemical analysis, 3 steel and 3
aluminium alloys were chosen; however, striving for approximating the
simulation to the real conditions and choosing one type of steel arm and
one aluminium alloy with their typical mechanical properties,
supplemental tests on hardness of metals were carried out in order to
narrow down the search as well. The tests on hardness were carried out
by Shore method (HSD) in Brinell scale (HB) (Table 2).
According to the obtained results of the tests on hardness of
metals and the results of chemical analysis (Table 2), it is believable
that 2 steel arms for PEUGEOT 406 and BMW were made of DIN 1.1170 28Mn6
improved quality steel with middle carbon content [17], and the arm of
the suspension system of VOLVO S60 is made of ISO 4032-T6 aluminium
3. Assessment of external forces that affect elements of suspension
After clearing up the metallographic composition of suspension
arms, it should be purposeful to establish the forces expectably acting
upon the real traffic conditions. As it is known, the biggest
longitudinal forces usually appear on sudden braking of a car and
biggest lateral forces acts when the car is being turned sharply. Either
forces act the suspension when the car is suddenly accelerated. In the
mode of acceleration, braking or turning the appeared longitudinal and
lateral forces are transferred via the wheels to the suspension and the
body of the car.
On car braking, the body of the car is affected by the braking
force. The centre of gravity [C.sub.m] shifts forward, so a part of the
vertical force affecting the rear wheel [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] transfers to the front axle and contributes to
ASCII] (Fig. 3).
ASCII] that shifts from the rear axle to the front one is calculated as
follows [15]:
where: [[phi].sub.X] is the coefficient of cohesion of the wheels
with the pavement in the longitudinal direction; [chi] is the ratio
between the car's height of the centre of gravity and the
wheel base, [chi] []/1.
The vertical force acting in the front axle and the rear axle on
braking is calculated as follows:
The longitudinal braking force for the front and the rear wheel is
calculated as follows (the coefficient of cohesion of a wheel with the
pavement in the longitudinal direction [[phi].sub.X] = 0.9):
vertical support reaction in the front axle when the car is standing,
support reaction in the rear axle when the car is standing, N.
It was accepted that on turning the car, the coefficient of
cohesion of the wheels with the pavement [[phi].sub.y] = 1.0 [15]. The
horizontal lateral reactions (Fig. 4) affecting the wheels of the front
suspension in the point of contact with a solid surface are calculated
as follows:
where [m.sub.g] is the share of the mass of the car corresponding
to the front suspension, kg; [] is the height of the centre of
gravity, B is car wheel track, m.
The maximum possible traction force [P.sub.accel] affecting the
relevant axle shall be calculated according to the known methodology
[15]. In BMW 3, the acceleration forces were not assessed because the
car is driven by the rear wheels, so the front suspension is not
affected by the longitudinal acceleration force.
After completion of calculations for the abovementioned cars, it
was found that the average longitudinal force of about 4.4 kN appears on
braking and the transverse force of about 6.2 kN appears on turning a
4. Distribution of stresses in the front suspension steel arms of
various profiles
After metallographic tests of suspension arms and assessment of the
forces affecting elements of car suspension system on its movement, it
becomes possible to develop models of optimization of suspension arms
with a sufficient accuracy. For the said purpose, the program package
"Solid Works 2009" was used in the research work under
discussion. Upon applying the package, the computer models of arms of
the chosen prototypical cars (scale 1:1) were developed (Figs. 5 and 6).
Distribution of stresses in steel suspension arms was explored by
"SolidWorks Simulation", the detail strength simulation
supplement to the program package "SolidWorks 2009". For
PEUGEOT 406 and BMW 3 arms, metal alloy 1.1170 28Mn6 with the yield
point equal to 460 MPa was chosen. In all simulation cases of suspension
arms, rubber-metal bushings and ball joints were not involved into
research. Simulation of loads of the suspension arms was carried out
upon using the finite elements method (FEM), when the arms are
individually loaded by the maximum longitudinal braking forces and
transverse forces as well as simultaneously by longitudinal braking
forces and transverse forces. During all simulation cases external loads
were enclosed on suspension arms in place where the wheel hub is being
attached to it. Vertical forces and forces which appear from stabilizer
bar or steering mechanism were not assessed in mentioned simulation.
After formation of the model of stresses in the arm of PEUGEOT 406
front suspension, it may be seen that upon action of the longitudinal
braking force of 4450 N, the maximum stresses, equal to 192-205 MPa
appear at the points where rubber-metal bushings are fixed to the body
(Fig. 7). The obtained results of assessing the stresses do not exceed
the permissible limit of 460 MPa set for a steel detail. However, on
simulation of loads of the steel arm of the same car upon the maximum
transverse force (6337 N), quite even distribution of stresses is found
in the detail. The formed stresses appear to be small (65.9 MPa), as
compared to the permissible yield point (Fig. 8).
After the simulation of stresses of the arm of PEUGEOT 406 front
suspension, it may be seen that upon a simultaneous action of the
longitudinal braking force (4450 N) and the transverse force (6337 N),
the maximum stresses of 181.30-195 MPa appear in two zones (Table 4).
Such stresses do not exceed the yield point, i.e. 460 MPa (Fig. 9). The
dangerous zones are the zones of fixing the detail to the body where a
rubber-metal bushing is mounted.
On simulation of the element of BMW 3 suspension upon action of the
longitudinal braking force equal to 4310 N, it may be seen from the
obtained distribution of stresses that such a force causes the maximum
stresses of 320.20 MPa at the zones of fixing the ball joint (Fig. 10).
The stresses do not exceed the permissible yield point. When the same
steel detail of the suspension is impacted by the maximum transverse
force (6144 N), it may be seen that the maximum stresses of 95.40-98.20
MPa appear in the zone of fixing the ball joint (Fig. 11).
After simulation of the situation where the steel arm of BMW is
simultaneously affected by the longitudinal and transverse forces, the
maximum stresses of 320.20 MPa were found in the zone of fixing the ball
joint as well (Fig. 12).
In all cases of simulation of steel arms, the maximum concentration
of stresses was found at zones of fixing the rubber-metal bushings and
the points of fixing the ball joint in the suspension arm. They are
caused by acute (sharp) angles in the mentioned points of the arms. In
other points of the arms, distribution of stresses is even enough.
The obtained results of simulation of steel arms show that the
stresses formed upon individual action of longitudinal and transverse
forces and their simultaneous action differ inconsiderably. So,
hereinafter, the arms simultaneously affected by the above-mentioned
external forces will be simulated.
5. Distribution of stresses in aluminium alloy front suspension
arms of various profiles
In the following phase of the research, the aluminium alloy
arm-prototype of BMW 3 front suspension is simulated. Such arm under
discussion may be of the same shape and profile, as a steel arm of BMW
3; however, it was found that in such a case, the value of the stresses
that appear in the dangerous zones (at fixing of the bushings) equals to
321.30 MPa, i.e. it exceeds the yield point of aluminium alloy equal to
315 MPa (Fig. 13).
Because of this, as it was planned by the manufacturer, the zone of
fixing includes structural changes, such as a larger arm, holes of
another character and so on (Fig. 14).
Such results of simulation were obtained upon choosing the new arm
made of aluminium alloy 4032-T6 with the yield point equal to 315 MPa.
Upon a simultaneous action of the longitudinal braking force (4310 N)
and the transverse force (6144 N), the small stresses (74.20 MPa) do not
exceed the permissible yield point that equals to 315 MPa (Fig. 15).
The stresses appear at the zones of fixing the rubber-metal
bushings and at structural holes inside the arm. However, all said
stresses are very small, as compared to the permissible yield point. In
course of simulation, it may be observed that the zone of fixing to the
hub is considerably less loaded and the formed stresses are less, as
compared to the analogue of a steel arm. The said effect is achieved by
inconsiderable change of the shape of the arm. On designing the detail,
right and acute angle and edge where concentration of large stresses may
appear were avoided.
On simulation of the distribution of stresses in aluminium alloy
arm of PEUGEOT 406, it was found that, in contrast to the arm of BMW 3,
the aluminium alloy arm of PEUGEOT 406 shows a sufficient strength in
the dangerous zones upon no changes of its sizes or shape. It was found
that if the arm of PEUGEOT 406 is made of aluminium alloy 4032-T6 and is
simultaneously affected by the above-mentioned external longitudinal and
transverse forces, stresses of 176.20-194.70 MPa appear in zone of
fixing the rubber-metal bushing. The said stresses do not exceed the
permissible yield point of the aluminium alloy that equals to 315 MPa
(Fig. 16).
However, it should be taken into account that driving a car across
a pothole, larger forces may appear in the car suspension system (not
assessed herein) and the lower yield point of aluminium alloy may appear
to be too low, so the resulted value of the reserve coefficient for
resistance to deformations may be too low. So, striving to explore
whether a change of a dangerous part of the aluminium alloy arm really
causes a more even distribution of stresses, a supplemental model of the
arm of PEUGEOT 406 with a changed shape of the detail was developed
(Fig. 17), where acute angles at the zone of fixing rubbermetal bushing
were avoided. In this case, the chosen mark of aluminium alloy was
4032-T6 as well (the permissible yield limit 315 MPa).
The results show that upon a simultaneous action of the maximum
external longitudinal and transverse forces, the stresses in the newly
designed part at the zone of fixing rubber-metal bushing are
small--20-30 MPa (Fig. 18). The maximum stresses (136.50 MPa) appeared
at the internal bending of the arm's shape; however, they did not
exceed the permissible yield point (315 MPa).
On summarizing the results of simulation of stresses in aluminium
alloy arms, it may be stated that the shape of arms usable in suspension
systems of cars should be even, free of acute (sharp) angles and the
casting should be precise to the maximum possible extent to avoid stress
concentration. In addition, the obtained results show that in case of
using aluminium alloys, the weights of the arms were reduced by about
30%-50% (Table 4).
6. Conclusions
After a completion of the research on distribution of stresses in
arms of car suspension systems, the following conclusions were
1. It was found that the lower arms of the front suspension of
PEUGEOT 406 and BMW 3 are made of DIN 1.1170 28Mn6 steel with middle
carbon content and the hardness of 249 Brinell scale (HB).
2. On simulation of the strength properties of steel arms of
suspension systems in PEUGEOT 406 and BMW 3, it was found that on
various combinations of loads (such as the longitudinal braking force,
the transverse force, simultaneously acting maximum longitudinal and
transverse forces), concentration of stresses at the dangerous
structural zone (rubber-metal bushings and ball joints) does not exceed
the permissible yield point of 460 MPa. The maximum obtained value of
stresses (320.20 MPa) was obtained on a simultaneous affect of the
maximum longitudinal and transverse forces upon the arm of BMW 3.
3. When the arm of aluminium alloy 4032-T6 of a shape identical to
a steel arm was used in PEUGEOT 406 and the said detail was loaded
simultaneously with the maximum longitudinal and transverse forces, the
stresses of 194.70 MPa (i.e. not exceeding the permissible yield point
of 315 MPa) appeared in the zone of fixing the rubber-metal bushing.
However, in contrast to the case of simulation of the aluminium arm in
case of PEUGEOT 406, in case of simulation of aluminium alloy arm of BMW
3 (the the shape and the sizes identical to the ones of a steel arm),
the appeared stresses (321.30 MPa) exceeded the permissible yield point
of aluminium alloy, so the arm will not withstand a simultaneous impact
of longitudinal and transverse forces. When the retrofitted aluminium
alloy arm of BMW 3 (with changed shape and sizes) is simultaneously
loaded by the maximum longitudinal and transverse forces, the stresses
of 74.20 MPa appeared at the zone of fixing the rubber-metal bushing are
evenly distributed in the shape of the arm and do not exceed the
permissible yield point of 315 MPa.
4. In order to reduce the value and concentration of stresses in
the aluminium arm of PEUGEOT 406 in the zone of fixing the rubber-metal
bushing, the structural shape of the detail was little changed and
simulation of longitudinal and transverse forces was performed. The
obtained stresses of 136.50 MPa do not exceed the permissible yield
point of 315 MPa. Although arm with changed shape can be more optimized,
primary results shows that striving for a reliability of elements of the
car suspension system (satisfaction of the strength properties set for
them), it should be purposeful to produce suspension arms (both of steel
and aluminium alloy) with even surface, free of acute angles or sharp
edged. In such cases, avoiding foci of stress concentration is
cross ref
Received April 11, 2012
Accepted October 10, 2013
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M. Melaika, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, J.
Basanaviciaus 28, 03224 Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail: mindaugas.
S. Nagurnas, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, J.
Basanaviciaus 28, 03224 Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
R. Peceliunas, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, J.
Basanaviciaus 28, 03224 Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
N. Visniakov, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, J.
Basanaviciaus 28, 03224 Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
G. Garbincius, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, J.
Basanaviciaus 28, 03224 Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
Table 1
A comparison of maximum stresses (MPa) in the original
steel arm and the optimized aluminium alloy arm [6]
Braking Driving Accele- Driving Driving
on a turn ration across a along a
pothole pothole
Steel arm 745 640 103 336 476
Aluminium 246 135 85 204 282
alloy arm 1
Aluminium 182 104 68.5 185 260
alloy arm 2
Table 2
The results of analysis of elementary composition of the metals
of suspension arms
The content of elements in metal alloys
of the arms, %
Description of C Si Mn Cr Ni Mo
a detail
Steel arm of 0.29 0.63 1.62 0.17 0.06 0.05
Steel arm of 0.29 0.62 1.65 0.18 0.05 0.05
Al Si Mg Cu Mn Zn
Aluminium alloy 94.35 4.85 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.18
arm of VOLVO S60
The content of elements in metal
alloys of the arms, %
Description of Ti Al Cu S P Hardness
a detail according to
Brinell scale
Steel arm of 0.03 0.02 0.11 0.024 0.018 249
Steel arm of 0.03 0.02 0.10 0.022 0.020 200
Fe Pb Ti Sn V
Aluminium alloy 0.35 0.11 0.14 0.01 0.02 180
arm of VOLVO S60
Table 3
The longitudinal and transverse forces affecting the front
suspension of cars PEUGEOT 406 and BMW 3 (according to the
A car Tractive force Braking force Transverse force
on a wheel, N on a wheel, N on a wheel, N
PEUGEOT 406 2851 4450 6337
BMW 3 -- 4310 6144
Table 4
The comparison of the results of simulation of steel and aluminium
alloy arms of the front suspension of cars PEUGEOT 406 and BMW 3
Suspension arms Formed maximum Yield point of
stresses, MPa the material, MPa
L - shaped steel arm 205.00 460.00
of PEUGEOT 406
L - shaped aluminium 194.70 315.00
alloy arm of PEUGEOT 406
Aluminium alloy arm of 136.50 315.00
of a changed shape of
L - shaped steel 320.2 460.00
arm of BMW 3
L - shaped aluminium 74.20 315.00
alloy arm of BMW 3
Suspension arms Density of the Weight of the
material, kg/[m.sup.3] detail, kg
L - shaped steel arm 7850 4.20
of PEUGEOT 406
L - shaped aluminium 2680 1.40
alloy arm of PEUGEOT 406
Aluminium alloy arm of 2680 1.90
of a changed shape of
L - shaped steel 7850 3.50
arm of BMW 3
L - shaped aluminium 2680 2.50
alloy arm of BMW 3