Mechanism of swirl generation in sink flow/Sukurio susidarymo nutekamajame vamzdyje mechanizmas.
Mohammadi, J. ; Karimi, H. ; Hamedi, M.H. 等
1. Introduction
The bathtub vortex (i.e., sink flow with swirl velocity) is a
well-known phenomenon. When water is drained from a tank through a small
hole, it experiences a translational motion toward the hole and a
rotational movement [1]. Due to many effective parameters involved and
the sensitivity of the bathtub vortex to external factors, mechanism of
swirl generation has not been elucidated sufficiently [2].
The appearance of swirl in the sink flow and the formation of the
bathtub vortex can result from many factors. These include small
asymmetries in the flow inlet, asymmetric temperature distribution,
asymmetric air motion over the water surface, asymmetric initial or
boundary conditions, residual fluid motion in the vessel, vessel
vibration, and effect of the Coriolis force due to the Earth's
rotation [3-5]. The latter effect has been found to be negligibly small
provided the diameter of the tank is smaller than six feet [4, 5]. The
basic unanswered questions are "will swirl appear in sink flow if
all the external factors are eliminated and the tank size is chosen
sufficiently small?" and "will swirl appear if the speed of a
swirl-free flow exceeds some threshold value?"
The appearance of swirl in the fluid flow without any external
factors, namely self-rotation [6], have been observed in many natural
systems such as the liquid flow inside Taylor cones [6], natural
convection flow in a vertical circular cylinder [7], horizontally
oscillating water in a cylindrical container [8], and an electrically
driven flow of mercury in a cup [9].
Fundamentally, there have been several experimental and numerical
studies to investigate the possibility of self-rotation phenomenon and
the related instability in the sink flow. However, there is no consensus
among the researchers about either the possibility or impossibility of
this phenomenon. The experimental studies showed that the swirl would
appear in an initially swirl-free sink flow as the Reynolds number based
on the sink flow rate is increased above a critical value [10-13]. In
addition, this phenomenon has been investigated numerically for
different geometries and conditions as follows. A linear stability
analysis of the boundary layer in sink flow was carried out by Fernandez
[14]. He observed that the instability occurred when the Reynolds number
was relatively high and the flow became turbulent. This instability has
nothing to do with the formation of a vortex in the sink, a phenomenon
that is shown experimentally to occur at much lower Reynolds number. The
stability of sink flow was studied numerically based on the axisymmetric
and three-dimensional (3D) models [11, 15, 16]. It was observed in [15,
16] that the flow was stable and swirl-free for all the Reynolds numbers
tested. Felice [11] found no swirl in the axisymmetric model. In 3D
model, however, both instability and swirl were observed for the Re
numbers above a critical value.
In fact, one can see different and conflicting findings from the
above mentioned studies, that is, some researchers accept the existence
of self-rotation in the sink flow and some refuse. On the other hand, it
is deduced from these studies that the circulation generation
contradicts the conservation of angular momentum [2]. Therefore, this
problem needs to be studied in more detail and characterized more
What we call self-rotation in the current study is either the
spontaneous appearance of swirl in an initially swirl-free flow (i.e.,
swirl generation) or the increase of circulation with respect to its
inlet value (i.e., circulation generation). In both cases, the
circulation value increases. Note that, increase of the swirl
(azimuthal) velocity by decreasing the radius with constant circulation
as it occurs in converging flows is not related to self-rotation. This
strong growth of local azimuthal velocity near the bathtub drain hole
can be explained by Lord Kelvin's circulation theorem. This theorem
states the conservation of circulation and it is the hydrodynamic
version of a more general principle: the conservation of angular
momentum [17].
In the present work, the possibility of circulation generation in
the sink flow is studied numerically. We simulate the sink flow or the
bathtub vortex in a cylindrical tank with a central drainpipe and a free
surface (Fig. 1). The axisymmetric configuration of the problem is
simulated using direct numerical simulation (DNS), where the full
Navier-Stokes equations are solved without any turbulence model
introduced [18]. Moreover, we attempt to extract the parameters
affecting the circulation and azimuthal velocity and present a more
appropriate definition for the Reynolds number that could influence the
circulation. The numerical simulations are performed for a wide range of
Reynolds numbers and the flow instability in the azimuthal direction as
well as the abrupt changes in the circulation related to self-rotation
are examined. Finally, it is attempted to discuss the results obtained
from the previous experimental studies on the self-rotation phenomena.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sections 2-4 contain
the governing equations of motion, boundary condition and the numerical
procedure, respectively. In Section 5, numerical results are presented
and discussed. Finally, in Section 6, we summarize the main findings and
present the conclusions.
2. Governing equations
We consider the flow inside a cylindrical container as sketched in
Fig. 1, a. A flow rate Q of an incompressible fluid enters the
cylindrical tank horizontally through the circular side. The fluid flows
out through a small orifice of radius [R.sub.p] centered at the bottom
end wall. The flow is assumed axisymmetric and steady state. We denote
the radius of the tank R, the height of the free surface H, and the
length of the drainpipe [L.sub.p]. The cylindrical polar coordinates
([r.sup.*], [theta], [z.sup.*]), with the velocity field
([V.sub.r.sup.*], [V.sub.[theta].sup.*], [V.sub.z.sup.*]) is considered
where the asterisk superscripts denote dimensional quantities. The
z-axis is chosen as the axis of the cylinder and the bottom end wall
lies in the plane z = 0. The corresponding dimensionless variables are:
r = [r.sup.*]/R; z = [z.sup.*]/H; (1)
[V.sub.r] = [V.sub.r.sup.*] 2[pi] RH/Q; [V.sub.[theta]] =
[V.sub.[theta].sup.*] 2[pi] RH/Q; [V.sub.z] = [V.sub.z.sup.*] 2[pi]
RH/Q. (2)
In order to model the incompressible axisymmetric flow, the stream
function-vorticity-circulation formulation [19] is used:
[V.sub.r] = [LAMBDA] 1/r [partial derivative][psi]/[partial
derivative]z; [V.sub.z] = 1/r [partial derivative][psi]/[partial
derivative]r; [V.sub.[theta]] = [GAMMA]/r; (3)
where the stream function [psi], vorticity [eta], and circulation
[GAMMA] (related to angular momentum per unit mass) are defined as:
[psi] = [[psi].sup.*] 2[pi]H/RQ; [GAMMA] = [[GAMMA].sup.*]
2[pi]H/Q; [eta] = [[eta].sup.*] 2[pi][R.sup.2]H/Q.
Based on the above formulation, the continuity equation is
satisfied and the Navier-Stokes equations for the steady axisymmetric
flow can be written as:
where Re = QH/2[pi] [R.sup.2]v and [LAMBDA] = R/H.
The Reynolds number (Re) defined in this manner could be an
effective parameter influencing the circulation evolution in the
solution domain as will be seen later in the results Section.
In the present work, the free surface of the flow inside the
cylindrical container is assumed to be flat. This assumption is
reasonable when the Froude number is small enough [11]. The Froude
number of sink flow studies, defined as Fr = [square root of
[Q.sup.2]/g[H.sup.5]], is always lower than 0.5 value. For this Froude
number, Hocking et al. [20] have shown that the maximum depression in
the free surface height is less than 0.003 of liquid height. This value
is very small compared to the water height. Therefore, in the numerical
study the free surface can approximately be assumed flat. For further
information on this regard, the reader is referred to [11, 21].
3. Boundary conditions
At the free surface (side A in Fig. 1, a), the axial velocity is
set to be zero based on the assumption of constant height of the liquid
and there is no shear stress so that the axial differentiation of the
circulation is zero:
At the entrance (side B in Fig. 1, a), the axial velocity is taken
to be zero and we assume a parabolic profile for both the radial
velocity and the circulation. These assumptions have been made because
they match the boundary conditions at the bottom wall and at the free
where [[bar.[GAMMA]]] is the average value of [GAMMA] at the
entrance (r = 1). The relation [([[bar.V].sub.[theta].sup.*])] /
[([[bar.V].sub.r.sup.*])] = [[bar.[GAMMA]]] and
[([[bar.V].sub.[theta]])] = [[bar.[GAMMA]]] can be
obtained by considering Eqs. (2) and (3). This means that the ratio of
the average value of azimuthal velocity to the average value of radial
velocity is equal to [[bar.[GAMMA]]].
At the solid walls (sides C and D in Fig. 1, a), the velocity
vanishes. Thus:
At the pipe exit (side E in Fig. 1, a), the velocity profile is
assumed to be independent of z, i.e.:
On the axis of symmetry (side F in Fig. 1, a), we have:
[psi] = - 1/[LAMBDA]; [eta] = 0; [GAMMA] = 0; r = 0; - [L.sub.1]
< z < 1. (12)
4. Computational approach
A finite difference approach is employed to discretize the system
of Eqs. (4)-(6) subject to the boundary conditions (7)-(12). In
addition, the successive overrelaxation (SOR) method is used to solve
the discretized equations iteratively. The iteration process continues
until the maximum difference between two successive iterated values is
less than [10.sup.-5] in magnitude. The central difference scheme is
used to discretize the space derivatives. For higher values of the
Reynolds number (Re), central differencing in the convective terms may
lead to numerical instability. To solve this problem, we have used the
upwind difference scheme in the convective terms while computing for
large values of Re number. A non-uniform grid is utilized in the r and z
directions and refined near the inlet of the drainpipe where the
velocity gradients are large. It has been found that 201 x 101 grids
produce a grid independent solution. To substantiate the accuracy of the
present numerical approach, the current results have been compared with
those found in [21], where identical geometry as ours has been
5. Results and discussion
In this section, the results are presented and discussed. First,
the results corresponding to the stability of the sink flow and the
effect of Re number on the azimuthal velocity [V.sub.[theta]] and
circulation [GAMMA] are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Then, Figs. 4-6 show
respectively the effects of aspect ratio [LAMBDA], drainpipe radius
[R.sub.1] and average value of circulation at entrance
[[bar.[GAMMA]]] on [V.sub.[theta]] and [GAMMA]. Finally, the
numerical simulation of some related experiments are shown in Fig. 7.
Variations of [V.sub.[theta]] in terms of Re are shown in frames
h-n of Fig. 2. It can be seen that at Re numbers higher than 0.294, the
values of [V.sub.[theta]] in the drainpipe area become higher than the
inlet value of [V.sub.[theta]]. In other words, the concentrated vortex
is formed in the drainpipe area (for more information, refer to [21]).
As the Re number increases, the azimuthal velocity [V.sub.[theta]]
increases continuously near the drainpipe. For example, at Re = 5.3, the
maximum value of [V.sub.[theta]] approaches 18, which is about 207 times
its average value at the inlet. The main reason for this increase in the
maximum value of [V.sub.[theta]] of the concentrated vortex is that the
radius of the vortex core decreases as the Re number increases [21].
Fig. 3, b shows the variations of [V.sub.[theta]] along a specific
streamline, which starts from the middle height of the inlet (r = 1, z =
0.5). For the Re numbers lower than approximately 0.622, the values of
[V.sub.[theta]] along this specific streamline are lower than the
[V.sub.[theta]] at the inlet. By increasing the Re number above this
value, the values of [V.sub.[theta]] along the streamline will increase
and become higher than its inlet value. Further increase in the Re
number, causes the values of [V.sub.[theta]] on the streamline to
approach a limit, which is determined from the relation [V.sub.[theta]]
= [[GAMMA]]/r.
The contours of circulation [GAMMA] and its variations along the
streamline starting from the middle height of the flow at the inlet are
shown in Figs. 2, a-g and 3, a, respectively. It can be seen from Fig.
2, a-g that the circulation values in the solution domain are always
lower than its inlet value. In addition, it can be seen from Fig. 3, a
that for all the Re numbers tested, the rate of decrease in [GAMMA] with
respect to the radius r (i.e., d[GAMMA]/dr) reduces as r is reduced.
This may be due to the increase in the radial velocity as radius
decreases causing the ratio of inertia force to viscous force (i.e., the
Re number) to increase. It should be mentioned that the viscous force is
applied to the flow from the bottom-end wall. It is worth mentioning
that, by increasing the Re number, the decrease in the circulation from
the inlet towards the drainpipe will be attenuated so that at the
(relatively) high Re numbers the circulation in the whole domain will
approach its inlet value. Around r = 0, however, due to the continuity
condition, the circulation [GAMMA] takes the value of zero. This result
is consistent with the results obtained for the sink flow with a
rotating body [22].
It can be seen from Fig. 2 that both [V.sub.[theta]] and [GAMMA]
take their maximum value at the free surface (due to the stress-free
boundary condition in the [theta]-direction) and zero value at the tank
bottom floor due to the no-slip boundary condition.
It is also seen in Figs. 2 and 3 that no sudden changes would occur
in the behavior of [V.sub.[theta]] and [GAMMA] as the Re number
increases. In other words, there is no critical Re number above which
the values of [V.sub.[theta]] and [GAMMA] could suddenly increase. This
would imply that the flow is stable in the azimuthal direction. In
addition, the value of [GAMMA] in the solution domain is less than its
inlet value. Therefore, for the Re numbers within the range 0.265 <
Re <5.3, the self-rotation phenomenon, i.e., the increase of r from
its inlet value does not occur.
The effects of [LAMBDA], [R.sub.1] and [[bar.[GAMMA]]] on
[V.sub.[theta]] and [GAMMA] are represented in Figs. 4-6, respectively.
In the whole solution domain except near the drainpipe, the variations
of [LAMBDA] and R1 do not have a noticeable effect on [V.sub.[theta]]
and [GAMMA]. It can also be noted that the parameter
[[bar.[GAMMA]]] has at best negligible effect on [V.sub.[theta]]
/ [([[bar.V].sub.[theta]])] and [GAMMA]/[[bar.[GAMMA]]].
This shows the fact that in the present study the Re number has been
properly defined such that all the parameters affecting the behaviour of
[V.sub.[theta]] and [GAMMA] are incorporated into the definition of the
Re number. In addition, the value of the maximum velocity of the
concentrated vortex [([V.sub.[theta]]).sub.max] increases with
increasing Re, [LAMBDA] = R/H and [[bar.[GAMMA]]] on the one hand
and decreasing [R.sub.1] on the other hand. This means that
[([V.sub.[theta]]).sub.max] / [[bar.[GAMMA]]] is a function of
[Re.sub.d] = Q/ (2[pi] v[R.sub.p]) = Re [LAMBDA] / [R.sub.1]. From the
fact that [[bar.[GAMMA]]] = [([[bar.V].sub.[theta]])], it
be said that [([V.sub.[theta]]).sub.max] /
[([[bar.V].sub.[theta]])] is a function of either one of the
following new defined Reynolds number, i.e., [Re.sub.d] = Re
[LAMBDA]/[R.sub.1] or [Re.sub.d] = Q / (2[pi] v[R.sub.p]). In other
words, the strength of the concentrated vortex, which forms close to the
drainpipe, is a function of the drain flow rate, the drain-hole size,
the liquid kinematic viscosity and the average inlet azimuthal velocity
Previously, researchers have studied the self-rotation phenomenon
experimentally in various geometries, setups and for various liquids
[10-13]. In their studies they have measured the values of the
dimensional azimuthal velocity [V.sub.[theta].sup.*] at various
distances from the drain hole. In the present work, it is attempted to
simulate numerically the self-rotation phenomenon in geometries
identical to (but slightly different from) those used in the experiments
to obtain the azimuthal velocity [V.sub.[theta].sup.*] with respect to
the drain flow rate Q. The main discrepancy between the present work and
the previous experiments is the fact that in the latter the inlet values
of [V.sub.[theta].sup.*] are not known. Knowing the inlet values of
[V.sub.[theta].sup.*] as is the case in the present numerical study will
be useful for understanding the nature of the swirl appearance in the
sink flow. Fig. 7 shows four different diagrams of the azimuthal
velocity [V.sub.[theta].sup.*] versus the drain flow rate obtained from
the present simulations. Each diagram is associated with one of the four
different experimental investigations mentioned above. These diagrams
are obtained as follows. In the experiments, the positions at which the
measurement of [V.sub.[theta].sup.*] with respect to the drain hole has
been performed are known. On the other hand, the values of
[V.sub.[theta]] at different Re numbers can be obtained from Fig. 3, b.
Now, from the definition of the Re number, i.e., Re = QH /
(2[pi][R.sup.2]v), the drain flow rate corresponding to each value of
[V.sub.[theta]] is obtained. Then, the values of dimensional azimuthal
velocity [V.sub.[theta].sup.*] are calculated by using the
[V.sub.[theta]] definition [V.sub.[theta]] = [V.sub.[theta].sup.*] 2[pi]
The results shown in Fig. 7 obtained in the present numerical
simulations are associated with the experimental works found in [10-13].
In all of these simulations, the average value of the inlet circulation
[[bar.[GAMMA]]] is chosen to be equal to 0.087. It should be
noted that the value of [[bar.[GAMMA]]] is unknown in the
experimental studies. By taking this value for [[bar.[GAMMA]]],
the azimuthal velocity deviates by 5 [degrees] from the radial velocity
direction. Thus, as it was pointed out previously, the quantity ratio of
the two velocity components becomes 0.087. It should also be mentioned
that, the value of [[bar.[GAMMA]]] does not affect the behaviors
of [V.sub.[theta]] and [GAMMA] in the solution domain (Fig. 6).
Fig. 7 shows that the azimuthal velocity is very low when the drain
flow rate varies between zero and a certain value. Practically, the
swirl appears for the drain flow rates higher than a threshold value,
which is called the critical drain flow rate [Q.sub.c]. This may be due
to the fact that when the Re number becomes lower than 0.662, the
viscous forces will dominate (see Fig. 3) and that the inlet azimuthal
velocity will increase as the drain flow rate increases. The phenomenon
of swirl appearance for the drain flow rates higher than some critical
value is consistent reasonably with the corresponding experimental
observations. The main discrepancy between the numerical and
experimental results observed in some test cases is due to the
differences between the different geometries employed.
The experimental studies [10-13] claimed that the swirl appears in
the sink flow when either the drain flow rate or the Re number reaches
some critical value. All of these studies have interpreted this
phenomenon based on the flow instability without considering the
effect(s) of the external factors. Such interpretations seem to be
unconvinced for the following reasons:
a) the [V.sub.[theta].sup.*] values experience very high variations
along the flow direction. Since in the experimental studies the
variations of [V.sub.[theta].sup.*] have been measured, the measurement
approach can cause erroneous interpretation of the data. Therefore, it
seems to be reasonable to consider the circulation [[GAMMA].sup.*] value
rather than the [V.sub.[theta].sup.*] value;
b) the measurements were restricted to some specific points or
lines but not to the whole flow domain. Specifically, the
[V.sub.[theta].sup.*] values were not determined at the flow inlet and
were assumed to be zero, which seems to be an erroneous assumption;
c) in some 2D and 3D numerical studies (see [14, 16], for
examples), the self-rotation phenomenon in the sink flow was not
observed explicitly and thus it was disproved;
d) the self-rotation phenomenon in the sink flow is in
contradiction with the principle of the angular momentum conservation
e) finally, as it was shown earlier, the sink flow is stable at
least in the axisymmetric case and the viscous forces are the main cause
for the non-appearance of the swirl for the drain flow rates lower than
the critical value.
6. Conclusions
This study aims to investigate the possibility of circulation
generation in the sink flow in the absence of external factors using
direct numerical simulation (DNS) based on the axisymmetric
Navier-Stokes equations. A new interpretation regarding the origin of
swirl appearance in the sink flow is presented. The geometry of the
problem consists of a cylinder with the circular hole made on its bottom
end. Fluid enters the cylinder horizontally through its lateral wall and
is drained from the drainpipe.
The simulations are performed for a range of Re numbers, i.e.,
0.265 < Re < 5.3. The results show that the value of circulation
in the solution field is always less that its inlet value. By increasing
the Re number, the circulation approaches its inlet value (i.e.,
[[bar.[GAMMA]]]) and the azimuthal velocity approaches the limit
[[bar.[GAMMA]]]/r in the whole solution domain, except in the
region very close to the symmetry axis. In other words, due to the
non-abrupt changes of circulation with respect to the Re number
variations, the flow is said to be stable. In addition, the non-increase
of circulation with respect to its inlet value indicates that there is
no self-rotation in the sink flow.
In the whole solution domain except near the symmetry axis, for a
fixed [[bar.[GAMMA]]] both the circulation and the azimuthal
velocity are functions of the Re number only and are independent of the
geometric parameters [LAMBDA], [R.sub.1] and [L.sub.1]. The formation of
the concentrated vortex at the drainpipe entrance is observed to occur
at the Re numbers higher than 0.294. It is also shown that the strength
of the concentrated vortex or the maximum azimuthal velocity
[([V.sub.[theta]]).sub.max] for a specific [[bar.[GAMMA]]] is a
function of the Reynolds number defined as [Re.sub.d] = Q / (2[pi]
The numerical simulations carried out here in the geometries
identical to the previous experiments show that at low drain flow rates,
the viscous forces due to the bottom-end wall eliminates the inlet
azimuthal velocity. By increasing the drain flow rate above some
critical value, the effects of the viscous forces will decrease and
swirl appears in the sink flow. This implies that the swirl appearance
observed in the previous experiments was not related to the
self-rotation and the flow instability. It is worth mention that this
new interpretation of the origin of swirl appearance observed in the
experiments assists to minimize the present contradictions between the
numerical and experimental studies.
H--height of the free surface, m; [L.sub.p]--drainpipe length, m;
[L.sub.1] - dimensionless drainpipe length, [L.sub.1] =
[L.sub.p]/H; Q - volumetric drain flow rate, [m.sup.3][S.sup.- 1];
[R.sub.p] - drainpipe radius, m;
[R.sub.1] - dimensionless drainpipe radius, [R.sub.1] =
[R.sub.p]/R; R - radius of the cylinder, m; [r.sup.*] -radial
coordinate, m; r - dimensionless radial coordinate, r = [r.sub.*]/R; Re
- Reynolds number, Re = QH/(2[pi] [R.sup.2] v); [V.sub.r.sup.*] - radial
velocity, m[s.sup.-1];
[V.sub.[theta].sup.*] - azimuthal velocity, m[s.sup.-1];
[V.sub.z.sup.*] - axial velocity, m[s.sup.- 1];
[V.sub.r.sup.*] - dimensionless radial velocity, [V.sub.r] =
[V.sub.r.sup.*] 2[pi] RH/Q;
[V.sub.[theta]] - dimensionless azimuthal velocity, [V.sub.[theta]]
= [V.sub.[theta].sup.*] 2[pi] RH/Q;
[V.sub.z] - dimensionless axial velocity, [V.sub.z] =
[V.sub.z.sup.*] 2[pi] RH/Q;
[([[bar.V].sub.r])] - average value of [V.sub.r] at
entrance; [([[bar.V].sub.[theta]])] - average value of
[V.sub.[theta]] at entrance; [([V.sub.[theta]]).sub.max] - maximum value
of [V.sub.[theta]] of concentrated vortex; [z.sup.*] - axial coordinate,
m; z - dimensionless axial coordinate, z = [z.sup.*]/H.
Greek symbols--
[upsilon] - kinematic viscosity, [m.sup.2][s.sup.-1]; [LAMBDA] -
aspect ratio of cylinder, [LAMBDA] = R/H; [[bar.[GAMMA]]] -
average value of [GAMMA] at entrance; [[GAMMA].sup.*] - circulation,
i.e., angular momentum per unit mass, [m.sup.2] [s.sup.-1]; [GAMMA] -
dimensionless circulation, [GAMMA] = [[GAMMA].sup.*] 2[pi] H/Q .
cross ref 10.5755/j01.mech.19.6.5998
Received October 19, 2012
Accepted November 11, 2013
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J. Mohammadi, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, K. N. Toosi
University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, E-mail:,
H. Karimi, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, K. N. Toosi University
of Technology, Tehran, Iran, E- mail:
M. H. Hamedi, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, K. N. Toosi
University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, E-mail:
A. Dadvand, School of Mechanical Engineering, Urmia University of
Technology, Urmia, Iran, E-mail: