Numerical modelling of consolidation of 2-D porous unsaturated seabed under a composite breakwater/Puraus neprisotinto juros dugno po sudetingu bangolauziu sutvirtinimo 2D modeliavimas.
Jianhong, Ye
1. Introduction
Nowadays, more than two-thirds of the world's population is
concentrated in the coastal zones, where the coastline generally is
either the center of economic development, or the important port for
transportation. In coastal zones, the breakwaters, such as composite
breakwater are widely used to protect the coastline from damage and
erosion; and also protect the people living in the zones near to the
coastline from death and properties loss. However, the breakwaters built
on seabed are vulnerable to the liquefaction and the shear failure of
seabed foundation [1-2]. An inappropriate design of breakwater would
result in the collapse of breakwater after construction, and further
bring great economic loss. Therefore, the development of an effective
analysis tool to evaluate the shear failure in seabed foundation under
marine structures is necessary.
In recent three decades, more and more marine structures, such as
breakwater, platform and turbine, have been constructed in offshore
areas. A lot of investigations have been conducted on the offshore
geotechnical mechanics. These previous works mainly pay their attentions
on the dynamic response of seabed under ocean wave loading, including
the analytical solutions [3-4], and numerical simulations [5-7].
However, the initial consolidation status of seabed with or without
marine structures is not involved in these previous investigations. The
initial displacements, pore pressure, velocity and acceleration in
seabed foundation are all assumed as zero in these investigations.
Obviously, this assumption is a negative factor for accurately
evaluating the potential liquefaction and dynamic shear failure in
seabed foundation under ocean wave loading. In real offshore
environment, the seabed foundation on which a marine structure is built
experiences the consolidation process under the weight of structure and
the hydrostatic pressure. The final consolidation status of seabed
foundation under marine structures should be the initial condition to
evaluate the dynamic response of seabed foundation. At present, few
works have been conducted to determine the consolidation status of
The first researcher investigating the consolidation problem was
Terzagh [8] who proposed the analytical solution of 1D soil volume.
Later Biot [9] presented a 3D general theory for the soil consolidation,
which is widely adopted to understand the coupled phenomenon of the flow
and deformation process in porous media. Generally, the exact solution
of consolidation problems of soil is difficult to obtain due to the
complex boundary conditions. In engineering, most problems are solved by
numerical techniques. Most of previous investigations pay their
attention on the methods of solving the Biot's consolidation
equation, and the corresponding convergence and stability [10-12].
Little attention has been given to the application of these numerical
methods proposed to determination of the consolidation status of
large-scale seabed foundation under hydrostatic pressure and large-scale
In this study, taking the dynamic Biot's equation as the
governing equation, a finite element (FEM) program PORO-WSSI 2D is
developed to investigate the consolidation of unsaturated porous seabed
under a composite breakwater and hydrostatic water pressure.
2. Governing equations and boundary conditions
2.1. Governing equations
It is well known that the seabed is porous medium consisting of the
soil particles, pore water and trapped air. The Biot's theory is
widely adopted to describe the mechanical behaviour of porous medium. In
this study, the seabed is treated as an elastic, isotropic and
homogeneous porous medium. The dynamic Biot's equation known as
"u-p" approximation proposed by Zienkiewicz (1980) [13] is
used as the governing equation for porous seabed and the rubble mound.
The relative displacements of pore water to the soil particles are
ignored, however, the acceleration of the pore water is considered in
the governing equation.
where u, w are the soil displacements in the x, z directions,
respectively; n is soil porosity; [[sigma]'.sub.x] and
[[sigma]'.sub.z] are the effective normal stresses in the
horizontal and vertical directions, respectively; [[tau].sub.xz] is the
shear stress; p is the pore pressure in porous medium; [rho] =
n[[rho].sub.f] + (1 - n)[[rho].sub.s] is the average density of porous
medium; [[rho].sub.f] is the fluid density; [[rho].sub.s] is solid
density; k is the Darcy's permeability (the seabed in this study is
treated as isotropic); g is the gravitational acceleration and
[[gamma].sub.w] is the unit water weight. [epsilon] is the volumetric
strain. In Eq. (3), the compressibility of pore fluid ([beta]) and the
volume strain ([epsilon]) are defined as
[epsilon] = [[partial derivative]u/[partial derivative]x] +
[[partial derivative]w/[partial derivative]z] (4)
[beta] = [1/[K.sub.f]] + [n(1 - [S.sub.r])/[p.sub.w0]] (5)
where [S.sub.r] is the degree of saturation of seabed, [p.sub.w0]
is the absolute static pressure and [K.sub.f] is the bulk modulus of
pore water.
2.2. Boundary conditions
In this study, the consolidation of 2-D porous unsaturated seabed
under a composite breakwater is numerically investigated. The
configuration of seabed and composite breakwater in computational domain
is shown in Fig. 1. In order to solve the governing Eqs. (1) to (3), the
following boundary conditions are applied to the computational domain.
First, the bottom of seabed is considered as rigid and impermeable
u = w = 0 and [partial derivative]p/[partial derivative]z = 0 (6)
Second, due to the fact that the computational domain is basically
symmetrical along x direction and the computational domain is truncated
from the infinite seabed. In this study, the periodical boundary
condition is applied to the left and right lateral boundary. It means
that the displacements and pore pressure on left and right lateral sides
of seabed are equal to each other at any time.
Third, in real offshore environment, the seabed and the part of
composite breakwater under the static water level (SWL) are all applied
by the hydrostatic water pressure (Fig. 1). Therefore, the surface of
seabed and the outer surface of composite breakwater are applied by the
hydrostatic water pressure expressed as
P = [[rho].sub.f]S(h + d - z) (7)
where h is the thickness of seabed, d is the water depth, z is the
vertical coordinate. It is noted that the hydrostatic water pressure
acting on seabed and the composite breakwater is perpendicular with the
surfaces of seabed and composite breakwater. Additionally, the pore
pressure at seabed surface and the outer surfaces of composite
breakwater must be equal to the corresponding hydrostatic water
pressure, to satisfy the continuity condition of water pressure at the
interfaces. On the part of composite breakwater over the SWL, there is
no force applying, and the water pressure is 0.
Fourth, the composite breakwater consists of a rubble mound and a
rigid and impermeable caisson. The caisson not only is applied by the
hydrostatic water pressure at two lateral sides, but also is applied by
the floating force on the bottom. Therefore, the floating force acting
on the bottom of impermeable caisson is also taken into consideration in
In this study, in order to solve the above boundary value problem,
a 2D FEM program (PORO-WSSI 2D) is developed, in which the Generalized
Newmark method [14] is adopted to determine the time integration. The
unconditional stability could be reached by using this method. More
detail information about PORO-WSSI 2D can be found in [15].
3. Verification of numerical model
The FEM program PORO-WSSI 2D contains two models: dynamic model and
consolidation model. Ye and Jeng [14] has verified the dynamic model in
PORO-WSSI 2D by using the dynamic response of a sandy bed to a
fifth-order wave and cnoidal wave in laboratory. The consolidation model
in PORO-WSSI 2D has not been verified.
Here, the 1-D Terzaghi's consolidation theory is adopted to
verify the developed 2D soil model. A 1-D poro-elastic, isotropic,
homogeneous and fully saturated soil volume with length L = 20 m is
applied by a constant stress P = 10 kPa (Fig. 2). The 1-D soil volume
consolidates under the constant stress. The drainage is only allowed
through the surface on which the constant stress applying. The bottom of
soil volume is fixed and impermeable. The properties of soil volume are:
Elasticity modulus E = 100 MPa, Poisson's ratio [mu] = 0.25,
Permeability k = 1.0 x [10.sup.-5] m/s. The analytical solution for the
pore pressure and displacement variation in consolidation process
developed by Wang [16] is adopted to verify the consolidation model in
The pore pressure, displacement in 1-D soil volume, and the
settlement of the surface on which the constant stress P is applied are
monitored in consolidation process. The comparison for the results
between present FEM numerical model PORO-WSSI 2D and the analytical
solution [16] are shown in Figs. 3-5. It is found that the numerical
results determined by present model agree very well with analytical
solution [16].
4. Results and discussion
The developed FEM program PORO-WSSI 2D is used to investigate the
consolidation of 2-D porous unsaturated seabed under a composite
breakwater. The seabed, rubble mound and caisson are all discretized by
the 8-nodes iso-parametric elements. The length of seabed foundation in
computational domain is 1037 m, which is enough to eliminate the effect
of the two lateral boundaries on the stress fields in the seabed near to
the composite breakwater [14]. The properties of porous seabed, rubble
mound and caisson used in calculation are listed in Table. The seabed
thickness h and the water depth d are both 20 m.
4.1. Effect of floating force
Due to that the caisson is rigid and impermeable, the caisson built
on rubble mound is applied by the hydrostatic water pressure not only on
the two lateral sides, but also on the bottom. It means that the caisson
is applied by an upward floating force on the bottom. The consideration
of this floating force on bottom of caisson is important to determine
the displacement and stress fields in seabed foundation.
Fig. 6 illustrates the effect of the floating force acting on the
bottom of caisson on the displacement and effective stress. It is found
that the vertical displacement (it is positive if the displacement is in
the same direction with axis) and effective stresses (compression is
taken as negative) in seabed foundation are all overestimated greatly if
the floating force is not taken into consideration in numerical
calculation. Therefore, the consideration of the floating force acting
on the bottom of caisson is compulsory when determining the
consolidation status of seabed under a composite breakwater.
4.2. Consolidation process
It is well known that the seabed generally has experienced the
consolidation process under the hydrostatic pressure and the
self-gravity in the geological history in the offshore environment. In
engineering, after the construction of a breakwater on seabed, the
weight of breakwater is initially transferred to the pore water in
seabed foundation, resulting in the generation of excess pore pressure
and pressure gradient (Fig. 7, t = 1000 s). As time passing, the pore
water permeates driven by the pressure gradient through the void between
soil particles, promoting the pore pressure dissipate gradually (Fig. 7,
t = 4000 s and Fig. 8 (A)). In this process, the weight of breakwater
gradually is transferred from the pore water to the soil particles (Fig.
8 (B)); and the breakwater subsides correspondingly (Fig. 8 (C)).
Finally, the seabed foundation reaches a new consolidation status, in
which the excess pore pressure and pressure gradients disappear (Fig. 7,
t = 15000 s). This newly reached consolidation status should be the
initial status for the evaluation of the dynamic response of seabed
foundation and breakwater under ocean wave loading.
It is noted that the pore pressure in the caisson is always zero in
the consolidation process due to that it is treated as rigid and
impermeable medium in computation.
4.3. Distribution of effective stresses and displacements
Fig. 9 shows the distribution of stress fields in seabed foundation
and the composite breakwater. As illustrated in Fig. 9. The construction
of a composite breakwater on seabed has significant effect on the stress
fields in seabed foundation. The effective stresses
[[sigma]'.sub.x] and [[sigma]'.sub.z] increase greatly in the
zone beneath the composite breakwater, to support the weight of the
composite breakwater. In the zone far away the composite breakwater, the
effect of the breakwater on the stress fields disappears gradually. The
shear failure is the main reason for the instability of seabed
foundation, and the collapse of composite breakwater in engineering.
From the distribution of shear stress [[tau].sub.xz] in seabed
foundation and rubble mound in Fig. 9, it is found that the shear stress
[[tau].sub.xz] concentrates in the zones beneath the two foots of rubble
mound in seabed; and concentrates in the zones near to the two lateral
sloped sides in rubble mound. These concentrations of shear stress in
seabed foundation and rubble mound frequently are the direct reason for
the shear failure of seabed foundation and breakwater.
Fig. 10 demonstrates the distribution of displacements in seabed
foundation and composite breakwater under hydrostatic water pressure and
the composite breakwater loading. From Fig. 10, it can be seen that the
seabed beneath the composite breakwater moves toward two lateral sides.
The maximum movement reaches up to 20 mm. Under the loading of composite
breakwater and the self-gravity of seabed, the seabed beneath the rubble
mound is compressed, and moves downward. Correspondingly, the composite
breakwater subsides. The maximum settlement of caisson reaches up to 120
mm. In the zone far away the composite breakwater, the effect of
breakwater on stresses and displacement gradually disappears. The seabed
in that zone subsides about 30 mm under the hydrostatic water pressure
and itself weight.
Figs. 11 and 12 quantitatively illustrate the distribution of
effective stresses, shear stress, pore pressure and the displacements
along the line z = 15.0 m in seabed foundation. From Fig. 11, it can be
clearly observed that effective stresses [[sigma]'.sub.x] and
[[sigma]'.sub.z] increase greatly in seabed foundation due to the
compression induced by the weight of composite breakwater. The maximum
magnitude of [[sigma]'.sub.x] and [[sigma]'.sub.z] reaches up
to 90 MPa and 330 MPa respectively. The shear stress [[tau].sub.xz]
concentrates in the zone under the foots of composite breakwater. The
maximum magnitude of [[tau].sub.xz] reaches up to 50 MPa. This is a
potential dangerous factor for the instability of seabed foundation due
to the shear failure. The distribution of pore pressure along the line z
= 15.0 m indicates that the excess pore pressure in seabed has
dissipated sufficiently. The seabed basically reaches its new
consolidation status under the composite breakwater at time t = 15000 s.
From Fig. 12, it can be observed that the seabed foundation moves
toward the two lateral sides. The maximum horizontal displacement to
left and right sides is nearly 20 mm. Furthermore, the seabed foundation
moves downward due to the compression of composite breakwater and itself
gravity. This trend also has been observed in Fig. 10.
4.4. Shear failure in seabed foundation
In offshore engineering, it is important for coastal engineers
involved in the design of a breakwater to predict the instability of
seabed foundation due to shear failure. In the study, the developed FEM
program PORO-WSSI 2D could provide the coastal engineers with a powerful
analysis tool to evaluate the potential instability of seabed foundation
due to shear failure under the marine structures loading, such as
breakwater, pipeline, turbine and oil platform.
The Mohr-Coulomb criterion is widely used to judge the occurrence
of shear failure in seabed foundation in offshore engineering. In Fig.
13, if the angle [theta] (known as stress angle) of the tangent AB of a
Mohr circle (the measurement of the stress status at one point) is
greater or equal to the friction angle [phi] of sandy seabed foundation,
the shear failure occurs at this point
where c and [phi] are the cohesion and friction angle of sand soil;
[[sigma].sub.1] and [[sigma].sub.3] are the maximum and minimum
principal effective stresses.
Fig. 14 shows the distribution of the stress angle [theta] in
seabed foundation at time t = 15000 s. It is clearly observed that there
is a large area where the stress angle [theta] is greater than the
friction angle [phi] = 30[degrees] in the zone of seabed under the
composite breakwater. It means that the shear failure in the seabed
foundation will occur if the composite breakwater is built on the seabed
whose properties is listed in Table 1. The predicted shear failure zone
in seabed foundation is shown in Fig. 15 based on the Mohr-Coulomb
criterion, and the numerical results determined by PORO-WSSI 2D. From
Fig. 15, it is found that the seabed foundation beneath the composite
breakwater fails in a large extent due to the shear stress
concentration. The seabed soil near to the foot of rubble mound uplifts
obviously due to the excessive shear deformation (Fig. 12). In
engineering, some methods, such as replacement with hard materials,
should be adopted to treat the soft seabed foundation if the shear
failure is expected to occur.
5. Conclusion
In this study, taking the Biot's dynamic equation
"u-p" approximation as the governing equations, a FEM program
PORO-WSSI 2D is developed based on SWANDYNE II. The consolidation model
in PORO-WSSI 2D is verified by the 1D Terzaghi's consolidation
theory. The developed numerical model could provide coastal engineers
with an effective analysis tool to understand the stress/displacement
fields, and to evaluate the shear failure in seabed foundation.
By adopting this developed FEM program, the consolidation of 2D
unsaturated seabed under a composite breakwater is investigated. From
the numerical results, following conclusions are draw:
1. The floating force acting on the bottom of caisson must be taken
into consideration in calculation.
2. After the construction of a composite breakwater, the induced
excess pore pressure in seabed foundation dissipates; and the weight of
breakwater gradually is transferred to the soil skeleton in the
consolidation process. Finally, the built breakwater makes the effective
stresses in seabed foundation increase significantly.
3. In the zone beneath the foot of rubble mound, the shear stress
highly concentrates. This is the direct potential dangerous factor for
the instability of seabed foundation due to shear failure.
4. Under the compression of composite breakwater, the seabed
foundation moves downward. Correspondingly, the composite breakwater
subsides about 120mm.
Additionally, the seabed also subsides under the hydrostatic
pressure and self-weight about 30mm. It is noted that the final
settlement of breakwater and seabed mainly depend on the stiffness of
The author thanks for the funding support from EPSRC EP/G006482/1
and Oversea Research Student scholarship; and thanks for the supervision
under Professor D-S Jeng.
Received May 25, 2011
Accepted August 21, 2012
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Ye Jianhong
Key Laboratory of Engineering Geomechanics, Institute of Geology
and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China,
Division of Civil Engineering, University of Dundee, Dundee DD1
4HN, Scotland, UK, E-mail:
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Properties of porous seabed, rubble mound and caisson
used in calculation
Medium [phi], E, MPa v k, m/s
Seabed 30 50 0.33 [10.sup.-5]
Rubble mound 35 1000 0.33 0.2
Caisson 40 10000 0.25 0
Medium [S.sup.r] n Gs, kg/
% [m.sup.3]
Seabed 98 0.25 2650
Rubble mound 99 0.35 2650
Caisson 0 0 2650