Flank wear modeling of a tungsten carbide tip using the GMDH method in turning operation/Volframo karbido ploksteles uzpakalinio pavirsiaus issidevejimo tekinant modeliavimas grupinio duomenu apdorojimo metodu.
Ali, D. Kara ; Ghernaout, M.E.A. ; Galiz, S. 等
1. Introduction
Although machining or material removal with cutting tool processes
is an oldest technique of manufacturing machine components, many
experimental research works have been performed in this field during the
last century. It was the improving tool life and machined surface
quality, machine energy consumption, dynamic phenomena, etc ...
As a result, any further improvement of the machine, tool and
process design must be justified through a series of experimental
studies. However, any machining test includes a great number of
independent variables and the traditional techniques of the Design of
Experiments (DOE), becomes expensive and time consuming. Moreover,
uncertainty of many included variables might affect the test outcome in
metal cutting testing. To overcome these drawbacks discussed by Astakhov
and Galitsky [1] concerning the traditional DOE, this paper uses the
powerful method called Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH) as a process
modeling tool for forming a statistical model of a complex
multi-variables systems using a few process data. This method is
introduced by the Ukrainian cyberneticist and engineer A.G. Ivakhnenko
[2] for solving modeling and classification problems using the
polynomial theory of complex systems. The Ivakhnenko authors [3] have
published a review of problems solvable by algorithms of the GMDH. The
objectiveness of GMDH algorithm and its satisfactory performance as a
non-linear modeling approach has driven a number of researchers to
investigate it further as well as test it in a broad spectrum of
applications as data mining and knowledge discovery, forecasting and
systems modeling, optimization and pattern recognition. The application
of the GMDH method to manufacturing starts at the early of 1980s and
different versions are considered: basic, modified and enhanced
GMDH-type network. Several research works have been performed to build a
mathematical model describing tool wear or tool life in the cutting
process. Briefly, we indicate as a sample the following works performed
since 1980 and found in the literature. Hence, Nagasaka and Hashimoto
[4] have estimated the quality of chip disposal and Yoshida and al. [5]
have identified the grinding wheel wear of the abrasive cut-off. The
work published by Nagasaka and al. [6] has determined an optimum of
combination of operating parameters in abrasive cut-off. The prediction
and detection of the cutting tool failure has concerned the work
performed by Uematsu and Mohri [7]. Jiaa and Dornfeld [8] have published
a work concerning the prediction and detection of tool wear. El-Khabeery
and El-Axir [9] have studied the effects of milling roller-burnishing
parameters on surface integrity. The work performed by Astakhov and
Galitsky [1] deals with the test of the tool life in gun-drilling and
finally the work presented by Onwubolo and al. [10] concerns the
modeling of tool wear in end-milling. Inductive GMDH algorithms are used
because they provide a possibility to find automatically interrelations
in data, to select the 'optimal' structure of model and to
increase the accuracy of existing algorithms. This original
self-organizing approach is substantially different from deductive methods commonly used in traditional DOE. This paper describes the use
of the GMDH method to build a model for predicting the tool flank wear
in a turning operation without lubrication. The aim is to analyze the
influence of input variables on the tool life and serving promoting
automation of cutting process.
2. Background on GMDH method
The GMDH method gives a procedure for modeling complex nonlinear systems from input and output data, based on the principle of heuristic self-organization. This method allows the discovery of the complex
relationship between input and output variables objectively without
having detail knowledge of the system investigated and a large number of
Suppose that the system equation for input variables [x.sub.i] and
output y is y = f([x.sub.l],[x.sub.2],...,[x.sub.n]), where y denotes
the complete description of the system. This function can be expressed
by the Volterra series, discrete analogue of which is the
Kolmogorov-Gabor polynomial
y = [b.sub.0] + [m.summation over (i=1)] [b.sub.i][x.sub.i] +
[m.summation over (1=1)][m.summation over (j=1)]
[b.sub.ij][x.sub.i][x.sub.j] + [m.summation over (i=1)] [m.summation
over (j=1)] [m.summation over (k=1)]
[b.sub.ijk][x.sub.i][x.sub.j][x.sub.k] (1)
where X([x.sub.1], [x.sub.2],.,xm) is the input variables vector, m
is the number of input variables, B([b.sub.1], [b.sub.2], ...,
[b.sub.m]) is the vector of coefficients. Each coefficient in Eq. (1)
may be estimated to identify the system. The number of coefficients to
be estimated, however, rapidly increases as the system increases in
complexity and therefore the calculation will be difficult, with a large
number of inputs and outputs data required. The GMDH is an
identification technique which has been developed for such solution and
which successively approximates the model to the complete description,
using partial descriptions. Regression equations obtained by stepwise
regression procedure are used as the partial descriptions, while in the
basic GMDH; the following second order polynomial is used.
where [y.sub.k] denotes the intermediate variable, [x.sub.i] and
[x.sub.j] are input variables. Hence, this method builds a multilayered
perception-type network for obtaining a polynomial description of
stochastic system, Fig. 1. The GMDH algorithm proceeds as follow: Step
(1); Select the input variables considered to affect the output. Then
convert the raw input and output into normalized deviations from the
average values. Step (2); Separate the data into a training set and a
checking set. The training data are used to estimate the coefficients of
the partial descriptions and the checking data are used to evaluate the
accuracy of the partial descriptions and to prevent over fitting. Step
(3); Form the partial descriptions using the stepwise regression
procedure with all inputs taken two at a time. All combinations of r
input variables are generated before learning each layer. The number of
combinations is
[sup.m][C.sub.r] = m!/r!(m - r)! (3)
where m is the number of input variables and r is the number of
inputs for each node (usually set to two according to the basic model
introduced by Ivakhnenko [11]. Step (4); calculate the error criterion
between each intermediate variable and checking data. By applying an
error criterion at each layer, those variables which are least useful
for predicting the correct output are filtered out. Step (3) and Step
(4) are repeated until the lowest overall error criterion value (based
on checking data set) at a certain layer is obtained. When one or more
sets of new input and output data are given and it becomes necessary to
renew the model to the new data, it can be possible to derive from the
work performed by Uemasu and Mohri [7] an algorithm which avoids to
forming a new model by means of GMDH, but from the original structure of
the obtained model only its coefficients are adjusted with given
appropriate weights to the newly given process data. This algorithm is
called modified GMDH. This approach was proven to be computationally
effective and memory economical and suitable for the situation where the
system only changes gradually as in progressive tool wear. The scheme of
building up a generation of high order variables is shown in Fig. 2.
2.1. Construction of training and checking set
The objectiveness of GMDH algorithm is based on the utilization of
an external criterion to select the optimal model, which requires the
data partition. The requirement of splitting data into two groups will
lead to different models for different subsamples and researchers have
investigated a number of techniques to overcome this situation as
reported by Anastasakis and Mort [12]. The most used technique in the
machining field is to separate the data points into training set and
checking set according to the criterion of variance defined by the Eq.
(4), where the variance of each data point, D(k), is calculated as
D(k)= [[[y.sub.j] - [[bar.y].sub.j]/[[bar.y].sub.j].sup.2]; j =
1,2,...,p; k =1,2, ..., N (4)
where p represents the range of data.
The points with the larger variance are put into training set and
the others into the checking set. The data into the training and
checking set are separated using a table of random numbers.
2.2. Selection of effective variables
There are different criteria for screening out the least effective
variables at each layer such as the regularity criterion, the unbiased
criterion, the combined criterion and PRESS criterion [12]. These
criteria usually take the common form containing two parts, a cost
function which penalize the addition term in each layer, and another
representing the mean squared error from regression. Any variable
satisfying the criterion enters the next layer automatically. The
criterion is evaluated using the checking set. This stage makes the
number of retained variables at the output decrease from layer to layer
thus the GMDH procedure doesn't become unstable as the process
3. Tool flank wear modeling
3.1. Experimental setup
A series of experiments were carried out during machining of 80 mm
diameter C20 steel bars on a machine tool installed on an appropriate
elastic foundation designed to absorb vibrations produced by dynamical
forces generated during the cutting process. The flank wear process of a
triangular tungsten carbide WNMG tip with 5[degrees] rake angle is dealt
with. Fig. 3 shows a part of the experimental setup. To measure the
flank wear VB, the procedure implementation is based on using a Nikon
profile projector. It is an optical device that allows accurate
observation of the surface and the contour of opaque parts. The
magnified image is projected onto the screen with perfect amplification.
The measurement method is based on the use of cross-line screen. Fig. 4
illustrates the principle of the measurement technique of the tool flank
wear VB. Details of the experiments for measurement of the tool flank
wear have been given by Kara and al. in the reference [13].
3.2. Design of experiment
The cutting process in turning operation depends on many system
parameters whose complex interactions make it difficult to describe the
system mathematically. From literature of machining processes it can be
deduced easily that the cutting regime variables (speed, feed and depth
of cut), the chemical and mechanical properties of the tool, the
geometric parameters of the tool, the lubrication quality, the system
dynamics, etc.., can be considered candidates as input variables to the
causality relationship. Tool flank wear and work-piece surface quality
can be considered as the output parameters.
In this paper only the machining parameters were set during
experimentation to examine the cutting regime influence on the tool
flank wear. This data set constituted the input to the self-organizing
network and consisted of three inputs and one output. The first
independent input is the cutting speed (V). In this study five values in
the range from 64 m/min to 237 m/min are considered. The second
parameter is the feed (f). Five feeds are adopted in this study, ranging
from 0.08 mm/rev to 0.2 mm/rev. The third parameter is the depth-ofcut
(d) and five values are ranging between 0.5 mm to 1.5 mm. The cutting
conditions used in this work are summarized in Table 1. Each parameter
had five levels selected from practice. Evidently, the influence of
system vibrations during cutting process on the obtained experimental
results is minimized with special care taken experimentally to avoid
this influence. Also, no lubrication was used.
3.3. Experimental results and discussions
A three-factor, five-level central composite rotatable design was
used in this study. Table 2 shows the arrangement and the results of the
twenty experiments carried out in this investigation. The range of each
parameter was coded in five levels selected as follows
[-1.5 -1 0 + 1 + 1.5]
The targets for the tool wear are given in the last column of the
Table 2. The tool flank wear data were carried out at the same cutting
length for each trial cutting. The output of the GMDH reported in this
paper is used to develop the mathematical model of the tool flank wear
in next section. At least three tests at the each point of the design
matrix were carried out.
4. Mathematical model for the tool flank wear
The model determination was carried out using the simplified
algorithm of GMDH. A data sample is divided into two parts. The
criterion MSE (Mean Square Error) is used, then approximately two-thirds
of tests forms the training subset, and the remaining part of
observations (e.g. every third point with the same variance) forms the
checking subset. The training subset was used to derive estimates for
the coefficients of the polynomial, and the checking subset was used to
select the optimal model, that is one for which the regularity criterion
MSE assumes its minimum
MSE = 1/[N.sub.b][NB.summation over (1)][[[y.sub.i] -
[[??].sub.i]].sup.2] [right arrow] min (5)
where [N.sub.B] represents the range of checking subset data.
All input and output data in Table 2 are used in the form of the
normalized deviations from average values by
[[xi].sub.i] (h) = [x.sub.i](h) - [[bar.x].sub.i]/[[bar.x].sub.i];
[PSI](h) = [y.sub.i](h) - [[bar.y].sub.i] [[bar.y].sub.i] (6)
where i (i=1,2,3) and h (h=1,2,3,4,5) denote the input variables
and the experimental values number respectively. In this study, the
algorithm allowed generating a model after three layers in the network.
All possible pairs of input or output from previous layer are
considered. Based on the outputs of the basic GMDH, the tool flank wear
for the turning operation was modeled as
y = [b.sub.0] + [b.sub.1][x.sub.1] + [b.sub.2][x.sub.2] +
[b.sub.3][x.sub.3] + [b.sub.4] [x.sup.2.sub.1] +
[b.sub.5][x.sup.2.sub.2] + [b.sub.6][x.sup.2.sub.3] +
+[b.sub.7][x.sub.1][x.sub.2] + [b.sub.8][x.sub.1][x.sub.3] +
[b.sub.9][x.sub.2][x.sub.3] (7)
where [x.sub.1], [x.sub.2], [x.sub.3] are the normalized speed,
feed and depthof-cut respectively. The GMDH network performed in this
work found the ten coefficients {20.247, -0.920, -69.295, -20.513,
0.008, 46.273, 4.320, 1.070, 0.344, and 36.033} leading to the
predictive model of the tool flank wear
The minimal weighted, training and testing-errors at different
layers are shown in Table 3. They may be derived from the MSE criterion.
Fig. 5 shows the performance index on training and testing data for
different layers. It could be observed that the error level drops along
the network. Fig. 6 shows the GMDH prediction and the corresponding
error. The error level clusters are mainly within the range 2.77% to
22.13%. As it could be observed, the prediction values closely follow
the experimental results, except for trial number 9 where there is some
noticeable deviation.
The application of the modified GMDH approach with adding a new set
of data shown on the Table 4 from line 21 to line 28, provides better
results as illustrated by the Fig. 7 where the error level is in a
reduced range of 0.1% to 9.27% including trial n[degrees]9. The new
predictive model with adjusted coefficients is
The effect of the speed, feed and depth-of-cut increase on the tool
flank wear is clearly shown on the Figs. (8)-(10) where the distribution
of tool flank wear according to the input parameters illustrates that
when speed, feed and depth-of-cut augment, the tool wear increases. We
note the strong influence of speed on the tool flank wear. Figs.
(11)-(13) represent the first partial derivatives of the model described
by the Eq. (9) according to the speed; feed and depth-of-cut
All these derivates increase linearly. Note them as
S = [partial derivative](VB)/[partial derivative]V; [S.sub.d] =
[partial derivative](VB)/[partial derivative]d.
We observe that SV does not increase substantially in comparison
with [S.sub.f] and [S.sub.d] in our experimental range conditions. This
result reflects the low sensitivity of the wear acceleration according
to the cutting speed level. Inversely the [S.sub.f] and [S.sub.d] are
sensitive to the feed and depth-ofcut parameters due to the chip section
variation which increases the abrasive wear phenomenon. So, we can
conclude that the tool flank wear is strongly affected by the cutting
speed parameter but with practically the same wear process acceleration
at each level of the cutting speed. The explanation of this phenomenon
can be given by the fact that flank wear is not strongly related to
thermal phenomena generated by the increase in cutting speed than the me
chanical abrasion caused by the chip section (defined by depth-of-cut
and feed) on the tool flank even without lubrication.
5. Optimizing the tool wear model in turning operation
Several optimization techniques (genetic algorithm, particle swarm
optimization, etc,...) could be used to further solve the problem of Eq.
(9) subject to the machining constraint given as 46 [less than or equal
to] [x.sub.1] [less than or equal to] 237; 0.08 [less than or equal to]
[x.sub.2] [less than or equal to] 0.2; 0.5 [less than or equal to]
[x.sub.3] [less than or equal to] 1.5.
This solution will give the optimal values for the response and
input parameters. A number of optimization techniques are available that
can easily solve Eq. (9) optimally. Here we apply the recent developed
technique VNS (Variable Neighborhood Search).
5.1. VNS methodology
The basic idea of VNS metaheuristic is to use more than one
neighborhood structure and to proceed to a systematic change of them
within a local search.
The algorithm remains in the same solution until another solution
better than the incumbent is found and then jumps there.
Neighborhoods are usually ranked in such a way that intensification of the search around the current solution is followed naturally by
diversification. The level of intensification or diversification can be
controlled by a few easy to set parameters. We may view the VNS as a
'shaking' process where a movement to a neighborhood further
from the current solution corresponds to a harder shake.
Unlike random restart, the VNS allows a controlled increase in the
level of the shake. Let us denote by Nk; k = 1,...,[K.sub.Max] a finite
sequence of preselected neighborhood structures, and by Nk(x) the set of
feasible solutions corresponding to neighborhood structure Nk at the
point x, where x is an initial solution. Let us note that most local
search metaheuristics use one neighborhood structure; i.e. [K.sub.Max] =
1. The following algorithm presents steps of the basic VNS heuristic.
Repeat until the stopping criterion is met:
(1) Set k[right arrow]1;
(2) Until k > [K.sub.Max] repeat the following steps:
(a) Shaking: generate a point x' at random from Nk(x);
(b) Local search: Apply some local search method with x' as
the initial solution; denote by x'' the so obtained local
(c) Move or not: If x" is better than the encumber move there
(x' [left arrow] x") and set k [left arrow] 1; otherwise k
[left arrow] k + 1.
The stopping criterion may be e.g. the predetermined maximal allowed CPU time, the maximal number of iterations, or the maximal
number of iterations between two improvements.
Let us note that the point x' is generated in step (2) at
random in order to avoid cycling which might occur if any deterministic rule was used.
5.2. Results
For the tool wear, the optimal solution for Eq. (9) is given as
shown in Table 5. The optimizer found optimal values of speed [x.sub.1]
= 60 m/min; [x.sub.2] = 0.128 mm/rev; [x.sub.3] = 1 mm and VB = 9.01 urn
These inputs values are the best ones to achieve the minimum wear
possible in our turning range regimes. Using an optimization technique
gives the best possible turning conditions and consequently such
approach is extremely useful in a realizing a computer-aided
process-planning system in a manufacturing environment.
5.3. Observations
Observing the experimental results from Tables 3 and 4, it is
indicated that the trial No. 9 provides a value of VB = 9 closer to that
found using the optimization tool of the model represented by Eq. (9).
This experimentation shows that both GMDH and VNS methodology agree in
their solutions. However, the GMDH method does not have a property that
confirms that it has found a global minimum value. By using VNS
methodology, we have confirmed that our GMDH approach can find a global
minimum condition. Also, it is interesting to observe that the GMDH
method uses only input values used for experimentation but the
optimization technique such as VNS can find input values that were not
used for the initial experiments. This is one difference between the
solution realized using GMDH and other optimization techniques.
6. Conclusion
In this study, a GMDH algorithm is performed for modeling flank
wear of a tungsten carbide tip as a function of the cutting speed, feed,
and depth-of-cut during a turning operation. Firstly, the modeling
methodology is presented, and then we perform a predictive model of the
problem being solved in the form of a second-order polynomial based on
the input variables. A modified GMDH algorithm is then applied to ensure
robust results. The retained model seems with a great predictive
capacity because the data obtained outside the experimental results have
been well predicted. Also, the performed model indicates that cutting
speed influences strongly the tool flank wear compared to the feed or
the depth-of-cut. Moreover, this approach makes it easy to present the
realized solution in a form that could be further optimized for the
input parameters; i.e. the best cutting regime. Hence, the recent VNS
approach is applied successfully in this work.
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D. Kara Ali *, M.E.A. Ghernaout *, S. Galiz **, A. Liazid **
* Mechanical Engineering Department, Abou Bakr Belkaid University;
B.O. 119; Route de Chetouane; 13000-Tlemcen-Algeri, E-mail:
** LTE-Laboratory; ENSET-Oran; B.O. 1523; El'Mnaouer
31000-Oran-Algeria, E-mail: ab_liazid@hotmail.com
Received April 01, 2011
Accepted October 12, 2012
Table 1
Summary of cutting conditions
Parameters Symbol Levels in code form
-1.5 -1 0 +1 +1.5
Cutting speed, [x.sub.1] 64 89 125 173 237
Feed, mm/rev [x.sub.2] 0.08 0.10 0.128 0.150 0.200
Depth, mm [x.sub.3] 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.50
Turning No lubrication
Table 2
Experimental results
Speed V, Feed f,
m/min mm/rev
Actual Coded Actual Coded
1 89 -1 0.1 -1
2 173 +1 0.1 -1
3 89 -1 0.1 -1
4 173 +1 0.1 -1
5 89 -1 0.15 +1
6 173 +1 0.15 +1
7 89 -1 0.15 +1
8 173 +1 0.15 +1
9 64 -1.5 0.128 0
10 237 +1.5 0.128 0
11 125 0 0.128 0
12 125 0 0.128 0
13 125 0 0.08 -1.5
14 125 0 0.2 +1.5
15 125 0 0.128 0
16 125 0 0.128 0
17 125 0 0.128 0
18 125 0 0.128 0
19 125 0 0.128 0
20 125 0 0.128 0
Depth d, Measured flank
mm wear VB, [micro]m
Actual Coded
1 0.75 -1 18
2 0.75 -1 126
3 1.25 +1 28
4 1.25 +1 152
5 0.75 -1 21
6 0.75 -1 135
7 1.25 +1 32
8 1.25 +1 160
9 1 0 9
10 1 0 309
11 0.5 -1.5 45
12 1.5 +1.5 80
13 0.5 0 40.5
14 0.5 0 50
15 0.5 0 47
16 0.5 0 45
17 0.5 0 46.5
18 0.5 0 46
19 0.5 0 48
20 0.5 0 45.5
Table 3
Minimal errors at different layers
Minimal Minimal Minimal
weighted training error testing error
Layer1 0.0892427 0.1386601 1.889544
Layer2 0.0563340 0.05288310 0.4065458
Layer3 0.0712320 0.03398841 0.1564479
Table 4
Added set of the new input and output data
Trial Speed V, Feed f, Depth d,
no. m/min mm/rev mm
1 89 0.1 0.75
2 173 0.1 0.75
3 89 0.1 1.25
4 173 0.1 1.25
5 89 0.15 0.75
6 173 0.15 0.75
7 89 0.15 1.25
8 173 0.15 1.25
9 64 0.128 1
10 237 0.128 1
11 125 0.128 0.5
12 125 0.128 1.5
13 125 0.08 0.5
14 125 0.2 0.5
15 125 0.128 0.5
16 125 0.128 0.5
17 125 0.128 0.5
18 125 0.128 0.5
19 125 0.128 0.5
20 125 0.128 0.5
21 75 0.1 1
22 100 0.128 1.25
23 150 0.2 0.75
24 200 0.15 0.5
25 75 0.2 1.5
26 75 0.128 1.5
27 100 0.08 1
28 150 0.08 0.75
Trial Measured wear VB, Basic Modified
no. [micro]m GMDH GMDH
1 18 17.500 18.500
2 126 146.944 127.028
3 28 28.674 29.124
4 152 172.566 152.520
5 21 20.727 21.616
6 135 154.665 134.869
7 32 32.801 33.146
8 160 181.187 161.267
9 9 5.224 9.352
10 309 345.854 300.857
11 45 53.884 47.632
12 80 89.624 82.639
13 40.5 49.464 43.223
14 50 60.915 54.637
15 47 53.884 47.632
16 45 53.884 47.632
17 46.5 53.884 47.632
18 46 53.884 47.632
19 48 53.884 47.632
20 45.5 53.884 47.632
21 14 13.883
22 42 42.233
23 101 100.812
24 177 177.279
25 30 30.452
26 25 24.889
27 32 31.559
28 85 84.936
Table 5
Optimal solution using optimization technique
Objective [x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [x.sub.3]
function VB
GMDH 9.35 64 0.128 1
VNS 9.01 60 0.128 1