Modeling and diagnostics of the gear power transmissions/ Krumpliniu pavaru modeliavimas ir diagnostika.
Barzdaitis, V. ; Mazeika, P. ; Grigoniene, J. 等
1. Introduction
Rotating systems are the main mechanical units of power generating
and technological machines. The integral part of modern machines with
rotating systems introduces IT based condition monitoring, protection,
failure diagnostics and expert systems for prediction of unexpected
failures and based on vibration and technological parameters
measurement. To increase technical condition monitoring and vibration
severity evaluation accuracy in practice with the identification of
vibration sources the modeling and simulation of rotor systems are
inevitable processes [1-7].
Systematic machine vibration monitoring and failure diagnostics
prevent from unexpected failures of machines. The most frequently
occurring breakdown of rotor systems--failure of bearings and
rotor-stator part rub [1]. Authors evaluate diagnostics methods for high
speed rotors with rolling bearings [2]. The papers [8-10] concern
vibration monitoring and failure diagnostics of low rotation speed, but
high torque rotors and gear transmission rotors, for the identification
of rolling bearings defects. The gears teeth meshing malfunctions are
estimated through measurement of rotors radial and axial vibrations
displacement in situ and modeling and simulations of designed results.
The authors present new research data on gear transmission dynamics and
The heavy duty gear power transmission have been modeled and tested
in situ to protect unexpected failures [11, 12].
This paper presents effectiveness of new designed diagnostic method
for prediction of the unexpected failures of low rotation speed high
torque gear transmission with antifriction bearings.
2. Objects of research
High mass horizontal axis cylinder machine kinematic scheme is
presented in Fig. 1. The heavy loaded low speed gear transmission
elements are pinion [z.sub.1] and gear [z.sub.2], four low rotation
speed cylinders 1K, 2K, 1D, 2D and eight roller bearings: four on the
left cylinder side 1K1, 1K2, 2K1, 2K2 and four on the right cylinder
side 1D1, 1D2, 2D1, 2D2. The impacts generated by pinion [z.sub.1] teeth
meshing are the main sources of vibration. The teeth module is 16 mm,
[z.sub.1] = 25 and [z.sub.2] = 176 teeth. The rotational speed of the
pinion z1 is low ~38 rpm, rotation torque is high 8250 Nm and the speed
of asynchronous electric motor rotor is 1500 rpm. All rotors rotate in
double row spherical roller bearings SKF 22228 CCK/W33 with a tapered
bore H3128.
The operation data indicated that the main defect of low speed
rotors is the failure of bearing elements: rolled bearings, a tapered
bore wrenched on an inner ring and shaft and mechanical looseness in the
outer ring-case housing.
The more sophisticated low rotation speed gear power transmission
is operating in sugar production diffusion machine, as shown in Fig. 2:
driving spur gears [z.sub.3] = [z.sub.3] = 17 with 15.45 rpm and driven
[z.sub.4] = 115, contact ratio 1.6 and module m = 20 mm. The radial
double row spherical roller bearings with cylindrical bore SKF 22230
CC/W33 are used. During continuous long term operation teeth surfaces of
the gears [z.sub.3], [z.sub.3] and [z.sub.4] were seriously damaged
(Fig. 3).
The new diagnostics method was designed to identify the defects of
rotors antifriction bearings and gears.
3. The high mass horizontal cylinder machine vibration testing in
During the machine operation defects of the gears' [z.sub.1]
and [z.sub.2] teeth surface were identified. For the evaluation of
rotor's with [z.sub.1] gear transmission technical condition,
failure diagnosis and identification causality of damages, the
experimental research and theoretical modeling was carried out. Absolute
vibration velocity and aceleration, and rotors radial displacement were
measured for the 9th and the 10th bearings housings (Fig. 1). The
measurement results were analyzed using Adash Compressed Time (ACMT)
method [10]. The measurement of shaft radial vibration displacement were
based on shaft displacement measurements with contactless sensors
following methods of discreet modeling designed at the Klaipeda
University and Kaunas University of Technology.
Condition monitoring of bearings continues systematically.
Mechanical vibration measurement data showed that conventional vibration
testing methods were ineffective in diagnostics of low rotation high
power machines, because the vibration signal was stochastic. The
comparison of 9th bearing housing vibration [V.sub.RMS] parameters of
the rotor with defective bearing and new one is illustrated in Table 1.
The FFT vibration velocity and aceleration spectra are shown in Figs.
4-7 and the vibrations velocity and acceleration time in Figs. 8-11. At
the comparison of vibration data with a damaged bearing and with new
bearing outstanding difference between vibrations parameters was not
noticed, Table 1.
For the gears [z.sub.1] and [z.sub.2] vibration amplitudes of teeth
meshing frequency ~15.6 Hz and harmonics (~31.1 Hz, ~47 Hz, ~63 Hz, ~78
Hz, ~94 Hz, ~109 Hz, ~125 Hz) are dominating, Figs. 4 and 5. Low
vibration acceleration amplitudes (up to 0.5 m/[s.sup.2]) dominate in
horizontal vibrations acceleration spectrum of the 9th bearing housing
(Figs. 6 and 7) and are generated by the gear transmission.
Vibration of the 9th bearing housing, which are generated by a
gear's [z.sub.1] and gear [z.sub.2] teeth mesh dominate in the
vibration velocity and acceleration time-base plots (Figs. 8 and 11).
The impacts from large diameter segmented gear [z.sub.2] are excited
periodically every ~11th second of each full rotation.
The vibration data FFT formats and [V.sub.RMS] values, presented,
are uninformative in condition monitoring and failure diagnostics of
defective 9th bearing. The defective 9th bearing (rolled bearing's
elements and damaged tapered bore wrenches in the bearing and on the
shaft cylindrical surface) generates low amplitude vibration, which were
impossible to be identified with ordinary vibration data formats. The
more advanced ACMT (Adash Compressed Time Method) method based on
measurements of bearings housings vibration accelerations were used as
shown in Figs. 12 and 13. The diagrams show vibration of defective and
new bearing. Shocks generated due to the change of teeth meshingimpacts
when rolling tracks of the bearing are rolled or bearings housings
elements have heavy damages. However, the ACMT method with vibrations
acceleration evaluates the severance of teeth meshing but did not allow
identify the defects in 9th bearing. Diagrams of ACMT vibrations
velocity time-base plots show limited information for diagnostics.
Diagrams of vertical vibrations displacements of a shaft to the 9th
bearing support, before and after replacement of the defective 9th
bearing, are presented in Figs. 14 and 15. In case of a defective
bearing, the highest measured radial vibrations displacement (relative
to 9th bearing support) value [s.sub.o-p] reached 132 and with new
bearing, it reduced ~2 times and reached 67 [micro]m. Increased radial
displacements of the shaft changed the position of teeth mesh pole of a
gear [z.sub.1] and [z.sub.2].
Identification of the defects in the 9th bearing was successful
only with the measurements of rotor radial vibration displacements
peak-to-peak [s.sub.p-p] or zero-to-peak [s.sub.o-p] values with
contactless sensors. Sensors were fixed near the bearing of low speed
rotor with a gear [z.sub.1] and upon carrying out modeling and
theoretical calculations. Measurement results of rotor radial vibration
displacements [s.sub.o-p] in horizontal and vertical directions are
presented in Figs. 14 and 15. Radial vibration displacements of the
rotor's measured before and after replacement of the 9th defective
bearing by a new, are presented in Table 2.
4. Sugar production diffusion machine vibration testing in situ
Experimental testing of gear driver in situ of II rotor shaft with
gear [z.sub.3], were carried out under variable load from 80% to 110% of
rated load values. The aim of the research was to determine the
displacement and vibration displacement of rotors II shaft located near
bearing as was shown in Fig. 3. Experimental research was carried out
with RB 6423 contactless sensor and signal analyzer module DMA4 (Epro,
Germany). The experimental measurement results are presented in Figs.
16-18. The results of vibration displacement measurement for the driving
rotor shaft II show that antifriction bearing support has low radial and
axial stiffness and large mechanical looseness.
The vibration displacement amplitude sp of the driving gear
[z.sub.3] rotor shaft measured in a horizontal (radial) direction is
150-200 [micro]m and in the vertical 120-150 [micro]m. The axial
displacement of rotor II is high with low frequency 0.01217 Hz, Fig. 17.
These results determined that during the operation of a gears [z.sub.3],
[z.sub.3] and [z.sub.4], the teeth base pitch permanently changes its
position that caused valuable changes in teeth meshing pitch point
positions of the involutes teeth surfaces.
As shown in Fig. 18, the rotor III with driven gear z4 provides
large eccentricity values (up to 0.190 mm) that negatively influences
teeth meshing; dynamic forces in teeth were increased and finally
contact stresses reached inadmissible values. These experimental results
were applied in the modeling to simulate contact stresses in the gears.
The contact stresses versus deformations of driving rotor II with gear
[z.sub.3] were calculated.
5. Rotors supervising, mathematical modeling and diagnostics method
The analysis of theoretical and experimental research materials
showed that there are no finished and reliable diagnostics technologies
for defects identification of low speed rotors with antifriction
bearings and gear transmissions. Therefore the authors designed and
validated new diagnostics method RSMMD as showed in Fig. 19. It has the
main difference that vibration measuring is performed with contact less
sensors instead accelerometers or vibration velocity seismic
transducers. The vibration displacement measurements of rotor are
performed near the bearing as showed in Fig. 3. The measured vibration
displacement amplitude zero-to-peak [s.sub.o-p] is involved in
mathematical model and using mathematical simulation it is desirable to
analyze gears teeth meshing conditions as showed in Fig. 20.
6. Modeling and numerical example
Modeling of high mass horizontal cylinder machine and diffusion
machine's gear transmissions and tooth contact is carried out by
the FEM with ANSYS software. Experimentally measured radial
displacements [s.sub.o-p] values of cooler's gear [z.sub.1] and
diffusion machine's rotor gear [z.sub.3] were integrated into
discreticised models (separates models). The models were made under
least favorable conditions of teeth meshing, i.e. when only one pair of
teeth were in contact and the both machines are fully loaded. The models
were settled with a change of rotor's radial displacement from 0 to
500 [micro]m in the case of cooler and from 0 to 250 [micro]m in the
case of diffusion machine. The models were solved when both rotors
materials have linear stiffness characteristics. Geometric models of
teeth are divided into lower order finite elements of hexahedron SOLID
45 type, having eight nodes and three degrees of freedom (displacements
in respect of three coordinates) as showed in Fig. 21. For the reason
that the modeled gear transmissions are of low speed, the solutions were
worked out in static
[K]{U} = {F} (1)
where [K] is the stiffness matrix of finite element; {U} is the
nodal element displacement vector; {F} is the load vector.
Nodal displacement vector {U} is composed of
{U} = k [??] [u.sub.x] [u.sub.y] [u.sub.z][??] (2)
Having solved the teeth contact discreticised models, it was
determined, that in case of a rotor's radial displacements, located
next to support of a bearing, are equal to 0, teeth contact stresses
reach 341 MPa value in the case of cooler, and 378 MPa in the case of
diffusion machine. When radial displacement of the rotor of high mass
horizontal cylinder machine exceeds the value of 130 nm and 100 in the
case of diffusion machine, permissible contact stresses value
([[sigma].sub.adm] = ~500 MPa) is exceeded, therefore plastic
deformations occur in the teeth, and the teeth are damaged. Radial
displacement of the rotor is limited by values 130 [micro]m of high mass
horizontal cylinder machine and 100 [micro]m of diffusion machine in
continuous long term operation. A diagram, presented in Fig. 22, can be
used in order to determine the residual resources of service for rotors
only if bearing's rolling tracks and rolling elements are rolled or
damaged the tapered bore-shaft outer ring-case mounting tolerance of the
bearing housings.
7. Conclusions
Experimental research confirms that ordinary vibration research
methods with standard vibration data formats (root mean square values,
FFT spectrum, time-base plots, etc.) are not suitable for the evaluation
of technical condition of low speed rotors with gears and antifriction
bearings. It is also impossible to identify defective bearing of a low
speed rotation rotor with gears using ACMT method. Diagrams of ACMT
vibrations acceleration time-base plots allowed only the identification
of shocks generated by the impacts of gears teeth meshing.
Diagnostics and evaluation residual performance of low speed rotor
is possible using absolute (or relative) measurements values of radial
displacements [s.sub.o-p] or [s.sub.p-p] provided by contact less
Theoretical modeling together with experimental research of
dynamics of a gear driver and roller bearings in low rotation speed
machines is realized as a new Rotors Supervising, Mathematical Modeling
and Diagnostics method.
Experimental and simulation results approved that low frequency
vibration displacement values are the main parameters that describe
technical condition of involute teeth meshing quality.
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Received September 28, 2010
Accepted February 07, 2011
V. Barzdaitis *, P. Mazeika **, J. Grigoniene **, R. Didziokas **,
V. Kartasovas **
* Kaunas University of Technology, A. Mickeviciaus str. 37, 44244
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
** Klaipeda University Mechatronis Science Institute, Bijunu str.
17, 91225 Klaipeda, Lithuania, E-mail:,,,
Table 1
Vibrations velocity VRMS values of 9th and 10th bearings
Date Vibration velocity (10-1000 Hz) [V.sub.RMS],
mm/s (V-vertical, H-horizontal vibrations)
9V 9H 10V 10H
9th defective 2.01 7.82 1.94 4.29
After 9th 2.18 7.99 1.83 5.32
RMS--root mean square
Table 2
Low speed rotor with a gear z1 radial vibration
displacements zero-to-peak values
Rotors radial displacements zero-to-peak
values [s.sub.o-p], [micro]m
Direction 9th 10th 9th 10th
bearing bearing bearing bearing
shaft shaft shaft shaft
9th defective bearing 9th new bearing
Vertical 132 79 67 63
Horizontal 118 52 38 41