Natural convection boundary layer along impermeable inclined surfaces embedded in porous medium/ Poringoje aplinkoje formuojamu pasienio sluoksniu naturalioji konvekcija isilgai nepralaidziu nuozulniu pavirsiu.
Kayhani, M.H. ; Khaje, E. ; Sadi, M. 等
1. Introduction
Convection heat transfer in a saturated porous medium is in great
attention for many applications in geophysics and energy systems.
Applications such as geothermal energy utilization, ground water
pollution analysis, insulation of buildings, paper production and
petroleum reservoir can be cited. These applications have been widely
discussed in recent books by Nield and Bejan [1], Ingham and Pop [2],
Vafai [3], Pop and Ingham [4] and Ingham et al. [5]. However, natural
convection along inclined plates has received less attention than the
cases of vertical and horizontal plates. Rees and Riley [6], and Ingham
et al. [7] presented some solution for free convection along a flat
plate in a porous medium which are only valid at small angles to the
horizon. Jang and Chang [8] studied free convection on an inclined plate
with power function distribution of wall temperature, while its angle
varies between 0 to close to 90 degrees from horizontal. While Pop and
Na [9] have solved the free convection of an isothermal inclined
surface. Their solution included all horizontal to vertical cases.
Hossain and Pop [10] studied the effect of radiation. Conjugate
convection from a slightly inclined plate was studied analytically and
numerically by Vaszi et al. [11]. Lesnic et al. [12] studied
analytically and numerically the case of a thermal boundary condition of
mixed type on a nearly horizontal surface.
The purpose of this paper is to study natural convection above an
inclined flat plate at a variable temperature range embedded in
saturated porous medium. There is power-law variation in the wall
Coordinate system introduced by Pop and Na [9] is used in the
solution. Then the system of two equations can be solved by finite
difference technique proposed by Keller [13] for both the cases of
positively inclined plate (0[degrees] [less than or equal to] [phi]
[less than or equal to] 90[degrees]) and negatively inclined plate at
small angles to the horizontal ([phi] [less than or equal to]
0[degrees]). The effect of inclination parameter on skin friction
coefficient and Nusselt number and also the dimensionless velocity and
temperature profiles have been investigated. However, the free
convection has been solved on the horizontal and vertical plates earlier
by Cheng and Chang [14], and Cheng and Minkowycz [15] respectively.
2. Governing equations
Consider the steady natural convection from an arbitrarily inclined
plate embedded in an isothermal porous medium at temperature
[T[infinity]]. Assume that the wall temperature is kept at a higher
value with the power-law variation. The inclination angle is either
positive (0[degrees] [less than or equal to] [phi] [less than or equal
to] 90[degrees]) or slightly negative ([phi] [less than or equal to]
0[degrees]). The physical model and coordinate system is given in Fig.
1. Here (x, y) are Cartesian coordinates along and normal to the plate,
with positive y axis pointing toward the porous medium.
If the following assumptions have been used (i) the convective
fluid and the porous medium are in thermodynamic equilibrium anywhere,
(ii) the temperature of the fluid is below boiling point at any point of
domain, (iii) the fluid and porous medium properties are constant except
the variation of fluid density with temperature, and (iv) the
Darcy-Boussinesq approximation is employed, the velocity and temperature
within the momentum and thermal boundary layers which develop along the
inclined plate are governed by the following equations:
[partial derivative]u/[partial derivative]x + [partial
derivative]v/[partial derivative]y = 0 (1)
u = K/[mu]([partial derivative]p/[partial derivative]x [+ or -]
[rho]g sin [phi]) (2)
v = K/[mu]([partial derivative]p/[partial derivative]y + [rho]g cos
[phi]) (3)
u [partial derivative]T/[partial derivative]x + v [partial
derivative]T/[partial derivative]y = [alpha] ([[partial
derivative].sup.2]T/[partial derivative][x.sup.2]) + [[partial
derivative].sup.2]T/ [[partial derivative].sup.2]T/ [partial
derivative][y.sup.2] (4)
[rho] = [[rho].sub.[infinity]] [1 - [beta](T - [T.sub.[infinity]]
where the "+" and "-" signs in Eq. (2) indicate
the positive and negative inclinations of the plate respectively. Here
in Eqs. (1)-(5) [mu], v are the velocity components along (x, y) axes; K
is the permeability of porous medium; [mu], [rho],[beta] and [alpha] are
the viscosity, density, coefficient of thermal expansion and thermal
diffusivity, respectively; T, p, g are also temperature, pressure and
gravity acceleration. The subtitle "[infinity]" also refers to
conditions in the infinite distance. Boundary conditions of the problem
are as
v = 0, T = [T.sub.w] = [T.sub.[infinity]] + A[x.sup.r] on y = 0 (6)
u = 0, T = [T.sub.[infinity]] as y [right arrow] [infinity] (7)
By deriving Eqs. (2) and (3), respect to y and x respectively and
applying Darcy-Boussinesq approximation and considering boundary layer
approximations, Eqs. (8) and (9) are derived and with continuity
equation form governing equations of the problem are as below
u [partial derivative]T/[partial derivative]y = gk[beta]/v([+ or -]
[partial derivative]T/[partial derivative]y sin [phi] [partial
derivative]T/[partial derivative]x cos [phi]) (8)
u = [partial derivative]T/[partial derivative]x + v [partial
derivative]T/[partial derivative]y = [alpha] [[partial
derivative].sup.2]T/[partial derivative][y.sup.2] (9)
To convert Eqs. (1), (8) and (9) to the equations that could
describe natural convection flow from an arbitrarily inclined plate in a
porous medium, the parameter which was introduced by Pop and Na [9], is
[xi] = [(Ra[absolute value of sin[phi]).sup.1/2]/[(Ra cos
[phi]).sup.1/3] (10)
where Ra = gK[beta]([T.sub.w] - [T.sub.[infinity])x/[alpha]v is the
Rayleigh number.
This parameter describes the relative strength of the longitudinal
to the normal components of the buoyancy force that simultaneously
applies on the boundary layer. Also for a fixed inclination angle, it
could be used as a longitudinal coordinate. In addition, the forward
variables are used.
[xi] = [zeta]/1 + [zeta], [eta](y/x)[lambda] (11)
[lambda] = [(Racos [phi]).sup.1/3] + [(Ra [absolute value of sin
[phi]]).sup.1/2] (12)
Because at a given [phi], [xi] is defined as
[xi] = 1 /(1 + constant.[x.sup.-(r+1)/6]), this parameter shows the
distance from the leading edge for a particular inclination angle.
In addition [xi], changes from 0 to 1 as an inclination
parameter at a fixed Rayleigh number by changing the angle [phi]
from 0[degrees] to 90[degrees]. Now it is possible to define the reduced
stream function and dimensionless temperature as following
f([xi],[eta]) = [psi]/[alpha][lambda], [theta]([xi],[eta]) = T -
[T.sub.[infinity]]/[T.sub.w] - [T.sub.[infinity]] (13)
where [psi] is the stream function and defined as
u = [partial derivative][psi]/[partial derivative]y, v = [partial
derivative][psi]/[partial derivative]x (14)
Based on the new variables, new equations are as following
These equations should satisfy the following boundary conditions.
f = 0, [theta] = 1 on [eta] = 0 (17)
f' = 0, [theta] = 0 as [eta] [right arrow] (18)
Primes show differentiation with respect to [eta]. As obvious to
solve Eqs. (15) and (16), having an initial condition for [xi] is
necessary. This condition is obtained by the solution of the equations
for horizontal plate with [phi] = 0[degrees] and [xi] = 0. Also, at [xi]
= 0 or [phi] = 0[degrees], Eqs. (15) and (16) declined to the equations
of horizontal flat plate embedded in porous medium which presented by
Cheng and Chang [14]
f" + r[theta] + r - 2/3 [eta][theta] = 0 (19)
[theta]" + r + 1/3 f [theta]' - rf '[theta] = 0 (20)
For the case [xi] = 1 or [phi] = 90[degrees], the equations change
to the equations expressed by Cheng and Minkowycz [15] for a vertical
f" = [theta]' (21)
[theta]" + r + 1/2 f [theta]' - rf' [theta] = 0 (22)
Quantities such as skin friction coefficient and Nusselt number can
now be defined as following and investigated
[C.sub.f] = [[tau].sub.w]/[rho][[U.sup.2.sub.c], Nu =
[xq.sub.w]/k([T.sub.w] - [T.sub.[infinity]]) (23)
where [U.sub.c] = [([alpha]v/[x.sup.2]).sup.1/2] is characteristic
velocity, [[tau].sub.w] is skin friction and [q.sub.w] is heat flux at
the wall which are normally given as
where k is thermal conductivity of the porous medium. By using Eqs.
(11) and (13)
[C.sub.f]/(Ra cos [phi]) = [(1 + [zeta]).sup.3] f" ([xi], 0)
Nu/[(Ra cos [phi]).sup.1/3] = (1 + [zeta])[-[theta]'([xi],0)].
3. Results and discussions
The coupled differential equations of Eqs. (15) and (16) are solved
under boundary condition Eqs. (17) and (18) by Keller numerical scheme
[13]. Based on [xi] definition, numerical solution is started in [xi] =
0 and it continues step by step to [xi] = 1 . To start numerical
solution, similarity solutions of free convection along horizontal flat
plate presented in Eqs. (19) and (20) are used.
Solution of the equations is implemented for 0 [less than or equal
to] r [less than or equal to] 1 which is available for both vertical and
horizontal cases. For validating calculations, vertical solution results
of Cheng and Minkowycz [15] are used. For further information on the
numerical solution, it could be referred to [16].
Positive inclination. Figs. 2 and 3 depict skin friction
coefficient and Nusselt number versus [xi] for different
values of r. Table presents results of similarity solution of Eqs.
(21) and (22) and numerical solution at [xi] = 1 or [phi] = 90[degrees].
There is an excellent agreement between the results. As it can be seen,
in a state of constant temperature, absolute value of skin friction
coefficient is strictly ascending with increasing angle. This is due to
the increase of buoyancy force in tangent direction of the plate. But in
other cases, wall temperature changes also effect on the problem and
cause changes to the diagram pattern. More over, by increasing r,
absolute value of skin friction coefficient increases in the constant
inclination angle. The reason is the increment of buoyancy force which
induced due to temperature difference. Nusselt number increases with
increasing r. In addition, in all cases by increasing [xi], Nusselt
number declines at first and at [xi] [approximately equal to] 0.55 where
the tangential and normal components of buoyancy force are comparable,
achieve to minimum, then again it moves upward.
Dimensionless velocity and temperature profiles have been plotted
in Figs. 4-9 for different r and [xi]. Profiles related to the
horizontal and vertical plates that have good agreement with similarity
solution are also given.
As it could be seen in Figs. 4-6, for a given [xi], by the
increment of r, the slope of dimensionless velocity profiles increases
and causes the increase in skin friction coefficient. Moreover in all
cases except [xi]= 1 , this increment causes the increase in
dimensionless velocity. This is because the tangential component of
buoyancy force increases.
Figs. 7-9 depict that the slope of dimensionless temperature
profiles increases by increasing r for a given [xi], which validated the
increment of Nusselt number. For all [xi], by increasing r the decrease
in momentum and thermal boundary layer thicknesses is visible.
Negative inclination. It is expected that for negative
inclinations, the boundary layer separates with the increase in distance
from leading edge, because the buoyancy force is exerted to the top of
surface and causes the flow to return. When the plate velocity reaches
negative values, the fluid starts to move upward and causing boundary
layer separation occurs. Thus boundary layer equations have been broken
before separation point and in general a new scaling is necessary in
separation region. So that the [xi] in which boundary layer equations
are broken is only an estimate of the separation point and therefore
[([[xi].sub.s]).sub.approx] is specified. From the solution of equations
[([[xi].sub.s]).sub.approx] [approximately equal to] 0.67 is achieved.
The solution does not converge for the values higher that.
Due to the previous description, the variations of skin friction
coefficient and Nusselt number for negative inclination angles are
presented in Figs. 10 and 11 respectively. Again in this case at certain
[xi] an increase in r increases skin friction coefficient and the
Nusselt number.
At the end, the dimensionless velocity and temperature profiles are
depicted for different values of r and [xi] = 0, 0.25 and 0.5 in Figs.
As it observed from Figs. 12-14, at a given r for smaller values of
[xi] dimensionless velocity profiles have steeper slope, on the other
hand, increasing r at a given [xi] increases profile slope. The skin
friction coefficient variations graph also confirms these results. For
[xi] = 0.50 the boundary layer thickness is higher than in the other
cases, due to the approach of separation point.
Figs. 15-17 show that with increasing [xi] in a certain r, the
slope of temperature profiles decreases, which reflects the Nusselt
number reduction. It is also approved by Fig. 11. On the other hand the
temperature profiles increase with the increase in [xi] at a given r.
4. Conclusions
1. The boundary layer solution of natural convective heat transfer
along an inclined arbitrarily flat plate embedded in a saturated porous
medium was presented. The wall temperature is power function of distance
from the leading edge.
2. The solution was obtained by using the inclination parameter
defined by Pop and Na [9] and defining a new coordinate system for both
positive and negative inclinations of the plate. The numerical Keller
box scheme implemented to discrete equations. The skin friction
coefficient, Nusselt number, dimensionless velocity and temperature
profiles were plotted for various values of r and [xi].
3. As it was observed in both of cases with increasing r at a fixed
inclination angle, coefficient of skin friction and Nusselt number will
increase. On the other hand, for positive inclination in [xi]
[approximately equal to] 0.55, where longitudinal and normal components
of buoyancy force are comparable, Nusselt number has a minimum. For
negative inclination, the point where separation occurred was determined
approximately. In this case, the Nusselt number decreased uniformly at a
given r with increasing [xi].
4. Moreover there is a wonderful match between the numerical
solution and similarity solutions for [xi] = 0 (horizontal plate) and
[xi] = 1 (vertical plate), which are presented by Cheng and Chang [14]
and Cheng and Minkowycz [15] respectively.
Received August 31, 2010
Accepted January 17, 2011
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M. H. Kayhani*, E. Khaje**, M. Sadi***
* Mechanical Department, Shahrood University of technology,
Shahrood, Iran, E-mail: m_kayhani@
** Mechanical Department, Shahrood University of technology,
Shahrood, Iran, E-mail:
*** Mechanical Department, Shahrood University of technology,
Shahrood, Iran, E-mail:
Comparison between values of -[theta]' (0) from Cheng and
Minkowycz [11] and present results at [xi] = 1
r Cheng and Present results
Minkowycz [11]
0 0.444 0.444
0.25 0.630 0.627
0.5 0.761 0.764
0.75 0.892 0.892
1 1.001 1