Effects of VNT and IGV association on turbocharger centrifugal compressor performances/Reguliuojamu tutos ir iejimo kreipiamuju menciu itaka priputimo iscentrinio turbokompresoriaus charakteristikoms.
Izidi, L. ; Liazid, A.
C--absolute velocity, m/s; [C.sub.p]--specific heat at constant
pressure, kJ/kg K, D-impeller diameter, m; GV--opening ratio of turbine
nozzle blades, %; IGV--Inlet Guide Vane; m-air mass flow rate, kg/s;
M--mach number; N--rotational speed, rpm; P--pressure, Pa; r-- radius,
m; T--temperature, K; VNT--variable nozzle turbine; W--relative
velocity, m/s; [[alpha].sub.w]-prewhirl angle, deg; [DELTA]HSF--skin
friction losses; [DELTA][H.sub.p]- power losses;
[DELTA][H.sub.L]-leakage losses; [DELTA][H.sub.DF]-disc friction losses;
[DELTA][H.sub.BL]-blade loading losses; [DELTA][H.sub.INC]-incidence
losses; [DELTA][H.sub.Dif]-diffuser losses; [DELTA][H.sub.V]-volute
losses; [eta]-efficiency;[pi]-pressure ratio.
1-impeller inlet; 2-impeller exit; a-axial component; c-compressor;
i-inlet; is-isentropic; m-mean; o-outlet; r-root, radius, ratio;
s-specific; t-tip; tc-turbocharger; w-whirl component, relative.
1. Introduction
Automotive turbochargers require small dimension stages able to
supply the engine fresh mixture or air inquire over a wide speed and
load range, McCutcheon and Brown [1], Capobianco and Gambarotta [2].
Radial turbines with nozzle guide vanes have found a wide application in
diesel engine turbochargers and a lesser extent in small gas turbine
engines. Matching the turbocharger geometry to engine operating
conditions normally ensures good engine performances. The benefits of
variable geometry turbochargers are described by McCutcheon and Brown
[1] and Okazaki et al. [3]. Several configurations were tested and
evaluated such as movable side walls volute and variable geometry
stators, Capobianco and Gambarotta [2]. One of the most efficient
configurations consists in pivoting the turbine stator blades to modify
the flow incidence and therefore the nozzle section area. The influence
of a variable guide vane nozzle on the design parameters of a radial
turbine stage is studied by Binder et al. [4]. The authors found that an
important variation around the nominal operating design geometry
disturbs the performance characteristics and the initial design
parameters are not conserved. Consequently, the nominal operating design
approach is clearly not sufficient to get an adapted geometry for a
large operating range. They suggest extending this approach to a new
concept which takes into account a large operating range of the turbine.
But it is still difficult for the designer to take into account the
complexity of variable geometry stages from the very first steps of the
design. The compressor performances are important in turbocharging field
since they determine the engine air supply. This paper deals with the
simultaneous influence of VNT and IGV techniques on operating
performance characteristics of turbocharger centrifugal compressor. The
study identifies this influence in actual operating conditions and
examines the interest of a recent prewhirl design developed by Najjar
and Akeel [5]. An experimental investigation of VNT influence was
carried out and a prediction model for centrifugal compressor
performances integrating a suggested IVG was developed to achieve the
2. Experimental setup
Experimental measurements were carried out on a test bed for heavy
duty turbocharged diesel engine. The installation (Fig. 1) includes a
direct injection diesel engine, four-stroke and straight six. This
engine develops maximum power of 254 kW at 2200 rpm. The engine is
coupled with a water cooled eddy current brake. Measurement equipments
and a rapid data acquisition system complete this installation. The
turbocharger is composed of an inward-flow radial turbine equipped with
directional blade distributor. The turbine is coupled to a single stage
centrifugal compressor with backward inclined impeller blades. During
the tests, different diesel engine loads were considered at different
regimes. Indeed, for each engine operating point specified by the
rotational speed and load parameters, the following variables were
measured: air mass flow rate m; air pressures and temperatures at inlet
and exit of the compressor [P.sub.i], [T.sub.i], [P.sub.o], [T.sub.o];
turbocharger rotational speed [N.sub.tc]; engine's rotational speed
[N.sub.m]; engine's load.
Five engine speeds are considered: 800, 1000, 1200, 1400 and 1800
rpm. For each speed, six loads have been considered from the low to full
load. In order to make this paper concise, only the results
corresponding to the average engine speed 1400 rpm are presented. The
compressor efficiency and pressure ratio can be calculated using Eqs.
(1) and (2).
[[eta].sub.c] = [T.sub.ois] - [T.sub.i]/[T.sub.o] - [T.sub.i] (1)
where [T.sub.ois] is calculated as [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
[eta] = [P.sub.o]/[P.sub.i] (2)
3. Effect of VNT on compressor performances
To appreciate the influence of the VNT technique on compressor
performances, experimental tests were performed. In fact, for each
engine regime, six opening GV) positions were considered: 0%, 20%, 40%,
60%, 80% and 100%. The GV = 100% corresponds to a full opening guide
vane, however the GV = 0% corresponds to the minimum distributor channel
throat section.
Fig. 2 shows the evolution of the relative compressor performances
according to GV position at different engine loads. The relative
performances: rotational speed and efficiency are obtained by dividing
the measured values by those corresponding to 50% GV opening (medium
opening). At a given engine load, rotational speed of the compressor
increases according to the GV position. This is due to a widening of the
distributor channel throat section. At low engine load, the GV position
influences strongly the rotational speed and efficiency of the
compressor. In fact, the expansion ratio increases rapidly at low mass
flow rate level corresponding to low engine load. Efficiency figure
shows that the GV opening values more than 50%, lead to the decrease of
efficiency for partial and full engine load. This is due to the high
mass flow rate level imposed on the compressor wheel which operates
under off-design conditions, Papalia et al. [6]. Japikse [7] has studied
the decisive factors in advanced compressor design and development.
The off-design behaviour can be analysed by some design parameters
such as fluid incidence on the wheel blades, the rotor and stator
section ratio, the free space parameter, the reduced speed and position
of the compressor stage on the Ns-Ds map. The inlet flow distortion
leads to degradation in the compressor performances and its stable
operation range, Ariga et al. [8]. An IGV design is considered to
correct the fluid incidence angle at the compressor wheel inlet. The
present study analyses this solution in association with the VNT to
improve the compressor performance characteristics. The prewhirl
technique has been substantially studied by Rodgers [9], Wallace et al.
[10], Rodgers [11], Rodgers [12] and Simon et al. [13] and yet stay
slight used in automotive turbocharger application, Abdullah [14]. The
prewhirl offers the possibility to extend compressor's map range,
Knecht [15] and is advantageous for the efficiency and surge
characteristics of the compressor, Whitfield and Abdullah [16], Ishino
et al. [17], Uchida et al. [18].
4. Prewhirl contribution
The prewhirl reduces the compressibility effect at convex side of
the eye to avoid the formation of shock waves and the consequent losses
(Fig. 3). Najjar and Akeel [5] have studied the effect of positive
prewhirl on centrifugal compressor performances.
The authors have considered a small aircraft engine equipped with a
typical compressor stage as an application. This theoretical study has
shown that parabolic progression of prewhirl angle is the best. The
evolution of [[alpha].sub.w1] angle, from 0[degrees] at root to
[[alpha].sub.w1t] = 40[degrees] at tip radius maintains the compressor
pressure ratio and work to the level of no prewhirl. Otherwise, at the
wheel entry, the ratio of relative Mach numbers Mw1r defined by the
equation (8) nearly decreases by half.
Losses in compressor's stage consist of viscous effects,
leakage effects and aerodynamic effects. The influence of [M.sub.w1] on
these aerodynamic losses is certain. To analyze this influence on the
compressor efficiency, a compressor model was performed and published,
Liazid et al [19]. The approach consists to compute partial losses of
the compressor stage. The assessment of these losses combined with the
thermodynamic relationships describing the compression process allows
the emergence of the model. In addition, the model requires knowledge of
the compressor geometric data. These were carried out using a universal
optical microscope with 0.005 mm axes resolution. The results are
presented in Table. The model is of a low CPU cost and does not suffer
from any stability problem. The evolutions of compressor's
efficiency and pressure ratio according to the engine air demand at full
operating load from idle to maximum engine speed are respectively
represented on Fig. 4, a and b.
Prewhirl is introduced by IGV. Assuming the same mass flow in both
cases (with and without prewhirl), the axial absolute velocity [C.sub.a]
remains nearly the same, however the relative velocity [W.sub.1] is
reduced and curvature of impeller channels at inlet is reduced, i.e.
[[alpha].sub.1] increases as shown in Fig. 3. The compressor torque
([C.sub.w2][r.sub.2]-[C.sub.w1][r.sub.1]) is reduced. Assuming the
tangential velocity [C.sub.w1] is constant over the eye,
[C.sub.w1][r.sub.1] will increase from root to tip. Hence, work level of
the compressor depends on the considered radius at the inlet section.
Since [M.sub.w1] decreases from its maximum value at the eye tip to its
minimum value at the root, it is preferable to vary aw1 gradually,
reducing it from a maximum value at the tip to zero at the root of the
eye. In the case of parabolic evolution of aw1 from zero at root to
maximum at tip, the relative velocity profile at the wheel entry is
defined as
[C.sup.2.sub.w1] = [C.sub.a]tan([[alpha].sub.w1r] (3)
where aw1r is the prewhirl angle at each entry radius
take (r/[r.sub.t]) = [r.sub.e] Eq. (5) is obtained
tan([[alpha].sub.w1r]) = a[r.sub.e] + b (5)
[C.sub.w1] = [square root of [C.sub.a]][a(r/[r.sub.t])-b (6)
[M.sub.w1r] = [W.sub.1]/[square root of ([U-[C.sub.w1).sup.2] +
[C.sup.2.sub.a] (8)
Performance characteristics of the compressor are calculated by
making some modifications on the computing program to take into account
the prewhirl case. The same mass flow rate and compressor's
rotational speed are conserved. The angle [[alpha].sub.w1t] was varied
in the range of 10[degrees] to 40[degrees] to verify if the compressor
work conservation (with and without prewhirl) is the best at
[[alpha].sub.w1t] = 40[degrees] as found in the case of the compressor
stage studied by Najjar and Akeel [5]. This calculation was conducted
for all GV position range (GV = 0% to GV = 100%). Each GV position
accepts a wide range of diesel engine operation (several speeds and
several loads). Only the nominal regime N = 1400 rpm is considered under
six different loads from low to thigh values. The results are presented
in the ratio form. The reference is the performance of the compressor
without prewhirl. The obtained results indicate that for our application
the best value is [[alpha].sub.w1t] = 10[degrees]. This is because our
compressor is 6 times smaller than that studied by Najjar and Akeel [5].
Figs. 5 and 6 give respectively an example of the compressor relative
work evolution and relative pressure ratio evolution at partial engine
load according to the GV position for all [[alpha].sub.w1t] range.
Hence using [[alpha].sub.w1f] = 10[degrees] and [r.sub.e] = 0.316,
the Eq (6) becomes
[C.sub.w1] = [square root of ([C.sub.a][1.0622(r/[r.sub.t])-0.335]
Fig. 7 illustrates examples of the compressor's performance
characteristics. It should be noted that the prewhirl improves
efficiency without adjusting the general look of the efficiency curve at
high engine loads. The explanation can be provided by the analysis of
losses in the compressor's stage according to the GV position (Fig.
8). The predominant are the power losses and diffuser losses. It is
clear that the tendency of compressor's efficiency is mainly
governed by these two types of losses. The reduction of these ones can
be achieved by using a Guide Vanes Diffuser (GVD) and an adaptation of
the variable blade angle at the compressor wheel exit. So this solution
is actually technically difficult to design. Fig. 9 shows the reduction
ratio of incidence losses by prewhirl over all GV range and all engine
loads. It can be noticed that the incidence loss reduction remains
constant with the full GV opening over all the engine load range.
However, this reduction increases as the GV closes and the load
decreases. This indicates that the prewhirl effect is better for low air
flow rates at the compressor inlet because the flow angle is best
established than the case of high flow rates.
5. Conclusion
This paper concerns the effects of VNT and IGV association on
Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressor Performances. The study shows that
for the high engine loads, a drop in compressor's efficiency is
observed notably because of the shock effect.
A prewhirl design at the compressor inlet is investigated as a
solution. It appears that the positive prewhirl designed as a parabolic
profile along the radius at the inlet section of the compressor wheel
improves its performance. The synchronization between the position of GV
and the maximum angle of prewhirl at the compressor's inlet was
made under the constraint of highest level of compressor work and
pressure ratio conservation. This study shows the favourable impact of
the prewhirl on performances of the compressor but without adjusting the
look of the efficiency curve at large GV openings. A future work remains
to be developed to reduce the level of losses detachment at the wheel
exit as well as corresponding diffuser losses.
Received August 02, 2010
Accepted April 05, 2011
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L. Izidi, Laboratoire LTE, ENSET d'Oran, BP 1523
El-M'naouer Oran 31100 Algerie, E-mail: lh_izidi@yahoo.fr
A. Liazid, Laboratoire LTE, ENSET d'Oran, BP 1523
El-M'naouer Oran 31100 Algerie, E-mail: ab_liazid@hotmail.com
Compressor's geometric data
Components Value
Number of impeller blades Z 12
Diameter at the entry of the inlet channel [D.sub.0], mm 120
Diameter at the exit of the inlet channel [D.sub.1], mm 61
Tip diameter at the impeller inlet [D.sub.1ext], mm 60
Diameter at the impeller exit [D.sub.2], mm 83.5
Root diameter at the impeller inlet [D.sub.ib], mm 19
Impeller hydraulic length [L.sub.R], mm 46.5
Diffuser exit diameter [D.sub.3], mm 117
Volute exit section [A.sub.4], [m.sup.2] 2.55E-03
Volute exit radius [r.sub.4], mm 60
Mean blade angle at the impeller inlet [[beta].sub.1b],
[degrees] 150
Blade angle at the impeller exit [[beta].sub.2b], [degrees] 126