A sequencing approach of models in mixed-model assembly lines/Laipsnisko priartejimo modelis naudojimas misraus tipo surinkimo linijose.
Yongqian, Zheng ; Yunpeng, Wang ; Bo, Hu 等
1. Introduction
Manufacturers nowadays are increasingly facing the challenge of
providing a rich product variety at very low cost. This typically
requires the implementation of cost efficient, flexible production
systems [1, 2]. Often, so called mixed-model assembly lines are
employed. However, the diversity of mixed-model lines makes a thorough
sequence planning essential for exploiting the benefits of assembly line
production [3 - 5]. To sequence mixed-models in assembly lines some
criteria have been considered in the literature [6, 7], two main
sequencing objectives are the Just-In-Time(which pursues the constant
rate of part usage) and the leveling of work load. The criterion of
minimizing work overload is more meaningful for some small-medium
manufacturing companies.
The impacts of idle time and over time on the production costs are
different in actual production,, so it is necessary to figure them
separately. The company can estimate the production costs of waste on
the assembly line accurately by the introduction of the cost factors.
Our approaches are focused on the sequences of mixed-model assembly line
that affect this aspect. Accordingly a sequence planning approach based
on PSO is devised, and an immune mechanism is introduced into it.
According to antibody affinity and concentration calculation, replace
the particles timely in order to maintain the population diversity and
prevent premature convergence and particles into local extreme. Finally,
the algorithm is proved to be effective and superior through simulation
examples. Although our study is inspired by a single real-world case,
the underlying problem setting is highly relevant in practice.
2. Problem definition
A traditional assembly line consists of multiple stations arranged
along some kind of transportation systems [8]. As shown in Fig. 1, the
station in this paper is considered as a time-service window, where time
is the length of the station. If the worker can not return to the
left-hand border before the next workpiece has arrived, this finally
results to a work overload whenever the operations of a workpiece can
not be finished within the station's boundaries, and the operation
time by other workers out of the line can be called overtime. On the
other hand, if the next workpiece hasn't arrived after the worker
return to the left-hand border, the time for the worker to wait for the
workpiece can be called idletime.
In the proposed sequencing model we assume: The planning horizon is
divided into R production cycles (with r = 1, 2, 3, ..., R) in a and for
each model m [member of] M the demand dm at the end of the planning
horizon is given and has to be met. It follows that the sum over model
demands is equal to the number of production cycles available
The assignment decision is represented by binary variables
[x.sub.mr] [member of] {0,1},[for all] m [member of] M, r = 1,2,..., R,
which indicate whether a copy of model is m is produced in cycle r.
According to the definition of idletime and overtime on the assembly
line, the sequencing model of minimizing total idletime and overtime
cost can be described as follow
s.t. [s.sub.k,r+1] [greater than or equal to] [s.sub.kr] +
[summation over m [member of] M] [t.sub.mk] [x.sub.mr] - C +
[idlet.sub.kr] (2)
[s.sub.kr] + [summation over m [member of] M] [t.sub.mk] [x.sub.mr]
- [overt.sub.kr] [less than or equal to] [l.sub.k] (3)
[x.sub.mr] [member of] {0,1}, [for all] m [member of] M, r =
1,2,...R (4)
[s.sub.kt] [greater than or equal to] 0, [s.sub.kl] = 0 (6)
The objective function (1) minimizes the total cost on the line,
and the [idlet.sub.kr] and [overt.sub.kr] indicate the idletime and
overtime of the product r on the station k. [alpha] and [beta] are the
cost trade-off parameters, which can be used to adjust the impact from
different time cost, satisfied that [alpha] + [beta] = 1. The
constraints (2) guarantee that processing of a model copy in cycle r + 1
by station k can not start before this station has completed the
preceding unit in cycle r. Work is restricted to the stations'
borders by constraints (3). Constraints (4) and (5) ensure that there
must be a definite product in each sequence position, the total quantity
demand of the product must be met. Some parameters are initialized in
constraints (6).
3. The immunity particle swarm optimization algorithm
The original PSO maintains a population of particles, let M be the
size of swarm. For each particle i, its status can be shown as follow
Position: [x.sup.t.sub.i] = [([x.sup.t.sub.i1],
[x.sup.t.sub.i2],..., [v.sub.id]).sup.T]
Velocity: [v.sup.t.sub.i] = [([v.sub.i1], [v.sub.i2],...,
Individual best position: [p.sup.t.sub.i = [([p.sup.t.sub.i1],
[p.sup.t.sub.i2],..., [p.sup.t.sub.iD).sup.T]
Group best position: [p.sup.t.sub.g] = [([p.sup.t.sub.g1],
[p.sup.t.sub.g2],..., [p.sup.t.sub.gD]).sup.T]
So the position [x.sub.i] on t+1 can be updated in the following
[v.sup.t+1.sub.id] = [omega] [v.sup.t.sub.id] + [c.sub.1][r.sub.1](
[p.sup.t.sub.id] - [x.sup.t.sub.id]) + [c.sub.2][r.sub.2]
([p.sup.t.sub.gd] - [x.sup.t.sub.id]) (7)
[x.sup.t+1.sub.id] = [x.sup.t.sub.id] + [v.sup.t+1.sub.id] (8)
The inertia weight [omega] is employed to control the impact of the
previous history of velocities on the current velocity, thus to
influence the trade-off between global and local exploration abilities
of the particles. [r.sub.1], [r.sub.2] represent uniform random numbers
between 0 and 1. [c.sub.1], [c.sub.2] are two positive constants, called
the cognitive and social parameter, respectively. PSO algorithm is
easily to be applied, and have the features of fast convergence, but
it's also easily trapped into local extreme point at the same time.
The search accuracy is not high, and the convergence will become slower
at the time of late evolution. A new algorithm is applied based on the
original particle swarm optimization algorithm, the information
processing framework in the immune system is used to improve the
performance of the algorithm when the particle may be premature
convergence in local optimum too early, which will be applied to solve
the mixed-model assembly line sequencing problem.
In the biological immune system, antibodies produced by the
lymphocytes to recognize and resist the attack of various antigens.
Feasible solution of target problem can be seen as the antibodies in the
immune system, and the antigen will be the optimal solution. Affinity is
used to indicate the level of similarity between antibody and antigen,
described as follow
Affinity([x.sub.i]) = 1/1 + f (9)
f in formula (9) is the objective function value. The smaller f is
the higher level of antibody affinity in solving the minimization
problem, which also shows that the particle is nearer away from the
optimal particle.
In order to distinguish the level of difference between two
antibodies, the degree of similarity needs to be computed, which can be
indicted by the different fitness function value between antibodies. The
similarity between [x.sub.i] and [x.sub.j] that expressed as
g([x.sub.i], [x.sub.j]) can be defined as formula (10)
g ([x.sub.i],[x.sub.j]) = abs (fitness([x.sub.i]) -
fitness([x.sub.j])) (10)
The antibody concentration is an important indicator of the measure
of antibody diversity [9]. The concentration of antibody i have
relations with the similarity between antibody i and other antibodies in
the system [10]. The threshold value of the similarity is expressed as
Distance, so the concentration of antibody i can be figured as the
ration of the antibody number between the antibodies whose similarity
are smaller than that of antibodies i and total antibodies. As the
number of total antibodies is N, so the concentration of antibody i can
be figured as formula (11)
D([x.sub.i]) = count ([N.summation over j=1] g([x.sub.i],[x.sub.j])
[less than or equal to] Distance) / N (11)
In the immune system, the high concentration of low-affinity
antibodies should be suppressed, while low concentrations of
high-affinity antibodies should be promoted. To ensure the effectiveness
and diversity of antibodies, part of the antibodies with high
concentration and low-affinity should be eliminated, and the
corresponding number of new antibodies will be produced to replace
randomly. Selection probability will be decided by both the
concentration and affinity
[P.sub.g]([x.sub.i]) = 1 - affinity ([x.sub.i]) / [N.summationover
i=1] affinity([x.sub.i]) (12)
[P.sub.d]([x.sub.i]) = D([x.sub.i]) / [N.summationover i=1]
D([x.sub.i]) (13)
[P.sub.s]([x.sub.i]) = [alpha][P.sub.g]([x.sub.i]) + (1 -
[alpha])[P.sub.d]([x.sub.i]) (14)
[P.sub.g] is the selection probability based on affinity, and
[P.sub.d] is the selection probability based on concentrations, [alpha]
is a random number between 0 and 1. Formula (14) shows that the
replacing rate will increase with lower affinity and higher
concentration. [P.sub.r] is the pre-set rate of replacing, antibody i
will be replaced when [P.sub.s]([x.sub.i]) [greater than or equal to]
[P.sub.r], on the other hand, i will be preserved. The method jointed
with immune system not only makes antibodies to retain a high degree of
individual adaptation, but also maintains the diversity of antibodies,
avoids falling into local optimal, improves the ability of global
4. The application of immunity particle swarm algorithm in
mixed-model assembly sequencing problem
A random number between 0 and 1 is used to code each particle,
sequenced by the particle size of each dimension, so we can indicate a
corresponding product sequence type according to predefined initial
product sequence.
Assume that the product A, B, C three products, ration of 1:2:3 in
a product sequence cycle. The dimension is the number of products put
into a production cycle, Dim = 6. The initial product sequence is
A-B-B-C-C-C, so the way of encoding and decoding can be defined as Table
In Table 1, the value of particle [X.sub.i] is used for particle
swarm optimization iterative process, whose location and velocity is
updated, while the decoded sequence is used to calculate the
corresponding function. The assembly sequencing problem can be converted
to a continuous problem with the way of encoding. The method not only
show the characteristics that the particle swarm optimization algorithm
is easy to implement and fast convergence in solving the problem of
continuous function, but also revert to the practical problems to choose
the best solution for the function.
The basic optimization process of immunity particle swarm
optimization designed in this paper can be shown as follows.
STEP 1: Particle population parameters initialization.
Determine the number of particles popsize and dimension Dim, the
max velocity [v.sub.max], the cognitive and social parameter [c.sub.1],
[c.sub.2], the start value and end value of inertia weight
[[omega].sub.start] and [[omega].sub.end], max number of alternative
[T.sub.max]. The threshold value of the similarity distance, and the
pre-set rate of replacing [P.sub.r].
STEP 2: Initial particles location xi and velocity vi randomly.
Compute particle fitness, set current location as individual
extreme [P.sub.best], set the location of particle with smallest fitness
as global extreme [G.sub.best]. Make the number of not optimizing of
[G.sub.best] n = 0.
STEP 3: Update particle state.
Update the location and velocity of each particle according to
formula (7) and (8). The speed is limited under pre-set range. Update
the value of cognitive and social parameter, inertia weight. To improve
the algorithm's global search ability and convergence performance,
a method of inertia weight update based on the strategy of linear
differential decreasing is develop in this paper, shows as formula (15).
d[omega](t) / dt = 2([[omega].sub.start] - [[omega].sub.end]) /
[t.sup.2.sub.max] x t (15)
STEP 4: Update individual extreme [P.sub.best] and global extreme
[G.sub.best]. Judge whether [G.sub.best] is optimized, Yes, set
[G.sub.best] to the particle location, n = 0, otherwise, n = n + 1.
STEP 5: Determine whether it's time to update particles with
antibody replacement mechanism. If n = N, immunity process starts, turn
to STEP 6, otherwise, turn to STEP 8.
STEP 6: Calculate the affinity and concentration of each particle
according to formula (10), (11), determine the selection rate [P.sub.g]
based on affinity and selection rate [P.sub.d] based on the
STEP 7: Replace particles based on immunity mechanism. Determine
replace rate of each particle according formula (14), if
[P.sub.s]([x.sub.i]) [greater than or equal to] [P.sub.r], replace
particles with new particles produced randomly, return to STEP 3.
STEP 8: Judge whether stopping criterion is satisfied. If the
current iteration number reaches [T.sub.max], or the satisfied value of
the problem is achieved, iteration stops, results output, otherwise,
turn to STEP 3.
5. Experimental results
Four similar parts of different products are produced in a
mixed-model assembly line in an automobile parts manufacturing plant,
distinguished by A, B, C, D. Demand for the four products are 1200,
1200, 1800 and 2400 pieces. Each workstation operation time of product
shows in Table 2.
The product cycle time C = 77 min, length of work station L = 80
min. Determine minimum product cycle is {2:2:3:4} according to the rate
among the demands of each product. The cost trade-off parameters are
designed based on the situation of company, [alpha] = 0.4, [beta] = 0.6
. In the optimization process, maximum number of iterations [T.sub.max]
= 500, size of popsize Popsize = 10, the value of cognitive and social
parameter [c.sub.1], [c.sub.2] are updated with the strategy of linear
adaptive according to the number of iterations, range from 0.5 to 2.5.
The stare value of inertia weigh [[omega].sub.start] = 0.9, end value
[[omega].sub.end] = 0.4, maximum velocity [v.sub.max] = 5, the threshold
value of the similarity Distance = 1, pre-set replacing rate [P.sub.r] =
0.4. In order to illustrate that the optimization algorithm is more
efficient and effective in solving mixed-model assembly line sequencing
problem, try to solve the problem with immunity PSO, original PSO and
traditional heuristic method [9]. Results shown in Table 3 are the mean
value after calculating 50 times repeatedly. Compared with other
methods, immunity PSO in this paper gets better results, with the lowest
total idle-over time cost.
As Fig. 2, the dotted line stands for immunity PSO, while the solid
line stands for original PSO. It's seen that both two algorithms
showed inherent characteristics of convergence of particle swarm
optimization in the early iterations (50 generations ago), but the
original PSO presented the phenomenon of prematurity and converges in
local optimum too early at 100 generation, and the local optimum
wasn't revolted until 500 generation. The immunity PSO in this
paper not only inherited the advantages of fast convergence of original
PSO, but also jumped out of the local optimum by the immunity
information processing adaptive mechanisms at middle of iteration
(100-200 generation), which makes better solution than that of original
6. Conclusions
Mixed-model assembly line sequencing problem is crucial for the
line efficiency. An improved particle swarm optimization algorithm was
proposed to solve sequencing problem in order to minimize the total
idle-over cost. In order to avoid prematurely trapped in local optimal
and the satisfactory solution can not be obtained, original PSO was
optimized with the information processing mechanism in immune system.
Compute affinity and concentration of each particle and replace in time.
Through the analysis of simulation example and comparison with original
PSO, the immunity PSO was proved better in avoiding premature
convergence and value of objective functions, and it can solve the
mixed-model assembly line sequencing problem effectively and quickly.
This research is supported by the Shanghai Natural Science
Foundation (No.10ZR1431700).
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Received March 31, 2011
Accepted August 22, 2011
Zheng Yongqian, Tongji University, Siping Rd 1239, 200092 Shanghai,
China, E-mail: xiyuanxy@yahoo.com.cn
Wang Yunpeng, Tongji University, Siping Rd 1239, 200092 Shanghai,
China, E-mail: wyp227@126.com
Hu Bo, Tongji University, Siping Rd 1239, 200092 Shanghai, China,
E-mail: hbmail612@yahoo.com.cn
Wang Yongsheng, Tongji University, Siping Rd 1239, 200092 Shanghai,
China, E-mail: wysbest@126.com
Table 1
Encoding and decoding of particles
Particle Xi 0.72 0.03 0.19 0.75 0.14 0.12
InitialSequence 1(A) 2(B) 3(B) 4(C) 5(C) 6(C)
Sorting 5 1 4 6 3 2
DecodingSequence C A C C B B
Table 2
Product time
Product Work station number
number 1 2 3 4 5 6
A 50 65 120 70 86 0
B 70 80 75 40 113 41
C 100 97 0 135 0 72
D 95 55 90 34 91 135
Table 3
Simulation results
Methods Sequencing Objective
function value
Immunity PSO DBDCACACDBD 922.8
Original PSO ACDBDBDCDCA 927.9
Reciprocal of DCDABCDABCD 938.8
product ratio