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  • 标题:Impact of manufacturing engineering efficiency to the industry advancement/Gamybos inzinerijos efektyvumo itaka pramones pletrai.
  • 作者:Bargelis, A. ; Mankute, R.
  • 期刊名称:Mechanika
  • 印刷版ISSN:1392-1207
  • 出版年度:2010
  • 期号:July
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Kauno Technologijos Universitetas
  • 摘要:The manufacturing environment during later several decades has changed very much; it became modern and competitive for mastering new design and manufacturing methods in many industrial fields. The need of new products development and processes manufacturing engineering at the same time has increased. The new manufacturing strategy when developers, manufacturers, suppliers and customers are located in various companies and countries reduced new product lead time and delivery to customer.
  • 关键词:Industrial productivity;Machine tools;Machine-tools;Machinists' tools;Manufacturing;Manufacturing processes;Product development;Production engineering;Universities and colleges

Impact of manufacturing engineering efficiency to the industry advancement/Gamybos inzinerijos efektyvumo itaka pramones pletrai.

Bargelis, A. ; Mankute, R.

1. Introduction

The manufacturing environment during later several decades has changed very much; it became modern and competitive for mastering new design and manufacturing methods in many industrial fields. The need of new products development and processes manufacturing engineering at the same time has increased. The new manufacturing strategy when developers, manufacturers, suppliers and customers are located in various companies and countries reduced new product lead time and delivery to customer.

Manufacturing engineering objective is to develop process for production of a new product choosing all necessary operations, machine tools, tooling and other aspects of planning and control of a manufacturing. It takes place between product design and the creation of the overall manufacturing process, as a planning and developing activity. Manufacturing engineering refers very broadly to all the activities required to create and produce products in the strong limit of budget, time and high innovation requirements and quality parameters. In other words, it is placed in the intermediate position between product design and production departments and includes a factory operation. Designers, unfortunately, give too little consideration to important product life cycle issues such as product parts' fabrication, assembly, test, repair, and modification. This is true even though designers are increasingly aware to design product parts so that they can be fabricated economically and still meet high performance requirements [1].

First steps solving manufacturing engineering problem were development of computer aided process planning (CAPP) systems aiming systematization of the work variety and creation of the product manufacturing process route [2]. The enterprise resources planning (ERP) systems in parallel have been developed also [3]. Later all these developments have been introduced into computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) systems [4]. The main problem of mentioned systems development is an imperfect use of overlapping cross-disciplinary work and neglecting of borderland research questions and implementation. If no real implementation in industry is applied, then no feedback of appropriate good practice and case studies are examined and disseminated, and best results and developments are achieved. Features of the manufacturing engineering, in particular, at the early stage of new product and process development still are analyzed insufficiently. The strongest effect of the manufacturing process, resources and costs has decisions and solutions made on the early stage of product and process development. On the other hand, for low production volume and high products variety, the lack of effective algorithms and mathematical models, other techniques and software leads to a block of new advancements in manufacturing engineering. The seminal collaboration among industrial organizations and technical universities and colleges guarantees finding of new development ideas in a manufacturing engineering field and getting the higher skill bachelors and masters. This is obviously in Lithuania and the whole European Union (EU), because many previous advanced manufacturing positions in EU step by step are lost. The new investments for theoretical and experimental works achieving advancement in manufacturing engineering and innovative products development are permanently made in the framework of EU research programs. This research partially is made applying such research fund.

The aim of this research is to develop and generalize theoretical methods of creative advancement the manufacturing engineering. It is based on wide collaboration among developers of products and processes, manufacturers, customers and people from universities. The work integration of various jobs in mental and experimental activity developing of new products, and approach of concurrent engineering and close cooperation among academia and industry are leading moments of this research. Research novelty of this paper is concentrated on the origination of the manufacturing people collaborative work methodology in different activity areas.

2. Manufacturing engineering advancement in modern manufacturing environment

Manufacturing engineering includes product design and manufacturing system design as well as operation of the factory during new product lead time to customer delivery. The well known methods of concurrent engineering and design for excellent are widely applied seeking overlapping of product and process design procedures. The increase of new products variety and performance, and decrease the production volume, product lead time and manufacturing cost pursues the developers to search new efficient methods and techniques for manufacturing engineering. Very efficient approach is integrated creation of new product and process applying modeling at the early product development stage and specialized software for structures and cost optimization [5, 6]. Many of these developments have been implemented in industry and universities study modules. The crisis, recession and high competition, unfortunately, forces to search the new ways to increase advancement of manufacturing engineering, because it can help seeking higher labor productivity, and success in marketplaces.

The long manufacturing engineering research experience of paper authors' and last research publications of other explorers [7, 8] show that there are not enough new investments in this area. It is necessary to make many changes in manufacturing engineering routine, in particular, activating collaborative approach of this procedure, which is based on the learning through experience in work, education, research and new business situations created and checked by estimation of available alternatives. These new product and process alternatives are presumption of opportunities for manufacturing engineering and production innovation. Benchmarking methodology and appropriate consideration of laser and other high technologies impact on manufacturing efficiency in two EU countries sheet metalworking industry have been made [9]. The knowledge-based cross-disciplinary learning program is proposed for developers and employees to increase the competitive capabilities and collaboration [10]. It consists of virtual and rapid prototyping, computer integrated manufacturing and is illustrated by appropriate case studies and experimental examples.

The EU research project IRMA [11] displayed many problems in manufacturing engineering. Such situation demands to activate this procedure in both corporative and educational ways. Project IRMA research is based on the analysis of current situation of manufacturing engineering area in the all 27 EU countries by created appropriate questionnaire. It was three groups of analyzed problems: 1) co-operation level between universities and enterprises, 2) study programs related to the manufacturing engineering in universities, and 3) skills and competences management in universities and enterprises related to the manufacturing engineering. One university of technology and one technological faculty of other university, and twelve enterprises from Lithuania have been involved in the mentioned analysis. The results after poll have been systematized and proposals for improvement the collaboration among the enterprises and educational organizations seeking better advancement of manufacturing engineering have been made. The mentioned collaboration was oriented on the better partnership of universities and enterprises in sharing jobs among university lecturers and companies' engineers and managers, students practice and work after graduation. Special attitude was divided to industry input improving facilities, software and hardware, other technique in universities laboratories for manufacturing engineering studies. Very important are real industrial topics of Master Science (MSc) thesis and implementation of PhD students' research results. This approach has been developed on the analysis performed by comparing theoretical and practical issues of concurrent development products and processes.

3. Results and discussions

3.1. Estimation of manufacturing engineering level in Lithuanian industry

Estimation of manufacturing engineering level in Lithuanian industry by developed questionnaire of IRMA project promoter has been performed. Twelve private small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and one large company participated in the analysis. Analysis results showed that the majority (about 78%) considered enterprises have from 5 to 15 years of activity while rest enterprises have activity from 20 to 50 and more than 50 years. The number of employees fluctuated in the limits from 11 to 50 in 25% of enterprises, from 51 to 100 on 17%, from 101 to 500 on 42% and from 501 to 1000 on 17% of enterprises. Percentage of employees with academic backgrounds (university graduates) from 11 to 50 has been on 58% of enterprises while in the rest enterprises (42%) graduated people are less than 10%. In general, graduated specialists number in enterprises is sufficient, but the most part of graduates has been educated 10-20 years ago. This is a reason that enterprises have applied computers and appropriate software not sufficiently in manufacturing engineering area. On the other hand there is no necessary for intensive software application because small number of new products and engineering tasks.

The application of innovative manufacturing engineering methods using specialised software is presented in Table 1. Despite of 100% usage of modern software (SW) technologies, the other results are not very optimistic: even 42% of enterprises are not optimizing product design according to price and manufacturing cost. Only in 25% of enterprises CAPP systems usage is intensive, but 33%--rare and even 42% are not using CAPP system at all, maybe Lithuanian enterprises do not believe in their activity effectiveness applying CAPP systems.

Usage of ERP, MRP (Material Resources Planning) systems, logistics, innovation of manufacturing tools is very low too. Normally these systems use only 42% of Lithuanian enterprises and 17% use rarely or do not used implicitly.

3.2. Cooperation level between industrial and educational sectors

The two Lithuanian universities (one technological) have participated in analysis. The general information of considered universities is presented in Table 2. For improvement of manufacturing engineering education in University of Technology A the innovative teaching methods and modern software have been implemented in the study process, as distance education environments (Moodle, WebCT, CDK, and so on), web-based interdiscipline learning platform "IIDSP" [10], Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing Engineering system "SAT" [2], intelligent models for integrated product and process development, analysis and creation models of manufacturing process and cost forecasting at the early stage of a new product, or new business development stage [3, 5].

The main manufacturing engineering advancement features as cooperation level between academia and industry, the match of universities study programs, the skills of university personnel and possibility to improve study programs and facilities have been analyzed and considered in this research. It was interesting to know enterprises opinion related with study programs further perfection seeking of manufacturing advancement. The technical staff as heads or leading specialists of product and process development departments in enterprises and computer-aided manufacturing engineering professors and lecturers in universities has been involved in this analysis. The level of cooperation features between universities and enterprises is illustrated in Fig. 1.

No intensive cooperation with universities; scale of cooperation with universities at the different levels is as follows:

* at the regional level: 50% of enterprises--"normal", and 42%--"rare";

* at the national level: only 25% of enterprises--"normal", and 75%--"rare" or "no cooperation";

* at the international level: only 8% of enterprises--"normal", and even 75%--"no cooperation".

The various cooperation activities and intensity among enterprises and universities have been applied (Table 3). The principal actions are cross participation in students' education and employees training, and creation of Master Science (MSc) students' thesis and PhD students' dissertations topics related to the manufacturing engineering problems. No intensive, unfortunately, cooperation and mostly "no cooperation" have been stated; usually rare enterprises' personnel participate in the trainings organised by universities. The rest features of cooperation activity are expressed as follows:

* enterprise's personnel participating in the trainings organised by universities: mostly "rare" (67% of enterprises);

* enterprise provides equipment or access to equipment for use, for a defined set of studies: mostly "no cooperation" (67% of enterprises);

* student / PhD mobility, traineeships within enterprise structures: mostly "rare" and "no cooperation" (33 and 33% of enterprises);

* exchange of personnel between enterprise and universities--participation in trainings / researches: only 33% of enterprises--"rare", and even 58% "no cooperation";

* cooperation with intermediaries / companies exits: mostly "rare" and "no cooperation" (42 and 25% of enterprises).

The research analysis results of the universities study programmes quality related to the manufacturing engineering are presented in Table 4. The majority of en- terprises agree with quality of current programs or agree to some extent. Fig. 2 shows the common view of universities current study programs.



The results of a current cooperation state among universities and enterprises are given in Table 5. No responses that completely disagree with current cooperation status and minority that disagree. The majority of research analysis participants agrees with existing situation or agrees to some extent.

Table 6 illustrates the human resources development level of the cooperation among universities and enterprises. The participants in general agree (58-50%) that humans may have high skill and should be qualified in special training programs in order to be able to carry out their multiple roles efficiently. Fig. 3 shows a total participants view of humans' development.

Table 7 shows the industrialists' responses of the necessity to improve the study programs related to manufacturing engineering education in universities. In general, the majority of participants agree that universities should modernise and update their study programmes according to the rapid evolution of innovative technologies and new peculiarities in manufacturing environment. Moreover, universities should cooperate with enterprises in the graduates' skills and training needs analysis, curriculum design and job placements for gradual students. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 demonstrate overall view of participants' opinion in accordance with human resources seeking efficient cooperation among industry and universities.




4. Conclusions

The research of this paper raised and considered actual cooperation efficiency problems among academia and industry in modern and new manufacturing environment. The cooperation is divided to improve manufacturing engineering education in universities and implementation in industry. It is stated many differences in understanding benefit of successful cooperation for both sides improving manufacturing engineering. On the other hand there are some common points of view how to improve the efficiency of such cooperation. The research is based on the responses of questionnaire; therefore, some subjectivity is available. Briefly it is concluded.

1. Low current cooperation level among universities and enterprises on national and international standard (25%) and no any cooperation (75%).

2. Rare enterprises' personnel trainings organized by universities and equipments providing to universities (67% of enterprises).

3. Small number of enterprises people participate in universities students education process (58% of enterprises not cooperate and 33% rare).

4. Only 17% of enterprises agree that universities prepare graduates for "enterprise world".

5. 67% of enterprises agree to involve in university curricula study modules for supporting the graduates to start-up business or enhancement of competitiveness of existing enterprises.

6. Universities should modernize and update their study modules in accordance of rapid manufacturing evolution (50% enterprises fully agree and 50% agree).


This research was partially supported by EC project grant agreement No 2007--1990 / 001 "Inter countries research for manufacturing advancement (IRMA)" in period from 01.01.2008 to 31.12.2009.

Received May 05, 2010

Accepted July 02, 2010


[1.] Nevins, J.L., Whitney, D.E. Concurrent Design of Products & Processes: A Strategy for the Next Generation in Manufacturing. -New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1989.-538p.

[2.] Mankute, R., Raudeliunaite, S. Investigation of computer aided process planning methods in Lithuanian SME. -Proceedings of the 13th Int. Conference Mechanika'2008. -Kaunas: Technologija, 2008, p.325-321.

[3.] Bargelis, A., Mankute, R. Internet web-based integration of process and manufacturing resources planning. -Supply Chain Optimization--Product / Process Design, Facility Location and Flow Control (Dolgui A., Soldek J., Zaikin O., (Eds.)), Springer, USA, 2005, p.233-246.

[4.] Rehg, A., Kreaber, H.W. Computer Integrated Manufacturing. -Columbus, Ohio, 2001.-468p.

[5.] Bargelis, A., Stasiskis, A. IDEF0 modeling technique to estimate and increase the process capability at the early product design stage. -Mechanika. -Kaunas: Technologija, 2008, Nr.3(71), p.45-50.

[6.] Hundal, M.S. Systematic Mechanical Designing: A Cost and Management Perspective. -New York: ASME Press, 1997.-562p.

[7.] Wallmark, B., Nilsson, E. Service innovations in Sweden based industries, http://www.vinnova.se/Publikationer/ [visited 04 January 2010].

[8.] Asplund, O. Sustainable work--a competitive factor, http://www.manufuture2009.eu/template.asp [visited 15 December 2009].

[9.] Rimasauskas, M., Ollikainen, M., Bargelis, A., Varis, J. Impact of laser and other high technologies on manufacturing efficiency in Lithuanian and Finnish sheet metalworking industry. -Mechanika. -Kaunas: Technologija, 2008, Nr.1(69), p.74-79.

[10.] IIDSP--Integrated knowledge-based inter-discipline study program on the web site. -http://www.iidsp.net [visited 06 April 2010].

[11.] Forum of project IRMA. -http://www.irmaproject.eu [visited 09 January 2010].

A. Bargelis *, R. Mankute **

* Kaunas University of Technology, Kestucio 27, 4312 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail: algirdas.bargelis@ktu.lt

** Kaunas University of Technology, Kestucio 27, 4312 Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail: rasa.mankute@ktu.lt
Table 1
Innovative manufacturing engineering methods used at enterprises

Innovative method                            Usage, %
                                 Intensive   Normal   Rare   No used
Modern software (SW)                25         42      33       0

Optimization of product design      25         33      0       42
focused on price and
manufacturing costs (CAD etc.)

Modern CAPP systems and their       25         0       33      42

Approaches during the                0         58      33       8
production phases

ERP, MRP systems, logistics,        25         42      17      17
innovation of manufacturing

Environmental impacts of            25         33      25      17
cutting edge manufacturing

Table 2
General information of considered universities

General                 University of   University B
information              Technology     (technologi-
                              A         cal faculty)

Years of activity       More than 70         50

Number of students       15000-20000    10000-15000

Percentage of stu-          6-10            6-10
dents doing their
studies in the manu-
facturing engineering

Total number of           1001-2000      1001-2000
teaching staff

Table 3
Activities covered by the cooperation between enterprises and

                               Opinion, %

Activities                     Intensive   Normal   Rare  No cooperation

Enterprise's personnel             0         17     67        17
participating in the
trainings organised by

Enterprise provides                0         0      33        67
equipment or access to
equipment for use, for a
defined set of studies

Student /PhD mobility,             0         33     33        33
traineeships within
enterprise structures

Exchange of personnel              0         8      33        58
between Enterprise and
Universities /participation
in trainings /researches

Cooperation with                   8         25     42        25
Intermediaries /Companies

Table 4
Universities study programmes quality related to the manufacturing

                                                Opinion, %

Universities study programmes   Fully   Agree    Agree to    Disagree
quality                         agree             some

A: Study experience of            0      17         75          8
graduates at university help
prepare the graduates for
the "enterprise world"

B: Universities graduates are    17      33         50          0
well prepared from the
theoretical point of view but
they miss the practical

C: Lifelong learning             42      42         16          0
activities are important at
every level of studies and
                                Opinion, %

Universities study programmes   Completely
quality                          disagree

A: Study experience of              0
graduates at university help
prepare the graduates for
the "enterprise world"

B: Universities graduates are       0
well prepared from the
theoretical point of view but
they miss the practical

C: Lifelong learning                0
activities are important at
every level of studies and

Table 5
Organization features of cooperation among universities and enterprises

                                                  Opinion, %

Organization of cooperation              Fully    Agree     Agree
                                         agree             to some

A: The current universities                8       25         58
structure should be changed in order
to be designed more for technology
transfer -enterprise-universities

B: Establishment of a department /         8       33         25
office as an interface between the
institute and business groups should
be created by universities.

C: Innovative /advanced study              8       58         33
programmes at universities that
allow the students to develop their
enterprise skills.

D: Involvement of universities in          8       67         25
the programmes for supporting the
start-up business or enhancement of
competitiveness of existing

E: Work experience for undergraduates      17      50         33

F: Cooperation among universities at       17      33         33
national -international level,
exchange of best practise,
experiences and knowledge within the
university-enterprise cooperation

G: Student and personnel mobility -        8       33         50
at regional, national and
international level

H: Research projects at regional,          8       50         33
national and international level in
cooperation with enterprises and

I: Facilitate access of enterprises        25      42         25
to the research results

J: Market opportunities -analysis of       25      58         17
needs and requirements of the local
industry -in terms of education and
                                                 Opinion, %

Organization of cooperation              Disagree   Completely

A: The current universities                 8            0
structure should be changed in order
to be designed more for technology
transfer -enterprise-universities

B: Establishment of a department /          33           0
office as an interface between the
institute and business groups should
be created by universities.

C: Innovative /advanced study               0            0
programmes at universities that
allow the students to develop their
enterprise skills.

D: Involvement of universities in           0            0
the programmes for supporting the
start-up business or enhancement of
competitiveness of existing

E: Work experience for undergraduates       0            0

F: Cooperation among universities at        17           0
national -international level,
exchange of best practise,
experiences and knowledge within the
university-enterprise cooperation

G: Student and personnel mobility -         8            0
at regional, national and
international level

H: Research projects at regional,           8            0
national and international level in
cooperation with enterprises and

I: Facilitate access of enterprises         8            0
to the research results

J: Market opportunities -analysis of        0            0
needs and requirements of the local
industry -in terms of education and

Table 6
Cooperation among universities and enterprises--human resources
development level

Human resources development
level                                                Opinion, %

                                   Fully     Agree    Agree
                                   agree             to some

A: Personnel who deal with the       42       58        0
technology transfer should be
qualified in special training
programmes -in order to be
able to carry out their
multiple roles efficiently.

B: Universities should appoint       17       50        25
managers -researchers who have
experiences in both areas--
university and industry.

C: The current human resources       0        33        67
are sufficient.

Human resources development

                                  Disagree   Completely

A: Personnel who deal with the       0            0
technology transfer should be
qualified in special training
programmes -in order to be
able to carry out their
multiple roles efficiently.

B: Universities should appoint       8            0
managers -researchers who have
experiences in both areas--
university and industry.

C: The current human resources       0            0
are sufficient.

Table 7
The improvement of study programs at the universities

Improvement of study programs                             Fully

A: Universities should                                      50
modernise and update their
study programmes according the
rapid evolution

B: The students should be                                    8
involved in "young enterprise

C: Lifelong learning                                        42
initiatives should be a part
of every university studies

Universities should cooperate    D1: Skills                 17
with enterprises in the          requirements
following areas
                                 D2: Training needs         17
                                 analysis analysis

                                 D3: Curriculum             25

                                 D4: Job placements         25
                                 for gradual students

E: Developing projects of                                   25
education and trainings
together with enterprises

                                                        Opinion, %

Improvement of study programs                           Agree

A: Universities should                                   50
modernise and update their
study programmes according the
rapid evolution

B: The students should be                                58
involved in "young enterprise

C: Lifelong learning                                     42
initiatives should be a part
of every university studies

Universities should cooperate    D1: Skills              67
with enterprises in the          requirements
following areas
                                 D2: Training needs      33
                                 analysis analysis

                                 D3: Curriculum          33

                                 D4: Job placements      33
                                 for gradual students

E: Developing projects of                                50
education and trainings
together with enterprises

Improvement of study programs                            Agree
                                                        to some

A: Universities should                                     0
modernise and update their
study programmes according the
rapid evolution

B: The students should be                                  33
involved in "young enterprise

C: Lifelong learning                                       17
initiatives should be a part
of every university studies

Universities should cooperate    D1: Skills                17
with enterprises in the          requirements
following areas
                                 D2: Training needs        50
                                 analysis analysis

                                 D3: Curriculum            42

                                 D4: Job placements        33
                                 for gradual students

E: Developing projects of                                  25
education and trainings
together with enterprises

Improvement of study programs                           Disagree

A: Universities should                                     0
modernise and update their
study programmes according the
rapid evolution

B: The students should be                                  0
involved in "young enterprise

C: Lifelong learning                                       0
initiatives should be a part
of every university studies

Universities should cooperate    D1: Skills                0
with enterprises in the          requirements
following areas
                                 D2: Training needs        0
                                 analysis analysis

                                 D3: Curriculum            0

                                 D4: Job placements        8
                                 for gradual students

E: Developing projects of                                  0
education and trainings
together with enterprises

Improvement of study programs                           Completely

A: Universities should                                       0
modernise and update their
study programmes according the
rapid evolution

B: The students should be                                    0
involved in "young enterprise

C: Lifelong learning                                         0
initiatives should be a part
of every university studies

Universities should cooperate    D1: Skills                  0
with enterprises in the          requirements
following areas
                                 D2: Training needs          0
                                 analysis analysis

                                 D3: Curriculum              0

                                 D4: Job placements          0
                                 for gradual students

E: Developing projects of                                    0
education and trainings
together with enterprises