Investigation of anti-intrusion beams in vehicle side doors/Transporto priemoniu soniniu duru apsauginiu siju tyrimas.
Cerniauskas, E. ; Kersys, A. ; Lukosevicius, V. 等
1. Introduction
As the number of vehicles determining accident rate is increasing
and higher and higher requirements are raised to their impact estimation
and passengers' security, investigations on the above-ground
vehicles safety elements and energy absorbing structures are very actual
With the improvement of fast manufacture methods and technologies,
application of structures welded and cast of light aluminum profiles and
composites has growing popularity in car industry.
Investigations of safety elements absorbing energy were initiated
for the cases most often occuring during accidents--crashes and runs
down. As a result of this investigation, recommendations for deformation
elements of front zones of vehicle, later used for rear body zones, were
performed. Gradually investigations of other safety elements were
Side impact case considered in the article--analysis of car
accidents testifies, that side impacts make up 30% of all impacts and
35% of them are fatal ones [2-5]. Anti-intrusion beams, designed to save
passengers from side impact while strange object intrudes into the cabin
space, are mounted within internal door cavity of a vehicle at external
plane and fixed to front and rear door supports (Fig. 1). These beams
are bent outward slightly--thus impact deformation energy absorbed
firstly is directed to door sides which rest on the body struts.
Designing of these elements is considerably complex. Unlike front
and rear deformation zones, it is rather complex to arrange in body
sides elements, able to deform hardly while absorbing energy. Designing
is difficult due to double purpose of these elements--apart from
protection against side impact they are used to stiffen the door in
order to dissipate impact energy more effectively, in the case of
frontal crash and an impact into the end. Designing is inconvenient as
well because there are no completely determined requirements for energy
absorbing elements.
Investigators in their works analyze side impacts of two types: car
to car, and car to pole. In the first case impact of a vehicle moving
straight or at some angle or an impact--car impact of the tested vehicle
fixed stationary [6] are analysed. In the second case the tested vehicle
side impact against stationary fixed pole, imitating tree, lighting pole
or other obstacle [7] is analysed.
The first regulated tests of vehicles' impact performed by the
company General Motors were oriented more towards behaviour of body
structure and strength under short- term impact loading. Though recently
in the world there are about ten independent organisations analyzing and
evaluating vehicles' safety according to their own rules and
standards, no united testing methods exist. Existing standards and
regulations substantially differ in strictness of evaluation of tests
While improving passive safety means in the case of side impact,
side impact test--Federal Motor Vehicles Safety Standard No.214 (FMVSS
214) has been developed by National Highways Traffic Safety Authority
(NHTSA) and was extended by including dynamic test with movable obstacle
[8] in 1990.
Analyzing behaviour dynamics of completed vehicle and passenger,
general requirements to isolated structures are not taken into account
[9]. In this work frontal side door anti-intrusion beam behaviour in the
sense of safety of the most important car structure combination running
into a pole has been investigated.
According to directive FMVSS No.214 in USA quasistatic and dynamic
side impact tests have been performed. During quasistatic test the
reaction of rigid body intruding into passenger cabin space of the
vehicle is determined. The test is performed with a stiff 450 mm
cylinder of diameter 300 mm being pushed at constant speed of 0.03 m/s
to car doors [10].
According to Euro New Car Assessment Programme (Euro-NCAP) in side
impact researches a carriage of 950 kg is deformed (with frontal part of
aluminum foam) at 50 km/h strikes against stationary vehicle with
doomies in driver and passengers seats.
During the test of side impact against a pole (Fig. 2) a car is
fixed on the special carriage and is pushed against stationary fixed
pole at the speed of 29 km/h. The car with a doomy in driver's seat
is directed towards the pole in such way, that it were in one plane with
driver's head. The 254 mm diameter pole during the impact intrudes
into the car cabin. Human head injury criteria (HIC) is evaluated.
Fully completed cars of serial production are tested in vehicles
side impact research techniques. Anti-intrusion beams are constructive
responding doors parts, protecting passengers during an accident with
side obstacle, but there are no separate regulations or standards for
beams testing. During experimental or computational-experimental side
impact researches the interaction of side safety bags, passenger head
and central strut and dynamic of the passenger on rear seat cross moving
is analysed, but stiffness or strength of side door components is not
analysed separately.
2. Experimental and numerical research
Reaction force F deforming car doors by 150 mm without seats and
with them mounted is defined by the corresponding expressions. While
preparing experimental research, the requirements existing at present
and testing methodology was considered. FMVSS directive No.214 foresees
a possibility of defining dependence of force-deformations.
Reaction force F deforming car doors by 150 mm without seats and
with them mounted is defined by the corresponding expressions:
Analogically, when the car is without seats and with them and
deformation of the mounted doors is bigger than 300 mm, reaction force
makes up:
With the deformation by 450 mm of the car without seats and with
them mounted doors, reaction force [F.sub.crush] must be bigger than
31750 and 54420 N, correspondingly.
Experimental investigation of side doors anti-intrusion beams has
been performed at Kaunas University of Technology in the laboratory
Strength of Materials of K. Vasiliauskas using hydraulic tensile and
compression machine of 50 t power (Fig. 3) of the company Amsler.
Experiments were done with real door beams: closed rectangular
profile beam of aluminum alloy, circular profile beams with the walls of
different thicknesses and with bigger and smaller yield limit and
stamped steel beams of different geometric configuration. Their data
presented in Fig. 4.
Accuracy of experimental investigation and numerical modelling is
determined by approximation of extreme conditions (geometry, loadings
and fixing), corresponding real working conditions of side doors beams.
Therefore dual fixing systems were chosen for the experiment. Closed
cylindrical profiles welded to consoles, which are fixed to lateral
bearing structures of the doors, usually are used in vehicles side
doors. Because closed aliuminum alloy beam is fixed by bolts in a real
structure, it was decided to put closed beams on two cylindrical
supports. After analogical fixing schemes of anti-intrusion beams have
been uniformed, power and stiffness parameters are determined more
Open profile beams of complicated configuration pressed of sheet
steel mostly are welded by spot-welding to door consoles in one or
several places. A special frame with reinforcement edges was designed
for fixing and placing such beams in the test machine. Open
cross-section beams are bolted in the designed frame. It should be
admitted, that full uniforming and formalization of supports due to
different beams lengths is not avoided. In order to evaluate an effect
of supporting surfaces on side door beams stiffness considerably faster
and cheaper computational experiments were performed.
For all side door beams experimental research with an uniform punch
speed of 0.1 mm/s and stroke of 150 mm has been chosen. A punch of the
diameter of 100 mm was pressed at middle point of the beam at the
beginning of tests, so eliminating unwanted gaps in the test system and
timing beginning of the test.
The experiment was stopped when open profile beams broke at fixing
places or closed profile beams lost bending stability. At the same time
sudden reaction force decrement till minimum value in displacement
diagram was noticed. The obtained results during this experiment confirm
preliminary assumptions. Steel beams of pipe type having big yield limit
and rectangular beams of aluminum alloy have bending stiffness even
several times bigger than open complex configuration pressed steel
beams. Prevailing trend, that steel closed pipe beams having spring or
high strength welded to side doors consoles right or sideways, used in
side door structure system of the most cars, was confirmed.
Though after preliminary analysis of geometry of open profile
anti-intrusion beams in the doors is rather difficult to foresee common
tendencies prevailing in the structure, that would have some effect on
stiffness characteristics, but when idealizing profiles computer models
in CATIA system, it was attempted to repeat open profiles geometric and
especially reinforcement elements as realistically as possible (Fig. 4).
Experience of calculations by finite elements demonstrates, that
local constructive peculiarities ignored in a computational model
(rounds off, chamfers and so on), do not have any substancial effect on
results accuracy. Finite elements program batch LS-DYNA was used for the
In this stage, in accordance with common stress distributions and
reaction curves, structure rationality under the action of bending
loadings and various doors beams fixing conditions was defined. In
initial calculations, when there is an attempt to optimize an isolated
side door beam according to bending loadings, simplified nonlinear
quasistatic calculations may be applied.
Nonlinear tasks usually are solved by explicit or implicit FE
methods. The implicit method is steady and does not depend on
integration step. But it is complicated to solve short-term nonlinear
impact tasks by this method because of solution convergence problems and
rather large task size. In this case it is much more rational decision
to use explicit method, though due to conditional stability the task
solution depends on integration step value, calculated by Courant
criteria [7]
[[DELTA]t.sub.max] = a[square root of [rho]/E] (5)
where a is minimum element dimension, [rho] is element material
density, E is elasticity modulus.
Courant criteria is calculated by the program LSDYNA automatically
so, that minimal integration step condition is always maintained and
never violated. But in case of quasistatic tasks, where an impact or
punch speed is not big enough, minimal integration step is very small.
Because of this reason in order to avoid dynamism effect, dual means are
used--punch speed is increased, or density of minimal element is
Whether the task is not dinamycal, but static one, is decided
according to the ratio of kinetic and internal energy that must be less
than 5%. It is provided in recommendations [7] that [approximately equal
to] 1000 integration steps for one punch step is satisfactory and
adequate task fulfilment condition. Therefore, punch speed is increased
to 2 mm/ms and such minimal time period is selected, that 1000
integration steps per one punch displacement milimetre are ensured.
While preparing the calculation methodology the known methodologies
used for frontal impact, when bearing vehicle structure and main models
of longerons absorbing energy and their elements materials are sensitive
to deformation velocity were taken into account. Meanwhile in case of
side impact, both struts, and door reinforcements are exposed to bending
loadings. In this case the influence of deformation velocity may be
ignored and structure materials are described by isotropic linear
intensifying models.
Mechanical materials characteristics are presented in Table,
computational model is shown in Fig. 5. Using recommendations [9] the
uniform LS-DYNA material deformation model of type 3 was selected to all
calculation variants. As well, to all FEM calculation variants contact
algorithm and Belytschko-Tsay shell elements description in accordance
with Mindlin shell theory--elements LSDYNA of type 2, in the program
were chosen as recommended for such tasks. Like in experimental
investigation, closed profile beams also are mounted onto absolutely
rigid semicylindrical supports, and for open profile beams, using bar
elements connection by bolts between profile and absolutely rigid
support has been designed.
3. Results and discussions
Strength of vehicle bearing structures, stiffness or energy
absorbability is defined by two methods: applying approximate methods
and larger assurance factors, and accurate numerical methods and
minimazed factors. The energetic method is unacceptable in this case, so
it is applied wider to various slow cars and structures, the own weight
is not actual to them. The second method permits to decrease
structures' weight considerably with securing performance safety
required, but needs accurate evaluation of all possible structural
peculiarities. Simplified calculation schemes were used in initial
research stages, with the evaluation of specific working conditions of
vehicle side structure. In simulation by FEM of such complicated
structures like vehicle doors, mostly some model simplifications may be
realized, with the isolation of specific elements and maintaining
extreme conditions, at once accelerating time for the solution without
any effect on solution accuracy. In this case some calculation schemes
were applied for the same structure, subject to working conditions
imitated by the structure. In this stage of investigation the results of
experimental and computational research of isolated side door
anti-intrusion beams were compared. In this stage of investigation the
structure optimality is related to calculation results of power
parameters regulated. Bending process diagrams of experimental and
computational results of side door closed profile beams are presented in
Fig. 6.
Subject to beams stiffness, deformation process may be divided into
three typical phases. In the first bending process stage-elastic
deformation of a sample is going on, cross-section of the sample grows
thinner, the sample deformation is proportional to punch force
increment. In the second-plastic deformation stage, with punch force
growing, lower force is sufficient to deform the sample. It should be
noted, that after deformation of rectangular aluminum alloy beam by 150
mm, the force decrease was not noticed both in experimental, and in
computational investigations. Small yield limit of closed circular beams
curves characters are quite different, as well. It is very difficult to
abstract an elastic deformation zone. With small deformation force,
curves tilt gets inconsiderable and larger elastic force increment
during beam bending is not noticed.
Though geometric differences among closed profile beams are
inconsiderable, nevertheless materials mechanical characteristics change
stiffness several times. Besides, it was noticed in initial FEM
calculations, that nice mesh has great effect on force characteristics
of closed profiles. Therefore while performing numerical experiments on
closed profiles it was decided to evaluate the effect of finite elements
mesh. In closed high yield limit investigation curves 3 and 4, presented
in Fig. 6, we can notice, that curve decline of reaction force obtained
by FEM is slightly biased, though the first typical deformation phases
intercorrelate quite well.
With bigger elements used in model the zone of sudden force tilt or
bending stability in diagrams moves to the right side, i.e. recedes from
defined one experimentally.
Therefore in investigations mesh consolidation of 4 levels was
applied. A fragment of plastic deformations and mesh consolidation is
presented in Fig. 8. We can notice in diagrams of open profile bending
experiments and calculations, presented in Fig. 7, that the problem of
fixing places emerges--both in experiment, and in computer model, after
bending force reaches similar values, plastic strain zone does not
separate--the beams suddenly break at bolted connections.
Comparison of the beams of different geometry, but with rather
simila mechanical features of materials show that reaction forces both
in experimental, and computational diagrams for bending coincide not so
bad. The obtained results demonstrate, that detailed computational
models reflect experimental investigations adequately.
Emerging problem of beams of different length and fixing was
attempted to be solve in the second investigations stage. Distances
between beams supports in model were fully uniformed--the selected
distance between supports matched the distance used in square profile
experiment and investigation. With uniformed distances between beams and
supports the results obtained sligtly differ from earlier
investigations. The problem of degree of freedom of fixing was examined
in this stage too--supports in the real side door structuer are not
absolutely rigid.
A beam fixed in side door can move together with a strut. With the
replace of displacement construction used for investigations with
absolutely rigid fixing, stiffness of closed profile beams changes
inconsiderably. Reaction force of steel beams of II type profile
increases slightly, of V type increases uo to 1.5 kN, and of open type
approximately increases 1.5 times--to 5 kN. Besides, with absolutely
rigid fixing of beams considerable strengthening of open profile beams
was stated--geometric shape of cross-section has changed at supports and
extreme conditions make an isolated structure more rigid considerably.
Experimental investigations, as well, confirm the assumption, that the
weakest place of stamped anti-intrusion beams is their fixing place.
When considering bearing structures of complicated vehicles and
calculation schemes it is recommended to investigate stress and
deformation state not only of isolated element and to formulate
strength, stiffness and energy absorbility criteria, but to evaluate
behaviour of the whole bearing structure with static lateral loading, as
4. Conclusions
1. Standards and regulations used in practise and describing
vehicle side impact against an obstacle analyse behaviour of the
completed vehicle and passenger dynamics, but common requirements to
constructions of an isolated structure are not analyzed.
2. After experimental and numerical investigations, the conclusion
should be done, that stiffness of anti-intrusion beams used in various
vehicles models differs several times. This makes us to think, that
without common requirements to beam strength, usage of sufficiently
rigid closed profile beams of different materials and cross-sections
might be unreasonable, and open profile beams possibly do not meet
minimal stiffness requirements.
3. The designed computational models of side door anti-intrusion
beams, allowing to evaluate preliminarily structure stiffness during
vehicle impact against side obstacle, reflect experimental
investigations of isolated beams rather well. In order to analyze more
precisely side vehicle impact against an obstacle and the behaviour of
common structure, using developed FE models it is recommended to perform
dynamic investigations and analyze force-power characteristics of non-
isolated beams.
4. Experiments and FEM calculation results of open profile pressed
side door beams confirm, that modelling of fixing places and
constructive solution is more actual than cross-section or material
mechanical characteristics of the beams.
5. FE models of side doors anti-intrusion beams demonstrate, that
the achieved results depend greatly on material mechanical
characteristics, therefore it is advisable to perform corrected
mechanical testings of materials used to produce the beams.
Received Jule 24, 2010
Accepted December 07, 2010
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E. Cerniauskas, Kaunas University of Technology, Kestucio 27, 44312
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
A. Kersys, Kaunas University of Technology, Kestucio 27, 44312
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
V. Lukosevicius, JSC CADEIS, Kanto 24, 44296 Kaunas, Lithuania,
J. Sapragonas, Kaunas University of Technology, Kestucio 27, 44312
Kaunas, Lithuania, E-mail:
Mechanical properties of side anti-intrusion beam
Profile number and material
6061 1080 1060 1018 GOST
Young's modulus, 69 205 205 205 205
Poisson's ratio 0.33 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.3
Density, 2700 7860 7860 7865 7860
Tangent 675 5669 1468 763 110
modulus, MPa
Yield strength, 262 869 430 315 210