Posturographic study of the human body vibrations for clinical diagnostics of the spine and joint pathology/Zmogaus kuno virpesiu posturografinis tyrimas stuburo ir sanariu patologijoms diagnozuoti.
Kizilova, N. ; Karpinsky, M. ; Griskevicius, J. 等
1. Introduction
Body sway at different stances can be detected in every individual
and it is peculiar to normal healthy state. The most accessible and
common method of detection of the sway parameters is the measurement of
the position of the centre of pressure (COP) using the force platform.
Computerized posturography is widely used as a convenient test for the
diagnostics of different musculoskeletal, vestibular, nervous, auditory
and visual pathology, age-related changes and even the emotional state
of an individual [1-5]. The posturographic data can be used for the
elaboration of control systems of mobile robots [6].
The variety of posturographic tests has been proposed for early
diagnostics of pathology, the state of a patient before and after
surgery operations and estimation of the treatment success [7], and as
an alternative approach to the vestibular functions assessment. The
patient can keep a quiet stance on the stable platform or try to keep
the balance on the moving or unstable support. The dynamical curves
X(t), Y(t), Z (t) which are the coordinates of the COP of the human body
can be obtained during any quiet stance on the force platform. Basing on
the measurement data the trajectories Y(X) of the projection of the
centre of mass onto the horizontal plane and some other curves can be
calculated and analyzed as well as the 3D trajectories Z (X, Y). Usually
a quiet two-legged stance is tested. As it was shown in our previous
papers the comparative study of the two-legged and one-legged and some
other stances can be used for the diagnostics of different pathology [3,
4, 8].
The problem of separation and biomechanical interpretation of
different sway patterns and finding out the appropriate diagnostic
parameters is important because various sway patterns have been found at
different sensory organization and the motor control tests and
associated with a variety of organic balance disorders [9]. As it was
shown by vast measurements, an increase in the sway amplitude is the
main prognostic parameter of different pathology and disorders [9]. In
some tests the amplitude increased in sagittal (anterior-posterior
direction) or in coronal (medial-lateral direction) planes or/and at
special test conditions. For instance, the toxic effect of occupational
and environmental neurotoxicants on vestibular, cerebral and
spinocerebral functions of the workers and citizens can be revealed by
posturographic analysis of the body sway [10]. Computerized dynamic
posturography can accurately identify and document nonorganic sway
patterns during routine assessment of posture control [11]. The set of
adequate tests for revealing real balance disturbance and the suspected
"malingerer" individuals has been found [11].
Posturography is also used in the studies of balance control by the
nervous and vestibular systems. Sound-evoked activation of the
vestibular system and the resulting postural responses lead to
increasing of the body sway in the coronal plane at low and middle
frequencies and in the closed-eyes condition [12]. It means these
frequency ranges are mainly under vestibular control. Visual control of
the body position is an important component of the nervous control and
the test with open and closed eyes is simple to be carried out.
The symmetry of the body position is an important aspect of the
problem. In healthy subjects the COP during the quiet two-legged stance
lies along the sagittal axis of the body and can be slightly shifted
from one foot towards another during the quiet stance. In patients with
spastic hemiparesis the COP is usually shifted toward the unaffected
limb and this asymmetry is present also during gait [13]. Thus the quiet
stance asymmetry is different in right- and left-sided hemispheric
lesions, and the changes are correlated with the degree of the stance
asymmetry. Nevertheless patients with marked compensated scoliosis can
exhibit high-level symmetry of the COP position, so the problem of
separation of the healthy individuals and subjects with spine disorders
remains topical.
In the present paper the postural balance of the healthy volunteers
and the patients with some spine and joint pathology has been studied by
posturographic examination of their 2-legged and 1-legged quiet standing
with opened and closed eyes.
2. Materials and methods
Measurements were carried out in the Laboratory of Biomechanics
M.I. Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joints Pathology (Kharkov, Ukraine).
30 young healthy volunteers without nervous or musculoskeletal disorders
were examined as a control group (13 men, 17 women; mean [+ or -] SD:
age = 26 [+ or -] 3, height = 172 [+ or -] 8 cm, and body weight = =
75.3 [+ or -] 14.4 kg). A group of patients with osteochondrosis (15 men
and 15 women; age = 54 [+ or -] 24, height = 170 [+ or -] [+ or -] 8 cm,
and body weight = 78.2 [+ or -] 12.3 kg) and with coxarthrosis (12 men
and 18 women; age = 57 [+ or -] 23, height = = 169 [+ or -] 9 cm, and
body weight = 77.34 [+ or -] 14.3 kg). That groups were chosen because
of the topical clinical problem of separation of the spine and joint
pathologies which are often combined. The four reaction forces
[F.sub.1l], [F.sub.2l], [F.sub.1r], [F.sub.2r] (Fig. 1) were measured by
force platform (Statograph-M05/28), where [F.sub.1l] + [F.sub.2l] +
[F.sub.1r] + [F.sub.2r] is body weight. Each individual performed a
series of tests including 30-s quiet comfortable two-legged standing
with open eyes and arms pressed to the sides of the body, then 30-s
two-legged standing with body weight shifted onto the right and then
onto the left leg. Then the person was asked to make a step forward off
the platform with his/her right leg, then come back onto the platform
and repeat the step with his/her left leg. The corresponding trajectory
Y (X) of the COP of the body motion was registered by the force platform
[4, 8]. The sets of tests are used in the laboratory of biomechanics in
everyday clinical practice in diagnostics of the patients with different
musculoskeletal disorders in M. I. Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joints
Pathology. After the 10 minutes rest a patient was asked to repeat the
same tests with closed eyes. Similar tests have been examined for the
healthy volunteers in the morning and after their working day [4]. The
obtained curves are subject to some variability, but possess the same
general patterns which have been revealed by statistical analysis of the
data measured for the same groups during a week.
The lengths of the body segments have been measured for each
individual to be able to use a mathematical model of the human body as
an inverted multilink pendulum developed in [3]. The mass, moments of
inertia and position of the centre of mass of each segment have been
then determined using the statistical anthropometric data [14, 15]. The
body weight and the lengths of the legs were found to be important
determinants of the human body motion [16].
3. Results and discussions
The calculated time series (X(t),Y(t)) have been amplified and the
low (f < 0.01 Hz) and high (f > 10 Hz) frequency components have
been subtracted using the 6th order Butterworth filter. The first
two-second portions of the data series have been deleted for diminishing
the numerical errors [11]. The examples of the trajectories Y(X) are
presented in Fig. 2.
Normal position of the COP during the 2--legged stance is placed
close to the Y-axis. When the body weight is shifted, the COP moves
toward the bearing leg (Fig. 2, a), while some unusual locations of the
COP have also been detected for the young healthy patients [3, 4, 11].
When a healthy person makes a step off from the platform, three
different parts can be distinguished on the trajectory. First of all,
the body is gradually shifted in the posterior direction for producing
some initial acceleration, which can be revealed on the small loop in
the initial part of the trajectory (Fig. 2, b). When a visual control is
accessible and the person can estimate the distance to be stepped over,
the initial loop is quite small. Then the COP moves towards the bearing
leg and the trajectory is close to the straight line. The third part of
the trajectory is in anterior direction and shows the body motion
straight ahead.
Some results of the tests for the patients with osteochondrosis and
coxarthrosis are presented in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. The patients with
osteochondrosis exhibit bigger sway amplitudes. The maximal and minimal
values of Y(X) are estimated for each test and the sway amplitudes in
the coronal ([Ampl.sub.X]) and sagittal ([Ampl.sub.Y]) planes have been
calculated as
[Ampl.sub.X] = max[{X(t)}.sub.t] - min[{X(t)}.sub.t]
[Ampl.sub.y] = max[{Y(t)}.sub.t] - min[{Y(t)}.sub.t]
The rectangles in Figs. 3, a and 4, a correspond to the maximal and
minimal valued of the coordinates during the test. The sway amplitude
can be calculated as Ampl = [square root of [Ampl.sup.2.sub.X] +
[Ampl.sup.2.sub.y] and determined by the diagonal of the corresponding
rectangle. As it was revealed by analysis of the measurement data, the
angles formed by the segment connecting the centers of the rectangles
and the Y--axis can be used for the diagnostics of spine and joint
pathology. The diagonal displacement of the centers of the three
rectangles ([[phi].sub.l] < [pi]/2, [[phi].sub.r] > [pi]/2) is
proper to the patients with coxarthrosis (Fig. 4, a). The patients with
osteochondrosis exhibit displacement of the COP in the posterior
direction while they shift their body weight onto one of the legs
([[phi].sub.l,r] < [pi]/2) (Fig. 3, a).
Step off the platform is started with a significant displacement of
the COP in the posterior direction when the body possesses some initial
acceleration (segments [OA.sub.l], [OA.sub.r] in Fig. 3, b). The second
stage of the step is characterized by prominent motion in the
anterior-lateral direction (segments [A.sub.l][B.sub.l],
[A.sub.r][B.sub.r]) followed by a rapid displacement into the
posterior-lateral direction (segments [B.sub.l][B.sub.l],
[B.sub.r][C.sub.r]). As a result the segments [A.sub.l], [B.sub.l,r],
[C.sub.l,r] are convex in patients with osteochondrosis while it is
straight in the healthy subjects (Fig. 2, b). Apparently the body
acceleration achieved during the first stage (segments [OA.sub.l,r]) is
too big and the body moves past the target direction AC, so the control
mechanisms correct the mistake changing the motion from the
anterior-lateral to the posterior-lateral direction. Patients with joint
pathology can exhibit normal trajectory when they step off standing on
the healthy lower extremity (curve 2 in Fig. 4, b). When a patient
transfers the body weight onto his injured extremity the trajectory is
complex and possesses some loops, concave and convex segments (curve 1
in Fig. 4, b).
The averaged values of the sway amplitudes in the
anterior-posterior and medial-lateral directions are presented in Table.
Standard sway amplitude is Ampl = 0-20 mm and it can be significantly
bigger for the patients with spine and joint problems. The healthy
patients exhibit the following pressure distribution: [R.sub.1l,1r] =
15-25 %, [R.sub.2l,2r] = 25-35 % of the body weight. As one can see the
sway in the sagittal plane is bigger than in the coronal plane for both
healthy individuals and patients. When the support of one of the two
legs decreases, the sway increases in both planes. The sway asymmetry
([K.sub.X/Y] < 1 or [K.sub.X/Y] > 1) is proper to all the
individuals and is affected by the joint pathology and may be changed
significantly for the patients with coxarthrosis.
The pathological joint exhibits some special sway patterns and
bigger sway amplitudes when the body weight is born by the injured leg.
One can conclude the obtained regularities are connected with
pathologies of the musculoskeletal system only, because all the
volunteers had neither visual nor nervous disorders.
4. Conclusions
Basing on the analysis of the measurement data the following
conclusions can be made:
1. The sway amplitudes of patients with spine and joint pathology
are bigger in both anterior-posterior and mediolateral directions. Sway
amplitude is an excellent parameter for early diagnostics of the balance
2. Sway amplitudes are higher when the body weight is transferred
to one of the legs and increase significantly during the 1--legged
stance. Visual control is an important determinant of the postural
balance for all the studied groups of volunteers. Sway amplitudes
increase in 2-3 times when the same test is performed with closed eyes.
3. Body oscillation parameters, position of the centre of mass of
the body and trajectories of the step off the platform is a potential
assessment tool for differential diagnostics of the spine and joint
5. Acknowledgments
This research was partially supported by the grant for
Lithuania-Ukraine scientific and technological cooperation joint project
for 2009-2010.
Received August 17, 2009 Accepted November 26, 2009
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N. Kizilova, M. Karpinsky, J. Griskevicius, K. Daunoraviciene
N. Kizilova *, M. Karpinsky **, J. Griskevicius ***, K.
Daunoraviciene ****
* Kharkov National University, Svobody Sq., 4, 61077 Kharkov,
Ukraine, E-mail:
** M.I.Sytenko Institute of Spine and Joints Pathology, 61024
Kharkov, Pushkinskaja 80, E-mail:
*** Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, J.Basanaviciaus str.
28, 1001a, 03224 Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
**** Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, J.Basanaviciaus str.
28, 1001a, 03224 Vilnius, Lithuania, E-mail:
Data-averaged values of AmplX and AmplY for different tests
and three groups of volunteers
Open eyes
Healthy individuals [Ampl.sub.X] 9 [+ or -] 5.5
[Ampl.sub.y] 10.8 [+ or -] 5.3
[K.sub.X/Y] 0.77 [+ or -] 0.44
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 10.2 [+ or -] 5.8
osteochondrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 11.9 [+ or -] 5.9
[K.sub.X/Y] 0.89 [+ or -] 0.54
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 15.4 [+ or -] 5.8
coxarthrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 18.3 [+ or -] 6.6
[K.sub.X/Y] 0.98 [+ or -] 0.54
Open eyes
Healthy individuals [Ampl.sub.X] 12.3 [+ or -] 9.3
[Ampl.sub.y] 10.8 [+ or -] 3.8
[K.sub.X/Y] 1.2 [+ or -] 0.88
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 14.2 [+ or -] 10.2
osteochondrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 11.8 [+ or -] 4.2
[K.sub.X/Y] 1.3 [+ or -] 0.92
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 17.2 [+ or -] 8.9
coxarthrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 19.2 [+ or -] 9.7
[K.sub.X/Y] 1.4 [+ or -] 0.76
Open eyes
Healthy individuals [Ampl.sub.X] 11.3 [+ or -] 6.8
[Ampl.sub.y] 15.5 [+ or -] 9.5
[K.sub.X/Y] 1.21 [+ or -] 0.95
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 13.8 [+ or -] 8.9
osteochondrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 16.4 [+ or -] 10.2
[K.sub.X/Y] 1.32 [+ or -] 0.98
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 19.2 [+ or -] 10.2
coxarthrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 21.3 [+ or -] 9.9
[K.sub.X/Y] 1.4 [+ or -] 0.93
Open eyes
Healthy individuals [Ampl.sub.X] 41.3 [+ or -] 21.7
[Ampl.sub.y] 22.3 [+ or -] 8.8
[K.sub.X/Y] 2.3 [+ or -] 1.1
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 52.8 [+ or -] 23.3
osteochondrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 33.4 [+ or -] 9.5
[K.sub.X/Y] 2.6 [+ or -] 1.7
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 56.4 [+ or -] 22.8
coxarthrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 35.1 [+ or -] 9.2
[K.sub.X/Y] 3.2 [+ or -] 1.8
Open eyes
Healthy individuals [Ampl.sub.X] 56.5 [+ or -] 21
[Ampl.sub.y] 31 [+ or -] 20
[K.sub.X/Y] 2.5 [+ or -] 1.35
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 59.8 [+ or -] 25.4
osteochondrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 39.8 [+ or -] 16
[K.sub.X/Y] 2.7 [+ or -] 1.2
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 67.7 [+ or -] 21.2
coxarthrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 39 [+ or -] 21.1
[K.sub.X/Y] 3.4 [+ or -] 1.9
Cosed eyes
Healthy individuals [Ampl.sub.X] 10.3 [+ or -] 6.8
[Ampl.sub.y] 11.8 [+ or -] 6.3
[K.sub.X/Y] 0.91 [+ or -] 0.63
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 13.1 [+ or -] 7.9
osteochondrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 14.7 [+ or -] 8.9
[K.sub.X/Y] 1.1 [+ or -] 0.52
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 16.2 [+ or -] 6.6
coxarthrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 21.1 [+ or -] 10.2
[K.sub.X/Y] 1.2 [+ or -] 0.98
Cosed eyes
Healthy individuals [Ampl.sub.X] 14.8 [+ or -] 9.8
[Ampl.sub.y] 15.8 [+ or -] 7.3
[K.sub.X/Y] 1.35 [+ or -] 0.9
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 15.2 [+ or -] 8.6
osteochondrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 14.9 [+ or -] 9.3
[K.sub.X/Y] 1.3 [+ or -] 0.67
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 19.8 [+ or -] 9.1
coxarthrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 20.8 [+ or -] 9.4
[K.sub.X/Y] 1.7 [+ or -] 0.89
Cosed eyes
Healthy individuals [Ampl.sub.X] 15 [+ or -] 8.5
[Ampl.sub.y] 16.3 [+ or -] 6.8
[K.sub.X/Y] 1.29 [+ or -] 0.75
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 16.1 [+ or -] 8.8
osteochondrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 15.3 [+ or -] 9.6
[K.sub.X/Y] 1.36 [+ or -] 0.84
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 19.4 [+ or -] 8.9
coxarthrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 21.2 [+ or -] 10.2
[K.sub.X/Y] 1.8 [+ or -] 0.92
Cosed eyes
Healthy individuals [Ampl.sub.X] 55.8 [+ or -] 27.3
[Ampl.sub.y] 35.2 [+ or -] 18.9
[K.sub.X/Y] 2.7 [+ or -] 1.3
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 67.7 [+ or -] 21.5
osteochondrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 41.2 [+ or -] 17.5
[K.sub.X/Y] 3.1 [+ or -] 1.5
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 59.4 [+ or -] 29.2
coxarthrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 60.2 [+ or -] 28.4
[K.sub.X/Y] 2.2 [+ or -] 1.2
Cosed eyes
Healthy individuals [Ampl.sub.X] 64.4 [+ or -] 22.3
[Ampl.sub.y] 43.6 [+ or -] 20.8
[K.sub.X/Y] 2.9 [+ or -] 1.6
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 69.5 [+ or -] 20.8
osteochondrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 43.3 [+ or -] 19.2
[K.sub.X/Y] 3.3 [+ or -] 1.9
Patients with [Ampl.sub.X] 69.6 [+ or -] 22.4
coxarthrosis [Ampl.sub.y] 68.4 [+ or -] 21.9
[K.sub.X/Y] 2.3 [+ or -] 0.9