Implementation of the concept of green logistics reffering to it applications for road freight transport enterprises/Zaliosios logistikos koncepcijos taikymas pasitelkiant it prietaikas keliu transporto imonese.
Vasiliauskas, Aidas Vasilis ; Zinkeviciute, Virgilija ; Simonyte, Egle 等
One of the main goals of the EU common transport policy is the
establishment of an environmentally-friendly, efficient, competitive and
safe transport system. According to the provisions contained in the
strategic EU documents, the Member States of the European Union are
obliged to increase the efficiency of their transport systems through
the minimization of its negative impact on the environment, an increase
in safety on the roads and the creation of favourable conditions for
labour (2010). Therefore, the implementation of the concept of green
logistics gains particular actuality all over the union.
The concept of green logistics is strongly interrelated with the
policy on sustainable development in the transport sector. Green
logistics is a form of logistics which expected to be not only
environmentally but often socially friendly and economically functional
(McKinnon et al. 2012). The importance of the concept of green logistics
is mentioned on global, regional and national levels; still, the sector
of business is recognized to be the one responsible for implementing the
principles and initiatives of green logistics. Some scientists suggest
that the application of the principles of private public partnership and
involvement of all interested parties, however, would be more beneficial
(Meidute, Paliulis 2011). Nevertheless, the implementation of green
logistics is treated as an ability of the enterprise to run its activity
(even to increase its competitive ability) according to economic, social
and environmental factors (Balkyte, Tvaronaviciene 2010; Bagdoniene et
al. 2009).
One of the most efficient tools for increasing the competitiveness
of the transport system is Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS),
including its certain applications (Jakubauskas 2012). ITS are advanced
applications that enable various users to make safer, more coordinated
and more efficient use of a transport network.
According to the official statistics of Lithuania (Transport and
Communications 2012, 2011, 2010), the dominant mode of transport
(counting the volumes of carried freight and an impact on national
economy) is road freight transport. Official statistics also proves,
that at the same time road freight transport is the most dangerous, most
pollutant and most energy consuming mode of transportation. On the other
hand, practice shows that enterprises representing this mode of
transportation are the most flexible and adapt new technologies and
innovations faster and in higher volumes than the others.
Thus, the questions like "How do the enterprises of Lithuanian
road freight transport sector understand the concept of green
logistics?", "What benefits can this concept provide to the
enterprise?" and "How could the introduction of IT
applications increase the competitiveness and image of these
enterprises?" gain particular interest.
The subject of research is the problems and possibilities of
implementing the concept of green logistics referring to IT applications
in road transport enterprises in Lithuania.
The goal of the conducted research is to provide the results of
certain investigations dedicated to the examination of the current
situation concerning the implementation of the concept of green
logistics in the sector of road transport enterprises.
The basic methods for research include the analysis and synthesis
of scientific literature, legal acts and statistic data, a survey of the
problems encountered in the road transport sector as well as an expert
evaluation of the proposed model.
1. The issues of implementing the concept of green logistics
Green logistics can be defined as all attempts to minimize an
ecological impact of logistics activities. The analysis of many
scientific sources of foreign and Lithuanian scientists (McKinnon et al.
2012; Kutkaitis, Zuperkiene 2011; McKinnon, Kreie 2010; Emmet, Sood
2010; Palmer, Piecyk 2010, Guochuan 2010; Sbihi, Eglese 2010; Cherrett
et al. 2009; Bagdoniene et al. 2009; Monnet 2008; Srivastava 2007;
Rodrigue et al. 2001) proves that the concept of green logistics has
gained more and more attention during recent years. Also, it proves that
the concept of green logistics is related to the definition of
sustainable development.
Scientists state that green logistics is
1. a common logistics system based on efficient energy consumption
and less environment harming while increasing labour efficiency and
competitiveness (Kutkaitis, Zuperkiene 2011);
2. a logistics system created in accordance to human needs and
interests and showing trends towards the strategy for implementing
sustainable development (Guochuan 2010);
3. an input based on organizing actions focused on creating
efficient energy consuming and a less environment polluting system of
logistics (Srivastava 2007);
4. an environmentally friendly and efficient distribution system
(Rodrigue et al. 2001).
According to Cepinskis and Masteika (2011), green logistics
encompasses 4 implementation fields: distribution, energy consumption,
manufacturing (production) and raw material mining.
Taking into account that the concept of green logistics is related
to sustainable development, it can be stated that the concept is also
based on three equivalent levels: economic, ecologic and social (see
Fig. 1). This proves that the implementation of the concept of green
logistics in a particular enterprise should be supported by the
principles of economic, ecologic and social responsibility. According to
Turkay, Funda (2011), Simanskiene, Kutkaicius (2009), Ciegis, Grunda
(2007), the further provided scheme shows the process of implementing
the concept of green logistics in a particular enterprise.
The goals provided on every level are of different efficiency and
importance, and therefore have a varying impact on implementing the
concept of green logistics. Such situation allows making a conclusion
that every single enterprise should create its own strategy for
implementing such concept, thus considering different internal and
external factors affecting its performance. It also should be noted that
the implementation of the concept of green logistics is based on
initiative and voluntary principles.
Therefore, the process of implementing the concept of green
logistics is complicated and multiple, and requires a close
collaboration between state entities, society and business.
Sarkis, Meade and Talluri (2004) distinguish particular steps of
implementing the concept of green logistics:
1. The adoption of political decisions according to environmental
2. The continual development of high technologies (business field
takes a leading role in technology development).
3. Investment and integration (integration of necessary logistics
functions in order to assure efficient distribution).
4. The efficient management and policy of the organization based on
the principles of green logistics (establishment of business processes
in accordance with economic, social and environmental factors).
Murphy and Poist (2003) present particular actions to be taken on
the enterprise level to implement the concept of green logistics:
--reengineering the components of logistics systems in accordance
with the environment and social factors;
--the rejection of services provided by suppliers taking no care
about environmental problems;
-- training the staff;
--collaboration with governmental institutions;
--public reports about the initiative and success of the company in
the field of environment protection;
--the audit of environment control;
--collaboration with foreign countries in the field of environment
--promoting social responsibility among the employers of the
The action of implementing the concept of green logistics begins
with reengineering the logistics system of the company. Recent findings
suggest that such reengineering can be quite efficient when certain IT
applications are implemented. This is particularly the case of the road
transport sector. Road freight carriers are highly criticized for
causing various externalities. As concern for the environment rises,
enterprises must take more care of logistics activities associated with
climate change, air pollution and accidents. The deployment of IT
applications can contribute to positive changes in the field of the
above introduced problem.
2. Possibilities of IT applications
Transport activity in various sources of scientific literature is
described as one of the main functions of logistics. Therefore, a quite
natural conclusion can be made that in case a better overall transport
system is created and the problems of its efficiency are solved on the
national and global level, the more efficient transport services can be
created and provided.
The application of traditional means of solving general transport
problems often is too expensive and inefficient. Meanwhile, intelligent
transport systems (ITS) or some of its applications can be treated as a
new step of transport system evolution that allows solving different
types of problems on different levels in different transport sectors.
ITS or some of its applications are also one of the tools that allows
implementing the concept of green logistics in reality since they assure
efficient consumption, reduces a negative impact of transport on the
surrounding environment, increases safety and decreases the number of
accidents on the roads (Jarasuniene 2008). These systems are often
understood as a common application of integrated connections, control
and information processing technologies in the transport system. This
allows to conclude, that ITS can be applied to the management of
transport lows, the creation of more favourable driving conditions, an
increase in safety and a decrease in the number of transport accidents.
These systems increase the productivity of the transport sector, saves
human lives, money and energy resources (Jakubauskas 2012, Jarasuniene
2008). They provide a possibility of reducing a negative impact on the
surrounding environment, controlling transport networks and allowing
choosing optimal travel routes. The analysis of the best practice of
foreign countries has revealed that the state or separate enterprise
often choose IT applications as a tool for implementing the concept of
green logistics in practice. The most frequently used applications
include cargo trace and tracking systems, distribution systems, service
reservation systems, route planning systems, fuel consumption control
systems, driver's work-time control systems, fee and toll
collection systems, integrated car safety systems, process real time
control and management systems.
A conclusion that the application of the above mentioned tools
allows reaching the main goals of green logistics at different levels
can be made. The employed instruments reduce expenditure on enterprise
activities and allow solving social as well as ecological problems.
3. Problems of implementing the concept of green logistics in
Lithuanian road freight transport enterprises
At present, the common transport policy of the EU pays close
attention to sustainable development. The problem is that policy
documents provides only the common aspects of sustainable development in
the field of transportation and stresses the importance of applying new
technologies and collaboration between different involved subjects. The
outcome of such an approach is different priorities given for green
logistics in different countries. These priorities vary according to the
economic situation, historical and cultural heritage, climate conditions
and preferences in national policies. However, a common notion that,
despite the above mentioned differences, all EU Member States are
concerned about road freight transport can be made.
The main directions of Lithuanian transport policy are adequate to
those provided by the EU (Jakubauskas 2012). Nevertheless, according to
the outcomes of the study on the possibilities of using IT applications
in Lithuania conducted in 2011, the level of implementing these tools in
the transport sector is quite modest.
At the same time, official statistics in Lithuania indicates that
road transport is a mode of transport that reached the highest growth
rates during recent years. As mentioned earlier, this mode is often
criticized due to a negative impact on the economy, society and
environment (Transport and Communications 2012, 2011, 2010).
Therefore, giving ITS strategic priorities towards a solution to
solve the problems of Lithuanian road freight transport would be logical
and justified. However, the problem is that Lithuania still experiences
a traditional attitude towards the development of transport
infrastructure, when the majority of investments are given to the
development and maintenance of roads. Meanwhile, the projects related to
the implementation of IT applications, which seemed to be more
reasonable, are found very seldom, though the experience of foreign
countries proves them having stronger economic effect than the
development of hard infrastructure.
Another problematic point is a lack of practical and theoretical
models dedicated particularly to road freight transport enterprises so
that to implement the concept of green logistics that would satisfy not
only economic but also ecological and social needs of the society.
There are no exact tools and approaches to implementing the concept
of green logistics, especially taking into account possibilities
provided by IT applications. Road freight transport enterprises face a
lack of clear guidelines that would be helpful in making a decision on
purposive investments into the exact projects and tools in order to
assure the efficiency of the performance of those enterprises in the
context of green logistics.
4. The common model for implementing the concept of green logistics
at the enterprise level
In order to implement the concept of green logistics in reality,
every particular enterprise needs a clear strategy model by applying
which the enterprise would be able to distribute necessary investments
in the exact tools that seem to be more efficient.
As mentioned above, the process of implementing the concept of
green logistics should follow all three strategic directions (social,
economic and ecologic). The implementation of this concept is primarily
determined by a decision made by the company's executives. The
decision can be reached under the impact of all interested parties as
well as taking into account some internal and external factors. All
these aspects are depicted in the theoretical model for implementing the
concept of green logistics on the enterprise level (see Fig. 2).
The model distinguishes the main factors affecting the
implementation of the concept of green logistics, the process of
implementing the strategy and benefits that should be reached by
applying the concept of green logistics.
As have been discussed, the strategic process of implementing the
concept of green logistics consists of 5 steps (stages) the enterprise
should follow in a particular sequence. The first two steps are
associated with preparation for implementing the strategy. They
encompass a strategic analysis of implementing the concept and the
evaluation of activity fields and strategic decisions. These steps are
necessary to successfully choose the necessary fields of activity that
would be useful in the context of the concept. The third step requires
IT applications that will help in reaching the main goals of
implementing the concept of green logistics. The last two steps cover
the implementation of the strategy itself as well as monitoring and
evaluation of the achievements.
The process of implementing the concept of green logistics is based
on the initiative and voluntary basis of the enterprise. However, an
important point is that the decision on the highest level of the
company's management should be taken only when clear understanding
about the concept of green logistics exists and benefits as well as
commitments are realised.
5. Elaborated model for achieving the goals of green logistics in
the road freight transport enterprise
In order to find out the possibility of applying the model
discussed in the previous chapter in the enterprises of the road freight
transport sector, a necessary survey was conducted. The object of the
survey was Lithuanian road freight transport carriers (for the period
2011-2012, response was provided from 82 companies in total). The basic
aim of the survey is to evaluate the possibility of implementing the
concept of green logistics in Lithuanian road freight transport
companies as well as to distinguish the most suitable IT applications to
assuring such implementation.
In order to reach the above mentioned goal, the following tasks for
the survey were set:
1. To establish the level of green logistics and IT applications in
the road freight transport sector.
2. With reference to the results of the survey, to create a revised
model for achieving the goals of green logistics employing IT
applications in the road freight transport sector.
3. On the basis of the expert's opinion, to determine the
suitability of the revised model and main factors in the successful
implementation of the model.
The conducted survey and processing the obtained results allowed
formulating the revised model for implementing the concept of green
logistics applying IT in road freight transport companies. The goals
distinguished in this model cover all levels of implementing the concept
of green logistics:
--economic level (decrease in fuel costs, improvement in the level
of service, time savings);
--ecologic level (decrease in pollution);
--social level (decrease in the number of road accidents and level
of congestion).
In order to discover whether the chosen IT application is suitable
for implementing the concept of green logistics on the enterprise level
and what actions would assure the efficiency of implementation, the
expertise of the model was conducted. The model containing a particular
attendant questionnaire was provided for the experts (11 in total)
working or having huge experience in the field of transport and ITS.
8 of 11 experts agreed on the fact that the model was suitable
while the remaining 3 suggested that the model needed some minor
refinement. Also, the experts proposed some changes in the initial set
of IT applications chosen as the main tools for the successful
implementation of green logistics on the enterprise level. Moreover, all
experts indicated that the main factors for the successful
implementation of the concept of green logistics in the road transport
enterprise would be the competence of the enterprise, the ability of
chosen IT applications and exchanging information (ability to properly
use the acquired data inside and outside the enterprise). Support
provided by the EU and close cooperation between all interested parties
were also accepted as crucial factors.
According to suggestions and recommendations made by the experts,
the revised model has been developed and gained the form shown in Fig.
3. The displayed model is more suitable for implementing the concept of
green logistics applying IT in Lithuanian road freight transport
The successful implementation of the concept of green logistics in
Lithuanian road freight transport enterprises would help Lithuania with
making input into achieving the common strategic goals of the EU. It is
expected that the model presented in this article would allow transport
enterprises choosing the correct path for implementing the concept of
green logistics and encourage them to follow it. Also, it is supposed
that transport enterprises will realize the practical benefit of
implementing such strategy and will not employ single IT applications
directed towards an increase in economic indicators, but rather the
complex set of IT applications dedicated to the development of all three
composite levels of green logistics.
1. The analysis of sources presenting different scientific
literature has revealed that the term of green logistics is associated
with the term of sustainable development in logistics. The concept of
green logistics is based on 3 equivalent levels--economic, ecologic and
2. IT and its particular applications can be treated as a new step
of transport system evolution that allows solving problems of different
types and levels in different transport sectors. IT application is also
one of the tools that allow implementing the concept of green logistics
in reality.
3. One of the main strategic issues in modern-day common European
transport policy is the creation of a more efficient, safe and
environmentally-friendly transport system. Therefore, much is done in
the sector of road freight transport, since this particular field is
recognized as the harmful one. On the other hand, it is also accepted as
the most flexible and promising area for reaching decisions based on the
latest innovative technologies.
4. Despite all attention given to the sector of road freight
transport, there are no exact models and recommendations for
implementing the concept of green logistics, especially taking into
account possibilities provided by IT applications.
5. Considering all above mentioned circumstances and bearing in
mind the necessity of increasing the competitiveness of Lithuanian
enterprises working in the sector of road freight transport, the authors
of this article provide a model (well-received by the experts of
transport and ITS fields) for implementing the concept of green
logistics. The introduced example shows that a transport enterprise,
when referring to a necessary set of IT applications, can reach many
benefits--from the goals of green logistics to an increase in its image
and reputation, enhancing the quality of services, penetration into new
markets, reaching better performance and becoming more attractive to
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Aidas Vasilis Vasiliauskas (1), Virgilija Zinkeviciute (2), Egle
Simonyte (3)
(1) Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Transport Research
Institute, Plytines g. 27, LT-10105 Vilnius, Lithuania
(2) Vilnius Business College, Kalvariju g. 125, LT-08221 Vilnius,
(3) Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Transport Management
Department, Plytines g. 27, LT-10105 Vilnius, Lithuania
E-mails: (1); (2)
(corresponding author); (3)
Received 09 October 2012; accepted 11 January 2013
Aidas Vasilis Vasiliauskas (1), Virgilija Zinkeviciute (2), Egle
Simonyte (3)
(1) Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, Transporto
institutas, Plytines g. 27, LT-10105 Vilnius, Lietuva
(2) Vilniaus verslo kolegija, Kalvariju g. 125, LT-08221 Vilnius,
(3) Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, Transporto vadybos
katedra, Plytines g. 27, LT-10105 Vilnius, Lietuva
El. pastas: (1); (2); (3)
Iteikta 2012-10-09; priimta 2013-01-11
Aidas VASILIS VASILIAUSKAS. Assoc. Prof., Dr of technological
sciences at the Department of Transport Management and a scientist of
Transport Research Institute, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.
Research interests: supply chain management, transportation and
warehousing processes.
Virgilija ZINKEVICIUTE. Dr of social sciences, Deputy Director of
Academic Affairs, Vilnius Business College. Research interests:
strategic decisions, strategy, quality management, sustainable
Egle SIMONYTE. MA in Transport and Logistics, Transport Management
Department, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Research interests:
ITS, green logistics.