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  • 标题:Complex evaluation of the economic crisis impact on Lithuanian industries.
  • 作者:Krivka, Algirdas
  • 期刊名称:Journal of Business Economics and Management
  • 印刷版ISSN:1611-1699
  • 出版年度:2014
  • 期号:April
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
  • 摘要:Nowadays economic reality, characterised by growing countries' and regions' economic integration, globalization of business relations, free movement of capital and labour force, offers wide possibilities for the social and economic development of market economy countries and for increasing the welfare of their citizens. Expansion of financial markets together with growing banking sector assure the sources of financing business setting up and further development; diminishing barriers of international trade provide access to new markets for companies and satisfaction of growing needs for customers with a wide variety of goods and services.
  • 关键词:Decision making;Decision-making;Financial crises;Industries;Industry;Multiple criteria decision making

Complex evaluation of the economic crisis impact on Lithuanian industries.

Krivka, Algirdas


Nowadays economic reality, characterised by growing countries' and regions' economic integration, globalization of business relations, free movement of capital and labour force, offers wide possibilities for the social and economic development of market economy countries and for increasing the welfare of their citizens. Expansion of financial markets together with growing banking sector assure the sources of financing business setting up and further development; diminishing barriers of international trade provide access to new markets for companies and satisfaction of growing needs for customers with a wide variety of goods and services.

Although there is a little doubt about the advantages of international economic integration, a few recent years have shown in practice the other side of the coin. In 2007 the crisis, which initially affected the financial system of the United States, shortly spread all over the world and stimulated the economic recession, with both business and ordinary citizens suffering from its consequences (Thao et al. 2013; Kowalski 2012). In many countries the financial crisis caused a rapid decrease in tax revenues, while austerity measures in fiscal policy (raising taxes and cutting public spending) applied by governments even deepened the economic problems (Adam, Iacob 2012).

The Republic of Lithuania was amongst the countries to experience the deepest economic downturn: according to GDP data, the economic crisis, which started in the end of 2008, caused the fall of the annual GDP by 14.8 % in 2009 (Statistics Lithuania 2013). It has to be admitted that deep recession was stimulated not only by the global economic crisis, but also by the internal specifics of the national economy evolution, and particularly because of the economy overheating and real estate price bubble caused by irresponsible lending and speculation. Though the first signs of economic recovery appeared in the 2nd quarter of 2010, the country's economic growth remained very slow during the last 3 years, while the GDP of 2012 is still under the pre-crisis level of 2007.

It has to be mentioned though, that GDP dynamics and other macroeconomic indicators provide general information only about the impact of the economic crisis, whereas even with a naked eye one may indicate the dissimilar effect of the crisis on various industries, also unequal rates of after-crisis recovery. Possibly uneven development of Lithuanian industries during the economic crisis of 2008 and afterwards, in the author's opinion, requires calculation-based evaluation with its results providing more detailed and scientifically grounded information about the impact of the recent crisis on business enterprises.

The problem of this paper is the complex quantitative evaluation of the economic crisis impact on industries. The aim of the research is to complexly evaluate the impact of the economic crisis of 2008 on Lithuanian industries on the basis of the system of quantitative indicators characterising enterprise's financial state and performance. Relying on scientific literature the system of industry research criteria is developed, while relative weights of the criteria are estimated by involving competent experts. By applying multi-criteria decision making methods (MCDM) relative positions (ranks) of Lithuanian industries are determined for every year of the period of 2006-2011. The ranks and their changes are further analysed distinguishing pre-crisis, crisis, and post-crisis periods, determining the industries most and least affected by the economic crisis; also, the industries characterised by the fastest and the slowest after-crisis recovery.

1. Literature review

Modern quantitative methods of enterprise performance analysis are based on the company's financial reports: horizontal analysis of enterprise financial statements studying accounts' dynamics during several periods; vertical analysis--a study of the structure of enterprise assets, equity and liabilities, and their changes; analysis of financial ratios--the indicators, characterising enterprise's financial state and performance, are calculated, compared through different accounting periods, between various companies, also with their recommended values (Hofmann, Lampe 2012; Erdogan 2013; Kotane, Kuzmina-Merlino 2012; Hegazy, M., Hegazy, S. 2012; Zelgalve, Zaharcenko 2012).

With an enterprise being a complex phenomenon for research, individual financial ratios are combined into complex (integrated) indicators in the research on bankrupt probability (Altman 1968; Bhunia, Sarkar 2011; Yap et al. 2010), complex evaluation of enterprise financial state and performance by applying multi-criteria evaluation methods (Ginevi?ius, Podviezko 2013; Hsu 2013; Hosseini et al. 2013). In strategic management models enterprise's financial indicators are complemented with qualitative criteria in order to complexly evaluate enterprise's strategic potential, calculate the results of strategy application (Ginevi?ius et al. 2012; Ginevi?ius, Krivka 2010; Punniyamoorthy, Murali 2008; Hegazy, M., Hegazy, S. 2012).

Analysis of enterprise financial indicators is also applicable for studying economic sectors or industries. The research of that kind deals with generalised (average) values of financial indicators of a group of enterprises or the whole industry assessing efficiency of companies' performance (Li et al. 2011), studying the relation between enterprise performance and the value of its shares (Balatbat et al. 2010; Hosseini et al. 2013), performing comparative analysis of inter-industry performance or inter-state industries' evolution (Kotane, Kuzmina-Merlino 2012; Claudiu-Marian 2011; Hon, Chu 2011), implementing the research on the relations between enterprise size, organization structure, market share or market concentration, and performance (Hays et al. 2009; Uslayet al. 2010) and other research of the similar nature.

Industry performance analysis in the context of an economic crisis also deserves economists' attention during the recent few years; however, most of the researchers are concentrated on the particular sector of economy, industry or market, e.g. furniture industry (Li et al. 2011), textile (Abbas et al. 2012), banking sector (Romanova 2012; Lakstutien? et al. 2011), agriculture (Li et al. 2011), TFT-LCD panel industry (Hon, Chu 2011), automobile industry (Du 2009; Bok 2009), tourism (Baleanu et al. 2009), construction (Al-Malkawi 2013). Other scientists perform research on the economic crisis effect on small and medium enterprises (Yiannaki 2012; Soininen et al. 2012) or large publicly listed companies (Dzikowska, Jankowska 2012; Norvaisiene 2012; Hsu 2013).

Summarizing the literature analysis performed, absence of the detailed, complex research on the economic crisis effect on industries is discovered. With regards to the accomplished literature study, the author indicates a niche for the research on the economic crisis of 2008 impact on Lithuanian economy presented in this paper, which has to involve all the main industries, be based on quantitative criteria--the system of financial state and performance indicators--and integrated approach to industry, as a complex phenomenon, analysis, with support of widely recognized mathematical instruments applicable for complex quantitative evaluation.

2. Research scope and methodology

The industries analysed in the paper are identified according to the 2nd-digit level classification of economic activities (based on NACE2) published by Statistics Lithuania (official national authority in the sphere of statistics). With regards to experience of other authors (Erdogan 2013; Kotane, Kuzmina-Merlino 2012; Balatbat et al. 2010; Hsu 2013; Hosseini et al. 2013; Abbas et al. 2012; Al-Malkawi 2013), the system of financial state and performance indicators is composed of four main groups of enterprise financial ratios: profitability, liquidity, solvency and asset turnover. The indicators selected for the research and their formulas are presented in Table 1.

The period of the research are the calendar years 2006-2011 including both pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis years (at the moment of the research the data of 2012 had not been published yet). The research involves all the industries (2nd-digit level economic activities), which data is published by Statistics Lithuania (the list of the industries under research is provided further with the results of the research in Table 5), combining for 97.6% of Lithuanian enterprises (according to their value-added).

The complex quantitative evaluation of the economic crisis impact on Lithuanian industries is considered to be a mathematical problem of assessing the industries selected for the research with regards to the system of enterprise financial indicators as the evaluation criteria. To solve a problem of that kind, multi-criteria evaluation methods, developed throughout the recent years and widely applied in construction (e.g. Zavadskas et al. 2008; Ginevicius et al. 2008; Saparauskas et al. 2011), economics and management (e.g. Ginevicius et al. 2012, 2013; Ginevicius, Podvezko 2008, 2009; Ginevicius, Podviezko 2011, 2013; Hsu 2013), seem to be an appropriate tool.

The alternatives under evaluation are 68 industries--each of them is assessed with regards to 10 financial state and performance indicators (the scheme of evaluation is presented in Table 2); the evaluation is performed for every year of the research period of 2006-2011. The value [r.sub.ij] of the particular evaluation criterion (financial indicator) i (i = 1, ..., m) for the assessed alternative (industry) j (j = 1, ..., n) is taken from the officially published data by Statistics Lithuania (2013). To estimate weights [[omega].sub.i] of the financial indicators, the method of expert evaluation is applied, with respect to the condition [m.summation over (i=1)] [[omega].sub.i] = 1. The experts (financial directors or CEOs) were asked to provide single set of criteria weights (showing the relative importance of the particular financial indicator) for the whole period of the research.

The result of multi-criteria evaluation is the ranking of industries for every year of the period of 2006-2011. The further analysis is implemented studying the changes of the ranking to compare pre-crisis year of 2006, the crisis years of 2008-2009, and after-crisis year of 2011--the dynamics of the ranks reflect the impact of the crisis on the particular industry, including after-crisis recovery.

The experience of the recent research (e.g. Ginevicius, Podvezko 2009; Ginevicius et al. 2008, 2012; Ginevicius, Krivka 2010; Ginevicius, Podviezko 2011, 2013) suggests that the phenomenon under analysis has to be assessed by applying several multi-criteria methods seeking for higher reliability of results; moreover, in order to minimize the subjectivity of the specific method, average ranks are accepted to be the ultimate result. To efficiently combine several multi-criteria evaluation methods, it is important to form a "bunch" of correlating methods (Ginevicius, Podvezko 2008). SAW, TOPSIS and VIKOR methods are selected for multi-criteria assessment of Lithuanian industries.

SAW method calculates the sum of normalized weighted values [S.sub.j] of all criteria for each j-th alternative (Ginevicius et al. 2008, 2012, 2013; Podvezko 2011):

[S.sub.j] = [m.summation over (i=1)] [[omega].sub.i] [[??].sub.ij], (1)

while initial values are normalized using the formula (Ginevicius et al. 2008, 2012; Podvezko 2011):

[[??].sub.ij] = [r.sub.ij]/[n.summation over (j=1)] [r.sub.ij]. (2)

TOPSIS indicates the best ([V.sup.*]) and the worst ([V.sup.-]) solutions with regards to each criterion (Opricovic, Tzeng 2004; Ginevicius et al. 2008):



where: [I.sub.1] is a set of maximizing criteria, [I.sub.2] is a set of minimizing criteria. The distance of each alternative to the best and the worst solutions is calculated:

[D.sup.*.sub.j] = [square root of [m.summation over (i=1)] [([[omega].sub.i] [[??].sub.ij] - [V.sup.*.sub.i]).sup.2]], (5)

[D.sup.-.sub.j] = [square root of [m.summation over (i=1)] [([[omega].sub.i] [[??].sub.ij] - [V.sup.-.sub.i]).sup.2]], (6)

followed by the TOPSIS criterion, which maximum value (i.e. the value which is closest to 1) corresponds to the best alternative:

[C.sup.*.sub.j] = [D.sup.-.sub.j]/[D.sup.*.sub.j] + [D.sup.-.sub.j]. (7)

The initial values [r.sub.ij] are normalized by applying the vector normalization formula (Ginevicius et al. 2008, 2012):

[[??].sub.ij] = [r.sub.ij]/[square root of [n.summation over (j=1)] [r.sup.2.sub.ij]]. (8)

VIKOR is based on the three evaluation criteria [S.sub.j], [R.sub.j] and [Q.sub.j], calculated by the following formulas (Opricovic, Tzeng 2004; Ginevi?ius et al. 2008):

[S.sub.j] = [m.summation over (i=1)] [[omega].sub.i] [[??].sub.ij], (9)


[Q.sub.j] = v [S.sub.j] - [S.sup.*]/[S.sup.-] - [S.sup.*] + (1-v) [R.sub.j] - [R.sup.*]/[R.sup.-] - [R.sup.*], (11)

where: [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], v is the majority criterion, equalled to 0.5 in empiric research (e.g. Ginevicius, Krivka 2010). The lowest values of [Q.sub.j] indicate the best alternatives.

Normalization of maximizing criteria values is performed by applying the formula:


Where negative values are involved in multi-criteria assessment, they are transformed into positive by adding the shifting constant [b.sub.i] to each value [r.sub.ij] of the i-th criterion having at least one negative value (Podvezko 2011):

[[bar.sub.ij]] = [r.sub.ij] + [b.sub.i]. (13)

For the shifting procedure to have the least possible effect on evaluation results, minimum values of the shifting constant are considered, calculated as follows:


3. Research procedure and results

The questionnaires for estimating weights of the selected financial state and performance indicators (evaluation criteria) were submitted to 80 enterprises. The experts (financial directors or CEOs) were asked to evaluate weights of the financial indicators in two steps: first the weights of the indicators inside every particular group (see Table 1) were estimated; then the weights of the groups (profitability, liquidity, solvency and asset turnover) in the integrated criterion were determined. The ultimate weight [[omega].sub.i] of the i-th indicator was calculated by multiplying its weight [[omega].sup.g.sub.i] inside the group by the weight [[omega].sub.g] of the group in the integrated criterion:

[[omega].sub.i] = [[omega].sup.g.sub.i] x [[omega].sub.g], (15)

with respect to the conditions: [summation] [[omega].sup.g.sub.i] = 1 (for every group of indicators) and [summation] [[omega].sub.g] = 1 (for the integrated criterion).

Such practice was addressed in order to simplify evaluation procedure and to avoid unintentional overweighting of profitability indicators, which could occur in case of direct evaluation just because of the number of indicators in profitability group (4 indicators) compared to other groups consisting of 2 indicators.

Nine answers with fully and accurately filled questionnaires were received to provide data for calculating the ultimate criteria weights (Table 3).

The concordance coefficient, calculated as the ratio of actual (S) and ideal ([S.sub.max]) dispersions, is applied to check the degree of agreement of expert estimates (Kendall 1970; Ginevicius et al. 2008):

W = S/[S.sub.max] = 12S/[r.sup.2]m([m.sup.2]-1), (16)

while the actual dispersion is calculated by the formula:

S = [m.summation over (i=1)] [([c.sub.i] - [bar.c]).sup.2], (17)

where: [c.sub.i] is the sum of ranks of all r experts' criterion i estimates, [bar.c] is the mean value of sums of all criteria (i = 1, ..., m) ranks. The consistency of estimates is tested by [chi square] distribution with v = m - 1 degrees of freedom:

[chi square] = Wr(m - 1) = 12S/rm(m + 1). (18)

Whereas the calculated value of [chi square] = 21.01 is larger than the critical value of [X.sup.2.sub.cr] = 16.92 (with the significance level of [alpha] = 0.05 and 9 degrees of freedom), the expert estimates are considered to be in agreement, while the average weights are employed for multicriteria assessment of Lithuanian industries.

For every year of the research (2006-2011) the ranks of the industries are calculated by applying the three chosen MCDM methods: SAW, TOPSIS and VIKOR. The test for correlation of the results obtained (Table 4) discloses diverging results of VIKOR, with the correlation coefficient (modulus value) with SAW being less than 0.8. Thus, only SAW and TOPSIS methods are considered for ultimate ranking of the industries.

The ultimate ranks of Lithuanian industries, presented in Table 5, are the average results obtained by SAW and TOPSIS. Absolute changes of the rank compared to pre-crisis year of 2006 are further calculated: a positive change discloses the improvement of the relative position of the industry, while a negative change corresponds to the fall of the rank.

The changes of the ranks in the years 2008-2009 compared to pre-crisis year of 2006 are supposed to indicate the industries most and least affected by the economic crisis. The further dynamics of the ranks, particularly in 2011, allow determining the industries characterised by the fastest and the slowest after-crisis recovery, also indicate the changes of the ranking during the whole period of the research (2006-2011).

The most affected by the economic crisis industries are considered to be L68 Real estate activities (significant fall of the rank from the 6th in 2006 to the 66th in 2008-2009); G45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, H53 Postal and courier activities, H49 Land transport and transport via pipelines - three industries falling by 20 or more positions in the ranking during the crisis; F43 Specialised construction activities, F41 Construction of buildings, N82 Office administrative, office support and other business support activities, M69 Legal and accounting activities, B08 Other mining and quarrying, C23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products, J61 Telecommunications - all falling by 15-19 positions in the industries' ranking in 2008-2009 compared to 2006.

The least affected by the crisis industries are H51 Air transport, R93 Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities, C26 Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products, C20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products, C31 Manufacture of furniture, C10 Manufacture of food products--all experiencing the rise of the rank by at least 20 positions during the crisis compared to 2006; also, Q86 Human health activities, M74 Other professional, scientific and technical activities, A03 Fishing and aquaculture, N78 Employment activities, C30 Manufacture of other transport equipment, M72 Scientific research and development--rising by 10 or more positions in the ranking.

By comparing the ranks of 2011 (post-crisis period) to 2008-2009 (the years of the deepest crisis) industries' after-crisis recovery is analysed. The fastest recovery, considering the industries significantly affected by the crisis, appeared in I56 Food and beverage service activities, G45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, M69 Legal and accounting activities, N82 Office administrative, office support and other business support activities, L68 Real estate activities and H49 Land transport and transport via pipelines. On the other hand the list of crisis-affected industries, which even worsened their relative position comparing 2011 to 2008-2009, includes C33 Repair and installation of machinery and equipment, C23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products, C15 Manufacture of leather and related products and F41 Construction of buildings.

Considering the whole period of the research (2006-2011), which includes pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis years, the main changes in the ranking of Lithuanian industries due to the recent economic cycles are further indicated. The most appreciable improvement of the rank is noticed to be in R93 Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities (+63 positions), C20 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products (+42), C13 Manufacture of textiles (+33), C26 Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products (+31), C31 Manufacture of furniture (+28), C14 Manufacture of wearing apparel (+27) and M74 Other professional, scientific and technical activities (+26); while a significant fall of the rank is determined in H50 Water transport (-60), L68 Real estate activities (-44), C33 Repair and installation of machinery and equipment (-36), C23 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products (-33), J60 Programming and broadcasting activities (-30) and F42 Civil engineering (-26).

Finally, the average ranks of the industries in the period of 2006-2011 are compared, identifying the best and worst performing industries during the recent economic cycles. The top industries according to their average ranks are N81 Services to buildings and-landscape activities, B06 Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas, M70 Activities of head offices; management consultancy activities, A02 Forestry and logging, E36 Water collection, treatment and supply, M75 Veterinary activities, G47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles and N79 Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities, J63 Information service activities and N78 Employment activities; while the worst performing industries are supposed to be F41 Construction of buildings, C16 Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials, S96 Other personal service activities, C15 Manufacture of leather and related products, C13 Manufacture of textiles, J59 Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities, C27 Manufacture of electrical equipment, C17 Manufacture of paper and paper products, N77 Rental and leasing activities and C22 Manufacture of rubber and plastic products.


The paper presents the empiric research on the impact of the economic crisis of 2008 on Lithuanian industries. The research has involved 68 industries, while the crisis effect has been evaluated on the basis of the system of 10 financial state and performance indicators belonging to four main groups of enterprise financial ratios: profitability, liquidity, solvency and asset turnover.

According to the research methodology, considering the integrated approach to industry as a complex phenomenon, the problem of complex evaluation of the economic crisis impact has been formalised as the comparative quantitative assessment of the industries (alternatives for evaluation) with regards to the chosen financial state and performance indicators (evaluation criteria). Multi-criteria decision making methods SAW, TOPSIS and VIKOR, widely applied in the recent research for evaluating complex economic phenomena, have been chosen as the tool for evaluation. Considering low correlation of the results between SAW and VIKOR, the latter MCDM method has been rejected, with ultimate ranks being the average of SAW and TOPSIS.

By analysing the changes of the ranks in 2008-2009 compared to pre-crisis year of 2006, the industries most and least affected by the economic crisis have been indicated. Furthermore, the ranks of post-crisis year of 2011 have been compared to 2008-2009, and the industries characterised by the fastest and the slowest after-crisis recovery have been identified.

Considering the whole period of the research (2006-2011), which includes pre-crisis, crisis and post-crisis years, the most improved industries, as well as the ones with the deepest fall of the rank, have been determined. Finally, the average ranks of the industries during the period of 2006-2011 have been compared identifying the industries being on the top and in the bottom of the list according to their performance indicators.

The results of the research from the practical point of view might be useful for potential investors while choosing the particular industries or enterprises for long-term investment, also for government authorities involved in forming and implementing economic policy. For other researchers the approach and methodology of the research might seem interesting, as well as the results obtained.

doi: 10.3846/16111699.2013.867277

Received 13 July 2013; accepted 05 November 2013


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Algirdas Krivka

Department of Economics and Management of Enterprises, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio

al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania

E-mail: algirdas.krivka@vgtu.lt

Algirdas KRIVKA was born in 1982 in Lithuania. In 2004 he received a Bachelor of Economics, in 2006--Master of Economics (Finance specialization), in 2010--Doctor of Social Sciences (Economics). Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Management of Enterprises, Faculty of Business Management, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University since 2011. Research interests: market structures, industry analysis, oligopoly, competitive strategies.
Table 1. Financial state and performance indicators selected
for the research and their formulas

No   Indicators                     Formulas

Group A. Profitability indicators

1    Gross margin ratio             Gross profit/Sales revenues
2    Return on sales (ROS)          Net profit/Sales revenues
3    Return on assets (ROA)         Net profit/Total assets
4    Return on equity (ROE)         Net profit/Equity

Group B. Liquidity indicators

5    Current ratio                  Current assets/Current
6    Quick ratio                    (Current assets--Inventory)/

Group C. Solvency indicators        Current liabilities

7    Equity-to-debt ratio           Equity / Total liabilities
8    Debt ratio                     Total liabilities / Total assets

Group D. Asset turnover indicators

9    Total asset turnover           Sales revenues / Average total
10   Accounts receivable turnover   Sales revenues / Average
                                      accounts receivable

Table 2. The scheme of multi-criteria assessment of Lithuanian
industries with regards to financial state and performance


No   Description          Max (+)/   Weight             Industry
                          Min (-)                       1

1    Gross margin ratio   +          [[omega].sub.1]    [r.sub.1,1]
2    Return on sales      +          ...                ...
3    Return on assets     +          ...                ...
4    Return on equity     +          ...                ...
5    Current ratio        +          ...                ...
6    Quick ratio          +          [[omega].sub.1]    [r.sub.i,1]
7    Equity-to-debt       +          ...                ...
8    Debt ratio           -          ...                ...
9    Total asset          +          ...                ...
10   Accounts             +          [[omega].sub.10]   [r.sub.10,1]

     Criteria                   Criteria values

No   Description          ...   Industry       ...   Industry
                                j                    68

1    Gross margin ratio   ...   [r.sub.1,j]    ...   [r.sub.1,68]
2    Return on sales            ...                  ...
3    Return on assets           ...                  ...
4    Return on equity           ...                  ...
5    Current ratio              ...                  ...
6    Quick ratio          ...   [r.sub.ij]     ...   [r.sub.1,68]
7    Equity-to-debt             ...                  ...
8    Debt ratio                 ...                  ...
9    Total asset                ...                  ...
10   Accounts             ...   [r.sub.10,j]   ...   [r.sub.10,68]

Table 3. Evaluation criteria weights based on expert estimates

Evaluation criteria       Experts and criteria weights

No   Description          1       2       3       4       5

1    Gross margin ratio   0.053   0.060   0.080   0.063   0.060
2    Return on sales
     (ROS)                0.140   0.090   0.160   0.088   0.150
3    Return on assets
     (ROA)                0.018   0.075   0.040   0.038   0.030
4    Return on equity
     (ROE)                0.140   0.075   0.120   0.063   0.060
5    Current ratio        0.060   0.120   0.060   0.100   0.080
6    Quick ratio          0.090   0.180   0.090   0.150   0.120
7    Equity-to-debt
     ratio                0.090   0.100   0.150   0.210   0.110
8    Debt ratio           0.210   0.100   0.150   0.140   0.090
9    Total asset
     turnover             0.140   0.080   0.105   0.090   0.240
10   Accounts
     turnover             0.060   0.120   0.045   0.060   0.060

     Totals               1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000

Evaluation criteria       Experts and criteria weights

No   Description          6       7       8       9       Average

1    Gross margin ratio   0.160   0.098   0.075   0.140    0.081
2    Return on sales
     (ROS)                0.040   0.338   0.105   0.420    0.139
3    Return on assets
     (ROA)                0.100   0.005   0.045   0.035    0.044
4    Return on equity
     (ROE)                0.100   0.049   0.075   0.105    0.085
5    Current ratio        0.060   0.004   0.140   0.128    0.078
6    Quick ratio          0.090   0.006   0.210   0.023    0.117
7    Equity-to-debt
     ratio                0.090   0.050   0.098   0.050    0.112
8    Debt ratio           0.060   0.050   0.053   0.050    0.107
9    Total asset
     turnover             0.180   0.320   0.140   0.035    0.162
10   Accounts
     turnover             0.120   0.080   0.060   0.015    0.076

     Totals               1.000   1.000   1.000   1.000    1.000

Table 4. Correlation of the results of multi-criteria


SAW   0.923    -0.618

Table 5. The ultimate ranks of the industries and their changes
compared to 2006


Industries                    Ultimate ranks

                              2006   2007   2008   2009   2010   2011

1                              2      3      4      5      6      7

A02 Forestry and logging       6      4      10     5      4      5

A03 Fishing and                41     60     20     35     61     62

B06 Extraction of crude        2      5      2      2      2      4
petroleum and natural gas

B08 Other mining and           15     14     15     45     48     32

C10 Manufacture of food        62     44     52     28     34     50

C11 Manufacture of             25     26     24     24     47     44

C13 Manufacture of textiles    65     65     65     54     53     32

C14 Manufacture of             48     50     48     38     36     21
wearing apparel

C15 Manufacture of leather     43     67     53     58     58     65
and related products

C16 Manufacture of wood        63     53     68     62     55     59
and of products of wood
and cork, except furniture;
manufacture of articles of
straw and plaiting

C17 Manufacture of paper       55     58     62     55     42     55
and paper products

C18 Printing and               39     59     52     43     44     30
reproduction of recorded

C20 Manufacture of             51     38     28     20     12     9
chemicals and chemical

C21 Manufacture of basic       35     16     36     24     11     25
pharmaceutical products and
pharmaceutical preparations

C22 Manufacture of rubber      52     52     59     54     51     54
and plastic products

C23 Manufacture of other       28     28     36     49     56     61
non-metallic mineral

C24 Manufacture of basic       39     59     33     52     63     44

C25 Manufacture of             50     46     51     45     51     46
fabricated metal products,
except machinery and

C26 Manufacture of             68     66     28     38     28     37
computer, electronic and
optical products

C27 Manufacture of             63     60     58     62     46     39
electrical equipment

C28 Manufacture of             36     46     32     27     26     34
machinery and equipment

C29 Manufacture of motor       8      35     15     8      8      10
vehicles, trailers and

C30 Manufacture of other       32     27     25     18     6      26
transport equipment

C31 Manufacture of             63     35     46     33     36     35

C32 Other manufacturing        30     49     36     35     30     51

C33 Repair and installation    22     40     36     33     39     58
of machinery and equipment

D35 Electricity, gas, steam    20     18     20     16     23     43
and air conditioning supply

E36 Water collection,          7      8      9      5      5      11
treatment and supply

E38 Waste collection,          53     62     52     42     24     31
treatment and disposal
activities; materials

F41 Construction of            49     57     65     68     67     68

F42 Civil engineering          40     47     43     49     42     66

F43 Specialised                37     36     50     61     60     58
construction activities

G45 Wholesale and retail       24     15     50     52     44     29
trade and repair of motor
vehicles and motorcycles

G46 Wholesale trade, except    47     37     45     44     41     48
of motor vehicles and

G47 Retail trade, except of    17     18     17     6      10     11
motor vehicles and

H49 Land transport and         30     37     52     50     42     40
transport via pipelines

H50 Water transport            6      10     8      13     25     66

H51 Air transport              61     28     5      28     64     50

H52 Warehousing and support    37     40     31     28     25     24
activities for

H53 Postal and courier         22     36     41     49     54     37

I55 Accommodation              48     32     68     38     65     45

I56 Food and beverage          39     34     63     36     42     17
service activities

J58 Publishing activities      48     46     48     36     46     54

J59 Motion picture, video      60     57     56     65     39     55
and television programme
production, sound recording
and music publishing

J60 Programming and            13     15     6      24     23     43
broadcasting activities

J61 Telecommunications         4      21     20     17     18     18

J62 Computer programming,      29     25     23     46     26     22
consultancy and related

J63 Information service        11     10     11     17     17     16

L68 Real estate activities     6      28     66     66     64     50

M69 Legal and accounting       20     32     40     31     33     17

M70 Activities of head         8      1      5      4      4      2
offices; management
consultancy activities

M71 Architectural and          33     36     30     29     27     29
engineering activities;
technical testing and

M72 Scientific research and    20     14     10     11     17     36

M73 Advertising and market     42     27     41     50     52     42

M74 Other professional,        62     54     49     48     57     36
scientific and technical

M75 Veterinary activities      11     13     13     12     9      6

N77 Rental and leasing         54     47     49     68     67     39

N78 Employment activities      25     11     15     10     10     12

N79 Travel agency, tour        14     10     21     9      16     11
operator reservation
service and related

N80 Security and               16     23     17     13     19     36
investigation activities

N81 Services to buildings      2      2      3      1      1      1
and landscape activities

N82 Office administrative,     25     32     37     47     26     24
office support and other
business support activities

P85 Education                  17     18     20     13     13     15

Q86 Human health activities    35     17     21     21     14     16

R90 Creative, arts and         59     32     60     55     38     46
entertainment activities

R93 Sports activities and      67     68     2      57     59     4
amusement and recreation

S95 Repair of computers and    49     45     38     29     28     36
personal and household

S96 Other personal service     57     62     52     53     63     66


Industries                    Rank absolute changes
                              compared to 2006

                              2007   2008   2009   2010   2011

1                              8      9      10     11     12

A02 Forestry and logging       2      -4     1      2      1

A03 Fishing and               -19     21     6     -20    -21

B06 Extraction of crude        -3     0      0      0      -2
petroleum and natural gas

B08 Other mining and           1      0     -30    -33    -17

C10 Manufacture of food        18     10     34     28     12

C11 Manufacture of             -1     1      1     -22    -19

C13 Manufacture of textiles    0      0      11     12     33

C14 Manufacture of             -2     0      10     12     27
wearing apparel

C15 Manufacture of leather    -24    -10    -15    -15    -22
and related products

C16 Manufacture of wood        10     -5     1      8      4
and of products of wood
and cork, except furniture;
manufacture of articles of
straw and plaiting

C17 Manufacture of paper       -3     -7     0      13     0
and paper products

C18 Printing and              -20    -13     -4     -5     9
reproduction of recorded

C20 Manufacture of             13     23     31     39     42
chemicals and chemical

C21 Manufacture of basic       19     -1     11     24     10
pharmaceutical products and
pharmaceutical preparations

C22 Manufacture of rubber      0      -7     -2     1      -2
and plastic products

C23 Manufacture of other       0      -8    -21    -28    -33
non-metallic mineral

C24 Manufacture of basic      -20     6     -13    -24     -5

C25 Manufacture of             4      -1     5      -1     4
fabricated metal products,
except machinery and

C26 Manufacture of             2      40     30     40     31
computer, electronic and
optical products

C27 Manufacture of             3      5      1      17     24
electrical equipment

C28 Manufacture of            -10     4      9      10     2
machinery and equipment

C29 Manufacture of motor      -27     -7     0      0      -2
vehicles, trailers and

C30 Manufacture of other       5      7      14     26     6
transport equipment

C31 Manufacture of             28     17     30     27     28

C32 Other manufacturing       -19     -6     -5     0     -21

C33 Repair and installation   -18    -14    -11    -17    -36
of machinery and equipment

D35 Electricity, gas, steam    2      0      4      -3    -23
and air conditioning supply

E36 Water collection,          -1     -2     2      2      -4
treatment and supply

E38 Waste collection,          -9     1      11     29     22
treatment and disposal
activities; materials

F41 Construction of            -8    -16    -19    -18    -19

F42 Civil engineering          -7     -3     -9     -2    -26

F43 Specialised                1     -13    -24    -23    -21
construction activities

G45 Wholesale and retail       9     -26    -28    -20     -5
trade and repair of motor
vehicles and motorcycles

G46 Wholesale trade, except    10     2      3      6      -1
of motor vehicles and

G47 Retail trade, except of    -1     0      11     7      6
motor vehicles and

H49 Land transport and         -7    -22    -20    -12    -10
transport via pipelines

H50 Water transport            -4     -2     -7    -19    -60

H51 Air transport              33     56     33     -3     11

H52 Warehousing and support    -3     6      9      12     13
activities for

H53 Postal and courier        -14    -19    -27    -32    -15

I55 Accommodation              16    -20     10    -17     3

I56 Food and beverage          5     -24     3      -3     22
service activities

J58 Publishing activities      2      0      12     2      -6

J59 Motion picture, video      3      4      -5     21     5
and television programme
production, sound recording
and music publishing

J60 Programming and            -2     7     -11    -10    -30
broadcasting activities

J61 Telecommunications        -17    -16    -13    -14    -14

J62 Computer programming,      4      6     -17     3      7
consultancy and related

J63 Information service        1      0      -6     -6     -5

L68 Real estate activities    -22    -60    -60    -58    -44

M69 Legal and accounting      -12    -20    -11    -13     3

M70 Activities of head         7      3      4      4      6
offices; management
consultancy activities

M71 Architectural and          -3     3      4      6      4
engineering activities;
technical testing and

M72 Scientific research and    6      10     9      3     -16

M73 Advertising and market     15     1      -8    -10     0

M74 Other professional,        8      13     14     5      26
scientific and technical

M75 Veterinary activities      -2     -2     -1     2      5

N77 Rental and leasing         7      5     -14    -13     15

N78 Employment activities      14     10     15     15     13

N79 Travel agency, tour        4      -7     5      -2     3
operator reservation
service and related

N80 Security and               -7     -1     3      -3    -20
investigation activities

N81 Services to buildings      0      -1     1      1      1
and landscape activities

N82 Office administrative,     -7    -12    -22     -1     1
office support and other
business support activities

P85 Education                  -1     -3     4      4      2

Q86 Human health activities    18     14     14     21     19

R90 Creative, arts and         27     -1     4      21     13
entertainment activities

R93 Sports activities and      -1     65     10     8      63
amusement and recreation

S95 Repair of computers and    4      11     20     21     13
personal and household

S96 Other personal service     -5     5      4      -6     -9