A multiobjective model for passive portfolio management: an application on the S&P 100 Index.
Garcia, Fernando ; Guijarro, Francisco ; Moya, Ismael 等
1. Introduction
The increasing popularity of passive portfolio techniques is
probably due to the difficulty to model and predict the evolution of
stock markets (Jarrett, Schilling 2008; Teresiene 2009; Aktan et al.
2010). Index tracking seeks to minimize the unsystematic risk component
by imitating the movements of a reference benchmark--a stock index.
Faced with active management techniques that endeavor to beat the
underlying index, tracking portfolios in general and tracking indices in
particular, are configured as a powerful passive strategy.
Index Tracking can be full or partial depending on the number of
stocks that are considered.
In the case of full tracking, the portfolio includes the same
stocks as the index, and an exact tracking is produced if these stocks
are weighted in the same proportion as the index. The disadvantages of
full tracking include the high portfolio management and transaction
costs, as well as the need to invest in all the stocks in the index
despite they might have a minor weight in the index composition. Various
other drawbacks are mentioned in the literature (Ruiz-Torrubiano, Suarez
2009). A restrictive view of the costs associated with tracking
portfolios has also been discussed in numerous academic papers (Connor,
Leland 1995; Canakgoz, Beasley 2003) and the drawbacks are usually
addressed through mathematical programming models.
In partial tracking a manager builds a portfolio from a subset of
stocks contained in the underlying index and this process removes some
of the drawbacks listed above.
Three issues must be resolved when building a partial tracking.
Firstly, the number of stocks in the tracking must be chosen. An
evaluation can be made using sensitivity analysis on the results to
contrast the desirability of increasing or decreasing the cardinality of
the tracking portfolio (Tabata, Takeda 1995).
After setting the number of stocks, the second question involves
selecting the stocks among the available ones. The simplest approach is
to assess each potential stock, to measure the index tracking error, and
then select those stocks that minimize this deviation. Unfortunately
this approach is computationally difficult because it represents an
NP-hard problem (Ruiz-Torrubiano, Suarez 2009).
Finally, the third question involves the precise weight to be given
to each stock in the tracking portfolio, depending on the desired return
and the tracking error the manager is willing to assume.
The second issue of stock selection has received special attention
from researchers and many methods for finding the local problem optimum
have been proposed. These methods can be grouped into two broad
families: those that make use of mathematical programming, and those
using multivariate analysis techniques.
Without being exhaustive, authors using mathematical programming
models for optimal local searches include: Tabata and Takeda (1995),
whose approach is employed in this paper and discussed in a later
section; Beasley et al. (2003), whose approach uses a population
heuristic in which the cardinality of the portfolio is made explicit
through the restriction [N.summation over (i=1)] = n, n being the number
of stocks in the tracking portfolio, and [z.sub.i] a binary variable
that indicates if the i-th stock is to be included in the portfolio or
not; Derigs and Nickel (2004) use a procedure of Simulated Annealing;
Ruiz-Torrubiano and Suarez (2009) combine a genetic algorithm with a
model of quadratic programming in a more general formulation of the
problem; Gaivoronoski et al. (2005) use different measures of risk in
mathematical programming models, such as return variance, semi-variance,
tracking error variance, or value at risk (VAR).
Works that make use of multivariate analysis techniques include:
Focardi and Fabozzi (2004), Dose and Cincotti (2005), Corielli and
Marcellino (2006).
All these papers are characterized by the search for a single
portfolio, characterized up to three possible parameters: tracking error
variance, excess return and volatility of returns, which represent
reliability, profitability and risk (Rutkauskas, Stasytyte 2007). The
stocks in the tracking portfolio are identified during this process and
the given weighting complies with the constraints imposed on those
This paper proposes the addition of a new parameter: the curvature
of the mean-variance frontier. This criterion is not defined for a given
portfolio, but for the set of portfolios that define the tracking
frontier. The main advantage is that a fund manager can satisfy
different investment profiles using the same subset of stocks--with all
the portfolios on the frontier containing the same stocks and so
reducing transaction costs--and can also simultaneously consider
different criteria in the tracking index problem.
Usually partial tracking portfolio models have attempted to obtain
a single portfolio that will only satisfy those investors whose profile
is perfectly aligned with the configuration chosen by the portfolio
manager. If the investment profile changes, then the portfolio also
changes the stocks employed and not only the weights.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. The second section
analytically presents the three key concepts for tracking indices:
tracking error variance, excess return, and portfolio variance. The
following section introduces a new criterion, the curvature of the
tracking frontier, and discusses the benefits that arise from adding the
concept of gradient to the previous ones. The fourth section presents a
multiobjective programming model for generating tracking frontiers by
simultaneously considering all these parameters. In addition, various
other propositions regarding the curvature of the tracking frontier are
discussed and demonstrated. In the fifth section, the above model is
applied to the partial tracking of the S&P 100. A summary of the
main conclusions is presented in the final section.
2. Parameters in the tracking portfolio problem: tracking error
variance, excess return, and portfolio variance
Tracking error is defined as the absolute difference between
tracking portfolio returns and the returns produced by the tracked
index. Since the aim is for both portfolios to maintain a parallel
evolution over time, the problem is posed as a minimization of the
volatility in the tracking error. A reduction in the volatility of the
tracking error means minimizing the variance in returns between the
tracking portfolio and the stock index (Roll 1992). In this way, a clear
parallel with the mean-variance model (Markowitz 1952, 1959) is
established. However, with the difference that instead of looking for
the portfolio with the least volatility for a given return, managers try
to obtain the portfolio with the minimum tracking error variance for a
given level of return in excess of the index. These are the foundations
of the TEV (Tracking Error Variance) criterion:
(1) minimize the TEV; (2) assume a certain TE (Tracking Error1).
Both objectives are inherently conflicting, so the manager should look
for compromise solutions.
The TEV is given by the expression (1):
TEV = [x.sup.t]Vx, (1)
where: x--vector of dimension N x 1, contains the weightings
difference of the N stocks between the tracking portfolio and the index;
that is, x = [x.sub.p] - [x.sub.b], where [x.sub.p] is the vector of
weightings in the tracking portfolio and [x.sub.b] is the weighting
vector in the index (subscript b for benchmark). A full tracking is
obtained if all elements of x are zero, while non-zero deviations can
take risk-return positions that differ from the index. In the partial
tracking, the vector [x.sub.p] will have the same number of non-zero
elements as there are stocks included in the tracking, n and the
remaining weights will be left with a value of zero.
V--variance-covariance matrix for the stocks returns.
The excess return G on the index is obtained as the difference
between the returns of the tracking portfolio and the index (2):
G = [x.sup.t]R = [x.sup.t.sub.p]R - [x.sup.t.sub.b]R = [R.sub.p] -
[R.sub.b], (2)
where: R--vector of returns of N stocks.
[R.sub.p]([R.sub.b])--returns of the tracking portfolio (index).
Unlike other models, in the tracking portfolio the return in excess
G is obtained by subtracting the index return, and not the return of the
risk-free asset. The full tracking can be easily resolved by using a
quadratic mathematical model (3):
Min = [x.sup.t]Vx, s.t. [x.sup.t]R = G, [x.sup.t]1 = 0, (3)
where: 1--vector of dimension N x 1 with all the elements 1.
Note the need to explicitly include the constraint on G, since the
profitability of the tracking portfolio and the index can differ by a
constant, and the value of the TEV could paradoxically be zero. The
second constraint ensures that the total investment in the tracking
portfolio is the same as the index--and so the sum of positive and
negative deviations is compensated.
3. An additional parameter: the curvature of the TEV frontier
Model (3) enables to obtain different portfolios depending of the
value of excess return G. These different portfolios are obtained by
varying the weights of the stocks, and/or varying the stocks when the
tracking is partial. Markowitz's minimum variance frontier and TEV
frontier appear in Fig. 1. For the case of the full tracking, Roll
(1992) shows that the distance in the axis of the returns variance
between the two frontiers is constant k for any value of return
[R.sub.p]. Therefore, the TEV frontier is a simple shift of
Markowitz's frontier in the variance axis, and the inefficiency of
the index b can be quantified as [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], being constant for any portfolio on the tracking
The above property is not satisfied in the case of partial
tracking. Fig. 1 shows two TEV frontiers, each generated by removing a
single stock from the tracking. The TEV frontier [TEV.sub.-i]
([TEV.sub.-j]) results from the exclusion of the tracking of the i-th
stock (j-th). Generally, the removal of one or more stocks from the
tracking means a greater TEV without necessarily reducing the efficiency
of the portfolios. In the example in the figure, the [TEV.sub.-i]
frontier and the [TEV.sub.-j] frontier partially improve the efficiency
of the original TEV in the mean-variance sense. Specifically, both
frontiers generate better risk-returns in portfolios nearer to the
[R.sub.b] index than the TEV frontier in the full tracking. If the
[TEV.sub.-i] and [TEV.sub.-j] frontiers are compared then different
results will again be reached according to the considered return.
However, it must always be remembered that Fig. 1 only reflects risk and
return, and not TEV.
Fig. 1 shows the different curvature of the [TEV.sub.-i] and
[TEV.sub.-j] frontiers. It is precisely this characteristic that can be
very useful for the fund manager. The [TEV.sub.-j] frontier provides a
better risk-return combination than the [TEV.sub.-i] frontier for
portfolios with a return of [R.sub.p] [member of] [[R.sub.1], [R.sub.2]]
However, for returns outside this range, the [TEV.sub.-i] frontier
generates returns that are clearly better than the portfolios on the
[TEV.sub.-j] frontier. In this situation, the manager must consider
which of the two frontiers can best satisfy client profiles. For
conservative profiles that intend to simply mimic the index, the
[TEV.sub.-j] frontier is the most suitable, and so the j-th stock is
removed from the tracking. But if a return in excess G is required, then
the [TEV.sub.-i] frontier would be the best option. Therefore, not
considering the curvature of the tracking portfolio frontier means that
the proposed portfolios only satisfy specific values of risk, return and
TEV, without considering the possibly varying risk profiles of the
fund's clients. When choosing between two tracking frontiers for a
given value of G and with the same levels of risk-return and TEV, the
manager must select the frontier with less curvature--because this
enables more efficient options to be offered to investors. Examining the
curvature of the tracking portfolio enables the manager to make a more
global analysis of the offer presented to his/her clients. To achieve
this, we propose the entire TEV frontier to be necessarily examined and
not just a specific point on it.
We can conclude that the manager will have the following
preferences when evaluating tracking portfolios for the criteria
Assumption 1: Investment fund manager preferences:
a. Criteria concerning the tracking portfolio
a. 1 Return: portfolios with higher returns are preferred, ceteris
a. 2 Returns variance: portfolios with less risk are preferred,
ceteris paribus.
a. 3 TEV: portfolios with less TEV are preferred, ceteris paribus.
b. Criteria concerning the TEV frontier
b. 1 Curvature of the TEV frontier: TEV frontiers with less
curvature are preferred, ceteris paribus.
The following section presents a multiobjective mathematical
programming model that enables the simultaneous consideration of all
these preferences. This methodology has been widely published in the
field of operations research (Zeleny 1982; Steuer 1986), and is
currently used in many financial applications (Hallerbach, Spronk 2002).
4. A multiobjective approach to the problem of partially tracking
It is possible to consider the TEV frontier curvature, along with
other criteria already referred to in the literature (excess return,
return variance, and TEV) into the utility function (4):
U(p) = [w.sub.0][R.sub.p] - [w.sub.1][[sigma].sup.2.sub.p] -
[w.sub.2][TEV.sub.p] - [w.sub.3][[kappa].sub.f], (4)
where: [[kappa].sub.f]--represents the curvature of the TEV
frontier, of which portfolio p forms a part; [w.sub.i]--weights of each
criteria, with i = 0 ... 3.
Note that the curvature is defined on a frontier f, and not on a
given portfolio p, since the curvature is the same for all portfolios on
the frontier (the returns variance and the TEV are quadratic functions).
Given that in the tracking portfolios the manager fixes a value for
the parameter G, all of the portfolios evaluated with utility function
(4) obtain the same return Rp = Rb + G. In this way, (4) can be
simplified as (5):
U(p) = [w.sub.1][[sigma].sup.2.sub.p] - [w.sub.2][TEV.sub.p] -
[w.sub.3][[kappa].sub.f]. (5)
For convenience, the proposed model will be presented as a
minimization problem (6):
Max U(p) [equivalent to] Min (-U(p)) [equivalent to] Min
[w.sub.1][[sigma].sup.2.sub.p] + [w.sub.2][TEV.sub.p] +
[w.sub.3][[kappa].sub.f]. (6)
The multiobjective mathematical programming model is (7):
Min [w.sub.1][x.sup.t.sub.p]V[x.sub.p] + [w.sub.2][x.sup.t]Vx +
[w.sub.3][[kappa].sub.f], s.t. [x.sup.t]R = G, [x.sup.t]1 = 0, [x.sub.p]
= [x.sub.b] + x, (7)
where the only unknown element is the weightings vector x. Note
that no restrictions are included on the cardinality of the tracking
portfolio. For the application of model (7) it is necessary to address
three issues. The first relates to how to find a good solution within
the exponential number of portfolios that can be formed and limiting to
n the number of stocks in the tracking portfolio. The objective of model
(7) is to make a comparison between these portfolios using the utility
function, and not to generate a frontier. The second question to address
is how to calculate [[kappa].sub.f] the only parameter that has not yet
been derived analytically. Finally, there remains the determination of
the [w.sub.i] weights in the utility function. Each of these questions
is discussed separately in the following subsections.
4.1. Search for local optima
The greatest computational burden when solving an instance of model
(7) is calculating the curvature of the TEV frontier, as shown in the
following paragraph. In the example developed in a later section for the
tracking of the S&P 100 an adaptation of the algorithm proposed by
Tabata and Takeda (1995) has been used. This algorithm was chosen
because it is simple to implement and generates good local optima. The
algorithm ensures that the solution found cannot be improved unless two
or more stocks are changed in the tracking portfolio. For a better
understanding of the overall process, we present the adaptation of the
algorithm (2) to the multiobjective mathematical programming model (7)
(Algorithm 1).
Algorithm 1. Adaptation of the algorithm by Tabata and Takeda
(1995) Definitions:
[VAR.sub.p] (j, i)--change in return variance in tracking portfolio
p after substituting the i-th stock for the j-th stock.
[TEV.sub.x](j, i)--change in the TEV after substituting i-th stock
for the j-th stock in the portfolio with x weighting vector differences.
[[kappa].sub.f](j, i)--change in the curvature of the TEV frontier
after substituting the i-th stock for the j-th stock.
F(j, i)--function that evaluates the change in the objective
function after substituting the i-th stock for the j-th stock in the
tracking portfolio. Its value is calculated as
F (j, i) = [w.sub.1][VAR.sub.p](j, i) + [w.sub.2][TEV.sub.x](j, i)
+ [w.sub.3][[kappa].sub.f](j, i).
[S.sup.(m)](n) = set of stocks included in the tracking portfolio
in the m-th iteration, where n represents the cardinality of the
Step 0. s: = 0. Let [S.sup.(s)](n) be the initial set of stocks, n
Step 1. If an optimal solution has not been found for the
[x.sup.*.sub.n] weighting vector difference of [S.sup.(s)](n) and for
the objective function [F.sup.*.sub.x] it can be obtained using model
(7) by considering only those stocks in the [S.sup.(s)](n) set. Set j :=
n + 1.
Step 2. [x.sup.*.sub.n] := [x.sup.*(s).sub.n]. For
[S'.sup.(s).sub.j,i](n),(i = 1 ... n) calculate [F.sup.*.sub.x] -
[F.sub.x](j, i).
If [F.sup.*.sub.x] - [F.sub.x](j, q) = max{[F.sup.*.sub.x] -
[F.sub.x](j, i)} > 0, go to step 3. Otherwise, j := j + 1. If j >
N then j := n + 1, i: = 1, go to step 4.
Step 3. s := s +1, S(s)(n) := [S'.sup.(s-1).sub.j,q](n).
Return to step 1.
Step 4. For [S'.sup.(s).sub.j,i](n) calculate
[x'.sup.*(s).sub.n] and its corresponding [F.sub.x'](j, i). If
[F.sup.*.sub.x] - [F.sub.x'](j, i) > 0, then set s:= s+ 1,
[S.sup.(s)](n) := [S'.sup.(n-1).sub.j,i](n) and return to step 1.
Otherwise, perform i := i + 1. If i [less than or equal to] n, then j :=
j +1. If j [less than or equal to] n, set i := 1 and repeat step 4. If j
> n, the current solution [S.sup.(s)](n) and [x.sup.*.sub.n] is the
optimal local solution for building a tracking portfolio with n stocks:
4.2. The TEV frontier curvature
As Roll (1992) demonstrated, the full tracking TEV frontier is a
shift of Markowitz's minimum variance frontier, and the curvatures
of both frontiers necessarily coincide (Fig. 1). This section sets out
various propositions, including one that shows that the curvature of the
TEV frontier generated from a subset of n stocks matches the curvature
of the minimum variance frontier generated from the same n stocks.
The variance of a minimum variance portfolio p can be obtained by
analytically solving Markowitz's mean-variance model (8).
Min = [1/2] [x.sup.t.sub.p]V[x.sub.p], s.a. [x.sup.t.sub.p]R =
[R.sub.p], [x.sup.t.sub.p]1 = 1. (8)
Using the Lagrangian (9) method on this model, we can derive
expression (10).
[Laplace] = [1/2][x.sup.t.sub.p][Vx.sub.p] +
[[lambda].sub.1]([x.sup.t.sub.p]R - [R.sub.p]) +
[[lambda].sub.2]([x.sup.t.sub.p]1 - 1), (9)
can express the variance of the p portfolio using (10) such as
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.p] = [x.sup.t.sub.p][Vx.sub.p], and developing its
expression to arrive at a result which depends on a, b and c (11):
The [[kappa].sub.f] curvature of the frontier of minimum variance
is obtained as the second derivative of [[sigma].sup.2.sub.p] ith
respect to [R.sub.p] (12):
[[kappa].sub.f] = [[partial
derivative].sup.2][[sigma].sup.2.sub.p]/[partial derivative][R.sub.p] =
2c/ac - [b.sup.2]. (12)
This curvature matches the curvature of the TEV frontier if the
tracking is full. If the tracking is partial, the curvature cannot be
calculated using the expression (12), as the values of a, b, and c are
linked to the full set of stocks. Nevertheless, the following
proposition shows how the computation is equivalent to the curvature of
the minimum variance frontier generated using the same subset of stocks.
Proposition 1. The curvature of the TEV frontier generated from a
subset of n stocks has the same curvature as the minimum variance
frontier generated from the same subset of stocks (3).
Proposition 1 characterizes the case of a partial tracking that
Roll (1992) demonstrated for the full tracking. In this way, to
calculate the curvature of the TEV frontier in the partial tracking we
can use the expression (12) derived from Markowitz's model.
Proposition 2. The TEV frontier generated from a subset of n stocks
(n < N) is a shift of the minimum variance frontier obtained from the
same subset of stocks.
Proposition 2 presents an interesting difference between full and
partial tracking. In full tracking, the TEV frontier is only a shift in
the axis of variance of Markowitz's frontier. Therefore, all the
tracking portfolios share the same inefficiency [kappa], which is
identical to the inefficiency of the index that it replicates (Fig. 1).
In addition to this shift, a deviation appears in the axis of returns in
the partial tracking and this causes the inefficiency in the portfolios
in the tracking frontier to vary according to the required level of
return. In other words, the partial tracking minimum variance frontier
and the full tracking frontier are not parallel. This explains why
dominance in the mean-variance sense sometimes alternates between the
TEV frontier obtained with the partial tracking, and the frontier
obtained with the full tracking.
Proposition 3. The TEV frontier curvature generated from a set of n
stocks is less than the curvature of the TEV frontier obtained when
excluding one or more of those stocks.
Proposition 3 shows that the curvature increases when cardinality
of the considered tracking decreases.
4.3. Criteria weighting in the multiobjective utility function
The solution of the multiobjective programming model (7) depends on
the wi weights set for each of the three parameters considered in the
objective function. This section proposes a solution for objectively
quantifying these parameters:
Step 1. Apply Algorithm 1 with weights [w.sub.1] = 1 and [w.sub.2]
= [w.sub.3] = 0. Use the resulting vector [x.sup.*.sub.n] to calculate
the weight of the variance criteria of the tracking portfolio:
tracking portfolio defined by weight vector [x.sup.*.sub.n].
Step 2. Apply Algorithm 1 with weights [w.sub.2] = 1 and [w.sub.1]
= [w.sub.3] = 0. Use the resulting vector [x.sup.*.sub.n] to calculate
the weights of the TEV criteria: [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]. Step 3. Apply Algorithm 1 with weights [w.sub.3]
= 1 and [w.sub.1] = [w.sub.2] = 0. Use the [x.sup.*.sub.n] vector
resulting to calculate the weights of the curvature criteria:
of the TEV frontier generated with the stocks in the tracking portfolio.
The weight of each parameter is fixed in a way that is inversely
proportional to the solution --the ideal value--that is obtained when
applying Algorithm 1 to the corresponding monoobjective problem. The use
of ideal values in the calculation of the [w.sub.i] weights is common in
multiobjective programming (Ballestero, Romero 1991) and, more
specifically, in compromise programming. However, a trade-off matrix is
difficult to obtain, because anti-ideal values can arrive to infinity.
For instance, it is easy to calculate the ideal value of the tracking
portfolio variance: a positive and limited value. The anti-ideal value
is positive but not limited, so the trade-off matrix cannot be
Even so if the multiobjective frontier does not satisfy the
requirements of the investment fund manager, then the weights defined in
Steps 1-3 can be changed until a solution is found that better fits the
manager's preferences.
5. Application of the multiobjective model to the partial tracking
of the S&P100 Index
This section develops an application of the multiobjective model
(7) for obtaining tracking frontiers of the S&P 100. The data set
was obtained from the OR-Library (Beasley 1990), which has been used by
various researchers for comparing tracking portfolio algorithms (Beasley
et al. 2003; Ruiz-Torrubiano, Suarez 2009). The data includes the weekly
returns of the index and 98 of its represented stocks during the period
1992-1997. Although the data is not recent, it remains equally valid for
illustrating our proposal.
Before obtaining the tracking frontiers, two issues must be
resolved prior to the implementation of the multiobjective model: first,
the excess return required; and second, the number of stocks in the
portfolio. For the first case, the possibility of allowing for negative
returns on the underlying index (G < 0) was dismissed, as this would
assume that the investor is willing to receive a return below the index.
We have conservatively assumed that the investor is content with the
same return as the index (G = 0). With respect to the cardinality of the
portfolio, the results are presented considering 5, 7, 10, and 15
The adapted Tabata and Takeda (1995) (Section 4.1) algorithm was
used for the selection of the tracking portfolio stocks. The solution
proposed in section 4.3 was used for the [w.sub.i] eights. However, the
frontiers obtained were relatively close to the TEV frontier.
Accordingly, the criterion of the return variance was over-weighted.
Specifically, the weight was multiplied by [square root of n]. The
square root of n was used because it is a function with a negative
second derivative.
Table 1 shows the composition of the portfolios for the
multiobjective case and the three monoobjective possibilities: minimize
the variance of the tracking portfolio--optimization in the sense of
Markowitz ([w.sub.1] = 1, [w.sub.2] = [w.sub.3] = 0); minimize the TEV
([w.sub.2] = 1, [w.sub.1] = [w.sub.3] = 0); and minimize the curvature
of the tracking frontier ([w.sub.3] = 1, [w.sub.1] = [w.sub.2] = 0).
With the minimization of the variance, the portfolio with minimum
variance and identical return to the index is obtained (G = 0). Using
these stocks it is possible to generate a frontier of minimum variance
by changing the required return--following Markowitz's classic
mean-variance model. With the minimization of TEV the model selects the
stocks that also produce the minimum TEV for the case G = 0, and with
these same stocks the corresponding TEV frontier is also generated.
Finally, in the model for minimizing the curvature, stocks are selected
that minimize this expression and consider excessive returns to be null
in the same way. In all cases, the number of stocks in the portfolio was
limited to n.
Table 1 demonstrates how the composition of the portfolios varies
as cardinality increases. Together with the stocks, the ratio between
two numbers appears in brackets. The first is the number of stocks that
are repeated with respect to the portfolio with immediately inferior
cardinality. The second number is the cardinality. For example, for the
multiobjective model with n = 15, there are 7 stocks that are repeated
in the multiobjective portfolio with n = 10. Specifically, these are
stocks are 05, 13, 33, 53, 57, 65 and 81. Therefore, the portfolio with
n = 15 has inherited 7 of the 10 stocks that made up the portfolio with
n = 10 and so the ratio is 7/10. This offers an idea of the persistence
with which stocks are held when cardinality increases.
The results show that the mean-variance monoobjective model is the
most persistent in its stocks. The portfolio with n = 7 selects 4 out of
5 stocks from n = 5; and for n = 10 it is 6 of the 7 possible stocks;
while n = 15 inherits 10 of the possible stocks in the n = 10 portfolio.
Of the four models suggested, the model that generates the most variable
portfolios is the one that minimizes TEV.
Fig. 2 shows the frontiers obtained for each model on the
mean-variance plane according to the cardinalities considered in each
case. The frontiers are generated from the stocks shown in Table 1 by
simply varying the excess return required. For example, in the case n =
5, the frontier that minimizes the variance of the portfolio corresponds
to Markowitz's classical model when only considering the stocks 33,
38, 52, 57 and 65. These stocks correspond to the minimum variance
portfolio for G = 0 and so the portfolio at this point is less volatile
than the other frontiers at the same G = 0 point.
For nearly the entire spectrum of G values considered in the graph,
the minimum variance frontier dominates the two frontiers generated with
the monoobjective models: the TEV frontier and the frontier curvature.
However, this does not happen with the multiobjective model frontier.
For example, in the case n = 5 it can be seen how the minimum variance
frontier dominates the multiobjective frontier for weekly returns of
between 0.22% and 0.37% (annual returns of 12.1% and 21.2%
The greater curvature of the minimum variance frontier implies that
the distance between it and the multiobjective frontier grows rapidly
when [absolute value of G] ncreases. For example, if an investor wants a
weekly return of 0.45%, the risk of his position on the minimum variance
frontier would be 0.00046 when measured as the variance of return. The
investor who chooses the multiobjective frontier would assume a variance
of 0.00031. In other words, the variance recorded at the minimum
variance frontier would be 50% higher than the variance in the
multiobjective frontier.
Similar comments can be made for the remaining cardinalities. Fig.
2 shows that as the cardinality of the portfolios increases, the
frontier curvature decreases. This means the effect of including the
curvature in the multiobjective model is dissipated, because the
curvature of the minimum variance frontier is approaching the minimum
curvature frontier. The range of returns in which the minimum variance
frontier dominates the multiobjective frontier grows, albeit slowly. The
difference between the two frontiers also decreases as cardinality
increases. Therefore, the S&P100 can be efficiently tracked with 15
stocks with good results in the mean-variance plane. Adding more stocks
to the tracking would not generate an improvement beyond that observed
in Fig. 2.
Fig. 3 shows the frontiers in the mean-TEV plane when considering
the same cardinalities as in Fig. 2. It can be seen that the frontier
that minimizes the TEV approaches the position of the index as
cardinality in the portfolio increases. This frontier is preferred in
the case of n = 15 as it dominates the remaining frontiers in all the
considered return rates. Something similar occurs with n = 10. However,
if the number of stocks in the portfolio is restricted to 5, then the
excessive curvature means that the multiobjective frontier dominates
when returns are below 0.26% or are greater than 0.37%. This
relationship of dominance only becomes clear in the case n = 5 due to
the already mentioned overweighting of the return variance in the
multiobjective function (it has been multiplied by [square root of n].
Similarly, the weight of the criteria can be varied so the
multiobjective function tilts towards one in particular, depending on
the strategy defined by the fund manager.
6. Conclusions
Criticisms made about active investment fund management have
boosted the success of passive strategies.
Many authors have suggested that costs can be reduced by employing
heuristics for the partial tracking of portfolios. Researchers have made
use of a limited number of parameters in the selection of these stocks:
Tracking error variance (TEV) and return variance. Both criteria are
linked to the tracking portfolio, so the portfolio composition varies
with the level of return required. Accordingly, different returns can
mean that different stocks are considered in the tracking portfolio. In
the case a funds' manager wants to cover several risk profiles of
his/her clients, he/she should include different stocks in the
portfolios, and this represents an increase in transaction costs that
reduces the advantages of passive management in comparison to active
This paper considers a new parameter for use with the above:
Frontier curvature. This criterion is not defined for a given portfolio,
but for the set of portfolios that define the tracking frontier. The
main implication is that the manager can satisfy different investment
profiles using the same subset of stocks, with all the portfolios
containing the same stocks and so reducing transaction costs. To
appropriately satisfy his/her clients' profiles, only weights in
the portfolios shall be properly changed, always working with the same
For the joint consideration of these criteria we propose the use of
multiobjective mathematical programming. In this way the solution can
generate a new frontier as a consensus between the frontiers obtained by
separately considering each criterion.
The proposed model has been used for tracking the S&P 100. The
results show how the multiobjective frontier is balanced between
monoobjective frontiers. From a theoretical viewpoint, the generation of
multiobjective solutions is justified for partial tracking portfolios
for several reasons.
First, if only the TEV criterion is considered then naive solutions
could be obtained in many cases, meaning solutions dominated by stocks
with the highest market capitalizations. In such situations, the
application of heuristics for building tracking portfolios would not
offer a significant advantage with respect to a naive strategy of
selecting stocks on the basis of market capitalization.
Second, if only the variance of portfolio returns is considered,
then portfolios would be obtained whose future behavior would not
necessarily correspond with past behavior. This is one of the main
problems with the mean-variance model in which returns and the
covariance structure among stocks changes over time--negatively
affecting the predictive ability of models. This does not occur with TEV
models, where the recent history of stocks satisfactorily explains the
evolution of the index. Moreover, these models tend to retain their
explanatory power in the future. The reason is simple: there are many
stocks that maintain their influence and weight in the composition of
the index because of their substantial market capitalizations.
Third, the inclusion of the curvature of the tracking frontier as a
new criterion enables us to contemplate a wider range of investment
profiles. With this criterion, it is possible to go beyond the objective
of building a single tracking portfolio and to aim for a more general
goal: to obtain a tracking frontier that satisfies a larger number of
investors by using the same subset of stocks.
Caption: Fig. 1. The minimum variance frontier and various TEV
Caption: Fig. 2. Graphical representation of the return variance
versus the weekly returns for the multiobjective model and the three
monoobjective models. Cardinality: n = 5, 7, 10, 15
Caption: Fig. 3. Graphical representation of the TEV versus the
weekly returns for the multiobjective model and the three monoobjective
models. Cardinality: n = 5, 7, 10, 15
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(1) Alternatively, Rudolf et al. (1999) suggest using linear
measurements of tracking error, and propose the use of goal programming
for solving optimization models. This technique has also been recently
used by Wu et al. (2007).
(2) The adaptation of the Tabata and Takeda (1995) algorithm has
been programmed in R version 2.2.0. The authors will provide the code on
(3) The authors will provide the demonstration of the propositions
on request.
Fernando Garcia (1), Francisco Guijarro (2), Ismael Moya (3)
Departmento de Economia y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad
Politecnica de Valencia, Cami de Vera s/n, 46022 Valencia, Spain
E-mails: (1) fergarga@esp.upv.es (corresponding author); (2)
fraguima@upvnet.upv.es; (3) imoya@esp.upv. es
Received 01 December 2011; accepted 20 February 2012
Fernando GARCIA. PhD, is Associate Professor of Finance at the
Faculty of Business Administration and Management of the Universidad
Politecnica de Valencia. He has published several refereed papers in
international journals and international congress proceedings. His
research interest focuses on firm performance, globalization, risk
analysis and investment.
Francisco GUIJARRO. PhD, is Lecturer of Finance at the Faculty of
Business Administration and Management of the Universidad Politecnica de
Valencia. He has published several refereed papers in the European
Journal of Operational Research, Journal of the Operational Research
Society, Annals of Operations Research, Computers & Operations
Research, etc.
Ismael MOYA. PhD, is Professor of Finance and Dean at the Faculty
of Business Administration and Management of the Universidad Politecnica
de Valencia. He has published several refereed papers in Annals of
Public and Cooperative Economics, Energy Economics, European Journal of
Operational Research, Computers & Operations Research, Information
World, etc.
Table 1. Composition of the portfolios in the solution of
the multiobjective model and the three monoobjective models
Monoobjective models Multiobjective models
Cardinality [MATHEMATICAL Min portfolio
of the EXPRESSION NOT variance--Markowitz
portfolio REPRODUCIBLE IN ([w.sub.1] = 1,
ASCII] [w.sub.2] =
[w.sub.3] = 0)
n = 5 Stock 06, Stock 15, Stock 33, Stock 38,
Stock 38, Stock 60, Stock 52, Stock 57,
Stock 89 Stock 65
n = 7 Stock 05, Stock 19, Stock 13, Stock 33,
Stock 33, Stock 50, Stock 38, Stock 53,
Stock 52, Stock 53, Stock 57, Stock 65,
Stock 65 (0/5) Stock 80
n = 10 Stock 05, Stock 13, Stock 33, Stock 38,
Stock 19, Stock 33, Stock 52, Stock 53,
Stock 50, Stock 52, Stock 57, Stock 61,
Stock 53, Stock 57, Stock 65, Stock 75,
Stock 65, Stock 81 Stock 80, Stock 97
(7/7) (6/7)
n = 15 Stock 05, Stock 08, Stock 08, Stock 13,
Stock 13, Stock 33, Stock 33, Stock 38,
Stock 49, Stock 53, Stock 52, Stock 53,
Stock 57, Stock 65, Stock 57, Stock 61,
Stock 74, Stock 80, Stock 65, Stock 75,
Stock 81, Stock 84, Stock 80, Stock 81,
Stock 89, Stock 90, Stock 83, Stock 89,
Stock 97 (7/10) Stock 97
Multiobjective models
Cardinality Min tracking error Min tracking
of the variance - TEV frontier curvature
portfolio ([w.sub.2] = 1, ([w.sub.3] = 1,
[w.sub.1] = [w.sub.1] =
[w.sub.3] = 0) [w.sub.2] = 0)
n = 5 Stock 05, Stock 17, Stock 01, Stock 15,
Stock 59, Stock 79, Stock 51, Stock 84,
Stock 90 Stock 89
n = 7 Stock 05, Stock 17, Stock 08, Stock 34,
Stock 26, Stock 49, Stock 50, Stock 51,
Stock 53, Stock 74, Stock 60, Stock 68,
Stock 90 Stock 89
(3/5) (2/5)
n = 10 Stock 05, Stock 12, Stock 08, Stock 15,
Stock 18, Stock 19, Stock 34, Stock 50,
Stock 33, Stock 43, Stock 51, Stock 60,
Stock 53, Stock 59, Stock 68, Stock 75,
Stock 65, Stock 74 Stock 84, Stock 89
(3/7)) (7/7)
n = 15 Stock 05, Stock 14, Stock 05, Stock 08,
Stock 15, Stock 18, Stock 15, Stock 16,
Stock 35, Stock 38, Stock 22, Stock 25,
Stock 43, Stock 47, Stock 28, Stock 33,
Stock 49, Stock 53, Stock 34, Stock 53,
Stock 56, Stock 59, Stock 75, Stock 78,
Stock 63, Stock 66, Stock 84, Stock 89,
Stock 96 Stock 98
(5/10) (6/10)