A growth model for the Quadruple Helix.
Afonso, Oscar ; Monteiro, Sara ; Thompson, Maria 等
1. Introduction
Wishing to contribute to the growing literature on innovation
economies, we develop a R&D-based growth model with productive
public expenditure in order to provide the Quadruple Helix (QH)
innovation concept with a theoretical framework.
Today's economies are experiencing the emergence of a new
nature of innovation, which distinguishes itself from that in the
industrial era (OECD 2009), in which innovation consisted of
technological developments performed by experts and research
institutions in an environment characterised by a "silence is
golden" culture.
Nowadays, innovation consists of all activities that create value
by providing new solutions to concrete problems. Innovation arises as a
result of co-creation between firms, citizens, universities and
government, in a context marked by the existence of partnerships,
collaborative networks and symbiotic relationships. The QH model
describes this new economic environment.
The QH is a development of the Triple Helix (TH) innovation theory,
according to which the establishment of creative links between three
helices-Academia, Government and Industry-originates new knowledge,
technology or products and services that are conveyed in fulfillment of
society needs (e.g., Etzkowitz, Leydesdorff 2000; Etzkowitz, Klofsten
2005). Arguing that the TH is not sufficient for long-term innovative
growth, and wishing to emphasise the importance of integrating the
perspective of media-based and culture-based citizens, the QH adds a
fourth helix to the innovation system-Civil Society (e.g., Lijemark
2004; Khan, Al-Ansari 2005). As Barroso (2010) also writes, modern
economies' growth requires cooperation between all economic agents,
including social partners and Civil Society. Eriksson et al. (2005) also
argue that in user-oriented innovation, users (Civil Society) are
co-producers of innovation, their role being as important as those of
research institutions, government support organisations and companies.
According to the QH theory, a country's economic structure
lies then on four helices--Academia & Technological Infrastructures,
Firms, Government and Civil Society--, with economic growth being
generated through continuous innovations.
Wishing to frame theoretically the equally important role of all
the QH helices in economic growth, we develop a model that connects the
four pillars and investigate analytically their interactions and joint
impact on growth.
Assuming a one-sector-structure, our proposed QH model captures the
notion that the whole society is involved in innovation, which occurs as
a result of co-creation between the four helices, connected through
networks, partnerships and symbiotic relationships.
Innovations are materialised by specialised productive
units--Academia & Technological Infrastructures and Firms--that
interact with and complement each other, within a cooperative,
knowledge-sharing culture (e.g., Carayannis, Campbell 2006, 2009; Arnkil
et al. 2010; McGregor et al. 2010). Technological Infrastructures
consist in R&D infrastructures. They create networks, partnerships
and associations to undertake R&D, and supply technical products and
services (e.g., Etzkowitz, Leydesdorff 2000). As argued by Powell and
Grodal (2005), Technological Infrastructures are also crucial in the
codification of tacit knowledge in the form of finished inputs, hence
enabling the transfer of knowledge through networks. Governments provide
the financial support and the regulation system to promote the creation
of links between Academia and Firms (science parks, business incubators
and other bridge-institutions). Civil Society takes part in the economy
by producing, contributing to innovation and demanding higher quality,
forever innovative goods and services.
In the new innovation era, competing solely on pure technology has
become harder. No single innovative agent has the resources or the
competences to act alone. Interdependence of institutions is the result
of the emerging innovation economies (OCDE 2009). Firms still maximise
their profits, but business culture is changing from "silence is
golden" into "we share".
The concept of complementarities (see, e.g., Matsuyama 1995) seems
adequate to capture this new innovation era in which all benefit from
interaction, cooperation and knowledge-sharing. Hence, following
Thompson (2008), we assume the existence of complementarities between
all entities that contribute in an intermediate level to final-good
production--Academia & Technological Infrastructures and
Firms--which we name the Intermediate Productive Units (IPUs).
Additionally, we capture the costly nature of investment in
innovation, by assuming, also as in Thompson (2008), that there are
internal costs to investment in both manufacture and innovation.
The Government's role in the introduced model consists in
undertaking productive public expenditure on education, health,
infrastructures, technological and innovation services and regulations,
which increases the productivity of all inputs. We use a Barro's
(1990) government expenditure specification.
Civil Society is engaged in production and innovation and also has
a demand role, specified on the consumption side of our economy, where
citizens (Civil Society) wish to consume innovative goods and services,
all aggregated in the form of one final good.
The introduced model carries a second contribution to growth
literature in the sense that it is a R&D-based growth model with
public productive expenditure, which, according to Irmen and Kuehnel
(2009), is new to the literature on public expenditure and economic
The remainder of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2
describes the model and its main results. Section 3 closes up the paper
with some Conclusions.
2. Specification and results of the model
Innovation systems constitute environments in which public and
private organizations and institutions--governments, universities,
research centres, business communities, and funding/financing
organizations--collaborate with and compete between each other,
generating innovation through interaction of knowledge and information,
human resources, financial capital and institutions (Carayannis,
Campbell 2006, 2009). The participating elements in the QH innovation
concept are, then, Academia & Technological Infrastructures
(university laboratories and industrial R&D facilities), Firms,
Government and Civil Society.
Innovation processes are not easy to define or manage. According to
the Oslo Manual (OECD 2005), the strict definition of innovation is
difficult to attain due to the complexity of innovation processes and
the different ways in which they can occur according to types of firms
and industries. Generally, Academia plays an important role as a source
of knowledge and technology. However, the university-industry
relationships can be difficult for firms to manage. For instance, new
fields of knowledge with high rates of technological progress, like
Nano-Bio-TIC, offer promising commercial opportunities, but pose
considerable interaction problems between the different entities
As Yawson (2009) writes, before the 2000's the national system
of innovation was formed by: (i) a set of institutions, which jointly or
individually contributed to the development and diffusion of new
technologies; and (ii) the Government which implemented policies to
influence the innovation process. In the 2000's, however, new
concepts regarding innovation systems have emerged, such as innovation
systems, global networking in value added and innovation, customers and
users, systemic thinking and sustainable innovation.
West and Farr (1989: 16), for instance, define innovation as the
"... intentional introduction and application within a role, group
or organization of ideas, processes, products or procedures, (...)
designed to significantly benefit role performance of the group, the
organization or the wider society". For Johnson (1992), innovation
is a continuous cumulative process involving not only radical and
incremental innovation but also the diffusion, absorption and use of
innovation. For the OECD (2009), innovation consists in creating value
by developing new solutions to specific problems.
We aim to frame this wide definition scope for innovation while
also emphasising the idea that the new nature of innovation is essential
for smart, inclusive and sustainable economic growth (Europe's 2020
Strategy). Hence the introduced model carries the assumption that the
whole society takes part in the innovation process, i.e. we specify a
one-sector structure in which innovation is undertaken with the same
technology as that of manufacture, by the whole population.
Innovations are materialised in intermediate goods and services
(inputs). The final good (aggregate output) is produced using Labour
(Civil Society), public expenditure and all the existing inputs. Each
input's physical units are produced by Firms and Academia &
Technological Infrastructures.
The model needs to be understood in a circular perspective: All the
existing intermediate goods and services are used to produce aggregate
output. In turn, aggregate output can be either consumed or invested.
Investment consists of innovation expenditure plus physical capital
accumulation and is required to innovate and produce more intermediate
goods and services, so that the economy grows.
2.1. Production side--Technology Equation
The single final good (aggregate output) Y(t) is produced with
constant labour (all the economy's citizens, i.e., Civil Society)
L(t); public expenditure G(t); and the inputs (intermediate goods and
services) [x.sub.i](t), produced by a number A(t) of intermediate
productive units i, (i = 0 ... A). Each intermediate productive unit is
associated with one innovation i. Innovations arise as a result of
co-creation between Academia & Technological Infrastructures,
Government, Firms and Civil Society, in a one-sector structure
2.1.1. Government expenditure
The Government's role in this economy (our innovation system)
consists in providing a pure public good--in the form of government
expenditure on education, health, infrastructures, technological and
innovation services and regulations--, which increases the productivity
of all productive factors in the same way. That is, we follow Barro
(1990) and assume that productive government expenditure is a flow
variable. Thus, in Equation 1, the flow of productive government
expenditure G is a constant fraction [tau] of output Y for all t:
G(t) = [tau]Y(t), 0 < [tau] < 1. (1)
The government's budget is balanced in all periods. Assuming,
for simplicity, zero-public-debt and zero-consumption-taxes, the
government's budget constraint is:
G(t) = T(t) = [tau]Y(t). (2)
In Equation 2, T(t) are taxes, that is, total government revenue,
at time t.
2.1.2. Intermediate productive units (IPUs)
We assume that Academy & Technological Infrastructures and
Firms have an identical productive role in this economy. They constitute
the intermediate productive units (IPUs) i, (i = 0 ... A), and produce
the (physical) inputs [x.sub.i](t).
With the goal of capturing the "benefic-for-all"
interactions and cooperation between the existing IPUs in innovation
systems (e.g., Carayannis 2006, 2009), we assume that IPUs are
complementary to each other in the production of aggregate output.
Matsuyama (1995), for instance, regards complementarities as a relevant
feature of industrialised economies, essential in explaining economic
growth, business cycles and underdevelopment.
As in Thompson (2008), building on Evans et al. (1998), we specify
that the inputs of the IPUs enter complementarily in the production
function for Y(t).
2.1.3. Final good
The production function for Y(t) is Y(t) =
L[(t).sup.1-[alpha]-[beta]]G[(t).sup.[beta]][([[integral].sup.A(t).sub.0] [x.sub.i][(t).sup.[gamma]]di).sup.[phi]], which, substituting G(t) by
its equivalent according to Equation 1, becomes:
In Equation 3, the parameter restriction [gamma][phi] = [alpha] is
imposed to preserve homogeneity of degree one, and assumption
[phi]/[1-[beta]] > 1 is made so that the IPUs inputs [x.sub.i] are
complementary to one another; i.e., so that an increase in the quantity
of one input increases the marginal productivity of the other inputs.
Assuming that it takes one unit of physical capital K(t) to produce
one physical unit of any type of IPUs input, K(t) is related to inputs
[x.sub.i](t) by the rule:
K(t) = [[integral].sup.A(t).sub.0][x.sub.i](t)di. (4)
2.1.4. Innovation
An innovation consists in any project useful for concrete problem
solving, leading to the production of a technological or
non-technological manufactured good or service. We wish to capture the
idea that the whole society is involved in the innovation process.
Florida (2002), for instance, writes that creativity comes from all
kinds of people who are the critical resources of modern economies.
Karnitis (2006), for example, goes further, highlighting that all social
classes must work together in order to achieve common goals, with social
inclusion being a prerequisite for growth and development.
Participation of the whole society in the innovation process is
possible due to the development of new information and communication
technologies (Ginevicius, Korsakiene 2005), allowing individuals to be
more active in society.
Following Rivera-Batiz and Romer (1991), we assume the one-sector
structure in that innovation is undertaken with the same technology as
that of the final good and IPUs inputs. We further assume that
innovation i involves a cost equal to [P.sub.A] [i.sup.[xi]] units of
foregone output, where [P.sub.A] is the fixed cost of one new innovation
in units of foregone output, and [i.sup.[xi]] represents an additional
cost of innovation i in terms of foregone output, meaning a higher
innovation cost for higher indexed innovations. Like in Evans et al.
(1998), this extra cost is introduced in order to avoid explosive
Accommodating Anagnostopoulou (2008)'s argument, innovation
expenditure is specified as part of total capital investment expenses.
With zero depreciation for simplicity, total investment in each period
[??](t) is equal to physical capital accumulation K(t) plus innovation
expenditure [P.sub.A(t)][??]A[(t).sup.[xi]]:
Bearing in mind Equation 5, it follows that total capital W(t) is
equal to physical capital plus innovation capital:
W(t) = K(t) + [P.sub.A] [[A[(t).sup.[xi]+1]]/[[xi] + 1]] (6)
It will be later shown that, in a Balanced Growth Path (BGP), Y and
W in Equations 3 and 6, respectively, grow at the same rate, which means
that we can write aggregate output as a linear function of total
Y(t) = BW(t). (7)
In Equation 7, B is the marginal productivity of total capital,
which is constant in a BGP.
2.1.5. Costly investment
Agreeing with Benavie et al. (1996) and Romer (1996), our model
contemplates investment costs. Following Thompson (2008), we assume that
investment in total capital W(t) involves an internal cost, that is,
installing I(t) = [??](t) new units of total capital requires spending
an amount given by:
J(t) = I(t) + 1/2 [theta] I[(t).sup.2]/W(t). (8)
In Equation 8, C(I(t), W(t)) = 1/2 [theta] I[(t).sup.2]/W(t)
represents the Hayashi's (1982) installation cost, with [theta]
> 0 standing for the adjustment cost parameter.
Closing up this one-sector-framework, the economy's budget
constraint is given by Equation 9:
I(t) + 1/2 [theta] I(t)/W(t) = Y(t) - G(t) - C(t) (9)
The equilibrium investment rate maximises the present discounted
value of cash flows. The current-value Hamiltonian is:
H(t) = BW(t) - I(t) - 1/2 [theta] + I[(t).sup.2]]/[W(t)] +
q(t)I(t). (10)
In Equation 10, q(t) is the market value of capital and the trans
versatility condition of this optimization problem is [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], with r representing the real
interest rate. We solve the model for a particular solution, the BGP,
for which growth rates are constant. We will suppress the time argument
from now onwards, whenever that causes no confusion. Having in mind that
the growth rate of output is [g.sub.Y] = [g.sub.W] = g = I/W, the
first-order condition, [partial derivative]H/[partial derivative]I = 0,
is equivalent to:
q = 1 + [theta]g (11)
Equation 11 says that, in a BGP solution, q is constant. The
co-state equation, [partial derivative]H/[partial derivative]I = rq -
[??], is equivalent to:
[??] = rq - (B + 1/2 [theta][g.sup.2]),
which, in a BGP solution, becomes:
q = [B + 1/2 [theta][g.sup.2]]/r. (12)
Equation 12 also implies a constant interest rate r.
Let us now build the Technology Equation. Final good producers are
price takers in the market for inputs. In equilibrium they equate the
rental rate on each input with its marginal productivity. The demand
curve faced by each IPU is given by Equation 13:
Turning now to the IPUs' production decisions: Once invented,
the physical production of each unit of the input requires one unit of
capital. In each period, the monopolistic IPU maximises its profits,
taking as given the demand curve for its good:
which leads to the mark-up rule in Equation 14:
[R.sub.j] = rq/[gamma]. (14)
At time t, in order to enter the market and produce the Ath input,
an IPU must spend upfront an innovation cost given by [P.sub.A]
A[(t).sup.[xi]], where, as mentioned earlier, [P.sub.A] is the fixed
cost of one new innovation, in units of foregone output, and
[i.sup.[xi]] represents an additional cost of innovation i in terms of
foregone output. Hence, the dynamic IPU's zero-profit condition
[P.sub.A]A[(t).sup.[xi]] =
[[integral].sup.[infinity].sub.t][e.sup.-r(s-t)] [[pi].sub.j](s)ds is,
assuming no bubbles, equivalent to:
[xi][g.sub.A] = r - [[pi].sub.j]/[P.sub.A][A.sup.[xi]]. (15)
The model's symmetry implies that [R.sub.j](t) = R(t),
[x.sub.j](t) = x(t) and [[pi].sub.j](t) = [pi](t). Hence R(t) is
rewritten as:
is a constant. Then, profits [pi](t) = (1 - [gamma])R(t)x(t) are given
by Equation 17:
with [[OMEGA].sub.[pi]] = (1 - [gamma])[[OMEGA].sub.R]. And x is
equal to:
x = [A.sup.[xi]][([[OMEGA].sub.R]/R).sup.1-[beta]/(1-[beta])-[alpha]] (18)
In Equation 18, we impose the parameter restriction [xi] = [[phi] -
(1 - [beta])]/[(1 - [beta]) - [alpha]], so that we can obtain a BGP
solution (see Evans et al. 1998).
In a balanced growth path, the interest rate and the shadow-value
of capital are constant and hence so is R. It then follows, from
Equation 16, that we must have
([[phi] - 1 + [beta]]/[1 - [beta]])[g.sub.A] = -([[alpha] - 1 +
[beta]]/[1 - [beta]])[g.sub.x], that us [g.sub.x] = [xi][g.sub.A], [xi]
= [[phi] - (1 - [beta])]/[(1 - [beta]) - [alpha]].
Symmetry also implies that Equation 4 simplifies to K = Ax, meaning
that [g.sub.K] = (1 + [xi]) [g.sub.A] Likewise, the production function
can now be written as Equation 19:
whose time-differentiation gives [g.sub.Y] = ([[phi] +
[alpha][xi]]/[1 - [beta]])[g.sub.A] = (1 + [xi])[g.sub.A], allowing us
to change Equation 15 into:
Equation 20 is our Technology Equation. It unites the equilibrium
BGP pairs of interest rate and economic growth rate (r, g) on the
production side of this economy.
2.2. Consumption side--the Euler Equation
Civil Society is composed, in this model, by all citizens of the
economy, assumed to be infinitely lived, homogeneous, well informed and
cultivated. Civil Society wishes to consume innovative goods and
services, all aggregated in the form of final good Y whose production
requires innovation.
Analytically, we can simply adopt the standard specification for
intertemporal consumption, as it enables us to convey our interpretation
of Civil Society's demand role. Hence, citizens solve an
intertemporal optimization problem, that is, they maximise the
discounted value of their representative utility (Equation 21), subject
to a budget constraint (Equation 22):
s.t. [??](t) = rE(t) + w(t) - C(t) - T(t), (22)
where variable C is consumption of Y in period t, p is the rate of
time preference, and 1/[sigma] is the elasticity of substitution between
consumption at two periods in time. Variable E stands for total assets,
r is the interest rate, w is the wage rate, and it is assumed that each
inhabitant provides one unit of labour per unit of time. The
ASCII], where [mu](t) is the shadow price of assets. The resulting Civil
Society's consumption decisions (in terms of long run consumption
growth) are given by the familiar Euler Equation 23:
[g.sub.c] = [??]/C = 1/[sigma] (r - [rho]). (23)
2.3. General equilibrium
2.3.1. Analytical solution
Time-differentiation of the investment Equation 5, [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], tells us that W grows at the same
rate as Y, that is [g.sub.W] = (1 + [xi])[g.sub.A].
Then, the economy's budget constraint Equation 9 tells us that
a constant growth rate of W implies that consumption grows at the same
rate as output. In fact, [??] = Y - G - C - 1/2[theta]I[(t).sup.2]/W(t),
is equivalent to:
[g.sub.W] = Y/W - G/W - C/W - 1/2 [theta][g.sup.2] (24)
According to Equation 24, a constant [g.sub.W] requires that
the same rate as Y, then C must also grow at the same rate as Y. Summing
up, with labour constant, the per-capita economic growth rate is given
by [g.sub.C] = [g.sub.Y] = [g.sub.K] = [g.sub.W] = g = (1 +
Hence, the general equilibrium solution is obtained by solving the
system of the two Equations 20 and 23, in two unknowns, r and g.
Recalling Equation 11, the system to be solved is:
We impose restriction r > g > 0 so that (i) present values
will be finite; and (ii) our solution(s) have positive interest and
growth rates.
The Euler Equation 23 is linear and positively sloped in the space
(r, g). The Technology Equation 20 is nonlinear, as shown in the
Appendix. The model delivers, however, a unique solution.
Proposition 1. The QH innovation model has a unique solution for
[sigma] > 1 and [[[OMEGA].sup.1-[alpha]-[beta]]/[1-[beta]]] >
Proof. Defining two new variables and rewriting our system, we can
show that the proposed model has a unique solution. Our new variables
Y = [theta]g; Z = r(1 + [theta]g),
which allows us to rewrite the system as:
In Equation 26, [omega] = [alpha]/[(1-[beta])-[alpha]], [lambda] =
[theta][OMEGA]/[[[sigma] - [xi]]/[1+[xi]]], [mu] = [rho][theta]/[[sigma]
- [xi]/[1 + [xi]], [eta] = [rho][theta]/[sigma]
Our restrictions become Y > 0, Z > 1/[theta] Y (Y +1).
To ensure that r > g, we impose [sigma] > 1 so that the Euler
Equation 23 lies above the 45[degrees] line. This implies that [lambda],
[mu] and [eta] are all positive. Hence, the first equation of the
rewritten system defines a strictly decreasing curve Y [??] Z(Y) from
Z(0) = [([OMEGA]/[rho]).sup.1/[omega]] to Z([infinity]) = 0, while the
second equation defines a strictly increasing curve Y [??] Z(Y). from
Z(0) = [rho] to Z([infinity]) = [infinity]. Thus, the system has a
unique solution in the region Y > 0 iff [OMEGA] >
[[rho].sup.[omega]+1](which is equivalent to
[[OMEGA].sup.1-[alpha]-[beta]/1-[beta]] > [rho]]). The second
restriction is also met because Z = [[sigma]/[theta]] (Y + 1)(Y + [eta])
> 1/[theta] Y (Y +1).
2.3.2. Numerical solutions
Given the nonlinearity of the Technology Equation, we resort to
solving the system through a numerical exercise. For the numerical
determination of our unique general equilibrium solution, the invariant
parameter values considered are:
[sigma] = 2; [rho] = 0.02; [alpha] = 0.4; [beta] = 0.3; [gamma] =
0.1; [phi] = 4; [xi] = 11; L = 1; [tau] = 0.15,
where the values for [alpha], [gamma] and consequently [phi] =
[alpha]/[lambda] are the same as those used by Evans et al. (1998) in
their numerical example. Consequently [xi] = [[phi] - (1 - [beta])]/[(1
- [beta]) - [alpha]] = 11. The values for the preference parameters
[sigma] and [rho] are in agreement with those found in empirical studies
such as Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1995). The value for parameter [tau] is
in agreement with Irmen and Kuehnel (2009). Population is often chosen
to have unity value, so as not to give relevance to the scale-effects
prediction that growth depends on the size of the economy, present in
many growth models.
We then obtain several possible general equilibrium solutions for
different values of parameters [theta] and [P.sub.A]. The chosen values
for [theta] and [P.sub.A] are in line with Whited (1992) and Connolly
and Valderrama (2005), respectively (Table 1).
For expositional purposes, selecting the combination [theta] = 1.5
and [P.sub.A] = 6, the system in Equation 25 is:
Figure 1, with r on the horizontal axis and g on the vertical axis,
shows the BGP general equilibrium of this economy for the chosen
parameters values. We can add that higher values of [theta] and
[P.sub.A] (for instance, [theta] = 50 and [P.sub.A] = 100) do not alter
significantly the configuration of the model.
2.3.3. Additional results
Corollary 1. Everything else constant, an increase in the public
investment parameter, [tau], leads to an increase in the equilibrium
growth rate.
Proof. Looking at the rewritten model (26):
naming our curves (A) and (B), curve (A) is positively sloped and
curve (B) is negatively sloped in the space (Z, Y). An increase in [tau]
implies an increase in [OMEGA], meaning that curve (B) shifts to the
right. The new equilibrium has higher values for Z and Y, as illustrated
in Figure 2. Given that g = Y/[theta], this implies a higher value for
the growth rate (dr = 0). 0
Corollary 2. Everything else constant, an increase in the
complementarities parameter, [phi]/[1-[beta]], leads to an increase in
the equilibrium growth rate.
Proof. As in Corollary 1, an increase in [phi]/[1-[beta]] implies
an increase in a, hence an increase in [OMEGA], meaning that curve (B)
shifts to the right. The new equilibrium has higher values for Z and Y,
as illustrated in Figure 2. Given that g = Y/[theta], this implies a
higher value for the growth rate (dr = 0).
3. Conclusions
We have developed a R&D-based growth model with productive
public expenditure in order to provide the QH innovation concept with a
first analytical theoretical framework. Within the introduced model, we
analyse questions concerning productive public expenditure, the
importance to economic growth of complementarities between the different
productive units in innovation economies, the relevance of considering
the costly nature of investment, and policies to achieve higher economic
As Carayannis and Campbell (2009) refer, QH encompasses structures
and processes of the gloCal Knowledge Economy and Society. Innovation
systems generate a democracy of knowledge, whose creation is
transdisciplinary, non-linear, hybrid and shared. Yawson (2009), for
example, writes that advances in biotechnology, ICT and nanotechnology
have stimulated innovation and convergence, but at the same time, have
revealed the importance of adequate regulations, and have introduced a
need for society awareness. Civil Society has thus become an essential
helix of innovation systems. The developed QH model considers the
innovation economy with four helices: Academia & Technological
Infrastructures (university laboratories and industrial R&D
facilities), Firms, Government and Civil Society, all equally important
for smart, inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
The emerging new nature of innovation carries the implication that
no single innovative agent has the resources or the competences to act
alone. Interdependence of institutions is, indeed, the distinguishing
feature of innovation economies. Specifying the beneficial interactions
and cooperation between productive units through the presence of
complementarities between all the intermediate productive units, the
introduced model conveys analytically the result that an increase in
complementarities in the innovation economy does increase economic
Yawson (2009) also argues that the QH innovation theory can give
orientation in regard of economic policy. Recognizing that innovation by
creative citizens determines the success of a country's innovation
strategy, innovation systems start with a national innovation goal,
which is interpreted through the four helices' perspectives in an
integrated form. In the QH innovation model here proposed, Government
provides a pure public good, in the form of productive expenditure on
education, health, infrastructure, technological and innovation services
and regulations, which increases the productivity of all inputs. The
model illustrates analytically that an increase in productive public
expenditure does increase the economic growth rate of QH economies.
Having framed analytically the new nature of innovation and its
impact on economic growth, the next step is to capture this economic
dynamics empirically. As Godin (2011) discusses, to measure a
country's innovation performance and its impact on the
country's economic performance constitutes a true challenge.
doi: 10.3846/16111699.2011.626438
In order to analyse the shape of the Technology Equation (20), and
as it is impossible to isolate r on one side of the equation, we rewrite
it as F(r, g) = 0 and apply the implicit function theorem, so as to
obtain, in the neighbourhood of an interior point of the function, the
derivative dr/dg:
F(r,g) = [xi]g - (1 + [xi])r + (1 +
[xi])[[OMEGA].sub.Y][r.sup.-[alpha]/1-[beta]-[alpha]][(1 +
[theta]g).sup.- [alpha]/1-[beta]-[alpha]] = 0
which leads to:
Hence, our nonlinear Technology Equation is positively sloped when:
and negatively sloped otherwise.
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Oscar Afonso (1), Sara Monteiro (2), Maria Thompson (3)
(1) Faculty of Economics, University of Porto, CEFUP, OBEGEF,
NIFIP, R. Roberto Frias, 4200-464 Porto, Portugal
(2) Faculty of Law, Nice Sophia Antipolis University, CEMAFI, 06050
Nice Cedex, France
(3) Department of Economics, University of Minho, NIPE, 4710-057
Braga, Portugal E-mails: 1oafonso@fep.up.pt (corresponding author);
Received 11 April 2011; accepted 19 September 2011
Oscar AFONSO has obtained MA and PhD degrees in Economics from the
University of Porto. He is Assistant Professor at Faculty of Economics,
University of Porto, and researcher at CEFUP (Center in Economics and
Finance) and OBEGEF (Observatory in Economics and Management of Fraud).
He has published a book, book chapters and articles in Acta Oeconomica,
Advances in Management and Applied Economics, Applied Economics, Applied
Economics Letters, Economic Modelling, Economics Letters, Ekonomiaz,
Economics Research International, European Research Studies Journal,
Intereconomics, International Economic Journal, International Trade
Journal, Japanese Economic Review, Journal of International Trade and
Economic Development, Manchester School, Open Business Journal and
Review of World Economics. He has been teaching Computational Economics
(Doctoral Program in Economics), Economic growth (Master and Doctoral
Program in Economics), Macroeconomics (Undergraduate Economics) and
International trade (Undergraduate Economics).
Sara MONTEIRO has obtained degree in Economics from the University
of Coimbra and MA degree from the University of Nice with empirical work
where it has been tested the integrated model IMF-WB using Mozambique
source data. She's finishing a PhD Thesis in subject of Human
Capital, Technological Diffusion and Economic Growth at CEMAFI at
university of Nice, France. She has successfully achieved a PhD Academic
Program in "Innovation, Knowledge and Governance" subject in
Coimbra University. She has successfully finished post-grade in
Entrepreneurial and Enterprise Creation in Indeg-Iscte Business School,
Lisbon. She's member of Eurofact IEE-European Think Thank where she
produces scientific and political documents about Europe and leads the
Innovation and Technological Working Group. She's also corporate
member of Nanotechnology Atlantic Center International Organization
(NanoAC) managed by University of Aveiro. She has close participation in
the following business networks: GASD to promote the European Maritime
Cluster, Living Labs, Fab Labs (MIT), Incubator Forum, UTEN-Austin
University, EuropaBio, EBN-European Business Network, Fraunhofer IGC.
She's Executive Manager at P-Bio-Portugal's Biotechnology
industry. She's also Executive Manager at Instituto Pedro
Nunes-TecBIS from the University of Coimbra where she's in charge
by Business Internationalization.
Maria THOMPSON has obtained MSc and PhD degrees in Economics from
the University of Warwick. She is Assistant Professor at the School of
Economics and Management, University of Minho, and researcher at NIPE
(Economic Policies Research Unit). She has published articles in Journal
of Economics, Economic Modelling, Journal of International Trade and
Economic Development, Open Journal of Economics. She teaches Economic
growth (Master and Doctoral Program in Economics), Macroeconomics
(Undergraduate Degree in Economics) and Macroeconomics (Master Program
in Markets and Economic Policy and Master Program in Monetary and
Financial Economics). The main research topic is economic growth.
Table 1. General equilibrium solutions
[P.sub.A] = 1 [P.sub.A] = 6 [P.sub.A] = 15
[theta] = 1.5 g = 0.0395 g = 0.0180 g = 0.0117
r = 0.0811 r = 0.0379 r = 0.0254
[theta] = 2 g = 0.0391 g = 0.0179 g = 0.0117
r = 0.0802 r = 0.0377 r = 0.0255
[theta] = 3 g = 0.0383 g = 0.0177 g = 0.0116
r = 0.0787 r = 0.0374 r = 0.0252