Enterprise resource planning systems implementation as a complex project: a conceptual framework/Imones istekliu planavimo diegimas kaip kompleksinis projektas: koncepcinis modelis.
Ghosh, Saumyendu ; Skibniewski, Miroslaw J.
1. Introduction
Prior research has provided valuable insights into how and why
employees make a decision about adoption and use of information
technologies (ITs) in the workplace. From an organizational point of
view, however, the more important issue is how managers make informed
decisions about interventions that can lead to greater acceptance and
effective utilization of IT (Venkatesh and Bala 2008). Project
management has been dominated by the hard paradigm in which reductionist
techniques such as work breakdown structures and critical path analysis
are used to manage projects. These tools and techniques are fairly well
suited to the management of single projects and it is therefore
unsurprising that industry is overwhelmingly dominated by the single
project paradigm (Aritua et al. 2009).
ERP systems, also called enterprise systems (ES) are among the most
important business information technologies that emerged during the last
decade (Chung et al. 2008). Transforming a core business process
requires intensive cooperation among executive peers and therefore for
ERP adoption process which involves multiple business units, require a
confrontation of reality, both external and internal (Chen et al. 2009;
Miles 2010). Total cost of ownership, which is critical is measuring
success (Jasilioniene and Tamosiuniene 2009) of any product based
implementation, it can only be measured if all the internal and external
variables are considered properly.
There have been very limited studies in investigating ERP in the
project management domain or exploring the integrated applications of
project management practices. The current project management methodology
has failed to provide tools and techniques for successful ERP
implementations. Adopting and implementing appropriate project
managements principles, tools, and techniques to manage large and
complex application projects is one of the most important management
decisions for managing any enterprise application implementation. And
project managers are required to be empowered to execute. An ERP
implementation is not merely a "computer project", it is
strategic and must be approached as such. ERP systems are integrated
applications with an impact on the entire organization (Aloini et al.
A lot of research has been done during last decade about the
success and failures of ERP implementations (Helo et al. 2008). Most
data came from survey and case studies without going into fundamentals
on impact of project management tools and techniques for ERP project. A
theory of ERP implementation approach must address the integrity and
application of a project management methodology, establish relationship
with implementation partners and vendors and include strategies for
empowerment, fairness, and accountability during the implementation life
cycle. The result of that relationship should be that the project
manager is rigorously in control and, simultaneously, management
methodology is optimally established process and procedure to manage a
project involving multiple partners without direct hierarchical
reporting structure. Three main components affect the level of
satisfaction of an ERP user: "interaction with the IT
department", "pre-implementation processes", and
"ERP product and adaptability" (Longinidis and Gotzamani
2009). In this paper, we attempt to reconcile these diverse arguments,
following complex organization structure involved in any enterprise
application implementations.
Often ERP implementations may require going against conventional
wisdom to be successful (Luo and Strong 2004). However no further study
has been done to established a new methodology to implement ERP systems.
We also discuss ERP project as a complex adaptive system that all ERP
projects are different and require project governance and management in
place to adapt to interconnectedness, communication and control over
different stakeholders involved with any non-hierarchical relationship.
2. Background
2.1. ERP literature review
Three distinct research streams are identified for ERP related
research. The first provides a comprehensive overview of the ERP systems
(Gupta 2000; Rao 2000; Chen 2001; Kerbache 2002; Payne 2002). These
articles cover such aspects as research agendas, motivations and
expectations and proposals on how to analyze the value of ERP systems
(Esteves and Pastor 2001).
The second stream focuses on the details associated with ERP
implementations and their relative success and cost. The articles in
this stream include topics such as implementation procedures, critical
success factors, pitfalls and complexities in ERP implementations and
successful strategies for effective ERP implementations. Esteves and
Pastor (2001) classify the publications related to the implementation
phase into four main topics: implementation approaches, implementation
success, other implementation issues, and implementation case studies.
The third stream focuses on the theoretical research models that
have been developed to cover aspects such as usage of modeling tools
applied in ERP contexts, new business modeling approaches and
comparisons between processes.
Critical success factors are also quite well studied. There is the
need to develop approaches to put in practice and manage the critical
success factors identified in some studies. For a detailed reference on
critical success factors for ERP implementations, refer to Moon's
article (Moon 2007).
Most frequently documented risk factors for ERP implementations
are: a) inadequate selection of application, b) ineffective strategic
thinking and planning strategic, c) ineffective project management
techniques and bad managerial conduction, d) inadequate change
management and e) inadequate training (Aloini et al. 2007). Both of a
and b activities are identified to be project governance
responsibilities (Grembergen and Hass 2008), c is a project management
activity which can only be successful if project governance empowers
project managers properly, and d and e are project management activity.
Other documented management practices with correlations with
implantation success are: explicitly defined information technology
strategy, strategic alignment and management commitments (Bernroider
ERP implementations support multiple business areas (Umble et al.
2003; Skibniewski and Ghosh 2009) and introduce business process changes
in the organization (Ross 1999; Kwahk and Lee 2008). ERP implementations
are also expected to improve business process; consultants and solution
providers can only provide the expertise how to knowledge base how the
ERP package works (Helo et al. 2008; Sledgianowski et al. 2008).
Readiness for change was found to be enhanced by two factors:
organizational commitment and perceived personal competence (Kwahk and
Lee 2008). However product knowledge about the ERP application is
provided by software vendor and consultants (Helo et al. 2008) and
should be part of the governance process. ERP projects are complex: PMP
(2001) found that the average implementation time of an ERP project was
between 6 months and 2 years and that the average cost is US$1 million
(Aloini et al. 2007).
2.2. ERP systems as 'Business Enablers' Mankins and
Steele (2005) pointed out that to ensure good performance in a company,
it is required to use a rigorous framework and use common business
processes during any system implementation. ERP systems integrate the
data and processes of an organization into one single system. ERP
systems are software packages composed of several modules, such as human
resources, sales, finance and production, providing cross-organization
integration of data through embedded business processes. Also
implementation must balance resistance to change and application of
change management required (Davidaviciene 2008), can only be achieved
using a pluralist approach. Therefore ERP project management should have
systemic pluralist approach to manage complex IT projects (Williams
2002) like ERP implementations.
ERP systems provide seamless integration of business functions by
providing them access to the information they need (Ghosh et al. 2010).
Organizations using ERP have achieved savings by eliminating many
different and often incompatible legacy systems as well as streamlining
business processes (Jenson and Johnson 2002).
Therefore success of ERP projects is also measured by how much
financial, efficiency gain or productivity gain the implementation
created for the ERP adopter. Project management methodology for ERP
systems therefore must work with all stakeholders so that overall value
of implementation can be understood across the organization.
2.3. Complex project
While many project managers use the term a complex project, there
is no clear definition about what is meant beyond the general acceptance
that it is something more than simply a 'big' project
(Williams 1999). This paper does not aim to give a definitive definition
of complex ERP projects either. It aims to be inclusive rather than
exclusive, to encourage discussion of all of the dimensions of
complexity as it applies to ERP projects relative to CSF and RFs, as
well explain different types properties of complexities involved in any
ERP implementation and how best to manage and govern such
implementations. The paper considers whether these aspects can be first
conceptualized, and gives some ideas about why project complexity might
be considered to be different between different sub-domains within a
As stated by Peter Drucker, enterprises are paid to create wealth,
not to control costs and projects are means to create wealth in the
enterprise. This obvious fact is not reflected in traditional
measurements (Drucker 1995). Business models were thought to be able to
make decisions and might even be able to run much of the business. These
models have drastically changed tasks associated with running a project.
However since ERP touches several business areas, project managers are
required to focus of creating wealth for the ERP adopter and therefore
success of ERP implementation is measured by the wealth the ERP
implementation created for the ERP adopter.
There has been a wide range of literatures discussing complex
projects within the domain of project management since the late 1990s.
Remington and Pollack (2008) recommended using four types of
complexities involved in a project. Sauer and Reich (2009) showed that
we need to think project managers to have cognitive and affective (or
emotionally intelligent) qualities to rethink their practice and whether
a new kind of individual will be required to be tomorrow's IT
project manager. Sauer and Reich (2009) also showed that project
managers must focus on ultimate value, investment in trust, devolved,
collective responsibility and willingness to continually adapt. All of
these qualities go against the fundamental concept of project as a short
term endeavor with specific begin and end. For our purpose of this
paper, we consider four types of complexities: structural, technical,
directional and temporal complexities (Remington and Pollack 2008). The
purpose of this paper is to review CSFs and RFs currently identified in
the literature and how project complexities can provide a new approach
to achieving those CSFs and mitigating RFs.
3. Why ERP projects are complex projects?
3.1. Background
Since a full adoption of ERP systems spans all functional silos,
the hazards of implementation uncertainty are usually salient. Therefore
apart from ERP adopter, also ERP vendor and ERP consultancy combine
their efforts and resources to achieve mutually desirable goals.
Skibniewski and Ghosh (2009) identified resources are also required from
training, application service provider and support for a successful
implementation. Wang and Chen (2006) identified the importance of
outside consultants for a successful implementation. Rose and
Kremmergaard (2006), Ghosh (2003), Ifinedo and Nahar (2009) identified
the importance of technology organization for a successful
implementation. Lui and Chan (2008) identified the importance of
business process reengineering.
Therefore if we consider ERP implementation as a system, it is
complex because "one made up of a large number of parts that
interact in a non-simple way. In such systems the whole is more than the
sum of the parts, not in an ultimate, metaphysical sense but in the
important pragmatic sense that, given the properties of the parts and
the laws of interaction, it is not a trivial matter to infer the
properties of the whole" (Williams 2002). The success of ERP
depends on how the system is integrated with other applications in the
enterprise. The integration can often be underestimated and therefore
add complexities. Therefore applying the same definition, ERP projects
consist of multiple sub projects(business requirements mapping,
technical infrastructure development, change management to name a few)
so that they hinder the effective modeling of complex projects, whose
behavior is beyond the sum of their parts and whose reaction to changes
in inputs is difficult for the human mind to predict.
Following Baccarini (1996)'s definition, project complexity is
"consisting of many varied interrelated parts". This
operationalises in terms of differentiation--the number of varied
elements--and interdependency--the degree of inter-relatedness (or
connectivity) between these elements. ERP will only be successful if all
these parts work together. We will refer to four types of complexities:
structural, technical, directional and temporal (Remington and Pollack
2008). For a detailed discussion on project complexity, which is defined
using of elements involved in the project and interdependence of
elements, readers are referred to Williams (2002), can be matched with
number of elements involved and interdependence in any ERP
implementation (Skibniewski and Ghosh 2009).
ERP project involves multiple business and technical areas as
described before and all areas will not follow same pattern of life
cycles in the implementation. In terms of ERP project structural
complexity, "differentiation" would mean keeping track of
number of hierarchical levels, number of tasks which are interconnected
from different hierarchical level and effective management of those
tasks in an efficient work break down structure. The major challenge
comes from project organization (consisting of multiple parties e.g. ERP
adopter, ERP vendor, training provider and others, hence forth mentioned
as actors of the ecosystem), scheduling, interdependencies and contract
management. Structural complexities arise due to the fact that different
sub-projects involved in any project may be at a different level of
project life cycle at same point in time (Law and Ngai 2007; Somers and
Nelson 2004; Raymond and Louis 2009). Interdependencies would arise to
coordinate different actors involved in the ERP implementation.
The main technical challenge faced in any ERP system is that the
product life cycle may not match with adoption life cycle. In terms of
technological complexity, "differentiation" would mean the
number and diversity of inputs, outputs, tasks or specialties;
"interdependency" would be the interdependencies between
tasks, teams, technologies or inputs (Williams 2002). Technical
complexities arise when technical infrastructure required for ERP is
non-compatible with existing environment of ERP adopter (Ghosh 2003;
Hawking 2007) and therefore interdependency with existing technical
In terms of directional complexity, "differentiation"
would be mean the unshared goals and goal paths, unclear objective and
hidden agendas between different actors involved in any ERP
implementation (Bueno and Salmeron 2008; Aloini et al. 2007). ERP
requires business process changes to best practices as dictated by ERP
vendor's supported business process which may not match with ERP
adopters' business process. Changed business process may not
benefit all sections or locations equally (Ghosh 2002). Directional
complexity will be interdependent with management's objective from
the ERP success.
In terms of temporal complexity, "differentiation" would
be characterized by shifting environment, and strategic directions which
are outside the control of the project team, e.g. ERP vendor changing
technology platform of the project that may require an upgrade of the
environment used by ERP adopter.
3.2. Review of CSFs and RFs
ERP projects often result in cost overrun, schedule delays, and
sudden project terminations because of poor selection of software and
lack of management support. ERP projects involve business process
changes, change management and technical risks, need proper project
governance in place and empower project managers to execute. Project
steering committee and project managers must have knowledge of applying
complexity theory--structural, directional, technical and temporal
processes, procedures, and policies and to implement them rigorously
from the initial stage of the project.
Adopting a complexity theory mindset affects practice in different
and often counter intuitive ways. Just as people in a market are
empowered to make their own purchases, so too, in accordance with
complexity theory, project managers must be allowed to react--in
independent, self-organized ways--to developments in individual single
projects. The challenge of our proposed model of ERP implementation
project as a complex project needs successful
"institutionalization" across multiple boundaries--within ERP
adopter, ERP vendor, consultants, training and other support
organizations. Streamlining a governance and management structure that
satisfies all stakeholders, involves multiple organizations within a
given time period is a difficult task.
Table 1 describes ten most frequently documented CSFs for ERP
implementations, documenting project management and project governance
challenges involved in resolving each of the CSFs. Table 2 describes how
key ERP risk factors should be viewed from project complexities
perspective. The tables clearly explain that each of the documented CSFs
and RFs can only be viewed from a complex project perspective and
improve project manager's understanding of the challenges they will
face. This study will provide project managers a different perspective
of the challenges and help better improve ways to deal with those
4. Analysis
Hall and Day (1977) consider three uses of models: understanding,
assessing, and optimizing. In this paper, an understanding model is
developed which is assessed using data gathered from IT system enablers
and based on the data and analysis performed on that data, the model is
optimized. The purpose of this section is to identify, apart from ERP
adopters, there are also several other stakeholders, without direct
hierarchical relationship with ERP vendor to make the project
successful. Initially we start we end users' attitude towards usage
of the new system as a key criterion for success, but also identify
several other groups of individuals required to make the project
successful, but not meant to be an exhaustive study to identify all
stakeholders. Skibniewski and Ghosh (2009) identified complex ERP
implementation ecosystem (Figure 1) and actors of interests in the
ecosystem which are analyzed in this section.
4.1. Attitude towards usage
The behavioral intentions to use an IT are determined by an
individual's attitude toward using the IT, as well as beliefs the
user holds about its perceived usefulness. One of earliest definition
and exploration of compatibility is defined as belief of using an
innovation is perceived with the existing socio-cultural values
(Venkatesh and Davis 2000). The definition of compatibility is later
extended to include cognitive compatibility as what people are thinking
and therefore perceive as useful. When an organization is willing to
adopt a new technology, there are some prior beliefs that drive the
selection procedure. The adoption of new technology is driven by prior
knowledge of the key decision makers, their past experience,
organization's existing technology basis, as well other collaterals
like trade association journals, professional community meetings as well
other information sources.
Karahanna et al. (2006) identified the following four components
that directly impact use of ERP system in any enterprise: Compatibility
with preferred work style, existing work practices, prior experiences
and values of users towards use of technology, also showed that except
preferred work style has direct impact on the perceived usefulness and
perceived ease of use. Unless beliefs that the system will be useful and
easy to use, the project will not be a success.
Project managers are expected to maintain a system of stability to
ensure users get consistency in the system, and therefore compatibility
beliefs are instrumental in shaping beliefs about usefulness and ease of
use, and they also influence usage directly, managers responsible for
implementing new technologies need to pay careful attention to their
formation. If the system does not behave consistently, it is likely to
create a chaos; positive beliefs about the compatibility of a new
technology can be lost. Project managers are also required to emphasize
the fit between the technology and the mental models created through the
implementation. In order for the system to be successful, complexity
comes from a number of people, groups and separate organizations
involved. In order to manage all these elements, governance process
should ensure project managers are properly informed to manage multiple
independent entities involved. Management decision processes are
susceptible to delays and errors without proper authority and
pre-defined process in place. Perceived usefulness will be increased in
formation about product capabilities that are passed by the product
company and consultants to the end users.
Complexity theory predicts that the closer the system is to order,
the easier it is to manage projects with structural complexities. ERP
projects are likely to show all the attributes of structural
complexities. Complex projects assume that communications will be
rule-bound and formal between all sub-systems. Any ERP implementation at
a minimum has two additional sub-systems: a vendor sub-system who
created the product and a consulting sub-system providing domain
expertise of the product implemented. However the three sub-systems:
vendor, consulting and ERP adopter are independent and therefore
traditional project management literature which typically refers to how
communication is planned and transferred efficiently will not work and
need a more rule-bound formal process. For rule-bound communication,
project managers will be required to define a rule of which information
is communicated.
4.2. ERP vendor and consulting support
For any technology to be acceptable, sustainable and eventually to
be called a successful implementation, proper support structure should
be in place. Application service providers (ASPs) are third party
service firms that deploy, manage and may also remotely host remotely
located servers and application through a central location. Internal
support organizations are the specialized division, department of group
of individuals within the same organization who are entrusted to support
the specific application. Several existing literature on ASP has
identified the participants of the ASP model who are identified as a)
solution developer, b) customer, c) business service provider and d)
platform enabler (Gurbaxani 1996).
ASP support is also direct consequence of globalization and
organizations are looking for metanational advantage (Doz et al. 2001)
However the coordination problem is of technical, temporal or process
oriented type (Espinosa et al. 2007). Software as a service is also a
model that has gained recently growing interests in the market segment.
Ekanayaka et al. (2003) documented different types of support an ASP is
supposed to provide (Table 3).
4.3. Infrastructure components
Ghosh (2003) proposed that executives need to have a complete
understanding of the technical challenges involved in adopting a new
enterprise wide system and proposed that the three elements to consider
are, a) network upgrade, b) hardware upgrade and c) providing global
support. Executives are required to judge each of the aspects separately
and at the end match all the three to make the decision which ERP
package to adopt. When ERP implementation does not involve
infrastructure resources, the implementation faces temporal
complexities, however if the implementation involves infrastructure
resources, it becomes a structural complexity issue since scope of the
implementation goes up and can become unmanageable. Also technical
requirements of the implementation may change due to a new version of
the software released which may create temporal complexity challenges as
4.4. Training components
There may be a compatibility of existing business processes with
preexisting software development, but not for packaged ERP application.
Several researchers identified that success of IT adoption may be
greatly influenced by how closely an individual's personal values
and perceived values of the organization overlap (Cazier 2003; Cazier
and Gill 2003; Cazier et al. 2002). To ensure personal values and
perceived values are mapped properly with users' expectations,
training will be the bridge between the two, which is procured from
outside, creating a temporal complexity challenge and when incorporated
in the plan, creates a structural challenge.
And therefore IT enablers identified training to be a critical
component (Sharma and Yetton 2007) of ensuring success, primarily in the
packaged software market segment. Packaged software are conceptualized,
developed and marketed by a vendor without specific input from the
implementing organization. Following Sharma and Yetton (2007), the
effect of training on implementation success is contingent on both
technical complexity and task independence. The above mentioned theory
therefore evaluated in practical purposes to ensure the key measures of
success in training.
5. Conclusion
This article has outlined the conceptual revisions needed to extend
the new project management approach from its current linear way of
looking into project management of ERP projects. The article suggests
that ERP project management is best understood within the context of
environmental complexities. The article also suggests that the choice of
project management approach is a matter of reviewing at the complete
ecosystem rather than of functional goals of the ERP implement. The
acknowledgement of pluralism broadens distributive concerns in project
management decisions to issues such as the distribution of complexities
and project management impacts.
The aim of the presented research has been to fulfill the need for
a comprehensive framework for ERP systems to be reviewed as a complex
project. A theoretical framework for identifying and classifying
management process following critical success factors was formulated and
it forms the basis of understanding the spectrum of ERP implementations.
Consistent with our approach of project governance and management
of ERP projects, we propose that three additional research phases are
necessary to complete the study: 1) confirming a structure of ERP
complexities model, 2) parsing information model to understand different
elements of ERP identified in this paper and 3) assessing the
consequentiality of ERP governance and management complexities in ERP
project execution. Future research can address how near real time
governance and management can be incorporated in the project management
and governance process and develop a system to capture and analyze
problems. A new body of knowledge related to governance and management
of complex ERP implementations should be developed in order to ensure
better coordination between several actors involved in an ERP
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Saumyendu Ghosh (1), Miroslaw J. Skibniewski (2)
(1) Dept of Civil & Environment Engineering and Adjunct
Faculty, George Washington University, School of Business, 1188 G.L.
Martin Hall, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-3021, USA
(2) Department of Management, Bialystok University of Technology,
Poland E-mails: (1) sghosh12@umd.edu (corresponding author); (2)
Received 8 March 2009; accepted 6 September 2010
Saumyendu GHOSH is an experienced program manager with a large
global consulting organization. He has worked on all the major market
segments with extensive experience as program manager, solution
architect, team lead and a delivery consultant. He has completed 16 full
life cycle application implementations in 22 countries. He is also a
researcher on project governance theory with multiple publications on
referred journals and international conferences; currently teaching at
George Washington University's business school and University of
Maryland's project management program.
Miroslaw J. SKIBNIEWSKI is the A. James Clark Endowed Chair
Professor of Project Management in the A. James Clark School of
Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park, USA. In
addition to other former appointments at academic and government
research institutions worldwide, he has been serving as a visiting
professor in the Department of Management at Bialystok University of
Technology in Poland and, currently, as Dean of the College of
Engineering at Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research
based in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Among Prof. Skibniewski's honors are the
U.S. National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award,
Walter L. Huber Research Prize from the American Society of Civil
Engineers, elected Foreign Membership in the Russian Academy of
Engineering, and an honorary doctorate from Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University in Lithuania.
Table 1. Evaluation of complexities of CSFs (CSFs only adopted
from Moon (2007))
No. Critical Type of Project Management
Success Factor Complexity Perspective
1 Top Structural Top management/executive
management and participation; company-wide
support and Directional support; employee recognition
commitment and incentive; funds support
2 Project Structural Effective project
Management management; project planning
and Evaluation project schedule and plan;
project scope; work time
schedule; detailed schedule;
project completion time;
project cost; auditing and
control; project management
of consultants and suppliers
3 Business Directional BPR and alignment of the
Process and business with the new
reengineering Temporal system; process adaptation
and minimum level; process standards;
customization business process skills; job
redesign; worked with ERP
functionality maintained
scope; minimum customization
4 ERP team Temporal Composition of project team
composition, and member; project team
competence Structural empowerment; project team
and competence; the domain
compensation knowledge of the ERP project
team; teamwork participation;
attitude of the ERP project
team; professional personnel;
constitution of project team;
ERP team compensation
5 Change Structural Managing changes; managing
Management and conflicts; conflicts between
Process Directional user departments
6 User training Structural Training employee; education
and evaluation on new business processes;
adequate training and
instruction; training of
project team and end-user;
effective training; Hands-
on training
7 Business plan Directional link to business strategy and
and vision and execution, ERP strategy and
Temporal implementation methodology
and implementation; consensus
on execution and control;
clear ERP strategy execution
8 Enterprise Directional Effective enterprise-wide
wide commu- and communication;
nication and Temporal interdepartmental
cooperation communication; free flow of
information in project team;
communicating ERP benefits;
communication with ERP
project team
No. Comments
1 Company-wide commitment;
dedicated resources;
funding utilization and
alignment with objectives
2 Project managers will be
required to work with
multiple stakeholders who are
not in direct hierarchy of
the PM, therefore,
governance should ensure
project managers are
empowered to execute
3 BPR is not directly related
to ERP implementation but a
necessary pre-requisite to
make ERPs successful.
Changing business process
would often lead to
reduction in force, so BPR
requires systemic approach to
governance to adopt new
system. This is a strategic
direction to be set to meet
business process with
technical solution
4 Governance should ensure
proper representation from
all stake holders. Setup of
proper steering committee;
balanced implementation team
and free up domain experts;
project team: the best and
brightest; Governance
process should ensure proper
risk-reward is balanced for
team members
5 Management of expectations;
organizational resistance to
change; change readiness;
change in business goals
during the project;
conflicts between user
departments; reasonable
expectation with definite
6 Choice of education partner
and medium and mode
of training
7 Business plan-vision-goals-
justification; vision
statement and adequate
business plan; feasibility-
evaluation of ERP project;
Effective strategic thinking
and planning strategic;
competitive pressure; clear
goals and objectives; clear
desired outcomes; strategic
IT planning
8 Interdepartmental
cooperation; open and honest
communication among the
stakeholders; cross-
functional coordination
Table 2. Evaluation of complexities to mitigate key ERP risk factors
(RFs only adopted from Alorm (2007))
No. Risk Factor Type of Complexity
1 Inadequate Structural,
selection of technical and
application directional
2 Ineffective Structural,
strategic technical,
thinking and temporal and
planning strategic directional
3 Ineffective project Structural,
management technical,
techniques and temporal and
bad managerial directional
4 Inadequate Temporal
change and structural
5 Inadequate training Structural and
No. Risk Mitigation--Complexity
1 Selection can be proper if
ERP adopter understands how
it will impact on the
business from implementation
and supporting after the
application goes to
production. ERP adopter needs
ensure that organization is
capable of taking that
initiative and ready to
accept business, cultural and
technological changes
involved. Mitigation requires
understanding the scope and
domain of the implementation
and ecosystem involved
2 ERP adopters should
understand all the four
complexities since all four
complexities are involved in
various CSFs. ERP adopter
should carefully consider all
the actors involved in ERP
implementation ecosystem and
ensure proper governing and
management process is in
place involving each actor
3 Same as # 2
4 Change management may be due
to technical complexities in
the product (technical) and
incompatibility between
business process supported by
the ERP and existing business
process. The business process
supported by the ERP is
beyond any control of the ERP
adopter and therefore
temporal in nature
5 Availability of training may
be out of control of ERP
adopter and may add project
complexities to schedule
those tasks in the project
Table 3. ASP services and complexity mapping
Source Type of
Security (Currie Structural
and Seltsikas, 2001) and technical
Ability to Integrate Directional
(Greg, 2000) and technical
Pricing (Gerrit Structural
and Gunther, 2000) and temporal
Customer Service Structural
SLA Monitoring Structural
and Management
Reliability, Availability Temporal
and Scalability
Source Project Management
Security (Currie Physical security
and Seltsikas, 2001) Security of data and applications
Backup and restore procedure
Disaster recovery plan
Ability to Integrate Ability to share data between
(Greg, 2000) applications, automatically
populating one application with
data from another application
Pricing (Gerrit Effect of TCO
and Gunther, 2000) Hidden costs/Charges
Return on investment
Customer Service Help desk and training
Support for administration of
SLA Monitoring Clearing defined monitoring
and Management procedure
Reliability, Availability 24X7 supports
and Scalability