Performance ratios for managerial decision-making in a growing firm.
Ponikvar, Nina ; Tajnikar, Maks ; Pusnik, Ksenja 等
1. Introduction
This paper focuses on the dependence of financial and non-financial
performance ratios and measures on firm growth. The study tests the
hypothesis that variations in growth rates are associated with
differences in the values of financial and non-financial ratios. The
research objectives are to analyse the impact of growth rates on
performance ratios and measures and to determine whether financial and
non-financial ratios and measures could provide managers additional
relevant information for making business decisions, when the impact of
growth rates on performance ratios is known. In other words, the
hypotheses are that target values of performance ratios change with
regard to the growth rate of a firm (i.e., performance ratios of
fast-growing firms are significantly different from those of
slow-growing firms), and that target values of performance ratios could
also be typical.
The study analyses the dependencies of several ratios and measures
on firm growth rate, namely, the ratios of profitability, liquidity,
current assets, and solvency, as well as the break-even point, revenue
per employee, average costs, labour costs, capital costs, capacity
utilization and productivity. All of these measures have target
values-determined on the basis of financial and entrepreneurship theories-that managers and entrepreneurs seek to achieve through their
decision-making. In order to test the hypotheses about the explanation
power of firm growth on financial and non-financial ratios and measures,
the present study uses regression analysis on a panel of Slovenian
manufacturing firms during 2001-2005, taking into consideration firm
size and industry membership, as well as firm profitability when
The regression results also allow the authors to draw conclusions
about the typical values of performance ratios that managers and
entrepreneurs should target in making business decisions, while also
taking into consideration the growth rate of the firm.
2. Theoretical framework
The theoretical foundation for this paper derives from the
financial and entrepreneurial literature, with the former as a base for
the linkage between firm growth and the size of its financial ratios,
and the latter as a foundation for the relationship between firm growth
and the size of its non-financial ratios, such as productivity and cost
efficiency ratios.
Financial ratios in relation to firm growth have often been subject
to empirical analysis. However, the majority of the theoretical and
empirical research focuses on the financial ratios as factors that
explain firm growth, not as performance measures that can themselves be
explained by firm growth. As such, financial ratios have been used for
predictive purposes, such as predicting corporate failure, establishing
credit rating, assessing risk and testing economic hypotheses in which
inputs are financial ratios. Fagiolo and Luzzi (2006), for example,
investigated the impact of liquidity ratios on the growth of Italian
manufacturing firms and found the impact to be negative. Oliveira and
Fortunato (2006) provided similar evidence for Portuguese manufacturing
firms. The predictive significance of financial ratios has also been
examined with reference to corporate bankruptcy. Beaver's (1966)
early empirical evidence that certain financial ratios, most notably
cash flow/ total debt, give statistically significant signals well
before actual business failure is now considered a classic study. Since
then, several empirical studies of financial ratios-mainly liquidity and
solvency-have shown these ratios' informational value for
predicting business failure (Wilcox 1973; Laitinen 1995; overview in
Balcaen and Ooghe 2006) and for predicting the impact of financial
constraints on firm growth (Fazzari et al. 1988; overview in Carpenter
and Petersen 2002).
On the other hand, only a few studies have investigated the
reverse: the effect of firm growth rate on performance ratios and
measures. Gupta (1969) was one of the first to examine the impact of
growth, firm size and industry membership on financial ratios (capital
output rate, leverage, liquidity and asset utilization velocity), based
on US firm-level data. His study reported that activity ratios and
leverage ratios decrease as the size of the corporation increases and
increase with the growth of the corporation. Gupta also found that
liquidity ratios rise with an increase in the size of the corporation
and fall with an increase in growth rate, but he observed no significant
relationship between growth and profitability. An overview of existing
literature and empirical studies (Markman and Gartner 2002) provides
similar findings regarding the correlation between firm growth and
On the other hand, Cinca et al. (2005) provided evidence that the
differences in the value of financial ratios between firms can be
explained by firm size and the country effect. Wald (1999) also
confirmed the impact of the country effect and reported that, although
firm profitability, long-term debt/assets ratios, size and growth are
significantly correlated, considerable differences exist across
countries. Firm size, industry membership and institutional environment
are also important in using firm growth to explain the value of
performance ratios.
Several studies have also dealt with the dependence of
non-financial performance ratios, especially productivity, on firm
growth. Available evidence (Englanger and Gurney 1994) supports the view
that technological progress is a capital-using activity and is partly
embodied in capital goods. Hence, because firm growth is a consequence
of firm's investments, and new technologies and organizational
changes usually accompany the investment, we expect firm growth to
positively influence productivity. Empirical studies confirm this
relationship (e.g., Haskel and Szymanski 1997).
3. Data and methodology
Our empirical analysis of the relationships between various
financial and non-financial ratios and firm growth uses a panel of
Slovenian manufacturing firms (NACE 15-37) over the period 2001-2005.
The data source is the database of firms' financial statements
collected by the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal
Records and Related Services (APLR). APLR collects, processes and
communicates annual reports prepared by business entities, collection
and processing of financial account statistics, publication of annual
reports returned by companies and sole proprietors. It also carries out
different kinds of statistical research.
When dealing with such an extensive database, founded on
firms' accounting data, we must consider two important issues. The
first is the deficiencies in the financial data reported to APLR.
Because the reported data come from firms' official financial
statements, they often do not reflect the actual incomes and expenses
underlying the production process because firms use this reporting
mechanism to reduce the company's tax burden. Second, there are
some inconsistencies in the accounting data, e.g., manufacturing firms
from the database are classified into industries according to their
primary activity, even though, according to the NACE classification of
activities, the majority of these firms are engaged in several
activities in different industries. Therefore, the industry membership
listed may not reflect the actual level of engagement of firms in
various markets. In spite of its imperfections, the dataset presents a
relatively good foundation for empirical investigation of the
relationship of firm growth to several financial and non-financial
ratios and measures.
In order to ensure that the cleanest possible data entered the
analysis, we narrowed the dataset by excluding firms for which an
industry was not defined, firms with zero employees, firms with a
negative value of equity or with zero sales revenues, and firms with
zero assets or zero fixed assets. As a result, the database employed in
the analysis contained a sample of 5,396 manufacturing firms and 13,854
observations with no missing values.
Firm growth is defined in terms of annual sales (GRtr). When no
significant results appear within a model with sales growth as a
regressor, the model also tests the firm's asset growth (GRa) as an
explanatory variable. In Table 1 descriptive statistics for GRa and GRt
are presented.
The analysis deals with the relationship between firm growth and
the ratios of profitability, liquidity, and solvency (the financial
leverage ratios), as well as current assets (or asset turnover ratios),
the break-even point, revenue per employee, average costs, cost ratios,
factor costs (labour and capital costs), capacity utilization,
productivity and efficiency.
Profitability ratios offer several different measures of the
firm's ability to generate profits. The first measure of
profitability is return on total assets (ROA), a ratio of the difference
between total revenues and total costs to total assets that measures how
efficiently firm assets are used in generating profits. Rate of return
on equity, or ROE, is a bottom-line measure for the shareholders that
measures the profits earned for each unit of assets invested in a
firm's stock. The second measure of profitability is a ratio of the
difference between total revenues and total costs to equity. The third
measure of profitability, return on sales (ROS), measures profit as a
percentage of total sales.
Liquidity ratios provide information about a firm's ability to
meet its short-term financial obligations. The analysis includes two of
the most frequently used liquidity ratios: current ratio (or working
capital ratio) (CULI), a ratio of current assets to current liabilities,
and quick ratio (QUICKL), a ratio of the difference between current
assets and inventory to current liabilities. While the former measures
the extent to which a firm can meet its short-term obligations, the
latter measures the extent to which a firm can meet its short-term
obligations without selling inventory.
Solvency (or financial leverage) ratios provide an indication of
the long-term solvency of the firm. Unlike the liquidity ratios, which
are concerned with short-term assets and liabilities, those ratios
measure the extent to which a firm is using long-term debt. The analysis
includes debt-to-equity ratio (DTK), defined as the ratio of total debt
to total equity.
Current ratios (or asset turnover ratios) indicate how efficiently
a firm utilizes its assets. The present study analyses several turnover
ratios: days inventory, also called the inventory period (DIS); days
sales outstanding, also called the average collection period (DSO); days
payables outstanding, or the average days' credit (DPO); and the
accounts receivable to accounts payable ratio (ARAP). Days inventory
measures the average number of days goods remain in inventory before
being sold and is calculated by dividing 365 days by the ratio of
business costs to inventory (i.e., inventory turnover). The days sales
outstanding (DSO) is the ratio of annual credit sales to business sales
multiplied by 365; it measures the number of days that credit sales
remain in accounts receivable before they are collected. Similarly, days
payables outstanding (or average days' credit), the ratio of
accounts payable to business revenue, measures the number of days before
a firm meets its financial obligations to suppliers by paying accounts
payable. The accounts receivable to accounts payable ratio, calculated
by dividing days sales outstanding by days payables outstanding, also
enters some of the estimated models as a dependent variable. The study
also investigates the impact of firm growth on price of debt (PD), which
is calculated by dividing financial costs by the sum of short-term
(current) liabilities (credits), long-term liabilities (credits) and
accounts payable.
Besides the conventional measures of business performance, the
study investigates the impact of firm growth rate on other measures of
business performance. The first is a relative break-even point (RBER),
calculated as the ratio of total revenue to the breakeven point (BEP).
BEP measures the volume of sales at which a company's business
revenues or sales just equal its costs. In order to test the impact of
firm growth on cost ratios, the empirical investigation uses three
independent variables: (i) cost per employee (TCL), which measures total
costs per employees, (ii) business cost per employee (BCL), which
measures business costs per employees, and (iii) total costs to total
revenue (TCR), which is calculated by dividing total costs by total
The analysis also estimates the relationship between the
firm's growth and its factor costs, namely, cost of labour and
capital. The ratio between annual gross wages and the average number of
employees represents the price of labour (PRICEL), while the price of
capital appears in the models in four different ways:
(i) as the sum of depreciation and cost of financing relative to
total capital (PRICEK1), (ii) as the sum of depreciation and cost of
financing relative to the sum of fixed assets and inventory (PRICEK2),
(iii) as the difference between total cost and cost of labour relative
to total capital (PRICEK3), and (iv) as the difference between total
cost and cost of labour relative to the sum of fixed assets and
inventory (PRICEK4).
In order to investigate the relationship between growth and the
measures of productivity and efficiency, we use as dependent variables:
capacity utilization (CU), which is business revenue relative to fixed
assets; labour productivity (PRODL), the ratio of business revenue to
the average number of employees; and value-added per employee (VAL), the
difference between business revenue and cost of goods, material, and
services, divided by the number of employees. The analysis employs
average revenue per employee (TRL), the ratio of total revenue to the
average number of employees, as an alternative measure for labour
productivity. Dummy variables are used for industry membership and firm
size. The industry classification of the analyzed firms follows the
3-digit NACE classification of industries, whereas the size
classification relates to the number of employees: micro firms, with 1-9
employees, small firms with 10-49 employees, medium firms with 50-249
employees, and large firms with more than 250 employees. Finally, a set
of dummy variables representing time are used to investigate the
influence of general changes in the business environment on growth rates
of manufacturing firms in Slovenia.
The investigation consists of several two-way fixed effect panel
models (Greene 2003, Chatterjee and Hadi 2006) in order to (i) assess
the impact of firm growth on several financial and non-financial
indicators, (ii) account for unobservable individual effects of each
firm, i.e., all time-invariant, firm-specific characteristics, (iii)
assess the impact of firm size, (iv) assess the characteristics of
industry membership on the performance ratios, and (v) account for
time-specific effects.
The fixed effect model [] = [[alpha].sub.i] +
[beta][] + [], where [] is a particular
financial or non-financial ratio of a firm i in time t; [[alpha].sub.i]
represents individual unobservable effects; [beta] is a vector of
regression coefficients, and [] is a matrix of firm-specific
observable characteristics, including firm's growth--allows the
intercepts to vary for each firm while slope coefficients are assumed to
be constant across all firms. Firm size, industry membership and a set
of time dummies enter the model in order to control for firm-specific
characteristics and the characteristics of the environment in which they
conducted business. When appropriate, the list of regressors also
includes profitability, measured in terms of ROA, as a control variable.
The empirical investigation consists of several regressions based
on the fixed effect model for each of the analyzed financial and
non-financial ratios. The first stage includes in the model estimations
only the dummy variables that control for firm size, industry membership
and time for each of the analysed ratios. These results provide useful
information about the share of variability explained solely by the dummy
variables. The second stage estimates the linear relationship between
the analysed ratios and growth. In the third stage of the estimation,
the regression analysis considers the possibility of non-linear linkages
by including quadratic forms of growth.
In the second and third stages of the analysis, the focus is on the
relationships between sales growth and the financial and non-financial
ratios and measures. When the estimated models exhibit statistically
insignificant relationship between sales growth and the other measures,
the models also test the impact of asset growth as a regressor. Where
appropriate in the second and third stages, the list of regressors also
includes profitability in terms of ROA in order to control for the
impact of profitability on the financial and non-financial ratios and
4. Results
Tables 1-9 report the estimates of the models that show significant
relationships between growth and the analysed ratios and measures. Where
ROA, as a control variable, significantly impacts on the analysed ratio
or measure, the results of a model with ROA among the regressors are
presented. Where there is no statistically significant linkage between
the analysed ratio or measure and sales growth, but there is a
statistically significant relationship between the ratio or measure and
asset growth, the table includes the results of the model with asset
growth among the regressors.
4.1. Relationship between growth and measures of firm profitability
Table 2 shows the results of testing the relationship between
growth and the three profitability measures. Sales growth significantly
impacts on ROA and ROS. The relationship between the two ratios and
sales growth is non-linear; the linear effect is positive and the
quadratic negative.
Thus, sales growth increases profitability at a declining rate
until the growth rate reaches the threshold, which is, on average, 29.4
percent growth rate for ROA and 40.25 percent for ROS. After reaching
the threshold growth rate, any increase in sales growth decreases
profitability. The relationship between ROE and firm growth (in terms of
either sales or assets) was also tested, but no significant relationship
was found. Similarly, the model that used ROE as a dependent variable
was statistically insignificant.
4.2. Relationship between growth and the liquidity measures
Table 3 reports the results from the models that analysed the
impact of firm growth on liquidity. The relationship between sales
growth and the two liquidity measures (CULI and QUICKL) is non-linear,
with an adjusted [R.sup.2] above 70 percent and the models statistically
significant at negligible risk. The linear link is negative and the
quadratic link is positive, so firm growth decreases liquidity but at a
declining rate. The threshold at which the quadratic form turns over
amounts to a 27 percent sales growth rate for CULI and around 35 percent
for QUICKL. Apparently, firm growth faster than 27 percent or 35
percent, respectively, has a positive impact on liquidity. Profitability
in terms of ROA also significantly increases liquidity.
4.3. Relationship between growth and solvency
The impacts of sales growth rate and asset growth rate on solvency,
measured by debt-to-equity ratio (DTK), are statistically insignificant.
In some cases, even the model as a whole is statistically insignificant.
Evidently, firm growth does not explain the debt/equity ratio in
Slovenian manufacturing firms.
4.4. Relationship between growth and "current assets"
Table 4 shows the results of the analysis of the impact of growth
rate on the "current assets" ratios. Models with days
inventory (DIS), days sales outstanding (DSO), days payables outstanding
(DPO) and the accounts receivable to accounts payable ratio (ARAP) as
dependent variables are statistically significant, with the adjusted
values of R2 around 70 percent.
The relationship between firm growth and inventory in stock is
negative at a declining rate, meaning that higher sales growth decreases
DIS, but the decrease becomes smaller and smaller as sales growth
The relationship turns over at a growth rate of 22 percent so, when
the growth rate exceeds 22 percent, the connection becomes positive. ROA
does not seem to influence the inventory stock days.
A similar non-linear relationship to sales growth is also found
with average collection period (DSO) and average days' credit
(DPO). In both cases, the linear link is negative, and the quadratic
link is positive. Thus, DSO and DPO decrease with sales growth, with
declining marginal decreases.
The threshold growth rate after which the relationship becomes
positive amounts to 20 percent for DSO and 22 percent for DPO. In both
cases, profitability significantly affects the analysed ratios, although
the impact is positive in the case of average collection period and
negative in the case of average days' credit. Evidently, more
profitable firms take less time to meet their liabilities and have to
wait longer to collect their receivables.
The ratio between accounts receivable and accounts payable (ARAP)
is also non-linear; it is first negatively affected by sales growth, but
it is positively affected after a threshold of 26 percent growth rate.
ROA significantly increases the ratio of accounts receivable to accounts
payable, meaning that more profitable firms have more claims in relation
to liabilities than less profitable firms do.
The relationship between price of debt (PD) and firm growth (in
terms of either sales or assets) is non-linear, with negative linear and
positive quadratic links. However, the model with PD as a dependent
variable has an extremely low value of F-statistics and statistical
insignificance as a whole. Clearly, large deficiencies exist in the
model specifications (and perhaps also in the applied method), causing
the insignificance of the model as a whole on the one hand and a very
high adjusted R2 on the other. Deeper investigation of the analysed
ratio will be required in the future.
4.5. Relationship between growth and average revenue per employee
Table 5 shows that the relationship between growth and average
revenue per employee (TRL) is linear and positive. However, the
explanatory power of the model is weak since the model explains only 40
percent of the variability in revenue per employee, although the model
is statistically significant as a whole. The relationship is
statistically significant at the 5 percent level. The significance of
the growth impact decreases when profitability in terms of ROA is
included in the model. However, the results indicate that faster-growing
firms can be expected to earn higher average revenues per employee.
4.6. Relationship between growth and relative break-even point
The relative break-even point, defined as the ratio of revenue to
break-even revenue (RBER), does not seem to be influenced by growth rate
in terms of either sales or assets. On the other hand, there is a
significantly positive linkage between RBER and ROA. In general, models
with a relative break-even point are significant as a whole only when
ROA is specified among the regressors; they tend to be completely
insignificant otherwise. Firm growth is apparently not a determinant of
relative break-even point.
4.7. Relationship between growth and the cost ratios
Table 6 presents the role of firm growth as a determinant of cost
ratios. The analysed cost ratios are costs per employee (TCL), business
costs per employee (BCL) and the ratio of total costs to total revenue
TCL and BCL have no significant relationship with sales growth, but
the models reveal that asset growth influences both of these ratios. In
both cases, the model's explanatory power accounts for
approximately 40 percent of the variability, with models being
significant at negligible level. Total costs per employee are also
significantly higher in more profitable firms, although the significance
is weak; this does not hold for average business costs per employee.
Sales growth significantly influences the ratio of total costs to
total revenue (TCR); the link is linear and positive, which means that
firms with higher sales growth also have a higher ratio between costs
and revenues. On the other hand, higher profitability in terms of ROA
increases efficiency, leading to significantly smaller cost-to-revenue
ratios. The model as a whole is statistically significant at a
negligible level only when ROA is included among the explanatory
4.8. Relationship between growth and measures of factor costs
Table 7 displays the results for the relationship between factor
costs and growth. Price of labour (PRICEL) does not seem to be affected
by either sales growth or asset growth, although the model as a whole is
statistically significant and has a relatively large explanatory power
(around 75 percent). This explanatory power derives mostly from the
dummy variables, which is expected since wage policy is supposed to be
firm- and industryspecific within the limitations imposed by the
institutional environment. The effect of profitability on wage policy
was not found to be significant either, which is in keeping with the
fact that wages are costs and, as such, they do not depend on
The price of capital is defined in four different ways, as
described above. All models are statistically significant at negligible
risk with relatively high explanatory power. Regardless of the
definition of the price of capital, profitability negatively affects
capital price so, clearly, more profitable firms face a lower price of
capital. The impact of sales growth is statistically significant only in
the case of capital price PRICEK1 (the sum of depreciation and cost of
financing relative to total capital) and PRICEK3 (the difference between
total cost and cost of labour relative to total capital). In the case of
PRICEK1, the link is linear and positive, and the quadratic term was not
statistically significant. Sales growth and PRICEK3 are related
non-linearly, with a positive linear link and a negative quadratic link,
meaning that firms with faster-growing sales generally face a higher
price of capital. However, the marginal effects of sales growth on
capital price are decreasing; the relationship turns over at a sales
growth rate of 26 percent, so the relationship between price of capital
and growth rate is positive at sales growth of 26 percent or more.
For PRICEK2 and PRICEK4, sales growth does not
significantly impact on the capital price. In fact, there is a
statistically significant linkage of these two ratios to asset growth.
This significance, however, derives from the PRICEK2 and PRICEK4
definitions themselves and, as such, cannot be a foundation for any firm
conclusion about the relationship between growth and these two ratios.
4.9. Relationship between growth and the productivity and
efficiency measures
Finally, Table 8 shows the relationship between growth and the
productivity measures. The impact of growth on its capacity utilization
(CU), productivity of labour (PRODL) and value-added per employee (VAL)
is not statistically significant, but all of the ratios reveal
significant dependence on asset growth.
The relationship of labour productivity (PRODL) with asset growth
is negative and linear, so employees in more investment-oriented firms
are likely to be less productive compared to those in firms with slower
asset growth. On the other hand, the analysis shows a significantly
positive link between labour productivity and profitability in terms of
ROA. Very similar conclusions can be drawn about value-added per
employee (VAL). The linkage between utilization of production capacities
(CU) and asset growth is significant and strong.
However, since this relationship derives from the definition of CU
itself, the relationship can be taken only as a statistical dependence,
not as an indicator of any economic relationship.
4.10. Relationship between growth and firm size and industry
Each of the models presented in Tables 2 to 8 include dummy sets
regarding firm size, industry membership and time. The statistical
(in)significance of the estimated dummy variables' regression
coefficients establish whether the investigated ratios are specific to
firm size, industry-specific or time-specific. Table 9 reports the
(in)significance of dummy variables from results obtained by running
fixed effects regressions for the analysed ratios.
Out of the 24 financial and non-financial ratios and measures we
analysed, one or more of the size dummy regression coefficients are
significant for 9 ratios. Only price of labour (PRICEL) is significantly
different for all four size classes of firms, with price of labour
highest in the micro-firms and lowest in the largest firms. For the
other ratios with significant size dummy coefficients, small (and
sometimes medium-sized) firms are usually the ones that have
significantly different values in the ratios in comparison to other size
Small firms, for example, have a 0.07 higher current liquidity
ratio (CULI), an almost 13,000-EUR lower cost per employee (TCL) and a
more than 14,000-EUR lower revenue per employee (TRL) in comparison to
micro-firms. Large firms are significantly different from other size
classes in average collection period (days sales outstanding--DSO); the
average collection is 20 days shorter that that of micro-firms.
Estimates of the industry dummy variables' regression
coefficients are rarely significant. This has several possible
explanations. First, the values of the ratios might not be
industry-specific, which is doubtlessly true for some ratios that are
expressed in terms of industry average (relative break-even point,
capacity utilization ratio, etc.). Second, the insignificance of the
industry dummy variables might be due to the classification of firms
into industries based upon statistical standards, that is, according to
the firms' primary business activities and according to the
"production principle".
Third, firms within 3-digit NACE industries might be too
heterogeneous in terms of production process, technology, and buying and
selling markets to show any industry-specific effects. Nevertheless, as
Table 9 shows, the ratios and measures are significantly different in
some industries from those in other industries. These industries belong
to the labour-intensive manufacturing sector (NACE 17 and NACE
18--Manufacture of textiles and textile products and NACE
19--Manufacture of leather and leather products) and to the sectors that
produce computers and audio-video equipment (NACE 30--Manufacture of
office machinery and computers and NACE 32--Manufacture of radio,
television & communication equipment & apparatus).
The time dummy regression coefficients are significant for 13 out
of the 24 ratios and measures we analysed and significant for at least
some years for another three. We expected the time dummies to be
significant for ratios that are influenced by price movements. We were
more surprised by the significance (negative) of the time dummies in the
models with liquidity ratios (CULI and QUCKLI), days sales outstanding
(DSO), days payables outstanding (DPO) and the ratio between accounts
receivable and accounts payable (ARAP) as dependent variables. These
results indicate that manufacturing firms' ratios and measures are
influenced by changes in the business environment and that liquidity and
payment discipline are increasing in Slovenian manufacturing firms.
5. Conclusions
The results of the analysis indicate that profitability, liquidity,
"current assets," average revenue per employee, cost, price of
capital, and productivity are related to firm growth in the Slovenian
manufacturing industry. On the other hand, no such relationship was
found between firm growth and return on equity, solvency, price of debt,
relative break-even point or cost of labour. Thus, managers and
entrepreneurs may find some ratios and measures can be useful in
decision-making, while others are not. The break-even point appears to
be an unreliable managerial tool for planning and analysing the growth
of the firm, and labour cost is not influenced by profitability.
Among those ratios and measures that are influenced by firm growth
there are large differences. Higher firm growth leads to higher average
revenue per employee, total costs-to-total-revenue ratio, and price of
capital, and to lower costs per employee, business costs per employee,
labor productivity and value-added per employee. Some measures of
business performance have typical minimum and maximum values; for
example, return on assets increases with firm growth at a declining rate
until it reaches the threshold of about 30 percent growth rate, and
return on sales increases with growth at a declining rate until it
reaches the threshold of about 40 percent growth rate. The current
liquidity ratio reaches its minimum value at an average growth rate of
25 per cent, and the quick liquidity ratio does so at 35 percent. Some
measures have thresholds, such as the inventory in stock ratio, the
average days payables outstanding, the average collection period, and
the ratio of accounts receivable to accounts payable, which reach their
minimum values at around 22 percent, 22 percent, 20 percent, and 26
percent of growth rate, respectively. On average, faster-growing firms
face a higher price of capital than slower-growing firms do, and capital
price reaches its maximum value at about a 26 percent growth rate.
These findings suggest that, if a firm grows relatively quickly, it
must make decisions that will increase revenue per employee and
profitability, and lower employee costs. However, higher growth is also
related to lower productivity and lower capacity utilization, indicating
that production is organized in a less efficient manner when firms are
trying to grow faster, resulting in a higher cost of capital. Higher
growth (25-35 percent, including inflation) decreases the liquidity
ratios but increases the inventory turnover and decreases the number of
days that credit sales remain in accounts receivable. If a firm's
growth rate is larger than 35 percent, the average revenue per employee
will increase and the cost per employee, the productivity, and capacity
utilization will decrease. However, when a firm is growing faster,
buyers of its products and services need more and more days to pay their
bills, which increases accounts receivable and, consequently, the
liquidity ratios and the number of days of inventory on hand. A
fast-growing firm is also less and less able to deal with the high costs
of capital that are crucial for its growth.
The influence of firm growth on labour cost and cost of debt
indicates that relatively high growth is not associated with increasing
prices of these factors because of a higher demand for production
factors. Thus, firm growth does not affect production factors'
markets to the extent at which it would influence their prices.
The analysis found no relationship between firm growth and solvency
and return on equity. Because both solvency and return on equity are
important indicators of the owners' position in a firm, this result
shows that the position of an owner might not depend on the firm's
speed of growth. A general conclusion is that owners do not benefit from
higher growth rates from either the point of view of return on
investment or from the ownership security point of view, despite the
fact that higher growth increases profitability.
Measures of productivity and capacity utilization are not related
to sales growth, but they are related to asset growth. Because sales
growth is a reflection of shortterm firm growth, and asset growth is a
reflection of long-term firm growth, productivity and capacity
utilization are, to a large extent, influenced by investments that
increase growth and by the capital-labour ratio, which indicates that
technology tends to be employed in fast-growing firms. More
investment-oriented firms have lower productivity than less
investment-oriented firms do because the investment-oriented firms are
increasing the number of employees and other variable production factors
very quickly in the short run, which decreases their capital-to-labour
ratio. This finding is reasonable because labour cost is independent of
sales growth, while the cost of capital depends on sales growth at an
increasing rate. For this reason, the price of capital increases
relative to labour cost as a firm grows faster in the short run, which
leads to long-run growth that is oriented toward less capital-intensive
production. However, if a firm's growth is very high, it must
increase utilization of capital employed.
Using performance ratios for managerial decision-making generates
two important questions: i) Are performance ratios comparable on the
industry level or on the level of manufacturing sector as a whole? ii)
Is the size structure of the economy or industries important for making
decisions based on information about performance ratios? The results of
the study indicate that, in the decision-making process, managers should
first consider differences in labour cost, which is higher in small
firms and lower in large firms. In addition, while large firms (in terms
of number of employees) are less efficient at collecting accounts
receivable than small firms are, small firms have lower liquidity, lower
revenue per employee and lower costs per employee. Only a few of the
performance ratios we analysed appear to be industry-specific; industry
membership of a firm is important in the case of labour cost, the
current liquidity ratio, days inventory in stock, days payables
outstanding, the ratio of accounts receivable to accounts payable, the
cost of debt, and business cost per employee. Therefore, managers should
take into consideration the characteristics of their industry and their
rivals when making business decisions related to these ratios and
Received 19 December 2007; accepted 27 February 2009
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DOI: 10.3846/1611-1699.2009.10.
Nina Ponikvar (1), Maks Tajnikar (2), Ksenja Pusnik (3)
(1,2) University of Ljubljana, Kardeljeva ploscad 17, 1109
Ljubljana, Slovenia (3) University of Maribor, Razlagova 14, 2000
Maribor, Slovenia E-mails: (1); (2); (3)
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of growth of sales (GRtr)
and growth of assets (GRa)
Obs Mean St. dev. Min Max
GRtr 13854 0.2280 1.5967 -0.9948 57.9707
GRa 13854 1.9108 50.2090 -0.9999 3161.483
Source: APLR and own calculations
Table 2. Fixed effects models for the dependence of profitability
on the growth rate and control variables
Dummy Dummy Dummy
GRtr GR[tr.sup.2] size industry year
ROA yes yes yes
0.0223 *** yes yes yes
0.0530 *** -0.0009 *** yes yes yes
ROS yes yes yes
0.0514 *** yes yes yes
0.0805 *** -0.0010 *** yes yes yes
GRtr adj. F-stat Prob > F
ROA 0.6146 1.97 0.0023
0.0223 *** 0.6018 5.50 0.0000
0.0530 *** 0.6052 8.30 0.0000
ROS 0.9958 1.18 0.2450
0.0514 *** 0.3910 4.19 0.0000
0.0805 *** 0.3916 4.40 0.0000
Notes: *, **, *** denote statistical significance
at 10.5 and 1 % level respectively
Table 3. Fixed effects models for the dependence of liquidity
on the growth rate and control variables
GRtr GR[tr.sup.2] ROA size
CULI (1) yes
-0.0207 *** 0.1921 *** yes
-0.0594 *** 0.0011 *** 0.2031 *** yes
QUICKL (1) yes
-0.0172 *** 0.1827 *** yes
-0.0423 *** 0.0006 ** 0.1898 *** yes
Dummy Dummy [R.sup.2]
GRtr industry year adj.
CULI (1) yes yes 0.6928
-0.0207 *** yes yes 0.7376
-0.0594 *** yes yes 0.7379
QUICKL (1) yes yes 0.7095
-0.0172 *** yes yes 0.7521
-0.0423 *** yes yes 0.7523
GRtr F-stat Prob > F
CULI (1) 1.69 0.0157
-0.0207 *** 2.81 0.0000
-0.0594 *** 3.14 0.0000
QUICKL (1) 1.45 0.0643
-0.0172 *** 2.95 0.0000
-0.0423 *** 3.10 0.0000
Notes: (1) Values of the ratio limited; firms with ratio equal
or lower to 15 are analysed
*, **, *** denote statistical significance at 10.5 and 1% level
Table 4. Fixed effects models for the dependence of current
assets on the growth rate and control variables
GRtr GR[tr.sup.2] ROA size
DIS (2) yes
-2.4828 *** yes
-9.3360 *** 0.2083 *** yes
DSO (2) yes
-1.7884 *** 3.7718 ** yes
-9.0309 *** 0.2180 *** 5.891 *** yes
DPO (2) yes
-5.0346 *** -28.64 *** yes
-12.006 *** 0.2657 *** -25.54 *** yes
ARAP (3) yes
-0.0123 *** 0.1236 *** yes
-0.0312 *** 0.0006 *** 0.1291 *** yes
Dummy Dummy [R.sup.2]
GRtr industry year adj.
DIS (2) yes yes 0.7038
-2.4828 *** yes yes 0.7409
-9.3360 *** yes yes 0.7427
DSO (2) yes yes 0.6433
-1.7884 *** yes yes 0.7036
-9.0309 *** yes yes 0.7082
DPO (2) yes yes 0.6464
-5.0346 *** yes yes 0.7085
-12.006 *** yes yes 0.7100
ARAP (3) yes yes 0.6305
-0.0123 *** yes yes 0.6851
-0.0312 *** yes yes 0.6855
GRtr F-stat Prob > F
DIS (2) 0.86 0.6714
-2.4828 *** 1.94 0.0040
-9.3360 *** 4.21 0.0000
DSO (2) 2.15 0.0006
-1.7884 *** 3.95 0.0000
-9.0309 *** 9.02 0.0000
DPO (2) 1.16 0.2628
-5.0346 *** 4.96 0.0000
-12.006 *** 6.42 0.0000
ARAP (3) 0.89 0.6218
-0.0123 *** 2.90 0.0000
-0.0312 *** 3.19 0.0000
Notes: (2) Values of the ratio limited; only firms with ratio
equal or lower to 720 are analysed
(3) Values of the ratio limited; only firms with ratio equal
or lower to 5 are analysed
*, **, *** denote statistical significance at 10.5 and 1%
level respectively
Table 5. Fixed effects models for the dependence of revenue
per employee on the growth rate and control variables
Dummy Dummy
GRtr GR[tr.sup.2] ROA size industry
TRL yes yes
629.95 ** yes yes
518.92 * 4970.9 *** yes yes
Dummy [R.sup.2]
GRtr year adj. F-stat Prob > F
TRL yes 0.3283 73.50 0.0000
629.95 ** yes 0.4000 49.21 0.0000
518.92 * yes 0.4007 47.72 0.0000
Notes: *, **, *** denote statistical significance at 10.5
and 1 % level respectively
Table 6. Fixed effects models for the dependence of costs on
the growth rate and control variables
Dummy Dummy
GRtr GRfa ROA size industry
TCL yes yes
-20.2886 ** 2328.36 * yes yes
BCL yes yes
-13.2844 * yes yes
TCR yes yes
0.1590 *** -0.5098 *** yes yes
Dummy [R.sup.2]
year adj. F-stat Prob > F
TCL yes 0.3089 78.62 0.0000
yes 0.3895 50.91 0.0000
BCL yes 0.3236 79.57 0.0000
yes 0.4039 54.61 0.0000
TCR yes 0.9721 0.75 0.8191
yes 0.6188 2.18 0.0006
Notes: *, **, *** denote statistical significance at
10.5 and 1 % level respectively
Table 7. Fixed effects models for the dependence of factor prices
on the growth rate and control variables
Dummy Dummy
GRtr GR[tr.sup.2] ROA size industry
PRICEL yes yes
-4.5663 yes yes
-5.7965 55.077 yes yes
PRICEK1 yes yes
0.0073 *** -0.1542 *** yes yes
0.0007 0.0002 *** -0.1523 *** yes yes
PRICEK2 yes yes
PRICEK3 yes yes
0.0629 *** -1.3405 *** yes yes
0.1711 *** -0.0032 *** -1.3711 *** yes yes
PRICEK4 yes yes
Dummy [R.sup.2]
GRtr year adj. F-stat Prob > F
PRICEL yes 0.7794 2122.5 0.0000
-4.5663 yes 0.7515 1299.0 0.0000
-5.7965 yes 0.7515 1247.2 0.0000
PRICEK1 yes 0.4922 1.13 0.2987
0.0073 *** yes 0.7718 60.11 0.0000
0.0007 yes 0.7724 58.88 0.0000
PRICEK2 yes 0.6870 2.02 0.0016
PRICEK3 yes 0.5908 0.89 0.6227
0.0629 *** yes 0.8522 184.90 0.0000
0.1711 *** yes 0.8569 194.13 0.0000
PRICEK4 yes 0.3271 0.16 1.0000
Notes: *, **, *** denote statistical significance at 10.5
and 1 % level respectively
Table 8. Fixed effects models for the dependence of capacity
Utilization and productivity on the growth rate and control
Dummy Dummy
GRa GRa2 ROA size industry
CU yes yes
-0.7370 *** yes yes
-0.7371 *** 6.9154 yes yes
-2.4770 *** 0.0007 *** yes yes
-2.4776 *** 0.0007 *** 7.3984 yes yes
PRODL yes yes
-20.1749 ** yes yes
-20.1781 ** 3470.83 ** yes yes
VAL yes yes
-823.15 *** 90095.5 *** yes yes
Dummy [R.sup.2]
GRa year adj. F-stat Prob > F
CU yes 0.5964 0.22 1.0000
-0.7370 *** yes 0.5226 7.62 0.0000
-0.7371 *** yes 0.5225 7.34 0.0000
-2.4770 *** yes 0.5293 12.32 0.0000
-2.4776 *** yes 0.5293 11.87 0.0000
PRODL yes 0.3128 77.69 0.0000
-20.1749 ** yes 0.4011 52.49 0.0000
-20.1781 ** yes 0.4015 50.67 0.0000
VAL yes 0.2439 204.90 0.0000
-823.15 *** yes 0.1810 132.80 0.0000
Notes: *, **, *** denote statistical significance at 10.5
and 1 % level respectively
Table 9. Significance of included dummy sets
Time (year)
Ratio Size dummy Industry dummy set dummy set
ROA not sig. not sig. sig.
ROE not sig. not sig. not sig.
ROS not sig. not sig. sig.
CULI sig. "small" and sig. NACE 17 and 19 sig.
QUICKL sig. "small" not sig. sig.
DTK not sig. not sig. not sig.
DIS not sig. sig. NACE 19 not sig.
DSO sig. "large" not sig. sig. year 2005
DPO not sig. sig. NACE 18 sig.
ARAP not sig. sig. NACE 17 sig. year 2004
PD not sig. sig. NACE 17 sig.
TRL sig. "small" not sig. sig.
RBER not sig. not sig. not sig.
TCL sig. "small" not sig. sig.
BCL not sig. sig. NACE 30 sig.
TCR not sig. not sig. sig.
PRICEL sig. sig. NACE 30 and 32 sig.
PRICEK1 sig. "small" not sig. sig.
PRICEK2 not sig. not sig. not sig.
PRICEK3 sig. "medium" not sig. sig.
PRICEK4 sig. "small" not sig. not sig.
CU not sig. not sig. not sig.
PRODL not sig. not sig. sig.
VAL not sig. not sig. sig. year 2005