A comparison of data mining techniques for credit scoring in banking: a managerial perspective.
Ince, Huseyin ; Aktan, Bora
1. Introduction
One of the main tasks of a bank is to lend money. As a financial
intermediary, one of its roles is to reduce lending risks. Bank lending
is an art as well as a science. Success depends on techniques used,
knowledge and on an aptitude to assess both credit-worthiness of a
potential borrower and the merits of the proposition to be financed. In
recent years, banks have increasingly used credit-scoring techniques to
evaluate the loan applications they receive from consumers (Blochlinger
and Leippold 2006; Vojtek and Kocenda 2006; Macerinskiene and
Ivaskeviciute 2008; Karan and Arslan 2008). Since severe competition and
rapid growth in the consumer credit market, credit scoring models have
been extensively used for the credit admission evaluation. Credit
scoring is a method of modeling potential risk of credit applications
(Vojtek and Kocenda 2006; Zhao 2007; Avery et al. 2004; Bodur and Teker
2005; Crook and Banasik 2004; Jacobson and Roszbach 2003). Credit
scoring models have been developed by the financial institution and
researchers in order to solve the problems involved during the
evaluation process.
In the first beginning, financial institutions always utilized the
rules or principles built by the analysts to decide whom to give credit.
Since the number of applicants increase tremendously, it is impossible
in both economic and man power terms to evaluate the credit
applications. Several quantitative methods have been developed for
credit admission decision. The credit scoring models are developed to
categorize applicants as either accepted or rejected with respect to the
applicants' characteristics. The objective of credit scoring models
is to assign credit applicants to either a 'good credit' group
that is likely to repay financial obligation or a 'bad credit'
group whose application will be denied because of its high possibility
of defaulting on the financial obligation (Lee et al. 2006). The
statistical methods, nonparametric statistical methods, and artificial
intelligence approaches have been proposed to support the credit
decision (Thomas 2000). Credit scoring problems are basically in the
domain of the more general and widely discussed classification problems
(Lee et al. 2002).
The classification problems have long played important roles in
business related decision making due to its wide applications in
decision support, financial forecasting, fraud detection, marketing
strategy, process control, and other related fields (Chen et al. 1996;
Fayyad et al. 1996; Lee at al. 2006). The classification problem can be
solved by using different techniques ranging from statistical methods to
artificial intelligence algorithms.
Statistical methods, including regression, linear and nonlinear
discriminant analysis, logit and probit models were most commonly
applied to construct credit scoring models (Vojtek and Kocenda 2006; Lee
et al. 2002; Lee et al. 2006). The most popular methods applied to
credit scoring models are linear discriminant analysis, logistic
regression and their variations. They are relatively easy to implement
and are able to generate straightforward results that can be readily
interpreted. However, there are some limitations associated with their
applications in credit scoring. First of all, these methods are not
effective for problems with high-dimensional inputs and small sample
size. Most importantly, these techniques rely on linear separability and
normality assumptions. Furthermore, it is difficult to automate the
modeling process and design a continuous update flow. According to Yang
(2007), the static models usually fail to adapt when environment or
population changes over the time. Therefore, these models may need to be
rebuilt from scratch.
In addition to these classical methodologies, artificial
intelligence techniques have been applied to credit scoring.
Practitioners and researchers have developed a variety of techniques for
credit scoring, which involve k-nearest neighbor (Henley and Hand 1996),
decision trees (Lee et al. 2006), neural networks (Lee et al. 2002;
Malhotra, R. and Malhotra, D. K. 2002; West 2000), and genetic
programming (Ong et al. 2005), support vector machines models. These
techniques can be used as an alternative to discriminant analysis and
logistic regression, in situations where the dependent and independent
variables exhibit complex nonlinear relationships (Lee et al. 2006).
The purpose of this study is to explore the performance of credit
scoring using discriminant analysis, logistic regression, neural
networks and classification and regression tree. The rest of the paper
is organized as follows: We will briefly review the literature on credit
scoring models and a brief outline of statistical methods and artificial
intelligence techniques in Section 2. The analytic results of credit
scoring models using discriminant analysis, logistic regression, neural
networks and classification and regression trees are presented in
Section 3. Finally, Section 4 addresses the conclusion.
2. Research methodology and literature review
The credit scoring models investigate the objective and subjective
factors that may influence the individuals. In order to predict
individual's ability to fulfill his or her financial commitment as
expected, credit scoring models have been developed by using
quantitative and qualitative analysis. Next, we briefly review the
background and related literature on credit scoring models.
2.1. Statistical methods
Two models have been used widely in credit scoring. These are
discriminant analysis and logistic regressions. Several variations of
these methods have been proposed. Discriminant analysis, proposed by
Fisher (1936), involves the linear combination of explanatory variables
that differentiate best between a priori defined groups. In order to
achieve this, one has to maximize the between-group variance relative to
the within group variance. The following equation expresses the
discriminant analysis:
Z = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1][X.sub.1] +
[[beta].sub.2][X.sub.2] + ... + [[beta].sub.n][X.sub.n] ..., (1)
where Z is the discriminant score, [beta] are the coefficients and
X are the independent variables. Discriminant analysis can be used if
the dependent variable is categorical and the independent variables are
metric. In order to use discriminant analysis, the data has to be
independent and normally distributed and covariance matrix is required
to comply with the variation homogeneity assumption (Rencher 2002). If
the covariance matrices of the given populations are not equal, then the
separation surface of the discriminant function is quadratic. Therefore,
the quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA) needs to be used. Despite the
fact that LDA is only a special case of QDA with stronger assumptions,
LDA has been reported to be a more robust method when the theoretical
presumptions are violated (Lee and Chen 2005). Discriminant analysis has
been used to solve classification problems for finance, business, and
marketing research (Lee et al. 1997; Kim et al. 2000; Trevino and
Daniels 1995). For credit scoring problems, several researchers have
proposed and used the discriminant analysis and its variations (Lee et
al. 2002; Lee et al. 2006).
Logistic regression is a widely used statistical modeling technique
in which the probability of a dichotomous outcome is related to a set of
potential explanatory variables in the form (Hosmer and Lemeshow 1989):
log[p/(1 -p)] = [[beta].sub.0] + [[beta].sub.1][x.sub.1] +
[[beta].sub.2][x.sub.2] + ... + [[beta].sub.n][x.sub.n] ..., (2)
where p is the probability of the outcome of interest,
[[beta].sub.0] is the intercept term, and [[beta].sub.i] represents the
[beta] coefficient associated with the corresponding independent
variable [x.sub.i] (i = 1, ..., n). According to Lee et al. (2002), the
logistic regression model does not necessarily require the assumptions
of discriminant analysis. However, logistic regression can be as
efficient and accurate as discriminant analysis even though the
assumptions of discriminant analysis are satisfied. An advantage of
discriminant analysis is that ordinary least square estimation procedure
can be implemented to estimate the coefficients of the linear
discriminant function, but maximum likelihood methods are required for
the estimation of logistic regression models. Logistic regression models
have been widely adopted in many areas ranging from business to
engineering (Laitinen, E. K. and Laitinen, T. 2000; Suh et al. 1999;
Vellido et al. 1999). Logistic regression has also been explored by
several in building credit scoring models for personal loan, business
loan, and credit card applications (Lee et al. 2006).
2.2. Artificial intelligence techniques
The artificial intelligence techniques, which have made significant
contribution to the field of information science (Chen and Liu 2004) can
be adopted to construct the credit scoring models. Several artificial
intelligence techniques, which are decision trees, neural networks,
genetic programming, k-nearest neighbor models, have been developed by
practitioners and researchers for credit scoring (Malhotra, R. and
Malhotra, D. K. 2002; West 2000, Ong et al. 2005; Lee et al. 2006; Lee
and Chen 2005; Lee et al. 2002). In this study, we will develop and
compare credit scoring models based on neural networks, and
classification and regression trees.
Neural network (NN), which is an algorithmic procedure for
transforming inputs into desired outputs using highly inter-connected
networks of relatively simple processing elements (nodes), is a class of
nonlinear regression and discrimination models. The neural networks
consist of the nodes, the network topology describing the connections
between nodes, and the training algorithm used to determine the values
of network weights for a particular network. The nodes are connected to
one another in the sense that the output from one node can be served as
the input to other nodes. Each node transforms an input to an output
using a transfer function. Network topology gives the organization of
nodes and the types of connections. The nodes are arranged in a series
of layers with connections between nodes in different layers. The first
layer called input layer receives the inputs. An example of neural
networks with one hidden layer is shown in Fig. 1 (Crook et al. 2007).
The appropriate network topology (i.e., the number of hidden neurons in
hidden layer) can be determined by the following equation:
h = [square root of n + m +a, [alpha] [member of]] [1,10] ..., (3)
where h is the number of the hidden units, n and m is the number of
input and output units respectively.
Neural networks can be classified into different categories such as
feedforward and feedback networks. The nodes in feedforward networks can
take inputs only from the previous layer and send outputs to the next
layer. The multilayer perceptron (MLP) uses back propagation algorithm
which is a gradient steepest descent algorithm. In order to find the
optimal weight, BP tries to minimize the network error. The step size,
called the learning rate, must be specified first. The learning rate is
crucial for BPN since smaller values tend to slow down the training
process before convergence while larger ones may cause network
oscillation and are unable to converge. Several variations of BP
algorithm have been proposed to overcome the difficulties such as
reaching local minimum, slow convergence and overtraining, detailed
information on neural networks can be found in (Haykin 1998).
Decision tree is one of the different approaches to build a
classification model by using inductive reasoning. It produces a model
of tree-shaped structure representing segmentation of the data that is
created by applying a series of simple rules. These rules can be used
for prediction through repetitive process of splitting. The decision
tree theory is very suitable for credit scoring model and used widely
(Lee and Chen 2005). The following decision tree algorithms have been
used for prediction and classification: ID3, C4.5, Classification and
Regression Trees (CART), and Chi-squared Automatic Interactive Detector
(CHAID) models.
ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3) was proposed by Quinlan (1993) to
generate decision trees. It is based on theory of information gain. ID3
determines the optimal information gain as an attribute for branching of
decision trees so that the tree thus built has a simple structure (Zhao
2007). Information gain is computed by the entropy of the sub-trees
produced by a node of a decision tree using a certain attribute, as well
as that of the whole data set. The disadvantage of ID3 is that it uses
the information gain as a rule to select attributes for branching which
result in bias over attributes of higher values. In order to remove this
drawback, C4.5, which is an extension and revision of ID3, was proposed
(Chang and Chen 2008). C4.5 algorithm uses information gain-ratio to
segment attributes. C5 algorithm offering improvements for C4.5 can be
used in processing a huge data set because it uses boosting trees to
increase modeling accuracy (Chang and Chen 2008). In addition to this,
it is much faster in speed and is more efficient than C4.5 in terms of
memory usage. According to (Tso and Yau 2007), C5 has the following
advantages over C4.5 algorithm: "(1) the branch-merging option for
nominal splits is the default; (2) misclassification costs can be
specified; (3) boosting and cross-validation are available; and (4) the
algorithm for creating rule sets from trees is much improved".
Besides these algorithms, several researchers have proposed other
decision trees techniques. One of them is classification and regression
trees known as CART, a statistical procedure introduced by Breiman et
al. (1984). It is a recursive partitioning method to be used both for
regression and classification. It is primarily used as a classification
tool to classify an object into two or more populations. It can be used
to analyze the continuous data. The CART algorithm can be summarized in
three stages as follows (Chang and Chen 2008):
1. In this stage, recursive partitioning technique is used to
select variables and split points using a splitting criterion. The best
predictor is chosen using a variety of impurity or diversity measures
(Gini, twoing, ordered twoing and least-squared deviation). The detailed
information about how to compute these impurity measures can be found in
(Breiman et al. 1984). The objective is to produce subsets of the data
which are as homogeneous as possible with respect to the target variable
(Breiman et al. 1984)
2. After identifying a large tree, CART uses the pruning procedure
that incorporates a minimal cost complexity. Pruning procedure yields a
nested subset of trees starting from the largest tree grown and
continuing the process until only one node of the tree remains.
3. In the last stage, the optimal tree is selected by using the
lowest cross-validated or testing set error criteria.
Neural networks and decision trees have been widely used to solve
several problems related to engineering, science, business, forecasting
fields (Vellido et al. 1999; Lee et al. 2002; Lee et al. 2006). Neural
networks and decision trees have been used to deal with credit scoring
problems (Lee et al. 2006; Lee et al. 2002). Also, decision trees have
been used widely in the context of credit scoring models. We will use
multilayer perceptron (MLP) networks, CART decision trees algorithm.
3. Empirical study
To verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the credit scoring
models using discriminant analysis, logistic regression, decision trees
(C5, CART), and neural networks, credit card data set provided by a
Turkish bank is used. Each bank customer in the data set contains nine
predictor variables, namely, gender, age, marital status, educational
level, occupation, job position, income, customer type and credit cards
from the other banks. The response variable is the credit status of the
customer-good or bad credit. The data set is composed of 1260
customers' records. Among them, 890 data sets with respect to the
ratio of good and bad credit were randomly selected as the training
sample to estimate the parameters of the corresponding credit scoring
model. The remaining 370 will be retained for validation (evaluating the
classification capability of the scoring models).
Weka data mining software (Witten and Frank 2005) will be utilized
to develop neural networks, decision trees and logistic regression
credit scoring models. The discriminant analysis credit scoring models
will be implemented by using SPSS 13.0. All the modeling tasks are
implemented on an IBM PC with Intel Pentium D 3.0GHz CPU processor with
2 GB of RAM. The detailed credit scoring results using the
above-mentioned five modeling techniques can be summarized as follows.
3.1. Discriminant Analysis
The stepwise discriminant approach (Rencher 2002) is adopted in
building the discriminant analysis credit scoring model. The final
discriminant function has five significant predictor variables, namely
income, education, age, occupation, marital status. The credit scoring
results of the training and testing sample using the obtained
discriminant function are summarized in Table 1. For training and
testing sample, the average correct classification rate is 65.23% and
62.00% respectively. For training set, 137 customers with good credit
are classified as bad credit customers for training and 169 customers
with bad credit are classified as good credit customers. 52 customers
with good credit are classified as bad credit customers, and 81
customers with bad credit are classified as good credit customers for
3.2. Logistic Regression
The stepwise logistic regression procedure is used in building the
credit scoring model. The variables included in credit scoring model are
income, education, customer type. The following Table shows the credit
scoring results of the training and testing sample. As it can be seen
from Table 2, average correct classification rates of training and
testing are 66.37% and 62.33%, respectively. For training set, 113
customers with good credit are classified as bad credit customers for
training and 186 customers with bad credit are classified as good credit
customers. 81 customers with good credit are classified as bad credit
customers, and 58 customers with bad credit are classified as good
credit customers for testing.
3.3. Neural Networks
The most widely used algorithm for neural networks is back
propagation (BPN) algorithm (Lee et al. 2006). According to Vellido et
al. (1999), more than 75% of business applications using neural networks
adopted the BPN algorithm. Based on these facts, we will use the BPN
algorithm for credit scoring model. In BPN, data set is splitted into
two subsets: a training set of 70% (860), a holdout (testing) set of 30%
(370) of the total data (1230) respectively.
According to Lee et al. (2002), any complex system can be modeled
by one-hidden-layer network. Determining the optimal number of hidden
nodes (neurons) is crucial and complicated. The most commonly used way
in determining the number of hidden nodes is via experiments or
trial-and-error. In addition to this, equation (3) can be used to
determine the number of hidden neurons. In this study, we have used the
equation (3), to determine the number of hidden neurons. The number of
hidden neurons is determined as thirteen. The convergence criteria used
for training are a root-meansquared error (RMSE) less than or equal to
0.0001 or a maximum of 5000 iterations.
The prediction results of the neural networks for training and
testing sets are summarized in Table 3. From Table 3, average correct
classification rates of training and testing are 78.85% and 61.52%,
respectively. For training set, 49 customers with good credit are
classified as bad credit customers for training and 139 customers with
bad credit are classified as good credit customers. 99 customers with
good credit are classified as bad credit customers, and 43 customers
with bad credit are classified as good credit customers for testing.
3.4. Decision Trees
We use the single classification tree for credit scoring model. We
employ the most commonly used decision tree algorithm CART with 1-SE
rule in the pruning procedure. CART methods are always preference for
the best effective variable to split the node. Therefore, the order of
the split node can reflect the important variable in the credit scoring.
The variable, income, customer type, and education level are important.
Table 4 shows the classification results of training and testing
samples. Table 4 shows that average correct classification rates of
training and testing are 72.89% and 65.58%, respectively. For training
set, 100 customers with good credit are classified as bad credit
customers for training and 141 customers with bad credit are classified
as good credit customers. 64 customers with good credit are classified
as bad credit customers, and 63 customers with bad credit are classified
as good credit customers for testing.
3.5. Comparison of the credit scoring models
In order to evaluate the overall credit scoring capability of the
designed credit scoring models, predicted results of the credit scoring
models and the misclassification costs are used. The predictive results
can be determined by the average correct classification rate for the
testing set. The following Table 5 shows the predictive accuracy of the
four credit scoring models.
It is apparent that the misclassification costs associated with
Type I error (a customer with good credit is misclassified as a customer
with bad credit) and Type II error (a customer with bad credit is
misclassified as a customer with good credit) are significantly
different. The misclassification costs associated with Type II errors
are much higher than those associated with Type I errors. Since the
relative ratio of misclassification costs associated with Type I and
Type II errors is 1-5 (West, 2000), special attention should be paid to
Type II errors of the four constructed models in order to evaluate the
overall credit scoring capability. Table 6 shows the Type I and Type II
errors of the four models being discussed.
As the results revealed in Table 6, the neural networks model has
the lowest Type II error in comparison with the other three approaches.
Therefore, we can conclude that the neural networks can successfully
reduce the possible risks of extra losses due to high misclassification
costs associated with Type II errors.
4. Conclusions
In this paper, four different techniques have been applied to
explore credit scoring and evaluate the bank's credit card policy.
Credit scoring has become an important issue as the competition among
financial institutions becomes very intense. More and more, financial
institutions are seeking better strategies through the help of credit
scoring models. Therefore, credit scoring problems are one of the
applications that have gained serious attention over the past decades
with advances in information technology and modeling techniques.
Modeling techniques like traditional statistical analyses and artificial
intelligence techniques have been developed in order to successfully
attack the credit scoring tasks.
The purpose of this study is to explore the performance of credit
scoring using discriminant analysis, logistic regression, neural
networks and classification and regression tree. In order to evaluate
the feasibility and effectiveness of these techniques, credit-scoring
task is performed on one bank credit card data set. Analytic results
demonstrate that CART has better average correct classification rate in
comparison with discriminant analysis, logistic regression, and neural
networks. On the other hand, neural network credit scoring model has
lower Type II errors associated with high misclassification costs and
therefore has better overall credit scoring capabilities.
Received 20 June 2008; accepted 20 March 2009
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DOI: 10.3846/1611-1699.2009.10.
Huseyin Ince (1), Bora Aktan (2)
(1) Gebze Institute of Technology, Kocaeli, Turkey (2) Yasar
University, Izmir, Turkey; University of Primorska, Slovenia E-mails:
(1) h.ince@gyte.edu.tr; (2) bora.aktan@yasar.edu.tr
Table 1. Classification results using discriminant
analysis for training and testing samples
Training Sample Testing Sample
Predicted Predicted
Good Bad Good Bad
Actual Credit Credit Credit Credit
Good 356 137 106 52
Credit (72.21%) (27.79%) (67.09%) (32.91%)
Bad 169 218 81 111
Credit (43.67%) (56.33%) (42.19%) (57.81%)
Average correct classification rate for training: 65.23%
Average correct classification rate for testing: 62.00%
Table 2. Classification results using logistic regression
for training and testing samples
Training Sample Testing Sample
Predicted Predicted
Good Bad Good Bad
Actual Credit Credit Credit Credit
Good 348 113 122 81
Credit (75.49%) (24.51%) (60.10%) (39.90%)
Bad 186 242 58 108
Credit (43.46%) (56.54%) (34.94%) (65.06%)
Average correct classification rate for training: 66.37%
Average correct classification rate for testing: 62.33%
Table 3. Classification results using Neural Networks
for training and testing samples
Training Sample Testing Sample
Predicted Predicted
Good Bad Good Bad
Actual Credit Credit Credit Credit
Good 412 49 104 99
Credit (89.37%) (10.63%) (51.23%) (48.77%)
Bad 139 289 43 123
Credit (32.48%) (67.52%) (25.90%) (74.10%)
Average correct classification rate for training: 78.85%
Average correct classification rate for testing: 61.52%
Table 4. Classification results using CART
for training and testing samples
Training Sample Testing Sample
Predicted Predicted
Good Bad Good Bad
Actual Credit Credit Credit Credit
Good 361 100 139 64
Credit (78.31%) (21.69%) (68.47%) (31.53%)
Bad 141 287 63 103
Credit (32.94%) (67.06%) (37.95%) (62.05%)
Average correct classification rate for training: 72.89%
Average correct classification rate for testing: 65.58%
Table 5. Comparison of credit scoring models
(Discriminant Analysis, Logistic regression,
Neural Networks, CART)
Discriminant Logistic Neural
Analysis Regression Networks CART
Predicted 62.20% 62.33% 61.52% 65.58%
Table 6. Type I and Type II errors of four models
Type I error Type II error
Discriminant Analysis 31.90% 43.32%
Logistic Regression 42.86% 32.22%
Neural Networks 44.59% 29.25%
CART 39.88% 33.01%