Determinants of bank profitability in a developing economy: empirical evidence from Bangladesh.
Sufian, Fadzlan ; Habibullah, Muzafar Shah
1. Introduction
The main role of a financial system is to assist the flow of funds from savers to borrowers. If a financial system is efficient, then it
should show profitability improvements, increasing volume of funds
flowing from savers to borrowers, and better quality services for
consumers. Unlike in other developed nations where financial markets as
well as the banking system work in unison to channel those funds, in
developing countries financial markets are undersized and sometimes
completely absent. It falls on the banks to bridge the gap between
savers and borrowers and to perform all tasks associated with the
profitable and secure channeling of funds. The banking sector also plays
an important economic role in providing financial intermediation and
economic acceleration by converting deposits into productive
investments. This entails the study of banking sector performance in
developing economies of greater significance.
The paper seeks to examine the performance of the Bangladeshi
banking sector over the period 1997-2004, which is characterized as a
time of significant reform in the country's banking sector. Since
the National Com mission of Money, Credit and Banking recommendations
for broad structural changes in Bangladesh's financial
intermediation system, a series of actions have been taken by the
Bangladesh Bank to improve the soundness, competitiveness, and
efficiency of the banking system. Among others, measures have been taken
to improve transparency, deregulate interest rates, strengthening loan
classification standards, and reducing Bangladesh Bank's control
over financial transactions and loan recovery measures.
These measures have resulted in Bangladeshi banks attempting to
diversify and strengthen their portfolios and also led to both the
improvement in non-performing loan ratios and significant rise in
interest-related income for all Bangladeshi banks. However, the overall
profitability has remained unstable despite the programme of reforms.
Ball and Feltenstein (2001) suggest that reform in Bangladesh should be
centered on allowing banks to restrict the extension of credit to
borrowers in certain risk categories, which is prohibited in Bangladesh.
The paper was initiated by a series of questions. Why are some
commercial banks more successful than others? To what extent are
discrepancies in banks' profitability due to variation in
endogenous factors under the control of bank management, and to what
extent do external factors impact the financial performance of these
banks? Answers to these questions would be helpful to identify the
determinants of successful commercial banks in order to formulate going
forward policies for improved profitability of these banks.
The present study contributes to the existing literature by
providing new empirical evidence of the factors that influence bank
profitability in a developing economy. While there has been extensive
literature examining the profitability of banking sectors in developed
countries, empirical works on factors that influence the performance of
banks in developing economies are relatively scarce (Akhavein et al.
1997). Furthermore, at the present time, this type of analysis is
completely missing in the literature concerning the banking sector in
This paper is structured as follows. The next section reviews the
related studies in the literature, followed by a section that outlines
the econometric framework. Section 4 reports the empirical findings.
Finally, section 5 concludes and offers avenues for future research.
2. Related studies
The performance of the banking sector is a subject that has
received a lot of attention in recent years. There is now a large
literature which has examined the role played by management of resources
in determining bank performance. It is generally agreed that better
quality management of resources is the main factor contributing to bank
performance, as evidenced by numerous studies that have focused on the
U.S. banking system (DeYoung and Rice 2004; Stiroh and Rumble 2006;
Bhuyan and Williams 2006; Hirtle and Stiroh 2007) and the banking
systems in the western and developed countries (Ho and Tripe 2002;
Williams 2003; Pasiouras and Kosmidou 2007; Kosmidou et al. 2007;
Kosmidou and Zopounidis 2008; Athanasoglou et al. 2007; Albertazzi and
Gambacorta 2008).
By contrast, fewer studies have looked at bank performance in
developing economies. Guru et al. (2002) investigate the determinants of
bank profitability in Malaysia. They used a sample of 17 commercial
banks during the 1986 to 1995 period. The profitability determinants
were divided into two main categories, namely the internal determinants
(liquidity, capital adequacy, and expenses management) and the external
determinants (ownership, firm size, and economic conditions). The
findings revealed that efficient expenses management was one of the most
significant in explaining high bank profitability. Among the macro
indicators, high interest ratio was associated with low bank
profitability and inflation was found to have a positive effect on bank
Chantapong (2005) investigates the performance of domestic and
foreign banks in Thailand during the period 1995-2000. All banks were
found to have reduced their credit exposure during the crisis years and
have gradually improved their profitability during the postcrisis years.
The results indicate that foreign bank profitability is higher than the
average profitability of the domestic banks although importantly, in the
post-crisis period, the gap between foreign and domestic bank
profitability has closed, suggesting that the financial restructuring
program has yielded some positive results.
Heffernan and Fu (2008) examine the performance of different types
of Chinese banks during the period 1999 and 2006. The results suggest
economic value added and the net interest margin do better than the more
conventional measures of profitability, namely return on average asset
(ROAA) and return on average equity (ROAE). Some macroeconomic variables
and financial ratios are significant with the expected signs. Though the
type of bank is influential, bank size is not. Neither the percentage of
foreign ownership nor bank listings have a discernible effect.
Ben Naceur and Goaied (2008) examine the impact of bank
characteristics, financial structure, and macroeconomic conditions on
Tunisian banks' net-interest margin and profitability during the
period of 1980 to 2000. They suggest that banks that hold a relatively
high amount of capital and higher overhead expenses tend to exhibit
higher net-interest margin and profitability levels, while size is
negatively related to bank profitability. During the period under study,
they find that stock market development has positive impact on
banks' profitability. The empirical findings suggest that private
banks are relatively more profitable than their state owned
counterparts. The results suggest that macroeconomic conditions have no
significant impact on Tunisian banks' profitability.
Ben Naceur and Omran (2008) examine the influence of bank
regulations, concentration, financial and institutional development on
Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries commercial banks margin
and profitability during the period 1989-2005. They find that bank
specific characteristics, in particular bank capitalization and credit
risk, have positive and significant impact on banks' net interest
margin, cost efficiency, and profitability. On the other hand,
macroeconomic and financial development indicators have no significant
impact on bank performance.
In a comprehensive study, Dermiguc Kunt and Huizinga (1999) examine
the determinants of bank interest margins and profitability using bank
level data for 80 countries from 1988 to 1995. They find that a larger
ratio of bank assets to GDP and a lower market concentration ratio lead
to lower margins and profits. The findings also suggest that foreign
banks have higher margins and profits than domestic banks in developing
countries, while the opposite prevails in developed countries.
Dermiguc Kunt and Huizinga (2001) present evidence of the impact of
financial development and structure on bank profitability using bank
level data for a large number of developed and developing countries over
the 1990-1997 period. The paper finds that financial development has a
very important impact on bank performance. They find that higher bank
development is related to lower bank performance, due to tougher
competition. On the other hand, stock market development leads to higher
profitability and margin for banks, particularly at lower levels of
financial development suggesting complementariness between the banking
sector and the stock market.
Pasiouras and Kosmidou (2007) examine the performance of domestic
and foreign commercial banks in 15 EU countries during the period
1995-2001. They find that profitability of both domestic and foreign
banks is affected not only by bank specific characteristics, but also by
financial market structure and macroeconomic conditions. The results
suggest that all variables have significant relationship with bank
profitability, although their impacts and relation is not always uniform
for domestic and foreign banks.
More recently, Kosmidou (2008) examined the determinants of
performance of Greek commercial banks during the period 1990-2002. He
found that profitability is positively associated with well capitalized
banks and lower cost to income ratios. He also suggests that the growth
of gross domestic product (GDP) is positively related to bank
profitability, while inflation rate is negatively related to bank
profitability during the period under study.
3. Data and methodology
We collected our bank specific variables from the financial
statements of a sample of commercial banks operating in Bangladesh over
the period 1997-2004 available in the Bankscope database of Bureau van
Dijk's company. The macroeconomic variables are retrieved from IMF Financial Statistics (IFS) database. The total number of commercial
banks operating in Bangladesh varied from 21 banks in 1997 and 1998, 30
banks in 1999, 33 banks in 2000, 35 banks in 2001, 2002, and 2003, and
34 banks in 2004 (see Appendix
1). This gives us a total of 129 bank year observations.
Table 1 lists the variables used to proxy profitability and its
determinants. We also include the notation and the expected effect of
the determinants according to the literature.
3.1. Dependent variables
In the literature, bank performance is typically measured by return
on average assets (ROAA), return on average equity (ROAE), and/or net
interest margins (NIM) and is usually expressed as a function of
internal and external determinants. Internal determinants are factors
that are mainly influenced by a bank's management decisions and
policy objectives. Such profitability determinants are the level of
liquidity, provisioning policy, capital adequacy, expenses management,
and bank size. On the other hand, the external determinants both
industry and macroeconomic related, are variables that reflect the
economic and legal environments where the financial institution
ROAA shows the profit earned per dollar of assets and, most
importantly, reflects the management ability to utilize the bank's
financial and real investment resources to generate profits (Hassan and
Bashir 2003). For any bank, ROAA depends on the bank's policy
decisions as well as uncontrollable factors relating to the economy and
government regulations. Many regulators believe ROAA is the best measure
of bank profitability (Hassan and Bashir 2003). Rivard and Thomas (1997)
suggest that bank profitability is best measured by ROAA in that ROAA is
not distorted by high equity multipliers and ROAA represents a better
measure of the ability of the firm to generate returns on its portfolio
of assets. ROAE, on the other hand, reflects how effectively a bank
management is using its shareholders funds. Since returns on assets tend
to be lower for financial intermediaries, most banks utilize financial
leverage heavily to increase return on equity to a competitive level
(Hassan and Bashir 2003).
3.2. Determinants and independent variables
The independent variables used to explain bank profitability are
grouped under two main characteristics. The first represent bank
specific attributes, while the second encompass economic conditions
during the period examined. The bank specific variables included in the
regressions are: LOANS/TA (total loans divided by total assets), LOGTA
(log of total assets), LLP/TL (loans loss provisions divided by total
loans), NII/TA (non-interest income divided by total assets), NIE/TA
(total overhead expenses divided by total assets), and EQASS (book value
of stockholders' equity as a fraction of total assets).
Liquidity risk, arising from the possible inability of banks to
accommodate decreases in liabilities or to fund increases on the
assets' side of the balance sheet, is considered an important
determinant of bank profitability. The loans market, especially credit
to households and firms, is risky and has a greater expected return than
other bank assets, such as government securities. Thus, one would expect
a positive relationship between liquidity (LOANS/TA) and profitability
(Bourke 1989). It could be the case, however, that the fewer the funds
tide up in liquid investments, the higher we might expect profitability
to be (Eichengreen and Gibson 2001).
Bank size (LOGTA) is generally used to capture potential economies
or diseconomies of scale in the banking sector. This variable controls
for cost differences in product and risk diversification according to
the size of the financial institution. The first factor could lead to a
positive relationship between size and bank profitability, if there are
significant economies of scale (Akhavein et al. 1997; Bourke 1989;
Molyneux and Thornton 1992; Bikker and Hu 2002; Goddard et al. 2004),
while the second to a negative one, if increased diversification leads
to lower credit risk and thus lower returns. Other researchers however
conclude that marginal cost savings can be achieved by increasing the
size of the banking firm, especially as markets develop (Berger et al.
1987; Boyd and Runkle 1993; Miller and Noulas 1997; Athanasoglou et al.
2007). Eichengreen and Gibson (2001) suggest that the effect of a
growing bank's size on profitability may be positive up to a
certain limit. Beyond this point the effect of size could be negative
due to bureaucratic and other reasons. Hence, the size-profitability
relationship may be expected to be non-linear.
The ratio of loan loss provisions to total loans (LLP/TL) is
incorporated as an independent variable in the regression analysis as a
proxy of credit risk. Changes in credit risk may reflect changes in the
health of a bank's loan portfolio (Cooper et al. 2003), which may
affect the performance of the institution. Duca and McLaughlin (1990),
among others, conclude that variations in bank profitability are largely
attributable to variations in credit risk, since increased exposure to
credit risk is normally associated with decreased firm profitability.
This triggers discussions concerning not the volume but the quality of
loans made. In this direction, Miller and Noulas (1997) suggest that the
more financial institutions are exposed to high risk loans, the higher
the accumulation of unpaid loans and the lower the profitability.
To recognize that financial institutions in recent years have
increasingly been generating income from "off-balance sheet"
business and fee income generally, the ratio of non-interest income over
total assets (NII/TA) is entered in the regression analysis as a proxy
for nontraditional activities. Non-interest income consists of
commission, service charges, and fees, guarantee fees, net profit from
sale of investment securities, and foreign exchange profit. The ratio is
also included in the regression model as a proxy measure of bank
diversification into non-traditional activities. The variable is
expected to exhibit positive relationship with bank profitability.
The ratio of overhead expenses to total assets, NIE/TA, is used to
provide information on the variations of bank operating costs. The
variable represents total amount of wages and salaries, as well as the
costs of running branch office facilities. For the most part, the
literature argues that reduced expenses improve the efficiency and hence
raise the profitability of financial institutions, implying a negative
relationship between operating expenses ratio and profitability (Bourke
1989). However, Molyneux and Thornton (1992) observed a positive
relationship, suggesting that high profits earned by firms may be
appropriated in the form of higher payroll expenditures paid to more
productive human capital (1). In any case, it should be appealing to
identify the dominant effect, in a developing banking environment like
EQASS variable is included in the regressions to examine the
relationship between profitability and bank capitalization. Even though
leverage (capitalization) has been demonstrated to be important in
explaining the performance of financial institutions, its impact on bank
profitability is ambiguous. A lower capital ratio suggests a relatively
risky position, one might expect a negative coefficient on this variable
(Berger 1995). However, it could be the case that higher levels of
equity would decrease the cost of capital, leading to a positive impact
on bank profitability (Molyneux 1993). An increase in capital may raise
expected earnings by reducing the expected costs of financial distress,
including bankruptcy (Berger 1995). Furthermore, strong capital
structure is essential for financial institutions in developing
economies, since it provides additional strength to withstand financial
crises and increased safety for depositors during unstable macroeconomic
Bank profitability is sensitive to macroeconomic conditions despite
the trend in the industry towards greater geographic diversification and
larger use of financial engineering techniques to manage risk associated
with business cycle forecasting. Generally, higher economic growth
encourages bank to lend more and permits them to charge higher margins,
as well as improving the quality of their assets. Neely and Wheelock
(1997) use per capita income and suggest that this variable exerts a
strong positive effect on bank earnings. Dermiguc Kunt and Huizinga
(2001) and Bikker and Hu (2002) identify possible cyclical movements in
bank profitability, i.e. the extent to which bank profits are correlated with the business cycle (2). Their findings suggest that such
correlation exists, although the variables used were not direct measures
of the business cycle. To measure the relationship between economic and
market conditions and bank profitability, LNGDP (natural log of GDP) and
INFL (inflation rate) are used. Table 2 presents the summary statistics
of the dependent and explanatory variables.
3.3. Econometric specification
To test the relationship between bank profitability and the bank
specific and macroeconomic determinants described earlier, we estimate a
linear regression model in the following form:
ln [([pi])] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1] ln [(LLP/TL)]
+ [[beta].sub.2] ln [(TA)] + [[beta].sub.3] ln [(NII/TA)]
+ [[beta].sub.4] ln [(NIE/TA)] + [[beta].sub.5] ln
[(EQASS)] + [[zeta].sub.1] ln (GDP) + [[zeta].sub.2] ln (GDPCAP)
+ [[zeta].sub.3]ln (INFL) + [[epsilon]] [[epsilon]] =
[] + [], (1)
where 'i' denotes the bank, 't' the examined
time period, and [epsilon] is the disturbance term, with []
capturing the unobserved bank specific effect, and uit is the
idiosyncratic error and is independently identically distributed
(i.i.d), [] ~ N(0, [[sigma].sup.2]).
Following De Bandt and Davis (2000) and Staikouras et al. (2008)
among others, the log linear form is chosen as it typically improves the
regression's goodness of fit and may reduce simultaneity bias. We
apply the least square method of fixed effects model (FEM). The
opportunity to use a fixed effects rather than a random effects model has been tested with the Hausman test. Equation (1) is estimated by
using White's (1980) transformation to control for cross section
heteroscedasticity of the variables.
Table 3 provides information on the degree of correlation between
the explanatory variables used in the multivariate regression analysis.
The matrix shows that in general the correlation between the
bank-specific variables is not strong thus suggesting that
multicollinearity problems are not severe or non-existent. Kennedy
(2008) states that multicollinearity is a problem when the correlation
is above 0.70, which is not the case here.
4. Empirical findings
The regression results focusing on the relationship between bank
profitability and the explanatory variables are presented in Table 4. To
conserve space, the full regression results, which include both the bank
and time specific fixed effects, are not reported in the paper. The
model performs reasonably well with most variables remain stable across
the various regressions tested. The explanatory power of the models is
reasonably high, while the F-statistics for all models is significant at
the 1% level. The adjusted [R.sup.2] is also considerably higher than
obtained by Williams (2003), Staikouras and Wood (2003), and Kosmidou et
al. (2007).
LOANS/TA entered all the regression models with a positive sign and
is statistically significant at the 5% level or better in all cases. The
findings imply that banks with higher loans-to-asset ratios tend to be
more profitable. Thus, in the case of the Bangladeshi banking sector,
bank loans seem to be more highly valued than alternative bank outputs
such as investments and securities. The result is consistent with
earlier studies by among others Molyneux and Thornton (1992), Guru et
al. (2002), and Pasioura and Kosmidou (2007).
Referring to the relationship between size (LOGTA) and performance,
the results are mixed. The coefficient of LOGTA is statistically
significant and negative in the ROAE regression model. The negative
coefficient indicates that larger (smaller) banks tend to earn lower
(higher) profits. On the other hand, the relation between size (LOGTA)
and bank performance is statisti cally significant and positive in the
NIM regression model. Hauner (2005) offers two potential explanations
for which size could have a positive impact on bank performance. First,
if it relates to market power, large banks should pay less for their
inputs. Second, there may be increasing returns to scale through the
allocation of fixed costs (e.g. research or risk management) over a
higher volume of services or from efficiency gains from a specialized
It is interesting to note that the coefficient of LLP/TL reveals a
positive relationship with bank profitability and is statistically
significant at the 1% level in the ROAA and ROAE regression models. The
empirical finding is in consonance with Berger and DeYoung's (1997)
skimping hypothesis. Berger and DeYoung (1997) suggest that under the
skimping hypothesis, a bank maximizing the long run profits may
rationally choose to have lower costs in the short run by skimping on
the resources devoted to underwriting and monitoring loans, but bear the
consequences of greater loan performance problems.
The coefficient of NII/TA variable entered the regression model
with a negative sign and is statistically significant at the 1% level in
the ROAA and ROAE regression models. The results imply that bank which
derived a higher proportion of its income from non-interest sources such
as fee-based services tend to report a lower level of profitability. The
empirical findings provide support to earlier studies by among others
Stiroh and Rumble (2006). To recap, Stiroh and Rumble (2006) find that
diversification benefits of the U.S. financial holding companies are
offset by the increased exposure to non-interest activities, which are
much more volatile but not necessarily more profitable than interest
generating activities.
On the other hand, NIE/TA consistently exhibits positive
relationship with bank performance and is statistically significant at
the 1% level in the NIM regression model supporting the expense
preference behavior in the Bangladeshi banking sector. There are a few
plausible explanations. Firstly, as suggested by Sathye (2001), the more
highly qualified and professional management may require higher
remuneration packages and thus a highly significant positive
relationship with profitability measure is natural. Secondly, as
suggested by Claessens et al. (2001), although overstaffing may lead to
the deterioration of bank profitability levels in the middle-income
countries, the same could not be hold true for banks operating in the
middle and high income countries.
Capital strength as measured by EQASS is positively related to bank
profitability and is statistically significant at the 1% level in the
NIM regression model. The result is consistent with previous studies
(Isik and Hassan 2003; Staikouras and Wood 2003: Goddard et al. 2004;
Pasiouras and Kosmidou 2007; Kosmidou 2008) providing support to the
argument that well capitalized banks face lower costs of going bankrupt,
thus lower their cost of funding, or that they have lower needs for
external funding resulting in higher profitability. Nevertheless, strong
capital structure is essential for financial institutions in emerging
economies since it provides additional strength to withstand financial
crises and increased safety for depositors during unstable macroeconomic
The empirical findings seem to suggest mixed impact of the
indicators of macroeconomic conditions on bank performance. Inflation
(INFL) is negatively related to NIM, implying that during the period of
our study the levels of inflation were unanticipated by Bangladeshi
banks. This does not allow bank managements the opportunity to adjust
the interest rates accordingly and consequently to earn lower interest
margin. On the other hand, the empirical findings seem to suggest that
economic growth (LNGDP) is not significantly related to bank
performance. The results are in line with the earlier finding by Ben
Naceur and Omran (2008).
5. Concluding remarks
The South Asian countries, like other developing countries, have
undergone noteworthy financial reforms that significantly affected the
banking system. To date, most academic studies on the impact of these
reforms on the performance of financial institutions in emerging
economies focus on large countries, i.e. China. However, little is known
about the performance of financial institutions in the South Asian
By using an unbalanced bank level panel data, this study seeks to
examine the performance of 37 Bangladeshi commercial banks between 1997
and 2004. The empirical findings of this study suggest that bank
specific characteristics, in particular loans intensity, credit risk,
and cost have positive and significant impacts on bank performance,
while non-interest income exhibits negative relationship with bank
profitability. During the period under study the results suggest that
the impact of size is not uniform across the various measures employed.
The empirical findings suggest that size has negative impact on return
on average equity (ROAE), while the opposite is true for return on
average assets and net interest margin. As for the impact of
macroeconomic indicators, we conclude that the variables have no
significant impact on bank profitability, except for inflation, which
has negative relationship with Bangladeshi banks profitability.
The findings of this study have considerable policy relevance. It
could be argued that the more profitable bank will be able to offer more
new products and services. To this end, the role of technology
advancement is particularly important given that a bank with relatively
more advanced technologies may have added advantage over its peers. The
continued success of the
Bangladeshi banking sector depends on its efficiency,
profitability, and competitiveness. Furthermore, in view of the
increasing competition attributed to the more liberalized banking
sector, bank managements as well as the policymakers will be more
inclined to find ways to obtain the optimal utilization of capacities as
well as making the best use of their resources, so that these resources
are not wasted during the production of banking products and services.
Moreover, the ability to maximize risk adjusted returns on
investment and sustaining stable and competitive returns is an important
element in ensuring the competitiveness of the Bangladeshi banking
sector. Thus, from the regulatory perspective, the performance of the
banks will be based on their efficiency and profitability. The policy
direction will be directed towards enhancing the resilience and
efficiency of the financial institutions with the aim of intensifying the robustness and stability of the banking sector.
Summary of the sample used in the study
Bank 1997 1998
Arab Bangladesh Bank Limited--A.B. [check] [check]
Bank Limited
Agrani Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bangladesh Bank Limited
Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited
Bangladesh Krishi Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bangladesh Shilpa Bank Limited
Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Shangstha Limited [check] [check]
BASIC Bank Ltd--Bangladesh Small [check] [check]
Industries & Commerce Bank Limited
Bank Asia Limited
BRAC Bank Limited
City Bank Limited [check] [check]
Dhaka Bank Limited [check] [check]
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited [check] [check]
Eastern Bank Limited [check] [check]
Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited
First Security Bank Limited
IFIC Bank Limited--International Finance [check] [check]
Investment and Commerce Bank Limited
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited [check] [check]
Jamuna Bank Limited
Janata Bank Limited [check] [check]
Mercantile Bank Limited
Mutual Trust Bank Limited
National Bank Limited [check] [check]
National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited [check] [check]
One Bank Limited
Premier Bank Limited (The)
Prime Bank Limited [check] [check]
Pubali Bank Limited [check] [check]
Rupali Bank Limited [check] [check]
Shahjalal Bank Limited
Sonali Bank Limited [check] [check]
Southeast Bank Limited [check] [check]
Standard Bank Limited
Trust Bank Limited (The)
United Commercial Bank Limited [check] [check]
Uttara Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bank 1999 2000
Arab Bangladesh Bank Limited--A.B. [check] [check]
Bank Limited
Agrani Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bangladesh Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited [check]
Bangladesh Krishi Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bangladesh Shilpa Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Shangstha Limited [check] [check]
BASIC Bank Ltd--Bangladesh Small [check] [check]
Industries & Commerce Bank Limited
Bank Asia Limited [check] [check]
BRAC Bank Limited
City Bank Limited [check] [check]
Dhaka Bank Limited [check] [check]
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited [check] [check]
Eastern Bank Limited [check] [check]
Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited [check] [check]
First Security Bank Limited [check] [check]
IFIC Bank Limited--International Finance [check] [check]
Investment and Commerce Bank Limited
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited [check] [check]
Jamuna Bank Limited
Janata Bank Limited [check] [check]
Mercantile Bank Limited [check] [check]
Mutual Trust Bank Limited [check]
National Bank Limited [check] [check]
National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited [check] [check]
One Bank Limited [check] [check]
Premier Bank Limited (The) [check] [check]
Prime Bank Limited [check] [check]
Pubali Bank Limited [check] [check]
Rupali Bank Limited [check] [check]
Shahjalal Bank Limited
Sonali Bank Limited [check] [check]
Southeast Bank Limited [check] [check]
Standard Bank Limited [check] [check]
Trust Bank Limited (The) [check]
United Commercial Bank Limited [check] [check]
Uttara Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bank 2001 2002
Arab Bangladesh Bank Limited--A.B. [check] [check]
Bank Limited
Agrani Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bangladesh Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bangladesh Krishi Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bangladesh Shilpa Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Shangstha Limited
BASIC Bank Ltd--Bangladesh Small [check] [check]
Industries & Commerce Bank Limited
Bank Asia Limited [check] [check]
BRAC Bank Limited [check] [check]
City Bank Limited [check] [check]
Dhaka Bank Limited [check] [check]
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited [check] [check]
Eastern Bank Limited [check] [check]
Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited [check] [check]
First Security Bank Limited [check] [check]
IFIC Bank Limited--International Finance [check] [check]
Investment and Commerce Bank Limited
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited [check] [check]
Jamuna Bank Limited [check] [check]
Janata Bank Limited [check] [check]
Mercantile Bank Limited [check] [check]
Mutual Trust Bank Limited [check] [check]
National Bank Limited [check] [check]
National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited [check] [check]
One Bank Limited [check] [check]
Premier Bank Limited (The) [check] [check]
Prime Bank Limited [check] [check]
Pubali Bank Limited [check] [check]
Rupali Bank Limited [check] [check]
Shahjalal Bank Limited [check] [check]
Sonali Bank Limited [check] [check]
Southeast Bank Limited [check] [check]
Standard Bank Limited [check] [check]
Trust Bank Limited (The) [check] [check]
United Commercial Bank Limited [check] [check]
Uttara Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bank 2003 2004
Arab Bangladesh Bank Limited--A.B. [check] [check]
Bank Limited
Agrani Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bangladesh Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bangladesh Commerce Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bangladesh Krishi Bank Limited [check] [check]
Bangladesh Shilpa Bank Limited [check]
Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Shangstha Limited
BASIC Bank Ltd--Bangladesh Small [check] [check]
Industries & Commerce Bank Limited
Bank Asia Limited [check] [check]
BRAC Bank Limited [check] [check]
City Bank Limited [check] [check]
Dhaka Bank Limited [check] [check]
Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited [check] [check]
Eastern Bank Limited [check] [check]
Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited [check] [check]
First Security Bank Limited [check] [check]
IFIC Bank Limited--International Finance [check] [check]
Investment and Commerce Bank Limited
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited [check] [check]
Jamuna Bank Limited [check] [check]
Janata Bank Limited [check] [check]
Mercantile Bank Limited [check] [check]
Mutual Trust Bank Limited [check] [check]
National Bank Limited [check] [check]
National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited [check] [check]
One Bank Limited [check] [check]
Premier Bank Limited (The) [check] [check]
Prime Bank Limited [check] [check]
Pubali Bank Limited [check] [check]
Rupali Bank Limited [check] [check]
Shahjalal Bank Limited [check] [check]
Sonali Bank Limited [check] [check]
Southeast Bank Limited [check] [check]
Standard Bank Limited [check] [check]
Trust Bank Limited (The) [check] [check]
United Commercial Bank Limited [check] [check]
Uttara Bank Limited [check] [check]
Received 17 December 2008; accepted 23 April 2009
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(1) A guess would be that such relationship is observed in
developed banking systems, which hire high quality and therefore, high
cost staff. Hence, providing that the high quality staff is sufficiently
productive, such banks will not be disadvantaged from a relative point
of view.
(2) In a contestable market, active firms are vulnerable to
"hit and run" entry. For its existence, sunk costs must be
largely absent. In the banking industry, some argue that most of the
costs are fixed but not sunk, making it contestable.
Fadzlan Sufian [1], Muzafar Shah Habibullah [2]
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Level 35, Tower 2, Petronas Twin Towers Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia E-mails: [1]; [2]
Table 1. Descriptive account of the variables used in the regression
Variable Description with Efficiency
ROAA The return on average total
assets of the bank
ROAE The return on average total
shareholder equity of the
NIM The net interest margin of
the bank
Bank specific
(internal factor)
LOANS/TA Total loans over total +/-
LNTA Natural logarithm of total +/-
LLP/TL Loan loss provisions over -
total loans
NII/TA Non-interest income over +
total assets
NIE/TA Non-interest expense over -
total assets
EQASS Total book value of +/-
shareholders equity over
total assets
(external factors)
LNGDP Natural logarithm of gross +/-
domestic products
INFL The annual inflation rate +/-
Note: The data for the calculation of internal factors were obtained
from Bankscope Database. The data for external factors were obtained
from International Monetary Fund's (IMF) International Financial
Statistics database.
Table 2. Summary statistics of dependent and explanatory variables
Mean 0.499 15.045 2.224 59.965
Min 0.030 -899.650 -2.800 45.850
Max 3.870 422.730 12.180 94.840
Std. Dev. 1.815 70.012 1.652 16.018
Mean 9.988 11.330 3.037 4.124
Min 9.227 4.880 1.890 2.440
Max 12.926 90.540 6.940 15.920
Std. Dev. 1.271 9.976 1.274 1.829
Mean 3.754 7.674 4.920
Min 1.460 7.495 1.908
Max 68.870 7.861 8.648
Std. Dev. 8.122 0.113 1.980
Note: The table presents the summary statistics of the variables used
in the regression analysis.
Table 3. Spearman p and Pearson Correlation Matrix between
explanatory variables
The notation used in the table below is defined as follows: LLP/TL is
a measure of bank risk calculated as the ratio of total loan loss
provisions divided by total loans; NII/TA is a measure of bank
diversification towards non-interest income, calculated as total
non-interest income divided by total assets; NIE/TA is a proxy measure
for management quality, calculated as personnel expenses divided by
total assets; LOANS/TA is used as a proxy measure of loans intensity,
calculated as total loans divided by total assets; LOGTA is a proxy
measure of size, calculated as a natural logarithm of total bank
assets; EQASS is a measure of capitalization, calculated as book value
of shareholders equity as a fraction of total assets; LNGDP is natural
log of ross domestic products; INFL is the inflation rate.
LOANS/TA 0.361 ** 0.202 * 0.126 * 0.209 **
(0.286) ** (0.139) (0.347) ** (0.353) **
LNTA 0.595 ** -0.069 -0.013
(0.451) ** (0.045) (-0.058)
LLP/TL -0.129 0.055
(-0.095) (-0.044)
NII/TA 0.430 **
(0.460) **
LOANS/TA -0.118 0.329 ** 0.003
(0.024) (0.170) ** (0.036)
LNTA -0.528 ** 0.216 ** 0.051
(-0.540) ** (0.203) ** (0.070)
LLP/TL -0.453 ** -0.198 * 0.064
(-0.405) ** (-0.222) * (0.057)
NII/TA 0.027 0.220 ** -0.038
(-0.208) ** (0.197) ** (-0.057)
NIE/TA -0.016 0.202 ** -0.059
(0.126) (0.208) ** (-0.041)
EQASS 0.105 0.026
(0.085) (0.050)
LNGDP -0.072
Note: * Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed)
Note: ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)
Note: In parentheses Pearson correlation coefficients are given.
Table 4. Multivariate regressions results
ln [([pi])] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.1] ln [(LLP/TL)]
+ [[beta].sub.2] ln [(TA)] + [[beta].sub.3] ln
[(NII/TA)] + [[beta].sub.4] ln [(NIE/TA)] +
[[beta].sub.5] ln [(EQASS)] + [[zeta].sub.1] ln (GDP) +
[[zeta].sub.3] ln (INFL) + [[epsilon]]
The dependent variables used are ROAA, ROAE, and NIM; LOANS/TA is
total loans divided by total assets; LOGTA is natural logarithm of
total bank assets; LLP/TL is the ratio of total loan loss provisions
divided by total loans; NII/TA is total non-interest income divided by
total assets; NIE/TA is non-interest expenses divided by total assets;
EQASS is book value of shareholders equity as a fraction of total
assets; LNGDP is natural log of gross domestic products; INFL is the
rate of inflation.
(1) (2)
CONSTANT 2.936914 *** -0.000999
(61.11050) (-0.000122)
Bank Characteristics
LOANS/TA 0.011383 ** 0.011582 **
-2.15296 (2.176391)
LOGTA 0.005564 * 0.006162
(1.812718) (1.429484)
LLP/TL 0.029442 *** 0.029473 ***
(6.163133) (5.474964)
NII/TA -0.066961 *** -0.066145 **
(-2.659736) (-2.376694)
NIE/TA 0.015289 0.014247
(1.326831) (0.835154)
EQASS 0.007996 0.009148
(1.416591) (0.528118)
Economic Conditions
LNGDP -0.386513
INFL -0.003443
[R.sup.2] 0.770669 0.771589
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.687719 0.678719
Durbin-Watson stat 2.140742 2.117584
F-statistic 9.290806 *** 8.308243 ***
No. of Observations 129 129
(3) (4)
CONSTANT 5.211802 *** 14.18727
(7.994746) (0.182524)
Bank Characteristics
LOANS/TA 0.175080 *** 0.182901 **
(2.649186) (2.537420)
LOGTA -0.364058 *** -0.406640 ***
(-5.028607) (-4.025229)
LLP/TL 0.346490 *** 0.355335 ***
(6.336712) (6.295094)
NII/TA -1.109035 *** -1.089845 ***
(-2.838891) (-2.821356)
NIE/TA 0.009034 -0.018697
(0.058142) (-0.103377)
EQASS -0.030074 -0.116743
(-0.458712) (-0.654863)
Economic Conditions
LNGDP 2.628305
INFL -0.073436
[R.sup.2] 0.703012 0.711430
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.592049 0.590099
Durbin-Watson stat 2.289281 2.258473
F-statistic 6.335565 *** 5.863569 ***
No. of Observations 126 126
(5) (6)
CONSTANT 2.658717 *** 5.604136
(46.65445) (0.630291)
Bank Characteristics
LOANS/TA 0.018050 * 0.018355 *
(1.769914) (1.832604)
LOGTA 0.017152 ** 0.021426 ***
(1.990542) (4.462988)
LLP/TL -0.027917 -0.024338
(-1.574173) (-1.562183)
NII/TA 0.031487 0.037887
(0.718086) (0.763001)
NIE/TA 0.068780 *** 0.054804 ***
(4.219786) (2.730812)
EQASS 0.012845 *** 0.029013
(2.637131) (0.965950)
Economic Conditions
LNGDP 0.256742
INFL -0.012146 **
[R.sup.2] 0.775677 0.782803
Adjusted [R.sup.2] 0.694539 0.694492
Durbin-Watson stat 1.393510 1.418510
F-statistic 9.559946 *** 8.864181 ***
No. of Observations 129 129
Values in parentheses are t-statistics.
***, **, and * indicate significance at 1, 5, and 10% levels.