Comparison of schedule delay and causal factors between traditional and green construction projects.
Hwang, Bon Gang ; Leong, Lay Peng
The construction industry is a key economic growth sector in
Singapore and plays a dominant role in providing employment to support
the future development of Singapore (Navon 2005). According to the
Building and Construction Authority (BCA) (Building and Construction
Authority 2011), the value of construction contracts to be awarded in
2011 and 2012 would be between $18 and $25 billion, and it will continue
to escalate over the next 2-3 years.
With the mounting global concern on the environment, Singapore has
also shifted its focus to making sustainable development a key national
priority as well (Singapore Green Building Council 2009; Kua 2006;
Hwang, Tan 2012). Green building is believed to be a more eco-friendly
approach in most aspects. Since the launch of BCA's Green Mark
Scheme in 2005, the number of green mark certified buildings have
increased to 440 from the mere 17 in 2005 (The Business Times 2010). In
addition to the green mark scheme, BCA also formulated the 1st and 2nd
Green Building Masterplan together with other efforts to thrust forward
in developing more green buildings in Singapore. By year 2030, the
Inter-Ministerial Committee on Sustainable Development (IMCSD) targets
to have at least 80% of the building in Singapore to achieve the BCA
green mark certified rating (BCA 2009). Furthermore, in order to
intensify the efforts in speeding up the development of green buildings
in Singapore, all new building developments and major renovations which
are over 2000m2 in size are required to achieve green mark
certifications (Building and Construction Authority 2008). As such,
construction of green buildings is gaining greater foothold in the
recent years in Singapore.
With the rising number of green building construction projects, it
is necessary to ensure that green building projects are completed on
time and delivered successfully. A project is considered successful if
it is completed on time, within budget and meeting the required quality
standards specified by the client (Chan, Kumaraswamy 1996; Walker 1995).
Furthermore, projects, in particular, that are completed on time are an
indicator of an efficient construction industry (Male 1988). Positive
construction time performance ensures that a project can be completed
within the stipulated time or earlier. This will reduce the amount of
overhead cost and provide a higher opportunity for the client to
generate revenue at an earlier stage.
As green building construction continues to grow and gain
popularity, there is a need to better understand schedule performance of
green building construction projects. Comparing with traditional
building projects, this study aims to: (1) investigate the degree of
project delay in comparison between traditional and green projects; (2)
analyze the causal factors of delay for both green and traditional
projects; and (3) to discuss the possible solutions for the delay
problems of green projects.
1. Background
1.1. Green buildings
The construction of green building is part of sustainable
construction. According to Kibert (2008), sustainable construction
addresses the ecological, social and economic issues of a building in
the context of its community. Sustainable construction is applied
throughout the entire life cycle of construction, from preconstruction
to disposal of the building. Such construction aimed to reduce the
impact of the construction practice on the environment through its
planning and managing of a construction project complying with the
contract document (Glavinich 2008; Pitt et al. 2008).
In most literature, the term green building is defined as an
environmentally sustainable building which is constructed with minimal
environmental impacts. This is further supported by Glavinich (2008) who
defined green building as a building that provides the required building
performance criteria while minimizing disturbance to and improving the
ecosystems in the local, regional and global context throughout its
entire building life cycle. Green buildings are healthy facilities which
are designed and built in a resource efficient manner using ecologically
based principles (Kibert 2008).
1.2. Green building construction industry
Since the inception of Green Mark Scheme together with the 1st and
2nd Green Building Masterplan, Singapore has experienced a concerted
shift towards the development of green buildings (Hwang, Ng 2013; Tobias
2010). The sharp growth in the number of BCA Green Mark Certified new
buildings in 2007 is an evident success of the BCA's 1st Green
Building Masterplan which was launched in 2006 (Building and
Construction Authority 2009). The thrust towards more buildings being
certified with Green mark has grown beyond Singapore to overseas such as
Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and China (BCA 2009). At present,
statistics from the BCA green mark webpage revealed that there are a
total of 326 green mark certified buildings in Singapore where 52
buildings are awarded with green mark platinum, 36 green mark goldplus
certified, 134 green mark gold certified and 104 green mark certified
buildings (BCA 2010).
According to BCA (2010), Green Mark provides a meaningful
differentiation of buildings. The benefits of having a BCA Green Mark
building include a reduction in water and energy bills; an improvement
in indoor environmental quality for healthy living; and a reduction in
potential negative impact on the environment. In addition, green
building offers a reduction lifecycle costing in its operation and
maintenance cost as well (Kats et al. 2003).
It is widely known that green building projects contributes to
environmental sustainability and greater human health benefits to its
occupants. Research has proven that with minimal increase in upfront
cost of about 2% to incorporate green designs in building, it will
result in lifecycle savings of 20% of total construction cost on an
average which is more than ten times the initial investment (Kats et al.
2003). For that reason, it is worthy to consider the implementation of
green building design as compared to traditional building design.
1.3. Green building schedule performance
It is important that green requirements are well addressed and
reflected in project schedule to avoid any schedule delays. As noted by
GreenBiz Group (2005) and Kats et al. (2003), design and construction
process of green building construction usually takes longer than
traditional building construction. This is due to the reason that
project team members require more time to be familiar with and implement
green building practices. Also, design documents are required to be more
comprehensive before the start of construction, as more time is
necessary for architectural and engineering designs to integrate green
building practices into the project. This will have an impact on the
project schedule and may increase design cost (Kats et al. 2003).
In addition, green requirements have an effect on schedule of
procurement, construction, and project closeout and commissioning
(Glavinich 2008). Contractors have to ensure that local and imported
materials used for green construction meet preset-standards and are
delivered without delays. During construction, green requirements and
constraints can have a great influence on the construction sequence and
duration as well. For example, installation of HVAC ducts is mounted
before the building under construction is enclosed while in green
building construction, to prevent any dust and moisture contamination,
the building is enclosed before installation of the ducts. As such, it
can be seen that green requirement may pose an impact on construction
schedule and such requirements are needed to be indicated in the
schedule to prevent any problems causing delay.
1.4. Factors causing project delay
While completing projects on time is an indicator of efficiency,
construction processes are subject to various and unpredicted factors
that can cause delay (Assaf, Al-Hejji 2006). Construction delay was
defined by Assaf and Al-Hejji (2006) as schedule overruns either beyond
completion date specified in the contract, or beyond the date that the
parties agreed upon for the delivery of the project. In today's
construction industry, it is known that project delay is an
international common problem (Assaf, Al-Hejji 2006; Chan, Kumaraswamy
1996; Hwang, Lim 2013; Hwang et al. 2013; Odeh, Battaineh 2002). In
Australia, Bromilow (1974) found that only one-eighth of the building
contracts were completed within the scheduled completion dates and the
average construction time overrun exceeded by 40%. Assaf and Al-Hejji
(2006) identified that 70% of the large projects in Saudi Arabia
experience time overrun. It was found that the average time overrun of
projects is between 10-30% of the original duration. In Hong Kong, Chan
and Kumaraswamy (1995) observed that almost 70% of the public and
private building projects were completed behind schedule. Ogunlana et
al. (1996) conducted a research on construction delay in Thailand and
found that residential projects experienced an approximate of 34.33%
delay from the original schedule and 11.33% for office buildings. In
Malaysia, Sambasivan and Yau (2007) mentioned that about 17.3% of the
417 government contract projects were considered sick (more than 3
months of delay or abandoned) in 2005.
There are several studies (Mansfield et al. 1994; Chan, Kumaraswamy
1997; Nguyen et al. 2004; Walker 1995; Assaf, Al-Hejji 2006; Alaghbari
et al. 2007; Sambasivan, Yau 2007; El-Razek et al. 2008; Choi 2009;
Zhang 2011) that evaluated and classified the factors that affect
project schedule and delay.
Based on the literature reviewed, this study identified 38 factors
and grouped them into 8 major categories. More details of the factors
and categories are discussed below and summarized in Table 1.
1.4.1. Project related factors
Factors in this category include the project delivery methods, the
lack of communication between all the project team members, or the speed
of decision making involving all projects teams. Chan and Kumaraswamy
(1997) found that low speed of decision making involving all project
teams is the third most significant factor that caused project schedule
delay. The right selection of project delivery methods can reduce
defective design, and improve coordination between project members,
ultimately enhancing project schedule performance and preventing project
delay (Eriksson, Westerberg 2011).
1.4.2. Client related factors
Clients play an important role in construction projects. The client
is one of the key drivers to ensure that a project is completed
successfully (Thompson 1991). From the research conducted by Assaf and
Al-Hejji (2006), client related factor category was ranked first with
regard to the impact on schedule delay. Client initiated variation in
this category was deemed as one of the top five most significant delay
factors across numerous studies. Bromilow (1974) found that clients
contributed to 41% to the overall variations in projects. Client
initiated variation was identified as the fourth important cause of
delays by Chan and Kumaraswamy (1996). Furthermore, the financial issues
caused by clients were considered the main cause of delay by Ahmed et
al. (2003) and Abdul-Rahman et al. (2011).
1.4.3. Consultant related factors
Consultants such as project managers and engineers hold great
responsibilities in the project. Consultant related factor category was
ranked third in the study by Assaf and Al-Hejji (2006). It was specified
that consultants should review and approve design documents timely prior
to construction phase to avoid any delay.
1.4.4. Design team related factors
Researchers found differing perceptions on the relative impact of
schedule delay by the various project team members. Nonetheless, design
team related factor was deemed as the most influential factor category
on project delay by the contractors in the studies by Chan and
Kumaraswamy (1997) and Assaf and Al-Hejji (2006).
1.4.5. Contractor related factors
Alaghbari et al. (2007) studied the significant factors causing
delay of building construction projects in Malaysia and had identified
that the contractor related factors were first in rank. This was further
supported by the research conducted by Chan and Kumaraswamy (1996).
Therefore, main factors attributed by contractor which pose great impact
on the project schedule consist of the contractor's financial
capability to finance the project and the ability to manage and
supervise the construction site properly.
1.4.6. Labor related factors
Labor related factors were identified as the top 10 factors
affecting project schedule in research by El-Razek et al. (2008), Arditi
et al. (1985), Mansfield et al. (1994) as well as by Assaf and Al-Hejji
1.4.7. Equipment and materials related factors
Shortage of equipments and/or materials can cause severe stoppage
of work leading to project delay. Late delivery of material and plants
factor was ranked the highest in a research conducted by Majid and
McCaffer (1998). Similarly, materials and equipment related factors
affecting schedule was second in rank as investigated by El-Razek et al.
1.4.8. External factors
External related factors especially unforeseen ground conditions
was rated as the top 3 most significant factors affecting project
schedule by Chan and Kumaraswamy (1996). Unexpected ground conditions
include poor soil condition, underground obstruction, hard rock barriers
and inaccurate estimation of groundwater flow. This might be due to the
fact that most projects were rushed into commencement, which resulted in
inadequate feasibility studies (Mansfield et al. 1994).
1.5. Implications
Although there have been several researches carried out to evaluate
schedule performance of traditional construction projects, there is
limited literature that has explored schedule performance of green
building construction projects. Similarly, the factors causing schedule
delay of green projects have been rarely studied. Therefore, there is a
need to examine project schedule performance of green building projects,
identifying various factors that cause the delay of these projects.
2. Methodology and data presentation
To achieve the objectives of this study, a comprehensive literature
review was first conducted. After gaining an understanding of green
building construction and its progress in the construction industry as
well as the factors that cause project schedule delays, it was
recognized that input from industry practitioners are needed in order to
ensure that this study can represent the overall green building
construction position. As a result, a survey questionnaire was
The findings from the literature review supported the development
of the questionnaire that consisted of four sections capturing: (1) the
profile of the participating companies and respondents (2) the
information of traditional and green building projects performed by the
companies; (3) the factors causing schedule delays; and (4) the
solutions for improving green building schedule performance. The
questionnaires were sent out via email to construction, consulting,
development, and quantity surveying companies registered in the
directories of BCA and Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers. As
the BCA green mark scheme commenced in 2005, the target of the survey
was the companies that had experience in both green and traditional
projects performed in years of 2005 to 2010.
Using the data obtained from the survey, analyses on frequency,
descriptive mean scores, and Spearman's ranked correlations were
performed to determine the degree of schedule delays in traditional and
green building construction projects as well as the relative association
of the ranking of different factors causing delays. The respondents were
asked to provide the total number of traditional projects they performed
for the last five years, followed by the numbers of the projects that
had experienced schedule delays. For the green building projects, the
respondents provided the same. Also, the respondents selected an
appropriate rating based on a defined scale to reflect on the importance
level of each of the listed factors. The scale was based on a five-point
Likert scale with '1' being 'not important' and
'5' being 'very important'. Similarly, the
five-point Likert scale was also used to evaluate the effectiveness of
the recommended solutions to improve green building project schedule
In addition, the Spearman rank correlations were calculated and
tested to see if the relative importance of the factors affecting delays
of green building projects is significantly correlated with that of
traditional construction projects. The test was performed at the
confidence level of 0.05.
As a result of the survey, 30 completed questionnaires were
returned. A summarized profile of the companies and respondents that
participated in the survey is presented in Table 2.
3. Data analysis and discussions
3.1. Comparison of schedule delays
The companies were asked to input the number of traditional and
green building projects that they had performed as well as the number of
projects delayed. The analysis further broke down the projects based on
project type, nature and size to understand how the characteristics of
projects affect the project schedules.
As seen in Table 3, the overall percentage of projects that had
been delayed were 15.91% and 32.29% for traditional and green building
projects respectively. It can be inferred that green building
construction projects have a higher probability of delays as compared to
traditional building projects. As green building construction projects
require green technologies which are still relatively new to the
industry, it requires more time to understand and incorporate these
technologies into the design. This is further supported by Snell and
Callahan (2005) as they pointed out that green building construction
takes much longer to complete and presents more challenges than
anticipated even if builders are highly experienced at construction,
design and creative problem-solving.
In terms of specific project type, commercial building projects
accounted for the highest frequency of delay for both the traditional
(25.00%) and green (57.14%) building projects. This may be due to the
fact that commercial projects are relatively unique in nature and vary
widely in terms of requirements, design and specifications when compared
to residential or educational buildings that can be easily modeled based
on past projects. In comparison between the percentage of delay in
traditional and green building projects, the percentage of delay for
green commercial projects (25%) was more than twice of traditional
commercial building projects (57.14%). One possible reason for a higher
delay occurrence in green commercial building projects may be the
complexity in incorporating green technologies into the building
Table 3 also presents the percentage of projects that were delayed
by project nature, namely, new construction and addition/alteration. It
can be seen that more new construction projects were delayed than
addition and alteration projects for both traditional and green building
projects. This result could be expected as new construction projects
have higher level of uncertainty attributed by the wider scope of the
projects than that of addition and alteration projects. It is also
observed that new green building construction (33.33%) may encounter the
higher likelihood of delay than traditional building construction
(17.39%). As the green building construction is still relatively new to
the construction industry, it may be more difficult for the players in
the industry to manage this type of green building projects.
Furthermore, large-sized projects in terms of contract amount had a
higher tendency to encounter project delay. The projects costing $50
million and above reported the highest percentage of delay for both
traditional (29.17%) and green projects (40.63%). With more project
parties involved in large construction projects, relationships and flow
of information among project team members become more complicated, and
inadequate and ineffective coordination can increase the likelihood of
communication breakdown and variations, leading to project delay (Nguyen
et al. 2004). Large green building projects, in particular, may require
more effective coordination and collaborators than traditional projects
due to the complexity inherent in usages of new processes and
technologies, and this aspect is reflected at the analysis result.
3.2. Factors affecting project schedule delays
Having investigated the degree of project delay occurred in
traditional and green building projects, it became apparent that
identifying various factors responsible project delay is necessary to
improve schedule performance. As a result, the relative importance of
the factors regarded by the respondents as major causes of project delay
was analyzed for traditional and green building projects. The analysis
results are presented in Table 4.
3.2.1. Project related factors
Under traditional building projects, factor P4 yields the highest
mean score of 4.53 as seen from Table 4. It can be interpreted that the
respondents considered communication and coordination between key
parties as the upmost important factor that will affect the project
schedule to a large extent. Since factor P3 with mean score of 4.53 is
relatively close to the mean score of factor P4, it can also be derived
that the speed of decision making involving all project teams is also a
critical factor that may affect the project schedule. Factors P1 and P2
are ranked an average of close to a mean of 4.0 showing a degree of
importance as well. However, factor P5 has the lowest rank of mean score
3.17 which signified that legal disputes and conflicts between key
parties weighs a small percentage of importance that may affect the
project schedule.
For green building construction project, the most influential
factor which may cause delay in project schedule is attributed by factor
P3 with a high means score of 4.77. Although factor P4 is second in rank
with mean score of 4.70, the close mean score between the two factors
illustrates that factor P4 is as important as factor P3. Similar to
traditional projects, P1 and P2 are ranked with an average of 4.30,
while factor P5 is lowest in rank denoting that it has the lowest impact
on project schedule.
The 3rd, 4th and 5th rank of the factors under the project related
factors between traditional and green building projects are consistent.
In contrast, the first and second rank of the project related factors
for the two groups are inverted. Since the top two factors between
traditional and green building projects have mean score of more than
4.5, it can be implied that communication/ coordination between key
parties is required to ensure that decisions making between key parties
can be determined promptly to avoid project delay.
To further examine the agreement of the ranking of the project
related factors between traditional and green building projects, the
spearman's correlation coefficient of 0.895 was obtained. This
shows a positive correlation between the ranking of the project related
factors under traditional and green building projects since a high value
of rank correlation coefficient suggests a strong agreement between the
two groups. Since the p-value of 0.04 at 95% significance level is less
than the significance, [alpha] = 0.05, this shows that there is
significant relationship between the traditional and green building
projects for factors that are project related. Agreement between the
rankings of the factors for both groups is observed as the respondents
may feel that the extent of effect by the individual factors is similar
for both traditional and green building projects.
3.2.2. Client related factors
With reference to Table 4, the ranking of client related factors
between traditional and green building projects is identical.
Respondents agreed that the speed of decision making by client has the
highest effect on schedule delay in this category. Factor CL3 with mean
scores of above 4.5 for both traditional and green projects suggest that
it has considerable effect on project schedule as well. Therefore, to
ensure positive schedule performance, the client's speed on
decision making and level of experience is vital to ensure that the
schedule is without delay.
Under green building projects, all the client related factors have
mean scores which are above 4.00. This illustrates the fact that the
client's impact on schedule is of great magnitude and should not be
The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient of 1.00 indicates
a positive correlation between the two groups. Since the p-value of
0.000 at 95% significance level is less than the significance, [alpha] =
0.05, it implies that there is a strong agreement in the ranking of the
factors under the client related categories. There is strong agreement
on the rankings of the impact of the factors affecting project schedule
under the two groups as the level of client involvement might be similar
for the two types of projects. It might also be due to the fact that
each factor has equal impact on traditional and green project schedule.
3.2.3. Design team related factors
Factor DT1 has the highest ranked mean of 4.47 under traditional
building projects. It is followed by factor DT3, DT2 and DT4
respectively. Amongst all the design team related factors, mistakes and
delay in producing design document has the highest influence in causing
the project schedule to be delayed. For green building projects, factor
DT2 with mean score of 4.63 is ranked the highest with factor DT3, DT1
and DT4 ranked behind in accordance. Level of design team experience is
top in rank under green building projects as team members should be
familiar with the specifications of green technology when it is
incorporated into the design of the building systems.
The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient of 0.20 indicates
a weak correlation between the two groups. In addition, since the
p-value of 0.600 at 95% significance level is more than the
significance, [alpha] = 0.05, it implies that there is no significant
relationship and insubstantial agreement in the ranking of the factors
under the client related category between the two groups. As such, we
can conclude that the severity of the factors varies according to
traditional and green building projects.
The disparity of the ranking between the two groups may be because
more emphasis is placed on the design of green building construction
project. According to Kubba (2010), green buildings are progressively
incorporating more advanced and intricate systems of interacting
elements. During design, the impact of the elements on each system must
be considered as a whole. A failure to take into account the integration
of green technologies and its impact on other building elements would
result in construction conflicts leading to delay to address such
problems. As such, the levels of experience of the design team as well
as complexity of the design have the highest impact on green building
project schedule as compared to traditional building project.
3.2.4. Consultant related factors
Under traditional building projects, factor CS3 of mean 4.60 is
ranked first, followed by factor CS2, CS1 and CS4 correspondingly.
Factor CS5 of mean 4.70 is considered to have the highest impact on
green project schedule amongst all the consultant related factors. It is
similar to that of design team related factors for green building
projects, where level of design team experience is considered the factor
with the highest impact on project schedule delay.
The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient of 0.70 indicates
a fairly strong correlation between the two groups. However, the p-value
of 0.188 at 95% significance level is more than the significance,
[alpha] = 0.05. It implies that there is insufficient agreement and
relationship on the ranking of the factors between the two groups
although the rank correlation coefficient is relatively strong. As such,
it is deduced that the severity of the factors varies according to
traditional and green building projects.
Level of experience of the consultant team is important under green
building construction projects as the level of design complexity is
higher as compared to traditional building projects. With reference to
Kubba (2010), specialist consultants should be involved in the design
process earlier to incorporate their suggestions and requirements in the
design such that that their contributions are taken into account to
safeguard maximum efficiency. Therefore, without the required level of
knowledge and experience by the consultants, the harmonization of the
systems would not be possible and risk the chances of having conflicts.
In addition, a delay in reviewing and approving the design would further
impede the project schedule.
3.2.5. Contractor related factors
With reference to Table 4, factor C[O.sub.3] is deemed as the most
influential factor on project schedule delay for both traditional and
green building projects. The mean score of factor C[O.sub.3] under
traditional building project is found to be 4.40 and 4.70 under green
building projects. Factor CO1 and C[O.sub.2] are ranked second and third
interchangeably for both groups as seen in Table 4. It is noted that
aside from the incapability of financing the project which would cause
the project schedule to be delayed, good site management and supervision
accompanied by the ability to plan and monitor project schedule
appropriately is vital to ensure that optimal project schedule
performance is met.
The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient of 0.90 indicates
a strong correlation between the two groups. As, the p-value of 0.005 at
95% significance level is less than the significance, [alpha] = 0.05, it
indicates that there is adequate agreement and significant relationship
on the ranking of the level of impact of the contractor related factors
between traditional and green building projects. Similar rankings on the
level of impact of the contractor related factors for both green and
traditional projects as it is perceived that the degree of influence of
the variables associated with contractor is unaffected by the type of
3.2.6. Labor related factors
In this category, the statistics showed that there is unanimous
agreement by the respondents on the level of impact between the three
factors on traditional and green building projects. Factor L1 is
regarded as having the highest impact on project schedule for both
traditional and green building projects, while factor L2 and L3 are
ranked second and third respectively.
The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient of 1.00 indicates
a perfect linear correlation between the two groups. With the p-value of
0.00 at 95% significance level is more than the significance, [alpha] =
0.05, it suggests that there is significant relationship between the
ranking of the factors under both the green and traditional building
projects. There is strong agreement on the rankings of the impact by the
labour related factors affecting project schedule as the influence might
be comparable under the two types of projects.
3.2.7. Equipment and material related factors
As seen in Table 4, both traditional and green building projects
have ranked factor EM7 as the highest most severe factor which may cause
a project schedule delay under this category. Imported materials are
long lead items which require a great number of weeks or months to be
delivered on site. As such, any technical hitch on the delivery of
imported materials especially when it concerns the critical activities
in a schedule would cause adverse impact on the project leading to a
delay. With reference to Table 4, majority of the factors have mean
score less than 4.0 which implies that equipment and material related
factors have relatively less impact on project schedule as compared to
other categories. This might be due to the fact that equipment and
material related factors can be better controlled and predicted in
contrast with other categories.
The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient of 0.714 indicates
a strong correlation between the two groups. As, the p-value of 0.090 at
95% significance level is more than the significance, [alpha] = 0.05,
this indicates that there is insignificant relationship and agreement on
the ranking of the factors between the two groups.
Disagreement on the rankings of the equipment and material related
factors is observed between traditional and green building projects as
this might be due to the fact that green technologies are usually
imported from overseas. Therefore, the availability and delivery of
these technologies is of higher importance (2nd in rank) than
traditional building projects (3rd in rank). Low level of
equipment-operator skill is ranked forth under green building projects;
while it is sixth in rank under traditional building projects. It is
attributable to the reason that green building construction projects
require extensive knowledge and experience to incorporate the green
technologies into the building design and during construction. As such,
higher emphasis is place on the skill of the operator to construct and
integrate the green technologies with the other building systems.
3.2.8. External related factors
Factor E6 is first in the rank with mean 4.40 and 4.70 for
traditional and green building projects respectively. The high mean
scores of factor E6 which are around 4.5 for both groups imply that any
impediment in obtaining permits from political units/body of official
will likely place the project to experience a project schedule delay.
The ranking of factors between the two groups are relatively similar
expect for the third and fourth ranked factors.
The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient of 0.943 indicates
a strong correlation between the two groups. As, the p-value of 0.005 at
95% significance level is less than the significance, [alpha] = 0.05,
this suggest that there is ample agreement and significant relationship
on the ranking of the factors between the two groups.
It can be observed that there is agreement on the rankings of
impact of the external related factors for both green and traditional
projects. This might be because external factors are more unpredictable
and it is hard to gauge whether there might be any difference on the
degree of impact on the project schedule for different types of project.
Therefore, it is assumed that the level of effect is comparative for
traditional and green building projects.
3.2.9. Rank for all factors
The top 10 most significant delay factors for traditional building
projects as identified in the survey were in sequence of CS3, P4, CL1,
P3, DT1, CS2, CL4, CS5, E6, and CO3. Under green building projects, the
10 most significant delay factors are CL1, P3, CO3, CS5, P4, CL4, CS3,
DT2, CS2, and DT1.
The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient value of 0.913
indicates a strong correlation between the two groups. As, the
significance value = 0.000 at 95% significance level is less than the
significance, [alpha] = 0.05, this suggest that there is ample agreement
and significant relationship on the ranking of the factors between the
two groups.
The common top three most important factors which have the greatest
effect on project schedule delay for both green and traditional building
projects are (1) Speed of decision making by client, (2) Speed of
decision making involving all project teams, and (3) Communication/
coordination between key parties.
The speed of decision making by client was ranked first under
traditional building projects, and third under green building
construction projects. The speed of decision by client is considered one
of the most significant factors as key decisions are ultimately made by
the client. Any delay in decision making from the client, especially
when the decisions have a strong impact on activities which lie on the
critical path, it will impinge on the project progress and schedule.
Speed of decision making involving all project teams was ranked
second for traditional building projects, and third under green building
projects. It is essential that effective decisions should be taken at
the right time. To achieve a successful project, the flow of information
between all project team members should be systematic and timely,
addressing to the appropriate personnel. In addition, key decision
makers should be clearly identified to warrant effective decision
Communication and coordination between key parties was identified
as another major factor by the respondents. Under green building
projects, it was ranked second, while it was fifth in rank under
traditional building projects. From the study done by Chalabi and Camp
(1984), it is learnt that inadequate communication between project team
members was a critical factor causing delays, which impede project
progress leading to problems in the project coordination and schedule.
Communication and coordination between key parties have a greater effect
on schedule delay in green building projects due to the fact that green
building construction projects requires a more holistic and integrated
approach as the design process is more complex and much of the design
phases overlap with the construction phases (Glavinich 2008). As such,
green building projects requires more effort in communicating amongst
the various team members (Kibert 2008).
In Table 4, the mean scores of each factor category were computed
by taking an average of the mean scores of all the factors under the
category. After which, the mean scores for each category are ranked.
The Spearman's rank correlation coefficient of 0.976 signifies
a strong correlation between traditional and green building projects.
As, the p-value of 0.000 at 95% significance level is less than the
significance, [alpha] = 0.05, this suggest that there is strong
agreement and significant relationship on the ranking of the factors
between the two groups.
As seen from Table 4, there is substantial similarity between the
top 3 factor categories which are deemed to have the highest impact on
project schedule delay for both traditional and green building projects.
The top 3 factor categories having the greatest influence on project
schedule delay include (1) Client related factor, (2) Consultant related
factor, and (3) Design team related factor.
Client, consultants and design team related factors were regarded
to have the greatest impact on project schedule delay as it was agreed
by most respondents that the planning and feasibility stage together
with design stage were the two most important stages that determined the
project schedule performance of the project. This was due to the fact
that if the two stages were well planned and prepared, the design
documents, such as drawings and specifications would be more complete
and encompass all the requirements of client. As such, conflicts and
changes can be prevented thus making it possible for the project to
complete on time or ahead of as planned schedule (Al-Momani 2000). In
accordance, without progress payment paid on time to contractors by the
client, it vitiated the contractors' competency to finance the work
and clients should minimize variations to ward off delays (Assaf et al.
3.3. Solutions for improving green building project schedule
The survey inquired about the respondents' sentiment in
identifying possible recommendations to enhance green building
construction project schedule performance. A total of 14 possible
solutions were listed in the survey as shown in Table 5 and respondents
selected top 5 solutions. The findings from the survey can be used to
identify areas and aspects that should first be focused in order to
reduce and prevent the factors causing delay of green building
construction projects. Table 5 depicts ranking of the solutions based on
the frequency of top 5 selected recommendations by the respondents.
Based on the result, the top 3 ranked solutions are discussed as
--Ensure that the actual construction schedule and resources are
seriously monitored and reviewed so that the performance is in line with
as planned to avoid chances of cost overrun and disputes. Project
managers should check that the green building construction planning and
scheduling are in perpetual processes during construction and the
schedule plans correspond with the time to develop the work and
resources to prevent cost overrun and disputes (Assaf et al. 1995). To
ensure that the project schedule and resources are constantly monitored
and reviewed, owners may deploy certain tools and techniques for
schedule control. A schedule control system may be set up to define the
procedures when changes occur in the project schedule, and performance
measurements should be carried out to assess the degree of variations
that took place (Project Management Institute 2004).
--Check for mistakes and discrepancies in design documents to avoid
redoing of designs and drawing before submission for approval to avoid
variations or necessary corrections. When mistakes and discrepancies are
discovered in design documents, redoing of designs and drawing requires
extra time beyond the as-planned schedule to make the necessary changes
(Assaf et al. 1995) and it will more often than not lead to poor time
performance (Chan, Kumaraswamy 1996). When these mistakes and
discrepancies are detected especially during the construction stage,
variations leading to rework may take place thus giving rise to
redundant work with additional cost pumped in to make the corrections.
--Alternative procurement method should be analysed to ensure it
meets the project requirements and complexity. Every procurement method
has a different course of project development and involves different
relationships between all the project team members (Nofera, Korkmaz
2010). As such, clients should analyse the project characteristics with
care to select the appropriate procurement method as misinterpretation
of project characteristics would probably lead to poor project
performance and resulting in cost growth (Council 2003). Due to the
higher complexity of technical systems used in green building
construction projects, the projects requires high levels of
interdependency, communications and close partnerships with all the
project participants during design stages (Kibert 2008; Magent et al.
2009). In addition, research had also shown that early involvement of
owners would enable green building construction projects to achieve its
green objectives at lower cost (Beheiry et al. 2006; Lapinski et al.
2006). Accordingly, it is vital to analyse alternative procurement
methods to achieve better green building construction project
3.4. Limitations
One of the limitations of the analyses performed above was the
small sample size. With a higher response rate, it would be able to
project a more accurate industrial perspective with regards to the
current green construction schedule performance in comparison with
traditional building construction projects. In addition, the analyses
were performed based on consultants' and contractors' point of
view as the client/developers of past green construction projects
declined to respond to the research survey.
Conclusions and recommendations
While Singapore has earned recognition for its efforts in promoting
a green built environment, the Building and Construction Authority (BCA)
decided to turn upward its goal of greening, aiming to have at least 80%
of Singapore's buildings Green Mark certified by 2030. Since all
new building construction projects in Singapore are obliged to comply
with Green Mark Scheme standards, it is therefore essential to look into
how green building construction project performance can be managed more
The objectives of this study were: (1) investigate the degree of
project delay in comparison between traditional and green projects; (2)
analyze the causal factors of delay for both green and traditional
projects; and (3) to discuss the possible solutions for the delay
problems of green projects. The analysis on the survey results
established that about 16% of the traditional building projects were
delayed while about 32% of the green building projects were completed
behind schedule. Furthermore, the top 5 critical factors that caused
delay in green building projects were reported as (1) speed of decision
making by client; (2) speed of decision making involving all project
teams; (3) communication/coordination between key parties; (4) level of
experience of consultants; and (5) difficulties in financing project by
The delay statistics in this study offers a benchmark for the
industry to gauge the overall time duration required by green building
construction projects as compared to traditional building projects.
Similarly, Clients should take into consideration the additional time
when setting out the overall project schedule for green building
projects. In addition, the main factors that had significant impact on
green building projects time performance in this research bring forth a
focal point for project managers to enhance its performance for the
For future studies, construction time prediction models can be
developed for green building construction projects of which the types
can include residential, commercial, and industrial projects. In
addition, assessment and comparison of schedule performance between
green and traditional building construction projects can be done to set
up a norm that can be used at the planning stage of green construction.
Finally, it is also recommended to establish entire processes of project
planning and feasibility studies for green projects as the processes
directly affect schedule performance of green building construction
doi: 10.3846/20294913.2013.798596
Received 07 September 2011; accepted 23 February 2013
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Bon Gang HWANG (a), Lay Peng LEONG (b)
(a) Department of Building, National University of Singapore,
(b) Department of Cost Control, EC Harris Singapore Pte Ltd,
Corresponding author Bon Gang Hwang B. G. Hwang E-mail:
Bon Gang HWANG (Dr) has been working as an Assistant Professor in
the Department of Building at National University of Singapore Since
2008. He has several years of experience in the construction industry,
working with Samsung Engineering & Construction Company, Korea, and
Construction Industry Institute, USA. In his doctoral research, he
specialized in developing industry-specific performance indicators and
measurement /analysis/reporting systems. He has over 50 publications
including journal papers, conference papers, and in the areas listed.
His current research interests are in the areas of sustainable
construction project management, performance assessment and improvement,
rework identification and analysis, and risk management.
Lay Peng LEONG (Ms) graduated from the National University of
Singapore in 2011 in Project and Facilities Management. She has been
with EC Harris Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore as an Cost Control Executive
since 2011.
Table 1. Factors causing project schedule delays
List of Factors Male (1988)
Project Project delivery methods V
related Project cost
factors Speed of decision making V
involving all project teams
Communication/coordination V
between key parties
Disputes/conflicts between
key parties
Client Speed of decision making
related by client
factors Delay in progress payment
by client
Client's level of experience V
in the construction
Client initiated variation V
of works
Design team Mistakes and delay in V
related producing design
factors documents
Level of design team V
Complexity in project
Misunderstanding of V
client's requirements
by design team
Consultant Delay in performing
related inspection and testing
factors Delay in approving major
changes in the scope
of works
Time for reviewing and
approval of design
documents by consultants
Conflict between consultants
and design engineers
Level of experience of
Contractor Poor site management and V
related supervision
factors Contractor's deficiencies in
planning and updating
schedule plans
Difficulties in financing
project by contractors
Construction methods
implemented by contractors
Rework due to defects during
Labor Shortage of labor
related Low labor productivity
factors Unskilled labor
Equipment/ Equipment breakdown
material Unskilled operators
related Low productivity and
factors efficiency of equipment
Lack of high technology V
mechanical equipment
Availability of material
Changes in materials
during construction
Imported materials
External Unforeseen ground V
factors conditions
Unfavourable weather
condition on
construction activities
Accidents during
Changes in government
regulations and law
Delay in performing final,
inspection and
certification by
third party
Delay in obtaining permits V
from political units/body
of officials
List of Factors Mansfield et
al. (1994)
Project Project delivery methods
related Project cost V
factors Speed of decision making
involving all project teams
Communication/coordination V
between key parties
Disputes/conflicts between
key parties
Client Speed of decision making
related by client
factors Delay in progress payment
by client
Client's level of experience
in the construction
Client initiated variation
of works
Design team Mistakes and delay in V
related producing design
factors documents
Level of design team
Complexity in project
Misunderstanding of
client's requirements
by design team
Consultant Delay in performing V
related inspection and testing
factors Delay in approving major V
changes in the scope
of works
Time for reviewing and
approval of design
documents by consultants
Conflict between consultants
and design engineers
Level of experience of
Contractor Poor site management and
related supervision
factors Contractor's deficiencies in
planning and updating
schedule plans
Difficulties in financing V
project by contractors
Construction methods V
implemented by contractors
Rework due to defects during V
Labor Shortage of labor
related Low labor productivity
factors Unskilled labor
Equipment/ Equipment breakdown
material Unskilled operators
related Low productivity and
factors efficiency of equipment
Lack of high technology
mechanical equipment
Availability of material V
Changes in materials
during construction
Imported materials V
External Unforeseen ground V
factors conditions
Unfavourable weather V
condition on
construction activities
Accidents during
Changes in government
regulations and law
Delay in performing final,
inspection and
certification by
third party
Delay in obtaining permits
from political units/body
of officials
List of Factors Chan, Kumaraswamy
Project Project delivery methods
related Project cost V
factors Speed of decision making V
involving all project teams
Communication/coordination V
between key parties
Disputes/conflicts between V
key parties
Client Speed of decision making
related by client
factors Delay in progress payment
by client
Client's level of experience
in the construction
Client initiated variation V
of works
Design team Mistakes and delay in V
related producing design
factors documents
Level of design team V
Complexity in project V
Misunderstanding of
client's requirements
by design team
Consultant Delay in performing V
related inspection and testing
factors Delay in approving major
changes in the scope
of works
Time for reviewing and V
approval of design
documents by consultants
Conflict between consultants
and design engineers
Level of experience of
Contractor Poor site management and V
related supervision
factors Contractor's deficiencies in V
planning and updating
schedule plans
Difficulties in financing
project by contractors
Construction methods
implemented by contractors
Rework due to defects during
Labor Shortage of labor V
related Low labor productivity V
factors Unskilled labor V
Equipment/ Equipment breakdown V
material Unskilled operators
related Low productivity and V
factors efficiency of equipment
Lack of high technology
mechanical equipment
Availability of material V
Changes in materials V
during construction
Imported materials
External Unforeseen ground V
factors conditions
Unfavourable weather
condition on
construction activities
Accidents during
Changes in government
regulations and law
Delay in performing final,
inspection and
certification by
third party
Delay in obtaining permits
from political units/body
of officials
List of Factors Majid, McCaffer
Project Project delivery methods
related Project cost
factors Speed of decision making
involving all project teams
between key parties
Disputes/conflicts between
key parties
Client Speed of decision making
related by client
factors Delay in progress payment V
by client
Client's level of experience V
in the construction
Client initiated variation
of works
Design team Mistakes and delay in
related producing design
factors documents
Level of design team
Complexity in project
Misunderstanding of
client's requirements
by design team
Consultant Delay in performing
related inspection and testing
factors Delay in approving major
changes in the scope
of works
Time for reviewing and
approval of design
documents by consultants
Conflict between consultants
and design engineers
Level of experience of
Contractor Poor site management and
related supervision
factors Contractor's deficiencies in
planning and updating
schedule plans
Difficulties in financing
project by contractors
Construction methods
implemented by contractors
Rework due to defects during
Labor Shortage of labor
related Low labor productivity
factors Unskilled labor V
Equipment/ Equipment breakdown V
material Unskilled operators
related Low productivity and
factors efficiency of equipment
Lack of high technology
mechanical equipment
Availability of material
Changes in materials
during construction
Imported materials
External Unforeseen ground
factors conditions
Unfavourable weather
condition on
construction activities
Accidents during
Changes in government
regulations and law
Delay in performing final,
inspection and
certification by
third party
Delay in obtaining permits
from political units/body
of officials
List of Factors Assaf et. al
Project Project delivery methods V
related Project cost
factors Speed of decision making
involving all project teams
between key parties
Disputes/conflicts between V
key parties
Client Speed of decision making V
related by client
factors Delay in progress payment V
by client
Client's level of experience
in the construction
Client initiated variation V
of works
Design team Mistakes and delay in V
related producing design
factors documents
Level of design team V
Complexity in project V
Misunderstanding of V
client's requirements
by design team
Consultant Delay in performing V
related inspection and testing
factors Delay in approving major V
changes in the scope
of works
Time for reviewing and V
approval of design
documents by consultants
Conflict between consultants V
and design engineers
Level of experience of V
Contractor Poor site management and V
related supervision
factors Contractor's deficiencies in V
planning and updating
schedule plans
Difficulties in financing V
project by contractors
Construction methods V
implemented by contractors
Rework due to defects during V
Labor Shortage of labor V
related Low labor productivity V
factors Unskilled labor
Equipment/ Equipment breakdown V
material Unskilled operators V
related Low productivity and V
factors efficiency of equipment
Lack of high technology V
mechanical equipment
Availability of material V
Changes in materials V
during construction
Imported materials
External Unforeseen ground V
factors conditions
Unfavourable weather V
condition on
construction activities
Accidents during V
Changes in government V
regulations and law
Delay in performing final, V
inspection and
certification by
third party
Delay in obtaining permits V
from political units/body
of officials
List of Factors Alaghbari
et al. (2007)
Project Project delivery methods
related Project cost
factors Speed of decision making
involving all project teams
between key parties
Disputes/conflicts between
key parties
Client Speed of decision making
related by client
factors Delay in progress payment
by client
Client's level of experience
in the construction
Client initiated variation
of works
Design team Mistakes and delay in
related producing design
factors documents
Level of design team
Complexity in project
Misunderstanding of
client's requirements
by design team
Consultant Delay in performing
related inspection and testing
factors Delay in approving major
changes in the scope
of works
Time for reviewing and
approval of design
documents by consultants
Conflict between consultants
and design engineers
Level of experience of V
Contractor Poor site management and
related supervision
factors Contractor's deficiencies in
planning and updating
schedule plans
Difficulties in financing V
project by contractors
Construction methods
implemented by contractors
Rework due to defects during V
Labor Shortage of labor
related Low labor productivity
factors Unskilled labor V
Equipment/ Equipment breakdown
material Unskilled operators
related Low productivity and
factors efficiency of equipment
Lack of high technology
mechanical equipment
Availability of material V
Changes in materials
during construction
Imported materials
External Unforeseen ground
factors conditions
Unfavourable weather
condition on
construction activities
Accidents during
Changes in government V
regulations and law
Delay in performing final,
inspection and
certification by
third party
Delay in obtaining permits
from political units/body
of officials
List of Factors El-Razek et
al. (2008)
Project Project delivery methods
related Project cost V
factors Speed of decision making
involving all project teams
Communication/coordination V
between key parties
Disputes/conflicts between
key parties
Client Speed of decision making V
related by client
factors Delay in progress payment V
by client
Client's level of experience
in the construction
Client initiated variation V
of works
Design team Mistakes and delay in V
related producing design
factors documents
Level of design team
Complexity in project
Misunderstanding of
client's requirements
by design team
Consultant Delay in performing V
related inspection and testing
factors Delay in approving major V
changes in the scope
of works
Time for reviewing and
approval of design
documents by consultants
Conflict between consultants
and design engineers
Level of experience of
Contractor Poor site management and
related supervision
factors Contractor's deficiencies in V
planning and updating
schedule plans
Difficulties in financing
project by contractors
Construction methods
implemented by contractors
Rework due to defects during V
Labor Shortage of labor
related Low labor productivity V
factors Unskilled labor
Equipment/ Equipment breakdown
material Unskilled operators V
related Low productivity and V
factors efficiency of equipment
Lack of high technology
mechanical equipment
Availability of material V
Changes in materials V
during construction
Imported materials
External Unforeseen ground V
factors conditions
Unfavourable weather V
condition on
construction activities
Accidents during V
Changes in government
regulations and law
Delay in performing final,
inspection and
certification by
third party
Delay in obtaining permits V
from political units/body
of officials
Table 2. Profile of companies and respondents
Years of experience
Characteristics 1 to 2 years 2 to 3 years
Company Construction 0 2 0
Consulting 0 0 0
Development 0 0 0
Quantity Surveying 0 0 0
Total 0 (0%) 2 (6.67%) 0 (0%)
Respondent Project Manager/ 0 3 0
Construction Manager
Project Director/ 0 0 0
Higher Management
Project Personnel 0 0 0
Total 0 (0%) 3 (10%) 0 (0%)
Years of experience
Characteristics 2 to 3 years 3 to 4 years
Company Construction 3 0
Consulting 0 0
Development 0 0
Quantity Surveying 0 0
Total 3 (10%) 0%
Respondent Project Manager/ 3 0
Construction Manager
Project Director/ 1 0
Higher Management
Project Personnel 1 1
Total 5 (16.67%) 1 (3.33%)
Years of experience
Characteristics 3 to 4 years >4 years
Company Construction 4 18
Consulting 1 5
Development 1 3
Quantity Surveying 0 4
Total 6 (20%) 30 (100%)
Respondent Project Manager/ 5 18
Construction Manager
Project Director/ 3 4
Higher Management
Project Personnel 2 7
Total 10 (33.33%) 29 (96.67%)
Years of experience
>4 years Total
Characteristics (N = 30)
Company Construction 9 18 (60%)
Consulting 4 5 (16.67%)
Development 2 3 (10%)
Quantity Surveying 4 4 (13.33%)
Total 20 (63.33%) 30 (100%)
Respondent Project Manager/ 7 18 (60%)
Construction Manager
Project Director/ 0 4 (13.33%)
Higher Management
Project Personnel 5 8 (26.67%)
Total 12 (40%) 30 (100%)
C.I refers to years of experience in construction industry;
G refers to years of experience in green building construction;
Higher Management includes Executive president, Project
Director, General Manager and Managing Director;
Project Personnel includes Project Engineers,
Construction Engineers, and Quantity Surveyors.
Table 3. Project delay: traditional vs. green building projects
Characteristics (a) No. of (b) No. of
Traditional Projects
Projects Delayed
Performed among (a)
Project Type Commercial 48 12
Residential 91 9
Educational 81 14
Project Nature New Construction 184 32
Addition & Alteration 36 3
Project Size Less than $5M 32 4
$5M to less than $10M 6 0
$10M to less than $20M 35 5
$20M to less than $30M 33 0
$30M to less than $40M 15 1
$40M to less than $50M 27 4
$50M and Above 72 21
All Projects 220 35
Characteristics Percentage (c) No. of
Delayed Green
Project Type Commercial 25.00% 28
Residential 9.89% 21
Educational 17.28% 47
Project Nature New Construction 17.39% 93
Addition & Alteration 8.33% 3
Project Size Less than $5M 12.50% 3
$5M to less than $10M 0.00% 8
$10M to less than $20M 14.29% 6
$20M to less than $30M 0.00% 13
$30M to less than $40M 6.67% 16
$40M to less than $50M 14.81% 18
$50M and Above 29.17% 32
All Projects 15.91% 96
Characteristics (d) No. of Percentage
Projects Delayed
among (c)
Project Type Commercial 16 57.14%
Residential 0 0.00%
Educational 15 31.91%
Project Nature New Construction 31 33.33%
Addition & Alteration 0 0.00%
Project Size Less than $5M 1 33.33%
$5M to less than $10M 2 25.00%
$10M to less than $20M 0 0.00%
$20M to less than $30M 3 23.08%
$30M to less than $40M 5 31.25%
$40M to less than $50M 7 38.89%
$50M and Above 13 40.63%
All Projects 31 32.29%
Table 4. Delay factors: traditional vs. green building projects
Factors Traditional
Project P1 Project delivery methods 4.03
related P2 Project cost 4.03
factors P3 Speed of decision making 4.53
involving all project teams
P4 Communication/coordination 4.57
between key parties
P5 Disputes/conflicts between 3.17
key parties
Client CL1 Speed of decision making by client 4.53
related CL2 Delay in progress payment by client 4.07
factors CL3 Client's level of experience in 4.43
the construction industry
CL4 Client initiated variation 3.80
of works
Design DT1 Mistakes and delay in producing 4.47
team design documents
related DT2 Level of design team experience 4.03
factors DT3 Complexity in project design 4.13
DT4 Misunderstanding of client's 4.00
requirements by design team
Consultant CS1 Delay in performing inspection 4.13
related and testing
factors CS2 Delay in approving major changes 4.47
in the scope of works
CS3 Time for reviewing and approval of 4.60
design documents by consultants
CS4 Conflict between consultants and 4.17
design engineers
CS5 Level of experience of consultants 4.43
Contractor CO1 Poor site management and supervision 4.20
related CO2 Contractor's deficiencies in planning 4.20
factors and updating schedule plans
CO3 Difficulties in financing project 4.40
by contractors
CO4 Construction methods implemented 3.93
by contractors
CO5 Rework due to defects during 3.27
Labor L1 Shortage of labor 4.13
related L2 Low labor productivity 3.63
factors L3 Unskilled labor 3.50
Equipment/ EM1 Equipment breakdown 3.40
material EM2 Unskilled operators 3.27
related EM3 Low productivity and efficiency 3.57
factors of equipment
EM4 Lack of high technology 3.60
mechanical equipment
EM5 Availability of material 3.63
EM6 Changes in materials during 3.83
EM7 Imported materials 4.03
External E1 Unforeseen ground conditions 3.67
factors E2 Unfavourable weather condition 3.50
on construction activities
E3 Accidents during construction 3.97
E4 Changes in government regulations 3.73
and law
E5 Delay in performing final inspection 3.80
and certification by third party
E6 Delay in obtaining permits from 4.40
political units/body of officials
Within Categories
Traditional Green Spearman
Rank Mean Rank Correlation P-value
Project P1 3 4.30 3 0.895 0.040
related P2 4 4.30 4
factors P3 2 4.77 1
P4 1 4.70 2
P5 5 3.47 5
Client CL1 1 5.00 1 1.000 0.000
related CL2 3 4.17 3
factors CL3 2 4.67 2
CL4 4 4.13 4
Design DT1 1 4.27 3 0.400 0.600
team DT2 3 4.63 1
related DT3 2 4.53 2
factors DT4 4 4.17 4
Consultant CS1 5 4.00 5 0.700 0.188
related CS2 2 4.57 3
factors CS3 1 4.63 2
CS4 4 4.43 4
CS5 3 4.70 1
Contractor CO1 3 4.53 2 0.975 0.005
related CO2 2 4.47 3
factors CO3 1 4.70 1
CO4 4 4.27 4
CO5 5 3.43 5
Labor L1 1 4.10 1 1.000 0.000
related L2 2 3.67 2
factors L3 3 3.57 3
Equipment/ EM1 6 3.37 7 0.685 0.090
material EM2 7 3.53 4
related EM3 5 3.50 5
factors EM4 4 3.37 6
EM5 3 4.17 2
EM6 2 4.07 3
EM7 1 4.33 1
External E1 5 3.53 5 0.943 0.095
factors E2 6 3.37 6
E3 2 4.13 2
E4 4 3.90 3
E5 3 3.87 4
E6 1 4.47 1
Cross Categories
Traditional Green Spearman
Overall Overall Correlation
Rank Rank Coefficient P-value
Project P1 18 16
related P2 18 16
factors P3 3 2
P4 2 3
P5 39 35
Client CL1 3 1
related CL2 17 20
factors CL3 7 6
CL4 26 23
Design DT1 5 18
team DT2 18 7
related DT3 14 10
factors DT4 22 20
Consultant CS1 14 27
related CS2 5 9
factors CS3 1 7
CS4 13 14
CS5 7 3
Contractor CO1 11 10 0.913 0.000
related CO2 11 12
factors CO3 9 3
CO4 24 18
CO5 37 36
Labor L1 14 25
related L2 30 30
factors L3 34 31
Equipment/ EM1 36 37
material EM2 37 32
related EM3 33 34
factors EM4 32 37
EM5 30 20
EM6 25 26
EM7 18 15
External E1 29 32
factors E2 34 37
E3 23 23
E4 28 28
E5 26 29
E6 9 12
Table 5. Solutions for improving green building project
schedule performance
Solutions for Schedule Frequency of Percentage Rank
Improvement of Green Top 5 Selected
Ensure that the actual 23 76.67% 1
construction schedule and
resources are seriously
monitored and reviewed so
that the performance is in
line with as planned to
avoid the chances of cost
overrun and disputes
Check for mistakes and 19 63.33% 2
discrepancies in design
documents to avoid redoing
of designs and drawing
before submission for
approval to avoid
variations or
necessary corrections
Alternative procurement 16 53.33% 3
method should be analysed
to ensure it meets the
project requirements
and complexity
Ensure that design 14 46.67% 4
documents are produced
on time
Ensure that there is 14 46.67% 5
optimum number of labours
to be assigned for
individual activities
and motivate the workers
to increase productivity
Pay progress payment to the 12 40.00% 6
contractor timely to
facilitate the contractors'
ability to finance the work
To minimize variation 11 36.67% 7
orders to avoid delays
Contractor should manage his 7 23.33% 8
financial resources and plan
cash flow by utilizing
progress payment
Avoid delay in when reviewing 6 20.00% 9
and approval of documents,
materials or others are needed
Ensure that contractor have 4 13.33% 10
the capability and the
resources for constructing
the project before awarding
the tender
Administrative and technical 4 13.33% 11
staff should be appointed as
soon as project is awarded to
facilitate the project is
completed within specified
time with the required
quality and estimated cost
Consultants should not delay 3 10.00% 12
the checking, reviewing and
approving of design documents
leading to a delay in
construction phase
Consultant should be flexible 3 10.00% 13
in evaluating contractors work
and balance between the
required quality with cost
Contractor should carry out 3 10.00% 14
a comprehensive economic
analysis and workable
financial plans