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  • 标题:The multi-attribute group decision making method based on the interval grey linguistic variables weighted harmonic aggregation operators.
  • 作者:Jin, Fang ; Liu, Peide ; Zhang, Xin
  • 期刊名称:Technological and Economic Development of Economy
  • 印刷版ISSN:1392-8619
  • 出版年度:2013
  • 期号:September
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
  • 关键词:Decision making;Decision-making;Fuzzy algorithms;Fuzzy logic;Fuzzy systems;Multiple criteria decision making

The multi-attribute group decision making method based on the interval grey linguistic variables weighted harmonic aggregation operators.

Jin, Fang ; Liu, Peide ; Zhang, Xin 等


Multiple attribute decision making (MADM) has been extensively applied to various areas such as society, economics, management, military and engineering technology, etc. Since the objective things are complex, uncertainty and human thinking is ambiguous, the majority of multi-attribute decision-making problems are uncertain and fuzzy, so fuzziness is the major factor which should be considered in the process of decision making. On the other hand, decision-making problems have the greyness in the process of dealing with the incomplete information. "Greyness" means amount of information is smaller' and inadequate. For example, in agriculture planting, even if the sown area, seed, fertilizer, irrigation and other information are completely clear, it is still difficult to accurately predict the productive output. The productive output is grey. Another example, in 2050, China's total population will be controlled between 15 and 16 billion. This "between 15 and 16 billion" is a concept of grey, we cannot know the accurate value. So, the "greyness" is a concept about "quantity". However, "fuzziness" means a concept is not clear. For example, about "young people", it is very difficult to designate an exact range in which they are young people and out which they are not, so it is fuzzy. Other examples, such as "hot water", "wet" etc. are fuzzy. So "fuzziness" is a concept about "quality". Obviously, "greyness" and "fuzziness" don't mean that some information is "grey information" and the other part of the information is "fuzzy information" for the same problem because they don't describe the same concept (Bu, Zhang 2002). In general, we can simply interpret "greyness" and "fuzziness" as width and depth of an evaluation object. In reality, the decision making problems have not only the fuzziness, but also the greyness, which are called the grey fuzzy multi-attribute decision making problems. For example, about ability of innovation management of enterprises, it has the fuzziness and greyness simultaneously, because the concept of ability of innovation management is unclear, i.e., it has the fuzziness; at the same time, we cannot get all information about ability of innovation management of enterprises, so it has the greyness. There are similar examples, such as moral evaluation, working ability assessment, evaluation of a person's level of knowledge, etc.

About fuzzy theory, Zadeh (1965) firstly proposed the theory of Fuzzy Sets, The core idea is to extend membership function to any value in the closed interval [0,1]. Then fuzzy sets had been extended to interval numbers, triangular fuzzy numbers, trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, linguistic variables, intuitionistic fuzzy numbers, etc. and widely used in the field of decision-making (Herrera et al. 1996; Liu 2011; Liu, Su 2010; Liu, Zhang 2010; Zhang, Liu 2010; Yu 2013; Razavi Hajiagha et al. 2013). About grey theory, Deng (1982) firstly proposed the theory of Grey Systems, then grey theory has been the rapid development, and a series of grey decision-making methods were proposed (Deng 2002; Liu, W. L., Liu, P. D. 2010). The grey fuzzy theory, which combined the fuzzy theory and the grey theory, takes into account the greyness and fuzzynes of decision making problems, and is more in line with the objective reality of things. At present, there have been consistent efforts to the research on grey fuzzy decision making problems. Bu and Zhang (2002), Choobineh and Li (1993a, b), Jin and Lou (2003, 2004), Luo and Liu (2004) studied the ranking method of grey fuzzy number. Bu and Zhang (2002) transformed the grey fuzzy number into the interval number, and then utilized the ranking method of interval number to rank the order of alternatives. For the grey fuzzy multiple attribute decision making problems which both the fuzzy part and the grey part took the form of real number, Jin and Lou (2003) proposed the decision making model which utilized the difference between the alternatives and the fuzzy positive ideal solution, and between the alternatives and the negative ideal solution to rank the orders based on the Hamming distance. Jin and Lou (2004) utilized the distance between each alternative and the grey fuzzy ideal solution to rank the orders of alternatives. In order to solve the grey fuzzy decision making problems, Luo and Liu (2004) utilized the maximum entropy formula to determine attribute weights, then ranked the orders of alternatives based on the linear combination of fuzzy information and grey information. Zhu et al. (2006) constructed the evaluation model in which the fuzzy part and the grey part took the form of interval number and the real number respectively. Meng et al. (2007) proposed the interval numbers to present greyness and fuzziness of grey fuzzy decision making problems, and the mathematical model of interval valued grey fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is established, and the application to the selection of the preferred project is given. Wang and Wang (2008) extended the fuzzy part and the grey part of grey fuzzy decision making problems to interval numbers, and ranked the order of alternatives based on the ordered weight aggregation (OWA) operator. Zhang (2013) proposed the interval grey linguistic variables ordered weighted aggregation (IGLOWA) operator, and then use the Choquet integral to develop the interval grey linguistic correlated ordered arithmetic aggregation (IGLCOA) operator and the interval grey linguistic correlated ordered geometric aggregation (IGLCOGA) operator.

Because the linguistic variables are easier to express fuzzy information, and the research on multi-attribute decision making based on the linguistic variables has made great achievements (Alonso et al. 2009; Cabrerizo et al. 2010a, b; Herrera et al. 2009; Herrera -Viedma et al. 2003; Kim, Ahn 1999; Martinez et al. 2009; Xu 2004, 2007, 2008). So, this paper proposes the concept of interval grey linguistic variables in which the fuzzy part and the grey part adopt linguistic variables and interval numbers respectively, and then studies the operation rules and the multiple attribute decision making method based on interval grey linguistic variables.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 1 introduces some relative knowledge; Section 2 defines the interval grey linguistic variables and proposes some weighted harmonic aggregation operators; Section 3 gives a method based on the interval grey linguistic variables hybrid weighted harmonic aggregation operators to solve the multiple attribute group decision making problems; Section 4 presents an illustrative example to verify effectiveness of this method and to illustrate its decision making steps; Finally, conclusions are given in the final section.

1. Preliminaries

1.1. Grey number (Deng 2002; Luo 2005; Lu 2009)

Grey number is the basic unit to express the greyness. We can call only knowing the ranges roughly and not knowing the exact value as grey number. In the application, the grey number generally refers to a range or an uncertain number, and it can be expressed by "[cross product]". Grey number can be divided into the following categories:

1) The grey number only with a lower bound

The grey number in this type can be expressed as [[mu].sub.A](x) [right arrow] [0,1], where [a.bar] is the lower bound of the grey number [cross product] and it's also a certain number.

2) The grey number only with a upper bound

The grey number in this type can be expressed as [cross product] [member of] (-[infinity], [bar.a]], where [bar.a] is the upper bound of the grey number [cross product] and it's also a certain number.

3) The grey number with interval number

The grey number in this type can be expressed as [cross product] [member of] [[a.bar], [bar.a]], where [a.bar] and [bar.a] are a certain number, and [a.bar] is the lower bound, [bar.a] is the upper bound of the grey number [cross product].

4) The grey number with three-point interval number

The grey number in this type can be expressed as [cross product] [member of] [[a.bar], a, [bar.a]], where [a.bar], [bar.a] and a are a certain number; [a.bar] and [[nabla].sub.i]are the lower bound and upper bound of the grey number [cross product] respectively, and a is the center of gravity which can be get most likely.

5) The black number and white number

When grey number [cross product] [member of] (-[infinity], +[infinity]), we can call [cross product] as a black number. It shows that information is completely unknown; when grey number [cross product] [member of] [[a.bar], [bar.a]] and [a.bar] = [bar.a], we can call [cross product] as a white number. It shows information is completely known.

1.2. Grey fuzzy math

(Chen 1994; Li and Wang 1994; Wang and Song 1988; Wang 1996)

Definition 1: Let [??] be the fuzzy subset in the space X = {x}, if the membership degree [[mu].sub.A](x) of x to A has the greyness [v.sub.A](x) in the interval [0, 1], then [??] is called the grey fuzzy set in space X:

[??] = {(x, [[mu].sub.a](x), [v.sub.a](x))| x [member of] X}. (1)

The set pair mode is [??] = (A, [??]), where A = {(x, [[mu].sub.A](x))| x [member of] x} is called the fuzzy part of [??], and [??] = {(x, [v.sub.A](x))| x [member of] x} is called the grey part of A.

So the grey fuzzy set is regarded as the generalization of the fuzzy set and the grey set.

Definition 2: Let X = {x} and Y = {y} be the given space, if [v.sub.R](x,y) is the greyness of the membership function uR (x, y) of R which is the fuzzy relationship between x and y, then grey fuzzy set [??] = {((x,y), [[mu].sub.R](x,y), [v.sub.R](x,y)) | x [member of] X, y [member of] Y} is called the grey fuzzy relationship in direct product space X x Y, which is represented as the grey fuzzy matrix mode:


And [??] = (R, [??]) represents the grey fuzzy relationship in direct product space X x Y, where R = {((x,y), [[mu].sub.A](x,y))| x [member of] X, y [member of] Y} represents the fuzzy relationship in direct product space X x Y, and [??] = {((x, y), [v.sub.A](x, y))| x [member of] X, y [member of] Y} represents the grey relationship in direct product space X x Y.

1.3. Linguistic evaluation set and its extension

Suppose that S = ([s.sub.l], [ s.sub.2], ..., [s.sub.l]) is a finite and totally ordered discrete term set, where I is the odd number. In real situation, l is equal to 3, 5, 7, 9 etc. In this paper, I =7. For example, a set S could be given as follows:

S = ([s.sub.1], [s.sub.2], [s.sub.3], [s.sup.4], [s.sub.5], [s.sub.6], [s.sub.7]) = {very poor, poor, slightly poor, fair, slightly good, good, very good}.

Usually, in these cases, it requires that [s.sub.i] and [S.sub.j] must satisfy the following additional characteristics (Herrera, Herrera-Viedma 2000):

1) The set is ordered: [s.sub.i] < [s.sub.j], if and only if i < j;

2) There is the negation operator: neg([s.sub.i]) = [s.sub.l-i];

3) Maximum operator: max([s.sub.i], [s.sub.J]) = [s.sub.i], if i [greater than or equal to] j;

4) Minimum operator: min([s.sub.i], [s.sub.j]) = [s.sub.i], if i [less than or equal to] j.

For any linguistic labels S = ([s.sub.1], [s.sub.2], ..., [s.sub.l]), the relationship between the element [s.sub.i] and its subscript i is strictly monotone increasing (Herrera et al. 1996; Xu 2006a), so the function can be defined as follows:

f : [s.sub.i] = f(i).

Obviously, the function f(i) is the strictly monotone increasing function about subscript i. To preserve all the given information, the discrete linguistic label S = ([s.sub.1], [s.sub.2], ..., [s.sub.l]) is extended to a continuous linguistic label [bar.S] = {[s.sub.[alpha]] | [alpha] [epsilon] R} which satisfied the above characteristics. If [s.sub.[alpha]] [epsilon] S, then [s.sub.[alpha]] is called an original linguistic label, otherwise, [s.sub.[alpha]] is called a virtual linguistic label. In general, the decision maker uses the original label to evaluate attributes and alternatives, and the virtual labels can only appear in the course of operation.

Let [s.sub.i], [s.sub.j] [member of] [bar.S] and [[lambda].sub.1], [[lambda].sub.2] [member of] [0,1], n is a positive integer, then operational laws of linguistic variables are given as follows (Xu 2006b):

1) [beta][s.sub.i] = [s.sub.[beta]xi]; (3)

2) [s.sub.i] [direct sum] [s.sub.j] = [s.sub.i+j]; (4)

3) [s.sub.i]/[s.sub.j] = [s.sub.i/j], if j [not equal to] 0; (5)

4) [(Si).sup.n] = [s.sub.[i.sup.n]]; (6)

5) [[lambda].sub.1]([s.sub.i] [direct sum] [s.sub.j]) = [[lambda].sub.1][s.sub.i] [direct sum][[lambda].sub.1][s.sub.j], ([[lambda].sub.1] + [[lambda].sub.2])[s.sub.i] = [[lambda].sub.1][s.sub.i] [direct sum] [[lambda].sub.2][s.sub.i]. (7)

Definition 3: Let [s.sub.[alpha]], sp be the two linguistic variables, then the distance between [s.sub.[alpha]] and [s.sub.[beta]] is defined as follows:

d([s.sub.[alpha]], [s.sub.[beta]]) = [absolute value of [alpha]-[beta]]/l. (8)

2. Interval grey linguistic variables

2.1. The definition of interval grey linguistic variables

Definition 4: Let [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] be the grey fuzzy number, if its fuzzy part A is a linguistic variable [s.sub.[alpha]] [member of] [bar.S], and its grey part [??] is a closed interval [g.sup.L.sub.A], [g.sup.U.sub.A] [subset or equal to] [0,1], where [g.sup.L.sub.A] is the interval lower limit, [g.sup.U.sub.A] is the interval upper limit, and [g.sup.L.sub.A] [less than or equal to] [g.sup.U.sub.A], then [??] is called the interval grey linguistic variables.

Because the linguistic variables are easier to express fuzzy information, it is more reasonable to utilize the linguistic variables to represent the fuzzy part, and for the grey part which indicates the amount of information obtained, it is more accurate to reflect the information obtained by decision maker using the interval numbers. The larger the greyness of the grey part is, the less information obtained and the lower credibility of the obtained information is. The lower the credibility of the obtained value is, the lower the usage value of the information is. When the greyness rises, the obtained information becomes useless. On the other hand, the smaller the greyness is, the more information obtained is, which causes higher credibility of the obtained value. That finally leads to higher usage value of the obtained information.

2.2. The operation of the interval grey linguistic variables

Supposed that [??] = ([s.sub.[alpha]], [[g.sup.L.sub.A], [g.sup.U.sub.A]]), [??] = ([s.sub.[beta]], [[g.sup.L.sub.B], [g.sup.U.sub.B]]) and [??] = ([s.sub.[lambda]], [[g.sup.L.sub.C], [g.sup.U.sub.C]]) are the three interval grey linguistic variables. Based on the concept of the interval grey linguistic variables, the linguistic operational rules and extension principle, the operation rules of interval grey linguistic variables are defined as follows:

1) [??] + [??] = ([s.sub.[alpha]+[beta]] max([g.sup.L.sub.A], [g.sup.L.sub.b]), max([g.sup.U.sub.A], [g.sup.U.sub.B])]); (9)

2) [??] - [??] = ([s.sub.[alpha]-[beta]], [max([g.sup.L.sub.A], [g.sup.L.sub.b]), max([g.sup.U.sub.A], [g.sup.U.sub.B])]); (10)

3) [??] x [??] = ([s.sub.[alpha]x[beta]], [max([g.sup.L.sub.A], [g.sup.L.sub.b]), max([g.sup.U.sub.A], [g.sup.U.sub.B])]);

4) [??] / [??] = ([s.sub.[alpha]/[beta]], [max([g.sup.L.sub.A], [g.sup.L.sub.b]), max([g.sup.U.sub.A], [g.sup.U.sub.B])]); (12)

5) k[??] = ([s.sub.kx[alpha]], [[g.sup.L.sub.A], [g.sup.U.sub.A]]); (13)

6) ([??]) = ([s.sub.[[alpha].sup.k]], [[g.sup.L.sub.A], [g.sup.U.sub.A]]). (14)

2.3. The distance between the two interval grey linguistic variables

Definition 5: Let [??], [??], [??] be the interval grey linguistic variables, [??] be the set of the interval rey linguistic variables, f be the mapping, f: [??] x [??] [right arrow] [??]. If d ([??], [??]) satisfies the following equation:

1) 0 [less than or equal to] d ([??], [??]) [less than or equal to] 1, d ([??], [??]) = 0;

2) d([??], [??]) = d ([??], [??]);

3) d ([??], [??]) + d ([??], [??]) [greater than or equal to] [greater than or equal to] d ([??], [??])..

Then d 9[??], [??]) is called the distance between the interval grey linguistic variable A and B.

Definition 6: Let [??] = ([s.sub.[alpha]], [[g.sup.L.sub.A], [g.sup.U.sub.A]]) and [??] = ([s.sub.[beta]], [[g.sup.L.sub.B], [g.sup.U.sub.B]) be the interval grey linguistic variables, then the Hamming distance d f A, B 1 between the interval grey linguistic variable [??] and [??] is defined as follows:

d ([??], [??]) = 1/2(l -1)([absolyte value of [alpha](1 - [g.sup.L.sub.A]) - [beta](1 - [g.sup.L.sub.B])] + [absolute value of [alpha](1 - [g.sup.U.sub.A]) - [beta](1 - [g.sup.U.sub.B])]). (15)

It is easy to verify that the equation (15) satisfies the three equation of definition 5.

Specially, if [g.sup.L.sub.A] = [g.sup.U.sub.A] = [g.sup.L.sub.B] = [g.sup.U.sub.B] = 0, then the interval grey linguistic variable is reduced to linguistic variable, and the equation (15) is transformed into equation (8). That is, the equation (8) is the special case of equation (15).

2.4. The comparing method of interval grey linguistic variables (1) C-OWA aggregate operator

Definition 7 (Yager 2004): function [rho] : [0,1] [right arrow] [0,1] satisfied that:

1) [rho](0) = 0 ;

2) [rho](1) = 1 ;

3) if x > y, then [rho](x) > [rho](y),

then [??] is called the basic unit-interval monotonic (BUM) function.

Definition 8 (Yager 2004): Let [a,b] be the interval number, and

[f.sub.[rho]] ([a,b]) = [[integral].sup.1.sub.0] d[rho](y)/dy (b - y(b - a))dy, (16)

then f is called the continuous interval number OWA (C-OWA)operator.

If [rho](y) = [y.sup.[delta]]([delta][greater than or equal to] 0), then [f.sub.[rho]]([a,b]) = b + [delta]a/[delta] + 1.

(2) The expectation value and the rank method of interval grey linguistic variables

Let [??] = ([s.sub.[alpha]], [[g.sup.L.sub.A], [g.sup.U.sub.A]]) be the interval linguistic variable, the expectation value of interval grey linguistic variable [??] is defined as follows:

I([??]) = [s.sub.[alpha]] x [f.sub.[rho]] ([(1 - [g.sup.U.sub.A]), (1 - [g.sup.L.sub.A]]). (17)

Suppose [??] = ([s.sub.[alpha]], [[g.sup.L.sub.A], [g.sup.U.sub.A]]) and [??] = ([s.sub.[beta]], [[g.sup.L.sub.B], [g.sup.U.sub.B]]) are two interval linguistic variables, if I([??]) > I([??]), then [??] > [??], and If I([??]) = I([??]) and [s.sub.[alpha]] > [s.sub.[beta]], then [??] > [??].

2.5. Interval grey linguistic variables hybrid weighted harmonic aggregation (IGLHWHA) operator

Definition 9: Let [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] be the group of interval grey linguistic variables, and IGBWHU : [[OMEGA].sup.n] [right arrow] [OMEGA], if


where [OMEGA] is the set of all the interval grey linguistic variables, W = ([w.sub.1], [w.sub.2], ..., [w.sub.n]) is the weight vector of [??] (j = 1,2, ..., n), and [N.summation over (j=1)] [w.sub.j] = 1, then IGBWHU is called the interval grey linguistic weighted harmonic aggregation (IGBWHA)operator.

Based on the operation rules of interval grey linguistic variables, the equation (18) is deduced to:


Example 1. Assume W = (0.2,0.3,0.1,0.4) and


By Definition 9, we have


It's easy to prove that the IGBWHU operator has the following properties.

1) Theorem 1 (Commutativity)



2) Theorem 2 (Idempotency)



3) Theorem 3 (Monotonicity)



Definition 10: Let [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] be the group of interval grey linguistic variables, and IGBOWHU : [[OMEGA].sup.n] [right arrow] [OMEGA], if


where [OMEGA] is the set of all the interval grey linguistic variables, [omega] = ([[omega].sub.1], [[omega].sub.2], ..., [[omega].sub.n]) is the weight vector associated with the function IGBOWHU, and [n.summation over (j=1] [[omega].sub.j] = 1. Supposed that the possible permutation of (1,2, ..., n) is ([[sigma].sub.1], [[sigma].sub.2], ..., [[sigma].sub.n]), and for any j, we can get [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], then IGBOWHUis called the interval grey linguistic ordered weighted harmonic aggregation (IGBOWHU)operator.

Based on the operation rules of interval grey linguistic variables, the equation (20) is deduced to:


The characteristic of IGBOWHU operator is that interval grey linguistic variables U (j = 1,2,***,n) is ranked in descending order and aggregated with weights. [[omega].sub.j] is associated with the jth position of the aggregation process, and [??] isn't associated with [[omega].sub.j]. So [omega] is called the position weighted vector.

According to the actual situation, the position weight vector [omega] = ([[omega].sub.1], [[omega].sub.2], ..., [[omega].sub.n]) is determined by the following method:

1) The method by Wang and Xu (2008):

[[omega].sub.1] = 1 - [alpha]/n + [alpha], [[omega].sub.j] = 1 - [alpha]/n, j [not equal to] 1, [alpha] [member of] [0,1]. (22)

2) The position weighted vector [omega] is determined by the method which proposed by Wang and Xu (2008). The equation is shown as follows:

[[omega].sub.i+1] = [C.sup.i.sub.n-1] i = 0,1, ..., n-1. (23)

Example 2. Assume [omega] = (1/8,3/8,3/8,1/8) (calculated by Eq. 23) and [??] =([s.sub.2], [0.2,0.4]), [??] = ([s.sub.1], [0.1,0.3]), [??] =([s.sub.5], [0.4,0.5]), [??] =([s.sub.4], [0.3,0.6]).

Firstly, calculate the expectation value of interval grey linguistic variables [??], [??], [??] and [??] according to Eq. (17). 2




Secondly, we rank the [??], [??], [??] and [??], the results are shown as follows:

[[sigma].sub.1] = 3, [[sigma].sub.2] = 4, [[sigma].sub.3] = 1, [[sigma].sub.4] = 2.

Finally, by definition 10, we have:


It's easy to prove that the IG OWHU operator has the following properties.

1) Theorem 1 (Commutativity).



2) Theorem 2 (Idempotency)



3) Theorem 3 (Monotonicity).



The IGBWHU operator only focuses on the importance of each interval grey linguistic variable itself, and IGBOWHU operator only weights the position of each interval grey linguistic variable, therefore, both of them have certain one-sidedness. In order to overcome the above weaknesses, the interval grey linguistic variable hybrid weighted armonic aggregation operator is defined as follows:

Definition 11: Let [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] be the group of interval grey linguistic variables, and IGBHWHU : [[OMEGA].sup.n] [right arrow] [OMEGA], if


where [OMEGA] is the set of all the interval grey linguistic variables, [omega] = ([[omega].sub.1], [[omega].sub.2], ..., [[omega].sub.n]) is the weight vector associated with the function IGBHWHU, and [n.summation over (j=1)] [[omega].sub.j] = 1. [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] is the weight vector of [??] (j = 1,2, ..., n), and [??] is the interval grey linguistic variable represented as [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]. ([[sigma].sub.1], [[sigma].sub.2], ..., [[sigma].sub.n]) is a permutation of (1,2, ..., n), and [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], for any j, we can get [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], then IGBHWHU is called the interval grey linguistic hybrid weighted harmonic aggregation (IGLHWHA)operator.

Example 3. Assume [omega] = (1/8,3/8,3/8,1/8) (calculated by Eq. 23) and

[??] =([s.sub.2], [0.2,0.4]), [??] =([s.sub.1], [0.1,0.3]), [??] =([s.sub.5], [0.4,0.5]), [??] =([s.sub.4], [0.3,0.6]); [??] =([s.sub.3][0.3,0.4]), [??] =([s.sub.4], [0.4,0.4]), [??] =([s.sub.2], [0.5,0.7J), [??] =([S.sub.4], [0.2,0.6]).






Secondly, calculate the expectation value of interval grey linguistic variables [??], [??], [??] and [??] according to Eq. (17).

Suppose [rho](y) = [y.sup.2], then [f.sub.[rho]]([a,b]) = b + 2a/3. So,

I([??]) = [s.sub.0.67] x [f.sub.[rho]] ([(1 - 0.4), (1 - 0.3)]) = [s.sub.0.67] x + 0.7 + 2 x 0.6/3 = [s.sub.0.42];

I([??]) = [s.sub.0.25] x [f.sub.[rho]] ([(1 - 0.4), (1 - 0.4)]) = [s.sub.0.25] x + 0.6 + 2 x 0.6/3 = [s.sub.0.15];

I([??]) = [s.sub.0.25] x [f.sub.[rho]] ([(1 - 0.7), (1 - 0.5)]) = [s.sub.0.25] x + 0.7 + 2 x 0.6/3 = [s.sub.0.92];

I([??]) = [s.sub.1] x [f.sub.[rho]] ([(1 - 0.6), (1 - 0.3)]) = [s.sub.1] x + 0.7 + 2 x 0.6/3 = [s.sub.0.5];

Thirdly, we rank the [??], [??], [??] and [??], the results are shown as follows:

[[sigma].sub.1] = 3, [[sigma].sub.2] = 4, [[sigma].sub.3] = 1, [[sigma].sub.4] = 2.

Finally, By Definition 9, we have


Obviously, IGBWHU operator and IGBOWHU operator are the special cases of the IGBHWHU operator, which not only shows the importance of interval grey linguistic variables themselves, but also shows the importance of the position of the interval grey linguistic variables.

3. The multi-attribute group decision making method based on the IGLHWHA operator

3.1. The description of multiple attribute group decision making problem based on the interval grey linguistic variables

Let E = {[e.sub.1], [e.sub.2], ..., [e.sub.p]} be the experts set in the group decision making, A = {[A.sub.1], [A.sub.2], ..., [A.sub.m]} be the set of alternatives, and C = ([C.sub.1], [C.sub.2], ..., [C.sub.n]} be the attribute set with respect to the alternatives. Supposed that [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] is the attribute value in the attribute [C.sub.j] with respect to the alternative [A.sub.i], given by expert [e.sub.k], and [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] is the decision making matrix given by the expert [e.sub.k], and [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] is the attribute weight, where [t.sub.kij], [[eta].sub.jk] [member of] S, S is the linguistic label. Let [lambda] = [[[lambda].sub.1], [lambda].sub.2], ..., [[lambda].sub.p]) be the experts weight, and [p.summation over (k=1)][[lambda].sub.k] = 1. The attribute weight is unknown. We can rank the order of the alternatives based on the given information.

3.2. Decision making steps

1) Aggregate the evaluation information of each expert

According to the different attributes' attribute values and weights which were given by different experts under different alternatives, we can aggregate the attribute values and weights into group decision making information. Based on the [IGBWHU.sub.[lambda]] operator, we can get the group decision making matrix [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] and the group decision making weight vector [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]. Then [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII].

2) Calculate the comprehensive evaluation value of each alternative We utilize the IGBHWHU operator to calculate the comprehensive evaluation value of each alternative [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], where [omega] = ([[omega].sub.1], [[omega].sub.1], ..., [[omega].sub.n]) is the weight vector associated with the function, and [n.summation over (j=1)] [[omega].sub.j] = 1;

[MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] is the weight vector of [??] (j = 1,2, ..., n), ([[omega].sub.1], [[omega].sub.2], ..., [[omega].sub.n]) is a permutation of (1,2, ..., n), and[MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], for any j, we can get [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII].

3) Rank the alternatives

Because Z[??] is the interval grey linguistic variables, we can get the ranking alternatives by the expectation value I(Z). The larger the value I(Z) is, the better the alternative is. The flowchart of this method is shown in Fig. 1.


4. Practical examples

To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, practical examples are presented as follows: now there are four enterprises {[A.sub.1], [A.sub.2], [A.sub.3], [A.sub.4]}, the object is to evaluate the technological innovation ability of the enterprises.

The first step is to develop the evaluation criterion for the project. The criterion is shown as follows: the ability of innovative resources investment ([C.sub.1]), the ability of innovation management ([C.sub.2]), the ability of innovation tendency ([C.sub.3]) and the ability of research and development ([C.sub.4]). Based on the four criterions, the three experts {[e.sub.1], [e.sub.2], [e.sub.3]} are invited to evaluate the technological innovation ability of the four enterprises. Supposed that X = (0.4, 0.32, 0.28) be the weight vector about the three experts, and the evaluating values given by the experts adopting interval grey linguistic variables are shown in Tables 1, 2 and 3, and the criterion weight values are shown in Table 4. Let S = ([s.sub.1], [s.sub.2], [s.sub.3], [s.sub.4], [s.sub.5], [s.sub.6], [s.sub.7]) be the linguistic label. The problem is to rank the four enterprises based on their technological innovation ability.

The evaluation steps used in this paper are proposed as follows:

(1) Based on the Eq. (19), to aggregate the evaluation information (shown in Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4) about the experts {[e.sub.1], [e.sub.2], [e.sub.3]}, then we can get the group decision making matrix [??] and attribute weight vector [??]:




3) Calculate the comprehensive evaluation values of each alternative

If the BUM function is [rho](y) = [y.sup.2], then [f.sub.[rho]]([a,b]) = b + 2a/3. The position vector is determined by the equation (23), and [omega] = (1/3,3/8,3/8,1/8). According to the equation (24), we can get the comprehensive evaluation values of each alternative:


4) Rank the alternatives.

We select the BUM function [rho](y) = [y.sup.2]; the expectation value I([??]) is calculated by Eq. (17).

I([??]) = [s.sub.50.596], I([??]) = [s.sub.50.588], I([??]) = [s.sub.50.632], I([??]) = [s.sub.50.490].

So the orders of technological innovation ability of the four enterprises {[A.sub.1], [A.sub.2], [A.sub.3], [A.sub.4]} are shown as follows:

[A.sub.3] > [A.sub.1] > [A.sub.2] > [A.sub.4].

5) Discuss.

In order to illustrate the effect of the position weight vector co on decision making of this example, we use the different value [omega] to rank the alternatives, and the ranking results are shown as follows:

1) For [omega] = (1/4,1/4,1/4,1/4), the orders are [A.sub.3] > [A.sub.2] > [A.sub.1] > [A.sub.4].

2) For [omega] = (2/5,1/5,1/5,1/5) which can be calculated by Eq. (22) in [alpha] = 0.2, the orders are [A.sub.3] > [A.sub.1] > [A.sub.2] > [A.sub.4].

3) For [omega] = (3/8,1/8,1/8,3/8), the orders are [A.sub.3] > [A.sub.2] > [A.sub.1] > [A.sub.4].

These show that the position weight vector [omega] has a certain impact on ranking.

In addition, in order to verify the validity of the method proposed in this paper, we use the method proposed by Meng et al. (2007) to sort this example. Because the method proposed by Meng et al. (2007) is for grey fuzzy decision making problems in which the fuzzy part and the grey part of grey fuzzy numbers take the form of the interval numbers, and in this paper, the fuzzy part of grey fuzzy numbers takes the form of the linguistic variables, and the grey part takes the form of the interval numbers. So in order to use the method proposed by Meng et al. (2007), we change the linguistic variables of fuzzy part of grey fuzzy numbers to interval numbers according to Liu and Meng (2009) firstly. The ranking result is shown as follows:

[A.sub.3] > [A.sub.2] > [A.sub.1] > [A.sub.4].

Obviously, two methods have the same ranking results; this verifies the validity of the method in this paper.

In order to further illustrate the validity of the proposed method, we use the evaluation data presented by Meng et al. (2007). Firstly, we convert the interval numbers to the linguistic variables by the methods proposed by Liu (2009), and then we can use the methods in this paper. By calculating, we get the ranking of 4 alternatives. It is shown as follows:

[y.sub.2] > [y.sub.4] > [y.sub.1] > [y.sub.3].

It is the same as the ranking result produced in Meng et al. (2007).


The traditional grey fuzzy decision making methods are generally suitable for decision making the information taking the form of crisp numbers, or interval numbers in the fuzzy part and the grey part of grey fuzzy numbers, and yet they will fail in dealing with the linguistic information of grey fuzzy numbers. In this paper, with respect to multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM) problems in which the attribute values and the attribute weights take the form of the interval grey linguistic variables, some new group decision making analysis methods are developed. Firstly, the concept of interval grey linguistic variables is proposed, in which the fuzzy part takes the form of the linguistic variables, and the grey part takes the form of the interval numbers. Then, the operation rules of interval grey linguistic variables are defined, and some operators (such as interval grey linguistic weighted harmonic aggregation (IGLWHA) operator, interval grey linguistic ordered weighted harmonic aggregation (IGLOWHA) operator, and interval grey linguistic hybrid weighted harmonic aggregation (IGLHWHA) operator) are proposed to solve the group decision making problems. Finally, the computational results from an illustrative example have shown that the proposed approach is feasible and effective for the group-decision making problems, and it is easier to understand and implement. This study promotes the development of the theory and method of grey fuzzy multiple attribute decision making and provides a new idea to solve the grey fuzzy multiple attribute decision making. Because interval grey linguistic variables take into account the greyness and fuzziness of the same problem, they can get more rational decision-making results. However, in order to do this, we must get more data, and sometimes, it is very difficult to obtain these data. In the future, we will research data acquisition methods, and continue working in the extension and application of the developed operators and methods to other domains.

Caption: Fig. 1. The flowchart of the proposed method



This paper is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 71271124), the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of Ministry of Education of China (No. 10YJA630073, No. 09YJA630088), the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (No. ZR2011FM036), National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program) Foundation (No. 2011AA100700) and Technology innovation fund project of high technology-based SMEs(2012-34-2). The author also would like to express appreciation to the anonymous reviewers and Associate Editor for their very helpful comments that improved the paper.


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Fang JIN (a), Peide LIU (b), Xin ZHANG (c)

(a) The Mathematical and Economic Research Institute, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan Shandong 250014, China

(b,c) School of Management Science and Engineering, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan Shandong 250014, China

Corresponding author Peide Liu

E-mail: peide.liu@gmail.com

Received 18 August 2011; accepted 28 January 2012

Fang JIN has a PhD and is a chief research worker at The Mathematical and Economic Research Institute in Shandong University of Finance and Economics, China. She is the author of more than 30 research papers. Her research interests include decision-making theory, expert systems, and their applications.

Peide LIU has a PhD and is a chief research worker at School of Management Science and Engineering, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, China. He has authored or coauthored more than 90 publications. His research interests include aggregation operators, fuzzy logics, fuzzy decision making, and their applications.

Xin ZHANG has a PhD and is a Director of the School of Management Science and Engineering at The Mathematical and Economic Research Institute at Shandong University of Finance and Economics, China. He is the author of more than 50 research papers. His research interests include decision-making theory, expert systems, and their applications.
Table 1. The attribute values of each attribute with respect
to four enterprises given by expert [e.sub.1]

Enterprises   Attribute ([C.sub.1])    Attribute ([C.sub.2])

A1            ([s.sub.5], [0.2,0.3])    ([s.sub.2], [0.4,0.4])
A2            ([s.sub.4], [0.4,0.4])    ([s.sub.5], [0.4,0.5])
A3            ([s.sub.3], [0.2,0.3])    ([s.sub.4], [0.2,0.3])
A4            ([s.sub.5], [0.5,0.6])    ([s.sub.2], [0.2,0.2])

Enterprises   Attribute ([C.sub.3])    Attribute ([C.sub.4])

A1            ([s.sub.5], [0.5,0.5])    ([s.sub.3], [0.2,0.4])
A2            ([s.sub.5], [0.1,0.2])    ([s.sub.4], [0.5,0.5])
A3            ([s.sub.5], [0.3,0.3])    ([s.sub.5], [0.2,0.3])
A4            ([s.sub.5], [0.2,0.4])    ([s.sub.3], [0.3,0.4])

Table 2. The attribute values of each attribute with respect
to four enterprises given by expert [e.sub.2]

Enterprises   Attribute ([C.sub.1])    Attribute ([C.sub.2])

A1            ([s.sub.4], [0.1,0.3])    ([s.sub.3], [0.2,0.3])
A2            ([s.sub.5], [0.4,0.5])    ([s.sub.3], [0.3,0.4])
A3            ([s.sub.4], [0.2,0.4])    ([s.sub.4], [0.2,0.3])
A4            ([s.sub.5], [0.3,0.4])    ([s.sub.4], [0.4,0.5])

Enterprises   Attribute ([C.sub.3])   Attribute ([C.sub.4])

A1            ([s.sub.3], [0.2,0.2])   ([s.sub.6], [0.4,0.5])
A2            ([s.sub.4], [0.2,0.4])   ([s.sub.3], [0.2,0.3])
A3            ([s.sub.2], [0.4,0.4])   ([s.sub.4], [0.3,0.3])
A4            ([s.sub.4], [0.3,0.4])   ([s.sub.4], [0.2,0.4])

Table 3. The attribute values of each attribute with respect
to four enterprises given by expert [e.sub.3]

Enterprises   Attribute ([C.sub.1])    Attribute ([C.sub.2])

A1            ([s.sub.5], [0.2,0.4])    ([s.sub.3], [0.3,0.3])
A2            ([s.sub.4], [0.3,0.3])    ([s.sub.5], [0.3,0.4])
A3            ([s.sub.4], [0.2,0.3])    ([s.sub.5], [0.3,0.4])
A4            ([s.sub.3], [0.2,0.3])    ([s.sub.3], [0.1,0.3])

Enterprises   Attribute ([C.sub.3])    Attribute ([C.sub.4])

A1            ([s.sub.4], [0.4,0.5])    ([s.sub.4], [0.2,0.3])
A2            ([s.sub.2], [0.1,0.2])    ([s.sub.3], [0.1,0.2])
A3            ([s.sub.1], [0.1,0.2])    ([s.sub.4], [0.2,0.3])
A4            ([s.sub.4], [0.3,0.4])    ([s.sub.5], [0.4,0.5])

Table 4. The attribute weight value given by experts

Experts     Attribute ([C.sub.1])    Attribute ([C.sub.2])

[e.sub.1]   ([s.sub.5], [0.2,0.3])    ([s.sub.3], [0.1,0.2])
[e.sub.2]   ([s.sub.3], [0.2,0.3])    ([s.sub.4], [0.2,0.4])
[e.sub.3]   ([s.sub.4], [0.2,0.2])    ([s.sub.3], [0.1,0.2])

Experts     Attribute ([C.sub.3])    Attribute ([C.sub.4])

[e.sub.1]   ([s.sub.2], [0.3,0.4])    ([s.sub.3], [0.2,0.3])
[e.sub.2]   ([s.sub.3], [0.1,0.2])    ([s.sub.3], [0.1,0.2])
[e.sub.3]   ([s.sub.2], [0.1,0.2])    ([s.sub.3], [0.2,0.3])
